The Clinton News Record, 1927-02-24, Page 8CTIN''TON'S;LEeSDING JEWEIa'`FRY, 'ORE: or tin e We are 'clearing all;;; Ivory at 20 percent off regular price. •This is a Clearing Olt Sale, l�/Iarconiphone and Pierce Aero'I2adto Sets'for Sale Tubes, Batteries,; Loudspeakers, Aerials an l;stra Paris COME DI AND SEE THE BEST. TWO SETS. EVER SHOWN i. if . */ HIN ON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Pike`; Jewetlery° and Repairs Next Iloveyrg"-Drug Store A Few Specials for Following :Week , tgjns that shouldbe of Interest to Economical_lluyers 50 Pans one finger leather work mitts (unlined) 9c RRegular5Qc for 3 3 20 pei'Is one finger leather work mitts (lined) Regular 1$1.25" for ... Flannel Work Shirts, extra large and roomy, Grey, liliaki and Navy, special at Check•L]nen Tea Toweling, 17 inches wide, made in Ireland Gil2 L C Special price, 2 yards,,for 79c $1.25- 27 to 29 inch Check Gingham _Special at . A few Men's and Boys' Overcoats left to clear at very low prices. Men's as low as $12.00. Boys' as low as 55.00. SPECIAL CUT PRICES ON MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS 17c Plumsteel Bros. PHONE 25 - L. W. Currell For Salads—Firm-white cabbage, the most healthful of winter salads Marmalades—Orange and Lemon. Jams—Strawberry, Raspberry, Cherry, Black Currantt,'Special plum Catsups, Pickles and Relishes. Tastefully cured Boned Back and Breakfast Bacons, Thos. Shipley THE Ci & S.,GROCERS PHONES -125w and 125j STANDARD GUARANTEED We carry all standard... radio parts, for all standard sets. Separate parts for repair or building your own outfit. It will pay you to buy from us because our prices are lower and our quality higher arid our ser- vice better. See \us, about, anything and everything about radio. Special Prices on Batteries Iter & Perdue PLUMBING .ELECTRIC 'WIRING PHONE 147w London Road The February meeting of the U: F. me W. 0, was held at the ho of Mrs. A. Wiitse' on Thursday last with a good attendance. Mrs. Anderson,gave an excellent paper on St. Valentine. 1VIts. Davidson and Mrs,; . Cole out- lined very elearly; citizenship and. social service, The roll call was answered by payment of fees. After the business part of the meeting was. over tea was served by the hostess, assisted by. the Stanley ladies. Next ineeting at Mrs. Davidson's.' On Tuesday evening of this week the Brueefield U. F. W. 0, Ohub en- tertained the London Road Club and then families atthe`iiome cif "Mrs, C Haugh. --About, seventy-five wore present. Mr. R. 1Vi'cSVfillan and Mr; Geo. Layton were the speakers; of 'the evening and a Very pleasing 'pro - ram was -put oh, consisting of music, singing, readings artd;,,.a couple of very amusing contests. The Bruce - field ladies served refreshments and everyone felt they had spent a very enjoyable evening and declared Mr. and Mrs. Haugh good hosts. Mr. T. Lindsay has returned home after a lengthy visit with his daugh- ter. at Sombre,. Mr.LeBeau and:son, Rimer, ate this week taking advantage of the Winghan stock, sale, taking with them a ,couple of Shorthorn cows. • Miss Edna Jackson, Blyth, has been spending a few clays this week .with her aunt, Mrs, Fred Nott, Mrs. roe Shipley is laid up With an infection in her; hand.. We hope she will soon be all right again. If a pian has S0t5ehfne in his oul he doesn't need. 'moonshine in his stomach, --Milverton San, "ry O 1' VCII S'fiVATL SO 1VIUC1fi SALE; F IT s ; gni' G IT'S NOT 11T�t Fi1UL PORI 'TOOK -IT' FROM THE 'BOOR? S'URELY' THAT'S., TH,E WAY TO COOK, T1ie Books from which to 'take it or good results are; '• Everyday Fiddsng Book y Dishes ':,30c More 'Tasty 'Dishes . •M'' 365' Luncheon Dishes': ,50 365 Cakes and Cookies 50c Good Housekeepers' Cook BooIc 6$1.00 Catherine Owen's Cook Book ..$1.25 Boston Cooking— . School Cook ,Book, , $2,75 THREE OTHER GOOD BOOKS ' FOR THE HOME ARE THE WOMAN'S BOOK Household Management, Cook- ery, Children, Hone Doctor, Business, Society, Citizenship, 734 • Pages .: , , ....... ,.....$1.35 THE PARENTS BOOK A. Took which answers child- ren's questions, 737 pages . ,$1,50 THE WONDER BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE Tho 'interesting story of eons - mon things. The marvels of industry, the processes of na- ture explained,' 700; illustra- .tionss, 600 pages, A .