HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-02-10, Page 5Interest to You and. Me The D t in'o Par n n t o Parliament neer- on 'Tuesday and got down to business. Phe fish 'in a Detroit aquarium were killed by ' chlorinated water.'This Seems' to Trove that Toronto citizens are not poor fish, anyway. They seen' to thrive on it. The Prince of Wales is reported to ;be planning • to leave for Canada on August '1st. Somebody: ought to tell hint that unless .he's here for July 1st ",he will miss all the fireworks. After visiting' upwards of sixty •=countries, many of them repeatedly, Di. John`R, Mott is inclined to think .that our modern civilization finds its highest exemplification in New Zea- land. What are we to do about that''? Swimming the Catalina channel ,cannot, the such a jop, after' all: A woman.' did' it the other day. To be sure she came in crying and sobbing. But why did she do it at all? Seems :a terrific waste of energy for no `A. Young Canadian visiting in De- `troit is accused -of' trampling upon the Stars and Stripes,,,Z this is true it was very natighty,;we're ashamed of ,any Canadian boy who would -he so -`,ill-jnannered. But perhapsetre con, .stant waving of the thing made him ,xlizzy and -he wasn't just responsible. ka..1, Premier'IOng, at a' big bhnquet ten- 'dered to hint anda numlber of his cab- inet in Toronto last week, gave a re- port of the deliberations of the Im- perial Conference. Premier King 'says no change has been made in Can:. :ada's status, only that it .has- been •defined more clearly than has been -the case hitherto ' A Boston laborer,. tell down five -stories 'through an airBsaft last week and was :only guff work one day in `eonsequenceand.-the editor of the .Stratford Beacon-Herad . wishes to -know how-to fit it. Nothing would 'induce us to fall that distance unless 'we were sure a nice soft strawstaelt .would receive us at the bottom. x•x* Preniier 'Ferguson has named the commission: Which will have charge of ,the administration of the Government 'Control Act, soon -to be launched. The cehairman is Mr. D. 3. Hanna, former president.: and general manager of ;the Canadian National Railways. :Associated :with hint will be Hon: Dr. R. J: 'Mihail, former postmaster -gen - and Mr. Stewart McClenaghan, a former'member for Ottawa in the `Federal House. pF 41. M 4, With a. Canadian ambassador at -Wzishington and a representative of Washington at Ottawa, Canada. will Cutely begin to feelthat she has grown up, One of the most outstand- ing weaknesses of our very good neighbors to the south'of us is that "they insist upon all the dignity and -.frills of a great nation but ,sometimes 'shrink a bit from assuming the re- :sironsibilities which accompany such a 'ositibri, How about Canada? Banfield Mr. and Mrs, ,7ohn'Pollock returned 'to the village on, Saturday, .after hiv- ing- visited their' daughters in Goder- 'ich and Hamilton lot six weeks. • A. number of the young people are 'preparing a concert to be given in the town hall the latter part of this, -month. The program will consist .of a play .and musical numbers. The result of the 'debate which was :given at•the Y. P. S.' on Friday even- ing last "Resolved that; womenshould receive the same salary as ;nen for 'the same position,'- was won by the Affirmative. The negative wasat a •disadvantage as.one of debaters was not preterit. His ppsition was filled 'by Donald McKenzie, who did remark- ably well considering that he had no ,preparation. The affirmative was tak- e -en by Miss H. Gerrie and Miss E. ',Scotchlner and the negative by Sam. Widcombe and Donald McKenzie, Af- 'ter the debate the remainder -of the ,evening was taken up with contests' On iSaturday Afternoon a tea will ' be served from three to six o'clock in McKay's restaurant under' the at: .spices of the Junior Guild of Trinity ‘church. Mr. G. Atkinson of Detroit came don Monday t$: get his inoubators ready for the first 'hatch, The council met on 'M!endety even- fngand amongst other business and :netters, discussed was that of fire protection for the; village in. the -:shape of a chemical engine. The -clerk was asked to obtain -prices of different 'chemical engines, Mr. L. Carver of Windsor is visit- ing his brother, Mr, A. 