HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-04-07, Page 4IL Is Nov Canada's Best INVESTMENT Lir:Usual Offer to Shrewd investors To participate from the start fna company sponsored by men of national reputation In : the exploration of. the most profitable natural re-, sources where the risk has been reduced to 3% and the Possible profits are un'limitea.. is an exceptional offer•that investors should take ad- vantage of immediately. Your. Opportunity With 'An `investment Of $3 and Upward to Acquire a Valuable Share Option Without Liability` For Complete Information Mail This Coupon. NATIONAL OiL SEGURITIES, limited Northern Ontario Building, Toronto 2, Canada Please send me full particulars of your proposition, Would you buy' canned goods that bore no label) Would you buy an autoiiso- bile of unknown snake, no matter bow cheap? Nobody • would be so foolish. You get to tone/ name' or a label just as you get to trust a man, through satisfactory and `honest dealings, That is why kit- chen and household utensils bearing the SNIP label are bought without question by millions of Canadians. The sitieid.shape green and red SW' trademark is u guarantee;of full value and best , quality. The Brut behind SI P goods is Tits Snr>rr METAL Pseaticrs Co. orL2at7tIIn cesu s, MONTREAL -TOnol:Tti wiNNtrro anTONToN VANCOL'1'rn CALGARY SNIP Goods a j 5914 th,e Best Stores Ev,ER '.)'. ERE 283 OWL LAFFS rappers 'Overtake Swift Deer - --;Many a seif•maule. man is a per:•sonal demonstration,aef the horrors of un- skilled labor.. ' At" -last someone has been found, that believes in' signs. FIe is a sign palate-, What's become Of the old-fashioned preacher who believed. that a sermon to be big had to be Longe' Then and Now. The bathing girls in days of, yore Were dressed like lototl eti Iiu'bbard, But now they oft envy themselves Like Motley Ilubbard's cupboard, Money is good. He married her, for her own good'.' The Difference. The boy was asked to tell the dif. fesence between a bio'grapily' and an autobiography. "A biography," he wrote in reply, "is the ''iristfbryof the life of a man. A naughty biography is. the history of the life of a lady." Folks who are snappy make others unhappy. This would be a far happier world' were it so arranged that one could run out of 'debt, Imagine the plight of a pian' being shaved by a lady barber when a mouse runs across the floor, The Good Gentleman. This is a world of sorrow, Likewlee'a wor$d'of sin, But just shout to -morrow , I'll' certainly begins To renovate this mundane sphere So folks like pie can stand it here,' "Why hasn't else made a rich masa rings if her face is bar fortune?" "Poor girl, s'he has a tongue that is her misfortune." 0 I taint( there should be hung in every office where salesmen conga'e- Sate. a sign, etched in letters highs and wide, reading; "You made a sale --did you make a customer?" Soso men think it smart to be able to write each a poor hand that nobody can read it, but it isn't. The prepared for good time never comes. Going fishing -take Minard's Liniment. How easy it is for one benevolent .being to diffuse pleasure around him; and how truly is a kind heart a foun- tain of gladness' snaking everything in its vicinity to "freshen into smiles. -Washington Irving. • Cakes baked 'with Purity Flour keep fresh for three or four days. Purity is a' vigorous, "dry" flour that absorbs and holds more water or milk. Tasty cakes, rich' pies, and large, light buns and bread rare always yours when you use Send 30c in stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 263 Western' Canada Flour Mills Co" Limited. Toronto, idontr i, Ottawa. Saint Sohn. , • r to ATLANTIC CITY e4 •�iK',� �'+.7J.•17, . �; 41N1NIRI lflt «l a�' -�L01,B aNi.- SPECIAL FATES A40 FEATURES oUelrto l,Eld"l 'l ll AO.$AL MOST ALLURING SEASON Ian' The ,Moll' eta:maw t-ofATED HOTEL oN !rt.. et 'mOARDWALe) Fineromoos --- CAPACITY 700 CARAGC 120 CARS.. 