HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-02-17, Page 2CH11
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Proprietor. Editor.
\Vo2nen Need • More
and Better Blood
To be strong, well, equal to domande
of hotue, society; office or shop.
It is a' fact proven by thousands of
grateful lettere that Hood's $area-
parilla is:.reniarluebly beneficial to
young or older women. '
The most common ailments of,
women drain and weaken the aysteno
• and sometimes result in anemia, ner-
vous weakness, general break -clown,
ood'a Sarsaparilla gives the: blood
more vitality and better color, makes
strongerturves, and contributes to
the length and enjoyment of
; �lloi�si of rrooce49ii gs of
A general handing idusiness' transact'.Tax Exemption;.to reduce An�nseme
ed. Notes' Discounted, Drafts Issued. Tax; to permit British ,elemgynten to
interest, Allowed -on Deposits, Sale
Notes Purchased.. : conduct"meirtage' ceremonies in ref
- Mario; to revise several and clarify.
The opening of the 17th Assembly
of the Ontario .Legislature was not-
able in that there bras a new Lieuten-
ant -Governor (Iron. W. D. Ross), a
new Speaker (Hon. W D. Black, Con:
M.P.P. for Addington), and a new
Clerk of the House (Major A. C.
Lewis) .
The Speech from the Throne includ-
ed .mention of the following proposed
legislat 0n _and reported on progresa
for thespast year as indicated.
Bills to increase Municipal Income
Notary Public, Conveyancer.
Flnanelal, Rear Estate and Fire In-
surance Agent. Representing 14 'Fire
Insurance Companies.
Division Court Office, „Clinton.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc.
F Conference; the completed monument
DR. .1 C. ; DANDIER to Sir lames Whitney. Tho condition
ornee Hours: -1.30 to 3.30 p.m., 6.30 of a ricultu •e was reported favorable
t 80 g
Other hours by eppointreent only.
Office, and Reside:ie-. Victoria St.
other existing lbws; to further agri-
cultural affairs ;and introduce. "legis-
lation -to recognize and give effect to
the expressed desire of the people of
Ontario for improvement in the meth-
od of Control- and Administration of
the Sale of Liquor" and the ueual de-
partmental .routine.
"We look forward to the Diamond
Jubilee Celebration." Reference was,
made 'to last year's Inter -Provincial
vincial Building at the- C. N.Exhibi-:
tion last year forecasts the erection
of similar buildings by other provinces
Five :hundred miles of county road
a're to be iinp:eved to Provincial.
standard; new Dental'Clinics are to
bo established progress at Boys'
School at Bdwinanville is reported
satisfactory. The public' debt and fin-
ancial administration was touched on
and the Estimates promised at an
early date,'
o , 0 ixm., Sundays, 12.30 to 1,30 p.m, considering e season; cream and
butter had ,improved through new
grading and advancement is reported
OfMce and itesidence:
Ontario .Street; Clinton, Ont.
One door west of'Anglican Church.
Phone 172.
Eyes examined and glasses fitted,
Office and Residence:
Huron Street Clinton, Ont.
Phone 69
,(Formerly occupied by the late Dr.
C. W. Thompson).
Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted.
ChIropraotor-Electrlcal Treatment,
Of'.Vingham, will be at the Commer•
cial Inn, Clinton, on Monday, Wednes-
day and Friday forenoons of each
Diseases of all kinds successfully
in competitive dairy tests. The experi-
ment of placing British boys. on On -
Mario farina invites expameion.
Bilingual school' inquiry was ex-
pected to report shortly; travelling
schools' and '.correspondence courses,
had proved satisfactory and would be
increased as would also "Advanced
Education" in local centres, Fart Wil-
liam had adopted Hydro; the Nipigon
power plant was working to oapaeity
now and more power was needed in
that d'istrict; use of power'. on the
farms continued to increase; power
had been arranged for on the Gat-
ineau and Ottawa and a "measure of
progress"could be reported as to the
St. Lawrence Waterways alilairs.
