HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-02-24, Page 2'LINTON If You Are
El\i,wREC0RD ° Tiree EatTztf.o Hoood s 6£Lt•sapardlla, A �v;ll-
known Justice of the Peace In Indi-
ana sags Iood's Sarsaparilla makes
food taste good:" After' taking
Terms o ..i.t}1sc,iption-4200 per; Year :three bottles he eats 3 hearty Meals
in:advancq, to Canadian addreenes; it day, works hard and sleeps well.
2.60 to the U.S. or other foreign ': A grateful woman writes: ,,ti,
countries. No paper discontinued earnestly.'recommend all wonjen
until all arrears are paid unless at, who wish to be. tna,de now,. or who
the, option of the publisher. The l ;., e troubled with that tired feeling,,-
date to which every'subseription as t,.) take Hood's Sarsaparilla, It
paid le denoted on the label wonderfully relihved me of sour
;Advortlsin0 bates -Transient adver stomach, distress and belching."
Using, 12e .per •count line for first let Hood`s, and only Hoodn.
Insertion, 8e for each subsequent .
insertion. Heading counts 2, lines. """'gym, e
one it chadvertisements, unte to exceed �TQ4E rn*; a yl*yry IN
rc iffii� ®,di?i RY1dq {Alii
36e. etch subsequent insertion rbc. s DING *atrynSOttt�
Advertisements aunt in without !n- �e 11081 gIILI yY SIC►
atructions as to the number of In- ,
sertions :wanted wlll`i•un"until 'order.
ed`out and' will be charged accord-
ingly. Rates for'dlaplay advertising Air -Survey Planned With Use
"Srayed;• eta, inserted once ter 6D
made known an application. of Captive Balloon to Report
Communications intended for publi-
eation must,'' as a guarantee 'of good 1e LOnditiOna.
faith; be accompanied by the name of
the writer.
(1. E. HALL, M. R. CLARK,
;•Proprietor. Editor.
A general Hanning Business transact.
ed, Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued.
Interest Allowed -on •Deposits. Sale
Notes Purchased.
..Notary Public, Conveyancer..
Financial, . ReaI Estate and ..Fire In-
surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire
Insurance Companies.
Division Court Office, Clinton. -
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc..
Office Hours: -1.30 to 3.30 p.m., 6.30
to 8.00 p.m., Sundays, 12.30 to, 1.30 p.m,
Other hours by appointment Duly.'
Office and, Resideno:, - Victoria St.
Office and Residence:
Ontario Street - Clinton, Ont.
One deer west of Anglican Church.
Phone 172.
Eyes examined and glasses fitted.
Odloo and Residence:.
Huron Street Clinton, Ont.
Phone 69
(Formerly occupied by the ;late Dr.
C. W. Thompson).
Eyes Examined and Glasses Pitted:
Chiropractor -Electrical Treatment.
Ot Wingltant, will be at the Commer-
cial Inn, Clinton, on Manday,Wednes-
day and Friday forenoons sot each
• week.
Diseases of all kinds successfully
Lioeneed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron.
Oorrespondence p ro
mptl; answered.
Immediate arrangemcnts can be made
for ,Sales Date at The News -Record,
Clinton; or by calling Phone 203.
abargee Moderato and Satisfaction
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' National
School of Aieinkieni ng ehie go, Spa.
clap course tarrettNx'inre tired • Live
Ftools, Real 'iilstIntien 9ferchandlse and
arm Sales. Bates In keeping with
prevailing market. Satisfaction as-
sured. Writs or wire, Zurich, Out.
Phone 18-93.
Ottawa: -The end of Hudson Bay
Railway steel and :Port Nelson and
Fort Churchill will be linked up thin
summer_ by air. To speed up;survoy
and investigation work the Dept. of
Railways and Canals has signed a con-
tract with the Western Canada Air-
ways Co. to' fly freight and passengers
from Kettle Rapids, where the rails
now end, to the Bay.