'A As RCtrCAN,AIiO EUROPEAN PL - OCEAN PORCH AND a "SUN ANAGCO,-utCr Wit-1..1etM. ID. CA.AvtS. MANA0114 (# 01016r0`70Ft • Qi1l1111U lhl$l'I ° • a*. %•'e"/. ` "r!111101111111r111lulitliii'iu1111iii11111iIIlllllUi lillfillioilitilph117p11lk=�C..r�r { '5 Many tales' have driftied down fp'om' the north of how men have overtaken, and captured: wolves;. deer' and other swift -footed' _inhabitants of the woods of Ontario anrb Quebec, Readers of such have ,of tem.. bean skeptical but the above photograph, taken Only a short distance 'from, the dansdian Pacific lines in the Laurentian Moun- tains, proves such a thing is possible, In time ease of deer at .least, Heavy snow, ,i3.c can bo seen, accounts for this and iilrtiie .pictures above several trappers on snowshoes have suceeeded in cap- turing two animals in question. The deer Soaking placidly into the camera was no doubt caught only 'alter an exh'auysting clime -through; tlie,deop drifts, 'The Tittle doe that seems' to be just an armful for' the tragi'per, will doubtless be admiired in a short time i by tiiousarz'rls of people -in 13 01:110 city, park. Treppere in the northern sec- tions of Ontario and Quebec have sewed many of these' young animals from death. ay freeing • them from' 1 heavy drifts of snow, and thus keep- ing them from •packs'Sf hungry wolves. Pcttl t THIS SPRING TIME Y T IS TONIC TIME Something is Needed to Quickly Improve Your Health. With the passing of. winter 3u'any people feel weak, depressed and easily tired. There is no particulat disease, butithe system lacks tone. You find %yourself tired, low-spirited, often un- able to get sound sleep at night. All this is the result of closer in -door eon= finement of, the winter months, and shows that the blood has become thin and watery, New, rich, red blood is what you need to put you right. and there is no other tonic medicine can give you this new, rich 'blood as sure- ly and as speedily as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This new blood goes to every part of the body and quickly improves the general health. 'The -di- gestion is toned up, and you have better'.' appetite, the nerves are strengthened and sleep is refreshing. The special value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at this season is shown by the statement of Mrs. Elizabeth Clarke, R.R. No. 1, Hastings, Ont„' who says:—"I know ,Er. Williams' Pink Pills are a great blood builder because I use them in the, spring, when ong naturally feels }'un -down after our long winter. Last` -spring, I was feeling weak and easily tired, and again used the pills with the re- sult that I have had splendid health since. The pills also restored my daughter, Mae, who Was badly -run- down, and seemed almost bloodless•. She used the pills .faithfully for a` time and has since enjoyed the best of health. Naturally I never hesitate to recommend Di•. Williams' Pink Pills to people Who are run-down." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine,, or by mail at GO cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co„ Borckville, Oat'. Wheat's First Holm, A strange experiment, which proves the amazing vitality of wheat, has just been carried out. A quantity of "mummy” wheat --that is, wheat buried by the ancient Egyptians with the embalmed body of a dead man, - has been sown by a farmer of Bath- urst, New Smith Wales. Although it, was over 4,000 years old, a crop has been' obtained. The crop was of seven -eared wheat of good quality, though not \` suit- � able for milling purposes as modern wheat. It grew to an exceptional f height.I Wheat older than '-this Egyptian "mummy" grain hes, however, been found, and it is now ,definitely estab-' lisped that i cereals grown by early man. This is the result of a discovery made dur- ing excavations'of all ancient Su- i ]nerian site near Kish. A red-and-blaek jar was found in the course 'of the researches, and in this was stored a quantity of charred wheat. That Was last year, but - 'nothing was said about the discovery t et the time, Professor S. Langdon, who made it, wished to ' have the s wheat esaniined' by experts before be I made' any announcement. Now, however, the experts have re- ported'nnd elle find has been made I public.: According to one -authority c it is :rivet, or cone wheat, which is M the most prolific of 'ell the varieties of the cereal. 