HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-02-17, Page 4THURSDAY, F1iBRUARY 7;' 1927. Fh'a Ctit to News -Record' co o t8 Ir s STORE.' NEWS THE REAl'ARE 1.,,E141jINe LIBRARY The Latest at Coopers e P. Strong 'CiOiti Don't you ".took feel than you/would, like toread, the latest books, and enjoy such great writers as Zane"Grey, lilary Roberts. Rinehart, Peter Kyne, James Qliver Curwood, Joseph C. Lincoln, and a host of other famous present day writers? TseReadmore Lending _ L ntaiy which has been i n stalie d for your convenience, affords ybu just this very Youcan rent books ata small fee, a mere trifle, and: read eight or ten books at the price o;f, me. These books'are'the very latest. They are sin our library on the date of 'publication. ,The Readmoree g L nclin Library system is, the newest and 'most ' advanced type of ch•culatinglibraries, 'Be sure, to jou now.- We can .also secure any book for you t. at short notice: Read more and often• and keep abreast of the -times..` RENT yX o R 'BOOKS FROM • N CLINTON News ® Happentrr sen g i taryes were afforded ff ded the oppor- in ;the . eountij and ing of Metro Goldwyn Company's latest film _production "The :" Fire D1sstriCt Brigade,", last Wednesday afternoon - I in' the' Model Theatre. The picture is WI'NGEIAM: 'North Huron County the latest 'screen sensation and •pro tunityy .of receiving. an advance show - L. 0. L. met in Wing-hawon Tuesday vides numerous thrilling moments wn with a large number 'or delegate. well as being educational and instruc- present. It )vas "decided to celebrate 'give. The life or fire men isvery the victory 'of' the .Battle of the cleverly portrayed- in the pictures Boyne on July 12 in Blyth this ,year. and ways and,, means of preventing J: J. Hunter, Deputy Grand Master .fires are also clearly brought out. of ,the Grand Orange Lodge of On- BLa TII:; The annual congrega- tario West„ was present and gave an tioial meeting of St. Andrew's excellent address., Ile also conducted Churchas held in the churchre eleetioiv and installation of offi- w the Gently with a -good attendance. ,The cers; the following being elected; report for the year showed: Collec W.C.iM.; A. G. „ Smith, Wingham; tions by envelope, $2,125; 'plate col- W.D,M.: Chas. R. Coulter, Belgiae; lections, $185.70; anniversary tolled chaplain: Rev. A. V. Walden, Blue -tions 8636.40;. W. M. S., $584.27; Y. P. S., $38.29; sacrament collectins yy1 and interest ,'4G,76• Sabbath sclioo , h ` • Ladies' Aid $1.05.05; Mc - $28,...39,. $ , Mc- Lean Mission Band, $241.96; mission- ary coliectigns, $1,239.13; Bible So- ciety, $32, , making a :total of $5,570.90. After the business part', of the meeting was over the ladies provided a fine supper, which was much appreciated. GODERICH: The funeral. of Rus- sell Stoddart was held from the fain fly home, ` St David street Thursday Westinghouse '56 Desk Type Receiving. Set The Pinnacle of Radio Perfection High Class Ra'dim Receivers at - Reasonable Prices. L 0 Jct cNeil' Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative Box 113 Phone 273 1 Varna •• A concert will Be given in the township hall Tuesday evening; Feb. 22nd, under the auspices of St,, John's .church, assisted- by Bayfield talent. • Mr. M. Elliott and Mr. W. Taylor each shipped a car load of live stock to Toronto Saturday last. A most enjoyable time was spent' at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. H. Diehl en Thursday' night of last week by the members of the Anglican church. Tho'evening was spent in Progressive euchre, gamed and dancing. Lunch was provided by the ladies before the gathering, broke up. Mr. and Mrs. H. Diehl were the guests 82 Mr, and Mrs. F. Weekes Monday evening. Miss Rena Johnston. left on Mon- day for Stratford where she intends -training for a nurse. }ler friends -wish her every success in her under- taking. Miss. Margaret Johnston has returned