HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-04-14, Page 3n ported. di arom the Orient in metal lied chests. Blended and packed into 1 lb., % lb., %lbn bright Al minum1, pa.ckages5 ood �' 105.11 ED "' OSE ORANGE PEKOE is a tt'4 good. The Settleanent Violin. David s villin Was his dearest pew. session. . The tender Care which he h vished on his violin would have been co nical to his teiloys had it not been foi his skill in' its use.. They for- cave. 111n all, his 'Solicitude after they. had heard the s a s r gelvoices which Ilia band vas able to evoke -trent that small and fragile instrument. • 17/err village of ttat day had its 'iiddlers," evert iu the lumber -camps. such performers. were plentifnl,:. but the most .skillfal of them were no more like David McLant-than a black•, bird is like a thrush. They Mostly Der - formed with a mad scramble of lingers and a fantastic jerking of elbows, whereas David, with tong, „graceful strokes-, -'drew .trdm Iiia instrument tones of such sweetness that his bear- ers marvelled. How had he learned. this method? 13.ic:hard. never -knew; but he: recoguieed the difference. None of the . mechanical, sdrapin•g noises which ; accompanied tiie playing of 'other ficlihIers , could be heard when llayid'•s bow was in action, and al- thoirgh ho good -naturally itleyed jigs a' and reels ter dances, his hest beloved "tunes" were Orange anti. beanitiful lnelodielS. Idle ti,don'a'tion was Ole Bull. "Some day I'm going to hear isbn pla.y,"he vowed, and trea:sered every word which came to him descriptive of the great Norweasn's art. Scone of the. tunes he played were'4,titose Ole Buri watt, reported to use. In spite of hie wondrous gift, David tool[ a hand in all the forms of work, now swinging a, scythe " against the grass, now thecradle against the wheat, :and in these t eIth' Richard loved to have him tar a leader, To ranke,And bind after ]thu,wee consider ed a test of any man's ability-. How he could play the violin after such labor, was a: mystery, but he often did:— Hamlin Garlands In. "Tratl,Makers of the Middle Border." Cassowary Kin to Ostrich. ,. • The cassowary S s. its closest re latives among the Ostriches. There ale Upward of twenty diffec'ent forms, all inhab.itents of New Guinea anti oer- tain of the ndittcent isluncis. Going fishing—take Minard's Liniment. It is the selection of rich, western wheats — the finest grown on the prairies - that gives extra flavour to -bread and buns, and extra richness to cakes and pies, made frgm Send 30c en stamps for one 700 -recipe Purley Plower Cook Book. 264 Western Canada driour Mille Co. Limited. Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, SointJahn. • Just Ask for ren nought Tissue ' 'A most satisfactory roll for the bathroom: 'A soft, absorbent tissue made, like all Eddy Toilet Rolls, under the most exacting sani- tary conditions. g Big value for the housewife seekingagood tissue at a moderate price. THE E,C3 CO. L! MITE tJ H U LL,CA N ADA W2 Warner's Compound in Family Fifteen Years • TAKE A "RUSSER" AT THIS. From goloshes to tires and in a thousand wash between the two, the modern wor4d would be entirelyrubber. lost without � t bar. It is a key product that in every sense makes the wheels of progress go round. Bat common as is ig�rr • torel; n wledg�e of. the finished product sa that there is not a trine, woman_or child who has not seen it in some form or other, thele are a -few of us who have' never seen a Tubberwplamtation in full bloom and on its -native heath, so to speak, :Rubber is a 'dirrgy-looking product, but its trees, of origin are a -light and beautiful spectacle, resembling nothing so much es a- sugar:maple, in