HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-04-21, Page 4"H1JRSDAY, APRIL 21, 1927. COOPER'S STORE NEWS THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Our seeds are Government Tested, Large Packages guarall teed quality. Vegetable and Flower Seeds, 5c each, 6 for 25c. During April we are giving a fine " Swiss Watch " and chain with all boy's suits we sell from $6.00 up. These are remarkable value and all are iiiade in the Clinton Factory. Sizes not in stock may be procured on short notice A. T. COOPER. • -CLINTON Westinghouse 56' Desk Type Receiving Set The Pinnacle ©f Radio Perfection High Class Radio Receivers at -Reasonable Prices. T. J. McNeil Clinton's Musical, Instrument Representative Box 313 Phone 273 - So easy to freshen up old furniture! It's wonderful how CARMOTE MEDIUM GLOSS ENAMEL will improve the appearance of furni• tare, walls and woodwork. Ten soft tints and white. Dries bard and smooth with a dull gloss finish. Can be washed repeatedlywithout injury, Made by Carpenter -Morro: conIre5,. Bollen, Man." CLINTON HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. Baltuflleid M!i'. and Mrs. Wni, MacDonald motored from Detroit to spend. Easter week- with the latter's'-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weston. Little Bobby Vail accompanied them'. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Erwin, Miss: Schultz, Master Bobby Sander` and Frank Erwin of Kitchener were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F, A, Edwards on Easter Day. Miss Jessie Metcalf returned to Detroit on Saturday last after hav- ing -spent a week with her. parents. Miss Helen Gerrie left on Wednes day last to spend the vacation at her home near Ingersoll. Mr. G. W. Woods and Muss A. Woods motored to Otterville on Fri- day' to spend Easter with 11ev. anti Mrs. H. Crosby. Mr. 'James Cameron .and Miss Iso- bel and Master Evans Cameron of 'Toronto are spending'the Easter va-' cation with Miss Grace R. Cameron. :Misses Elva and Anna Dewar and Mr, David- Dewar of Toronto: are home'for the Easter holidays. . Mr. and,Mr's. J. Dixon and Miss Carrie Dixon' of Galt were the guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. F. H. Paull, over the Easter week -end. _ Miss Ethel Jowett of Brechin and Miss Grace Jowett' of London are. home for the Easter. holidays. '• Miss Izetta Merrier of New Dun- dee and Merton Merner of -Louden are spendnig the Baster vacation with their parents, Messrs, Laurence and Fred Fowlie of London spent Easter with, their parents, Mr, and' Mrs. Jas. Fowlie, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burt and fam- ily and Mrs. C. Berry of London; Miss Margaret Baker and Mr, Eric: York of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baiter over the holiday.. Little Miss Margaret Burt remained with her grandparents. Mrs. L. B. Smith and babe of Lon don spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. Lord and Miss Gladys Davison motored from London tp spend the holiday with their moth-, er, Mrs. Jno, Davison;' Miss Marion Davison accompanied them upon their return to London, on Monday. Miss jean- 1VL Woods of Orton is spending her Easter vacation with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis motored from Toronto on Thursday to spend Easter with : Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Woods, - Mr. E. T. Brown of the Standard Bank spent Easter in Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Johns and son Carson motored to Wiarton for Bea- ten Master Lawrence Johns visited with Mr. and Mrs. F..MeEwen.dur- ing 'their absence. Miss Helen Beattie of Wingham spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs; A. E. Erwin. George Beattie and Jaek Shaften wheeled from Winghani on Monday and also visited for a few days. Miss Nina E. Heard of Kitchener is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heard. Miss Mina Proctor of Toronto spent Good Friday with her aunt, Mrs, Geo. King. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs.' Fred Ritchie and. little daughter Muriel of Elinvale were lii-ests of Mrs. F. Ritchie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King, over the Easter week -end. Mrs. D. Harrison, Mrs. ImfaIl1wain and, two children and Miss Jean Harrison of Goderich were also their guests, on Easter Day. Miss- Lola Elliott and Mr. Jos' Miney of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller and little daughter of Mount Clematis were the, guests of 'Mrs. Maria Elliott over the holiday, Mrs. Miller and little daughter re-. 'mined for a longer visit, Mr. Sid Castle of Stratford visited his mother over the Easter week -end. Sets a, New Pace for Lover Price and Big Value New LOW PRICES COACH ,• . $795 COUPE 795 TOURING: e 795 Roadster • 885' . Sedan 920 - Landau 960 AU r hv, r.0.3. 