The Clinton News Record, 1927-04-14, Page 8CLINTON'S, T A.DING. JE'
net torture your eyes o`neg
1ect-'yptu" • eyes when they. trouble "
yntti'is; «Ao tert\Ir.e thole. They: 'ope '
delicate orgaes, a,nd neglect of them.,"
c"exV' alter: ieeut}s in pcznia'nezit'• in;
precaution.'K'e recoiuiljpndw.,,
at you haver.;tltetn ekarnincd l r
If Your gy4s smart; tear,. er are'
strained, 'lot up examine 'thein.
are Isere to keep your Wes in good
c cic1 tion. We can supply yogi 'With
. glasses that :will sgrrect' y4ur,eye
trouble and fit: your Pace. '
v JOHNSOlei°
Graduate' 'of Toronto Co11eg of Optometry
-Fine 'J'e'wellery and Repass
Next Hovey's Drug Store
11�n s Faster
Tooke and .Arrow brands,
Lut full and,generour,, rare -
fully finished — sBrbadcloth,
Bombay Cord or Madras at
>, close pr ices;'$165 ind °up.
Clearing lilies a: ;specially low prices.
New patterns and materials for spring and•suinurer wear, very
special value at $1.00.: Cheaper lines from 25e up.
Silk and Lisle plaids or •checks and plain colors—pleasing to
the eye and satisfactory for wear. Special value at 75c.
Fancy Plaid Lisle Hose, special at 38c
See our line of Invictus Oxfords for 'nen—real quality --newest
styles and priced at 56.75 and. $7.00.
Men's Oxfords in other good makes, latest styles from $4.00 up.
Real Values in Dependable Footwear—Clearing Lines Specially Priced
��P�umstePl Brus:'
e to
Sure, you eau paint the .old bus yourseli-a few hours of inter-
esting work, a few dollars' worth of Effecto and 24 to 48 hours for
drying: will transform an old weather-beaten 'car into a real auto-
'Effect.) Auto Finishes include all 0'01shappy colors—the genuine
original auto en•uhels. They combine color,i1d finish in'one material
add are self -leveling; consequently they go ' on easilyt, and evenly,
without streaks, ]ups or.brush• marks. Frequently, one coat will suf-
fice ---two are most always enough for a good. job,
if you like a little "pep" and variety, use a bright color (Red,
Yellow, Cream) on the wheels, a darker one (Blue, Green, Gray,
Maroon) on the body and fihish up with Bute 'fenders. You'll be
surprised how the old "bout;