HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-04-14, Page 1ll WIIICII IS; INCOl, PO,IA`L'ER, ill1 CLINTON ON NEW ERA
9th Year
for• e i rid
rOlTUNATE are they >who are born in April
and. have a diamond as ii birthstone.
WITII the codling of spring what gift can be
more appropriate than' one of our 'perfect.
rings? ..
'Phone 174w
A DIAMOND in our box means purity, perfec-
tion and s glue, with our guarantee of'sat-
isfaction. Just,pay a visit of inspection.
7t. �"Eelluar
Residence 174j
$1.50 Pure Silk
Hose for $1.00
The Big Hosiery
Event of the Season
This is a Canadian Make advertised extensively from
coast to.coast at $1.50 Ta pair.
We have made'a special purchase and are giving our
nefitof buying threepair of hose for the rice
customers tine be y g p
of two;
on this early while the sizes and shades are most
The best $1.50 silk hose on the market for only $1:0'0
a pair.
Wheat, 511.20,
Oats, 40e to 500,
Barley, Soc.
Buckwheat, 750.
Eggs; 21c to Mc.
Butter, 40c to 42c.
Dive Hogs, $10.00.
Canada has a kindly interest in
Thomas A. Edison, who passed Ins
80th Milestone on Friday. Mr. -Edi-
son lived in 'Huron County, Ontario;
going to school in Bayfield,, and he
was for a time a `newsie' on one of
the Western Ontario railway lines.—
Lethbridge Herald.
The above appeared' in a recent is-
sue,of the Alberta paper and we have.
been making inquiries but have not
yet found anyone who remembers
Edison's residence in Huron.
• aelr. Melvin Crich of Tuckersmith,
formerly of Clinton, who carried off.
a nunesei' of' prizes at the Clinton
Spring Fair last week, was the win-
ner of many at the Hensall fair on.
Tuesday, and for the second time car-
ried off, the silver cup donated in 1922
by the late Dr. Peck foe" the best
Shorthorn female.
Mr. J. B. Levis took first prize at
Hensall for single carriage horse.
Broadfoot Bros. of Tuckersgiith
won first and second prizes in Cham-
pionship at Heiman. .
Mr. D. J. Atkinson and Mrs. A.
Hooper of town have received the
news this week of the death, which
took place in Cincinnati, Ohio, on
Sunday, of their brother, Robert Re-
kinson, who was eighty-five years of
The late Mr. Atkinson had been in
Cineinuatti for about sixty years, go-
ing there as a young man. He had
been enjoying good health and attend-
ed to. his business as usual until a
fortnight before his death. He is
survived by four daughters, his wife,
having died some years ago. He and
a daughter visited in Clinton last
last sunnier.
Presbyterian Church
Easter service in the Baptist church
on Sunday at 11 d'elocic. Subject:
"The Faith of the Resurrection."
Special music. Sunday school at 10
c•'cloc'k. Prayer service via 'Thurs-
day evening at 7:30.
The W. M. S. will meet at the home
o£ Mrs. W. D. Pair on 'Thursday, Apr.
21st at 3 o'clock. -
Baptist Church
Easter service at '1.pan. Subject:
"Tier:, Resurrection —'God's Eternal
Answer to the Powers of Evil." An-
--a— ' 'them by the Choir and -male voices:
Young Men's Suits
and Extra Trousers
20.00' to $25.00
1tilen's Suits and
Extra Trousers
*2L00 and .:$311.011
The Advent of Easter arks the return
of Siring and the time to shed your win-
ter rab;, ent.
f you wisht2�
appearyour best
of Easter andat
your Service!
Conservative Suits for men of all ages
15A20.00, � '25.00 28.00 to 35.00
Smart, Snappy Suits for the young men
10.00, 12400, 15.00, 18.00, 25.00, 30.00
The•eason's new Overcoats and Rain coats
10, 12.N, .18,00, 20.00, 25.00, 28.00
Correct hats in all the latest blocks, plain or. fancy leads'
Borsalino, Brock, St. Lawrence, Horton
:3,00, 3.90, 5.00, 6.00,' 7.50
Boys' Kuicker Suits .
3.50, 5.00, 7.50, 10.00,
Boys' Suits and Extra Knickers
750, 10.00, 12.50
Boys° Suits with one pair knickers and one pair long trousers
13.50, 15:00 '
CLflTHfN G0.
