HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-02-17, Page 6Grocers Stoc PEIKOEE If you want soniething better—try its est `/'iia 1279, A I'ROCA'THAT REGISTERS SMARTNESS. Decidedly smart .is this frock with Its shawl collar and veetee of eo-lttrast- ing material, The long sleeves are gathered into narrow cuff -bands and the Watt exploits the modish front f ul- nese in its flare, while the back is in one-piece. Buttons adorn the vestee and a smart bow adds an air of chic. No. 1279 is for misses and small w0- ntenand is in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 18 (86 bust) requires 3% yards 29a ech material; Erle sated contrasting (cut crosswise) for collar -and vestee. Price 20 cents the pattern. The -secret of distinctive deers lies in good taste rather than a lavish ex- penditure of money. Every woman should went to make her ova olethee, end the home dressmaker will find the designs illustrated in our new Fas hlOn Book to be practical and simple} yet maintaining the spirit of the node and of the moment. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. IOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. ,.Write your name and address plain- ly, ,giving number and size of such patterne as you want. Encloae 20e in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept.,• WVilson. Publishing Co., 78 West Ade- laide St,, Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. Space in Small Home. If roes. wish to make a small mom look larger, the fallowing suggestioue will prove valuable: The wale should be Iight, because light colors give a sense of space, and the woodwork should ` be onty a thought darker. .lust aa light colors on rite walls make rooms seem larger, Ilght ctlore" in furniture create the effect of great- er bulk. Therefore oh.00sesslatrk furni- ture, and wherever expedient•b'uy a angle pleoes with two noes, in place of tear separate pieces. Larger pieces should be arranged along the walls out of the tviay, The size of a room is eliways linniulshed by ascent* table, - Mirrors are particularly ,effective in creathrg an impreasion of space. Vanilla ice Cream. Fifty-five- per emit. et eat ice cream manufaotured is flavored With Vanilla. The chocolate Variety ie• a poor etcond with 10 per cent, and strawberry is. third with 8 per cent. pus • Just love Wrigley's Now DOUBLE MINT -Boar 1'epportaint As Flavor—it's no wonderfullyy comforting, coating • and delscioas, . EVERY °i7?EiII ,Sono time ago the writer was.iw trodttoed to one cf-the loveliest -Of E3ng- Iish streamer It is not at all a famous river, It rinds no place on marps of ordinary scale. It is of no oommeroial vola<i. It ie of no greet, length,, fray thirty miles or so,•and when alt feet t enteue the sea It does. so not in Sts ow name or. n f, its watere hav long ng „before lost .their identity in another and more important river. This thirty- nmles long and shallow river passes through no.eity, hardly through a vie lege. -Nothing more time anoccasion- al tarmetead or cottage is found near its •banks. It bears no traffic, It is short enough to, allow -foie to walk a greet 'part of :its length in a day, yet its entire stretch is one varied lush - noes. He who Introduced me to the river knew•. it as Thoreau knew the 'Con • earn. Ile lived almost on its banks, and knew .its every; mood, elle knew every bend and turn in is course, knew Whet to expect round_ every core nen•, .knew -its fishes and les birds. He was intimate with the romance of the trout and the eel. He knew where kingilslter and dippers hed nested. He knew this "tail talk" of wagtails. He bad olosely watched - the trees and flowers of the countryside• for years, and was deeply intimate . with their. ways. IIe had a way with wild, things. Somehow he could win • their confi- dence as few others maid. He told, for ihstanoe, of a thrush's neat in the garden, in a dr tree. The mother bird. allowed him to stroke her on the nest. It was a most inviting end likeable: stream, Some epots are places