HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-04-14, Page 5C;1intsnysNeWS-learn 9 maniiiaranamissiamosossintiossaraimpamenastroinanor NEV ;�p D`FAITH I l SSdii..,, . IN BANKS, i NOW MOURNS' LOST FORTU ,, •fe ' rola xtt Sensing {� ltd► c� U tat : f 11\1 �G Ct Gp, i;•� 1(EY HMO 112eclig to,U kXno 0 Iva ,t A- l errel� t+o tar as 6kt y� 4 Pat"' •1tF .. AND ROBBED OF `. $1500 AT BRIE MOSTLY CASH MEN 'kbura •Farmer }Ieid. Up Itx Os Own Holub daOOMO1( it 00%. t0041-1F*latMl! dee The l%' :a1 of :. nada R E Vanning, Manager .cos E Rntova Sag Ro111:01tl sSER fiRAWER e 41i a „a h, •A. LIFETIME'S SAV1NGg STOLERFRONFLAT Where do you keep your moneY Clinton Branch at Of Interest to You and fide Very up-to-date and mentally alert 'ebildien, those .Public school children in Grey county, who requested Miss MacPhail to give them her views on •the Chinese question. Clinton Public school children would rather play marblesthanread such -stuff. . *3,0* If the "bright lights" attract young people ,to the towns and, cities, why not light up the conutry with Hydro? 'The 20 per cent. rebate, recently an- nounced, will help a. little, but -•;,the moon is by far .the cheaper source ',yet.—The Farmer's Advocate. ' 'Yes, if only the moon could be per- suaded to -shine an dark nights. # ,k s North Huron now has four candi- 'dates in the field for the bye election and the Conservatives have not yet put •forward a. man. There is a Pro- .gressive,Liberal, an independent Lib- eral and an independent Conserve-. live. If all electors are not satisfied when. it conies to voting day it will not be for want of choice in candi- dates, surely. • 'When a Goderich man sees the steamship "Goderich" plying the Lakes his chest will swell with a sentiment that is not given to dwell- ers hi inland towns like Clinton and Winglfanx.—Goderich Signal. Oh; well, perhaps. But anyway, 'we're glad the C: N. R. didn't pay us the doubtful compliment of naming a ,sleeping car after us. • 9'00.* • 'Goderich, which is celebrating this 'summer its one hundredth birthday, has invited the, Prince of .Wales and Premier Stanley Baldwin of Eng - 'land to be present and take part in the festivities. 'Wouldn't Goderich take on air (some extra airs) if it should have the pleasure of enter-. taming royalty? However, we wish it luck. Some of the glory may trickle down to us 4' a 0 it Miss Mazo de la Roche, a young 'Canadian writer, has won a. $10,000 prize, given by the Atlantic Monthly, for a novel, competing with 1,200 'writers in the .United, States, Great Britain' and other countries. The hook, which has its setting in Ontario, 'will be published in the Autumn. Canadian writers are becoming better . known and incidents like this will serve to advertise the fact that you do not need to go outside of Canada to obtain a worthwhile story. M Ata meeting of the Bovril, Limited, in London, England, recently Chair- man. Sir George Lawson Johnston 'held that the cost of advertising. was large—this year a little larger than usual—but he did not think they re- gretted any of it. Advertising, he said, was the, motor power of Masi - mess and it was mainly through it that they reached tke,ever-widening circle of consumers.'" In some small, :unadvertised 'business the overhead ,charges were so great that no profit was made, in spite of the high selling prices. They had so increased their sales that overhead charges were comparatively insignificant per bottle, and in spite of the increase in the cost of beef, they had been able to avoid making any advance, in the selling price. The larger the business and the snore Money spent in advertising the more it is appreciated, apparently. It is the man who spends a few dol- lars in newspaper advertising, and who fails to understand that it is not so much the mere occupying of space In the newspaper that constitutes'ad- vertising as the actual' appeal you snake to the public, who is usually foundbemoaning the cost of adver- tising. Advertising one's business, if you wish to succeed, is as legitimate an outlay as keeping a staff to serve the public when it comes in to pat- ronize your wares. If you fail to keep an efficient staff or have an indiffer- ent or discourteous one -you may have \to increase your advertising to make up .for that defect, but if ',you stop advertising you will soon have to de- crease your staff, be it good or bad. An efficient staff, sufficient advertis- ing of an intelligent sort and then the goods to back it up spells success in ninety -dine cases out of a hundred and in the one.' case of non-success the chances, are ninety-nine in. 