'Other experts, how-' ever, say that it is common wheat, or club wheat,, as is often called, the' most highly developed of all the kinds ' S and the finest for bread -making, It is estimated that. this sample of P wheat dates back to 3,500 B.C., so k that it is now roughly 5,500 years C old. -Its discovery is considered' as en proving: that the original' home of the a bread -making wheats was in Meso- petamda, The his'LWArioel botanists have w Iong believed that this was the case, T• but, they could advance no absolutely t definite tia'oo£' until this find by Pro- s Sesser Langdon, Oldest Bobbed Women. Said to' be the Oldest, bobbetlhair 2 woman, Mme.' Rectitude Tosset. died s at the. age Of -1O4 at her home neap* Arras, Prance. Until she reached the age of 103 she let her white locks re- main long, butt then she yielded to the mord, Fair Return. Irate Neighbor—"Your liens. have been in my garden anti eaten every- thing" Coass'iderate lhcilvla.util,-"Al[ right I'll send You over'a dozen eggs." How Do You Laugh? •Our planner of laughing is fixedbythe time we are eighteen, --and does not change until old age,. with its effect on the vocal cords, brings about a variation. Till then, hew we laugh is a sure indication of character. The best laugh is that which goes With a emitng face, twinkling eyes, and is complete—not checked or smothered. Those with laughs like that cart be trusted;. they are gener- ous, sympathetic, and make loyal friends. . Those. who laugh in their throats, in spasmodic fashion, and keep their faces almost unaltered, are shrewd and cautious and not'over- scrupulous in their methods. Those who are "inside laughers," and whose shoulders shake, are quite all right. They are good-natured, would never hurt anybody, and make, if men, excellent husbands and fath- ers. '.Chose who laugh without smil- ing, and) hold their lips rigidly, while not a flicker comes to their eyes, are hard-hearted and cruel, - Contrary to general belief, those who laugh explosively and noisily are unreliable . and subject to.impulse. Often they are weak-willed. Those with "little," laughs are. of shallow character and would not stand the test of temptation. Often,'though, they aro gifted-tnentalry. Those who laugh but rarely, and then happily, with ;eyes, lips, and face in harmony, are steady, reliable, big-hearted, and big -brained. Conundrums. _. —Wily i( tire letter• le like iL mire for deafness? Bemuse it makes ear Bear. When does t tailor serve his cus- tomers ill? When lie gives them fits. -Where east balls and •routs su•pplfed gratis? On the field of battle, --When may a chair be said to dis- like you? When It can't bear you. Wheat is coffee like the earth? When it le,ground: -'-The beat. lining out—a conflagra- tion, —What part of speech Is most dis- tasteful to lovers? The third person. A GREAT PUZZLE TO CA PUL PARENTS One of the greatest puzzles to the careful'peront is to know Just what medicine to give the little ones, When the child fold's ill with griping: pains; is seized, with cold or fever, refuses food or matte what he has take When he cries a great deal and 'cannot get the sleep so liocesasray to, the growing child, the parentis In a quan dry. What is to 'be done on such cc ,Toxoid and_ the P;eventityn of Diphtheria. For centuries diphtheria has tab its toll of lives, and left countle thousands handicapped by its aft effects. Thirty years. ago this- dread malady was yearly claiming 90 deal for every 100,000 .people, in Ontario. ',Ileus rami too many little ehildre choke, to death, or' facie ea under ti poisons of 1,111s, terrible malady, think calmly about the, medical he deseness or that awful time," says,D ItOy<.opelsnkl'. Iu i9a2u the: deaf rata al mS.ea,iet a loss' of 8 deaths per 100 000 of our population. : Arid ,this I spite of the fact 'that• the number cases suffering from the'diseaso w practically the slime for both year's. ,IIowwas it possible to save soman lives?