Extenson of air fire. protection and
the establishment of segregation areas.
for natural reproduction of forests is
promised. Mining activities were em-
phasized by discoveries of new areas
of gold, copper, and zinc. T. sand N. 0.
extensions are to be consit(ered, ao is
the purchase of-inereased land: »area in
Toronto for new Parliamentary re-
gltirements, The erection of the Pro -
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron.
Correspondence promptle answered,
Immedettee arrangements can be made
for Sales Date at The News -Record,
Clinton, or by calling Phone 203.
Chargee Moderato and Satisfaction
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' National
School of Auctioneering, Chicago.. Spe-
Cial course taken in Pure Bred Live
Stock, ,Real Estate, Merchandise and
Perin Sales. Rates in keeping. with
prevailing market. Satisfaction as.
cured,. Write or wire, Zurich, Ont.
Phone 18.93.
v I
s ae15510n
Major T. 3RD > slat Control Liquor Comoo
O•nti$3'ia3. �aOvei't1B� .._
Major defeated A. Kidd (Con, Kingston,ibeThe chairman of the Cntesto Government 4'ontrol Liquer Coati;?niaaian
the Hon. Mi• Nichol) moved will be David. Eiytli Hanna, of Toronto, former Bead. of the Canadian Naition-
the see. LrPaul of tho Speech from the IIis ileuttiiante will be 1100. Dr. Manion, M.P., at
pif1 Ratlttvaye,_ CENTRE. Me.
Rsaex). Dr. Soder.PoissMajor
IOddh .LES phyeeeram and. former soldier, »of Fort. Wllilarn, and Stewart
Essex) wags secondon Major isidd
G'.�anwgh�au, at RIGHT. air Ottawa, retired merchant, and :former M.P., avdro
paid especial attention to the neyidion
school programs and the elimina-' has had experiences as a desacs commissioner. '
f h p g1
teen of supplemenbary examinations?
W. E. Sinclair (Lib, Ontario South) �mobed a Jeurmnent,PRINCE I HUMOROUS SPEECH
Clinton,' Ont -
General Fire and Life Inaurance.'Agent
for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stook,
Automobile and Sickness and Accident
Insurance, Huron and Erie and Cana-
da Treat Bonds.: Appointments made
to meet parties at Brucefield, Varna
- and Bayfield. 'Phone 67. •
House was nn Committee to 2aoili-
Lata action of
-Legislative mach
Caucuses were held by Government London. -In ga tone. of humorous and Opposition camps to outline plana the
ef campgaign far the 'coming session. lief, the Prince of Wales welcomed
FEBRUARY 7TH- triumph of science in perfecting trans -
House in Committee. Passed read- Atlantic telephony-as•having removed
ings of nine bills eminating from Sta- some grave fears from his mind.
tute Revision Commission, as follows: He was speaking as the guest of the
respecting Old Age Pensions for Institute cf Electrical Engineers, and,
School Teachers; to facilitate par- alluding to his year in office as Presi-
chase of .land log school purposes; dent of the British Association for the
amendment of Industrial School A.t; Advancement oe. Science, reminded his
Minors Proteetion Act to give inagis- hearers that on the occasion of his
ars more discretiom in dealing with Presidential address t the association,
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
i president, James Connolly, Goderich;
'Gbce, James Evans," Beechwood; See.-
Treasurer, Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth.
Directors: ,George McCartney, Sea -
forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth' J. G.
Grieve, 'Walton; Wm. Ring, Seaforth
M. Mchwen, Altnton;. Robert Ferries
Harlock; John Benneweir, Brodhagen;
Jae, Connolly, Goderich.
Agents, Alex. Leitch,- Clinton; 3. W
goo; Godericli; ` Ed. Hinchray, Sea -
forth; W. Chesney, Egmondville;: R.
' G, Jarmuth, Brodhagen.
I. Any money to be paid in may be
paid to Moorish Clothing Co„ Clinton,
or at Cutt's Grocery, Godericb.
