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The Clinton News Record, 1927-04-07, Page 6
tefrest'to: Aprrl rs hero Get,.out"the g'arden- dn'g;'togls; and oil up the lawn mower, k . Scientists,now clnin .tha tther"e is a -large percentage 'of alcohol in honieniade•bread, Perhaps that ex - „plains the great fondness. of some ' people for homehmde, bread. Japan now wants seine, Canadian bull frogs. If the demand continues .to increase Canada may yet build up ,quite an export trade in these hardy musicians. Toronto hotels; according to evi- .dence brought out by the customs in- -spiry, were ,apparently served with.; • strong beer ,during ;LI, days ; of the -0. T: A. Soineperson might very well go ahead and explain why" the :same information could not have been secured by the authorities long .ago. -Stratford Beacon -Herald. Yes, that's somethings plain people would like, to have expaintd. Why :weren't these "bootl'eggers'' brought ato°timme7 Baafield 4Mr.. and 'Mrs. W. R. Jowett -re- turnedr to their lipme last week after .having spent the winter in London. Miss Graoe.Jowett was also Norrie for the. week -end. Merton Merner spent. the`week-end -with his parents. Mrs. A. Wigle motored from Lon- don and spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sturgeon. Mrs. T. C. Bailey, who _Spent the winter months in Stratford, returned -home on Friday last. Miss A. McCurdy; and Messrs. R. W. and Thos. McCurdy of Stratford CenstanC Mrs and; MrS ;Ed Britton spentt Lunday the guest et the latter s par Olt*, •Mr, and MYs6 1Jove of, Walton Mrs. Joe Riley,'..spoii ,few d a s as -... 1r guest, ' of ' her parents,: Mx. and seg t, Mrs,' Cook, and with other -friends -in' Goderich township.; Master Charlie ;Wakefield has hired with • 1VIr, Johnston • ,of Tuck er smith for a month or so: Miss Jean Lawson had ler tonsils take out last week in "Seafortli Hos pital. A LIFE THAT COVERS NINETY YEARS IN HURON. Written for The Goderich Signal by 'John Elliott, B.A., London (Mr: Elliott has been writing a ser- ies of personal,sketehes for The, Sig- nal and last week 'the following sketch of a well-known Clinton citizen ap- peared): Very few,areleft of the 'men who hewed^'down the forests that once cov- ered the;; Huron tract, One of these is Mr. James` Stevens of Clinton, who was born on lot 1 of the '4th conces- sion, E,D. Colborne township, now owned by Mr, W. T. Long, ninety years ago ,last 18th of March. This farm was taken up by his father, who was- also James Stevens, -but health failed and he died in 1845, leaving a widow with five girls and the lad James, eight years old. Clergymen Were rare in_ those days 'and the only one to visit the dying Yuan was Father Snider, the Catholic priest from God- erich, who heard of the sick man on have come to occupy the latter s sum; i one of his tramps out into ,the „town - mer home. Mrs. Fes. Ferguson returned to .London on Saturday' after having spent a day in the village. Mr. John Doyle of Detroit spent a few days in the village this week, looking after his cottage which he is having'built. Miss S. M. Ross and Mrs. Peel of Woodstock visited the former's par- - exits over the week -end. Mr. aro Mrs. Win. Ferguson and family' of Seaforth and Mrs. Symons 'of Goderich attended the funeral of 'the late Mrs. Falconer on Sunday -last.' Mr. Oliver Rhynas and son Philip of Burlington were visitors with Mr. A. Ferguson Saturday and Sunday, having motored to Bayfield to attend the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs.- J. Falconer. ' This week we record the death of one of Hayfield's oldest and most re- spected citizens, Mary McNfder Mc - Kid, beloved wife of Mr,' John Fal- - coner, who passed to her eternal -home on Thursday „oyening, March list. The deceased was the daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James McKid`of Hamilton and niece of the late Rev. Alex. McKid of Goderich. She was born 'hi Hamilton in 1841. Her parents died when she was' quite young, leaving three daughters, Mary, Annie and Jean (the last named was the late Mrs. Moorhouse,) After her parents death she made her home with her uncle and aunt, the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stonehouse of Goderich