HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-04-07, Page 31 IsNow Canada's Best INVEST11'MENT Unusual Offer to Shrewd Investors 'Do participate from the start' le a company eponsored by men of national reputation in the eirploration of• the moat 'prod¢able natural re-, sources were the rls'Ic bas been reduced: to 3% and the posstbio -protists are un'Iimiteti ie an exceptional otter ,that investors Should take ad- vantage of immediately. Your- Opportunity With An Investment • Of $5 and Upward to. Acquire a Valuable Share Option Without Liability Far Complete Information Mail This .Coupon. NATIONAL Olt, SECURiTIES.,' • Northern Ontario Buildieg,mlted Toronto 2, Canada , Please send me full particulate of your proposition. Name Addre'se s Wot)id . you buy canned goods that bore no labeler Would you buy au autotho- bile of 'unknown make, no matter how cheap? Nobody 'would be so foolish. You get to tinsel "none' or a label just as you get to trust a man,, through satisfactory and 'honest dealings, That is why kit- chen and household utensils bearing the SHP label are bought without question by mullions of Canediaas. The eTtield-shape green and red SNP trademark is a guarantee of full value and best - quality. The firm behind b`XslP goods is sue, Se mtT MaTAL PaODaaTs t:+o. Or Ltutran CASAnA, 7.10NTIMAL Tome:0 iroattr're -a. J'-nMONTon .„NettaMtat CALGARY SNIP Cocas a` intim .Best Sias EVERYWHERE zea o>:t:arrm„e•,caraa�;>maYvnw - LA FFS �aorp L. (Oa With Lamgbter) -- Many a self-made man is a pt:dsouel demonstratioreeof the horrors of un- skilled labor, v,; At'°•last someone has been found. that believes in signs. • He is a alga Pa'in'ter. Whet's become of the ol'd-fesliione preacher who believed that 'a sermon to be big had to be long? Then and Now. The bathing girls in daye of -yore Were dressed like Mother.I3ubbard, But now they eft array themselves Like Mother Idubbardfs cupboard. Money is good. He man -led her for her own .good', 'rappers 'Overtake Swift Many tales- have drifticd down from the north of how Prem have overtaken, and captured wolves; dead. and other swift -footed inhabitants oe the ;vocds• of Ontario an it Quebec. Readers of such have ,often,- been skeptical but the above phoi•ograph; taken only a 'short distance 'from, the Canadian Paten -0 *lines in the Laurentian Moun- tains, proves such a thing is. possible, in 'dice ease of deer at least. Heavy snow; ,ps cant be seen, ace:muts for this and rteeha .pi•etua±es above sederall trappers on snowsho'e's have succeeded in. cap- turing two animals In question. The• deer dno'Irlslg ,plaoidly Into the comer&, was no doubt caught ' -only after'an exhausting' chase •••through.the,,deen drifts'. The little doe that seems, to be just an armful for the trapper, will d doubtless be admired in a short time I by thousands of people in Solon city park. Trappers in the northern seas blow: of Ontario and Quebec have saved many of these young animals from death • ;by ;freeing them from. heavy drifts of snow, and thus kerep- ing them from packs'df:hungry wolves. The Difference. The boy was asked to tell the di> f'ee'ence between a biography and an autobiography. "A biography," he wrote in reply, 'Rs the 'llistdry of the life of'a man. A naughty biography Is the history of the life of a lady." Folks who are snappy make others unhappy. This would be a far, happier world' were it so arranged that one could' run out of debt. Imagine the plight of a man being shaved• by a lady barber when a mouse runs across the floor. The Good Gentleman. This is a world of sorrow, Likewise' a world 'of sib, Bat just about te-morrow - I'll eertpinly begin To renovate this munfiaue sellers So fonts Like me can stand it here, "Why hasn't she made a rich mar- riage if het face is her fortune?" "Poor girl, she lies a tongue that is her misfortune" Ce I think there should be hung in every oifiee where sq,lesmen congre- gate a sign, etched in letters high and wide, reading: "You made