-It is'wrd�erebocd-that some fens tons
of surveying and other equipment will
be needed as soon , as the weather
opens up, in -order that Fredei'icic Pal-
mer,' the British' engineer selected' by
the Government, can commence his
Investigations as early as possible.
The air line will be only one phase.
of new o tiv'ities this summer relative
to the Hudson Bay Railway.' An In.-
terdopartmental Committee of the
'Government is now working on a
so'heme for an air survey, of naviga-
tion conditions in Hudson Btraite.
Representatives of ,he Departments of
'Railways,, Marino and Fisheries, and
National Defence are working on the
'.program. One proposal is for an ice -
'breaking , tug, with en captive ,balloon,
which -might patrol the Straits, keep
ing records and notifying vessels of
ice conditions; while another scheme
if 'rnr a sea lane base from which
air patrols would snake constant- ob-
First Woman Reeve --
is Unseated by Judge
Cochrane. -Judge Caron hae de-
elared Canada's first woman Reeve un-
seated, and with her go the entire
Council. All will be eligible to run
again. Mrs. Josephine Thomas was
,elected Reeve of Tisdale, in the Por-
cupine district, in December. The
Reeve was unseated on .the ground
that she was not a resident of the
tovvnsh.ip, within the meaning of the
Municipal Act, and the others because
of certain alleged irregularities in the
method of conducting the elections.
Why are the buttons on a man's
coat always on the right and those on
a woman's always' on the left? Or
hadn't you noticed that they are?
Canada's' Tax Bill Reduced
Twenty- Seven Millions
Premiers and Naval Defence.
Trains will arrive at and depart from
Clinton' as follows:
Buffalo and Goderich Div.
Going' Eaat, depart 6,25 a.m.
0 00 2.52 p.m..
f}oing .West,' ar. 11.10 a.m.
ar. 6.08' dp. 6.53 p.m.
ar. 10.04 p.m,
London, Huron & Bruce Div.
Going South, ar, 7.66" dp. 7.6G a,re.
' 4.10 p.nt,
Going North, depart 6.60 p.m.
1103 11.15 a.m.
• Clinton, Ont.
General Fire and Life Ineurance,'Agent
for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock,
Automobile and Sicknese and Accident
Insurance. Huron and Erie e and Cana -
de. Trust Bonds. Appointments made
to meet parties at Brucefteld, Varna
and Bayfield. Phone 57.
Theaallop Mutual
Fire Insurance u
Ten Per Cent. Income Ease-
ment and Sales Tax Reduc-
tion Are Effective Without:
Delay but Other Revisions
Date Forward to July 1.
Ottawa, -Tax reductions calculated
to effect n saving of 827,000,000 to
Oanaaian taxpayers were proposed,in
the House of Oompnone by Hon. James
A. Robb, Finance Minister, in his
fourth Budget presentation::.,
Four -distinct cuts in existing levies
are involved, as follows: Reduction of
10 per cent: in all rates of :the income
tax; general eat of 20 per cent, in the
sales tax; reduction of 25 per cent. in
the excise tax on matches;: and the
institution of a -flat rate of two cents'
Iredepective of values involved, for all
cheques, bills of exchange, promissory
notes, and similar documents exceed-
ing ten dollars in value.
The stamp tax on overdrafts and
advances- will be abolished, and the
exemption from stamp tax on cheques,
bills, etc., is to be increased'from five
to ten dollars._ Mr. Robb said the re-
auctions amount to practically 70 per
Dent. of the ebamp tax, and practically
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, Santee Connolly, Goderich;
Vice, James Evans, Beechwood; See. -
Treasurer, Thos." E. Hays, Seaforth-
Directors: " George McCartney, Sea.
forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth: J. G.
Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring, Seaforth•,
McEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries,
Harlock John Beunewelr, Brodhagen;
Jas. Connolly, Goderich. -
Agents; Alex. Leitch, Clintgn; 3. W.
