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The Clinton News Record, 1927-04-21, Page 7
alI'IUitSDAY, :.PRI I; 21, 1927. id'T TTON .N ST 4eR COltlf 1 Num�iatiu�s :0!: 6e6eYaV A Coluliin'Prepared Especially for Womn- But Not Forbidden to Men Lbs birds were beating. north again With faint and starry cries. Along their ancient highway, that: Spans, . the midnight skies, And out across the rush of wings my heart went crying too, Straight for the morning's windy .walls and lakes of misted blue. They gave me place among Vieni, for well they understood The magic wine of April working madness hi my blood, And we were kin .in thought and dream as league on league to- gether, We kept that pace of straining wings across the starry weather. -Odea Sheperd. A newspaper writer called atten- tion recently to the cruelty of bring- ing on scholastic examinations in the spring, just when the natural instinct is to get out of doors,' to lie full length ,on sunny slopes, to fish and loaf, generally. Ne thought 'rt might account for many of the failures to show brilliancy in said exams, and pointed out, rather facetiously, that an arrangement which would bring all the, heavy- study at some other season would' make it possible to have examination results published Christ* Inas morning without spoiling any - .body's happiness, as all would receive honours, Another newspaper Tuan says: "Spring, whatever its other activities, This Great° Healing Oil Banish Ecz Or Your Money Baclt. That's the Plan on Which Emerald Oil is Sold by all Good Druggists. Make up your: mind today that you are going to give your skin a real chance to get well. -You've probably been, like a lot of other people, convinced that the only thing to use .was an ointment or salve (some' of them are very good) but in the big majority of cases these sticky salves simply clog the pores and the condition primarily remains. the same: Go to any good druggist today and get an original bottle of Moon's Em - Must elm and, Skin Troubles The very first application will give you relief and a few short treatments will thoroughly convince you that by' sticking -faithfully to it for a short while you skin troubles will be a thing of the past. Don't wiped a single bottle to do it all at once but one bottle we know will show you beyond all. question that you have discovered One way to restore.. your skin to perfect health. Remember that Moone's Emerald Oil is a clean, powerful penetrating Antiseptic Oil that does not stain or leiive a greasy residue and that it must give complete sattisf action or your money cheerfully refunded. pportunity et a Fr autifel 8 41: it are 5 Ar 0 DOWN brings a McClarg's Electric Range and a Free §et©fThis ti Lovel j Enamelware to Your Kitchen. Standard Prices:. Three and Pour Burner Lower Oven Type Cabinet Type $87.50 TO, ' $110.00 $110.00 TO jj�� $185.001 AIso . supplied in all -white Porcelain -enameled finish Beginning Monday, April 25th, every purchaser of MeClary's Electric Range will receive an exquisite set •of the famous MeClary's Bonny Blue I{itehenware. Bonny Blue is the Kitchenware De Luxe—as beauti- ful and easy to clean as a china dish. Its charming blue- and -white design will snake your kitchen rn,ore. cheerful and colorful --and your cooking more satisfactory.' With every MeClary's Cabinet 'Range will be given a $10.00 seven -piece set of Bonny Blue. With every . MeClary's.Lower-OvenRange will be given a $6;50 four piece set. This two -weeks' offer presents an opportunity : for every housewife to own a wonderful range, with the famous Speediron elnmenei:—plug, a set' of the most at- tractive kitchenware on the market. '$$5.O0 down and the . remainder in easy payments... : PCA 5" daN 1:44'10. te't rptiq -war At'gt"SN:ii:>`a softens the "heart, and perhaps the. head; but most positively it softens the will and, persuades the toiler that labor is futile and slavery distaste - Most people will find themselves in harmony with these two writers. Students, just now cramming for early exams,,so much so that Easter holidays are curtailed, and they have had to hasten bock to settle down to a month of hard grinding, will agree that never before were. uttered such words Of wisdom. But most of us, winter -weary and longing fethe freedom and the sweetness of getting near the earth, „and breathing the fresh, blossom -scented air, feel at this- season A great distaste for ordinary, hum -drum, routine toil.; .The task we rather enjoyed doing when the ground /was white with snow and the north wind blew, is, today drudgery' of the worst kind. We loathe routine, order and method and long to east them all to the four winds and, taking