HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-04-21, Page 141 406 49111 Y'eAr TII I1-.11IC1T .IS I,1\TCOR06I ATEI) 1IIN, CLINTON NBA :]ERA Li NT ,' .`ON1 NTA RIO, It'IfUR SD Phone 174w Eamon ORTTT1evA`TE are ,they -;who are horn iiiApril and havecacdiaineed as a;' )iirth"stone, - WITH the coming of spring wliat gift 'ern be more appropriate than"one' of .our perfect rings? A DIAMOND in our° box meane purity, perfec- tion and value, with our "guarantee of sat- isfaction. Just pay a visit of inspection, Yielltiara JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST Residence 174j antic {le Ea. One Only of the Following: Reg. Sale 2%x3 Tapestry, seamless, 2ix3 Tapestry. seamless. 3x3 Tiipestry, seamless, 3x3 Tapestry, seamless, 3x31 Tapestry, seamless, 3x3i Tapestry, seamless, 3x31 Tapestry, seamless, (Best Quality)` 28.00 20.75 3x4 Tapestry, seamless,, (Best Quality) 42.00 34.95 3x31 Brussels 3x4 Axminster, 1 Ax21 Axminster, 17.50 11.95 20.00 14.50 20.00 14.89 21,00. 15.25 23.00 16.50 27.00 19.25 37.50 29.00 55.00 41.00 18.00 13.00 It ' S Young Men's Suits and Extra,Trouserrs $20.00 to $$25.00 EASTER v Men s Suits nl and Extra Trousers $25,00 and $30.00 OUTFITTING The Advent of Easter marks the return of Spring and the' time a to shed your mu- ter raiment. If youenjoy wish to :en'o the spirit of Easter and appear at your best we're at your Service! Conservative Sniis for men of al]aes 15.00, 20.00, 25.00, 28.00 to 35.00 Smart, Snappy Suits for the e young men 10 .00 12 0® 15000 8 . 5.04, _ 1 . .00, 25.00, 30.00 The Seson's new Overcoats a a rt w a s � ncl Rain coats 0.00 12.00 18• 0� 20 1 ,o ,o o 5 Oo 2$0 , 9 ! .9•, 0 Correct hats in all the latest; blocks, plain or fancy bands Borsalino, Brock, Se Lawrence, Horton 3.00.3° 90 5.0 0 6.00 7,50 • Boys' Knicker Suits 3.50,5.00, f x.50 10.00 Boys' Suits and Extra Knickers 7.5010 .0 2•. 9: 0, � 50 Boys Suits with one pair kniokers and one pair long- trouse 13.5015, 0 9 5 1 e alf 1' Ever Man Every .,, ''IHE MARKETS ' Wheat, $1,20, Oats, 40c to 511c. Barley, GOc. Buck*beait, 75c.. Eggs. 21c to .27e, , Batter, `419 to.43c. e' s '': 1'0. �Ltv II QO 0 g TO -RA FO .SOI BALL'' • O CrN,IZE T On Monday evening g'at eight o'clock c a meeting will be held in the Knitting'' Company's club rooms, over the Bank of Montreal, for .the purpose of . or- ganizing a softball team, or teams, for the summer. • All interested in sports are invited. 'Representatives of the different industries, are especia11y•:4Jn- vited. ` It would be interesting to have a softball league for the town, some- thing like the hockey league. 'Twould be good training arid good. sport: TIIREE NURSES GRADUATE. The first public graduationAlter- eises in connection with the Clinton Public. hospital, although there have been several graduates, were held in the town hall on Tuesday evening, ,a largo, audience of • people from town and vicinity exhibiting their interest in the hospital and its work by attend- ing. The three nurses to receive their diplomas were: Mr's. Aikenhead, Miss Menary and Miss Ross, Mayor :jacicson occupied the chair and in his opening address he spoke• of. the pride Clutton and community had in their hospital, which he said was the equal of any in equipment and management.' He congratulated. the town and community in the possession - of such a fine institution, which he said had been provided by self-sacri- fice; on the part of the women 'cello took up the project, and of those who had contributed toward it time, money and thought. He spoke ' of the new Ji -Ray, which had been made possible by the generous gift of a former -Clin- ton citizen, and, by the gifts of others who had contributed toward its in- stallment. Ile thought the public generally should value highly the facilities pi'ovided for the relief of sickness and said the services