A Square D eal for fiver Man
Sunday school at 200 p.m. All are
O,1M11E P
Mr; John M. Laird; formerly of
Hayfield. and later of Clinton, where
he attended Collegiate,, has just been •
promoted to the position of thud; vice-
president of the Connecticut General -
Insurance Company •of West, Hart-
ford. IIe had been connected with
the Company since 1910, forthe past
two 'years ' as secretary, Be .is just
another of the bright young Canad-
ians who - has-Inmade good across the
international boundary.
Mr, Laird is a nepbesv-. of Mr,
Archie \Armstrong of Stanley town-
'drip and of Mr, Andrew Aemstrong
of Seatorth.
The death occurred at hie -home in
Chesley on Monday of , last week of
Daniel McGill, father . of Mrs, F. A. '
Avon of Clinton, aged eighty-two
years. Tile late Mr. McGill :had hag
remarkably good health all his life,
until about a fortnight before his
death;"th'e immediate cause -being a
stroke. He is survived by his wife
and a family of four sons and one '
daughtereDr. McGill of Mitchell l8 a
son. In politics he was a Liberal and ,
in religion a Presbyterian. The funj '
eral took place in Chesley oil Thurs-
Dr. and Mrs, Axon were called to
Chesley owing to Mr. McGill's illness
and Mrs. Axon remained untilyes- Coon and Sons, Toronto, Architects. A. Ivey, Toronto, Contractor:
DOING GOOD WORK. 1 Which will be open -to pupils on Monday, April 25th, after the Easter recess. This school is the finest in Huron
i County and 'when properly equipped wa
ill be a: credit.to Clinton aud• community. Clinton' hasalv:aye been an
In the Essex Tree Press recently educational centre, having sent to the higher seats of learning some'veryfine scholars; and the end' is not yet,
appeared a report from the Public by any means. If fine work could be done in the. old building --and it was done—then surely it will be- easy
School Inspector, from, which the 'fat- to do even better work in the new.°
lowing extend will be interesting to The class rooms in the new school are so large, bright and airy that working in them ought to be a pleirsa
a Member of our readers, referring to ire. Every 'room is well lighted, the halls nee large, the cloak rooms n"e cosy and roomy at the same time„
a Clinton girl, daughter of Mi', and and the assembly room is. so attractive that we' fear all the organizations in the town will want to hold their
Mrs. B. J. Gibbings, who is a memberatheirmgs in it.
of the Publia"sehool staff: So that all interested may have a look around and see just what a fine building it is the schwa will be open '
to the nubile from eight to ten o'clock on the evening of Friday, April 29th, and also on Saturday afternoon,
"The resignation of Miss Todd who April 30th, from two to `five.
has proved Herself so capable a
Revival services 'will be held from
Apr 18th to 29th.. Speaker, Rev. Nor-
nman'G. Loveland. He -will preach and
sing each night at B pan. Sunday 3
and 7 p.m. Conte and 'hear him.
- illis i5niteil Church
W 1e W
es y
Baster services next' Sunday. Morn-
ing: Sermon, "Man Has Forever",
Spedial music:- ,Anthem, "Alleuia'ht
Alletiiahl Alleniab!" Caleb Simper,
the their; male quartette,
Lives;". Messrs. Lobb, Mitch, PiTall'is,
`Pearson. Evening: Sermon, : "The
Walk to Emmaus." Special music:
anthem, ""I ani He That -Liveth, the.
chess, solo, selected, Miss Mary Stew
Brotherhood 10 o'clock in the
Bible Class room, subject, "What is
the sane test of man?" Leader, A. I.
Ontario Street United Church
Morning classes at ten oo clee'k Sun-
day. Services will be in. the spirit of
Easter. The pastor's scorning subject
will 'be. "The Resurrection!' Easter
anthem; solo, "I know that my Re-
deemer Liveth,' from, "the Messiah"
Miss M. Gibbings. Solo: "Dawn .of
Redemption," MT. Fred Steele.
Evening service will be agong ser-
vice. The choir will render he Eas-
ter cantata: "The King Eternal."
This is one' of the finest cantatas the
choir hes ever undertaken and will
be a musical treat to all who_attend.
The Junior League will" meet at
seven o'clock Friday evening.
St: Paul's Church
Services on Easter day will be as
follows: '
Holy Communion, 8:30 a.m.
Matins, 11 a.m.
Organ prelude, "I Know that
my Redeemer Liveth" Handel
Processional -
Baster. Anthem Humphreys
Choral Communion 'Agutter
Hymn -
Serinon by. the Rector
'Anthem "Awake up my Glory"
Evensong, 7 p.m.