'a hundred that the fault was due to some other oversight on the part of the manager'. Nouse For Sale or Bent Frame house, Rattenbury street,' 6, rooms, water and lights, '1F acre gar- den. Possession at once. Inercare at News -Record office, ' 05-tf Wanted By well-established Toronto firm, man to drive one of .our salesmen in rural district, must be of A.1. charac- ter -and well-known in County. State particulars. If•you have 'car; age 35 to 50; must be ready to start at once, Permanent position; salary and ex - pensee. Write. The News -Record Of- fice. .• ' 06-3 Hatching Eggs For Sale Eggs from pure bred White Rocks. Bred• from high production stock. Males from Guelph. Eggs $3.00 per 100, Also a limited number of Ins - penial White Pekin Duck eggs, $1.00 per dozen. Mrs. J. B. Miller, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone 2 on 602, Clin- ton central. S$ -2-p 1000 Duck Eggs Wanted For hatching, White Pekin. Apply to E. L. Mittell, phone 213, Clinton. 05-2 Building for Sale Frame building, suitable for gar- age. Apply to Mrs. Argent,- North street. 05-1-p. Marriages WESTON — KIPFER In Trinity church, Bayfield, on April 6th, by the Rev.' F. H. Paull, Mary,:daugll- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Hip- fer of Zurich, to Ernest Percival Weston, soh' of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weston of Bayfield." THURLOW-HARRISON In God- erich, on Mar. 30th, by the Rev. R. C. McDermid, Ella Marie Harrison, daughter of the late Thomas Har- rison of Goderich township' and of Mrs. Charles' Brooks of ,New Lisk- card, to John Laurence Thurlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thurlow of Colborne township. Births LUCAS—In Clinton Public Hospital, oa Aipril :12th, to Mr, and Mrs. S. I,, Lucas of Clinton, a daughter. Deaths TAYLOR—At Nile, 'on April 6th, Agnes Margaret Louise, beloved daughter of Mrs. John Taylor, aged 46 years. `IN MEMORIAM IIIUNROIn ever loving memory of our beloved only son, Harry Edgar Mtmto, who passed away Apsii 14th, 1926. We niiss you, dear son, at a thousand turns Along life's weary way, For Iife has not been the same to ns us Since you were called away- And.when the evening shades are falling And we are all' alone, There often comes a longing If you only could come home. But 'tis sweet - to know we'll meet again Where troubles ate no more, And that the one we loved so well Has just gone on before.-, —Mother and 'Dad. Choral Society Coming The Blyth Choral Society 'xvill site - sent' the cantata, "Joseph's Bondage," in Clinton on Friday, May 6th, under the auspices 'of the W. M. S. of Wes- i ley -Willis 'United church. 05-1 For Salo • Building for su-e--disused Colleg- iate Institute, Apply Secretary, Box 895, Clinton. ... 05-1 Seed Oats' For Sale A quantity of good, clean Gold Drop oats, suitable for seed. Apply to Fred C. Cook, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. Phone 617-r-21, Clinton central, .. 05.1-p Cottage To Rent 5 -room Cotts1;•e in princess street, summer kitchen, cellar under whole house, lights anti town water, Large garden with small fruits and chicken run. Possession May 1st but new tenant may plant garden. Apply on pre:Miees to Wm. Jones or to Mrs, Albert- Cololough, phone 608-r-11, Clinton coital, 05-3 Wanted Party with ten or eleven hundred dollars to loan on first mortgage on ode of the bust located• residence propertidlb hi Clinton. Easily worth three times' amount required. 6% in- terest, paid septi -annually if desired. Address Drawer B, care The News- Record, Clinton. 