of dos - tors and nurses could not be com- puted in dollars and cents, they were beyond price. Dr, Gandier spoke for a. few min- utes on the evork of the nurses. He said the three who were tonight re- ceiving their diplomas had, during their three years of probatic)l, been most •faitlefel in t ieirwork.' Ile -said touch depended upon a nurse, not only for professional skill but for the kindly, sympathetic spirit exhibited. In a small hospital, he thought this Personal touch was more marked than in the larger institutions, where both doctors andtnurses were to same extent not individuals, btlt cogs in a ; big wheel, each performing duties 1 with ability but lacking the human, personal touch. A nurse he said could so instill -courage into a patient that, in some cases meant the difference 1 between Iife and death. Patients had 1 told hire, he said, that they felt that i the nurses hada personal interest in ' their and in their recovery, arid this , <r d fns interest had h d been most helpful =t o I then. Dr. Shaw presented the diplomas, the young ladies; belting charming in their white uniforms and caps and carrying a y a a msful of flowers, taking their places on the platform amid applause. Dr, Shaw expressed )egret that the superintendent, Miss Grain- ger, under whose training these nurses had been far the past three years, was unable to be present. Miss Grainger, he said had turned out scene fine nurses and here •was a goad sample of her work. •' He congratu- lated the girls on their choice of a profession, saying that it was an old one,older than that of the doctor anci' being older was the mare honourable. He said they would be the better wo- men for their training and eeinincled thein of the great responsibility a nurse assutned. He said the success of a doctor's work was almost en- tirely id the hands of the nurse: that he depended upon her care and faith- fulness in carrying out alders and caring for the patient. Ile said some people' had the idea that the small hospital could not possibly do as -good work as the large one but he'dis- agreed, as having seed nmeh of the work of lioth he thought.a small, well- equipped hospital could do better work than a large one, 'He recalled the work done -in Dr. Gunn's little hospital' years ago and declarecl that • work had been peormed in Clinton Hospital equal to anything done any -- where in -Canada. Dr. Gunn had done nioneer work in surgery, ::he said, :and it was being ;carried on by Dn, Gandier and others. `.`I would' put the Clinton " Hospital," he said, "beside any hospital I' have ever seen:" Dr. Shaw presented •'the diplomas to the gradbating nurses, Mrs,', Mee Math presented pins to'eaeh and Mrs, W. J. Stevenson gifts from the hos- pital board.. And three 'little maid- ens, N0rma Cook, IIel e "Gnn xer an r, Ruth: Levis, presented -them with flowers,uritil they were almost, buried in diem. Dr. ,Hearn also' spoke briefly. ':I e cong1'atulatsd the three graduates and wished them success, in their Career,' wwhich was just''beginning. He said' it would bring them both pleasure and +hardship but he felt they were pre- pared to honour their profession. During' the evening • Miss Marion' Gibbings and Miss Mary 'R. Stewart melt sang a charming Solo ' and each "d to respond :to an encore. Mrs Morgan Agnew acted as accompanist, After the program the floor Was cleared . and those who wished sre- mnaureil per e little social dance, A4bl11,14 24,192,7 W. Z 'WILL` MEET. >. j, D) ATZi•'OX QIIAS:i1]: S14IITIl The•Women s Institute will ;beet at "' Chas" B,; Smith •passed away athis the usual place do ','Thuteday;:.tiiter, late sesldence, 180.Vern Ave,': 'Loxonte,.; Odle, April 28theat,three e!eteel, after:,a, letxgtliy illtieSs. Ile; ryas an A parser on "The Danget efeLnxoay, e riapioyee of ,the•S. ,Bower ,Coe foe: an Life,',i will