a sale—did you make a customer?" - Some omen think ft smart to be able to write each a poor head that nobody can read It, but ft isn't. The prepared for good time never comes. Going fishing -='take Mtnard's Liniment. How easy it is for one benevolent being to diffuse pleasure around hint; and how truly is a kind heart a fount lain of gladness making everything in its vicinity to freshen into smiles. —Washington Irving. • Cakes baked with Purity Flour keep fresh for three or four days. Purity is a' vigorous, 'dry" flour that absorbs and holds more water or milk. Tasty cakes, rich pies, and large, light buns and breachare always yours when you use Send 30c in stamps for W700—recipe Pinny Florer*(''ook Book, 203 Western 'Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited. Toronto, Monadai, Ottawa, Sabot Jobs. 4t4A C CITY" t• r.tu70uHniif n".k5;,¢ri' esses �ypt0',r1pp�4 tLy'�,te�st��+ r��p+•grprpitp pptn�1�?.Ff1� 0}t,�tv.. "'.. SPE�I�AR, RAGES ANO R -EA ORBS oua1MG LENT ' TEM .OMqg4 LI($ fI ALLURING SEASON U'i'sti'7 tide (NOR CEt5T/tALIY I CSA.TEIA HOTfI. ma '1'Ne '*aloe FLO WALK FIREPROOF -- CAPACITY: 700 --- GARAGE 120 CARS. CONCERT ORCHESTRA' OCEAN P01101 AND SUN DECK •At40RlCAN ANO EUROPEAN PLANS -0WNtRSHIP MAI4Aoe,1s,N7. WIMLA Aa1N Q ni.oJRCCtvvls 3 *. ,1 i _Ili Bili-irgllllll llflilllilglgiil illilliUll(Iiif 1A Ilr IllUtl.l IU .: �„ ^� r THIS SPRING TIME How Do You Laugh? Dur manner of laughing is fixed by 'TONIC.the time We are eighteen, -'end does . TIME hot change e s g until i old ge„with its effect on the vocal cords, brings about a variation.: Till then, how we laugh is a sure indication of character. The' best laugh is that which goes 'with a smiling face, twinkling eyes, and 'is `complete -=•not checked Or smothered. Those with laughs like that cunt be trusted; they are gener- ous, sympathetic, and make loyal friends. Those' who laugh iu their throats, in spasmodic ;fashion, and keep their fates almost unaltered, are shrewd and cautious and not over- scrupulous in their methods. Those who are "inside laughers,” and whose shoulders shake, are quite all right, They are good-natured, would never hurt anybody, and make, ly and as speedily as Dr. Williams' if men, excellent husbands and fath- ers. Those who laugh without mil - every part of the body and quickly ing, tint' hold their lips rigidly, while improves the general health. The'di- not a flicker conies to their eyes, are portion is toned up, and you have hard-hearted and erne]. • better appetite, the nerves are Contrary to general belief, those strengthened anti sleep is refreshing. who laugh explosively and noisily are The special value of Dr. Williams' unreliable and subject to impulse. Pink Pills at this season is shown by Often they are weak-willed. Those the statement of Mrs. Elizabeth With "little;" laughs are of shallow Clarke, R.R. No, 1, Hastings, Ont.,' character and would not stand the who says: --"I know ,,Dr. Willigma' test of 'temptation. Often, though, Pink Pills are a great blood builder they are gifted'mentally. Those who because I use them in the, spring, laugh 'but rarely, and then happily, when one naturally feels run-down with,eyes, lips, and face in harmony, after our long winter. Last`"spring, are steady, reliable, big-hearted, and I was feeling Weak and easily tired, big -brained. • and again used the pills with the re- suit that I have had splendid health CoH2undrl2'Itls. cu since. The pills also restored my daughter, Mae, who Was badly -run- —Why Ss the letter. I3 Pike a re down, and seemed almost bloodless. for deafness? Because It makes ear She used the pills .faithfully fora hear. time and has since enjoyed the best -When does a tailor eee'vo lila ous- of health. Naturally I never hesitate renals til? When lie gives them Ills, to recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills --Where are balls and routeoupplied to people vvho are run-down."gratis? On the field of battle. You can get these pills