05-1-p. Entertainment Charles A. Cooke,Canada's Indian Basso and 'Entertainer, will give a concert in Ontario street United church on Tuesday evening, April 26th, at 8 o'clock. The program will consist of humorous songs and recith- txons etc. Local talent will also assist. Entertainment is given under the au- spices of the Young People's League. Admission 35e and 25c. 05.2 Auction Sale Of Household Effects, opposite Hanley's garage, Clinton, on. Satur day, April 23rd, at 2 p.m., consisting of dining room suite, in oak; '2 bed room suites; 3 iron beds; springs`; mattresses and feather beds; hall rack; haIl mirror; oak roller -top writ- ing desk; rocking chairs; 2 sotees; sofa; , rugs; 2 couches; wasl'ling ma- chine; 2 sideboards; 2 wash stands; upholstered rockers; cream separator, in good running order; 3 -burner coal oil .,stove; clock;. pictures; granite ware; garden tools and numerous other articles. Terms: Cash. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer: 05-2 TENDERS FOR COAL • Sealed tenders addressed -to the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa,, will be re- ceived at his • of Exec ^••'until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, April 26, 1927,•f or the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario, including the City of Ottawa. Forms of. tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob- tained from G. W. Dawson, Purchas- ing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa; and R. Winter, 50-61 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont. Tens dens will not be considered unless made on -the forms supplied by the Department and, in accordance with departmental specifications and con ditions, The right tp demand from thesue cessful tenderer a deposit, not exceed ing. 1.0:per cent of the amount, of the tender, to secure the proper fulfill- ment of the contract, is reserved. By Order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary. Department of Public Worlds, Ottawa,` April 5, 1.927. . 05-2 One Moment Please Conxniencing Tuesday, April 12th, my hours in my Clinton Studio will, be from 9.30 aan. to 5 p.m, What about having some real nice :Portraits made. You know your friends both at home end far away, would be • pleased • to have a good Photograph of yourself or family. Put it off no longer, next,week may be too late. AMATEURS 'Leave us your fur's to be developed, printed and enlarged. Making -Photographs is our business, that is why we can finish such good snap shots for you. Burgess, Portrait Studio MITCHELL AND CLINTON 'CARD OF THANKS♦ Mn and Mrs. B. Lawson wish to express their thanks to their kind friends for remembering the latter with flowers during her illness in the hospital, and also the nurses and sup- erintendent, who were so kind and at- tentive to her. Pane For Sale About 127 acres, three miles south of Hayfield, Seuble line, possession given at once. Apply to John D. Woods, Louisa 'St„ 'Bayfield. $5-4-p For Sale A good reliable driver. F. H. Pow- ell, Phone -2 on 6Q7. 05-3 Auction Sale House, Household Furniture, etc., opposite Hanley's Garage op Satur- day, 'April 23rd, at 1:30, p.m. The undersigned has been instructed to offer for sale, subject to a reserved bid, the seven -room dwelling on Hur- on street, Clinton, formerly occupied by Miss Ellen Smith: -The property is a most desirable one, centrally lo- cated, and in first class condition. It has town water and electric light, a garage and other out buildings and is a convenient, desirable and coils fettable home, TOrmg; 10 Dor usg;, at time of sale, balance in 30 days. Possession on payment of 25 per cent; At the same. time and place will be offered a very large quantity of household furniture, including 2 din- ing room suites, 8 couches, side board; music cabinet; Morris chair; Axmin- ster rug; several other rugs; linol- eum; sewing machine, 2 lawn mow- ers; bureau, pictures, clock; 4 bed room suites; 5 iron beds; new Soria vena heater; springs; Inattre220S1 and feather beds; parlor stage; hall rack, hall mirrors; Quebec cooksto''ef oak roll top writing desk; 6 kitchen chains; upholstered rockers; rocking chairs, 2 settees, sofa; clock; lamps;, Iooking glasses; granite ware; 2 washing machines; set garden hose; 2 coal oil stoves; cream separator, in 'good running order; clothes horse, garden tools; curtains; blinds; dishes; sealers, and other articles too numer- ous to Mention. Terme: Cash. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 05-2 Administrator's Sale Of Farm Stock, 'Implements, Hay and Produce will be held on Monday, April 118th, 1927, at Lot 25, Maitland Concession, Colborne tomvship, at 1:30 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -Matched team grey Perch- eron fillys, rising 3 years old; broken; one work horse, . 6 . years old; work horse, 10 years; driver, 8 years old; filly, 1 year old. •Cows -Holstein Cow, calf at foot; Holstein cow, milk- ing, bred October 20th; Holstein cow, bred August 25th; Holstein cow, bred August 25th; grade Ayrshire cow, bred Feb. 2; grade Durham cow, calved 2 months; choice Holstein heif- er,,bred Feb. 6th. Young 'Cattle— Black calf;. roan calf; 6 yearling heif- ers. Pigs -brood; sow, 'bred- two months; two chunks about 130 lbs. each. Set good team harness; set plow harness; set single harness; .4 good. collars; 2' horst blankets; new Chime bells; 1Vlelotte cream separator 500 lbs. capacity, new.., Implements —heavy wagon, truck wagon, gravel box; stock reek; hay rack; .nearly new; democrat; .cutter; set sloop bob sleighs; rubbber tired ton buggy; M. --H binder, Deering mower; 10 foot horse rake, 'nearly new; mingle furrow riding plow; Deering cultiva- tor; two -furrow walking plow; Cock- shitt walking plow; corn cultivator; bean attachment; corn cultivator;. quantity of alfalfa, hay; fanning mill; set 2,000 lb. scales;, about 150 bus. oats; 'cotton grain - bags; about 5 cords dry wood; cross ` cut saw; whiffletrees; neelcyokes; forks; shov- els and otlier, articles; wheelbarrow; 10 -hoe seed drill; 3 10 -gal. milk cans; Daisy churn; cook stove, nearly new; set 5 -section iron harrows; 12 Rock hens; Ford car in good running con- dition. - TERMS: All sums of ten dollar's and under,' cash; over that amount, seven months' credit will be given on bankable paper, or a dis- count of 6.pe1 cent: allowed on credit amount. Mrs. Harvey B. S1pydor, Ad- ministratrix: W. H. Lobb and Levi Snyder, Managers. Geo. H. Elliott, 'Auctioneer: Ob 1 SHAWSHAW SCIfOOLS TORONTO train young people '£or and aid them to secure good Business positions. Enter any time. No -- vacations. Free calendar, Write -W. R. Shaw, Registrar, 46, Bloor St., West, Toronto. 04-4 BEN IIOIiEA AND HIS ORCHESTRA Of Toronto TOWN HALL, CLINTON Thursday, April 21 The Big Event of Easter Week ADMISSIONr-Couple, 95c and 5c tax Ladies, 23c and 2c tax 05-2 For Sale A hen coop and a second hand top buggy. Apply to W. L. Pesters, Mary street, 05-1-p House to Rent 7 -roomed house in Isaac street, oc- cupied by Mr. VanHorne. Town water, electric lights, modern conveniences. Possession 1st week in May. Apply to Mrs. Geo. T. Jenkins, phone 222. 05 Cottage for Rent Cottage, Huron street,- Clinton. Apply to W. Brydone. 05-2. 'CULT The Jewish 'holidays are, making a strong: demand for r fat 'poultry at high prices. Take advantage of these extraordinary high :,hfor prices' Live Dens die to om• 'extra good demand for the Jewish Easter. ar]Ket as early in the week as possible. HIGHEST PRICES Experienced candlers will'give you quick.'service while you wait. Clinton Poultry House_ N. W. Trewartha Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w House For Sale Storey and a half white brick house, in Princess street, east, 9 rooms, water, lights',' cellar. 'M' acre of garden, small and large fruit; stable. Apply on premises to Mrs. James Steep, or to W. Bryothie, Clin- ton. 05-2-p When You Can't See Print Distinctly There is no use trying to correct matters by terming the paper this way or that or squinting or frowning at it. You might bettor by far face the fact squarely and admit that you can't see as well as"you could. Then. when you have done that hurry to us for an examination,. and wear the cor- rection which we find necessary. Likely we could make yon -see to read' as well as you ever could. W. H.. I•iellyai', 01to111e4>ilstClinton, , (15-1; Notice .Having nu,4haeetf a number oi: caps for Mill. bottles 'the word "pas- teurized" was printed on by iiiatake as the ,pili is not bitsEdurized. L. Lawson. 