Parties desiring to affect Ineurance
lir transact other business will be
Constipation --
the bans of sed ago
isnot to be cured
by harsh purga-
tives; they rather
aggravate the•"
trouble- For a gentle;
but sure laxative use
Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tnbleta, They
earns the liver, tone the
nerves and freshen tho
stomach and, • bowelo just
like an internal bath.
Woman's best friend.
From 'girlhood to -old age,
thoeo lite,, rcd•1,eslth re-
storers aro an unfailing
guide to enactive liver and
a clean, healthy, normal
stomach. Tarte a
Chamberlain's Stomach
Tablet atmight and the
Dour otomch rind -fer-
mentation, and tho
headache, have all
gonoby morning.
All drugglate.Ole.,
or laysnail from
Chamberlain tio4oIne
Cam,asy,'•foranto s
rs Arbit ri:tion Act clarification
minors; ,
of .clauses in Workmen's Compensu- 1
tion'Act; Act respecting the hours of+
work of firemen, A Bill to ainenrl'the I r .>, r
A et passed its second reading.
W. E. N. Sinclair (Liberal) attack•
ed the Speech from the Throne as a
"meagre fare", and W. E. Raney
(Prog) gave the credit of winning the 1
election to Canon Cody. In the even-
ing session the Premier replied to Sin-'
Clair and Raney and gave out the
nanios of the new Liquor Control Com- I
mission. These are D. B. Hanna, for-
mer President and Gen, Mgr, of the
Canadian National Railways; kion. R.
J. Manion, late Postlrlaster General of,
the Meighen Ministry at Ottawa, and
Stewart McOlenaghan, ex-M.P. of
House in Committee; "debate net
continued. Bills introduced included
one to permit the Minister of Mines
to appoint a substitute for the Mining
Judge whoa necessary through the
latter's absence. An amendment of
the Wolf Bounty Act to prevent de-
ception cn part of claimants of bounty.
(Some people have been cathing wolf
pups and growing them till they were
old enough tocall for bounty). An
Act to revise Assessment Act to pre-
ront companies evading Act as at
present outlined..
W. E. Medd (Dreg. South Huron)
inquired about Ontario School Health
Book. •
BMs of Salo _and Chattel Mortgage I cc a
Trellis will arrive at and depart from
Clinton as follows:
Buffalo and Goderiob Div.
Going East, depart 6.25 a.m.
Going West, ar. 11.10 a.m.
ar. 6,08 dp. 6.53 pm.
ar. 10.04 p.m.
Eomptiy attended to on application to
ELondon, Huron & Bruce Div,
y of the above ofcere,addresded to Going South, ar. 7.56 dp. 7.56 a,m.
heir respective post office. Losses 4.10 Pamaspected by the Director who lives. Going North, depart 6.50 pan,
8f crest the scene. " 11.05 11.15 a.m.
Road Thom Amazing.
Stories of &ionise
gal' ...,hla,a�
Cres ^ X7110
What; these on have done, youcan dol In plat. spqare,timo
at home you can easily muster' the.secreth of ceiling that make
Star Salesmen. Whatever your experience has been -whatever
you may lie doing now -whether or not you thinly you can cell-`
just answer ilia question: Are yen ambitious to tarn 210,000 a
year? Then get in touch With moat onee'. I will prove to You
without; coot or obligation that you can easily become q Star
Snlmmon.:� I wih cbotr ysu hory the Salesmanship Trahitng and`
Free I✓nipioyment Service of the N. S. •T. A, will htIp you to gciak
eucecsc in. Selling. _
$g 0,000 A Year SellIngs; Secrets
Tho neer is of Star So! sm hip n1 tnoaht by file N a T. A h n
ennobled th,ctc IcNntoet o . icht, to ado tahrf I for everthed deoxy
and small- pay of tllndmllcy lob,that lead ,noWlirro. No itottor shot you
r now doing, the field of oelltn6 ogoea. You n In Yaturo Get the -acts,
National Saleamcrs's Training /association'»e
Canndion Mm•. "Bts :302 'Toronto, Ont. �.
an, W sea o. i or ., $
No.2 North., $1,60; No. 3 Northern,
Man. oats -No. 2 CW, nominal; No,
3, not quoted; No. 1 feed, 69ii e; No. 2
feed, nominal; western grain quota-
tions in c.i.f. ports.