tonwshilp, where she' spent her girlhood days. In 1869 she was married to John Falconer and, pith the exception of eight years. spent in California, they -have since lived in Bayfield. For many years they have occupied the home on Louisa street in which Mr. and Mrs: Stonehouse spent their last 'days after leaving their home in Goderich township. Mrs. Falconer was a kind and lov- ing wife and a devoted mother. Be- sides her husband she leaves to mourn her loss three daughters, Margaret (Mrs. Win. Green of Colborne town- ship); Elizabeth (Mrs. Win. Weston of Bayfield); Edith (Mrs, J. A.:Bar- ton of Goderich, and one son,' Charles at home. One son, Harry, prede- -ceased his mother about three years ago. 'In religion. Mrs. Falconer was -a staunch Presbyterian. The funeral, which was held from her late home on Sunday afternoon, was very large- ly attended, showing the esteem in -which the deceased was held. The -floral tributes were many and beauti- ful. The service at the house was conducted by Rev. IL.. Kennedy, assisted by Rev. R. Mebermid of God •erich and at the graveside by Rev. R. McDermid and Rev. -Alfred Macfar- lane of Clinton. The pallbearers 'were her three sons-in-law, Win. Green, Wm. Weston and J, A. Barton; nephew, Wm. Ferguson; cousin, Hugh Gihnour and E. R. Weston. Friends were present from Burling- • ton, London, Goderich 'and other places. ship. Mr. Stevens and his mother al- ways had 'grateful memories 'of . the kind-hearted priest who knew no dis- tinction of creed in his ministry of ,comfort. Of the ,girls thus left one lieeame the wife of Elijah Martin and mother of the late John C. ltIartin and Henry. Another became Mrs. Daniel Miller and was the mother of the late well- known and popular Jonathan Miller. The others. also had a large place in the life of those early days; Mrs. Thomas Morrish; Mrs. Lawrence Man- ning and Mrs, Samuel Fisher. The boy to whom the responsibilities of manhood came at an early age showed Hlullett Township Mr. and Mrs. • Joseph Yungblut, at - 'tended. the t-'tended-the funeral of the former's aunt at Auburn on Tuesday. The' following is the' standing of the pupils of ' S, 'S. No. 6 for the montli'Of March. Those narked with an asterisk missed one examination: it rn Btrf hs I) EmdN - Jo Clinton Public spital,, on ,A,1xit 4fitto Mr. ;and s,Vliddleton, 3Vtouni •'lea sant.; Farm,: ;Goderich '.fewnsHip, a daus'hter. •i h Tri 'Goder c o ,iVIcCAItTNl7X . on April' 3rA, to Mr, and Mrs, Harvey McCartney, a" augfrter: CARVER, -- Tri Bayfield,, on Mioclri list,'' to. Mr. and Mrs, ;A; F. C'ticaer,. a daughter. Deaths 11IOFFATT—In Clinton, on April 2nd, 'JohnT. 1VIof'att, in his' 70th year: MIDDLETON-In Clinton, on April 6th, the infant daughter of Mr. And Mrs. W. H. Middleton, aged 3 days. SNYDER—In.^ Clinton, on April 4th, Harvey Blake Snyder of Colborne township, in, his 27th year. RAPSON—In Goderich township, on April 5th,' Mary , Ann Watkins, widow of the late Isaac Rapson, in her 98th year. FARQUHAR-In Ilensall , on April 1st, Alice Kitty, wife of 'Mr. W. T. Farquhar of Hensall, in her 72nd year. WRIGIHT--At , his -residence, 336 St. Clarens Ave,, Toronto, on Mar, 5th, Alfred W. Wright; son of the late George Wright, formerly of Clin- ton.. • tliinto Cit'; TI•IURSD'AT PRIL7; 1029 • DELAY ISDANGEROUS Reservations ' arebeing steadily received for- the 'Kerr -Bryson Tours and the avdilable accomodation is be- ing rapidly- booked up. The Kerr - Bryson' -Western Tour which will travel to the Pacific' Coast via the Canadian National Railways, return- ing through the United States includ-, es in its:, itinerary the outstanding scenic attractions' of 'the continent, such as Jasper National Park, Mount Robson, the `Inside Passage of the North Pacifie Coast, Yellowstone National 'Park, and Pike's Peak, sen- tinel of the Colorado Rockies. The Kerr -Bryson Eastern Tour will in- clude visits to tiffany of the interesting spots which figured so, prominently in the struggle between. France and Britain for the possession of the new empire, Montreal (originally the In- dian Village of Hochelaga); Quebec City, with its vivid memories of Wolfe and Moncalrn, Cape Breton, Annapol- is and Boston. ' " If you wish to make sure of your place in one of these tours, you will be well advised to make your reser- vation now. Send for handsomely ill- ustrated descriptive boekletsto H. C. Bourlier, General Passenger Ageift, Canadian National Railways, Toronto, or to Martin Kerr, 4 Beulah Ave., Hamilton, or A. E. Bryson, 44 Silver- thorn Ave„ Toronto. 