of re- turn. One visit never suffices. Those who visit Iona, it is said, go back at leant twice. This stream was a place ' of man n Y returns. • There are hours of manifold enrich- ing by the banks of such a stream. One can tryst witlt,Bpring and-auteintt there, and there watch the pageant of summer. Spring flowers were there Iii undisturbed loveliness—often ihac- eessible where the river bank wap cliff -like In formation. Here and there where the wood came down to the river side, the banks were =Meted with blue -bells in their season. One. might walk there a whole af- ternooh, mid- nevem see a single notice about trespassers. one could go for miles in ever yet wilder solitudes, in undisputed right of way. The river is not a. part of our present neighbor- hood, yet ft remains a prioeles0 mem• ory. isonrts SIGN g t,924 -Lids, Oleant, drnpl,v BEGIN HERE TODAY. In a convict gang toiling on a roe wt. the outskirts of Walla Walla is y Y while a victim of amnesia due t wounds received in. the war, A chane meeting with Ezra IVIelvflle, au, old friend of th pgrisoned, results 10 recognition 1VIelvillo pleads with Governor McNamara to have the oris ones examinee. The mental test 1 made by' ' Forest, a noted alienist, of Seattle, A small box. is brought forth an Darby remembers its contents, th V,C, given hire ler valor in the wa en Darb , sbrrving• ti .five -ear flu' year sen' ce for robbery comnritte gy s for it makes a whale of a lot of difference d' whether' you get your memory back or iigt. - "'Phe reason, I'm going to talcs you d Where I'm gain to take 'You 1 e your. own good'' "I'm willing to take your word for e that, Mr. Melville," ',Ben 1� terposed quietly. "And I"might say, now's as good a - time as any, to let up on the 'Mister' s My'mine, is Ezra .Melville, and I've been Irilown es •'.]Laron' as long' as I can remember, to my friends: The d Darbys ite ;particularly called tire that, 1 and -you're A Darby. a :. "I'll say in the' heginniug I can't do for you all I'd'l�ike•rto do, simply because I Haven't the means. On this o expedition to come we'll, have to go t On the .0 heaps. ' No D•ulhnatie, no ho- tels—sleeping out la the hay when - we're can t • . " ht out a m ht. g g en triedC In B to eat questions, to agile t ns but the old man's words .wept his own away. "To begin et the beginning, I've got a brother--ieastwisel had him a few weeks ago—Hiram Melville by name," GO ON WITII THE STORY, McNamara; focused" an intent gaz firat on Ben, then on the alienist. "I Is, then—as you guessed," "Absolutely. The night of bis ar rest : marked the said o hie f iron e you might say that his brain1 b simply snapped back into health and begun to: function normally again; after a period of temporary mania from shell shock. In other words,, he has been slowly convalescing since that night under the peeper stimuli I heave no doubt that evex•ything wpuld' e0lne back to him." "And our friend here--,Melville— offers to supply those stimuli?' "Exactly. 'And it's up to You to say Whether he gets a chance." Thoughtfully the executive drum- med his desk with his 'pencil. Present- ly a smile, markedly boyish and pleas - eat, broke over his face: Ile turned slowly in his chair, "Darby, I suppose you followed what the doctor said?" he'aeked easily. "Fairly well, I think." "I'll review it, if I may. It seems, Beira, that you have been the victim of a strange set of unfortunate circum- stances, Due to the efforts of an old family -friend 'we've looked up your record. You served in France with Canadian troops and there you Wen, among other honors, the highest Boner that the Government of England can award a hero. There you were shell- shocked, in the last months of the war. "This good friend of yours has a plan' outlined that he'll tell you of Iater, that will not only be the best possible l influence b o tow axd recalling your memory, but will also give you a clean, new start in life. "So you needn't return to Walla Walla, Darby. a'm going to parole you --under the charge