` The answer]ltes'n the, fa that a specific cure--'antitoxin—w discovered in 1890 and the!victims o 'the disease in Ontario hithe,'dueing th last few year's, been given this tree, meet early .hr the disease. Our par 'ants,hdve learned the wisdom o8 call- ing thedoctorat once if aChild shows' symptoms .of diphtheria, The discovery of antitoxin is one 'of the greatest ad- vances ifr medical selelnee the world has :sayer known. , Following the:d'isoovery of a euie, has come within the last few years the perfection of a preventive. Inoeulatiot of a child' by Toxoid (two (doses of 8 - 'drops each into the akin of the arm) given four weeks' apart, meanethat:the child will not contract. diphtheria. Thousands of children throughout On- tario have been: given this. protection within the last°three yeirrs; thotisands of parents have been relieved from worry and anxiety as a 'coneegn nee, and hundreds of children have been saved from the tragic aftermath of diphtheria, damaged hearts particular- ly, and' even from death itself, With Toxoleato prevent it and anti- toxin to cure ft (both supplied' free to physicians by the Department of Health), no child in Ontario need eon - tract diphtheria -=much lees die from it. .A death from diphtheria is un- necessary, preventable, and sufficient matter for official investigation, g en e'8 er- 1 n le to au- r. n of a5. y et as y e t- " • Treatment of Measles. Measles, like the other eruptive dis- eases of childhood, is what is called `a self-limited disease; that is to say, it usually runs a definite course and at the mid of a certain period termi- nates in recovery., It cannot be cut short by any known remedy, though doubtless sense serum or vaccine will eventually be discovered by manna of which it can possibly be prevented, or possibly cured if taken at the vsp'y start; The treatment is therefore due of watchful waiting --expectant treat- ment, as it is called by the doctors. Whatever is done is with the object. of making the child as comfortable as possible, at the same time carefully watching for any. complication in order to attack it at once before irre- parable harm is done. As soon as the trouble is diagnosed, or even suspected, the patient should be placed In A room where a plentiful supply of fresh 'air ,from the open window can be obtained while the room itself is warns and free front drafts. ''A large open fire is ideal, as it insures good ventilation while it warms, the atmosphere. The patient must be well covered and warns in bed, but not to the overheated point. During the height of the fever very light covering will suffice, but later, when, the fever has disappeared, the temperature may become subnormal and then the patient -will feel cold. Rather than pile on many blankets It will be better to put on a woolen robe over the cotton or linen nightgown. Sponging with hot water several times a day will be comforting and will bring odt the rash if there is a tendency for it to delay. The best food during the fever is milk diluted with lime water. The mouth must be kept clean by swabbing with dome' antiseptic- fluid. The chief anxiety of the doctor is to prevent the oectence of afsterrha•1 laryngitis or bronchitis- of lironeho-pneumonia, There is dan- ger also of ear trouble; and if the child is seen to put the hand often to the ear, or if he seems to be in pain, n- the doctor's attention should be called to it at .once. There is almost always snore or less inflammation of the eyes, - which can usually be relieved by drops