04-1. the pluck and initiative so character- istic of that generation. He finished clearing the ,land and when years'af- ter he 'roved to a larger farm in God- erich township on the Base line near -Clinton he left behind a home which was a tribute to his faithful labor and farming skill. His wife was a• daughter : of one of 'the original settlers, 'Samuel. Mitchell, 'whose oth- er children were Mrs. Richard Jewell and Emmanuel and Thomas Mitchell. She died a number of years ago. • Mr. Stevens was one "'the found- ers of Methodism in Colborne. He made the most of his scanty oppor- tunities for education and sit an early age became a local preacher in the Bible Christian Methodist church and for many years was on the "plan" of the Colborne circuit. When the new brick Zion church, now closed up, was dedicated in 1879 under the pas- torate of Rev. Thos. Mason, it had the`rare distinction' of being opened free ` of debt. Samuel Oke, Win, Downs, the Morrishes ;and -others lab- ored 'to that -end, but the key map was James Stevens, who spared neither labor, money nor appeal to -have the new sanctuary'paid for before it was used. A. -request to Sir Richard Cart- wright, then member for Centre Hur- on, brought a cheque for fifty dollars with then request that there be no' pub- licity about it. Perhaps the hint slyly given in Mr. Stevens' , letter -that many of the congregation voted Grit. may have counted, but Vittoria street church,. Goderich, also got a donation of„ a hundred dollars' about the same time. One 11lll<oi e> 1 Please, Commeltcing 7lugesda<y,, Api,ill? j,2;tlil RAY' 'hour , in'(mY� Clinton Studio will be.from 9,30, a iu to, 5.;p m What, about- having,.. ome real-mice- Portraits Made, You -•know'; your friend's both,' at Itomo an,4 far away would be '.`i?leased- to have a good' Photograph -of " yourself or, family. Put 'it -off =ilio,<lander•,:next week may be too hate '% AMATEURS Leave us your films to, be. developed, printed and enlarged. Making .Photographs, is our business„ that is why we can finish such good snag' shots for you. Snrgess, Portrait Studio MITCHELL AND CLINTON CARD OF THANKS Mr. John Falconer and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the sympathy and many kindnesses shown them during the illness and recent bereavement of their dear one, and also those who so kindly sent flowers. '.5th—Grant Snell, 519: Jr. 4th — Ethel Thompson, 571; 'Percy Carter, 554; Carl Radford, 455; Isalpell Nott, 35$. • Sr. 3rd — Hazel Hogg`art, 435; 'Lloyd Adaifis,.398; Roy Vodden, 348; <.Earl Snell,- 297; .Rty Appleby, 272,-, . Jr. 3rd—Marian Snell, C , , ; Fred :Morreil,`454;;;Alvin Vodtlen; 437. _ Jr. 2nd=Alma, Carter; 582; Clif- ford Adams,.413; 'Ethel; IIoggart, 331; Gordon Radford, 316;" Chester ibnell, 313.• 1st' Class—Neisou Radford Primer. —Thelma Ho,,,,g Y t, Elia 'Snell, Bill Radford, Isobel Morrell., Best • spellers for month: Alma Carter, Ethel Thompson, Grant Snell, Percy. ,Cartery ;Fthe(, FToggiti't , Cl i ;.fold Adams. M. L. ,PARROT,,,,Teacher. During all the years since' leaving Colborne. Mr. Stevens has been prom- inently related` to Ontario street church, Clinton,' now merged' in the United -Church. Ile moved from the farm on the Base line into Clinton nearly twenty years ago, his soli Wes- ley taking over .the farm. He is spending 'his later years with. his daughter, Mrs. Lucy Thompson, „of Clinton, Other' children' living are Mrs. L. Tyndale near Clinton, Mrs. W, Eagleson in South -Dakota, Mrs. Herb Hughes in 'Fort William, and Mrs. Israel' Taylor -of London. Mr. Stevens was ever a man of strong convictionst and there was no difficulty in ,knowing where to find him,always on, the side of the best right h sawit., After ri h as i s thee n t g things, a busy; useful life, he is spending •a serene old age, The writer of this Sketch has > known ' him formany years and he joins with a largecircle of relatives and friends in wishing that -the eventide of life forthis sturdy old pioneer may be peaceful and happy CARD OF THANES Mrs. Joy Snyder, Mr. and Mrs, Levi Snyder and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lobb and family, wish to thank their many friends and acquaintances for :their kindness and sympathy dur- ing their recent bereavement in the death of their husband and sOn, Ear- vey Snyder, Also• for the beautiful floral contributions. - Notice' Having purchased a number_of caps for milk bottles, the word "pas- teurized" was printed_onby mistake, as the milk is not pasteurized. L. Lawson. 