-few questions -to which it gives answers: Why does your chimney smoke?' Why do some have freckles? What causes an echo? Why do, we get hungry? What " makes your teeth chatter? What causes a lump in your throat's- $2.75 m Tile W. D, Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best t lidtij1iIIIhi SINIUII burin our o pi i iB III I. Miss Libbie Gibbings returned to Toronto on Monday. . Miss Jean Miller visited last week with Goderich friends. Mr. Chas. Twitchell of Windsor was in town•for a few hours on Thurs- day Iast. - Mrs. G. E. Saville' attended the fun- eral of Mr. John Cole of Belgrave last week. Mr. Fred Ph :miner left last week for the west, where he intends remain- ing for some time. Mrs. C. J.•,Wallis returned on Satur- day from a visit with her son, • Fred, in New York City. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Layton spent the week -end as the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Amos Townsend of Tucker smith. Miss Grainger, superintendent of the Hospital, is taking some ho]iadys. Mrs. Aikenhead is in charge at the Hospital. • Misses Isabel and Alice Beattie have returned and re -opened their mil- linery shop, after the mid -winter vacation. Mrs. (Dr.) Kay Left for her home in Lapeer, Mich., on Monday. She was accompanied by Mrs. B. J. Gibbings. Mr. and Mrs. Frank - Whitmore and babe of Hamilton are visiting re- latives in Clinton and Goderich township. Mrs. J. W. Treleaven and Miss Norma left Monday for their home at Timmins.' Mr. Treleaven returned. last week. Miss McDonald has returned after a few week's svacation and has again, opened her millinery shop for the spring trade. Miss Eleanor Plumsteel of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario has -, been spending the past week at her home in town. Mrs. Freel and her little son, who have been visiting the lady's sister, Mrs. S. L. Lucas, have'returned to their home in Forest. Miss Gilchrist has, gone to ,Ingersoll to attend the funeral of her broth er-in-law, R. D. Ramsay, which takes place tmnorrow.. Mrs; Will Jenkins returned last week from Toronto,' where site had been spending a few weeks.. - She was. accompanied by her little grand- daughter, Miss Marion. Ars, Gordon Johnston has returned to her home in, St. Catharines, af- ter' spending a fortnight with her parents, Mi•. and Mrs. b:- :Lovett. Mr. Lovett has been quite ill, but i n s now somewhat, improved. Mr. C. 2, Wallis, who has been in' Quebec Province for.. some months, has been spending g .few days at Isis home in town this week, but leaves tomorrow for the `west, of- hisses, whei;e he will secure another bunch f Mr, and Mrs: ''Fred. Slonian and little Miss Joan leave, this week, after a visit of some weeks at the'home of the former's father. ' Mr. Sioman will resume his work as'teacher in the Government Car School' in Northern Ontario. Mrs; Softley, . who'"has been staying with her mother,. Mrs Wigginton,b fqr a couple of months, returned last week to her borne at Burford: She was•accompanied'home by her mouser, Mr. Jack Wigginton niot-, or'ed'them down to Burford. Clint h . Newli ecot4 TTIUItS AY, PMi rd. R"k 24, 192' Because you have given us an opportunity to serve. vola Our Groceteria is waiting for your, inspectio>nl" 'what is ricer than a g acka e of si Iles,' for � , � your.wife, o your Sweetheart. pkg.._25c. Smiles' and Chuckles, seconds) per -lb 39c Groceteria Cash Price List 10 'BARB SOAP Somme and 5 . and G.-'..., 50c JEDL POWDER cg 4 pkgs. 'tor •„6c 5 Q: AMMO'N'IA ay 3 lbs. for L• LUX , 3 pkgs. for .. CORN STARCII 19c • 2.pkgs. for .+ Qa.RIV'; FLAKS' 49c 3 kgs: for ]V1t1TOI iS Per pkg. ..., CORN. 2 cans for MAW' 2 cans for TOMATOES. Z9c 2 cans for CLARK'S TOMATO SOUP 27C 3 for Iw PINEAPPLE 29c 2 tins for ROLLED OATS 9c 6 lbs. for 2 25c 29c 27c Pure. Cane Sugar Special far Price for Cash this Week. Fresh Spinach, New Carrots, New Beets, Leaf. Lettuce, Head Lettuce. - FISH ---Halibut, Red Salmon Smelts, Fresh Herring, Fresh Filletts. CORN 1VIAL-. e• Iles. or SOAP CHIPS• • 2 lbs. ler„• VI -TONE ... , ✓ 35 G . The New Food' Drink (Large Plcg 59e) BLACK TEA Per lb .: 9pc SYRUP 3 Sc '5 Ib, pail for SYRUP C 10 lb. pail for • 7g7'C LARD ZOC Per lb- ' LARD 3 1G: pail for .,.,....4� BROOMS n 5 -string, each ... , j� LUX 1 LC Per pkg.',r:... DRIED PEACHES 9c Per lb.... G • APRICOTS q Per Ib. . ..- 34c DRIED PEAS 25c '” 3 lbs. for G In the Morning First, Delivery 9 am, In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early Cash and O'Neii' Phone Service ® !' 