Yeo, Goderich; 1118. Hinchray, Sea.
forth; W. Chesney, Egmondville; R.
G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen.
Any, money to be paid' In may be
paid to Moorish Clothing Go.. Clinton,
or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich.
Parties desiring to affect insurance
or transact other business will be
Promptly attended -to on application to
any of the above officers addressed to
their respective,. post office. Losses
inspected by the Director' who lives
nearest • the scene.
Many women with disfigured complexions
never seem to think that they need anoceasional cleansing
inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of this internal
bathing•shovs itself in spotty, and sallow complexions -as
well as in dreadful • headaches andbiitousnees. It's because
the liver becomes sluggish,: and waste matter accumulates
which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The best
t^;aixssa ei°
remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach andLiver Tablets, which
stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove fermentation,
gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole
digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take ono at
night end $'ou feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get
Chamberlain's today -druggists 25c., or by mail from
Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 11
rilek.fuccess 11
Read These Amszini
Stories of Success
nen 'lle"
What these hen i,ave dopa, rou can AO In your spare time
at home you can easily master the•necrets of selling that make._
Star Salesmen. -Whatever your experience has beer,=whateeer.
you may be doingnow-whether or not you think you eon sell
Just. answer this question: Are you ambitions to earn 010,000 a
year? Then. get in touch with me at once! 1 will Prove to yon
ncoat or obligation that you can :easily become n Star
Salesman, 1 0101 slimy yen how the Salesmanship Training anti.
Free Employment Service of the N. S. T. A. will help youto quick
caseose in Selling, •
$10,0.40 A Year `felling Secrets
Iedg hooret, of a Ser ¢m,ltt, tP le ,auxhf by e, i I0T. ud nay
enabled thooexods aimed o esti, toI¢ mo benne for ¢ the drudgery
. aro no t doing oleolfi51le! ,idling that
you a big tmre.'atter , alt `heatfacto.'
National Salesmen's Training Association'`
Canadian Mge. ttox 2c? io.onto, Ont..
Ottawa Droit (Ind. Lib.)
One feature,. in thenaval de-
fence question cannot help but
strike one. Mackenzie King,
Stanley Bruce, Gordon Coates,
all three Prime Ministers , of
three Dominions of the Em-
pire, took part in London in
the same deliberations and
adopted the same resolutions
in the same. circumstances.j.:'
Now the last two, when they
visited this country, conducted
I themselves quite openly as
missionaries of national de-
fence. Either -they spoke Pay-
ing `due consideration to the
conclusions reached at Lon-
don, and in that case Mr. King
sir Miles W. Lampson
British minister to China, who, It Is•
said, has notified the Pekin, nevem-
mein of Britain's readiness to adopt a, liable to sales tax.
new policy favorable to Chinese, 1 Tariff changes, none.
Lord -Hewers r'
ought to speak in : the sante Lord . Chief" Justice of England, who British troops on the sea will brie'
vein, or they have misrepre- may vnsit•T.ronte in August. Ho hes their number up to 16,000; unless they
sented those' conclusions, In been belted to bo the ehnet speaker are-divertedto'otherportsef Ch no.
at the annual meeting of the Canadian Five United States war vessels-
which case their conduct Bar. Association; which takes place on the Pittsburg; Asheville, Sacramento,
would be inexplicable. August 24 to 28. Edsall and McCknmlelc-had on board
11,100 marines ready for shone duty,
abolish what, ip lea been known as pressed themselves: K. Homouth ,(Ind. and 1,200 other "devil dogs" were ex-
Twenty -One r ip
In Shanghai Harbor
Hanchow Hain Fallen and De- `.
moralized Army is in Full
Retreat Toward Interrla-
tional City -British Cabinet,
Faced With Serious Situa-
Shanghai. Twenty-one warships of
five foreign countries lay in the
Whang Poo River here, their fighting
men ready to ;go inter action to prated
foreign lives and property should they
be neenaoed by the threatened invasion-
of Cantonese forces
Four thousand British soldiers
ashore within the international settle -
month awaited developments; other
"nuisance taxes" Lab., Waterloo South), Dr. G. A. peeled :from San Diego on Feb. 24th.