Am. corn, track, Torento-No. 2 old
yellow, 88e; No. 3 old yellow, 86c,
Millfeed-Del. Montreal freights,
bags included: Bran, per ton, $32.25;
shorts, per ton, $34.25; middlings,
Ontario oats, 60e, f.o.b. shipping
Ont. good milling wheat -41.26 to
$1.28, f.o.b. shipping points, according
to freights.
Barley -Malting, 60 to 64c.
Buckwheat -79e, nominal.
Rye-No..2, $1.00.
Man. flour -First pat., $8.10, To.
ronto; do, second pat., $7.60.
Ont. flour -Toronto, 99 per cent.
patent; per barrel, itt carlots, Toronto,
$5.50; seaboard, in bulk, $5,50. •
Cheese -New, large, 201/2 to 210;
twins, 21 'to 211/2e; triplets, 21312 to
221/2a Stiltons, 23c. Old, largo, 25c;
twins, 26e; triplets, 27c. Old' Stiltons,
Butter -Finest creamery prints, 46
to 46c; No. 1 creamery, 44 to 45e: No.
2, 42 o 43e. Dairy prints, 84 to 35c.
Eggs -Fresh extras, it cartons, 54
to 56c; fresh extras; loose; 58 to Toe;
fresh firsts, 49 to 50c; fresh seconds,
Father at Death's Door. as Re-
suit of Collapse of Stairway
When Attempting Resins.
Sault Ole. .Iarie, Ont:=Pivo chil-
dren were burned to death, while their -'
rather received burns from. which 'ha
mnay, not recover, in »a fire which totally
destroyed the homes of Harry Trimble'
and L G. Coleman at Ruolyard, Iltieb-,
near here, at. -3.30 o'eloek -Thursday:
morning,' Only caro of the .• 'six chil-
dren in the Trimble family, Bernice,
arecl 18 months,' was ; saved, The
others, all under 10 years of age, per-
ished -three of them going to their
cie,2ths when the burning et-tirs eoi
lapsw1 as the father, aged 32 years,,
tried to bring them to safety.
'Ihe dead children inc: Margaret
Pcimble, g aged 10 yeaigs',, Marjory,
aged 8 years; •Harry, agecl 5 years;
Marion,. aged 8 yeras; and Dorothy,
aged 6 months.
Trimble, who is an assist n tar,
tionmaster at ltudyard, is given little
Ethnonton, Alta. -The sheep raising chance of recovery by the doctors at
industry in Northern Alberto is keep -'the Michigan Soo Hospital, where•
ing pace with that in the southern now lies, His wife lies badly burned
part of the province, according to re- at the home of her "mother-in-law,
parts at the annual convention of Mrs, R. G Trimble, of Rudya •cl.
breeders here., Ise the past season The whole family wile' sleeping on
108,607 pounds of wool were sold, the second floor of the house when the
whereas total sales of wool an 1915 =ire started, supposedly from, an over -
amounted to only 12,788 pounds heated' stove in the parlor below them.
Lord Balfour, on his behalf, had ex-
pressed the aspiration that his year in
office would be marked by some strik-
triking scientific achievement.
"Months passed," said the Prince,
"and I had begun almost to despair
that this -year in office would be •a
failure. 'Then suddenly came the news
that anybody could' -at a price --call
up anybody in America whenever he
chose. That triumph `gives the hall-
mark to nig -term :of office in the asso-
40 to 41c; fresh pullets, 38e. Storage
extras, 48e; do, firsts, 46c; seconds,
41 to 42e.