Organ prelude
Festal Responses Tanis
IVLagnificat and. Nine Diinittis
Sermon by the Rector '
Anthem "Hallelujah" Seinper
'\Termer, 40
The 'Choir will be assisted by the
following soloists: Morning,; Mrs.
Tanner, Wallaceburg; evening, Mr.
and Mas. Brown, Stratford.
the Sim -
will be s
ervice forS
clay school in the church at 2:30 p.m.
On Good Friday service will be at
7a30 pm, wlien tip, preacher will ise
Rea. A. bitten -anal -le rune of tae Psesbytee-
ian, church. -
ae�Ys•t •Y' s. y TM;t
teaches o'f,Kindergarten and Prim-
cry 'work is much to be regretted. H. Wise and G. R. Paterson, Clinton. Snell.
The Board has been fortunate in so- Following is the list of prize win- Best herd, male anerthrce feaniles
curing the services of Miss Gibbings, tiers: --M. Cricb.
'who brings with her the benefit of HEAVY IidRSES Fat steer or heifer, any age --1
d bltheschools and 2, M. Crich.
const era a experience its sc sae t Clydesdale, stallion, 3 years and On the evening of the fair, by way
of'Ottawa which ave among; the best oVei—G• Blsbacic. of an entertainment an old. tunic
in our Privince.efHer gifts in: music,
. Clydesdale stallion, under 3 years— fiddlers' and step dancers' contest
her fine are of telling stories for the
little ones and ' her knolwedge of K. D. Murdock T. J. lsleMtcha al;
was hele. in the town we The build.
Perch:moma---Stallion, three years lily was packed to the do'ars with over
Primary methods make her a .worthy and over -R, Lamont.
successor to Miss Todd,' •000 in attendance and there were 32
Heavy draft brood mare, three contestants in the various contests.
LITTLE LOCALS. years and over, Broaalfaot Bras.* In the class of fiddlers over 55 there
minwh, fo
Mr. W: B. 1leilyar has pit's up n -
JaFillyesSterlor geldging, 3 years and aver-- one;ere steeigpt; dancersunder,:55nine.urteen; ladies,
brand now awning,.: s 1 and 2, A. Sinclair; 3 Manning - In the first class of fiddler's river
Inspector Field of Goderich ryvisited Brothers. 55 the whiners were: Wilson Arm -
the Public Scheel last week. • Filly or gelding, 2 years and under strong, Varna; Themes Rands, Sea -
Tomorrow is Good Friday and a 3—Gray Brothers, J, VanEgmon9.
'holiday, All business places will be Filly oi' gelding, one year and un-
closed,. der 2. --Manning Brothers,
We have been obliged to hold over Vodden, Planning Brothers.
the list of Heiman Spring Show prize Sweepstakes--Broadfoot Brothers.
winners until next week. 1Agricultural—Brood mare, 3 years
New is the time to clean up back and over --Alex. Wright, D. Fothor-
yards, etc. The good citizen doesn't Ingham mid Sons, Fred Toll and Sons,
wait until the M.O.H.• gives warning Biytb.
about removing rubbish. Filly -or gelding, 4 years and over
The Collegiate students are
wading ' —I. and 2, D. Fothanti ringhatn;a, George
g Lotvey; Manning Brothers; 5, C.
farewell—is it a fond farewell—to ' McGreg04'n
their old school today. It is hoped- Filly or gelding, 2 years and under
they -win ga into the new one- after 3_ -Manning Brothers; 2 and 3, Chas.
Easter vacation: • : Stewart.
Clinton Lodge, No, pin 1.0.0ii' twill . Filly or gelding,.t year and under 2
i Tenet in harness, A. Sinclair, J.
commemorate the one hundred and P. Broadfoot; Frank Flynn.
cigth anniversary of their Order by Horse colt or filly, 'under one year
attending service in -St. Paul's Anglia-. --Thomas Butt, 1{ippen. -
an chateh on Sunday evening, April ' Teem in harness'-- D. Pothering -
24th. +-, barn,
Charles Stewart;
1 Manning Brothers, Fred Toll and
Miss 'Clara 'Ferguson is ill in Stint- 'Sons, Blyth
ford hospital, her friends in Clinton. < Sweopstal:es - D. Fotheringham,
and vicinity will regret to having Thomas Butt, Mantling Brothers.
uigder one a seriousoperation a fort -i
night ago. It is hoped that she is l :General Purpose -Filly or gelating,
now oil -the way to recovery and that 3 years and ,over -1. and 2, R. J.
Scott; S, D. McCallum.
her- recovery -will 'be rapid.
d"tys of lest week with Mr.•and Mrs-
'Melvin Jewell of Colborne township.