04-3 Real Irish 'Linen Store CLINTON, Phone 17 Farm For Sale Choice 100 -acre 'farm, convenient to Clinton. Reasonable terms. In- quire at News -Record Office. 04-2-p Salesman Wanted Fine, energetic, attractive man for Clinton and surrounding district. Duties to commence at once, Liberal commnissions. Apply 45 Ellen St., W., Kitchener 04-2-p Excellent Values in Damask Table Cloths: and Napkins Linen Towelling ;. 18 inch at 65c 20 inch at 75,e Fine Sheeting, 72 inches wide, 86c Heavier Quality,' 95c �Vo>,glen s Exchange Hours -1 p.mn,to 6 p.m. r Saturdays -1 p.in. to 10 p.m.: ,T SCHOOLS TORONTO train young people for. and aid them to secure good Business positions. Enter' any time. No vacations. Free calendar. Write W. R. Shaw,' Registrar, 46 Bloor Si., West, Toronto. 04-4 Better Business Improved business conditions have created a strong demand for well educated 'and properly trained young men and women for conmiercial ac- tivities. The Shaw' Schools of Toron- to are meeting that demand by giv- ing unproved courses for Secretarial, Stenographic, and Accountaincy work, and by encouraging all who possibly can to reach matriculation standing before entering one of their elev- en well conducted institutions. 04-1 Clover Seed For Sale. A small quantity of alsike clover seed. $15:00 per bushel. Apply, to Ben Rathwcll, 606-r-16, Clinton cen- tral. R.' R. Ne, 3, Clinton. 04-1-p F WANTED An industrious Salesman to demon-strate and sell the well known line of Walsh Nye -Buckle Harness to farmers in the County of Huron. No experience or capital required. We supply samples. Old reliable firm. We offer you a permanent position with a real future. - JAMES M. WALSH Co., Ltd... 208 Richmond St., West Toronto 2, Ontario 04-1 Sheep For Sale ):2 yearling Leicester ewes. Apply to J. H. Quigley, the London Road, R. R. No. 5: Clinton. Phone 619-r-3 Clinton central. 04-2-p NOTICE A Public Meeting of all those in- terested in BAIRD'S CEMETERY will be held in Schoolhouse. No. 10, Stanley, -on Thursday Evening, April 14th at 8 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of electing a new member on the Ceme- tery Board, in the place of Thomas Baird, lately deceased.—By order of the Committee. 04-1 Horse For Sale . Draught horse for 'sale, or will ex- change for young cattle. W. H. Mid- dleton, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 606-r-15, Clinton -central. 04-2-p liarnteaio insihng our town on Ors, ` 'aIr 'lla will find it to their advantag,e'to, market their egg§, at th e Clinton ' roultry House Quibk:grading service by expert' candler"' Niger's Garage AUTOMOBILES Overhauled• and Repaired STORAGE BATTERIES Charged, +°'Stored : for, winter months and Repaired SKATES Ground and Honed RADIO • Outfits installed Gasoline—Oils—Acne ss Dairies W. Je Nediger, Prop.,, For Sale-, 2 acres of land, six -room house, furnace, frame stable, • .never -failing spring, half anile' from Londesboro. Apply to F. Gibbs, Clinton.- 03-tf hatching Eggs For Sale From White Wyandotte. hens, ,the Martin strain, well-bred, good layers. Eggs 50c per setting _of 13. John Jervis, Bayfield road. 03-4-p Horses For Sale Expect a car of horses to arrive end of the week. Mostly, Percherons, well broken to work, weighing from 1,300 to 1,600; a number of matched teams in the lot. Will be sold at rea- sonable prices. Don't buy until you see this lot. James E. Medd, 21, mile west of Constance. Phone 241-r-11, Seaforth central. 04 -1 - Pasture to Rent •50 acres of good pasture land with running water. Also a brick house at 'edge of Clinton, town water, small garden attached. Apply to E. W. Morrison, 'Clinton. Phone 617-r-3, Clinton central.' 