5..i'r, giro-;,' m,yr ; Since the Introduction of the Overland Whippet last lone, sales have swept to tremendane. volume .. , Public recognitlo,t of its super- lative value has. been quickly indicated ; . and now with the new low prices, tl*e -an. equalled value offered ,by the Overland Whippet Is still further emphasized. The safety of 4 -wheel brakes -tile safety of low gravity centre -the economy of milts on a. , gallon of gasoline -1000 miles to the often oqf oil -55 miles an/ hour -5 to 35 Mike In .13 seconds - oversize tires - roomy comfort, greater IEE room -beautiful bodice and Interior tittlnda-IVow, More_ than: over tire` Leerier fn,., " light car causes f art Langfor , Cli4toh. yix and;;Mi-e. C,',ii. 'Chapman and f snily, Mi.'s. F. Hart and family, Mr. and Ma•s..0.. R. Will and family of London spept Good Friday in their summer homes in the village: Mr. and Mrs. Dickson .Glass 'and two daughters of London are occupy- ing their cottage 'during the holidays. Mt 11, T. Orr and on Jack of Stratford spent the Week -end at their summer cottage, Miss Ruth Houston of • London spent theholiday with her parents, Ib,. and Mrs. W, A. Mustard "and family arrived home from Florida on Friday last. Last fall they motored to :Florida and located at Jensen fin the winter months Mrs. Wigle motored from London and spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. Sturgeon. Miss S. M. Ross of Woodstock spent .Laster with her parents, Miss Annie Elliott of Toronto is home for'the Easter vacation. Mr: Clifford Clarke -of 'Cameron is spending the Easter vacation: with his parents. Mrs, Gauley of Goderich visited her sister, Mrs, Don Murray, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Barrett and Harold and Russell Barrett of' Waterier: spent the Easter week-endwith the former's daughter, Mrs. Thos. Brandon.. Miss I, V. Jones of 'Oro Station is visiting her sister, Mrs A. R. Seeds. Quite a spectacular blazeoceurred on Satin -day, evening about, eight o'clock when Mr, Richard Weston's fine big -harm was-, burned' to the ground. It is not known how the fire was started as the chores were all done before dark. The blase started in the hay mow and was first noticed through the cracks of the barn. The alarm was, given and a crowd soon gathered and'all the animals,: imple- ments, etc., were saved. Some alarm was felt for the surrounding build- ings, especially for large pig house near the barn, and Dr. Woods' large frame barn, over which spades and pieces of ; burning material were blowing. Mr. Abe Brandon, who has the tatter's property rented, got all his cows out of the barn and also his cars and truck, but fortunately -men were seek on the roofs of all build- ings in danger, and with the water supplied them extinguished all the sparks and burning piecesand'•then• a heavy shower of rain came, which helped greatly to keep the fire under control.. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawson and fam- ily of Stratford, are spending the week in their summer home. Mr. Jack, Parker and family have moved into Mrs. Attwoed's house. Mn Harold Brandon is tearing down the house they have ' occupied for the. past year and .intends building a niece up-to-date dwelling, The young people ,who gave the concert-in.aid_of the Orchestra in February are repeating it in Zurich on Friday night under the apspices of time Young People's Society, of the Evangelical church in Zurich, Mr. Martin, district superintendent of the Ontario Hydro Commission, is in the village soliciting signatures for Hydro contract's in the village. Mr,'H. Skinner's. Orchestra is here for the season consisting: of Harold Sklnnes'; pianist; Tern Burke, traps; Tom Meliinley, saxophone; Ellivyli Spencer, banjo; Ralph Harrison, vie linist. They are guests at the Ritz Hotel. l3a'titing has corninenced in' Lake Iituon, rine of the fail sex having en- joyed a dip on Tuesday. The female of the species seems more hardy than the male. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren of Port Elgin spent Easter with Mrs. McLaren's,mother, Mrs. Wm. Stirling, Dr. and Mrs. Tillman • and family spent Monday at their cottage in the village. "Mr. Will Cameron motored from Detroit to spend Easter with his fath- er, Mr. A, Cameron. There were large congregations at. the various church services on Sun- day.. Special Baster music was given, which added very much to the thoughts of the day. Miss Keith Higgins returned to London on Monday after having spent ,the holiday with her parents. Mr. Hales Dressler has purchased a new Essex coach.