a; crust and wearing our oldest :and eastiest shoes, we would wander off into the free and open country. True, there doesn't seem to. be Any- where much to go,'far if we go into the country we shall find the men and horses busy in the fields,'the women busy in the house and: garden. And, should we go to the-cities—but of course we shouldn't go to the cities -who in his or her right senses would want to go to a city in April? But no matter where one should go, apparently there is no 'rest or;; free- dont from routine toil. We are,bound. up. in a bundle of' civilization, and we must pull our share; do our Iittle, part, to- that the whole may be com- «-plete. It is as well, perhaps, that the .spring should bring its own tastes, tasks which cannot be laid: aside lightly, to keep us to the nark, and unable to indulge the lazy, vagabond longings which assail us. So the farmer must till his land, the house- wife must clean her house and do her Spring sewing, the 'gardener `must sow his seed and all of us see ten times as' many duties waiting to be done as we can see the time to do and, as -I said before, it is just as well. We must keep up our ordered way of living and in order to do that we must keep toeing the mark pretty much all the time. This "Spring 1t dness" is probably nothing but the memories of past ages, when life was. simpler and 'when our ancestors hailed the springtime as the season when freedom came and the great' outdoors became their abode. Whatever it is, it is strong enough to make one miserable for a week or so, until one exerts one's will power enough to throw..it off. '.'Until one comes to one's sober senses again. REBELS AH Vino' Gives Girl Appetite and Strength, "My 10 -year-old daughter was weak and had no appetite. Since giv- ing her Vinol, she has .an amazing appetite and strength." -- Mrs. W. Poosten. The very FIRST week they take Vinol, children begin to feel stronger, eat and sleep better. A simple .strengthening iron and cod liver compound in use for over 25 year$ for run-down men and women and weak children. W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist. 't Hlttf ett TotwnshIp Another of the old residents of Ruitett Township was laid to rest lust week, in the person of Mrs. George Kno*. The deceased had not been in the best of health for some time and her death was doubtless hastened by the strain of caring for her, son during his long illness. He was buried two weeks ago. Mrs. Knox was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Watt and was born near Hamilton in 1899. When four years old she was brought by her parents to Hullett township.. At the age of 17 she was married to George Knox, who predeceased her in 1917. She was widely esteemed for he many fine qualities. Surviving her are one daughter, Mrs. Isaac Rapson, and two. sons, Wil- liam, of Hullett, ` and john, of Cale- donia. The pallbearers were the following neighbors: • A. W. Beacons, David Reid, Thomas Neilans, Robert Ferris, Thomas Knox and Alex. Mc - Ewing. TUCKBRSMITH . The following is the report of the Easter exams. for S. S. No. 4: Sr. 4th—Carman Rowelitfe, 80%l Beta Fear, 84; Will Pepper, 84; Mar- garet Fear, 80. ' jr. 4th -Edna Cook, 84; Verna Layton, 72 Norman Lloyd, 64. The New Word Contest Have 'you entered the new Nyal word contest? You may win $100 in cash -a total of $600 is offered. Get your contest .sheets from rhe DRUG -STORE , 11 Once a trial—always Ny41 • GAS SPOILED "$j,,goP, MADE TIER DIZZY "For treflive i 3ufiisi'ed from gas and constipation' ' lfsed` to git headache and dizzy spells, The ,Inst dose of Adlerika gave me re11e, l:'ow 1 rest well."—Mrs. B. Brinkley. Just ONE spoonful of 'Adierrka relieves gess and that bloated feeling So that you can eat and sleep 'well. Acte On BOTH upper and lower bowel and re- moves old waste matter you never.' "thought was there. No matter what' you tried for your stdmach, Adlerikd will surprise you. W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist. Pepper, 84;. Walter Pepper, 68; Eddie Layton, 58. Jr, 3rd ---Frank -Garrett, 87; Wilma r; Itowelifl'c, 71Marion Matheson, Ga Beatrice Snell, 55 Dorothy othy Walters,' 50. Sr. 2nd -Bert Garrett, 93;', Alden Crich, 90; Harold Pepper, 63, Sr. 3rd -Melbourne Bail{ 89; Lhslii3 Jr.,20d—Noripan Pepper, 60,. Sr.