Mrs. J. Melville of Toronto spent
t' e week -end with Mr. at.nd. Mrs. Jno.
Warrick of Toronto- is visiting
her brother, Me. leo. Melville.
Mrs. H. Little spent last week with
1` friends in Blyth. -
Mrs. hr. and Miss Elizabeth Mains,
who have spent the winter in Chicago;
have returned to their home here -
The Easter service in the Londes-
hero 'Unite< (formerly Methodist),
church will be of special interest. The
Sunday. school • •will provide -most •of
the morning program, In the -even-
ing the choir will give the beautiful
cantata "Easter Angels." This will
be a musical treat. -
forth; James Cowan, Seaforth.. The
winners of those under 55 were John
Armstrong. Varna; Kee MacLennan,
Luclmow; William Collins, Brucefield.
Tim one lady was Miss McKinnon, of
Goderich. The winners of the step
dancing were: Angus Brown, Sea-
forth; Ben Whittard; Brussels. A
special prize was awarded Russell
Hayter, of Varna, eleven -year-old
boy and special prizes to Miss Mary
Stewart and - -Miss Jeannette Aiken -
head of Brucefield.
A special prize was also awarded
Ben Whittard for comic singing.
The old
est fiddler competing eting w
John 'Bailey, of Clinton, aged 76
years. The youngest fiddler was
Willie Murdock, of Brucefield, aged
14. The fiddler coming the longest
distance was William Barwick, of
Port Elgih. The judges were Messrs.
Clark, ofGoderich and
Robertson, of
Clinton and the accompanists were
the MIseee Boyce..
Following the contest an enjoyable
dance -was held, wish the old time
fiddlers furnishing the mimic,
Team in harness.. ---R. I, Scott, Cro- -
niarty; D McCallum, H. Cox; W. LoncJeSbo " 'e
Decker, Zurich,
Clinton -wee fevered this year with „ The firs'snieeting of the new year.
.very fine weather for its annual LIGHT'- HORSES of the W. M. S. took place Friday of
eFin ' Is 'r .'.winch took place on Stallion; standard bred trotter --J. ternoon. in Knox church. Mrs. Mel
n g
Thursday last, under the auspices of Decker, Zurich; Stewart and 'Eller-
' the
ller-'the Huron Centra! Agricnitural So-, ington,.; Exeter; Thomas Yearly,
ciety, with a very large Crowd in at- Crediton. -
tendattee. And the lair was conced- Carriage horse' in harness—G. T. Nott, hiss. Button and Mrs. Melville
ed to be one of the best ever held, Robertson, Wingham; J. B. Levis, After the Easter message delivered
There was a very tine showing, of Clinton; H. McGraw, Dublin. by Mrs. Ii invey, appropriate Easter
horses, particularly 'In the heavy Roadster - in harness• --Robert Me- readings This Risen Sac ' and
drenglit classes and giro ass excellent Laren, I•Tensall; Manning Brothers, "The boy 'who, was eifs aid' wee is given
showing and keen competition. for .Londesboro; Thomas Reid;. Varna. by Mrs. Hutton and Miss Belle Scott.
roadsters. One of thejudges de- Best gentleman's turnout—Robert The meeting was hrirh.t and inter -
eland that • you could .hardly find,
'outside the :large Provincial -fairs, a,
better showing of horses. The cattle
classes were light, though thequal
villa 'sad charge of tlie,devotional ex•
causes; The Easter story from the
different gospels''iwere real lar Mrs.
McLaren; Manning Brothers; G. T,'
Sweepstakes—R. Mc7.arein, Iiensall.
ity was high.. Some of the principal' Best three heavy draught agricul-
winners' were Broadfoot, Bros., Man- tural or general purpose horses, stela
Meg Bros., D. Fotheringbain gird lions barred—Sinclair and Ffothering
Sons in heavy horses; R. McLaren, G.
T. Robertson and Manning Brothers
in light horses and in cattle, E. Snell,
M. Crich and R. Pfeffer.. '
The judges had a busy time and in
'some classes, particularly the reed -
eters whore --there were ten entries,
ham,. Hallett. '
• Best matched team in harness -R.
J. Scott. y
Team , corning greatest distance—
Fred McLean...
Lady driver, who has not wona
prize before —,Mies Mabel Boyce,
they had difficulty in making the Brucefield:
awards. As•it was the judging was Lady driver, who has won prizes
not concluded until' around 680 in before—Miss Clara Stephenson, Var-
the evening.