through any -Wires may a chair be said to dis-. denier In medicine, or by Snail at GD like Sou? Witch It eau't bear you. cents a box from The Dr. Williams "Wheat is coffee like the earth? Medicine Co,, Borekville, Ont, Whet it 1s ground, —The best thing out --a: conilegra- tion. Wheat's First Home. —What part of speech is most dis- A strange experiment, which proves tasteful to lovers? The third person. the amazing vitality of wheat, has just been carried but A quantity of "mummy" wheat -that is, wheat A € EA T P�]..ak.ILE buried by the ancient Egyptians with' the embalmed bodyof a dead man, �t PARENTS has been sown Sty farmer of Bath-' T CJS S d urst, New South Wales, Although it, - was over 4,000 years old, a crop has One of the greatest puzzles to the been obtained: 'careful 'parent is to know just what The crop was of seven -eared wheat metiioins to give the little ones, When of goon quality, though not s0 suit-' the child falls lih with griping pains; able for milling purposes as in dern 1 is seized, with cold or fever, refuses wheat. It grew to an oxceptiorial f feed or . vomits what he has taken height. I when he cries a great deal and casino 1 Wheat older than 'this Egyptian get the sleep so neer ad'y to the mummy grain has, however, been growing child, the parentis in a quer found, and it is now definitely,estab.' dry.' What is to 'be done on such oc l r..l....l ,.1...,. .t Something is Needed to Quickly Improve Your Health. With the 1 passing p s ng of• winter many Ipeople feel weak, depressed and easily tired. There is no particular disease, but the system hacks tone. You find youieeif tired, low-spirited, often un- able to get sound sheep at night. AU this is the result of closer in -door eon= finement of. the winter months, and shows that the blood has become thin and watery. New, rich, red blood is what you need to put you right. and there is no other tonic medicine can give you this new, rich blood as sure - Pink Pills. This new blood goes to Toxoid and the Prevention of Diphtheria:. Aiter longtests ' e are co ti or caul til e's diphtheria has taken y� its toll of lives, Pant lett countless °��.� " &i6�i.[ .rii ,thousaudo hamidc:upped by its atter- 6 tui nfie ts. P{Ifrty years ago this.dr+coil �5+y�., mostly was Yearly claiming 90 cleauths e78 t �'a'.9'ir t for every 100,000.people la Ontario. I 'have sees duo many 'li'ttle cl%ibdreii Mesetato death, or fade mit under the poison's of thin terrible maiad'y, to think calmly about the medical he'lp- lsseafess of that awful time," saye.,Dr. Royal S. (;opetin'd. In 1925 the 'death. rate meant a loss of 8 deaths per 100,- 000 of our eo'pula;tlon, And ,tike in spite of the fact that, the number of cases suffering from'the disease wlas 'practically the' Same for both years; how was it possible to save so many Three.? The answer lies, in the fact that a specific cure-- anti toxin—was ddscovered In •18'90 and the victims of. the 'disease in Ontario have, during the Inst few years, been given' this 'treat- ment early in, the disease. ' Our par- 'ents.beee learned the'wistloin of call- ing thatdoctor at once if a,child shwas. symptoine of d'iplrtheria. The discovery .of antitoxin is one' of the greatest ad- varices in medical scieiuee the world has ever known. Following the discovery of a cure, has come within the last few years the perfection of a pre"ventive. Inoou'lation of, a child by Toxoid (two, doses' of ;8• drops each into Die skin of :the arm) given four weeks' apart, means, that the' child will not contract-- diphtheria. Tkousan'ds of children throughout On- tario have been given this:lirotection 'within the fast°'three• yedis; thousands of parents have been relieved from Worry• and anxiety as a -consequence, and hundreds of 'children have been saved, from the tragic aftermath of diphtheria, damaged. hearts particular- ly, and even front death itself, • With Testateto prevent It and anti- toxin to cm's it (both supplied' free to pursue/env- by