04-2-p / p Seed Potatoes For Sale 'Choice seed potatoes. Free from rot. Apply to J. J. Smith, Base Line. Phone 638-r-2, Clinton central. 04-tf A Hospital Dance Will be given iii the town hall on Tuesday evening, Apr. 19th, at the conclusion of the Graduation exer- cises. Admission, 50c. - 04-2 How Can You Tell If Your Eyes Are Normal? The answer is you can't do so your- self. The only way to learn that is to have your eyes thoroughly ex- amined. We, among others, can do that for you. Then we can supply you. with glasses that will give you as nearly normal vision as possible. That ought to be of interest to you. W. H. Hellyar, Optometrist, Clinton. 04-1 Hatching Eggs For Sale From the best type of White Leg- horn hens, weighing -5 lbs. each. Flock headed by best selected males. In- spection invited or 'orders taken by phone. Eggs 5c per dozen over ship- ping market price, H. H. Cantelon, London road. Phone 169-r-15, Clin- ton central, 03-tf Hatching -Eggs For Sale From ' heavy -laying strain S. C. White Leghorns. 65c for setting of 13 or 84.00 per hundred. Frank J. Tyndall, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. Phone 636-r-33, Clinton central. '03-tf Seed Oats For Sale Improved Banner, good clean seed, weighing 38 lbs. to bush. 75c per bus. Apply J. R. Stirling, 600-12, 11. R. No. 2, Bayfield. 02.3-p Farm For Sale For sale, lot 5, concession 6, Mul- lett, containing 98 acres. There are on the premises a good frame house, bank barn 55x56, with cement wall under it, driving' shed 20x50, drilled well at house with supply tank at barn. The farm is all tile -drained, all under `cultivation, with not a foot of waste land. School only 40 rods away. Stq e and post -office and church the same distance. Farm ad- joins village of Constance. Will be sold on easy terms. For further par- ticulars apply on the premises orad - dress Andrew Snell, R. R. No. 2, Sea - forth. 01-4 • For Sale or Rent 100 -acre farm, convenient to town. Inquire at News -Record Office. 93 Hatching Eggs For Sale S. C. White Leghorns, fine adult flocks, severely culled, excellent lay- ers, headed by pedigreed cockerels. 80% fertility- guaranteed. Also Barred Plymouth Rocks, $3.50 per hundred, 4 cents per, egg.' .E. Parker, Clinton,. " Phone 218. For Sale One Axminster rug, size 9x612 feet, in good' condition,' reasonable. ' Mrs. Iddo Crich, Townsend St , 03-2-p "w Eggs For -hatching • From bred -to -lay S. C. White Leg- hoi n 2 and 3 yearold hens. . 4c per egg, '$3.50 per hundred. Roy Tyn- dall, R: R. No. 3. Phone 607-r-3, Clinton central. - 03 -it Administrators' Sale Of Farah' Stock, implements, hay and produce, will be held on' Monday, .Apr, 18th,'1927,-at 1:30 pm, at let 25, Maitland concession, Colborne township. For particulars see sale, bills, Est. of Harvey B, Snyder' G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 04-2' House for Sale or. Rent 9 -room house in Victoria street. Lights," town water, good cellar, stable which can be used as garage. i/n acre of garden.' Apply to S. G. Castle, Clinton, 08-4 To Rent ' Lot 78, Maitland concession, Goder- ich Township, consisting of 128 acres, suitable for, grazing. " This farm is l tit equal parts, into two .mos q 1 > each parthaving running;running;water. This farm may be rented separately of ,,as a whole, ,Also Sonth'half lot 77, a d- jbinitg, This other lot for ,sale or rent. This farm has a barn on it, running water and an orchard. For particulars apply to Mrs, Olive Be' dard, Courtright, Ont. 03-4 k iaiers flu, Ge rail' a,rdwaro, Plaints, ©i1a "Stovt5,';Ptc, t o `ds •dS n wlan 1 to d R X1,34041E4 STORM:' TELEPHONE 53 l - 1� Work u A e e and o s We price them beyond competition in Ontario including Eatons. Buying for Cash enables .. . you to, get, them at RockBottom prices. s A -Free Souvenir ,to all purchasers o Spring ' Horse Show Day. Clothes Cleaned -and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed' and re- paired. Woollen goods' dry cleaned. Rooms aver Heard's Barber shop. W. J. Jago. 2283-tf For Sale House and three lots, on -Huron and ,Mary streets. House is frame cot- tage with electric lights, town water, and furnace. Garage, garden and fruit trees with -extra lot, This extra good property will be sold"cheap. Ap- ply to George Elliott, Clinton, or S. B. Stothers, Essex. 