'Carver, Messrs. Charles and Malcolm Toms returned from PortDover on Tuesday evening, where ,they have been for several days,. They purchased, a fine -new gasoline launch and will bring it 'to Bayfield when navigation''o'yiens, Auburn Mr. 0, E. Erratt is unloading a car -of cern this week ,and expects n car of millfeeds also. The funeral r of etre . late1Vlis': Sa • la "B a ace .` x took'place from the -home of 'her brother, .Mr, Frank' Bruce on the 3rd. concession, West Wawanosh, on 'Saturday, Feb. 5, Rev. WI, R. Alp con-. ducted the funeral,service Miss Bruce was in her sixty-eighth. year.: Inter- ment was made in Dungannon cern- - etery, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Farrow and fam- ily of Mitchell motored up on Monday 'this week to visit friends here, A quiet wedding took place at the manse on Thursday, l eb, 3rd, when Rev. W. ,R;; Alp united in marriage: Nliss Vet Vt I Harrison,eldest daughter ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison, and Mr. Russel e Carter of Westfield. Con "gratulations are extended, Marshall Johnston of Toronto. is visiting his brother here, Messrs, _`James and Samuel Johnston. V(t,' ,'and Jirs, Forrest dst ,Carter and Miss ' Lottie Jackson visited their homes here Sunday last., Mr,', Cunningham of the Standard Bank hero is havings .'holidays hi°� nou and Mr.' I Cox is supplying while he Mr. Harolds Carter is intending to start a'bar•ber ;shop in Dungannon rely Soon. Mr. Charles . Asquith : unloaded q lozaled, a car of coke this week. Mr. and Ms. J. J. Washington, Walter Washington and Mrs. Amos Andrew visited friends in Clinton on Tuesday. • Mrs, 0. E. Erratt and Mrs. Charles Straughan went to London on Wed- nesday. The skating carnival held on Mr, Jos. Carter's rink, Feb, 4th, under the auspices of the Anglican church was a decided success. We11 unto a hun- dred were in costume, and a great number were worthy of a prize. The following. were successful contestants in the several groups. Best Costume, ;Gents,` Antos An- drew; Best costume, Ladies, Miss M. Welsh; Best costume, Child's, Bernice Lawson, and Jack.. Weir, Maty Asquith ,and Garth Rice; Best Comic costume, Mm. Edgar Lawson and . Mr. Harvey McGee; Oldest couple 'skating, ,Mrs. Edgar Lawson and 0. E. Erratt, Best skaters (couple) Mrs. R. Shaw, Mr. Everet' Finnigan; Boys fast race, Mr. Cox; Copules•race, Eldon Stoltz and Buelah Fisher; Children's race under 10, Duncan Munro; Slow race, Der- win Carter and Carl Youngblut; Jud- ges, Miss Winnie Howson, Mrs, Edgar Lawson, Mr, A,'1VI: Rice. After skating lunch was served in the hall, several taking advantage' of the gathering to enjoy card .games. The net•proceeds:of -the evening -was $58.00 and the sponsors were very ruelr pleased with the results, this being the first gathering of its kind in Auburn. Goderich Township. Mrs. Frank Picot and: son Lloyd andMrs. 'Wgston•wentto Lueknow on Monday to attend the funeral of the latter's niece, Miss Edith Hodgins, who died very suddenly. Mrs, Mary J. McGregor returned to Detroit on 86enday after visiting a 'shoat time in the neighborhood. 