the Department of Health), no child in Ontario need con- tract d'iphthel9a--mtrch -lees die from it. ,A ,death from d'lphtheria Is un- necessary, --preventable, and suflcient matter for oitoial Investigation. a Tireatznent of Measles. Measles, like the other eruptive dis- eases of childhood, is what is called a self-limited disease; that is to say, it usually runs a definite course and at the end of a certain period termi- nates in recovery. It cannot be cut short by any known remedy, though doubtless same serum or vaccine will eventually be discovered by means of which it can possibly be prevented, or possibly cured if taken at the weer start The treatment Is therefore due of watchful waiting'expectant'treat- ment, as it is called by the ,doctors. Whatever is done is with the object Now packed only in Aluminum. Easy. A traffic ofilce ees standing ou the principal Cotner of the testy, (Sheeting the termite and esfortldng the irate- re- garddng left turns. A farmer masse down one of the streets; with a lenge. hay rack and turned' to the Iotlt alt this certain cones', The O61oer-"13ey, you can't' melee that te'rilap The Faraner---:'Yea, I think I mole 4t." ^ P can Til fon Tat. A woman in a crowded ehurah spoke to someone in a pew. "Pardon me, but you are 000upewlug my pie " The seated one sally: (:Excuse me, but I was sown into this sheat." For distemper—Mlnard's Liniment. Automatically controlled heat is Y supplied to the new reptile house in 'the London Zoo, so that the snakes, alligators and"otheft inhabitants will live in -an exact imitation of their native climate. Loves Waist She Used to Hate! Never discard a garm,eet because you don't like its color, Nor because of making the child as comfortable as tit's dull' or faded. In less than au home you can make it a'brand new, fashion- able shuttle f Home dyeing lets you dress better, and have the nieebt.hom'e furnishings, without spending a let of money. It's I possible, at the same time carefully watching for ally, complication in order to attack it at once before irre- parable harm is done. • As soon as the trouble is diagnosed, or even suspected, the patient should easy tai dye anything --right over other be placed in a room where a plentiful colors --••but whether dyeing or tinting, supply of fresh air from the open be sure to use real dye. Always ask I window can be obtaieed while the for Dlauiomnelees; Choy give full rich I room itself is warm and free from I Colors, and true tints. , drafts. IA large open fire is ideal, as FREE at your drugstore, clew: the ' it insures good ventilation while it Diamond Dye Cyci'epedtia; full of sug- warms, the atmosphere. The patient! gestions and aonrpl'ete'easy directions. must be well covered and warm in' See actual'pieese-guilds color samples. Or write for big .illustrated book Color Craft — free —address- DIAMOND DYES, Dept. NI, Windsor, Ont. bed, but not to the overheated point. During the, height of the fever very light covering will suffice, but later, when, the. fever has disappeared, the temperature may become subnormal and then the patient will feel cold. Rather than pile on many blankets it will be better to put on a woolen robe over the cotton or linen nightgown. Sponging with hat water several ANU times a day will be comforting and FREE BOOK will bring otit the rash if there is a SENTon REQUEST tendency for it to delay. The best Tells cause of cancer and what to do food during the fever is milk diluted for pain, bleeding, odor, eta Write for with lime water. The mouth must be it to -day, mentioning this paper. Ad - kept clean by swabbing with some' dress Indianapolda Cancer hospital, antiseptic- fluid. The chief anxiety of Indlla.napoiis, Ind. the doctor is to prevent the oecuv:enee of catarrhal laryngitis or bronchitis dr broncho -pneumonia, Thera is dan- ger also Of ear trouble; and if the child is seen to put the hand often to the ear, or If he seems to be in pain, ,, the doctor's attention should be called