04-3 Farm For Sale Choice 100 -acre farm, convenient to Clinton. Reasonable terms. In- quire at News -Record Office. 04-2-p. Salesman Wanted '},? eriei' etic attractive num for Clinton Gild sttrroundipg district. Duties to commetloe at once. Liberal commissions. Apply 45 Ellen St., W., Kitchener 04-2-p Sheep, For Sale 12' yearling Leicester ewes. Apply; to 3, H. Quigley, the London Road, R. R. No. 5, Clinton. Phone 619-r-8 Clinton central. 04-2-p • Horse For Sale Draught horse for .sale, or will ex- change'for young cattle. W. Ii. Mid dleton, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 606-r-15, Clinton central, 04-2-p Pasture to Rent 50 acres of good pasture land with running Water. Also a brick house at edge of Clipton, town water, small garden attached. . Apply to B. W., Morrison, Clinton. Phone 617-r-3,. Clinton central. OT -2-p Administrators' Sale Of Farm Stock, implements,' hay• and produce, will be held on Monday, Apr. 18th, 1927, at 1:30 pan, at lot 25, Maitland concession, Colborne township.' For particulars see sale bills. Est. of Harvey B. Snyder. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 04-2 >F.arta thorn right. Matures them early. Chick losses are due to lack of proper feeding and care at the start. Don't experiment. Peed' Blatenfurd's acid stop • the,losses. Easy to feed. 'We know from results that this famous mesh is the •, most dependable and 'economical feed for a Chicks, baby chi ks fr'y CI bag Sold in --- see tbrae. Clinton'by difference CI-IARLESWO T Nediger's Garage AUTOMOBILES Overhauled and Repaired STORAGE BATTERIES Charged, Stored for winter months and Repaired SKATES Ground and Honed RADIO Outfits installed Gasoline—•Oils—Aceessories W. J. Nediger, Prop. Eggit The Egg.Pool has started TRUCK CALLS TWICE WEEKLY AT E. L. MITTELL'S STORE HURON STREET, CLINTON Seed Potatoes For Sale Choice seed .potatoes: Free from rot. Apply to 3. J. Smith, Base Line. Phone 638-r-2, Clinton central. 04-tf A Hospital Dance Will be given in the town hall on Tuesday evening, Apr. 19th, at the conclusion of the Graduation exer- cises. Admission 50c. 04-2 Hatching Eggs For Sale S. C. White. Leghorns, fine adult flocks, severely culled, excellent lay- ers, headed by pedigreed cockerels. 80% fertility guaranteed. Also Barred Plymouth Rocks, $3.50 per hundred, 4 cents per egg. E. Parker, Clinton. Phone 218. 04-tf 'Eggs For Hatching From bred -to -lay S. C. White Leg- horn 2 and 3 year old hens. 4e per egg, $3.50 per hundred. Roy Tyn- dall, R. R. No. 3. Phone 607-r-3, Clinton central, 03-tf House for Sale or Rent 0 -room house in Victoria street. Lights, town water, good cellar, stable which can be used as garage. 31 acre of garden. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clinton. 03-4 ..1., acres of an , iii;. -loom rouse, furnace frame stable, never -failing ( spring, 'half.diile from Lpsidesboro; Apply td'P. Gibbs, Clinton, 03-tf From hi r White Wyandotte hens; .the Martin strain, well-bred, good layers. Eggs 50c per setting of 13; John Jervis, Bayfield road. 03-4-p Hatching Eggs For Sale Front ' heavy -laying strain S. C. White Leghorns. 65c for setting of 13 or $4.00 per hundred. Frank J. Tyndall, R. R. No. 4, Clinton, Phone 636-r-33, Clinton central. 08-tf 2 land i THURSDAY, APRIL I<I, 192' , filler: llard'w'are Dealers in General Hardware, Paints,, Oils, Stoves, Etc. owland's Old' Stand CHI-NAMEL STORM TELEPHONE 53 See Our All Leather Work Shoes for Men and Boys We price them beyond competition in Qntat-ia including Eatons. Buying for Cash enables • you to get them at Rock Bottoni prices. Hatching Eggs For Sale From the best type of White Leg- horn hens, weighing 5 lbb. each, Flock headed by best selected males. In- spection invited or --orders taken by phone. Eggs 5c per dozen over ship- ping market price. H. Ii. Gantelon, London road. Phone 619-r-15, Olin-,, ton central.' 