• HENSALL SPRING SHOW Although 'the, fine weather -kept many farmers at work on the land, the spring fair of the South Huron Agricultural Society, held tit Hansell on Tuesday afternoon, .April 12th, was a decided success. While the cattle fell, a little below average, the - showing of horses was extra, good. The attendance was. large. Prior to the judging the local fire- men sprinkled the street and also. gave: an interesting demonstration of the new fire 'apparatus, The judges were: Light horses, Mr. Darroch, of London; heavy horses, Dr. Baker, of Toronto, and cattle, William Charters, of Sea orth, Boys' Judging Contest With a good entry, list, Lester Fish- er, of Hensall, won the boys' ;fudging competition. First and second -prizes in the grand championship went to A, & J. Broad - foot, with Alex. Sinclair, of Tucker-, smith, 'third, and William Campbell, of Hay township, fourth. The other prize winners were: Clydesdale, aged stallion -1 and. 2, John Miller, Cromarty. Standard foal, 1924 or later=John Aged Percheron stallion - Alex. Dow, of Staffa. Standard -bred " stallion -,,1, John. Decker, Zurich; 2, Alex. Stewart, 'Ex- eter; 3, Thomas Yearly. • Heavy Draughts Team -1, Alex. Sinclair, Tucker - smith; 2, Robert' Cooper, Tucker - smith. ,r Mare and foal -.i and 2, A, & J. Broadfoot; 3, Alex. Stewart. Three-year-old filly or gelding - Owen Geiger, I-Iensall. Two-year-old - Frank Bean, Us - born township; s-born:township; 3 Dr. A. Moir, Hen - 'sail; 3 Elgin H,.Thompson._ Draught' or agricultural foal -P Dr. ,A -Moir; 2 Thomas Bats, Itippen•; 3 William Pepper, Tuckersmith. Agricultural Team - 1, William Hamilton; 2, B. Fotheringham, Brucefield. Mare and foal -E. Fotheringham, Three-year-old filly or gelding -1, Earl Parsons; 2, John McLean; 3, William' Hamilton. Two -year -old -R. Broadfoot, Tuck- ersmith. General Purpose team R. Scott. Single carriage horse -1, B. Levis; 2, J. A. Manson &,Son. Roadster team - James Smillie, Tuckersmith. Single roadster--i,'Robert McLar-. en, Hensall; 2, Thomas Reid, Varna; 3, Dr. A. Moir.'; 4, Edward Desch, Zur- ich. Best lady driver ---1, Mrs. Ira Moir; 2, Miss Clara Stephenson. Joe Burney silver cup for best Clydesdale gelding, any age -A. & S. Broadfoot. Owen Geiger prize for best Clydes- dale stallion -John Miller. Oscar' Klopp prize for best 'draft mare, ante years or over -A. & J. Broadfoot. IIensall Bakery prize for best lady driver -Mrs. Ira Moir. Cattle Aged Shorthorn bull -- William ' Dougall, Hay township. Bull calf, 1923 - 1, R.• Pymm, near Exeter; 2, M. Orich, near Bruce - field, Shorthorn cow --1,M. Crich; 2, Win. Pepper,' Tueltersmith, Heifer, under two years -..1, E. Pa nim; 2, M. Crich. Butcher steer or heifer- 1, M. Crich; 2, Owen Geiger. Baby beef -1, M. Crich; 2, Owen Geiger. ' Dairy cots -1 and 2, James 11;c- AlIister,' Hay township, �I The silver cup for the best Short- horn female, donated in 1923 by the late Dr.. Peck, and won in 1923 and 1924 by William Pepper, in 1925 by. John Elder and last year by M. Crich, was won for the second time by Mr. Oriel. ' 1'iullett Tow>taship and Mrs. Wood and Miss .Phyllis: are spending their. Lasterva- cation at the home of. Mr. James Cartwright. Misses Beth and Ruth Cartwright of. Clinton are visiting 'relatives in titisvicinity, a is's ',illy. Iloward is visiting her cousin, Miss Mary Cartwright, Masi, Henry Adams has been on rho. sick list for several weeks. . We hopty .; she will soon he able to be around, again, a a tire t. 'ilorethe1t11, p. 0Q OOo people 'doily prefer Kellogg's Cora Flakesfor wonderful flavor and spness! Kellogg's dre fiy;e for And y°u-cdwayseasy tto direst. them for oest 'Serve • mdh or lunch or dinner• d it fresh or, lunch --•and add Order' canned fruits or honey. iss d er `thepn in EAE overs• in - London, ingecOTS' Kellogg in the Made by ven.fresh in oner - sealed red.. and inners Imitations wonder -flavor!, sac&are• such r 'equal penia d the genuine! CORKE ASd rtt QCARFE'S Brantine Floor Varnish, ►✓ gloss or satin finish, provides floors of lasting charm and durability. Goes further and lasts longer. The quality is the finest, yet the price is reasonable. Let us show you our wide variety of Searfe's products-Srarfe's Paints,: Varnishes, Flat Wall Enamels, Varnish Stains, and. Auto Enamels. SCARFE & CO. BRANTFORD LIMITED ONTARIO ra For Sale By The Miller Hardware Co. welt ot.:,e ffE new Pi her -built, badtt„"Inishcd I a the most modish ,yadas of Duca, -the massive ull croon; ander, the smart bullet type -lamps, fife. nelly-asigned. radiator -the Iaost,,Af mechanical refine- ments mduding. ytC eSrIhtcr and AC air - cleaner theowerful, smooth and responstec ,Chevrolet engine --all of .these coot -fibula to the deep, abiding sense of. satisfaction which the otynerrof the Most Beautiful Chevrolet experiences. All that you want in a moderately -priced C$rtloesofrchi LOWER he wtoiClevr Ins ever been sold in Canada.'.. and no other car at or near the price can $155 yeti alk- the advantages which make the Most Beautiful Chevrolet the s6lstanding automobile aclfievement. of the year, SW LOWER PRICES Roadster $655.00 Coach 5760,00' Tsa,l,,g - 555,00. Sedan - - 865,00 Coupe - - 780,00' Cabriolet. - 890,00 Landau Sedan - - , 930,00 Roadster Delivery - 655,00. �- Comnierrial Chassis r - 490,00 Utilityzxpress Chassis - - 645,00,; .Prig a at Factory, Orkawa. Government Tans Extra. CF'sel.e eyelet Histolv 13. Lay's, Clin