hone from •Seaforth hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis and her friends hope to see her•about soon. Dr. J. M. and Mrs. Parreant of De-. troit, Mich,, visited at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J: Colclough, for the past week, have returnetd home. Miss Roxanne. Colclough of Detroit was hone for the funeral of her sis- ter, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Colclough. Phoebe Ford Colclough, whose death occurred a short time -ago, was born on the Parr line in the Town- ship of Stanley, July 2Gth, ,,1907, where her father, William Colclough; carried on farming.. ---Later i he pur- chased the Dennison farm, just at the edge of the village and moved his family there. She attended the Varna Public school and passed her entrance ex- amination after which she atterid- ,ed the Clinton Collegiate Institute until the failing health of her moth- er required her care and assistance at home. She, showed very inuch self-sacrifice, sympathy and kindness in looking after her mother, who is Bow very ill, and relieved her of every care and worry that was in her dower to dor She took a very active. part in church matters, being a member of the choir• and also of the Young People's League' in which she. had given some splendid topics, the 'last ,of which' was-• "The Ladder to .ange at the funeral, Friends and re - la flives extend their sympathy. , J. V. Haines vale; rec.-secretary:. , Wingham, fin. -secretary: A. V. Pat- tisoi, Belgratve; treasurer, Chas. Stewart, Londesboro; lecturers: J. A. Johnson, Shephardton; and C. R. Copeland, Wingham;, marshal], T. A. ,Tainan, Blyth.'. A. donation of $25\ was sent by the Lodge -tq the . Loyal True Blue and Change Orphanage at Richmond 1E11. WINGHAM: A very successful euchre and dance was 'held by the Turnberry Agricultural Society, in the parish,hall, on Friday evening. About .400 people were in attendance and for lack of -space a large number had. to be .turned away. The pro- ceeds were for the Turnberry Agri- -cultural Building . which was erected last fall and will clear off the deficit which has been standing on the build- ing. Prizes ' consisting. of two pigs and two chickens, were given for points and lone. hands:' Jas.' Porter was highest for points and won a pig and Jas. Carr for lone hands won the chicken. Mrs. Jas. Robinson was high for the ladies and Mrs. W. J.•. Henderson, for lone hands. Mr. Porter, Mrs: Robinson and Mrs. Hen- derson, eni- derson,-turned their prizes over to the society and they- were auctioned off, the sum of $20 being realized. The dancing program had been ar- ranged for the young and 'old, there being the old time dances as well as the latest 'steps. Lunch was served and all report an_ excellent time, GODERICH: A Young_ People's Society has been organized in con- nection with St. George's' church, the following constituting the executive: Honorary president, Rev. S. S. Hardy; president,. ;Richard Wurtele; vice-president, A. Sturdy;_ secretary, Miss Laura Sturdy; treasurer, Miss Murphy; councillors, Miss Lewis, Miss Saults, Miss Hamilton, Miss Williams and Miss L. Craigg. Regu- lar meetings of the society will be hold twice a month.' Besides the father and mother there' are two sisters, Mrs. (Dr.) Parreant and Miss Roxanna of Detroit and two brothers, Glen and Thompson; at home to mourn,...the loss of a dear loving sister, besides her many rela- tives and friends who extend their deepest sympathy. • • James Wanless, whose death oc- curred here recently, was born in Dundee; Scotland, Nov 2nd, 1829, and came to Canada in 1842, the fancily arriving at the hone of Mrs. D. McNaughton on the Front Road; one mile east of Varna. His father took up a farm just east of Varna and lived there with the fancily. In later years he married Sarah Luker of the township -of Hay, and settled in Varna. Ile ;000upied a good part of his time in