of boric skid solution and camphor water. The glare of the sunlight. should be shut out and the bed •so m' placed that the patient doss not face the light. In .favorable cases measles /set only about a week, bet It is ,wise; to' keep the: child ie bed for another week in order,to prevent any of the unpleasant and dangerous eatai•rlral compLcations. casione. As often as not there is no suitable medicine in the house.' The puazle is 'what to give him to Set lli; 'lglst quickly. It is to meet such. emergencies that Baby's Own` Tablets were designed These pleasant little Tablets quickie reduce fever, break tip colds, relieve constipation and indigestion and -Allay eething pains. They. quiet the nerves anf pramoto restful health -restoring deep, They are guaranteed absolute. y harmless and safe • for even the youngest and most delicate baby, Baby's Own Tablets :are sold by nedicine dealers Or by mail 'at 25 eats a box from The Dr. Wiiliama' edicine Co., Brockville, Ont. i Origin of Illustrous Men. Columbus Netts the son of a weaver, Ira'1eeepeare was the lion of a wool - ampler. The father of Burns was to lowman, and Burns `himself was' flown as the "plowboy." The great ardinal Welsey's' fat' er was a Mitch- Benjamin Freakl.a was the, cion of tallow -chandler. Jahn Jacob Astor Was an apply -pother. Oliver' -Crain- Crain - (dee father was a brewer. Bishop Trill's father was a poor farmer, and h'e famous- Whitfield's'tether kept ;,a hail tavern.. MineLs's Liniment soothes tired feet. World's Biggest Book... Meaestrilig I ft, 10 ins. high by 1 ft, Mines", actroee+, ;..volume, of maps, yse- ented to Chaa'des-il. by the Amster - dart nferchants in 1.660, is'preserved in. the British Mosoam, It is Moved about on a tmelley, Don't. lot indigestion after ]nems, bbleeveese, heertburn, or dyspepsia use the pep out of yno, TeleeSeiaei's Syrup. Ally tilts stole. '1 `"Wo have it in our power," .said Sir W. Arbuthnot Lane, the famous surgeon, recently, "to steep. '(MS bodies' so healthy and G1efln that they 59O ,able to resist entirely suds dis- eases ,,baTlteuinatisrn' Hand gout. "- weemaragmor t ,es sia Couldn't Be Done. • Doctor—'You must take ono pill af- ter each meal. for a week." Smart Patient', --"Now, doctor, . ,you know that can't be done." Checkers. "'Life is liked game of checkers," Sold a wise. one long age, "Life is like a genie of checkers, I 'suave played it and I"kilo' " • MAPS its eainfos in 'ilia todags Win oil'the, Worry Kings stand fast, Messed by fate again's't all wisdom, "No moves count so ss tile gest. Final Moves count most, find 00112eg , 'Let the lost years, bear' thein' sorrow, :Fighting ever rvltlr new hope, Victory may be s -core to-lrror'r'rhv.. -ftoorge IpAListorl. Kill warts with Minal•rl'e Liniment, . iSSUl No. 14—'27. After log tests " : ;, xr virzced- Aluminum (num 'the est container ';;r t Now packed, only in Alaa a t e Easy. A ;traffic ofilogr-gpo standing on tete Principal corner of the city, directing thy) :trafc and enforcing the law re- garding left turns. A farmer dame down one.of 'the streets a largre, hay rack and turned to the left cut this certain corner. Thee OSloer—"1- ey, you 'cian't'melee. thtllt ttirn. ' The P'armier—"yea, I think I can moue it," Tit for Tat. A woman in a e+i•owded church spoke to someone in a pew,' "Pardon me, but you are oeoupewing my pie," The seated one said: ;:'luteus, me, but I was sown into Ma' sheat," For dlatemper—Minard's Liniment. Automatically onteoiaed heat is supplied to the new reptile house in 'the London Zoo, so that the snakes, alligators and othe1 inhabitants will live in can exact imitation of their native climate, Classified' Advertisements. A5E535 WANTED, Gcruss-rrs Pian of.Ns : Towwanam", NEW nhcumntlo Yin namely 7msoih,lvc ]roe re, , solo Pottle,. pou, Spartan,. /}i, Noy! OloaUOW, 15. - TliAN rAnD P,ST'ON DINGO 801005 111. LIAa8 jr now; III woo onlnuare without rngda4ln4.. 'e eoeaiouse on Torn %'i>;sinee.