4� Where " Sells for less" price prevails. Hem Builders Attention! When ' you and 'ready to build or re- model your .home, let us figure on your lumber, inter- ior trite, sash, doors flooring ,etc. We have a Plan Book of Modern Hones, tliat will give you the latest treatment in inod- o r n construction. We invite you to come and inspect it, without cost or ob- ligation. .Our Business is Lumber Thomas McKenzie Estate EVERYTHING IN BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Londesboro Mr. and Mrs. T. Fairservice gave a party to a goodly number of their friends on Tuesday evening. All re- port having a very enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. G. Moon entertained well a number of their friends last Friday. ' Miss.Dora Smith of Stratford spent the week -end with friends here. ., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brigham mot- ored over to Clinton last Td sday and spent the flay- with relatives there. Mr. Ross has the. gravel drawn for the foundation of his new residepee, We are soi:7 10 state that the in- fant child of Mr. A, Radford died yesterday. Mr. 'and Mrs ;:.Thompsonreturned to London after a short stay here. The funeral of the late Mr. Thom- as Adams, whose: death was reported last week, took' place on Thursday last, the service being held hi the United ehnrch by Rev. B. Snell, assisted by Rev,. Jas. Abrey. The choir rendered two very appropriate selections. The _:funeral was largely attended, among those coming from a distance being: Mr. Richard William- son, Mrs. William. Williamson and Mrs. Puffer of -Brampton, Matthew Williamson of Georgetown; Mr. and Mrs. Denierling ? of ^ Fordwieh; Mrs. Holloway and Mr R. Ca`iter. of IBrant- ford and Mr. anrrMrs. Thomas Samp- son of Palmerston. The pallbearers were Albert Weymouth, John Har- vey. William Hesk, Edmond Craw- ford Charles Weymouth and Charles, Joshing, The montltlj' meeting of the Wo- men's Institute swill be held`in tic; eontntunity hall ,on Thursday, March 3rd. A paper on "Women's Posses- sions' Mrs. Hall;" reading. Mrs, Wood, music, Gladys Mountain; reading, Mrs. Bert- Nott. ` Hostesses: Mrs, Harry Moon.lVlts'i-I. Little, 3ttra 12, SnellFMiss S. 0. Barr. T)ie.Institute iS holding their Pie Social on March 17th. Cor ora 4' Tovirigsl',ip 'The death occurred at the home of his cl uighter;, Mrts. Wm, 8117(1e1' of Colborne township, on Friday last of William Truemner, of ITensall. M. Trternner had been ailing for some months and since' October last had been with his, daughter, 11i%s. Snyder. He is survived by 'his wife and. a Jfamily of three daughters, Mrs. Soya der, Mrs. Drust of Colborne, Mrs. Matheson of Toronto and one son, Dr. Truenner of Arthur. He was a quiet, unassuming man, a' Liberal in politics and a Methodist in religion, and was a life-long resident of Huron county, having been born in Hay township sixty-four years ago. The funeral took place to Colborne ceme- tery on Monday afternoon. Firemen's Dance and Card Party A dance and card party will be .held in • TOWN HALL, CLINTON Monday, Feb. 28th -_Under auspices of the Clinton Fire Brigade. ADMI'SISSION 96-2. Begin. Now To Paint up and Clean up Tionhtv estn war t weather conies you will be prepared to meet it. See our line of: 1Vtartin-Senour '100% Paint, Floor Paint and Varnishes, We also haVe 'Lacquer all q incolors for every. part of the house, We will be pleased to show you our' goods. -4.E you call. ]TARI)WARE and PLUMBING Phone -244 1 Our Big Furniture Sale Will only last two weeks more, so you will be wise to hurry and get spine of the bargains we are offering. Look over the following list and see for yourself: ' 8 Piece Solid Oak Dining Suite, Old' 'English finish Regular Price 5185, Sale Price .5110. 9 Piece Solid Oak Dining Suite, Golden finish Regular Price 5145, Sale Price 5125. Chesterfield Suite in Mohair, regular 5185, Sale Price $165 Walnut Bedroom Suite, Regular $145, Sale Price $125. Birch Walnut Bedroom Suite, Regular 575, Sale Price $60, 1 Kitchen Cabinet, regular $35, Sale Price $28.50 1 Kitchen Cabinet, regular $33, Sale Price 5525,00 These are just a fete of the Bargains you will find, when you come in. You will also save money on many ^other articles including Library Tables, Desks, Dressers, Mattresses, Odd Rockers, Mirrors, etc. HARDWARE A good 'chance to save money on Skates and Hockey Sticks. Use Dr. Bess' Panacea for your hens, tone them up to put then in -good condition for laying. Also Dr. Hess' Stock Tonic Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK MONUMENT DEALERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 For Two Weeks Only We are offering 2. specials in Indigo blue Our $35.00 Suits at $30.00 40.00 Suits 'at $35.00 These are Exceptional Value and for two Weeks Only RILTIVIORE HATS Full Line Now in $3.75 to $5.00. SOME EXTRA SPECIALS AT $3.00 Davis & Herman Cdstom Tailoring • Cleaning and Pressing Egg, We Want Eggs %. ire Pay SPOT CASH , . For Eggs gg and Poultry GUNN, LANGLOIS & Co. Limited . HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, RUE, CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO. PHONE 190