The ,judges- of the day were: heavy
horses P. Bong; Qucensville. Light
horses J:: F., Brownlee Clarksburg.
Beef cattle:; Harry Smith, Exeter,
and dairy cattle, M. C. 'McPhee.,
The officers of the society for this
,year are: lion, Presidents, John
Shanahan 'and H. C. Cox; president,
John Macfarlane; first, vice -press
iia; Mrs. George Dale, Clinton; Mrs.
Oscar •Tebbutt, Clinton.
Boys" driving coitpetitiei—Morris-
Rozell, Clinton.
Best tenth sired by Percheron stal
lion—John Voc!den.'
Shertliorn--Bull, 2 years—E. Snell,
Bell, one year -M. Crich; Se tfortl1.
Cow= 3 years and over -1, 2 and 3,
dent, William McEwen; second vice- M Crich.
president, Frank Powell; secretaries, Heifer -1 and 2, M Crich-.
S. E. Rozell, G. I3. Elliott; treasurer, 'Heifer; one year — R. Pfeffer,
'William J. Miller; directors:' E. A:. 13; icefield; M. Crich; afford Keyes„
Varna. '1'1•'x, OLD COLLEGIATE
acting,' the tone of Easter being in
it. The singing of hymn 470 brought
the meeting .to a ciose.
Miss Alice " Fingleed stent a ''few
Coderich Township -
'A. quiet wedding was- solemnized in
Goderich on Wednesday, March 30th,
when Ella Marie Harrison, youngest.
daughterof the late Thomas Harrison
of Goderich townshipaiitl of Mrs.
Charles Brooks, New Liskeard, . be.
came the bride of John, Laurence
Thurlow; son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Thurlow of Colborne township. The
ceremony as performed by the Rev.
R. C. bTeDerniid, pastor
of Knox
church, Goderich. After a short
honeymoon -trip by teeter Mr. anti
Airs. Thurlow will-vesidg on the
grnom's farm its Colborne township.
The young couple have the g
wishes of a large circle of friends fir
their: future prosperity and happiness.
London Road
Mrs. Bert 'Jackson of Blyth spent,
a'few days last week,w!th her sister,
Mrs. Nott.
Mr- Artheiis Wiltse has said his fine
Percheron team and delivered it to
Goderieh last week.
The monthly meeting-
of the -U, P.
W. 0. will be held 'at rise keine of
Mrs. -Ndrtnan Tyndall. on. Thursday,
Apr 21st. The -roll call is an ex-
change of seeds, slips or bulbs:
• Mr. W. Falconer anti sonic are busy
plowing on the Henry farm east of _
Clinton, which they -have taken over
for the summer. -
The West End Beef Ring will core-
rnence on- Monday next. Mr. Jas -
Rivers :of Seai`irth, who has• been the
butcher for the past -nineteen years
has been engagedagain this year.
Adams, H. Snell,''' Thos, McMillian,
MP., and L. Tyndall, Hellcat' town -
shill R. Kennedy, W, Noatand Geo.
liamLayton, township; Tuckersmith
Sinclair, John Sines and J. Man-
son, Stanley township; W, H. Lobb,
Oliver Jervis, John Middleton and W.
Yeo Galericit township: Mayor Jack
Polled An es—'hull ane year=2nd, which, after serving the community. fur over fifty years, is being vacated
i, -
1 e eat 13s
rs l cl w t
t n and t gin ad e n ed forsale. Thie ,
od s b v
Charles les Iriitdsay> Clinton. y, t.
Many itid;els of
later dates. l r t t i s
but las been added to nt:l ye -modelled a 1. , i 1 r
age—i, 2 and 5--
t 1c
D•tu•y cow, g �young sten and G1ont cn have orrr, through ii oracles. m1 v oh them today
VI Crich; 3, Charles Lindsay; �i, S. E, holding high l ositiotio in sits and other con .t. in'. l' will m t be without;
Ro/ell, Clinton, feelings tri re •rot` that forrt,ci' statirs mill h^,ir of its i,eh et discarded,
eife t an a e 1 2 and 4, S. E. h n w , rtu - t i t xiar wails -
IT n, Y g >•tl hnt.t;h it c st,t i'e s ST l ye,t".. H o 1 :< r o c v
Ptiorell; 3; R. Pfeffer. It has >rl.,"l its me ..i (into -c h:,s .a'.<', su buildia}„'
roti, N. W. Trewartha, Dr• •Shaw, E. Sweepstakes bull --112., Crich,: L. i to replace R. ,.�.s