t to it at once. .There is almost always more or less inflammation of the eyes,. i which can usually be relieved by drops' — - r - of boric ai:id solution and camphor water. The glare of the sunlight should be shut out and the bed: so nth placed that the patient does not face the light.' Ie favorable cases meddles la;•t only about a week, bee it ley noise to' keep the, child iii bed for aifother week its order to prevent any of the o rmpleasant end dan'gerovis' catarrhal complications. Cadsifl ea' Mverthsernentss. AetNTS WANTED, anNac-12o elms Cs.11a k'ohansmua; TII9w nu mnatia rain namely, ICaoltegve Territory. Semple noetic, leo, Spartan, ¢a, ,lies e(oonow, see.. pAhanam tenon need etetam ate cetera otwi at worn orlindere without ee'indnt. ern epeolalloo on r'.erm ,Elpluea.,and Traetora Pan- ra,nl. Platen Was eannate•, 55,54 meat street Was, Toronto, son GRADE CRICKS. 120 ANO ur. • (drunter. WIijlant '51etrca,, airs fort Rd, Oat-' /e wee teen. us Rotuma CAN en 'TILL^A'i'titi �J Antesarulls With Dr. r(ennody'y Afanen Treat- ment, Iaacedtent'r for iM gall ne, Font on receipt of 85. - M. I; genrpedr, 1:9,: LoheJ,l,. Ont. ruhlMo'rnv. -nen CIArs,'a' AND ALylttl`r, a ._ send for ' eatoplar, MLralmli IlaUhlvd4 Navas, out. FRENCH-BELE-TAUaHT,.' rp'sc. MODT SIMPMt saa'reso•i:VEa Demean, se with pronunelottun or beery Word. A retreat kaowlvdoo of the Inne,uyn it, Ulfoe month., Coin - Diehl olot, ed , see; abridges roper ed„ 15,. root paid. World a Gnbm'eipttnn AAencr area., P.O. -num 51911. Dept. In, ifppt,eol, r.Q. Cs'obi , itOit AG re to DOZEN WI wrest A to wookr' time Coo tench any reader of thin' maaaains how to art than. W,Ite far par- tirniars. W. A. Wallet-, Nt,0 Iced, ono., A Litt of •'Wanted Inventions" and Pa Information Dent Roo on Mound. The Ramsay co.W. .Otttawa.0n. We will ship, HECHT PREPAID No obligation to buy, but if you do, easiest teams yy ere arranged. Guaranteed for 'ten years. Write now for particulars. . Ag011a taa5101 where tea era ne1 reprcrantss. se Swedish Separator Company, Limited 84n Notre Dame Sc. Wept 1a. Montreal Malde le 1fEWfor IS ctrl Teach Children To Use Cuticura Soothes and heals Rushes and Irritations Cuprurn Soso Room, tl o .Stroh Clea COLIC Minaret's lit nlolt:caw. gives quick relief. Mix' well ends use rte• a drench, as one of the oldest omens? As often as not there is no cereals grown by early man. This a suitable medicine le the house. The is the result of a discovery made dur- puzzle is What to give him to set hi ing excavations of an ancient Su right qubelcly, inarian site near Kish. ! It is to meet such emergencies drat A Ted -and -black jar was found in Baby's Own' Tablets were designed. the course 'of the researches, and in These Aal'eoeant little Tablets quickly this was stored a quantity of charred reduce fever, break up Bolds, rellev wheat. That teas last year, but constipation and indigestion and.;alley \nothing was said about the discovery teething pains. !thew qudot the nerves at the time. Professor S. Langdon, end promote restful healtb-rostering who made it, wished to have the sleep, They are guaranteed absolute - wheat examined by experts before he ly harmless end safe for even the made any announcement. % youngest and most delicate baby. Nowt however, the experts have re- Baby's Own Tablets are sold by ported and the find has been made medicine dealers or by mail at 23 public. According to one -authority cents a hex from The Dr. Williams' it Is rivet,or cone wheat, which is Medicine Co., Brockville' Ont. the most prolific of all the varieties of the cereal. 