of your bone - feeler. Melville, from now on it•s up to you," CIIAPTF'R II. t31kUM MELVtLLE'S WILL. There was a great house-cleaning n the dome of the heavens one memor- able light that flashed like a jewel from the murky desolation of a rainy spring The . Seattle citizenry, for the first line in some weeks, 1•etalled the exist- tence of the stare. .A. ntagni$cent noon rose in the east, too big and too bright to compete with. No living creature who saw it re- malned wholly umnoved by it. But to no one in the city was the influence of the moon 'Snore potent than to Ben Darby, once known es "Wolf" Darby through certain far - spreading districts, and now newly come from the State capital, walking Seattle's streets n with, his ward and, benefactor, Ezra Melville. Forest had given over the case: it was Molville's time for experiments to -night. All the way out he had watched his patient, sounding him, studying his reactions; and all that he had beheld had gone to strengthen his own convictions. "I don't see any harm in teain' you that the guesses you've already made are right...Yonr name is Ben Darby —and you used to be known as 'Wolf' Darby for reasons that sooner or later you may know. Abner Darby was your father, Edith Darby (Was Your . sister that ain't no more. You went awhile to Maclean's College, in Ontario. "Now, .lien, I'm going to put a proposition up to you. I'm hoping yod'll see fit to accept; it. I don't see Canadian Reid Cross Has Spent Six Millions on Peace - Time Programme. That in round flgttres the CanaiIan Red Clues Society hoe disbursed since the war six inIllloiis ($6,000,000) cf dame in furthering its national memo - time programme; that about one -hall the revenues of this Sinister, available at the end of the war with the revenue accruing since,: has been sport for the benefit of disabled members of the Canadian Forces; that the other half has gone largely into the,publlc health and health aotivitiea et the organiza- tion; and that last year the sum el six hUhdred and fifty thousand dollars ($660,000) was spent ' ,on Red Cross work in all parte of Canada, will be the gist of a statement to be issued at an early -date from Red Cross Head- «nartersin Toronto. Title statement, which has been pre- pared by Dr, James W. Robertson, Chairman of the Central Council of the Red Cross in Canada, and Lieut. Colonel J. L. Biggar, M.D., Chlat Com- missioner, will deal in detail with tile MASSA 18111011 made It imperative at the Mose of the war that heti Cross work should go on without pause; will utldne the peace -time eonotitntton of the World. League of Red dross. Socia - les and the Canadian Etea Crass; wiil show the Red Orose health education as furthered by the Red roes and ether health agencies in Cerode Ilse been largely responsible or the fact that since the wee many housands of Canadian soliooi children ave . beon medically examined; will der to the faot that the Jotter Red Cross tvhicli originated In Canada .in 1914 has now over 100,000 members n the Dominion and has spread into many other lauds where it to -day num- ere tern lndlldons; will state that in 'he -past three years 11,000- women ave taken the Red Cross` Home Nps ng oourses, will'atnneunce tea e,873,- 45 Mao et health .literetiue have eon sial lbuted by ;the Red': Cross; ill describe the invalamble services afforded settlers In the hinterlands of Dominion through the thirty -Wino Red Cross Gutpeost Hose -Rafe now in eration in many provinces; will malso known the very definite conntre- utione made to safe and satisfactory ettle+ment of linniigrants• through the eapenemaNurseries of the Red Crosse act •t110 fellow -up records kept in these algae ins.titutiene; will enter filter arias regarding what has keen done y way of Disaster Relief` in the pest oven ears and wet eetln1'0 the tasks Or the future et all suchurgentiy e1essary work le to be carried for, 0 C f h r .b h td 7 b. w tIle It ts understood that -this statement will precede 't netlon evele can1paig for national