1VIr. John McGuire has returned homeafter visiting his sister in La- sallette and London, • Mrs. Peter'MeDougall left on Tues- day for Detroit to visit her daughter, Mrs. Albert Swamis. Mrs. Jos. Carling has returned af- ter ,spending a• short timet with her father, Mr. A; MoGuire. The many friends` of Mrs. Dick Bond' are glad to hear she is improv- ing nicely. • Mrs. W.McGuire is visiting her parents in. Godecinh. Bliss Grace 'Stirling, who has been laid up with gninsey, is improving. Mr. and Mrs.., Wlarwick Cole and 'Vfaster Vincent motored over from Detroit on Thursday last. Mr. Robert Clair has sold a block e timber to Mg. Richardson of Varna, who runs es saw mill. Mr. r. Rath- well has also sold a block of timber at a good price. • Mr. Wilfred Thompson, who has been in the west for some time, has returned home. Miss Elsie Snyder has returned to London to resume her studies. She spent ','week .a£ home on account of her sister's marriage.'" On' Tuesday evening a number of the congregation of St. James' chureh, Middleton, and of the neighbors -gath- ered at the home of Mr. and IVIrs. John Hitdie to make 'a .presentation to -Mn and Mrs. Thomas Hudie, who 'were recently 'Harried, and • to Mrs. .Misner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, `George Birdie. There were about sixty present and Mrs. G'M.''Steep read an. address and Mrs. Misner was 'presented with a set of stainless steel knives and Mr, and Mas. T. ,Hndie with a silver Casserole, Mr. Hudie made a"suitable reply and Mrs, Mis- ner, her husband not being present, also replied briefly. A jolly time, was spent after the presentation in cards and social intercourse. The A,Y.P.A, of St. James' church has been invited to the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thinly, Clinton, on Tuesday, Feb. 15th, when, the meet- ing will take the formn of a Valentine social`" The Ladies' Aid, of Ebenezer church' are giving an entertainment -in the church on Monday' evening. The council met on Monday as per adjournment. The bylaw, approving the. new County valuation as passed: 'by County Council was approved, • A letter from : the Dept. of High- ways announcing a Conference ' of County and '''''Township road superin=' tenden,ts in Toronto, Feb. 21st:' and 22nd and requesting ail townships to send their superintendents was read.' Mr. Sam Emmerson -was . accordingly delegated to at`te`nd." A letter from the Ontario Munici- pal Association asking for a member- ship See was read but no action was taken.. _ A communicationfrom the. Ontario )School Trustees' and' Ratepzivers As- sociation'was turned: over to the town Ship association, which 'beet the sante afternoon, for consideration, Bylaw No. 3, providing for expendi- ture on township roads for ,1927 was read a three times andn a ssed. `The Telephone Commissioners re- quested a temporary loan from the township of $660.00 to pay construe tion costs of the Dr. Metcalfe and Mrs. Stott line. Auditors' Johnston and Sturdy pre-, stinted their report,, Which .was adopt- ed. • 11, McCartney was appointed pound keeper in place of Mr. Geo. Tehuutt, who declined to act. • 1t was also decided to pay the sante wage as last year, for teams 50e per hourn a d for men 25c per hour, The following.aceounts were order- ed paid: G:, G.Newton, vton gravel, vc 1 ,g 80• R. G. Thompson registrations, $9 00;: Jas. Johnston, auditing, $8.00; Austin Sturdy, auditing, $8.00; Postage, 40c. The council then adjourned to meet on Monday, March 76h, at 1:30. --R. G. THO'MPSON, Clerk. Rlarriages. IIEND1;RSON-.