HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-04-21, Page 3Stranger (at gate)—v'Ie, your mother at lucme?" Youn Ater--"'Sa ! g y, Do You enIiPose Pm mottling 'iris yard because the ghees is long?" Ndtient (nerva2isly)—"Anib will the operation lig clan g1rousy doctor?" Doo, -"Nonsense! You couldn't buy a dangerous operation or .daa- la'rs: ' Advertising works the way grass grows—the betteryour publicity' fel,: Wiser the less you need ho' awake nights to-woary about the ekop. You might tell her age and live, but and on it the Lord Chancellor, as you had bettor not tell heti, nluch she Speaker' of the Upper House, sits weighs. a • quite Comfortably. _ _ It was first plaited In position 1n the The main objection to war is that 1E reign of Edward III. In his reign,,the seldom kills off the right people. ` -Ereo national Indutiries were', the weaving of woollens and the export of A eeriain woman we know Can make Yarn. Thais, asa symbol of what wool a ilnd,lii'ay..S•, but you ought to heasr' uieaut to Britain a sack of wool was her abuse the hired girl, placed in the House of Lords as'a seat for the mootimportant officer of the Dorothy --"But, surely, you didn't r' State.' The' custom has been 'Maiir- tell him 'straight out that you loved twined over since, with the slight varies, Mtn?" 'lou of making the sack squat and Janet/ "Goodnees, iso! Hie simply had 1coverfug'it'with a red cloth. to squeeze it out of ]fie." Crattcinxie?CP,', i �i_ ;vItelt I iasa$� at �aot4,11a, The heather and the broom, I think with gentle whitawy. Of; ( rannniithel, io whom 1`horo-never yfis `L fairer• sight Tb 00 S ott!slr intaco in bloom. For;uas"SootIrnd born As g1.10 was,;scotlunit, bred; Though; to 0 d slant lend -she canse To 9iyd whe;t.Sha was 'wed. No other C01111 try could ,be hams: To Grandmitloi, she said. She sang 10 Inti old Gongs about Clan Cameron's brave men; Of pibroch sounding tram afar On mountain and In glen; OP highland hills. and lakes s"hal loved And should not eee again. Some day, it may be, there wi11 some The chance for me to roam— View Pyrainic ecthe Tad, Mahal, Many a famous dome, Most I thrill at Scottish -braes, Like Gran.dmitirer come' home. --Attlee Lawny Gould, The Lord Cha.ncelloit'S Seat. In the litei+al sense there ism° "bar" in the House of Commons; it is but brass rod let in the iioos•; ,Yet nlost people imagine it as 0 3011 of waist - high barrier.. And the "woolsack" in, thwHouse of Lards --.'most "people would declare it to be bn( a figure of speech, and there was "no such thing." Yet there is, It is a square sack filled with pure wool, • A Poona It'e great to be alive and be A part of all that's going on; To live and work and feel and, see1, Life lived, each day from early dawn; To rise and with the marring light Go forth until the hours are late, Then joyously return at night, And neat from ironeat toil—it's great. Insurance, Agent "Would you Iilre to read Elgmethfnr� 'vitt m. mi flue atmos - where?" Friend ---"Sure." Insurance Agent—"Here's an ape!. dent policy'," The national adnl3nistration in power, which has little to' do with it, is allways praised or blamed for good or bad ,times. That's politics; Diner (to head waiter) — "By the way, iidd that fellow who too]' my or- der leave any family?" Some women couldn't tell the truth even In a diary. Cash Payments. At this Advice, do not frowns For it will stand the test; Jt Wise young man will use cash down 'When feathering his nest. I admire any man or woman who no• eepts etre inevitable res'ponsibtlities of life, and digs in. Hustlers always seem to'be working for some fat fellow who sits in a swivel chair all day long, auloking cigars. The longest lease in the City of London, if not in the world, is that on which two buildings in Bury St., St. Mary Axe, have just been gold-- tor old—for 10,000 years at a yearly rental of 1200. For distemper--Mihard's Liniment. "Money inthe bank is always in style," states a savings bank adver- tisement. True, and it is a style that continually draws interest. THE ONLY MEDICINE .BABY HAS HAD Is What Thousands