- let Wanda Rowclitfo, 16; Kathleen Falconer, 3 7 . Jr. lsf,,—Clifford Pepper, 75;1 Eldon. O'Brien,70; peri Layton,3 (- , to b' r Number on roll, 25; average , attw tendance, 22,3. Correct air. Stye-- an.d. wear "like` 100,6000s BES -.a/A7, toQ 4 PAINSTEEL m make i4wagair 55 Don't think because that chair or table has growls too shabby for first floor use that you must consign it to the attic. It's an easy mat- ter to make it new again. just do it over with Sun Varnish Stabs and watch the dingy sur- face glow ones snore with pleasing life and color. You'll find it fascinating work --'and surpris- ingly easy: You stain and varnish at a single stroke, "Mahogany, Light Oak --- any shade .volt faller-. Just brush it on and the shabby tarnishedf surface takes on all of its original newness and beauty. Perhaps the woodwork of your home needs freshening up'. Or maybe the floors are sadly wear narked. See what a wonderful -change Sun Varnish Stain will produce on these sur- faces. Scratches will disappear beneath your brush and that dulled. dungy finish will be replaced by a pleasing color brightness, You can get Sun Varnish Stain at any Canada Paint dealer's store. Consult with him about the work you have in. Mind. He'll `be glad to explain the full Merits of this marl*ellouily beautiful renewer of old and worn surfaces. Write for our beautifully illustrated free color book showing actual ; color photos of lovely • '\ 1` 'illi ill, /2. painted homes, to guide t " l ilii „ you in selecting color - schemes for the interior '• II / -or exterior:. of. your home.:...,_ or summer cottage ' .. ; Address, The Canada -- Paint" Co. Limited, 572 CANADA PAINT William Street, Montreal. E sessele ijNT � P:'I Made bylige makers of/he famous eleionaniBrand Genuine dybifel ead, FOR SALE BY ., SUTTER ERDUE CLINTON, ONTARIO ,, • - dP1 To Owrters of Automobiles and Truces Lights, brakes and steering gear must be kept in good condition for the safety of drivers and others on the road, to EGAWDING the physical condition of automobiles' and trucks, The Highways Traffic -Act makes certain provisions which motorists would do well to understand and observe, It is increasingly necessary that these provisions should he stringently maintained in view of the great increase in tourist traffic on our highways, the increase last year of 40,000 cars in Ontario and the more extended use of country roads by our own people. The new speed limit recently authgrixed by the Legislature adds to this necessity. Car and truckowners are urged to check their machines frequently and to renew parts whiclr are worn or broken. Headlights should be adjusted regularly. Glaring lights are against the law and a menace to traffic. Simple instructions for the adjustment of-headlightiand a list of lenses approved by the department, maybe obtained free by writing the Motor Vehicles 'Drench, Department of hlighways, Toronto. If your lenses are not among those mentioned on the list; it would be well to have 'them 'changed at once if you wish to avoid accident on the road and penalty in court. ,1Kakes and steering gear should be in perfect condi. -thin so that when called upon each part will respond to . the'will of the driver. • The law provides that license numbers must be dean and so placed as to be easily read. A fundamental in the control of motor traffic is that each machine shall. he quickly identified, It is the intention of the Department of Highways to take note of the condition of automobiles using the reads. To avoid inconvenience to motorists, attention is drawn to the necessity for rigid obedience of the law, and the penalties for neglect. , _ Ontario Departtn.et t of Highways The Hon. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister - -. 214 1 Num�iatiu�s :0!: 6e6eYaV A Coluliin'Prepared Especially for Womn- But Not Forbidden to Men Lbs birds were beating. north again With faint and starry cries. Along their ancient highway, that: Spans, . the midnight skies, And out across the rush of wings my heart went crying too, Straight for the morning's windy .walls and lakes of misted blue. They gave me place among Vieni, for well they understood The magic wine of April working madness hi my blood, And we were kin .in thought and dream as league on league to- gether, We kept that pace of straining wings across the starry weather. -Odea Sheperd. A newspaper writer called atten- tion recently to the cruelty of bring- ing on scholastic examinations in the spring, just when the natural instinct is to get out of doors,' to lie full length ,on sunny slopes, to fish and loaf, generally. Ne thought 'rt might account for many of the failures to show brilliancy in said exams, and pointed out, rather facetiously, that an arrangement which would bring all the, heavy- study at some other season would' make it possible to have examination results published Christ* Inas morning without spoiling any - .body's happiness, as all would receive honours, Another newspaper Tuan says: "Spring, whatever its other activities, This Great° Healing