Poultry, dressed -Chickens 5 lbs.
and up, 40c; do, 4 to 6 lbs., 388; do 3
to 4 lbs., 36c • do, 21 to 81 lbs., 35c;
do, 2 to 2% lbs. 36c; hens, over 6 lbs.,
32e; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 30c; do, 3 to 4
lbs., 28c; roosters, 25c; turkeys, 46
to 47c; ducklings, 5 lbs. and up, 86
to 38e.
Beans -Can, handpicked, 53.60 to
$3.90 bushel; primes $3.45 to 53,63.
Maple products -Syrup, per imp.
gal.,' 62.25 to 52,30; per 5 gal., 52,15
to 52.25 per gal.; maple sugar, ib., 25
to 26c, '
Honey -60-1b. tins, 121 to 13c; 10 -
Ib. tins, 121/2 to 23e; 5 -ib. tins, 13 to
131/2c; 21 -lb. tins. 1.5e.
Comb honey -$3.40 to $4.50 per doz.
Smoked meats -Hams, med.; 28 to
800; cooked hams, 42e• snicked rolls,
25c; breakfast bacon, Si? to 86e; backs,
boneless, 33 to. 40c.,,.
Cured meats -Long clear bacon,60
to 70 lbs., 522; 70'to 90 lbs. 620.50;
20% lbs. and up, $21.34; lightweight
rolls, in barrels, 541.50; heavyweight
rolls, 538.54 per bbl,
Lard -Pure tierces 15 to 15/c;
tubs, 16 t:16%c; pails, 163'2 to 17c;
18Y/ac' tubs, shorten81 toi14c; pailstierces,
14 to 141/2c; .blacks and tans; 1535 to
16c. •
Heavy export steers,. $7 to $7.50;
do;- one, 54.76 to 65; • heavy steers,
good, 56.25 to 66.60; butcher steers,
r th
good, 56$25760 56 75; butcher he fern, ,
choice, 56,75 to $7; do fair to good,
Ocots, good to 1 choice 0to 56 toS6G but-
.; War Lord Plans
do C0111. to med. ,$3.50• to $4.50;; do,
First Minister from U.S. to Canada
-^ ekta�e •Awakening to find the horse aflame,
Saskatoon, Sask, the Lo ifethe little
establishing In Saskatoon, The coin- the house. Be then re-entered
Pony specializes it the manufacture out of
material for. build- the;lints and groping his way
ofg ready-to-erectthe smoke and flames, gained 'the sec-
ings, on' a patented system of eon- and flier, obese he took Mariioii and
structigon consisting of •an,.interlocking Doroth '.-hinder: 'his »arms and ba»da
stave -joint by which .the' lumber is Y
Harry crawl on,hanils and knees be -
easily without the .use of sid»s hint. ' _
agile. The firm will.manu2o cturo Thus loaded, he `sought to retain
granaries, silos, barns, cottagss,,•gar downstairs, but halfway dbv✓ii the
ages, small elevators, water tanks, etc. •burning staircase and the three cirri
Winnipeg, Man. -Capital leas been dren cra3hed into a veritable furnace
subscribed to erect and equip a $250,- below. Trimble grasped tine wood -
090 coarse paper and box board fac week and managed to get outside, but
tory in St. Boniface (Greater Winn% he was.badly burned. Crying delir-
pe'g), Detroit; capital is -largely inter- thusly that he had not even seen Mar-
ested. R. Charles Wood, President of garet or Marjory when he had bead •
the Groat West Paper Mills, line noti- in the House; he attempted to go in a
fled tate Mayor of.St. Boniface that second, time, but friends realized that
the machiner' for the proposed: mill he was crazed by his injuries and • tho
has been bought, - Mr. Wood is a well -nerve Strain: and prevented' him from
known lawyer of Detroit. returning to certain death
Industrial interests Later, Trimble ,wad rushed t the
Samna,. Ont.
here are planning to erecta million Soo Hospital in special train.
bushel grain elevator at a cost of
$500,000. The Cleveland -Sarnia Saw
Mills: Co., en old established Sarnia
concern, and the McDonald' Engineer-
ing Co. of Canada, are said to be be-
hind the nese project.