be, gn enl by Mli`s, Ifuk 'the past °:eight yeare. ,Previous to; The; tall'eall' will;: be •responded to that he, was with the Clinton heeshs' a .with:CDonts'fai-the'I�iteheure e. -Co.,• and the. 1i,u cit Bell Engine JTO AITDb)CONVETI0aThresCo>'Ltnitfd ofNforth Ile was member' ea •of t `. Co it.]14aile•Ldaf:Grin nan -• •ours ,The j.ollriwing• are liitety to go dawn.,•. u. „•..1 ta, d C •; an fr iii Clint ni;to the`ro ' +i< " .: � p fol, Tgronto, of Canadian. O'rder`s o a P ulnar Irl held 'be, held iii, of T°I-ester•t t. ,the. King Y;dward, Ilatol, ,Toronto, ... e d ce e was UoS.0 m Blake, tomor`r'ow, which will be followedm ' Ont. Feb' 8 1577. ; Ile is suirived ,. h i , by the evening by a barigaet to;�the lion. : his widow, a •sen,'. Fred C. Smith, and :'daughter;' •a n .. G. �Tawnrcl,. Fe,yuson: Mi ;-'bl.• W... Iltt A. Smith,. =bdth.at Trewertha,:.. C. G. 1VIiddletoii,, W. 3, home. Stevbnnson, 15 W. Moreesan, S .It• _Mrs. Smith Cantelon, T was . fernnerl M' Hohnes, •D. L 11I'etsdn; Y tss Fred Conk, J. A.' Sutter IL, Araper. Cattle of Clinton, a'sister of Mn s. T.". and J. J, Zapfe. Several q'11: ",:these Mason of town, who spent a geed part gentlemen will be aecomlilinied by of the winter assisting in'nursing Jler thnoir wives and Mr. 14Iiddleton has 'brother -iii -law, and who"went to Tor engaged a table at the banqugt",'where i onto far the funeral„ they will dine together, , IN FLOODED AREA. They may bring home a prise for . fancy dancing at the ball afterwards, Terrible floods 'ace fork/wing the too, as a number of those trained^ are overflow d't the'Mississippi and tribe - fond of tripping the light fantastic. ' tart' rivers, effecting seven or mare states of the Union, taking a toll of. GOOD FRIDAY MUSICALE. ', several lives, rendering: thousands. A very enjoyable musicale was homeless and -doing, trillions of dol- given in Wesley -Willis church. on Fri- laysworth, payees of damage, Tues a a clay afternoon last, from four:: to five, Tuesday's s. p p s carried reports wader the auspices of the Girls' Club.. that the town of Van Buren, Ark,, Mrs. Morgan Agnew church organ- '.where .Mrs, Harrison, wife of Rev. L. n charge of C. Harrison of-Clinton,and her child- ist anti choir leader, was i the program, which was opened with ren,' are at present visiting the lady's a couple ' of very, beautiful organ parentis, was threatened by a weak selections. Miss Marion . bbings, levee, and every able-bodied man was Miss Mary 11, Stewart and l f . P. G, ` called out by the ,mayor to assist in TI s1 each sang a solo,',Mac. E. strengthening it. Mr.Harrison is Wendorf played, i piano Selection, not anxious about the. actual safety 1Mrs. (Dr.) Hearn and Mae. 11..Litz of his family as he says his father- sinrors sang a duet, Mr. Morgan Ag- in-law's home is on high land, but new gave a carnet and a saxophone etaritouch of the town is built on re- el eet' on and Mrs, Agnew gave ether ned land and much of the land organ numbers: It was an alipropri_ along these rivers, which is used for ate and fitting program for -.the clay agriculture and fruit growing, is re- ciated by the -audience 'claimed marsh falter and that great and was appre which gathered to hoar it, j damage can be done by a flood. DELIGHTED AUDIENCE: LITTLE LOCALS 'The ea I The W. 0. T. U. will meet in.On- following item n e a pp ted in the tario street church lecture room on Ednutnston correspondence ;: of The Friday afternoon next, Apr. 2enc1, at St, John' (N. B,) Telegraphic: Jotu•mel . three o'clock. recently, and will interest many here- abouts, who remember well the j Mr. S. 0 . Castle, who suffered a charming personality and talents of severe shattering of his left ankle this former. Clinton girls some weeks ago, is now able to hobble "On Wednesday evening ; of this , about on crutches, week, in St. Paul's United