Oil Banish Ecz Or Your Money Baclt. That's the Plan on Which Emerald Oil is Sold by all Good Druggists. Make up your: mind today that you are going to give your skin a real chance to get well. -You've probably been, like a lot of other people, convinced that the only thing to use .was an ointment or salve (some' of them are very good) but in the big majority of cases these sticky salves simply clog the pores and the condition primarily remains. the same: Go to any good druggist today and get an original bottle of Moon's Em - Must elm and, Skin Troubles The very first application will give you relief and a few short treatments will thoroughly convince you that by' sticking -faithfully to it for a short while you skin troubles will be a thing of the past. Don't wiped a single bottle to do it all at once but one bottle we know will show you beyond all. question that you have discovered One way to restore.. your skin to perfect health. Remember that Moone's Emerald Oil is a clean, powerful penetrating Antiseptic Oil that does not stain or leiive a greasy residue and that it must give complete sattisf action or your money cheerfully refunded. pportunity et a Fr autifel 8 41: it are 5 Ar 0 DOWN brings a McClarg's Electric Range and a Free §et©fThis ti Lovel j Enamelware to Your Kitchen. Standard Prices:. Three and Pour Burner Lower Oven Type Cabinet Type $87.50 TO, ' $110.00 $110.00 TO jj�� $185.001 AIso . supplied in all -white Porcelain -enameled finish Beginning Monday, April 25th, every purchaser of MeClary's Electric Range will receive an exquisite set •of the famous MeClary's Bonny Blue I{itehenware. Bonny Blue is the Kitchenware De Luxe—as beauti- ful and easy to clean as a china dish. Its charming blue- and -white design will snake your kitchen rn,ore. cheerful and colorful --and your cooking more satisfactory.' With every MeClary's Cabinet 'Range will be given a $10.00 seven -piece set of Bonny Blue. With every . MeClary's.Lower-OvenRange will be given a $6;50 four piece set. This two -weeks' offer presents an opportunity : for every housewife to own a wonderful range, with the famous Speediron elnmenei:—plug, a set' of the most at- tractive kitchenware on the market. '$$5.O0 down and the . remainder in easy payments... : PCA 5" daN 1:44'10. te't rptiq -war At'gt"SN:ii:>`a softens the "heart, and perhaps the. head; but most positively it softens the will and, persuades the toiler that labor is futile and slavery distaste - Most people will find themselves in harmony with these two writers. Students, just now cramming for early exams,,so much so that Easter holidays are curtailed, and they have had to hasten bock to settle down to a month of hard grinding, will agree that never before were. uttered such words Of wisdom. But most of us, winter -weary and longing fethe freedom and the sweetness of getting near the earth, „and breathing the fresh, blossom -scented air, feel at this- season A great distaste for ordinary, hum -drum, routine toil.; .The task we rather enjoyed doing when the ground /was white with snow and the north wind blew, is, today drudgery' of the worst kind. We loathe routine, order and method and long to east them all to the four winds and, taking a; crust and wearing our oldest :and eastiest shoes, we would wander off into the free and open country. True, there doesn't seem to. be Any- where much to go,'far if we go into the country we shall find the men and horses busy in the fields,'the women busy in the house and: garden. And, should we go to the-cities—but of course we shouldn't go to the cities -who in his or her right senses would want to go to a city in April? But no matter where one should go, apparently there is no 'rest or;; free- dont from routine toil. We are,bound. up. in a bundle of' civilization, and we must pull our share; do our Iittle, part, to- that the whole may be com- «-plete. It is as well, perhaps, that the .spring should bring its own tastes, tasks which cannot be laid: aside lightly, to keep us to the nark, and unable to indulge the lazy, vagabond longings which assail us. So the farmer must till his land, the house- wife must clean her house and do her Spring sewing, the 'gardener `must sow his seed and all of us see ten times as' many duties waiting to be done as we can see the time to do and, as -I said before, it is just as well. We must keep up our ordered way of living and in order to do that we must keep toeing the mark pretty much all the time. This "Spring 1t dness" is probably nothing but the memories of past ages, when life was. simpler and 'when our ancestors hailed the springtime as the season when freedom came and the great' outdoors became their abode. Whatever it is, it is strong enough to make one miserable for a week or so, until one exerts one's will power enough to throw..it off. '.'Until one comes to one's sober senses again. REBELS AH Vino' Gives Girl Appetite and Strength, "My 10 -year-old daughter was weak and had no appetite. Since giv- ing her Vinol, she has .an amazing appetite and strength." -- Mrs. W. Poosten. The very FIRST week they take Vinol, children begin to feel stronger, eat and sleep better. A simple .strengthening iron and cod liver compound in use for over 25 year$ for run-down men and women and weak children. W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist. 