early spi•fng.' This Photograph was taken recently at Singapore, during the-reoncl the world cruise of the Canadian Pacific Empress of Scotland. The plantation here shpwn has reached its present growth within thele t 25 '. , �,9 GOOD F��'t�pggp�,gqqq''ttpippyP�� �jr�'j Sd it''LJS.S Vh.S i YF FOR SPRING ` Ist Do Not' Use Harsh Pou gatives= A Tonic is All Yon Need. 1IotAiok—but not feeling quite That is the -way -most people feel the spring, Easily tired, apse Beide, sometimes heatlaches.and a f fug of depression. Pimples or er tions may appear on the skin, or th may be twinges of rheumatism neuralgia. Any'. of these indicate t the blood is out of order -that the door life of whiter has left its m upoou and may easily develop to more serious trouble. Do riot dose yourself with pu Lives, as many people do, In the ;Mh.ood that you can put yourood ri Purgatives gallop through the cyst and weaken instead of giving strength. Any ?'looter will tell you this is true. What you need in the spring is a tonic that will enrich the a blood attd build up the nerves. Dr. Williams'' Pink Pills do .this speedily and surely. Every dose of this medicine helps to enrich, the blood which clears the skin, strengthens the appetite, and makes tired, depressed men, women Mid children active and strong. AIr..Jamee Dickson, Westneath, Ont., says: --"I was quite badly len down, easily tired, and appetite poor. My -blood seemedT thin and watery decided' to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and after taking' a. few boxes I felt myself thoroughly punt up anti -as strong as ever. I tan , ecommend, the pills to run-down neo. You can get these pills through any medicine deater or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broclgville, Ont. ' well. in rite eel- up - are or hat in - ark in- t t'g on ght, em Sinus ]Disease. What are the sinuses? The *Muses, are bone cavities In the skull, lined with a delicate living membrane'tllat is continuous with the lining of the throat aid nose; the cavity located in the top of the cheek bone 1st known as the antrum, while the frontal cruises are found immediately -above the eyes. These cavities have a structure like a honey -comb, which makes it very dir. dealt to dislodge the infecting germs. And germs do gain entrance to ,silo sinuses. with comparative ease, since the lining of the nose leads into them. Inthe last few years sinus disease has become very common; If you want to find out how e*mman, just visit: the once of a nose specialist cony day,,of the year, but particularly, during the. winter and spring, and seethe steady stream of sinus patients waiting for treatment: I3eeause it is easy to acquire an err difliou.1t to cure, one point to r member in regard to' sinus disease iw to prevent It. This means that ex treme ears must be taken to complete ly clear ea every attack or nu, gripp anti running colts; treat them.,ss seri one affairs and do not consider con valsecenee complete until full bodii strength is regained!' It also mean keeping away from people who ar sneezing and. coughing; it means keep. lug teeth (particularly in the upper row) and throat in a healthy con:dai:ion so that no infection, from themwill spread, Into the sinuses- It means keeping your body in good eondltimr se that 'you wilt not catch colds and other diseases of the nose and throat even It•exposed• to them, • moat are the eyiuptoms of sinus disease? The infection sets up loollam- nlation, creating an accumulation of material which should be discharged through the nose; however, the tiny passage leading to the nose becomes clogged, up; the material cannot drain away, but increasing contiuuously, exerts pressaire upon the nerves, and you have: very severe pain, often fol- lower'. by nausea and diarrhoea. Re, lief is impossible: until the passage Is. 