ailment of the heti Cres and that this campaign iVi1l be launch. $a on Empire Day in all parts of the Dominion and will continue mall, Do - r WY ADAMSON'S ADVENTURES --By 0. Jarcobsson. Ezra went on. "He was a prospector up to a place called Snowy. Gulch—a town way" i p in the Caribou 1Vloun `"So you needn't return to`'Wai1a_ Walla, Darby, Vol going to parr - 'ole you." Y ., tains, in Canada, Some weeks ago, I got a letter front him. The letter's right here. "I'm mighty :glad that I've got something, at Ieast worth looltin' into, to let you in on. I only wish it was 'More." "Why should you want to let meth on anything?" Ben asked clearly. The direct question received only a stare of blank amazement from Ez- ram. "Why should I--" ho repeated, seemingly surprised out of his life by .the question "Shucks, and quit interruptin' . ane. Maybe I'm getting' a little too old to do much, I want a buddy—someone who will go halfway with .me." "Therefore I suppose yeti go to the 'pen' to find one," Ben commented, Wholly unconvinced. "I'm going' to make this proposition good," Ezram went on as if he had• not heard. "Listen to this": Opening the letter, he read labor- iously; "Snowy Gulch, B.C. "Dear Brother Ezra. "T rite this witli what I think is my dying hand. It's my will to6. I'm at the hotel at Snowy Gulch—and not much more time. You know I've been hunting a claim. Well, I found it -- rich a pocket •as, any body -want, worth i a quarter mullion any how and in a' in district where the Snowy Gulch folks' at believb there ain't a grain of gold; f t "It's yours. Come„up and get; tt w gale k before some thieves up here jump it, Lookout for Jeffery Neilson knd his •gang they seen some of my dust., I'm too sick to go to roaordei• in Brad- ao leyburg and. record claim. Get copy in of this letter to carry, put this in some t,S safe place. Tim© only condition is you tale good care of 1i'enris, the pet I raised Dorn a, pup, You'll find hint and lay gull at Steve Morris's. "I :telt myself going, and just did pa get hear, Yeti get supplies borers Snowy Gulch go up Poor Man Ore through':Spruce Pass over to Yu Itiver: Go down Yuga River p first rapids along Still place to fit creels you'll know it cause there's old cabin just below. and my 41111 landing. Half mile up, in % creek bed is the pocket and new cabin. Anal do toll no one in Stid vy Gulch who yo are and where you going. "Go quick brothel .Ez and put up stone for me at Snowy Colch, "Your brother "Hiram Melville,"' 'And' you haven't heard wheth your brothel' is still alive t" _"t got, u wire the hotel man se toe, It reached me weep before- t the letter cams, and I guess he mu have died soon after he wrote -it. suppose you sea what. be means whe Ito says to earry a copy of this let instead of the original," - .",t The load to Happiness. lac Thorn le a roatl'to happiness, Start /IOW from Where you e0e, alit Turn to ties rlghtaud lceop Straight ori an You wilt not find It fa,. °e Along the nada; of wilding feet "1 And over hearts came 11111, it ret iotoss 1110, stream of sweet content'. 1hes-treet of glad good -will. a Then through the lane of loving heart The gate that's called "to -days,. And down the. stops of little allegeInto the .common way, .' el' th And take e cloak of charity, nt The staff of wise employ, he A loaf of bread `and daily grape, st A flash well -$Pled mit1i joy. T n A. word; or, cheer„ a haeleg ter, Some good to'givo or s;bare A bit otsong, a high• resolve e A hbpe,'e:'smlie; a tear. `0f course—because it consLitht his will, your legal dale'. Just ti fact that you are his brother wor0ld clan enough I should think, but th simpllfiee matters for ,you, You'd h' ter make a copy of it'and yqu e,an 1oavo It^ in'aano safe place. And of couraethis'claim Is what you offered to let tee ;in, on." "That'a it. Not much, but all what Igot,W a h tZ wanknow t to ow'1s if its a go." g "Wait just a minute._ Before we go any further, tell me what'setvice I've done you, what obligation you're under. to tae, that