drawing cream for the Exeter Creamery for a number of years and later in life became a pumpmaker and gardener. His garden .was certainly a great credit to him as he was very particu- lar to keep down the -weeds, wild grass, etc. and `especially so with his strawberry plots. He' had two sons, John of, B. C. and Percy, both of whom predeceased him by several years. His wife, who was a great help to him died Nov. 24th, 1913. married • he r A few years later Sarah Curtis of London, Ont., who survives him. He was a member of the Methodist Church for many years and was quite regular in his attendance at Sunday,school in the adult Bible class where he tools a great interest, even till a few weeks before he took sick. The funeral services were conclud- ed by Rev. J. J. Durrant' from tine United church, Varna. The text he spoke from was Isaiah 50:4, froin whicls he spoke most impressively. The choir sang as a voluntary; "I shall know Him," very effectively. 'The casket was covered with flow- ers from his many „friends both' for and near. The pallbearers were Nel- son Reid, George Coleman, John number of deaths, 20; major opera- tions, 212; minor ;operations, 29'7. This is t a record;' said not to be surpassed by any'hospital, of like. standing -'in: the province. "A state- ment of the receipts and expenditures. of the hospital will be published at any oarly date. A BAD CLIMATE Hugh Walpole, the English novel= said: ' "Our London climate is very bad. An American coivboyt who was doing dangerous stunts` at a winter circus in London called on a doctor one clay. "'I' have a bad cold, doctor,' he said, 'with terrific pains in my side. "The doctor examined him. " 'Why, gracious'manl" ho said, you've got three ribs°bi•okenl' "`That so ,doc?'^said the cowboy, '1 thought it was the climate.'" GODERICH:' Among :'the guests 'J at the second annual' dinner of -the •1Vlaitland Golf Club, held at the Hotel BILL TO CONTROL NOXIOUS WEEDS z s Hon. Mr. Martin's bill respecting Control of'Noxious Weeds now be- fore the House, consolidates:provi- sions, rovisions, now existing lin three different parts of .the statutes, and also con -- tains this 'new provision:" "Every occupant of land, or if the land is un occupied, the owner, shall et�t down afternoon, the service: being conduct 'or destroy all weeds designated nox- ious by the Rev. R. C. McDermici, Tlrere loris by the regulations, as often in were many beautiful. floral tributes, every year as -is sufficient -to prevent the ripening of their seeds.". The Penalty. clause has been amended, -and provides that any owner of land contravening the. provisions of -the Act or. neglecting to obey the lawful order . of the inspector shall incur a penalty of not less than $20 of more than $50. The inspector is; to give• -notice-in writing, not later than such dates in each year as may be fixed 'by bys,law of the municipality'. In- creased power is .given the Lieuten- ant -Governor in Council regarding the Making o:f regulations. symbolic of the high esteem in which the young man was held. The pall- bearers were churns of the young man, they being Carl•Sheardoun, Em- merson Elliott; Wilbur McManus, C. Robertson, F. Webb and Harold Katt - lag. Besides his parents he his sur- vived by: four 'brothers, 'Carl, Bill,, I Xarvey and David, and two sisters. He was popular in "sport circles, lAer`. ing an ardent hockey player -and cap- tain of the Excelsior team and he also held an important position lastsuni mer on the Square softball tears. BRUSSELS: Jacob Long, one of the best known rural hotel -keepers in this district, died at his hone ix- the Village of Cranbroolc, five miles from here, early - Friday 'morning. De- ceased was' in his 75th year and had been a great sufferer froin asthma for a number of years. Far over thirty-five years lie had conducted the hotel where he died. His wife predeceased him by, _one year, but