The induction in income tax "levies Quilan (Lib.,' NsE. Wellington), Rus- I The fiv foreign flags flying from the
sell Nesbitt (Con., Toronto), C. G. warships were those of the United
tis a straight 10 per cent. cut ori the Fletcher (Lib., South .Essex), R. H. Statea, Great Britain, Japan, France
amount payable under existing sc'he- Kamp (Prog,Llneoln);J,A-Thompsop and Italy. The war craft lay quietly
Jules; the sale*' tax cut is'from 5 to 4 (Con., North Lanark). 'In the evening, and stubbornly at anchor, despite the
session F. G. Oliver (U.F.o.,` South assurances of the warring Chinese
Grey), the youngest member of the "factions" that ,foi+eign lives and pro -
House, who Iaequitbed himself well; C. i.perty were not endangered, In Shang-
A. Robertson (Lib., ,North Huron); A. hal, . however, were many foreign re -
L. Shaver (Con., N. Wentworth), E. fugees from Hanlcow-•and Kiukiang,
B. Miller (Lib,, East Elgin), and J. H. from whicii.cities they had been evacu-
Mitchell (Lib., S.W.: Simcoe). abed when coolie mobs overran the
FEBRUARY 16TH- British concession districts and Can -
House in committee. Bills under tonese. Government officials took over,
conmideration were the amendment to their administration.
the Marriage 'Act to permit British Tho Cantonese, zmeinforeed from
clergymen to legalieeperform• the mar-
Fukien Province, hammered away at
riage ceremony in Ontario; Noxious the lines of Sum for three days, driv-
Weed Ant, which calls for owners or ing them back northward from Yen -
occupants to cut • down fan destroy chow, where they had taken their
This year's Budget is remarkable in noxious weeds to prevent seed dissern- 's stand along the Tangisien River.
that it proposes not a single tariff ination, Several private bills were Sun's army split into three columns as
change. It is the,first time within the advanced in readings. The following at fell back toward Hangehow. In the
memory of old Parliamentarians that information was given in answer to .outskirts of the city fighting took
a Budget has left existing tariff ar- questions; • place. Reports, unconfirmable because
rangements 'absolutely' untouched. 1 The new East Block will cast $2;
Mr. Robb explained -the situation by 486,989 when completed. Fire incur-
stating that terbain of the applications once Premiums gaud by province am -
considered by the Advisory Board on envied to 549,818.
Tariff and Taxation were interlocking, $228,029 was paid the Government
per cent; the match tax out is general
on existing schedules; based on the
number of matches to : a particular
container, andthe flat twocenteimpoet
on .cheques wipes out the old grads
ated charge of, roughly, two cente per
fifty dollars of value.
The "reduction in the sales: tax be-
come effective Feb. 18. The proposed
reductions in the tax on matches and
in the sbamp taxes will become effec-
tive an the Diamond Jubilee of Con-
federation, 3uly 1. And the income
tax cut becomes effective on this year's
income. - - -
Gen. John Duncan, C,B.,
C.V,O., D.S.O.
Commanding the composite division of
Britlah broops betng eonoentrated in
china. "
were defeated in the present drive ofbhe GGanto nese
London. -Serious decisions are in
the balance over the Chinese situation.
The Cabinet Connell met in the House
of Commons to consider the latest
news from China, where, with two
Cantonese armies marching on Shacvg-
hal, affairs have again reached an
acute stage, and where military de-
velopments are likely to have a power-
ful influence over diplomatic Issues.
