The Clinton News Record, 1927-04-14, Page 8CLINTON'S, T A.DING. JE' net torture your eyes o`neg 1ect-'yptu" • eyes when they. trouble " yntti'is; «Ao tert\Ir.e thole. They: 'ope ' delicate orgaes, a,nd neglect of them.," c"exV' alter: ieeut}s in pcznia'nezit'• in; precaution.'K'e recoiuiljpndw.,, at you haver.;tltetn ekarnincd l r If Your gy4s smart; tear,. er are' strained, 'lot up examine 'thein. are Isere to keep your Wes in good c cic1 tion. We can supply yogi 'With . glasses that :will sgrrect' y4ur,eye trouble and fit: your Pace. ' v JOHNSOlei° Graduate' 'of Toronto Co11eg of Optometry -Fine 'J'e'wellery and Repass Next Hovey's Drug Store 11�n s Faster Furnishings t SHIRTS: Tooke and .Arrow brands, Lut full and,generour,, rare - fully finished — sBrbadcloth, Bombay Cord or Madras at >, close pr ices;'$165 ind °up. Clearing lilies a: ;specially low prices. NECK WEIR- New patterns and materials for spring and•suinurer wear, very special value at $1.00.: Cheaper lines from 25e up. HOSIERY- Silk and Lisle plaids or •checks and plain colors—pleasing to the eye and satisfactory for wear. Special value at 75c. Fancy Plaid Lisle Hose, special at 38c FOOPW1d Ak- See our line of Invictus Oxfords for 'nen—real quality --newest styles and priced at 56.75 and. $7.00. Men's Oxfords in other good makes, latest styles from $4.00 up. Real Values in Dependable Footwear—Clearing Lines Specially Priced ��P�umstePl Brus:' omeimmusmost e to AUTO —'== FINISHE S - Sure, you eau paint the .old bus yourseli-a few hours of inter- esting work, a few dollars' worth of Effecto and 24 to 48 hours for drying: will transform an old weather-beaten 'car into a real auto- rnobile, 'Effect.) Auto Finishes include all 0'01shappy colors—the genuine original auto en•uhels. They combine color,i1d finish in'one material add are self -leveling; consequently they go ' on easilyt, and evenly, without streaks, ]ups or.brush• marks. Frequently, one coat will suf- fice ---two are most always enough for a good. job, if you like a little "pep" and variety, use a bright color (Red, Yellow, Cream) on the wheels, a darker one (Blue, Green, Gray, Maroon) on the body and fihish up with Bute 'fenders. You'll be surprised how the old "bout;