-and r'raerora Pan - lard Piston 218!0 Company, 80 -Bt• /DOS 'street West, irr ton ansnxl ranters, lac AND OIL creator. wllltets rletmh, $lraaard nG; Oth CVT* ITCn.1N 1101032u, 0Kii 215 TADA'T.133 arueeesrnlrr with De. Ireanears Mono Treat- menL tnarodlrnue for live gallons, slit an ret-dat 'of ss,. M. P; Ifonyedy, r.e.' J,aUalleld, Oar, F 12MOTnr,. "nun oaOVN1r AND Al,anre. Send for ' (ampler, Mnrelmlf--nnWwrlt ;Lien, One, FRENOH- SELF.TAUGHT, - ' rel ulr` smear s1MPLt 'srariwaf BVL; Daren}1D, watt pronnnel.rton of 'esp. peed.A perfect kaowleda, of the langneeo: ht Uhf's, moral.. .. Cnm- hielu cloth ed 50e; ehridoed ono, S L, 'Gc. Poet sold. \Nodi'. selteerIDtinn Anener lived,, P.O. Bo SIOG. Dope le, Montreal, a'.e. CATLRI' 1*mien tG TO s0 }1111(55. 1N Mlttlntt 4 to b melte' Nine, OM Inst any reeler of teas' moaarine Lott to ole them. Welt, Ser par- thornr,. N!, A, alndl,a', 51.5,lemt, era, ATNTS A LAI of "Wanted inventions" and FOS Inlenation Sent Foto on fleshed. The Ramsay Co.W..Otaww0at Loves Waist She Used to Hate! FREIGHT PREPAID Never discard a garment because you don't like its colen•. Nor because 'it's duller faded. In less than an hour, you can make it a, brand' new, fasdiion- able shade!. - Home eyeing lets you dress better, and have the nicebt,home furnisluinge, without spending a let of money. It's easy to dye anything' ---right over other colors ---but whether dyeing or tinting, be sure to use 7.02 dye. Always ask for Diamond' dyes; they give full rich Colors, and true tints. FREE at your drugstore, now: the Diamond Dye Cyclopedia; full of rug geetions and' complete' easy directions, See aetuul'-piece-geeds color samples. Or write for 'big illustrated book Coder Craft — free --address • DIAMOND DYES, Dept., NI, Windsor, Ont. No obligation to buy, but if you do, easiest terms ere arranged. Guaranteed for tea years, Write now for particulars, Agents wankel te)lerd Ire are not re resented. 30 Swedish Separator Company, Limited 8dq Notre name St. Wept Montreal ...,,. Mako i! NEW fol IS eta! FREE BOOK d� 8ENTonREQUEST Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeddeg, odor, eta. Write for it to -day, mentioning this paper. _ Ad dress Indiallapolia Gander hospital, Indianepol.a, Ind. Teach Children To Use Cuticura Soothes end Heals Rashes and Irritations Pullouts anal) Steene the Skin Olcu Minard's 421 mplaseea gives quick relief. Mix' well end use as to drench. REFUSED LIFE INSURANCE BECAUSE OF KIDNEY TROUBLE The experience of this gentleman of Albany, N.Y., may be of great value 'to you, it ,son have been re- fused life insurance, as he was. , "Oeerwork-uudermiaed soy constitution. I paid little attention to the matter.untii I failed to secure a life insurance policy. I consulted the doctor who had examined Me and then I learned of my disease. • "Friends brought to my etl':entlem Werner's Sate Kidney and Liver Itenledy.. A slight improvement was noted' -••immediately ore taking the first battle, Improvement continued, My life insurance .eves granted me and I feel I owe my health to Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy." (Name on request) �." Sold by all druggists. Price $1.25 per bottle: SS7arner's Safe Remedies 'Ce., Toronto, Ont. e giros' 5is. ... '14OS,rct-Rn.n Proved `safe by millions and prescribed by physicians or, Colds ,Headache • Neuritis • Lumbago a Pain Neuralgia Toothache ac.he PIelilalatism. OES NOT AFFECT THE HE a, i T Accsli, only "[layer" package which contains proven directions.. Handy "Mayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and I00-llrllgghets. Acids fo the trade merit (foglnfe'trd In:Canada) of• Bayer MunuL,ietore of Motto':elle. gcidaater of Sallaylleeeldl (dactyl llahorlle Acid, "II, ',y A."), bells Dot 'Motets meeaa' lip er mut- n It r, Into Tablets Y se data, to their the rsl Cr lit w , II,fonD '--o; cross.. Df Hayor ammo, will tee stamped Wfttf their EcactaS Crafts wog, tyu 3)a,'�; Create "