Choir Voices Up I-Ialf
• a Tolle When iii West
Edmonton. -Since coining to West
of hampered . telegraphic communioa- eon. Canada the voices of members of
tion, reached Shanghai that Hangehow the Westminster Abbey - Windsor
had fallen into the Cantonese' hands. Castle choir has gone up in pitch one
A -tale of Chinese duplicity was wee half tone; deelarod Albert Watson,
in taxes 011 native wings. Hon. W. b, von into the war news. For some time tenor soloist with the Windsor singers.
and inquiries respecting'them wereit,was said Sun-Ohuan.-fang,formerly This ho ascribed to the -dry, ine'igor-
not ,as yet completed. Raney gave notice of"�a motion to fuidtundisputed ruler of five provinces and ating climate and the high altitude.
Following are "the proposed tax re -1 out whether the jurisdiction over the now threatened with the lose 'of the "Tire west should produce many fine`
visions announced in the Budgebl manufacture of "liquor rests with the 'rom°ammg one, in which there are as singers" he said, etlto air here acts
P h th F d i P 1 n
speech:witcon the voice.
Provinces or e e era au ea- yet no enemy troops, paid 5600,000
like a tori
,went. Oourt procedure wars asked, monthly to Chang Tsang -Chang, Mili- I
tart' Governor of Shantung, for aid nal
A reduction of 10 per cent, is made Liberal members wanted t k
case of need,
o tow am-
ounts collected under luxury tax andWhat the Minister Said,
A reduction of 20 per cent, is made gasoline taxa I Preeasd by the Cantonese rn Che Sonny had just returned from his
an all. sales tax rates.. FEBRUARY 17TH= ki•ang, Sun was said to have urgently. first attendance at Sunday -school.' -He
A reduction of 25 per cent. is made i appealed to Chang for soldiers, but the beamed proudly as he announced that
on match tax. Heated retorts from the member' latter was holding his molt north of the minister had spoken to loin.
Exemption from stamp tax on the- from West Kent and the. Leader of Nanking. It was asserted that Chang, "Wellensaid, his father, "ovist clad
nes, notes,etc„ increased from. 6 e- the Liberals enlivened the day. The once thrown out of control of Kiangsu he say to you?"
.q$ reply to the Speech from rho Throiuo
$10. " with the -Nesbitt amendnnenttoRaney'e winos by Sun, was awaiting the op- "He told me to keep quiet," replied
Stamp tax on cheques, bills, notes, amendment was carried 'without a portunity to seize that Pmvinoo if Sun sonny.
etc., of o value over 510 is now, 2'cents, ++nay+' being registered, Tho Nesbitt - -
Tho graduated scale is etbolishcd. amendment to the amendment was as
tax n overdraf and ad -
m o
Sta ia.
P follows
vances abolished. ''That ,all bile words after the word
Income box change comes into effect 'that' in the second line of the ant'ond-
for this spring's payments. ment bo omitted and the following be
Sales tax reduction comes• into effect substituted therefor: 'This House as- w
on Feb. 18. • ' - sures your Honor that the proposed
Stamp tax chaanges, and match bax measure for improvement in the me -TORONTO. .pullets, 45e; storage extras, 46e; do,
change come into effect on uly 1. tied of contmi and administration ofMan, wheat -No. 1 North., 51.5414; firsts, 43c; seconds, 40 to 41c.
S enol War Riven ActamoralNo. 2 North., 51.50%; No. 3 North,;+ Poultry, dressed -Chickens 5 lbs.