church, a splendid recital of sang and Beadings I ...The 13eptist Sunday school gent a was given by Mrs. May, Reline Mae- j tine Easter gift to the Chilton Hos- Icinngit„ Af Grand rails,, •fprnerly . ni-1}ital,• a Easter ,crate , of nice Toronto. Mac. Mackimton tvas assist- fresh eggs. The board, is most grate - cd by local talent, and altogether the fol, event was a most enjoyable one, Mrs. Diel you gel; caught in the rain 111ackinnon, who is an artist of no storm on Tuesday night?. Well,no Mean ability, both. as -a singer and matter. It was just what we nededd reader, r and who o a possesses most 1 t os to wash sway the dust and give the th healing stage manner, delighted the grass a start. large audience with .a varied and en- e tertaining program, She has a ebaem- The A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul's church ing personality, and all who hoard her tae busily engaged in practise on an in this recital are eagerly looking amusing farce comedy, 'Peter Piper's forward to leer return. Mrs. C. A. Troubles," which will be ready for Kirkpatrick, of Grand Palls, was prodtidtion shortly. empathetic and efficient accompanist Ma. and Mrs. Loren T for Mrs. 'Mackinnon. Mr. en- tertained the choir of Onterio-street AMONG THE CHURCHES. United church to supper at Wendorf's • 1 restaurant last s evening, when tet a e• The annual _»teeter • of the Huron . very g happy time was spent. Presbyterial will be held in North street United chureh, Goderich, on Mr. John Livermore, son of Mrs. S Thursday, April 28th. Mrs, (Rev,) G. Castle, who has been with the Pao - Barker of Korea -will be the chief flies' Lumber Company, Detroit, for speaker. I some time; -has recently been promoted Ito the position v ton. of esti/miter, a a - pt nice Baptist Church a little increase in salary: t. • Revival services, April 18th to , The home and School • Club will 20th. Each night at 8 o'clock, San -hold their regular meeting in the Pub day at 3 and 7 pen. Speaker, Rev. San-/hold school on Tuesdayafternoon next Norman G Loveland. -Come and hear' April 28th, at 4,15. Miss Hobbs will hini preach and Sing the gospel I a 'ive paper and Mrs, B r g„ 1 one -will These meetings will Help you "Get ' a'itie Ctu reeydnt );vents. • itigllt With Gad.'•' a Ontario Street United Church Morning classes at ten a.an. Morning message: "The Upper Reeve Result." Members are asked to provide lunch. Evening subject:' "Will Christ Re- turn Again1' Miss Iona Stothees, a graduate of Clinton Collegiate, whd` has been teaching .in the New Hamburg .Con- tinuation school and who is leaving to go to Kirkland Lake, was present- ed last week at a • social gathering held in her honour with an .engraved, pen and pencil by her students..,. Murphy L. 0. L, will held a past, Master's night on the next regular meeting night, Friday, April 20th, when :the Royal Bine degree will be exemplified by .the past masters. The Junior League will meet on Friday night at 7 o'clock, Tuesday evening, April 28th is the evenitg'of the concert of our yotung people. Presbyterian Church-: Service in the Baptist church on Sunday at 11 o'clock. Subject: "Grasshoppers," Sunday school' at 10 o'clock, Prayer meeting each Thurs- Hot;rnlesvil.le day ing 7:30. , Mrs, Knox of Goderich is a visitor The meveneetingat of the W.'M. S., far- •at the parsonage. nnerly announced for this week, will he held at the home of_ Mrs, 'W. D. Fair oh Thursday, April 28th, ,at 3 o'clock. Wesley -Willis United Church of dtscoua e :for next ` w5- Subjects s S day:"Morning: "'Christ's Estimate of Man."' Evening: "Joseph at Ifni= varsity." • Ther Women's Missionary Society_has secured the Blyth Choral Society to present here, -in the near, future, :the sacred , cantata, • "Joseph's Bondage" Iri'antieipation of this the minister will':dised%use'"an Joseph on the next two Sunday evenings. ':Brodie hoodSunda 'inornin et ten, r r y g o'clock. Topic,-,"Travelog:A,i' by Ger- don Cuninghame. ,Paul's Ciur S cls The local lodge I, 0.