-SN 'DEf -• At the home of the -bride's parents, on Feb, 5th, by the Rev, J. E. Hogg, Lula Marie, second daughter of Mr. and llrs. Henry -Snyder, the Maples, ,Goderieli township to W,' W. Hen- derson. of Sudbury, son of Mrs, A. PIenderson of Copper Cliff.: CARTER • II'ARltl"SON -- At the. manse, Auburn, by the Rev., W. R. Alp, on Feb. 3rd, Violet Deborah, daughter=of-Mr. Wm. Harrison, township, to Samuel Russell ,carter of East Wawanosh, Births TRGiLLA4VEN - In Clinton Public Hospital, on: Jan, 30th, to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Treleaven of Lucknow, n scsi. STANIBUR.Y-In Stanley township, London road, on Feb. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. StanbarY, a son-, Frederick Ralph. Deaths G^REALIS-Lt Clinton,. on Feb. 7th, Mrs. Ann Grealis, widow of ,the late Owen Grealis, aged 77 years. WILSON -In Clinton, on Feb. 8th,' Agnes Wilson, ged 67 years. E8li8,U'CE-In West W?awanosh town- ship, on Feb. 3rd, Sarah: Bruce, ag-ed 68 years. WAT1S0N--In-Stanley :township, on Feb. 7th,-Sarah.Manns;_wife of Mr. John Watson, aged 64 years and 10 months. Stanley Township Mr. Foster Potts of Grand Rapids, Mich., is spending a couple of weeks with his aunt, Mrs. Henry Diehl, and with other relatives. Mr. 'Carl Diehl held a very success- ful wood -bee on Tuesday afternoon of last week; and on Wednesday evening entertained his friends to a dance. A. mostenjoyable kine was spent * Miss Annette Sinclair, who spent the past four .months in New York, has returned home.. , Mr. Fenwick ,Stewart - was in Dun- gannon last week attending the fun- eral of Itis uncle, Mr, Robert Reid. Mr, Jas. Jackson has sold his farm to Messrs. Rozal. Bros., possession to be given in Octoirei, ? . Mr, and Mrs'. Alex. McDougall of Aylmer are, spending a few weeks with the letter's brother, 1tfr. John Butchart. The families of •Mr. Will Patter and Mr, Adam Stewart are down with the measles, _ CARD OF THANKS The family 'of the late Mrs. J. Lameon wish to express their sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown during her illness and after her pass- ing, also for the flowers sent. CARD OF THANKS Mn and Was. E. C. Munro wish to sincerely thank the many kind friends also Miss Grainger, superintendent, and the. nurses of the 'Clinton Hos- pital, for the helpfulness, kindness and the many thoughtful expressions of sympathy extended to them ow- ing to Mr. Mixnro's unfortunate acci- dent. Lost Considerable stun of money, bo- tweele Commercial Inn and W. J. Elliott's stable south of R. C. church. Liberal' reward: W, J. Elliott. 96-1 Range and Chickens . Large range, suitable for farm kit- chen, burns •wood or coal. Also 40 S: C: White Leghorn Pullets, ready to lay: Apply to.. Mrs. E. L, Mittel', Clinton. 96-3. For Sale Goal .heater, Acme Jewel, No. 14, in first class shape. Apply to Fred Stirling, R. It No, 2, Goderich, 96-1-p Don't Miss It! . An entertainment' Will 'be held in i_ibenezer church, Goderich township, Mon. evening, Feb, 14th, under the au- spices of the Ladies' Aid. The pro- gram will consist of readings, die- loguee, choruses, orchestra music and a play entitled, "Leave it to Phyllis" Admission 25c and 15e. 96-1 You Should be Able to Read at 1"" Inches If- you can't,you need no further evidence that you require same sort of eye attention. Holding the read- ing matter further away than that indicates a 'loss of focusing power which must Ibe restored by glasses if the eyes are pot to 'beinjured. Om• service gives ability to see well for bothfar. and . near. W. H. Hellyar, Optometrist, Clinton. Mare For Sale 'A heavy mare, 5 years old, apply to Phone No, 267w,a ,,.