T>ethe Salo of liquor will receive its ;I land up, 40e; do, 4 to 6 lbs., 38e; do 3
to make it clear that printers aro earnest and thorough consideration, i n, oate2. No, 2 CW, nominal; No, to 4 lbs., 36c; do, 21,5 to 3i/ lbs., 350;
in order that it may advance the inte°r- 3 nieneneited; No. 1 feed, 60e; No. 2 do, 2 to 212 lbs, 85e; bens, over 5 lbs.,
eats of true temperance and afford ad- fend," nominal; western grain quota- i32c; do, 4 to b lbs., 30e; do, 3 to 4
dibional safeguard's to. all classes of done in c.i,f, ports. lbs„ •28e• roosters, 25c; turkeys, 40
f47 ducklings, 5 lbs. and np, 35
on all income tax rates. �•��
Synopsis of Proceedings of
Provincial- Legislature
Tails object of this "Diary of the
Legislature" is to supply our readers
with a concise, non political, running
statement Of the procedure in our local
Legislature. Only of speeches and
measures of particular importance,
Will synopses be given.
House in Committee. Hon. W. E.
Raney' introduced a bill "To prevent-
brewers, distillers, standard hotel -
keepers, • public contractors, Crown
lessees, and certain contractors from
contributing to politioal campaign
funds. Routine business carried sov-
the community against the - evils o Am coni track Toronto -No 2 std 38
to, c,
intemperance : i
yellow, ed ; Del. 3 old Monteeaiw,frelghts, (to c. Beans .Can. hand-picked, $3.60 to
With the. expression of the views of bags included: Brun, per ton, 532,25; $8,90 bushel; primes, $3.45 to $3.60.
Rev. A. C. Calder (Oen., West Kent), shorts , er ton, $34,26; middlhlgC Maple products -Syrup, per imp.
Wm. Newman (Iib.,,Norbh Victoria),'aJ4o.25. p gat52.25 to 52.30; per 5 gat, 52.15
and W. A. Baird (Con,, Toronto), the Ont, oats, 55c1 f.o.b. shipping points: to 52.25 per gal.; maple sugar, tib., 25
debate was brought tont close, i Ont, good milling wheat -$1.24 to to 200.
Many. private bill were introduced 51.26 f.o.b. shipping points, according ib.lt ns,12' lto tins, G 12, 1/2 tins, 131t
and given their first reading and many to freights, 1316e; 21,t-lh. tine, 1.5c,
amended bills passed. Barley -Malting, 68c. Comb honey -$3.40 Pe $4.50 per doz.
oral, of the bills_ already referred to
Buckwheat --78c, nominal. Smoked meats -Hams, teed., 28 to
Rye -No. 2, 97e..
through further ruadingty. Hon. J. E. 25c; cooked hams, , 3: ked roils,
Thompson introduced a private bill to Man, flour -First pat., $8.10, To- 25c; breakfast bacon, 30 to 35c; backs,
rento do ascend pat $7.60.
this nature wore dealt with: 5 40 seaboard n tulle $5 45 16 1 $2134 lightweight
FEBRUARY 15TH- Sanduslcy, - Notwithstanding that twins 21 to 21?4c; tri dots, 2.11p C'' roes, n l l 1
2e ldgtit s
twins, 26c • tri letq 7 O S
both -in th ft ,n011 A tween the iso floes the Mouth, P
toyer new financing arrangements for
Navigation Ont flour -Toronto 09 per cent.' boCured, 33 to
the Church of England. Six bills ofor barrel, in carlots, Toronto,1 Cured meats -Long near: bacon, 50
in Lake Erie patent, p, a to70 lbs.,522; 70 to 90 bs 520.50;
. , e '2 l t . 21 ' 2 s. ant up,
Cheese -New, laug , 11.0 • to c, r t i " barrels: 41.50 ions ei ht