three sons and three daughters sur- vive. The funeral took place on Mon- day afternoon, with interment in Elora Centre Cemetery. EGMONDVILLE: George Hills' has sold his blacksmith and car- riage bofsiness .in Egtnondviile to Alex. Lillie°, of Acton. This is one of the oldest and best known blacksmith shops in the county} hav- ing been • started', more than fifty years ago: by Ml,; Hills' father, the late Thomas Hills„ and has always enjoyed a large bhsiness, but owing to ill -health during the past year Mr. Hills has been forced. to retire from' aiitive business :for the time being. SEAFORTII: The annual meting of the- policyholders of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Was held in 'the townn hall on Friday. There was a small attendance of members present. Mr. Connolly was again el- ected president and Jasises Evans, vice-president. Messrs. McCartney, Broadfoot.and Gibson were re-elected to the'Board of Directors. The audi'- tors' report was read and considered.- The onsidered:The company had a very favorable year an regard to losses, the full amount �lof losses being less than 57,000. 4 motion *DS made that the present member :for the Federal Leg- islature be requested for aid in hav- ing the present Federal tax on in- surance abated. James Kerr and J. Moylan are auditors for 1927. GODERICH: Charles Seager, K.O., who was recently superannuated by the Provincial Government from the Pest of County Crown Attorney and the County, of the Peace for Clerk of Y. Huron, was on Saturday morning.- - honored by his colleagues. A num- ber of the county 'officials gathered' at the Court }Iouse and en behalf of thein, and the Huron : County Law As-slaeiatioia. L. E. Dancey read an address and presented Mit. Seager' with a club bag.. Mr. Seager held -the. position of. County Crown 'Attorney for the past twenty -throe years. He has the distinction of being the old- est member of the Bar of ?Huron County; and the longertiro practice. Xn 1867 Mr. Seager was called to the Bar, and he has spent most of his life since then in Goderich. Dur- ing his residence in Goderich, he was active in public life. Ile served a term as mayor in 1887 and 1888, and for• 12 years, 1891-1903, he was Police Magistrate. lie has taken an active part in the ' work- of St. George's church, ''.Bishop Seager of Ontario, fortheriy Provost of Trinity College, BRUSSELS: Last, Friday after- noon Rev. W. A. Williams was in- ducted into the Presbyterian charges of Ethel and Cranbrook. Although it is a little over three years since their former' pastor, Rev. F. C. Ken- nedy, left -for another field, the pee pie have stood -loyal to their church. Rev. Mr. Pollock; of Kitchener, took charge of the afternoon Service. Two very fitting solos were 'rendered by Miss Nicholson, of Ethel and George Evans of Cranbrooic. Rev. Mr. James, of South Kinloss, gave the charge to the new. minister. Rev Dr: Petrie, of Wingham, who was moderator for the charge, addressed the minis- ter, and Rev. Dr. Forbes, of Tees - water, addressed the congregation. Other, ministers of the Presbytery who were present were: Rev. Mr. McCullough of Kincardine, Rev. Mr. McDonald of Luckinow, Rev. Mr. Fowler of Brussels and Rev. Mr. Mercer of 1Vlolesworth, Rev, William Armor Williams, is a- native of Llanarmon, Dinbrighslire;- England, and was educated in Ruthin Board School and Grammar School, Bala School of Atts1 and a graduate of Bala Theolog ictal College. olle e. Mr. Wil- liams was ordained in 1911 as pastor of Belteros Church, Montgomery- shire, and was also cleric of the pres- bytery for six years, Ile was elect- ed its moderator for ,1921 and on his departure was given a purse of £100 in treasury notes.' In 1921 he accepted a call to Bangor; Pa.,, U.S.A., and becathe slated clerk of the Southern Presbytery of Pennsyl- vaniaand, moderator of synod fo 1926, In April, 1926, he accepted c call to