„•96-1-p NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of. Thomas Meiienzie, Deceased, NOTICE is hereby given` that all personshaving claims against the es- tate of "Thonrat McKenzie, late of •the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, contrctor, deceased, who died on Or about the 24th day of Noveni- ber, A. D. 1926, are required to de- liver to Thomas E. McKenzie, John A McI%enzie and George WI. "McKenzie, the executors of the said estate' or their solicitor,- oe or before the first day of eMarelt, A.D. 1927, a lull state- ment of their claims together with Particulars there, and the nature of the securities, if' any, held' by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND 'TAKE' I4OTIGE that after the,. said last mentioned (late the said executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased, amongst, the persons entitled thereto having regard g d only to such claims as they shall received due notice and in accordance therewith. `• Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 9th day of February, A.D. 1927. W. ,BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor `tor the said executors. 96-3 w 49 k'1iin, its'p He/toe READ THIS 'On account of the roads -being 1 Ct un- o r • r motor traffic Iha e ' ^e v changed g the hours at my Clinton studio. CLINTON STUDIO 'OPEN EVERY TUESDAY Freen X11:30 am. to 2 i.nl. All wanting Photos taken please. come in above hours and oblige. Bur ,gess, ess, Portrait Studio > MITCHELL AND CLINTON Real Irish Linen Store CLINTON, Phone 17 We invite you- to inspect our stock of UNBLEACHED LINEN CLOTHS' Colored' Borders 86 in., 70c-45 in., $1.00-54 in., $1.50 Napkins to Match, 15c each LINEN TOWELS ' - $1.40 per pair and up. Orders taken f a ke ofni Wio en's and Child - Ten's Dresses, Underclothing, etc, We still have a feW-remnants of Oy- ster linen -;Splendid "Value. Women's Exchange Hours 10 •a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays -10 a.m., ,to 10 p.m.. &fit )t Wird Ylowe,'' Choice Cut Flowers, Wedding Bouquets, Floral Work, ete. on short notice. CHARLES V. COOKE - Phone 66 :Box 186 Upholstering Drapeing This ad. is of interest to the lad- ies of Clinton and stirrounding dis- triet, Have your Chesterfields re- covered and your antique walnut -par- lor suites; reupholstered. They are valuable. I am a practical upholster- er and I guarantee my work. I do the work in your own home: Let me give you an estimate on your work, my prices are reasonable. It always pays best to have yourworkdone by a practical mechanic.- My former ex- perience comes from Murray -Kay of Toronto. The least We enjoy is the comforts of a home in this toilsome world, so take advantage of thisop- portunity. '1 carry a fullline of im- ported tapestries, and mohairs.'Leave your "enquiries• for me at the Ratten- bury Hotel. W. 141ARKLINGER LOGS WANTED We are again in the market for good logs of all kinds, either delivered in our mill yard at Bayfield' or on the stump. Call' us if you have any- thing to offer. Custom sawing will be done as us- ual during' the eonring season at Bay- field, Clinton and Thos. Wallis', 4th eon. 'Goderich Township. McBWEN IIROS., HAYFIELD Phone 624-r-4, Clinton central 90-tf St. Valentine's Tea In.MdKay's restaurant, Bayfield, on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 12th, under the auspices of the Junior Guild of Trinity, church. Tea served from 8 to.6 o'clock. Menu: Sandwiches, Co"okies, Cake, Tea and Coffee. Home- made Candy for sale.. The proceeds are to be devoted5to the education of a missionary child, t 95-2 House For Sale or 'tent 9eroomed' house in 'Victoria Street. Lights, town water, good cellar and stable, on Ye acre lot. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clinton. 95-8 . Farm For Sale • 100 acre's, well built on, situated right at the village of Varna. Well drained and well watered. Apply on premises ,ti Wm, eColelough, Varna P. 0. 94-4-p ''Seed Oat's Choice seed oats for ,sale, registered Abundance- variety. rice 75e per bushel. John Vodden, sr., R. R. No. 1, Londesbero. Phone 12 on 640, Clin- ton central. 