'cleared and free discharge through the nose is secured. No remedy'- but in- halatien fs -of usie, and frequently ire. lief Paan be had only from treatment by a nose specialist. • Don't neglect sinus disease. 'f.t is one of the conditions that you hear so much about these days -,focal infec- tion. _From an infected, sinus, may.fol- low a diseased, heart, damaged kidneys, rheumatism, and. (nrally dootm•s tiiult goitre-mayo he tnAuert�ced•Uy it, not to mention the chronic "half'sick" feel- ing you have most of the tinier perticu• ia'ity early. In the ni.o1'ning. NO batter recommendation for the medicinal value , of this GO year old herbal remedy could, be asked than this • "Your remedies have been need in our family for about 15 years, We are neves without a bottle of Warmer's Safe IKidney and Liver Remeity, in our home. it is a wonderful medicine for diseases of the'kid- neys and liver," (Name on request). If you have pains In the back or other symptoms of -kidney. trouble, you. should lose no -time in ing to your druggist to get a'bottle bf Warner's end takingit as per directions. Sold by all druggists. Price $1.25 per'bottle: WarneASafe' Remedies Co, Toronto, Ont. tt says Allen 99 heti. .t . is Tells facts from own' experience to help others. Almost wild with pain, weak ,and rundown, he, - won. new health and strength through Tanlac Allen Boudria, engineer, of 482 St. Patrick St., is one of Ottawa's hest known citizens, "My purpose in tell- ing the facts of my experience," he dna, "is to help others who surfer as I a "For five years I was in misery. My i whole system seemed out of gear, but my stomach troubled most. Even a drink of cold water would cause my stomach to bloat anti swell abnor-' W 'really. Gaswould prevent no from' sleeping at night so that I, ,.had to get - up and walls the floor for ours. Vie - jell stomach gains nearly drove mo . I've seen times when I cmc'. ' doubled over, unable to straighten up.' 1 "My friend M. Laponte told me how Tanlac had helped himout of similar trouble, so I got some and used tl bottles in all. It just made me over. Tfeel8 younger Q y ear e y t ngcr than T ant; and I weigh 214 lbs. My appetite and sleep If are both fine. I eat' what I likeand Weep jl like'a top, , �'an'iaC and nothing 8,. else, nude this great change. I'm for Talo.. a c If overwork or neglect have worn yoq down; get Tanlac, theg reat.nat- ural tonic made from r• oo ots, herbs and barks. Your druggist has it, Oyer 52 million bottles sold, OWL-LAFFS BY W. L (On With Laughter) "Hello, my dear fellow, how dif- ferent you look without a bear& or Mustache. I : wouldn't have 'recog- nfzed you if you' hadn't had my um- brella. People eo e who have n P o rheumatism attsm in thea bones have to depend on unrea- sonable weather bureau for storm warnings. "That girl reve'tsed Darwin's theory," he commented, 'in talking to a friend. .. "Howzat?" "Slee snakes monkeys out of Men." T1ig only thing to worry abopt is - 'When a man's wife chooses his Atenogs'apher, it may not indicate jealousy so much 'as a wish tor him to succeed in business, A matin was charged with having stolen a ton of lead. "I•Iav,e you anything to say in your defense?" asked the judge. . "Yes. I did it in a moment of weakllesa" "Did you give the man the third degree?" asked the polico officer. "Yes. We browbeat ands badgered him with every question we could think -of," "What did he do?" "He dozed off and merely said now and then, 'Yes, my dear, 'you are perfectly right.'" Gas, biliousness, heartburn, dyspepsia, coed