gives me a right to accept so much from. you?" It alight have been: in `the mon-. light thattp„arani's eyes -glittered per- ceptibly, "You're in illy charge,",.;he grinned.. "I guess you ain't got any say c01hin" ' r'W,ait-=wait," Bon• sprang to his feet and :sought by his earnestness, Berate got up too: "I sureappreofate the trust' you put in me," Ben went on,slowly, "For my own part I'd give everything I've' -got and all I'd hope to ever get to go with you. It's a chance such as I never dated believe would come to me again—a chance to get away and get a new start in' a country where E feel, instinctively, that I'd. make good," The d'aik vivid eyes,eeented to glow in the soft light. "Forgive me if I talk frankly; and if it sounds silly I can't help it,"" . Ben continued, "You've never been in prison—with a five-year sentence hanging over you— and nobody giving a damn,` "But I can't take all that from a stranger. You. Inlet know h0,8111 IS. A man -can't, while he's young and strong, aetept charity—" "Good Lord, it ain't charity!" the old man shouted.. "I'm gettin' as much n m t, pleasure outof ' it pas you,"His voice sanlc again; and there was no line of mirth in his face. "It was long ago, in Montreal," Be - ram went on, after a pause. "I knew your mother, as a girl.. She married a better man, but.I told ter that every wish of hers lens law to me.- You're her son." Night le always a time of mystery in Silowy Gulch—that little cluster of frame shacks lost and fat in. the northern reaches of the Caribou Range, Only a few have any idea of sym- pathetic yn pathetic understanding with it. Am- ong these was Beatrdee. Neilson, and she herself did nct fully understand the dreams and -longings that swept her ever at the fall of the mysterious wilderness night, It seemed hardly fitting in this stern, rough land—the soft collates- and ontour and d`olicecy of the g'irl's features. As she passed the door of the hotel one of the younger "sten Who had been lounging about the stove strode out wind accosted her. "Going home?" the man asked. "I'in 'going up to see your pop, and I'll see you there, ]f you don't mind?" (To be continued.) be' And i1I•,the'plade of "Duty Done,, Beside the door of home, ats.You'll,flm the' house ofhe,pptnesrs ... Por"%lei ppiuess close not roam,; Alt Believers in Re -marriage. At the wedding at Cln'Istcliurclt, king - anti, of Mr. J. Dashflel1, a widower, id Mrs, Hayward, a widow, the offiol- hug olergymau, the beet man,: and lie bride's lather were all remarbled. Metres's, 4. Debit Is Missing. A bachelor, in eending his weekly cks were found to be darned, but tdernea.th the note 1104 written: orry.' We found no debit in your bundle of washing to the laundry, en- olosorl a note: "Please darn socks and debit." - When the washing lues returned the reel." Heal Br Cg50Fu1_ wrai THEM ii01tT N' Stiff Musdde8. This is tile, time of -year when ss . denLatY etreale who liave neglected their "daily dozenot, Worse yet ,their two -Inge daily walk, cone to realize tiedil' mdatake and, pay their penalty. Some one who has not ridden anything (unless fit be'a: hobby) 'for YAM slid- detrly remembers that he used t0 en- joy a gallop on the back of a spirited horse, So he leave" the oiffee early andhas a delightful afternoon enjoy- ing a lost delight, ITO gOea hoarse _acrd to bed; filled with a determination to repe81- the 'pleasure. The next morn- ing he can hardly dress himself, and tile thought of 'walking to the office, or even of climbing into a car- is ap: palling. The story will be preelsely the same it, instead ofa eider, our friend is a tatmfa player returning again -to the seems of his former triumphs. FI•rat he has e, congratulatory conviction that his game, has not fallen off half as Hutch as he •bard, feared, and then as agonized making to the pain of a lot of angry and; protesting muscles. Many an ardent varatlonlet spends his Arta 'few Jaye paying In physical <lls- comfort torr his eager return to active lite. e For the treatment of