95-2-p. Seed Grain For Sale A quantity.. of clean oats and some goose wheat suitable for mixing with oats. Phone 21-r-620. Roy Cantelon. 95-tf Tenders Wanted Tenders received fOr caretaker for, Ontario Street.U'nited -Church. .Ten- ders will be received up' to. Feb.;1,9th. Apply to H. Wiiltse, where duties can, be ascertained. 95-2' House for Sale. or Rent,- House ent,-House On tamer of Huron' and Or- ange streets, old 'Mountoastle place, Apply to F. W. • Johnston, Clinton. 80-tf, Cheese for Sale Cheese in bunk at any time. Large cheese, 20 Flat 21e s s 1 Stiltons o, , 23e per lb. The Holmesville Cheese and ButterCo. W. H. Lobb, president and:salesman. Phone 33-605, Clinton central. 78-tf Metal Roofing For Sale Look over your buildings. Do they need new roofs'? I, can supply you you with metal roofing 'and siding. Apply to : Robert M. Townsend, Londesboro. 93-12-p For Sale A Conn C Melody Saxophone, in excellent condition: 'W111 sell do very eay terms and very rB aso a le. Ap- ply to R, H. Johnson, Jeweller. 92-11' Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods- dry cleaned., Rcoans aver Ileard's. Barber shop: 'N. J. Jago. - 22y43-tf FAT H. WANTED r�•uy'� 1�1 1711.eD. Demand and 'Prices' are much hot- ter, Itis advisable to cullout all old and non-profitable hens no'y and take advantage of egood market. Always in the market for New - Laid Eggs and allkinds of Poultry., .N. W..'ITewartha Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w Garage Neda ex's Gara . � AUTOMOBILES Overhauled and Repaired STORAGE BATTERIES Charged, Stored, for winter moalths and Repaired KAT ES Ground and• Honed RADIO Outfits installed Gasolene -Oils -Accessories - W. J. Nediger, Prop. UPHOLSTERING AND FURNITURE REPAIRING Now is a good time to have that 'broken, or out of date piece made up- to-date, and a useful member of the furniture family for a moderate out- lay. Forty lines of covering 'to choose from. $1.00 per yard and up. W. S, DOWNS Shop opp. Ontario: St. Church Sheds Clinton Phone 95 92-12-p Notice of Appliction to Parliament NNOTICE is hereby given. that Ap- plication will be made to the Legisla- tive Assembly of the Province of On- tario at its next session for an Act to annuli the Incorporation of the Vil- lags of Bayfield and. to annex to the Townships of Stanley and'Goderich respectively the portions of the said Village which prior to the Incorpora- tion of the said Village were portions of the said Townshipsrespectively,° and for erecting portions of the lands comprised within the said Village into a Police Village, Dated this 25th day of January, A.D. 1927. W. BItYD ONE; 94.6. Solicitor for the Applicants. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Bulk Sales Act In the Matter of the sale of the Bak- ery and Confectionery Business With all Appurtenant Equipment by Daniel F. Schwartz to Edward Wendorf, TAKE NOTICE that Daniel F. Schwanz of the Town of Clinton has made a sale of his 'business of baker and oonfectioner, and all the stook -in -trade, machinery, fixtures and equipment connected therewith, to Edward Wendorf of the same place; and I have been appointed Trustee under the Provisions of the Bulk Sales Aet; and that all persons claiming to rank as creditors of the business > must file their elaims with me on or before the 12th day of Feb- reary, 1927, after which date ,I will proceed to distribute the proceeds of the said sale 'having regard only to elaims of which I have .had notice and proof as required by the said Act. Dated at. Clinton, Ont., the 15th day of January, 1927. JOHN RANSFORD, 94-3 Clinton, Ont. Clinton's eer- '1117 tyrie 55 111Yoo CANT 60 To 1 -or lPiN THI WINTER. I HE hi DA'f 'FOi,K+a' ^ WI La.; BRING .F-1.4RIPA.TO YOU