of .Mothers Say of Baby's Own Tablets. Once a. matter has used Baby's Own Tablet•, for her lads ones. she willil me nothing else -Experience teaches her that alae."y are without an equal- for re- lieving baby of anyot the many minor ailments wbllch altlict hi"ni at one time or another. The Tablets never fail to be of benefit—they cannc•t possibly do harm as they are guaranteed to be free from alt injurious drugs. Concerning Baby's Own Tablets Mrs, Russell I3i'11, Noswaood, Ont„ saga;— "I shall always 'have a good word to ere., for Baby's Own Tablets, I Have given them to our baby girl,; In fact the. are the bnly medicine elle has ever had and I am proud to say that she took second prize atour baby, show. She is eleven months old and weighs 22 petunia. - No mother whose child is Peevish or- ailing will matte a mistake in giving Baby's Own Tablets:" Baby's Own Tablets are sold .by medicijae dealers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box tram The Dr. W1llianna! Medicine Co„ Brockville•, Ont. Equally Now! , William 13. Munro in the Boston At- lantic •Monthly; Philip of Macedonia. was in the habit of boasting, twenty two hundred years ago, that he could capture any oily on earth by driving Into it an ties laden with gold, To -day there are men who an capture city halls and State capitols with the same fricility and in the satno way—except that it is a "bagman" who now carries the coin. These bagmen have become an essential part on our invisible gov- ernment. Bettering Burbank. "How do you put the water in the watermelons,?" asked • the village wit of the tai mer. "Oh, plant the seeds in the spring!" • Made only from. hard Westerin, wheats, Purity Floiiir is rich, in gluten --- the energy giving and body building food. Purity Flour is best for all your baking and will supply extra nourishment to the children, in cakes, pies, buns and bread. Serif' 30c in stamps for ourtOd=h.cipe Pu'ity Floor Cook Book. 265 . waeteiS Canada Fiona Mille : Co. Limited ", y Torpnio, hfonireal Ottsrva Sahli John. "" Id be in "ever home' Says meg Three years of stomach and kidney disorders wrecked her,health.. Now fully recovered and feeling , splendid, site thanks 'rankle 114ine. Eliza'Tillemarre lives at 432 St, . Patrick Street, Ottawa. She is ruddy and robust, showing no signs of the dmtreoring ordealshe wenttlu'ouglr for tree years. "No words can ex- press what I sufferod," she said re- cently. "At times'I thought my back `mast break, and I could not even 'sloop Ever to Set the'(able. "lily stomach wee just as bad, for foe 1 t ould 116 there like e lump of '151 used: to bloat' terribly, and at rr''limb :'felt r rdl ! catch my r t i„ . • . l.l�?l 3 y b cath. �Ter4ou�ness kept me awake half the s. night, .I tried many remedies and treatments bat though I spent a smell fortune on them, nothing seemed t help rue. , ? ,,` E I only 101slr 1. hn'<< taaken Tarilaa I had my way I'd put Tanlae in every ' When my tlr' 1g sst started for it home i3) Canada... That s hour much we>la' :y sauld have sa0'ed ole a lot of I think about it.: e ✓r 4 ing. The W03' my -troubles clic- Don't neglects t eign nature 8 warnings. take Tan - f ;magical,lafter Itbuiltnnco lt was anlmademe lacthe nature�is dwn tonic muio from n" new woman. Now mykidneys • roots herbs and banks, Yelp dre g am free from all' gist has`iU ..I never bother ino, I reg „gena Lottctgda . Over ;pain and my di caber' is splendid. -If ; 52 million bottles sold. , st4rdirsiVn Blind` Boy Musi Ian R dr'o Star oa1d—,:otllerrvise "Ronnie" -' Matthews, blind'from birth possessing a. nature/ talent for ren-' aiO which . has been carefully :nun-.. tur•.ed, has become a'welcome `per- former at .'special broadcasts,' over CNRV, the Vancouver, • D.C„ , radio' Station of itho Canadian National, Railways, "Ronnie" chose the ;piand as his instrument of expression and the fqundation et instruction has, been Se oarefuily prepared that 'he' has: already' ,successfully passed two examinations under, the ahspices of the London. Academy of Music. ' Seeking for a medium to ade- quately present the