muscular etltf- nese a day's rest, followed by moder- ate exercise with. massage or temple rubbing, will suffice. But that takes time, and In a brief vacation or during a busy season in a short-handed ofliee theare 1 n a o time to too ve' gt a St 1 re Is wise, he will take preventive reassures at the end of the first day's exercise. A great deal ocui be done. The strain on hie muscles- has emoted the forma- tion of an unusual amount of oxore- mentlous and therefore poisonous ma terlah—uric acid&, Motto acid, and the lflte,—which must he got rid of. The channels for this are the Navels, the kidneys and the akin; therefore, a moderate dose of some cathartic (Pre- ferably castor Oil) should be taken on going to bed, followed by a done of safte in the mortting, then two glasses of water with a halt tenmpootltui of htearbonato of soda at night, and two more in the morning. The nlnseles most likely to be sore nhould be sweat- ed, by wrapping them in very hot oloths covered with two or three layorn of flannel or India. -rubber tissue and keeping the covering on all night. This treatnlent is beet ea preventdan, but will' alae 11e511 along rho calve. To Remove Casting:. If the knot In a basting thread it tied one inch or mom from the ottd, the task of removing the baatinge will be aecotnplished more quickly and easily titan otherwise: f, Thee 1a lic Health � eltNurse. a , ,r A Public Ilealtb Neese is one of the greatest assets any communitycan possess, In business, in, pleasure, in everyiiay life, physical' fitness and good Health are essential, A happy race. iH a healthy racoy- but fax - too :little thought lies been given to this seem-' Maly obvious statement, in days gone' by. The-Pablic Health Nurse is es- sentially a Witcher, her aim being to keep well people well, and to help to;• point out -to thoae with whom she conies in contact the right course toil follow in the pre.,ervation of health' and physical fitness. Her work to not confined to any particular age, but toy every age. Itis just es importantfor her to tenet the expectantmother, thing she ought to know aboutlteai5ii s as it Is to advide a mother-thatbreast) feeding bf he infant is best or that the older boa or girl who hoe adenoids should Bove them removed. It is equally important for herto teach the simple laws of hygiene, either persbnel or In the tome or con• niunity, and to warn people of the-den- gers of communicable diseases. There is scarcely any Ilmit'to the extent to which a public health nurse can be of service to the community, but her lodutiesws,= cau be broadly outlined as fol - 1. Care of expectant medal o. Regular and con peteatarerviaio n of babies and of children of pre-school age. To see that the child entering school has a complete pbysical examination made to determine how much he ahoakt study and how his phyafoal condition may determine the trend of 1I4e life. Regular eupervieion in school by the ulnae to see that a good physdc l standard is maintained. A complete phyelene examination at• the time the youth Is about to leave sohool and enter industry, so that be may start into work for which be is not phyefoaliy fitted, A general knowledge of the living, conditions and habits of the people with a view to the promotion of hygiehs and sanitation and au int - proved standard of•health to e01, Related Fur Animals. The mink, popular for iia far, be:', longe to tile weasel family. Rare and Valuable Egg. Tho egg of the California condor le' valued at about $1,500. BOOKS FOR -CHILDREN There ie a curious taeolnatiott abou making up Bets of books that ought t be read'. IC is n dangeroits pastin for hardly anyone else agrees with your selection of a Five -boot smelt or the Hundred Best Books. But widel as Metes olid judgments very titers .are of course some books a:knowletlg of. which are essentlal'to anyone wh wants to know anything about liter tore, and there are Baine others the pare by pretty general e0neeltt-too en. terteining: to- be neglected by enyon who can get any irleasere