similiar ilia will not trouble you if you take Soizel's Syrup, Any dnlg store. It is absolutely normal for a child to lovehimself only and to think of himself only. -Dr, Alice Hutchinson. It is the greatest error people can ti make to snub the young,—Mr. Augus- 0- title l3irrell.: „ MInard's Liniment soothes tired feet. o Women Remelts In Canada. Cenadia. }i'tg-17,012 women farmers, according to an official statement. s Spring Time is e CELERY KING Time Brew a cup of this line old vegetable tonic, itis all the spring medicine you need. It strives out u•intel''s poisons, linpl'oves the appetite and makes you feel betterright away, CELERY KING is good for the whole family. ,,,At drug- gists, 30o & 80c. • Chess is reported to be more and inore popular with.;women in'l1'narce where knighthood Was once in:flower, Kill warts with Minard's;;Liniment. Deafness—Head Noises RELIAVED !ty' ILE MAD Et �Hli, "nub Hack of n7Ara' IEt Its le' NOSTRII.,S At An nl,NS,glsl. ldIw $.1.35 wider 065,6 "DEAFNESS ': on rmuesL A. O. LEiNMID, IDA, 70 Mk Ave.,„New York IIAVE C1L SY IiW Minced's will snake your hair soft and' lustrous, -Stimulates growth Use as a tonic. • How Beavers Handle Trees. .-beltvor . Irc,sedsc Imrsic 'for food and` thotbsr for''bmidin; his House, and he i ,the great tot Logger atnont,• the lower animals, prob; bly are fa- miliar with i i d tnz,] ualddng:talents, hut he is, equally cievr3, and efilcient in';tho forest. At tree -Tolling, each heaved' works fat-' tlelralideotty, A small tree is cut Itoni,gii,from one sdde, but a Vargo' ora;;' usually on two .sitlew or all around, the chips holing split olds rnrreh: na- by a woodannu's1axe. The common impression it that only !small tarlings as -c cut down; by liaay- els, but thi1slea mistake; trees titres feet In clienteles- are'somettmes felled —and in worktnanlike,Style, too: The small” tree offers, no problem a't. a 1. A big ono may reoop. a familof. beaves's busy for several nights, but,, a single exvesieneed beaver can fell fouripell pop"l r, chop it into five'foot soctloris, and tronspiort the whole, tree to the water in a single night, ' It's a eight worth seeing Th watch a (- hearer take : a log ores- the ground to . the laleo'or stream, Ito grabs ft with those wonderful tileth"add drags yithl a strength that is poritiveliy astound, Mg. In the water he tows it, or conte. times gr:ulis it with lire armee, "-swim mingalc•ngsiole', and steering with his. broad; agile tail. I have seen a beaver gotP thep ona bottom,. reappear with all -the eficke he could hold in his arms, and wallr upright oil his hind legs to the top of his house. 'Choi'1hnvo net only brains to think, butihe strength and stipple' nese, to execute thee, plative llaien.11e has a eliaice, the }beaver will uearl-y always select the aspen. The 'bark of Iloltlar, willow, abler and birch is tteceptablp, but aspen bark Is tile preference.—Lester Banks: B . ,,, Y'S HEALTH IN T RRIN _ G Can Best be . Guarded With Baby's Own Tablets, The Spring is a time of anxiety to. mothers tubo have little ones in the home. Conditions make it necessary: to keep the baby indoors. He is often confined to overheated, badly yenta lated rooms and Ca,fphes colds which rack his whole system. To guard against this a bex of Baby's Own Tab- lets should be"Icept in the house and au oocasfonab'close given the, baby to keep les stomach find bowels vomiting regularly, This will prevent trade, Constipation or colic and keep baby well. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont, ahem a burning desire to get ahead, and you are not likely to find your- self fired, A For distemper--Minard's Liniment. Classified Advertisements. PR MS SELF-TARGN.7t rill us steer Sin P1,11 STSTS:lt 1101111. DEVISES, il Fent pronunciation of awry ,tont A' Perfect Fnowlerlse If (Ile ralguege -Is Vitro months. Cavo- plata clods ed.,, 5e'; abridged yap 1 M. 511., Post Pahl. World's Subxerlillan Amity bead.,'r.D. 105. 1051, Dept. In, 3lonlreel, RP, pANmAiWD PISTa:1 nINOS cults 01,1) CARS now; dt worn rylludere Fallout. wgrindlne. Ne ooeotalize on Farm Amine, and Tractor.. Pan. smut Paton Mon Compeer, Us-si Front Street wont, Toronto. BIQIt Occult sun -its, 150 AND 1i P. OlNular. William rl,Mrh, Stratford Iib, Oat. ry- 1m1oT11Y, MSU ,'LOCEIl AND A.14111E. [[,, Send for ' samples. Mardian nntliwelt. Name, Oct i CATER F11e51 i5 To CO FOXES IN ERoM L 3. to a wake' time. (tan scent am reader of Mu magazine hoe to get them, Writ. IS, nar- neufarr, V. A. lt'adlap, stanstad, qua. Cdge-holding Saws fast L" at°'rs Eastl-Cutting 01405 wis-'. Guaranteed bccuusentede fram our own steel SiMONoa CANADA SAW co, LTO, MCNTAr,,AL VANCOUVER ees-coMtl.O., TORONTO 1� sa e> Pup! Nurses used' BUFFALO . CITY HOSPITAL 462 Crider St.; Buffalo, N.Y. 808 beds for the reception of every known. disease. sIX DISPENSA5:IES IN CONNECTION Affiliated -with, the thelveroity of Buff Medical and Dental ,S`c/tbefs and, District Nursing Association. 8 yang' registered course, fitting pupas fon' Bedside, Pub -Ito Health and Administrative Nursing. 870 hemp devoted to classes, reel- tuitions, demonstrations each, ha- beratery wear in Motet -lea HomeIlkhonomics, Bactel'iolesee Chem. istry, Physi'elogy and General • • Mira IRS subjects. Oppoetllnitiestoa• selected' graduates to Dal paid,tereentiva positions or pursue seeded study craurses. THE i:IXPERIENCE WE OFFER IAQUALar A THREE ' YEAR COLLEGE; COURSE. , Entrance requirements: 1 yeact New York State. High Scheel or its equtva'ient. Salary, 515.00 or month. 'Food, lodg- ing, ainitonme„lalrm,ry and books Straight eight hour duty. No split wet•ches. One whole day off' _every /seven (lees. - A well-conducted nursing course is, cc fine preparation for wifehood and cc splendid oPPor'tsFatiill to cultivate ' the 'habit of right living, NEW CLASS NOW FORMING ISSUE No, 15—'27. DO AWAY WITH BATTERIES ES AND BUY A COMPLETE. ROGERS MATTERYLESS RADIO f' IIIIINI';IIID(IIIII�iII�LIZI��pll(�l�J����®��i' astir e.%�lfl ►11. l-. Loud Speaker Set for 3ringing.in Distant Stations. Complete (Except Speaker) $15O Do away with ,`ZA"' and "B'r Bat- completf with tellies for ever; not a chemical V A/C -Tubes charger eolnbinlaition but a; conn - 2 Rectifier Tubes •plebe' Ragan s Set. Read what. Mr Power Unit . Stagg says of this remarkable B.atotea-yless Ratio :— b "I bought a 3 -Tube Rogers Batterylese last Novereer and have r: h 1 art,rtii results. t y remarllulalel ] exults wfLli the Set up to. date. 1 have logged 'front 115 to 120 Slittions on Speaker, including, di n StF,I: Los AnSelesIE,O,�., D nver-WBAP.; Port 49r h ,} SA.W., Omaha; S:S.M.B„ New Orleans; C.Fi�. HOE - ii sW:S.UI.°_Iowa City; V.F.A,A.� Dallas;V.O.I,, San , Antonio, Teal v;G.I3.B;,OLearvat , ale.; C.$.C.Y., Chaotte- I i?wn,'P.H,I; tlues'Ivlontreai Stations, etc:, etc. In addiL#tn t?1 1 its D,X, qualities, tone and vplunte;'are better thana Y n 3 -Tithe u of any outer make that I have heard. Tit fact, there ai,e;niany I 1011e'l which in;:my opinion, cannot coIDR] a re with your 3. In addition, it t,ion , the'Set Is so easY to tuna, that on a good night l can • set the volume control at a; reasonably low point, and tufts In stator- after Station with ;one hand on the • Station ealsetar ,. only.