'Other experts, how-'Originn of ailustrtrus Men ,ever, say that it is common wheat, or club wheat, as is often called, the I Columbus wee the son Of a weaver. most highly developed of all the kinds I Shedtespeenro was the son of a wool- and the finest for bread making I savvier. The father of Burns was it It is estimated that- this sample of plowman and Burns himself was wheat dates 'back to 3,500 B.C., so known as the "plowboy." The great that it is now roughly 5,500 ;years Cardinal Wolseys, fat: t,r was a butd.h- old 'Its discovery is considered as ese Denim/11 p'ronlil,;i wt's Ciba sou of proving: that the originalhome of the a tallow-ohandiler. J„ hn Jacob. Astor bread -making wheats was in Mese- was 'an•apple-pestles'. Olives' 'Croon. potainin. The histedrlash botanists have 'tveklei father was a brewer. Bislloe long believed that this was the case, Hail's father was a hoar farmer, and but,they could advance no absolutely the famous Whitfiel'd's father: kept ;a definite li'reof until thin find by Pro. sluetgl: tavern: f essor' Langdon. Oldest Bobbed Women. Said to' be the oldest bobbed -hair women, Mme: Iteetdtude Tossed sided at the eg'e of, 104 at her borne herd' Arras, France. Until she readied the age of 103 she let her white locks re- main long, but then slue ylelded• to the motley rair Return. IrateNeighbor- 'YOur hens have been in my garden and eaten every - Uhl ngs" very-Nang," Coasederate ielci'ivit'ual-"AlI r'iga< 171 Benteon over „ t 1 er'a dozen eggs. Mindrd's Liniment seethes tired feet. World's Biggest Book. Measuring G ft. 10 inc. high: by 3 B 2 ins. across 'a -volume of reaps, pre- sented to Charles -ll by the Amster- dam merchants in 1100, is presoa't'ed. in the British Museum, It is moved about on a trolley. , Don't let indigestion after meal., biliprtanrse heartburn, or de'apepsia toile the pep out of you, Take $eigel's Syrup. Any does store. "We have it in der power," said Sir IF, Arbuthnot Lane, the famous (surgeon, recently, "to keep our. bodice healthy o n s a d Glade that Hwy ere able to resist entirely such slis- eases:i& a-lieulnatieill' and gout." es • Couldn't Be Done. Doctor-•1"yeas must take one gill at• tar each lueal, for a week." Smart Peficrlt-y"Now (looter, you know that can't be done." Checkers. ''Lire is like a game of checkers," Soid'a wise one lohg a30, "Lite is like it genie of checkers, I have played 1t and I`„know.” . There Ie. coliifoat in •this adage Whets the Worry Kings stand fast, awa'eeed by fate saag-edit'-set 'all wisdom., ' a'Inoves e0\nrt so as the Met, Final moves consul most, lint toe: get Let the beet years bear thee. sorrow, Fighting over ia11h nete,h'ope, Cit3tOry may be yotal'p to -marrow. —George'Ballston. Ki warts ,i h i'' It 1 ., v, t A4 inlrr h Liniment. ISSUE No, 14—'21, REFUSED LIFE INSURANCE BECAUSE OF KIDNEY TROUBLE The experience of this gentleman of Alhany, N.Y., may bo of great value to you, If you have been re- fused life insurance, as he was. • "Overwork- undermined. my eonstltntion. I paid little attention to the matter until I failed to secure e life insurance policy. I consulted the doctor 'who had examined Ise and then I levrned of my disease. "Friends brought to my intention Warner's Sere Kidney .and Liver Remedy. A slight improvement was motels -immediately on taking the first bottle. Improvement continued,. My life insurance uan granted me and I feel I owe my health to Warners Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy." (Name on request)/ . Sold by all druggists. Price $1.25 per :bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies 'Co., Toronto, Ont. rrorE agmastatzemizisramitapaammerimsea Proved. 'safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for, Colds ,Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia a g a ;Tnct'}lac}�;, Rheumatism, DOES NOT, , AFFEC 1$ THE HEA, .T rsasvw•:..asm,vm�,-,J�s,,,a,a�.„ -hAccent only "Bayer" pasta&e which contains proven directions. Bendy "lever" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists. Aspirin Is Sat trade mnak (regtktored in Canada.) M Sayer. Manufacture of ltononcettr- aotdaater of aalicshoaeld (Acetyl - eailerlle Acid, "4, fl, A."); Nuhn,, It in Well: known tkat Aeptrin marina ngcer ,nm,fatnetere, to unlet .the pnbilr egg 11101 anllatlehe, the x'nbletg pt RAM 09mpaas; will .. atemped n'1t,t their ednerel-.trAG% eatk, the sssi''c; Creasy"