• [Trimble roused his w and
Buildings, of Canada, I' 't d, t l rar1, Bernice, and safely ushered then?
Useful Bulletins.
The University of Toronto has pub-
lished -and is sending out in bulk to
Quebec, Que.-The neve mills of the all the secondary schools in Ontario
wo bulletins which should be of great
Lake St. John willPbe
and toprr Co,utinterest and value, to parents who are
at Mist 8.to be iia paproduce wrestling with the problem of careers
at the rate of 200 ins per day from g
January, 1928, sagid W. Watberg of for boys and girls. One of them but-
Toronto, who came here to complete lebiii"s is entitled Opportunities for
arrnagoments. It is understood that Graduates in Science in the Faculty
the production will be shipped to Eng- of Arts and esplaidis what each
land and perhaps in a leseor degree to science course consislts of and for what
bhe United Sbates, different occupations' proficiency in
each subject will make one eligible.
Moncton, N.B.-The silver fox in- Tho other bulletin in entitled "Op
duatxy in this province has Ma an portunities for Graduates in Applied
excellent year, according to.Dr. F. Science" and it explains the nature of
Richard, President of the New Bruns-
ivorlt expected of an engineer. It
wick_ Fox Breeders'. Association, who also tells something of the various
states that the outlook for the present engineering courses, civil, chemical,
year' Ls also,fgavorable. Mechanical, miming, metallurgical and
Halifax, N.S.-H. B. Tanner, of the electrical. Tho Department of Uni-
Fisheries Experimental. Station here, versity Extension sends them bulletins
announced that a school of fisheries to anyone who asks for thein, free of
would be opened at. Halifax on Mon- charge. No doubt there are a good
day, February. 14th, under the direc-
tion of the Biologioal Board of Can-
ada. Tuubion will be free to mere en-
gaged in the industry in the Maritime
Provinces. It was remarked that the
proposed course would be the first of
its kind ever offered in Canada.
many parents who would like to par-
ties these two booklets.
The measure of g- tijn's_life is trios
well . spenllgg, of t7,1;*1, not the
canners ancut tie a- $2.25 to $276;
butcher bulls,' good to choice, $5 to
$6.25; do, med., 54 to $4.75• do, bolog-
nas, 53.50 to 53.80; -baby beef, $8 to
$10; feeders, choice, 55.75 to $8.25; do,
fair, $5 to 5525; stockers, choice,
$5.25 to $5.76; do, fair to med , $4 to
64.50; uiilch cows, $65 to $80; spring -
1 els, $75. to $99; plain to med. cows,
$40 to $00; calves, choice, . $13
to 514; do, med„ 59 to 512.50; do,'
cone and grassers, $5 to 56; lambs,
choice, 512 to $12.50; bucks, $9 bo
$9,'5hega, choice, $6.50 .
do ; heavies,0;ae$4.60 to $5; do,to cull$7s,60; $3
watered, $11.6thick smooth, fed and
0; do, f.o.b., 511; 'do,
it $8.50; hogscountr'y points, 518.76; do, off ears,
$11.90; select premium, per hog, $2.26.
Oath No, '2 CW, 76e; No. 3 CW,
661c, Fleur, Man..sprieg wheat. pats., nouncement in telegrams •tc Generals
firsts, ' $8.10; seeon s, $7:60; strang,l of the •Northern Alliance, which he
bakers' $7.40; winter pats., choirs, o er behind the Pekin
lbs.,$3 $82.25.
$34 26 Middlings $40 26 k,I�ay, No Through Chihli
To Hurl Back Invaders
Struggle is Now on to -Deter.,
mine the. Control of All
China to be Fought Our in
Honan Province.
Pekin. -The allied war lords a the
North have begun .their long expected
drive t hurl back the Cantonese in-
vaders Mt* the southland. North
agoihst South,. the struggle is on to
determine the control of all China.
Chang Tso-lin, dictator of Man-
churia for many years, made the an -
$6.10 i'o ,$6.16. Rolled oats, bag, 90 heads, as the p w
6 Braii Shorts Government.
Tho new minister to Canada from the 'United States will neve to OttaWa
bills month, IIis last post was United Staten Ambassador to -Belgium.