at all out o res rid t watering down of the delightful old o story? Where are David Copperlfeld and Oliver Twist? Where aro Wale' �' ( ward Ho and The Vee i Greek Heroes of Charles Kingsley? l'en't the Mystert, of are Island as good as a dozen at least y of the: Bureau of Edaication's choice?, ''And would ziot La Salle and the Die-) covert' of the Great West please dn.tei I t3' ligsnt youngatet's as much as the Ore-, a' gon Trail, or more? And hog about t Quentin Durward or the Three Mus- kaisers? o j We could keep on welting questions f like this tor another cremate' for we have get ou to the diflloult ground of lre1senal taate and individual prefer-' enc), No one, even of those best` quslifled : to judge, would select the sante forty, -a even the Same iiftj';' best books' for clidieren to read, .I;ut there is no Shakoelieare here. Ought' any young person to get, to the age of sixteen . without reading sonletaing by the greatest of poets—A, Mideum titer Night's.' Dream and as You Like 1t, at leest? And, most serious omis-` sem of all; ds the 19ngiislt Bible. .Pent haps the Bureau of Education takes It' for granted that all children road the the Bible, That would have been e safe. sseumption once; -it, is- not Salic to -day, But It young person has tea su•fffeient grounding for life; no 'Itrain- ng In appreciating the beat anti iio•b I. feet English prose writing and no adea quate 'preparation for understandingti the Biblical allusions of which all literature is tall, anises he has a good knowledge of the Bible. And teal knowledge must be got in youth,hgt Bible Iles se Ilene}, at the foundation of our life, our ,elterature and our rte ligio.n that S t must be,readoar9y,. There Is no other' book that we cane not do without if we have to, Without, thio Bible we Have lost. our spirituad4 0310 our literacy birtlirig'hi, 1 The LI,S, Federal liorennt of Edutite tion has• undertaken the task of choos- ing forty booktthat every child should tend before he is sixteen. Sheltered behind the impersonality or n govern-. anent 'bureau, the persons who drew up the Ilst are at !tea safe tram a oritleesan of timer inclividuil4 literary Meta. They have Omen two of Miss A-loott's books} Littilo-Men a.ntl:Little Womefl1 threeoef Magk Twain`s)'Tom Sawyer, Huolo9ebe ry Finn and The Prince mut •tire'Pauper; three af'Ifep. ling's, The Jungle Book; I Jost • fro Bllories and Captalins Conrag'eous 1 two by Stevenson, Treasure Island and A ChiIcl's Garden of Verses; seat v'enec'• ab,le elae•s1ee,as the Arabian Nights, Aloe's.. Fables, GnoIdiver's Travels, lifadory's Stogie's of King Arthur's Court, Robleson Crusoe and ewiee 'anally Robinson, Tantsbewocel Tales, Uncle Peapns, the alley' tarso of the brothers deform and of Haile 011rls- teal Antlers -Me Agee tit Wonderland, Heidi, Paelen 's Olafson "frail, Bans Brlhtuea; fem les, Wallet' i abies, Mae. ter ekalatrlt, The 1rittle Lame Prince, dtoch'i3 Story of a pa4 iioT, Mita 1,01a 's 1A9)'o' I if� of Abrstllnm Lin - 0?), l t' . Monved's' Jean of ,Arc 'i<1ii t'}''9)l it t5i': A1lventureo of Nils, heliecps d grimily -Meek 11Jfrm, The Niall wt1}1,n)k a Clotlntre, A Dog or rlealctea• , lindersitood lletsy,'1t6' Miss Coat@@Icl, jlp5tor Dolittle, by Iiugh ott1)i81 Pa iraio Cglnln's version of hs adfetittn'es 01 Odysseus and 1Iow- tgt•.lc'i Pylo's Robin 1lood and: Men of rlq.011. A good list on. the whole; a weld - '1'1;94 •e11 -'1'1;9 , (1111151 ought to have :dapped 11110,, l, perhaps all of t1eni, But co314n't he be 'trusted to read the Odyssey ltsslf instead of ,-o modern g iu :ii'ssE The Toronto Soepltal for Inoilrahlee, 58 antnaliot wlfh eonevue one Aalnd aoeppltat$, Sew York city, offer- 11'011.4e ;mho' boareo of Tralninl to youn0 woman, 1,041,0 rho repaired education, and dortrooa -of heoo,t nd nurses..' Tule lie nitel Imo adopted the eight, udur system. The nupllo re,olyo uniforms of -' the Sohcot n mcnttily nitowonoe and traveling eknm,coe to end from Ko13 York. re turthor '.. iotor.nalidn write the;. Suporintondolit,