't Hlttf ett TotwnshIp Another of the old residents of Ruitett Township was laid to rest lust week, in the person of Mrs. George Kno*. The deceased had not been in the best of health for some time and her death was doubtless hastened by the strain of caring for her, son during his long illness. He was buried two weeks ago. Mrs. Knox was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Watt and was born near Hamilton in 1899. When four years old she was brought by her parents to Hullett township.. At the age of 17 she was married to George Knox, who predeceased her in 1917. She was widely esteemed for he many fine qualities. Surviving her are one daughter, Mrs. Isaac Rapson, and two. sons, Wil- liam, of Hullett, ` and john, of Cale- donia. The pallbearers were the following neighbors: • A. W. Beacons, David Reid, Thomas Neilans, Robert Ferris, Thomas Knox and Alex. Mc - Ewing. TUCKBRSMITH . The following is the report of the Easter exams. for S. S. No. 4: Sr. 4th—Carman Rowelitfe, 80%l Beta Fear, 84; Will Pepper, 84; Mar- garet Fear, 80. ' jr. 4th -Edna Cook, 84; Verna Layton, 72 Norman Lloyd, 64. The New Word Contest Have 'you entered the new Nyal word contest? You may win $100 in cash -a total of $600 is offered. Get your contest .sheets from rhe DRUG -STORE , 11 Once a trial—always Ny41 • GAS SPOILED "$j,,goP, MADE TIER DIZZY "For treflive i 3ufiisi'ed from gas and constipation' ' lfsed` to git headache and dizzy spells, The ,Inst dose of Adlerika gave me re11e, l:'ow 1 rest well."—Mrs. B. Brinkley. Just ONE spoonful of 'Adierrka relieves gess and that bloated feeling So that you can eat and sleep 'well. Acte On BOTH upper and lower bowel and re- moves old waste matter you never.' "thought was there. No matter what' you tried for your stdmach, Adlerikd will surprise you. W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist. Pepper, 84;. Walter Pepper, 68; Eddie Layton, 58. Jr, 3rd ---Frank -Garrett, 87; Wilma r; Itowelifl'c, 71Marion Matheson, Ga Beatrice Snell, 55 Dorothy othy Walters,' 50. Sr. 2nd -Bert Garrett, 93;', Alden Crich, 90; Harold Pepper, 63, Sr. 3rd -Melbourne Bail{ 89; Lhslii3 Jr.,20d—Noripan Pepper, 60,. Sr.- let Wanda Rowclitfo, 16; Kathleen Falconer, 3 7 . Jr. lsf,,—Clifford Pepper, 75;1 Eldon. O'Brien,70; peri Layton,3 (- , to b' r Number on roll, 25; average , attw tendance, 22,3. Correct air. Stye-- an.d. wear "like` 100,6000s BES -.a/A7, toQ 4 PAINSTEEL m make i4wagair 55 Don't think because that chair or table has growls too shabby for first floor use that you must consign it to the attic. It's an easy mat- ter to make it new again. just do it over with Sun Varnish Stabs and watch the dingy sur- face glow ones snore with pleasing life and color. You'll find it fascinating work --'and surpris- ingly easy: You stain and varnish at a single stroke, "Mahogany, Light Oak --- any shade .volt faller-. Just brush it on and the shabby tarnishedf surface takes on all of its original newness and beauty. Perhaps the woodwork of your home needs freshening up'. Or maybe the floors are sadly wear narked. See what a wonderful -change Sun Varnish Stain will produce on these sur- faces. Scratches will disappear beneath your brush and that dulled. dungy finish will be replaced by a pleasing color brightness, You can get Sun Varnish Stain at any Canada Paint dealer's store. Consult with him about the work you have in. Mind. He'll `be glad to explain the full Merits of this marl*ellouily beautiful renewer of old and worn surfaces. Write for our beautifully illustrated free color book showing actual ; color photos of lovely • '\ 1` 'illi ill, /2. painted homes, to guide t " l ilii „ you in selecting color - schemes for the interior '• II / -or exterior:. of. your home.:...,_ or summer cottage ' .. ; Address, The Canada -- Paint" Co. Limited, 572 CANADA PAINT William Street, Montreal. E sessele ijNT � P:'I Made bylige makers of/he famous eleionaniBrand Genuine dybifel ead, FOR SALE BY ., SUTTER ERDUE CLINTON, ONTARIO