toy's talent to the world at large; •.G. A. Wright, - broadcasting manager, evolveda feature 1cnoWu as Abe radio, train," by which an imaginary.train, leaves CNRV and visite homes of kiddies in British Columbia, the neighboring provinces, Yukon,.. Alaska and the Pacific States, Of .this `train" "Mas. ter "Ronnie" is "conductor", acting as announcer and occasionally of- fering pianoforte selections. The feature- has • proven so successful that it has been made a permanent part of the season's programmes, at ONRV.. The:photographs show the "train" crew ready for the broadcast. Prom left to right: "Doug," the brakeman (Douglas Flowers, 'assistant radio inspector); "Mi101e," (Mies I4111110 Fuyarchok, of the _,station 'office staff), *he Is "pa•sgenger". and also the directing power for the bell— e special feature of all Canadian Na • - tional Haillayo radio. stations; "Aunt E±nma," dfredtrees of chil- dren's programmes -'(Miss •Mabel L. Tomer) ; "Conductor," ""Ronnie" Matthews; ; "Cap" Roy, (Roy M. Brown, broadcasting operator), who for th,e time' being is the "whistle," and G, A. Wright, manager -and chief announcer, "engineer" of the mythi- cal "train," the mecbanism•.held in his hand being the "train" operating Sle1889. In the lower photograph of "Rens. file" himself lie is shown making -art announcement over the microphone,. rearltne 'from Braille characters. Springtime. Matthew Arnold was the son of the famous Thomas Arnold, the Head Mas- ter of Rugby Sehood so neely depicted in "nom Brown's Sehooldey9." He himself was for many yearns a. school Inspeetor, but he was, first acrd foi•e- most, a great'English poet. The fol- lowing is from "Iseult's Tale: - 4 They came to where the brushwood ceased, and day Peered 'twialt the stems; and the ground broke away, In a sloped award, down to a trawling brook; And up as high as,where they stood to look On the brook's farth0r side was clear, but then The underwood and trees began again. Thle open glen was studded thick with thorn' Then white with blossom; and you saw the horns. Through Iasi year's fern, of the shy fallow deer Who come at noon down to the water mere. Yeti saw the brigbt.eyed squirrels dart along Under the thorns' on the greensward; and strong The blackbird whistled- from the (tingles near, And the weird Chipping of the wood- Pcker Rang lonesomely and sharp; the sky was fah', And a fresh breath of spring stirred everywhere. Upon the brow -top grew a thorn, and here The grass was dry and mossed, and you saw clear Across the hli loW; white anemones Starred the cool turf, and clumps of primroses Ravi gout from the dark "underwood be- hind•--" No fairer resting -pierce a man could -end. • United States Crime' Bill. Crime, indirectly and directly, costs the Unit d States approximately $13000;000;000 a year, :according to estimates made by ' Mr. Mark 0. Prentice, ,in the Manufacturers' Re- cord. Mr. Prentice is organizer of the National Oriole Commission, an unof- ficial body seeking• to determine the causes of U. S. crime. He .points out that the yearly'eeo- noetic losses .dupe to crime in the United, States exceed the total of the! European debt to the United States.1 The present. crt[minal._cla.ss In the' United States, according to _bier, now, numbers some 23000,000 people. If gambling,„ vice and violation of the Peohibiiton laws 'were counted in, he estimates that they would ,:add another $5,000,000,000 to the total of 13;;00O,Oo0;000, •` An acid stomach caused by"indigestion, often creates rheumatic symptom. Set your stomacls sight with Soigebs Syrup. Any drug store. Ottawa to Have Largest_ I,,o'ndon.—The: giant ',carillon which has "i,1i8 3 18 ; 03 11111s uudeit construc- tion far iia•., Xlouscs of Parliament at Ottawa, is uo' finished, and. has been. shipped- to Cananu,, I am1el LaFevre,: of thb inclines Cathldl, lr.gave a re cital upon them at the Cra.,':on works The carillon is the larges' ;w the world, -comprising 53 bells u1L- huge stcl framework. It comineno rates the '1018 peace, Or Advertisements. "I -low mmolt betteroffwe'11 be 11 they Mit that,' sign on -Vile mail box." "Whatsign?" "Post No 01116;" i_ Water loses weight when the moon IJ overhead; the water directly under the moon rises higher; hones the tido A. man, too, loses weight when the 11 011 is overhead; a 163 -pound man, weighs One thirty --tyro hundredths of an 01311.0 less at such -times, 1.111 marts with i linard's Lin!ment, SPRING IMPURITIES , DUE TO POOR BLOOD A Tonic M dicine a Necessity.at This Season. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an milt year -roan& tonic for the' blood and nerves. But they are especially valu- able in the Spring when the system is loaded .with impurities as a result of the indoor life of the .winter months. There is no other season when the blood is so much in need of purifying Col enriching and every dose of these pills "helps to enrich the blood. In the spring one feels weak and tired—Dr. Williams' Pink Plate give strength. In the spring the appetite is often poor— Dr, Wilttures' Pink Pins develop the appetite, tone the stomaoh and aid weak digestion. " It ds is( the spring that en:Astons in the blood find an out- let utlet in diefiguring pimples, eruptions and boils—Dr: Willianne bink Pills clear the Sinn because they no to the root of the trouble lathe blood, In the epr]ng, anaemia, rheumatism, indiges- tien, neuralgia and many other trou- bles are most persistent because of poor, weak blood and it is at this time when all nature takes on new life that the blood most seriously needs atten- tion. Some people dose themselves with purgatives at this season, but these -lolly further weaken tlleinaelve% A. purgative merely, gallops thorough the system, emptying the bowels, but does not lheilp the blood.- On the other handy Dr, Williams' Pink Pills enrich the bicod which reaches _ovary nerve and every organ in the boy, .bringing new strength and vigor to weak, easily tired men, women and children. Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 'this- spring— tbeywili not disappoint You. You can get these pills tbroUgh any modioine dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box from. The Dr. Williadrrsr•Metlicine Co Brookville, Ont, Japanese Sea Quakes Drive Away Food Fish. Continued earthquakes in Japan and the seas surrounding the island empire have frjghtened away many of tho_fish depended upon by the Jap- anese for most of their food supply, declare exporters on Pacific wast, who have received cable orders to rush canned, smoked and pickled' her- ring, salmon and even whale meat to the Orient. Catches of fish by Japansso fleets. have fallen off tilts winter at an alarming rate, so much so ,as to cause the United. States Government to sus- pect that the herds of fur seals'har- bored by Uncle • Sam in the Bering Sea rookeries had something to do with the scarcity. But scientists be- lieve it is net fish -eating seals but great earthquakes -that have- fright- ened away or killed the great varie- ties of Japanese fishes. If. trade is to be vitalized, traders must advertise. --Lord Mayor of Lon- don. NMcntri1 Health. Mentai health-nrea0a 10030 • than he- ly ince from mental; diseaee, Prot:, 1-orn from °msanii:y alone does not lin- p'y that a 'demo00inctital health 18 perfect. The 0100dn of lite. gr w13.:lite toda-y brings a goad -deal of•,wear and ,tear Lo oar metital.equipnreut, and it beltenvec uo tot preserve 1110 health of our iniiid a's. well.asi the heallili of 4 inonial brealcclowu i5 somethings acne ouus• want and the hlo5eful thing is' tbai we can-p1•eVent 11. George 11., Pia t grain is that if people, would do' U e iieriBdblo thing, mental stress Would ho, greatly Men and women can do 10,4011 16 protect their mental health, evelbtliough it, is true that the .foundatiens tow "s, .sound mind in a so1Yn3 body are b etst laid during child- hood Firs, suggestions are idhe slmplest and sanest we Iiave seen Inc• it long time: IF'aoe reality squarely; find ;out your difficulties and proceed .t1;,1 oonquer tlusui: No gobd_eler came frons, deny- ii1.g o tr.ylug to 'eycap',e . unpleasant 1015110 or a'eislponsability. Learn . ito tltlink with