Oxford, Iowa, and in January the' call.to Ethel and Cranbrook Pres- byterian churches. SEAFORTH: The funeral of Jean Hossack, widow of -Alexander, Camp- bell and a highly esteemedresident of ,the town; wlio passed away at her. residence on North Main street on February '8, following am illness of flarnwell, Robert Webster, Ralph six weeks' duration, "took place, on Stephenson. and V. M, Diehh „Inter- Wednesday to the Maitl'andbanit ment was made m Baird's cemetery. cemetery. The seiviee was conduct-: There still, survive ,him, his broth- . ed by her pastor, Rev.' Dr. Larkin, the er, Thomas of Milverton, andwa ss _•pallbearers being: John Chaff, R. E. ter, Margaret Stinson of ' Carson Jaeksoh, J. M. Cardno,'"W. R. Smillie,;. City, 'Nevada, D. L. Moffatt of Lon - J. 51. Govenlocic- and G... A. Jackson. don, a special friend of his who The deceased woman was of High; called on him at different times dui- lapid, Scotch descent, 'being slough ing his illness, wa's"al'so in attend ser: of the late Alexander Ilossadc, of the Towis Lino, West Zorra, and was the last surviving mnesnlior of a fam- ily of two: brothers and three sisters. She cause to Seaforth in the, early days with her husband, the late Ab M. Campjbell, who predece,aseth her by some ten years, and settled in the southern{ part of ^ the town, after- wards moving to the home on North. Main street where she died. She was the mother of five daughters, one of whom -died in youth; the oth- ers,' Mrs. R. •E. Jackson, Mrs. John M. Cardno, Miss Helen, at home and Mas. R. N. Hays, of New York, all being present at 'her death. ;, She was a member of Parst Presbyterian church and a worna1n of sterling qual- ities, who loved her; hoose and fam- ily, by whom she will lie` greatly. -thought out for a girl of her age and left a most deepening impression on the audience and no doubt she has gone up to heaven oin'that? ladder, to west from her labors. /.# She was clerking in Mr, John Mc - Ash's store and was very amiable and became very popular, especially, with the young people, Not feeling very well she took a few days 'off but in a day or two theL doctor was surn- moned''and the case` was diagnosed Its that racist treacherou`l's trouble, ap- pendicitis. She was rushed to the Clinton hospital but after a few days 1 pain she peacefully passed away. The funeral took place from the 'United Church, Varna, ,'where the service was conducted by the Rev. J. Durrant, assisted by Rev. J. L. 'Foster of Kirkton, who took for his "The damsel .is not dead ,;text. 4' , but sleepeth." The:. choir renderepd. a voluntary, "Does Jesus : Care ?,e in soft and solemn: tones which' was very effective. The beautiful array of flowers which covered -the' casket shotved the` -Marked esteem in which she was held 'by all. The internignt took place in Eaird's cemetery, th'e' pallbearers be- ing.: Willie Clark, Harold Connell, li;llwood Enns. Ernest ';McClincheyo "I've wrestled on towards heaven 'Gainst storm and wind and tide Now; like a weary traveller, That leanetli on his guide Amid the shades of evening While sinks life's lingering sand I hail the glory dawning In Enunianuel's laid." EXETER: , William Walker, of the North End, died on Saturday Morning at the age of 72 years.\Ile is; Sur- vived by his: widow, .:.live sons and five: daughters. The'funeral°was held an Monday afternoon to Exeter Cemetery. Rey F. E: 'Clysdale.had charge of the service GODERICH: The annual meeting of the Goderich ' Public Library Board was held on Friday evening. The officers for the year, were elect- ed as follows: Chairman, J, E, Tom; secretary -treasurer, Hr. R. Long; lib, rarian, Miss hose Aitken; aSsistant- librarian,. Mrs. .1. W..