100-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Elizabeth Hunter, Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Hunter, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, nurse, ,deceased, who died on or about the 11th day of February, A.D. 1927, are required to deliver to Barbara McIver, the executrix of the said estate or her solicitor, on or be- fore the 11th day of April A.D. 1927, a 'full statement of their claims to- g -ether with particulars thereof, and the nature of the .securities, if any, held 'by them all duly verified by affi- davit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said executrix will proceed to distribute the estate of the - said deceased 'amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only. to such Claims as she shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of March, AD. 1927. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Executrix. 02-3 Baby Chicks and Eggs Bred to lay Barred Rocks March and April, 816 per 100 from high production stock. Eggs 65c per 15; $4.00 per 100. Hedgerow Chick Farm. D. M. Lindsay, R. R. No, 3, Clinton, 100-8 Clinton's itiatttitit APRIL SHOWERS NEVER YET -HURT A FAMILY PROTECTED ,Y 'THE ' ICAT FOLKS 1..T Ej have large stock of Seeds, specially selected for purity and price. Our Oats are imported Banner, over standard test. See these before buying. Our Sweet Clover is all Government Standard, ranging in price from $6.00 to $7.50 per bushel. Our Alfalfa is a special seed, grown from a field twenty years in the ground. Ontario Variegated, very hardy. See this seed before buying, The grading shows it as free from „Sweet Clover and also free from Primary Weeds. If you want high quality Seeds at a reasonable price—BUY NOW Seeds will be Higher Next Week Always 'carry complete line of Fleur, - Feeds, Calf Meal, Oil :Cake, Beef Scrap, etc. Have a car load of Western Oats. These are veryreasonable in price and will go very quick. An April Fool, according to sonic authorities, is a Aran who puts his trust' in April weather! -- 011e way to., prepare for the ele- ments- during this capricious month is to carry with yet a sunshade, an, overcoat, galoshes, snowshoes and a fan! The best way, though, is to keep a good supply of D. L. & W. Scran- ton Coale at hone; so that when the weather does idol you, you' canl.dr!y- otit—or thaw out—without danger of A phone call to 74 will bring you a load at once. •- • Call the 4I'0 for good, clean coal V f �illIIS f f, i o e COAL, COMPANY PHONE 74 CLINTON J.A:FORD &SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers F. R. ARROW BARRISTER will be at his office, in Clinton each MONDAY From 3 to 6P .m. 30-tf. Muskrat Skins Wanted Highest Market Price Paid H. A. HOVEY Phone 89 Clintt'n,'.Ont.,, .0 FAL Coal of all kinds always on hand for immediate delivery, Also a quantity of dry Alaple Wood 'Prices reasonable and same to all R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence, phone 115 COAL Stove, Egg, Nut and Soft Coal Coke and Kennel Coal Also Seine Wood E. WARD Phone 155. Huron Street, Singer Sewing Machine Leased on Small Monthly Payments Big Discount on Cash Sales During March Only Now is the time to have your ma- chine• repaired and cleaned. Repairs, Needles, Belts and . Parts for all makes. W. GLEN COOK Phone 171J PM. Box 201, Clinton Elmslea Chick Farm BABY CHICKS: Leghorns and Roekg Miller's Ideal Incubators and Brooders Poultry Supplies 'Royal 'Purple Calf Meal and Chick Feeds E. E. Mitten Phone 213 93-t5 NEWS -RECORD ADVERTISING BRINGS RESULTS C. H. VEi NER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances • Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7 • TRY OUR CELLO -GLASS, FOR YOUR CHICKEN HOUSE Fiour and Feed Seeds Everything, in Seeds—Peel County Alfalfa No. 1; Alsike No. 1; Tim - Seeds othy Pine Tree; Red Clover and -Yellow and White Sweet Clover. Feeds Bran and Shorts—Corn—Western Rolled Oats—Western Chep Mixed Chop—a quantity of No, 1 Feed Oats Also different kinds of Chick Feeds Oats A car of Mixed Black and'White Oats to arrive so :ori— Get our prices off the car Charlesworth PHONE 199 l