` 0. F; will at - Mr. arid Mrs. R. G. Wilson and children are re spending. the Easter va- cation at the home of the Tatter's parents. 1lfiss : Wilkin of Goderich visited over the week -end "with Miss Amy Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jervis i Jervis spent Easter Sunday' 'at the ]tome of the hitter's parents at Zurich. Pec `le You it ►.w 1. Mr.Dr est xoac1 of etroit was home the,Eestertide, 11Bss .M'ary' McItt urch to of• S z'onto, F `. vas:home for the,Dastertide. ' Mrs, R. 11.'-Johnson'visited 'friends in Stihttfortl and Exeter this week. • Miss Linttie Nediger , of Lier s head' tend divine: service at St. 'Paul's next •• is speltding th'evacation at "het "Sunray evening, Special music has , liome in town., , been:arraned,. The ,Rev. L. C. I -Tar i 1i3n.s i'vrtle Arinstronp •is:s�•endin •sop will preach, the Easter h'olidays with Mk's Alea,, A iutirtorls +meeting of the Select EagleeenlofDrgyten' viestil .was held on Monday evening, Miss Clete Pard rn'+tlie Ahna'0'olleeee at which die :Wardens presontod:'t re e,,aii'; SB. rxhgntas,.: xsspmntity. the. Port shawing ;a•'fairler'healthy condi,' i acatio,ti period ''at her ehome hn. tien''in -the Chnrcl't finances. "town.." D7rs, iTanner •at;, fta] aceburg a d Mts. W ilian.Rair ate assistedspent tit tlt:, -the, choir at the Easter ser= Biffen}: ,of: Toronto spe t Easter with' vices: on SuMr Sunday and. ,, aiid:'Mac, ::the farinar's tnothar, Mee,' L Rath `111.0Wt of Stratford in the eveiing. Of town.•:+' eeititt eo pie'Yoto.ithow Miss Roth -Ball was int London last wetelr' Mise, Mary Watkins of 3,iierlon waa li.Ome for Lastet . Miss Jean Miller visited with friends • In Seaferth on Saturday., Miss :Elsie Ttilltot Londo n i , t, s,ag•udst with':111iss tPhyllis Collyer. 1v'it., "Jack Bawdeii of •Iltnnilton ecame alp for the Easter, vacation. ,. MissDhzaUetlt .:Emelto. ': P Oslxawais home'P . or the vacation time, Mies Reith McMath of Woodville is. hone for the vacation' period, • . Mies Jessie O'Neil' of (Kitchener, was • borne foe -the Easter vacation, Miss my Miss-' M t , �i S eNatrt'of Ceylonis homefor the Easter vacation. Mr. Iiarold Livernibre .of Detroit spent'Eastar•at his home in town. Miss.Luella Walkinshaw of Toronto spent'Eastet' at her home in: town. Misses Sadie and Wimrie Draper of St. Catharines were home for .Eas- ter. - MissNorma l3eatley spent 'Easter with her sister, Mrs, Morgan. Ag- new:: Miss LibbieGibbings of Toronto is spending the week at her home in fawn, Miss Grace Shepherd of Ottawa spent ;Laster week -end at her home lit town, • Mrs. R., Sweet of Sarnia spent the Easter holiday time with Clinton friends. • Miss Mary Collyer, London, spent the • holiday with her mother, Mrs. Clara Collyer. Miss Jean Hogg is spending the 'Pas- ter week with her sister, Miss Ethel, in Toronto. Miss Kathleen .East of Toronto spent Easter with her sister, Mrs. G. W, Cuninghame. Mr. Harold Hill of • Hamilton visited his grandmother, Mrs. T. Hill, over the week -end. Miss Marion Gibbings of Essex is spending the vacation time at her home in town. Miss Etta Hardy;'^principal of the Manilla Public school, is home for the vacation time, Miss Kathleen Livermore was down from Teoswater spending Easter at her home in town. Miss •Marjorie McMath spent the • Eastertide with her sister, Miss Winnie, in Toronto.' s'rr. Join Hellyar of Bowtnanville is visiting at the home pf his brother,. Mr. W. H. Iiellyar. 114x. and Mrs, Harold Kilty and babe are visiting' Ilia •lady's parents, 1-1±. and. Mrs. 3. W. Shaw,. 114r. and Mrs. L. J. Weenier) and little Miss Helen of ,Toronto' are home for the Easter vacation. 