she is com gilled to ick he • way- 221 e. Stiltons 23c. Old, lar a 25c; to.ls, $$8.54 per b ,
Sessions of the House were. held i1 P a be /.n > I,Rrd---Pare tic:t:es, 15 to 15'>ric;
tubs, 16 t• 16V ails 16'42 to 1"acn
The usual Opposition criticism and mission between the mainland and 2 A2 tip 43c. Dairy prints; 34 to 36c:' 14 to 141,7sc; blocks and ins, 51im. to
Eggs-Frosli extras,. in cartons,
5 r Y ,
long day's •oratory. The following ex- navigation. 1 firsts, .480•, fresh seconds, 3Ga;. fresh good, $16.25 to $18°.50$; butclter `teats,
• choice, 56:75 to $7.00; - do, fair 'to
good, $6.25 to $6.75; butcher heifers,
choice, 56,75 to $7; springers. $75 "to
590; do, fair to good, 35.50 to
$6; do, con, $4.50 to $5; but-
cher cows, geed to Choke, 55 to 55.75;
do, con, to Hied., $3.50 to $4,50; ole,
tanners and cutters, 52.25 to 52,75;
butcher bulls, good, to choice, 55 to
55.25; do, men., $4 to 54.75; do, belog-
vas, 53.50 to $3.80; baby beef, 58 to
510; feeders, choiee, 55.75 to 56.25; do,
fair, $5 to 55.25; stockers, choice,
55.25 to 55.75; do, ,fait' to vied., 54 to
$4.g6; milch sown, $65 to $80; plant
to mod. cows, $40 to $60; calves, choice,
$13 to $13.6; do, med., $10 to 511.50;
do, coin. and grassers, $5 to $il; lambs,
choice, 512.60 to 513; bucks, 59 to
59.50; shceps, choice, $6.50 to $7.60;
do 'heavies, e.4.50 to $5; do, cults, .$3
to 53.50; hogs, thiels smoot1i, fed and
watered, 511.25; do, f.o.b., 510.75; do,
country .points,' 5510 50; de.' off cars,
811,65; select premium, per hog 52;20.
,e a ernoon n' evening. n a •, c •..- u s, o ,e, pain, ,
even dozen members continued the dc- small oil -burner, owned °and' mastered 2BYiutter N inert creamery tints 5, Prints; 17/ to 18c; shortening tierces,
bate on the Speech from ,the Throne, by Captain John Neuman fs in. eon -i P 121 to 13 net tubs; 181,$ to lou _pails,
p to 4Gc• No 1 creamery 44 to 45c•+No,' d •i 1•
Government rebuttal took place,' but Kolloy's Island, in. Lake Erie. The 1Ga •
M c , , Heavy e port steers, 57'to .$7,50;
no outstandin'g features Marked the. � of s first trip opened the season's Sac; fresh extras, loose, file; fresh da cont. 9,75 5• heav steers
5ha•i gltdi Ileal Penn:Disc 1 11111!" is t.11i,, lu v?' tt1 ai°rt, flue i:o Lee mobilizedion et C,mteee,a 1 (0 in Northern 01inlceoug, abotil 100 ankles
. U ]i: [tis ii
froixi tl a city.: The at'rxval of !mhos 1 ordsul, 1. 10,1)1,8 from Brit °,n linen t5 aid to lie canning, more i 00 , .ut:;,0,!11.. ., al n„ tl_s vat tiv.;s, , and P'ieucir
and American guards Sire constantl,, 011 Lite hatch rah -any ettihreates.
Oats -No 2 OW, 76e: No. 3 CW,
661/2c, Flout, ;4Ian. sprieg wheat pats.,
firsts 58.10; secotcis, 57.50; strong'
bakers; 57.40; winter pats,, choice,
$6, 10 to ''5615, Rolled oats, bag, 90
lbs., 53.60 Dram, 532.25. Shorts,
$34.25. Middlings, 540,25. FIe,y, No.
2, ism ton, car lots, 514.50.
Oheese-i inest. 'welts., 18' to
181•tr Butter, No. 1 past un d,
4o1,'s to 401/2e. Eggs, storage limn,
43c; storage secondee, 38c. fresh ex-
tras, 130 to Ole; fresh firsts," 48e.
Good calves,- 512; do, come, $11;
hogs, 512, with the 52 per hog bon•u,s
on selects and u -Oe cut on shops and