03-tf To Rent Lot 18, Maitland concession, Goder- ich Township, consisting of. 128 acres, suitable for grazing. This farm is divided into two almost equal parts, each part having running water. This farm may be rented separately or as a whole., Also South half lot 77, ad- joining. This other lot for sale or rent. This' farm has a barn en it, running water and an orchard. For particulars apply to Mrs. Olive Be- dard, Courtright, Ont. 03-4 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goodsdry cleaned. Rooms rover Heard's Barber shop. W. 3, Jago. 2283-tf 'For Salo House and three lots on Huron and Mary streets. House is frame cot- tage with electric lights, town water and furnace. Garage, garden and fruit trees with extra lot. -This extra good property will be sold cheap. Ap- ply to George Elliott, Clinton, or S. B. Stothers, Essex. '100-8 For Sale or Rent 100 -acre farm, convenient to town. Inquire at News -Record Office, .• 98 Baby Chicks and Eggs Bred to lay Barred Rocks March. and April, $16 per 100 from high production rtr,iit. l'ilgg's 65c per 15; ',3,i4:00 per 100. leclgerow Ohick Farm. D. M. Ltndsly, R. R, 3o. 3, .t.,.77"t oto, Htlialtfd(t T ge for Sale Clinton's' ro _ APR ...SHOWERS NEVERYET HURT A FAMILY' PROTECTED THE. CAT COLICS % / • An April Fool, according to .some authorities, is a man who puts his trust in April weather! One way to prepare for the dIe- rnents during this capricious anonth is to carry with you a sunshade, an overcoat, galoshes, snowshoes and'a fan. The 'best way, though, is to keep a good supply of D. „I.. 8s W, Scran- ton Coal at home;. so that when the weatherdoes fool your you' can dry out—or thaW out—without danger of colds. - Ageu hone call to 74 -will bring n y a load at once. Call the .11s,''P61Rg for good, clean. -coal COAL COMpANf u . r I PHONE 74 + CLINTON 100-$ E#.rt Have large stock of.Seeds s eciail ' ,n y Selected for purity and price, entre Oats are imported Banner, over Mdimddrd teat. See these before buying Las' Sweet CIover is all Government, Standard, ranging in price froni3 $dtd0 to $7.50 per bushel. Our Alfallfa is a special seed, grown from a field twenty years in the ground. Ontario' '"raiiegated, very hardy. See this seed before buying. The grading shows it as kind from Sweet Clover and also free' from' Primary Weeds. If yotf want high quality Seeds at a reasonableprice—BUY NOW 1 1•. Seeds will be Higher Next Week Always carry complete line of Flour, Feeds, Calf Meal, Oil Cake, Beef Scrap, etc. fir .F. It I A,.•.R . aW BARRISTER will be at his office in Clinton each MONDAY From 3 to 6 p.m. a. 30-tf. Muskrat Skins Wanted , Highest Market Price Paid !.A.FilOVll:'lf Phone 89 Clinton, Ont, COAL Coal of all kinds always on hand for immediate delivery. Also a quantity of dry Maple Wood Prices reasonable and same to all R. J. MILLER R Orders taken at residence, phone 1121 'Ct AL . Stove, Egg, Nut and Soft Coal I Coke and Kennel Coal ,,J Also Some 'Wood w -,1 C E. WARD • ; i Phone 155. • Huron StreeS,, Singer Sewing Machine Have a car load of Western Oats , These are very reasonable in price and will go very quick. L A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers • Leased on WWI xlldiit8ly Paynieniil Big Discount on Cash gales During March. Only Now is the time to have your mas chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs, Needles, Belts and Parts for all; makes. W. OLEN COOK Phots 1713 s' P.O. Box 201, Clinton! Elmslea Chick Farm BABY CHICKS: Leghorns and Rockd Miller's Ideal Incubators and Brooders I - Poultry Supplies "'1 Royal Purple Calf Meal and a Chick Feeds E. I., Mittell Phone 213 93-t'ij NEWS -RECORD ADVERTISING BRINGS RESULTS C. H. VENNE , EflectriciaA Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other 1 Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7 d TRY OUR CELLO -GLASS FOR YYOUR CHICKEN HOUSE Flour and Seeds Everything in Seeds—Peel County Alfalfa No. 1` Alsike No. 1; Tim- othy Pine Tree; Red Clover; and Yellow and White Sweet Clover, .'eels Bra and Shorts—Corn—Western Rolled Oats—Western Chop Mixed Chop -a quantity. of No. 1 Feed, Oats Also different kinds of Chick Feeds fats A car of Mixed Black and Whitt Oats to arrive soon—Get our primes off the car to rlesworth PHONE 199