81i -s. B, Cole, who Inas spent the win- ter with Michigan friends, re- turned to town.onTuesday. Miss Ross Levis of Toronto spent tate Eastertide at the home of her moth- er, Mrs. George Lavis of town. Mr. Douglas Thorndyke of Manilla has been theguest of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hardy during the past week. Misses Lottie Sloman of Toronto and Alice Simian of_ .'Stratford spent the Eastertide at their home in town, - Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Carter took a motor trip over the week -enol til Burlington, Hamiltop, Nelson and Oakville. • Miss Ethyle Wasman of Bruce i4Iines, and Miss Edna of Toronto are vi - s ithig with their father, 14ir. J. F Wasman of town. Misses Barry and Agnes Combo of Toronto anti Mr. Owen Combo of Port Hope spent the Easter vaCe- tion at their horse in town. Miss Pearl Foster of Windsor is spending the Eastertide as the guest of her cousin, Mrs. T. J. Watt, Rattenhury street, west. Mr. and Mrs, • Wilfred Tanner and child of Wallaeeburg are spending' the Easter vacation with the lady's parents, 3Ii•, and Mrs. W. Walker, Mr. and •Mrs. Brown of Stratford were guests on Sunday at the home of 14Ir. and Mrs, J, J. Zapfe, Mr, and Mrs. Brown sang in St. Paul's church on Sunday evening. Mr. Rebore Milne, member of • the Dominion Parligmeitt for Neepawa, Plan., is visiting his cousin, Mrs. J. E. Hogg at the manse, befere•re- turning to his home in the west.: liras. Harold Zeats and: -:little son. Bobby returned to Toronto on Thursday ttft"er .spending a fort- night, with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mennen, the latter of whom has been ill but is 1107 able to be about again. Mr, and. airs. I. .Taylor of London have been visiting -the Iatter's fath- er, Mr. James Stevens, and other .inenibeis of the' family here. ; Mr. and Mee. Taylor have ;hist returned fron, spendfine the winter. at St. Petersburg, Florida. , Mr,: and Mei. Harold Burr and babe of Montreal spent the Eastertide with his, sisters, Mrs. Frank Evans and Mrs W Leppingtoii. - This 'wes`the fist; meeting of these sisters and brothel' in several years'; and they e en7o�Ve<T, the`ha}npy reunion. mnion. Ma Percy liolnles and his little _shin alid sisters, Misses Anna and 11es- te• Holmes, carie up 'from St, Oath- • arinos'en Good Friday to speed Easter with their sister, Mrs. II. B, Chant, Mr. •I3'ahn'ee and his soft returned Sunday brit the Misses Ilolmes axe remaining fora longer visit ' Mr. J TaI'Ior,02 Toronto is in town this' weer , bit',- ,and Mrs. Taieloi' and''Miss Della have just returned froth tpendinp'; the winter in FA:or- icle, ' 1111 Taylor, le, 'weaving a herd- - shine wrist watelt'which' he wen in a bowling' n7atch ' at 5t. Peter8- 1 • F1n. four a Canadians against Ebur Americans:_ t Voirna Miss Irene'CItntee of London,, spent the Easter holiday -at het' house in' the village, 141r, Jito.:.Be<ttty. and 14Ir. Wm. Beatify of Mo ipt iilaydges motored to Listowel Sunday • and ;spent thoei day with ;their sister, Mrs..=W. 0. Woods and :ftntiiy, ' Dr; -Lloyd. Moffatt ef:London' :spent' Sunday at his -summer •cottage. ,• Misses Annie and Bluely Keys;have returned to .their home -in, the village -sailer : having spent the' veinterTwith friends at Oshawa and Niagara, . Mi•, and MrS, John Rathwell have aee retailed erom their trip tc.tt e Coast and -are quite.eonvdnced' that they .did not strike, any better country to live in ,than Huron comity, • li eOncls2'zt^al FePrO Mr. and Mrs. Will Tambiyn and children of Toronto are spending the Easter holidays with the former's mother, Mrs.: John Tamblyn, Miss Myrtle Grainger of Toronto spcittt the week -end with her mother, Mrs, John Grainger. Mrs. (Dr.) Grierson and children •ire visiting :Mr. and Mrs. John ring - land, Mrs, W, Fothergill and children .spent the week -end in Wingham. Miss Gertie Roberton spent _ the week -end with relatives here, , Mr, Harold Johnston of London spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston, Mrs. Johnston and Miss Helen returned to Lnndnn with hint on Monday.. Mr. Harold Richards is visiting his parents, Mr. tend Mies. F. Richards. Mies Jennie Dewar of Toronto stent the week -end at the home of i,Ir. Chas. Watson. Mrs. John O. Louusbet'ry and child- .ren are visiting at the hone of Mr. H. M. Snell. Miss Maly Jamieson spent the week -end ek-end at her home here. Mr,. raid Mrs. C. Catt and children, 'T.