- The elimination of batteries, low cost of HHydea'power and long life of your wonderful A/C Tubes make the Rogers Set a 'humdinger' and hard to beat at any price," , You can hear a Rogers, right in your own' home, by asking your local Rogers dealer to install this for ,demonstration: If. there is no Rogers dealer in. your town write us to address below. Convenient terms. e'. MUM COa 590 King St. West- Toronto, Ont. % ATLANTIC CITY rearealeirattiltiltele ii to 'ta 101 J II 9 a. t +i^ $ {1tf 'y1.111illlllllilllli I (s„y' /it r-1t1r_�t�t1ttr"rti� SPECIAL RATES AN"I I'EATURES CUR‘” LENT THE I OARDWALi4 s MOST ALLURING SEASON VISIT THE MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED HOTEL ON THD ALK FI REPtOOOF -. CAPACITY 7OOR+-W A AGE 120 CARS CONCERT ORCHESTRA -OCEAN PORCH AND SUN DECK , •AMeR CAN AND .zulloPon PLASS OWNEa0HIP MANAGEMENT wILLIAM CFL,o.vi5 • MANAGING DIaECTo- �✓ `k -A. :IIh1111111111111111llifli 1111M 1111111111111111111111ll1111111111111i1111111 A( v A, 'Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for; Headache Neuritis Lumbago Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism Colds Pain DOES NOT AFFECT `THE HEART a.1a„..a„„.,mako,,,.9.12m4a mob,,: Accept o "Bayer” package which contaitis proven dire? tons. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24- and 100—Druggists. Aspirinto the trade marl[ (redtoterod In Canada) of !layer etauuteetnto or Aionoacetle- aoldeater of Bniteylleseld. (Aeetl7 Salicylic Acid, "A, B. A."). Wblte it is wall (mown tont dispirits Meas Bayer mahutnoture, to assist the yobbo against Int/tattoos, We Tablets of /layer Company trill be stalepod with their general trade mark, the "liver °moea,'r •al elf .1mi6e6 4/earl/fag Prestowaegii I have an original home treatment for deafness and head noises from nasal ca- tarrh which I want every sufferer to try free -with, out obligation. liar many years''oI suffered from ca- tarrhal deafness and head noises. I perfected a treat. Inept which completely re- stored myhearing. I gave it to others and they were •" able to hear again. Since that time, hundreds have used it successfully, Cr. MI. Jtaa:rrh This as Fn EE I feel so sure that this treatment will re- store hearing and end Neild noises from nasal eatarrh that I want every sufferer to try it free. I want to prove at my' expense that the results are quick and Convincing. It is the best treat - 'Tient .that I have found" in 42: years' practice as eye, ear,noseand throat 0. coffeespecialist. 261,0'ire „tit:lt>emits To eatiVEN This These treatments' cone you: nothing. There. cults arogeielcand eonvialt'fg,Yoowilifeel the ' difference • the first' dey.O hays tetrad that 50 per tent of the ensen of deafness and bead noires are canoed -militarily by meal' oatnrrh, It oftenalieots the stomach, causes eheetuatism anis many other troulsl,e. UsuelI? one oar to effoeted'Ora, the deafness Frown worse With sv'rysevereeeld until !leatherette fs affect ted. MY original home treatment will astsi, all t111e, T boxy restored hearing in ninny' marmot canon; 0Tne woman ha been growing deaf tot' 40 resent a well Se Pears -Obi who bat been eats. for many Years eau rtowoanl again. Trundrerle DENY.C6E uEi tare 1 Ll , St e °nth of other inotoncaa similar to these have told ma If the trentment'.e oaten -a. TY 11'11` FREE In. addition, I will sendyouabsolutely free my now honk on' livafneea, Wend. Nnieesand Catarrh. it ellnsagaea fit lythe curable and in. eatable kinds of deafness, Write today for this free, test troattetenc..- State if yon Ore dust, iia'r head Stoiscs or fact Cesar catarrh of bond ca arch, - Write or print your name Itlainly. Po,z of delay. This notice may not appear again IOC_ 00. dnyo 1 am aoir,a to give away 50,000 free Ixaatments,- f:,arlFra Neel' Bide. Davenport, 6a.