`?riddle, The librarian requested ,an increase in salary, which was, granted'to the ex- tent of $100. During the year 400 new ,volumes were added to the lib- rary:. The . building ;wag also, corn- Bedford last Friday evening, were the fallowing: .Mr. and Mrs. Chas C. Lee, Mrs. E. N. Lewis, Miss Julia Lewis,Mrs. C. 13. Rolf, Mr, and Mrs. James Donaldson, Dr. L. M. ,Mabee, Mr. and Mrs, 0. W. Ellis, Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Saints, Miss Gladys Saults, Mr". and Mrs P.' I. Carey, Mr. and ` Mrs, F. II. Martin, Mr. A. F. Sturdy,Miss Irene Saults Mr. and , Mrs. L. L. Knox, Mr. and Mis John Galt, Mrs. Baker, Dr. and .Mrs..A. H. Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Field, D. D. Mooney, Miss Richardson, Mr. and .Mrs. IT. L. Watson, Mrs.. W. L, Horton, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. A. Me - Ewan;; Mr. and Mrs. W. Tebbutt Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Chapman, Alex. Saun- ders, Miss J. Saunders, Mr. and Mac. T. R. Patterson, R. K. Wurtele, Miss A. Wurtele, Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Reid, J. N. Flahiff,-Miss Olive' Allen, Mr. and. Mrs. . 0, K. Saunders, Mr.' and Mrs L. G. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown, `, Ms. and Mrs. S. V. Moulton, Mt.., and Mrs: J. W. Fraser, Rev.. and Mrs. R. C. McDermid, Miss, Ruby `McLeod, Miss Aileen Baechier, Mr, and Mrs '4F]Ilsams, . R.'Darrow,: Miss, Edith Williams, .Miss E. Tye, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'A. Coulthurst, Miss Reid, McDoriald. Gibbs, Mr. and. Mrs. A. L. Cole, . 1'. E. Hibbert, Miss E., Bradford, Mr.'and Mrs. C. A. Reid, R. G. Reynolds, Miss Claire Rey- nolds, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Graham, Ma. and Mrs. W. G. McEwan, Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Hays, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. R. tigoriamiiiikatimaiftsmotommoreassule Aches n, Mr, and, Mrs. W. F. A. Naftel, Mrs. II, C. Dunlop, , Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Leslie, Dr. and illra. L. E. I3olster,i,Mrts. -Heady, Mrs. Hays, Miss P. Mays, Mr. Wm. Lane, Mrs. E. G. Sutcliffe.. WILL KEEP HISTORIC "RED" ' CHAMBER _ In an interview regarding the new 0,P.R. hotel to be ' erected in To- ronto, on the site of the present Queen's. hotel, President E. W: Beatty said that the famous "Red Chamber" in the, Queen's Hotel, whore Sir John Macdonald held cab- inet meetings and many European ;notables stayed, would be preserved intact as far as possible. "Just as in the Chateau Frontenac." he said, " the old rooms must . pass, but we shall endeavour to preserve the fea- tures of the old room in the new hotel and furnish it precisely, as it is to -try.• These 'historic old spots should always ,bpe preserved as far as possible." the' tunnell would be built from the station to the hotel itself, he said. GODER:CXI: Inspectors of the Canadian;. File Underwriters' A'ssoc- iation were in town, lag, week .mak- ing a` survey preparatory to adjust- ing the .`fire, insurance rates: This is the first'itirne . that a survey:has been inaicle, since the -purchase of the new fire, brbck and it is expected that there will be various changes .made in the. new eating. Through the courtesy' of Mr: Rayner; repre- $entative of the Regal Alarms Com- pany, 'ineiu'bers of the town; council. OLD-TIME Fiddler's Contest CONCERT AND DANCE A good program of Musical num- bers, singing and comedian special- ties will bo given between contests. Orchestra in attendance New and Old -Tinge Dances TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, February 18' Program starts at 8 pan, sharp PRIZES AWARDED:: AS FOLLOWS: Ladies' Free-Fgr-Ali ..$3.00 $2.00 Men, under 50 years , .. 