your intelli- gence, not', with your'emrotione. A married woman ellacaiid not give up all elute (1.0 Interests when the dist balby comes. They' shauid .leerop up their anmsi1c; os painting or'athlettce, church societies. and bridge clubs. The g1rY .who 'dropg her friends after mar- riage wuL live to be sorry;; keep the friends who Siee in. town and Cerise; pend resrularly if. not oftelit with pour distant friends' Talpe ass' energetic attitude , abOnt worry: Find out definitely, wham is wor rying you—then snake an limiest ef- fort to remove the cause. Avoid exoessive daydreaming. Wisalio lag never yet pre'ved a good substitute for doing: A'busy lffe,le the heat anti- dote for day -dreaming. 'Garnets in Canada. The garnet is. usually looked upon as a precious stone but the quantity ueed ars gems, Is vary email in comparison, with that used for abrasive purposes, a000rdtng,to the Department of Mines, at Ottawa. There are several deposits of abrasive garnet to Canada, In On- tario, a good type of garnet' Is being produceel from a riot vein near Ban- croft, and -„promising deposit of larger extent but lower garnet content at Parry Sound has been well prospected and will probably be an economic pro- duoer. 'Near Sudbury; thet'e le another Promising exposure„ hbout fifty feet wide and traceable for a considerable distance. At Chegoggin Point, near Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, a 35 -foot dilce with a garnet content of approximately 40 per cent outcrops on the sea shore and has been traced Inland for several miles. Alt the above deposits are near rail or water transportation and should be of oommoroial' importance. Several other deposits are known that are both rich, and suitable for -abrasive purposes, but they are at .present re- mote ,from transportation facilities, come Sack. Tramp (after receiving food) — "Tlraarlt you, ma'am. Is there anythurig I can do in. return?" Housewife—"Don't." Going fishing—take Minard's Liniment, One of the bells Still In use in Hails - ham Parish' Church, Sussex, dates back to 1198. The curfew has' been rung at this church every night for over 700 years. !0d - i, foe REIS ROSS O ;NG O i the' -tea, •tea .yoga ,can bu. yf'•---icket when only; ; three clays old--juicy,,,flavor-r=ailed. leaves, Now packed iia Ale inge 4,7 A Strong Tie. ' Classified Advertisement's... Auckland- Weekly Nowa; When We FRENCH SELF-TAUGHT, peak today of the, TCiv;g g realm , the Ring's P tu7.'tdosm stw+La sysrt7ar xviui Dr ytesD, g's writ, the highway,' we wltlt aF`o4aaolotlna oc o,crr trord, ; na7ect mean our common heritage of ' ower t`owisdoe: or the language In tam rcontns: c m - p to al th ed,. Gan; abrtdact genet cd , 'Ge: Pont and 1ay-and Ilberty." His .Majesty., is weld• R'prlaa sunacriuuon neraar roe i„,r.o: nor one with' his people; they are one with 81x6, , Daft. . '""41'i..., aaefp oClrer as they gather about him; xmnnn rrSrox nrxas,.atntcn u1.n...cauH and •theme is nothing in Ikie,.wdde world now: at w 1,r5 crundars wither. r4trmdlda, 5'u "paolanze do.Sorin Ilne90 Cud- Tr Strout ra. that can eau withstand Uar'ESril!1c�6 8.n,'pirapiR1e Yard Platen Rwg, Compeer. 82..131 Vont Strout west, ao bound together, "•With free, glad Toronto., • loyalty. Miiiard's Liniment soothes tired feet. "Marriage with the right man or woman is. a 'harbor in the `tempest; with the wrong one a tempest in the harbor,” sail DE Bernard' Hollander irr •a recent.. epeech, Without Medical Examination Select Male Risks; ages 15 to 45 may obtain insur- ance up to $2500 without Medical Examination. Specimen Rates for $2500 Age Rale •" 20 $38.75 25 .__. 44.90 30 ,_.., 53.25 35 65.40 40 13.75 Ile 18k coupon lock, EXCELSIOR LIFE INSURANCE Co., Excelsior Life Building, Toronto Please lend me particulars of your IDEAL Policy Nome Address Pried' rils cram creamy -later Best foryou and Baby zcool rr ` ( 8:1.,l 4o,,U,.4,J,Mln,Morl",1 'lt'ou see it everywhere—the pearly gray enameled ware that spells long. service and real, old-fashioned satisfactiott. This splendid kitchen ware, SNIP "Pearl Enameled Ware; `.