Warnnth mid Let .the Heat Folks give them to you. No home can, ebe happy and sun- shiny unless the: 'household machinery T11/18 smoothly. And nothing helps as much as good. coal in making that machinery rust smoothly. With a well -behaving -furnace and''. range your house will radiate comfort and cheer, Without it, you'll have winter inside as well as out, Call tlhe' for good, clean coal :w f C I r AL COMPANY PHONE 74 CLINTON URSDAi', FEBRUARY ' 10, 1:)27" to the liblit4} Mr. John Diehl, having been appointed as pp ed our representative for the fullowin b companies is prepared to assist you in the purehaso of, or repairs to, their products; McCormick -Deering -Implements, etc. y p T. E, Bissell Oompany: Harrows, M5csIcher-Paelcer5, etc. , Pedlar People Limited -Metal Roofing, etc. Ontario Wind Engine and Pmnn °Co. "Windmills, Pumps, ere. Gilson Manufacturing Ce.-Bitgines, Silos, Furnaces etc :And variot other � s he lines; including Plow hares Soles Water T' nlss Hog Troughs, 'Stable equipment. Cream Separators, etc. Mr. Diehl will be with, you through the week and at the store on •Saturdays„ Call on Trim at any time for assistance. Miller IardwaPe-- � a Dealers in General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Stoves, Etc. Rowland's Old Stand TELEPHONE 53 CHI-NAMEL STORE We Serve and Satisfy Specials for Thursday,Friday mad Saturday 17 bars P. & G. or Gold Soap ...$1.00 19 bars Borax Soap :,,.,.... . $1.00 8 pkgs. Ammonia 25e Matches, 3 boxes for , • 25e 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar . , ..... 75•e 3 lbs, Rice„250 Libby's Pork 'ad Beans .. 2 for 26o Clark's Pork and Beans, large . 25c Pure Strawberry Jam, 4 lb, tin , 75c Canned Peas, 2 for ..... . 28e Canned Tomatoes, 2 for 28c Canned Corn, 2 for 28o LETTT.TOR GELERY FRUITS L. LAWSON & CO, PROMPT DELIVERY 'hone 111 DCII HEAT Are in the market for another car of this now. Let us know what you have and how soon you can start haul- ing: Must be sweet and well -cleaned. CORN -Gar of Dried American Corn just arrived. Special price •this' week. Have all varieties of Flours, Bran, Shorts, Western Oats,. Oileake, Tank- age, in fact complete 'stook of feeds; also barrel of Feeding Molasses. Silec- ial price Mir this. WANT MAPLE, ELM AND BASSWOOD LOGS J. A. CORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and .Groin Buyers F.R ) A ct+ ROW BARRISTER will be at his office;, in Clinton each ' MONDAY From 3 .to 6 p.m. 30-tf. Notice to 3J• • Trappers All -furs are now Power in price and. are expected to go lower, so don't hold furs any longer. - H. A. HOVEY Phone 89 Clinton, Ont. COAL Coal of all kinds always on hand • for -immediate delivery, Also a quantity of dry Maple Wood Prices reasonable and same to all R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence, phone 110 COAL Stove, Egg, Nut and Soft Coal r Coke, Kennel Coal and Wood Hard Wood and'Cedar Wanted - E. WARD Phone 155. Huron Street, Singer Sewing Machine Sold on Easy Monthly Payments Special two-year terms given to ' farmers Also a full' stock of , Needles, Betts and Parts for all makes . •,. Sole Agent for the Singer W. GLEN COOK Phone 171J P.O. Box 201, Clinton! Oa E. L. Mittel' Incubators and Brooders 'Poultry Supplies Raby Chicks and Hatching Eggs Sewing Machine Supplies 93-t$ NEWS.EFCORD ADVERTISING BRINGS RESULTS C. H. VENN -ER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. . Phone 11 YOU CAN GET ALL THE EGGS TOUR NE1VSA C Pel LAY 1P YOU FEED e Sold in 100 lb. bags - $4.00' 25 been • $1.25 Cont less sa kbmn bmlf ,mesa nCor bee per day to feed. P A car of Western Oats. r� these are old oats and will make good feed, will sell off the car. Special prices on beef meal and tankage. 11. Cheries worth 'PHONE 199