3.00 2,00 Men, over 50 years 3.00 • 2.00 Gents,. . Step_, Dance 2.00 1.00 Competitors may choose their own accompanists and play two pieces composed of one Waltz and one Jig, Reel or Hornpipe. EVERYBODY WELCOME Admission -Adults, 40e, children, 20c • UNITED GOLD SYNDICATE. You ,no doubt ars familiar with the hngd profits made by wise investors` in syndicates of this kind, . For every $500 'invested in the Tremoy Syndi- cate the: stock and cash received has a market value of $80,000. Lalce Savant Syndicate, $F,00 in- vested has a market value of $14,000. Waite -Montgomery, every 5500 vested has a market value of $20,000. In the original Anderson -MacKay, every $5.00 invested has a market valve of $1,000.00 today. Every $1,000 in the original Tech. -Hughes has a valuation of •$12,000 today. Wright - Hargreaves, Lake Shore, Argonaut and many others are on a par with the' above. This will serve to give you some idea of what the .possiibili- ties are for a syndicate of this kind. United Gold Syndicate have 8 claims or 320 acres on the producing belt of the Kirkland Lake Field, considered by'mining' engineers to be the rich- est Gold fields in Northern Ontario, This property lies. close to the pro- ducers and proven properties. A few units are available at $250 -pot unit. Each, unit entitles the holder to 5,000 shares in the company to be incorpor- ated. For particulars apply to War- ner and MacKenna, . Suite 109, 57 Queen St., West, Toronto. Or Ratten- burytel Clinton.-Advt, Hotel., is a•son of Mr. Seager. SEAFORTIl: The, following is a summary of the affairs of. the Sea - forth Memorial Hospital from the 'date of its "inception, in August 1922,. to December 31, 1926:. , Ntibmber of patients . admitted, 850; collective' days' stay of patients, 7,824; average days' stay,' 9; -number of births, 83; -Terrible Eczema , Goes Quipktj Strong, ,,Powerful,; Yet Safe, Stir-'• geon's Prescription Called .poaell Emend& Oil'' Has Astonished Physicians There is one sinsple mid inescpen= sive way to reduce the danger:. of swollen' veins' and .bunoltos, and' get themdown to normal, and that is to' apply Moose's Emerald Oil, night and - morning, using the Moone s Bandage to, support thein during ' the day. People who have painful, enlarged' veins should not neglect -them 2or tisey • soinetanes : burst ,and. cause 'much misery and expense.'" Moon's Emerald Oil besides being so marvelously '; antiseptic that it destroys germs and poisons caused by germs is•such:a remarkable heal- ing agent that eezensa, barbers' itch, salt rheum and ' other inflammatory skin eruptions go in_a few days, For''years' it has \been used for boils,• ulcers,'; abscesses ,.'and, ;spell' soros that discharge and with the Most perfect success, 5. E. Hove aglignimpusiewsragiesaamszwal jaWSEQ11:E7v_ speed up Anyone who calls sev- eral parties by Long Distance more or less ' regularly can — and' should — use this new method to save time. It represents a great advance. All you have to do is give our Man- ager v list of the names and addresses. tm mi. mi It can be used for either Person-to-Per- son erson-to-Person or Station -to -Sta- tion, and you can call all the names, or only those you designate. Call our. Manager and ask him to explain the details. Many subscribers who used to think,they had to Take Person -to - Person calls .now find that they reach the, person they want with station - to- Station calls, --They are quick- e1' and cheaper. ‚HP tolanamasawas The Clinton Horticultural Society Pre :Il ium List for 1927 Each Member is entitled to one Premium FREE ` 1,-35 Gladioli , '2.-6 iris 3.-3 Chrysanthemums. Coreopsis and 3 Pinks Bleeding hearts, 6,-3 Paenoias, mixed colors. 7.—G Dahlias. 8.—Canadian horticulturist, .2 years. 9. -Plants, Jno, Cuninghame. 10. -Plants, Chas. Cooke. 11.-15 Daffodils 12.-8 Hyacinths 13.-30 Darwin Tulips. ` MEMBERSHIP FEE -1$1.00. Member's Nasse Address C. G. MVIIDDLETON, President:. ' A — II. E. RORKE, Sec. -Treasurer. a eusational tockey and ilD 10 r Carnival riday, 'February 1 7.30 p.m. aforth s. Clint (" The' Fastest Game Yet. Everybody Skate Costume Prizes. IDWAY sir..: f;..�., UJIM;, Dance of 7 Veils Clinton after dark • Long, frlaird Girls 1Dingle Hoofer & Dog G hlclten" who Crossed the Road AND PLAYS CONTINUOUSLY ' Lf7NC