- defies wear and tear and its surface, like all SMP Enameled "Iviare, is so china -smooth and dean it harbors no taints or impurities. You need no steel wool or special cleansers to keep SAIP L'eari Were sparkling clean. Soap and hot, water do the trick in . a')iiiy. Made in everynew handy et5m a and size by an old establiaired'Canadian in-. •aaa SHEET.METAL Pnoot rs Co, oxxa CoA' • h(ONTIdL'AS 70200.10 W'N011"50 rreMQ.3TQN VA000t1VEi cm.caur„ r 281 �.z7s ad ° aid Fled All that the name implies. Prom healthy, free Tanpe parent flocks, Bred to lay. S. C. W.Legborna and Barred Plymouth Rocks from nationally known strains: Get more poultry profits from these healthy, vigorous, Smith Hatched Chicks, Write for circular FREE ONTARIO $UI,ILE'r1'1Y 1S"f'TCH Y 400111ie1n11011dSt.,lb0ud6M10nt1r10 TTran 53)17 00mess 120 AN» VP, .. Circular. W111tans Pletech; etrnttord. AG,- WLaebaereghyaotwil odrnesOt,tepBr uuaB-ndb-BreCiWrdet,d Bk beahoWfbnrdarieChis BarrodPlyRocke, vigorous, Smith Hatched. Send for circular andpirro, usomm.erry 11.A.TC21EII5y 4'4 Cofbarne 5t., Hatantford,omens ffit ng ps 13et•.e's the secret of giving lingerie, atoekinga, etc., the most goigeoue timfn. A11 tints,era•really colors'.. So use `ora dyes. Get an envelope of the (banal dye powder at any drugstore, tor fif- teen genie- Do year own diluting, which saves money and gives you the exact abrade you want. Diamond dyes do perfectly beautiful tinting—in cold water, A dip, and it's done; Anal true dyes don't streak! Dye -tinting doesn't leak weak, however delicate a tong you use; nor does it wash out unevenly. When you want the tint to 'be permanent, just arse boil- ing water instead of cold! I Regular dyeing of all dress materials, drapes, etc„ just as eaey. Ask drug- gist ruggist for color cards and suggestions. Or, a wealth of ideas In full calots, in new book, C•olor Craft, free and post- paid; write DTAMOND DYES, Dept. N80, Windeor, Ontario. --.01 ond Dyes D. p Ps� Z47� " Boiev i'o-OYE Spring Time is CELERY KING Time 'Brew a cup of this fine oldvegetable tonic. 1h ie all the spring medicine you need. It drives out winter's poisons, improves the appetite and makes you feel better right away. CELERY KING is good for the whole family. At druggists, 300 & 60c, KEEP YOUR SCALP Clean and Healthy WITH C T CW A High School Boards and Boards of Education ' Arc authorized by lave to establish INDUS'IKiAL, 'i'EC%NICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Mlnlater of gducatlon. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may he conducted in accordance with the regulations issued by the Department of Education.. THCORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION . Is given In various trades. Tho echoole and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE.' Application far attendance should be made to the Principal of the school cOMlYERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies Of the Regulations: issued by'the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister. Parliament Buildings, Toronto. 211* We will snip; . FRgICIIT 'PAIS , No obligation to if you ; d ea§kst terms d a are retread ' Cruaren kil Yogi41 ten yea,.ti Write now for particulars. • Aroalts waatcd who a ISS are gni re8raseo(ed. 50'� 'i:.• Swedish Separator Company, Limited S6aNotre Dallas 80.West' + Montreal; 0R, 5 -lose their soreness; when you use Mlnard'a. Re iowe the "hard, elan and, ropily freely. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fol Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache ' Rheulna sm ; s()ES NOT. AFFECT THE HAST iSSUE• No, 16— '27;,, w,. Accept only 'Par...0`71 acl:a which contains proven directions. Handy "Boyce' boxes of 12 tablets Also battles of 24 and 100 Drtiggists., aspirin is the trade •mark (registered In Canaii:i) �4.. nnyer biannfneture of Alon 508 l - noldentor of c Sallcytlraeid (Acetyl. Salicylic Goad, A.") • w,nl 8 (t Ys '5 w that 63510,, mama mise,• nsamitaoture, to assist the (1;13110 assault imitations,tbe 'Tablets nese` Compass W111 ha stamped 1ltll.- their auntne. mac, :Garb; the "aver 0000,"