-. and Mrs. Roble Doer and children, '1 of Goderich, were week -end visi- c of Er. anti Mrs. Albert Radford. Mr. W, Tainan spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, John, Armstrong. 11Ir. and Mrs. Hicks. and children of Centralia spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wells. Miss 0lvette Brigham of St. Thomas is spending the holidays at iter house 'here. Mr. Frank Finglans spent the. e eel: -end at his' home 'here. Mrs. Geo. McCall spent a '1'ew days last week with friends near Blyth. Mrs. Geo. Hosl:, Mee. A. Oke and children of Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Weymouth. Miss Minnie Hall of I-Ianover spent Nthe week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall. Misses Bertha and Mary Webster are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. -John Webster of the 13th con. cession. Mr. Watson Webster of Verne spent the week -end at the home of Mr. Harry, Lyon. Miss Esther Jamieson is spending the holidays with her pats Ir. , add -Nies. Arthur Jami3son. ;The Sunday school took the service in the United church on Sunday morn- ing. Rev. Mr. Snell gave an address; At the evening service Rev. W. Tanbl n gave an interesting talk on his work in Toronto. The choir rendered a beautiful cantata "Easter A,itgels," very acceptably. Mr. and' Mrs. Slicks of Centralia spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wells, Dr. and Mrs. L. Whitely of Gerrie visited at the home of Mrs. Mountain on Easter Sunday, • Me. W. Tamblyn, , accompanied bYe. his mother and Mrs. felsley, visited -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hooper., Centralia. Miss Dewar of London spent the week -end with it4.r, and Mrs. C, Wat- son. . Miss: B. Brogden is spending 'Eas- ter holiday with her parents; Mr, and Mrs. Brogden. Mr. Holloway and set of Brantford are visiting at the home of Mr, E. Adams. Mr. Harold Johnston spent Easter with his parents here. , $rtcefieid. Easter visitors in the vicinity were: 14Ir, . T. Mustard and Rev. C. Mnstard of Toronto,. Mb:. L. Boyce of London: Mr. J. McIntosh of Toronto; Mrs. C. McDonald, Mrs. E, McGowan; 14r, and Mrs, George Watts spent Good Friday; at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Mc- Queen, A most in'terestingmeeting of the W. NI. S. was hell on April 13th, 'when the new president, Mrs. (Rev.) W A. Bremner, presided. After the opening hyn?n and prayer by the. 'president, the Scripture : reading' was given by -Mis; C, Ilaugh, the study honk; by Mrs. J. Johnston. •Special pztiayer was -offered by four of the members behalf of:f our missioner les in India. Interesting reports' were read by the officers. The tteiseeer•'s report was a most gratifying one as the offerings amounted to forty -tour dollars more : than the aliocttion. $300.00 was scent to the. Presbyterial treasurer. The associate tnenbOrs an»t,'ibntcd the sum of 942.00, :.The Mission Band exceeded their alloca- tion, ' contributing 862,00. The Mission Banti teas been composed of Juniors and l Seniors. The Seniors have novo been organizer) 'into a circle called the Marion Oliver: ,1Vlission Circle. The. 'ciele aces appointed , to' attend : the g 1.1to Presbyterial to be hold in the, United church; Goderieb, April 28th, Mrs, (Rev.) W. A. Bremner, bus, C. Haugh' and. Mrs, J. McQueen,