' � ' and Shantung Pro -
G, per tem car --lots; 514.50, vinces, the Northern troops are ad -
Cheese --Finest vests., 18ee to'vaircing to recapture Hankow from
181/a'c. Butter, Ni;o. padteurmee, the Cantonese, who have been using it
48c; '"to 41c: :Eggs,45°c"; oag aextras, as a Central China base to prepare for
48c; stor age firsts, hxtrss , 52 to theirfurthermarch award Pekin .and
54c. a torts, fresh extras, 62 to also Shanghai,
64c; trash firsts, .GOc. The Northerners will not h
'renege River, said Chang, but. wall
Civil and moral Law. ' force the..Cantonese back through
The difference between the Civil Hunan Province to, their home Pro-
Law and the Moral Law to tills: vines of Kw:anestung,. -front which they
Moi;wiio bisalt five moral 1 w.niay began the northward march last
be legally innocent and escape the spring which ga fined them ttcmingation
Density of their wrong doing,
God over half of Chu13. "
In 'a vigorous telegram to Generals
alone through their own conscience of Mgarshst1 Wia Pbi-fu, Chang notified
can reach thane: those adherents of. the once dominant
Under man-mado,laws ct person shay ei tial China that the min
alt at the
Hon." J. K. Flemming
Dies in Maritimes
Woodstock, N.B. - Han.
J. K. 11oinmingg, M.P., for
Victoria -Carleton, and for-
mer Premier of New Bruns-
wick, died•Thursday after
an illutiess of several weeks.
He became Premier of
New Brunswick in 1911, af-
ter a political career as a
Conservative since 1895.
Following a serious illoaass
In 1914, he retired from
public lift, but in 1925 he
re entered the Federal
arena., and was elected to
Commons as member for
Victoria -Carleton. 1n the
lash Dominiion, gemai'al elec-
e t. 1926)
Homs S
was again elected..
Mr. Flemming's death
-causes the second vacancy
in the House of Commons.
The other is that left by the
recent dearth of J. W. King,
former Liberal -Progressive
member for North Huron.
Horan Province seems destined as
the b�attlegraund of the oontendius -
£orces. In,its eastern porbien, Fang
Yu-ltsang, once celled the "Christian
General,'t'some time ago was reported
operating with the wandering ICuo-.
lords f Central chum troops, well armed and aided
be Qanvicted and imprlsolicd who
in War of s a', .. `
Northern armies w»oro advancing into from Russian sources. Alt'heugit
the eight 0f -Goa is Innocent 01 o1 their Provinoo of Plonaut, and regwest
fence., od their co-operation, but wattled them
Mgu judge by outwardconsiders
arts. God that ho would brook no oppesitnon.
Live, : the heart and dogriders Lite iso- l
Many requests far relief fromCan-
ijVo,:as-n°ell cis the degree. of •temlYta
teal =e rule had reached 11im, asserted
Chong, and 'ha was most anxious tea
st tris people of Hunan and"Hupeh
lust Like mei, Rlayors, Piroaassiriice ,
but in this ho had been
Councillor miss Hudson, who v;as balked by Wu Pei -fu, once his ally
e'_octed.inayor of Eastbourne, England, against the ICuominchun, the National fortes. I£ s+>, he tray
and is the tow0's,iirst woman mayor', People's Ariny of the Pekin Govern- the opposing
ceckeir hat, similar lo bent Which Chang and Wu overthrew have the clio,co of allying him01f
woisalobrttn.l n
trice vro00 15 10011 mayo00. last` April. l with dither or fighting both.
forced from Pekin and kedpt nerving,
they are considered a powerful foe of
both Chang .and Wu.
The Cantonese, believed about,to
move northward from w. may
reform •a junction with the 1Cuornins
With the Northern armies 'pouring
in from the north and bast, Wu Pel -fa
may -be caught with his army 'between