HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-02-10, Page 1+.239 li'e'd YeaIl° WIC H WHICH 1S '1NCORPORATE 1 CLINTON TON NEW ; ERA CLANTON, ONTA121O, TBURSDAY, ,FEBRUARY TU :ET. NEV$ CUSTB:M[RS. :AN 1192A "FRE 110IVIE PAP TO CHO0iS!E=TIME IS. TO SAVE TIME TO OHOOSE A Yells jar Watch ,As your timekeeper is to Save yew reputa- tion for punctuality. They are made of good materials and by competent' and skilled Workmen. PRICES RE. ASONAiBLE 10.�1.rs• JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST Phone 174w Residence 174j dew Spring Goats The h smartest styles are exemplified in our range of coats for Spring 1927. P � The new novelty fabrics y ���? 1cS and the : finest of dress s cloths are neatly tailored toplease the woman of refined taste. Prices range from $11.00 to $55.00 iia Splendid Fitting TROUSERS This are the sea's'on of the year when most men want an extra pair of. Trousers to finish out the winter suit, We have a Splendid Showing. of Spring New. r Styles There is so many kinds of woalens iritrouserings'that it will be a very easy matter to make a selection` that will go nicely, with the old coat and vest. " Our Trousers were made special- ly Y ly for us b; expert' 3 trouser 6.a�®rr makers. They are right i n every detail Jl Prices ®5 to Working den's Garmellts We pay special Atte ]tion to the Workmen's Suits and Overalls and our stock is very complete in these lines, If you' ant the best overalls that money can buy, we recommend:: The Headli • ht $2,50 per pair f , �l'�.er lines at 1 ; �.50 and $2.00 �E OFifiiSEI C A Square Deal for Ever Man 'TIIE MARKETS- Wheat, $1.20. Oats, 40c to 50c. Barley, GOe.. Buckwheat, ,75c, ,Butter,- 31c to 32c. Eggs, 30c to 40c. Live Flogs, :10.50. DEATH OF MISS WILSON Miss Agnes Wilson, who has been ii patient in the Clinton Public ,l-lospital for some months, passed away on Tuesday at the 'age of sixty-seven years. Miss Wilson was a native of Clinton and was known to many here. She and her sister, the late Miss :Janet "Willson, foe many years a member of the Clinton Public school staff, resided together until r d death theist S separated ince then p Miss Agnes has lived alone. The funeral tastes place from Wes- ley -Willis church on Friday afternoon at two o'clock. FIRE. IN POSTOFFICE. Fire broke out in the• postoffice a little before ten o'clock on Tuesday evening,• just under the sorting table, which was piled with letters, etc., ready for mailing' in the early incom- ing. orn in . Analarmwas r inbut e n un the �g fire was o under, control get by Care- taker Walton, with the aid of a chem- ical extinguisher and withoutthe aid of water, "except some carried in in buckets. Miss Mahaffy arrived to at- tend to the late mail just asthe alarm was rung and Postmster Scott, who had been out of town, came in on the train and. came right up. Although the fire was blazing up around the the fire was blzing up around the table'sufYicieii'tly to blister the varn- ished ceiling, it is said that not let- ter was damaged. A nunl'her of Gevernasent forms, etc.„.on the, lower shelf of.the table were destroyed. Nud the fire oc- curred an hour later; much mail woulii no doubt have been destroyed. The mail for the west had just been de- spatched a shoat time before. It is supposed that the origin was in de- fective wiring. THE '0. I. COMMENCEMENT , The .Collegiate.Institute cbmmonce- meat was held on Thursday and Fri- day evenings last in the town hail,the hall being crowded on, each occasion. The entertainment this year took tine form of a urusical comedy,"Bim hp," which was rehearsed and staged by Miss ICathr'yn Larkin, those taking part being the school 'students. The whole thing was ,gotten up within a fortnight and the performers certainly•did their . parts remarkably well, with such short 'training. The play: hinges ori the perfor_ mance of a young American moving picture man, who went to Bimbo Is- land to take some picturesand who was mistaken for the new governor, who was expected; and conveyed to the state residence and given all hon- or. ' Ile on-or.''Ile seemed t0 be getting along all right until a native princess fell deep- ly in love with him and two other young ladies arrived, each of. whom claimed to ibis engaged to him. He was much too busy to think of nmr- riage and found great difficulty in keeping all the ladies in good humour. He was 'much troubled, too; 'about a revolution which was• in progress and• which his chief of staff wished hint to go but and°quell, He was much: more interested in moving pictures, how- ever, end was,'very anxious to show a picture of the 'battle of Vimy Ridge, which was "The most natural thing you ever saw" Mr; Arthur Lion carried off the role" of the bogus governor very well; in- deed, while Mr. James Fraser played the part of the General, very 'realis- tically, looking exceedingly fierce in his military togs and mustache, Miss Grace Evans took the part of the Princess .quite channingl.yt,with her flashing dark eyes, whieln the men found more deadly than the dagger she sometimes fl`ouri'shed, Miss -Florence Rorke and Miss 'Ruth Moore - house, took the parts of the two rivals. for the love of the goyernor, and play- ed them well. Arsother character was a young English lord, who wee very fickle in' love and who finally fell for the charms of the princess. This part was :well taken- by Mr.' Lorne: Cook. Mr. Jack Gi'bbings took the part of a young engineer, • who was in love with •Silvia, `<,an heiress, (Miss Elva Cook), who could not harry until her maiden aunt, Portia, (Miss Laura Snell), was married. This .seemed a' and ,bid poser a n3rd fair to wreck the''hap- piness of tape -young couple but finally the old General was tricked into nativemarriage with aunt Portia. Jack Gibb]ngs : and Miss Cook had u quite heavy parts andthey also sang, s s t• 11 5i 1 11 a ONES CONING II, .AND 5. CLUS3 TO MEET. The Herne and • Schools Club will meet on Tuesday, Feb,,. 15th, at 4 o'clock, at the Pablte school: alts. 13]'. Plumsteel will give a, paper and Mrs. Fair, 'Current Events, Music will -ire furnished byi'Pulaile school children.' DIED SIILDENLY. The: Herman fancily received word this moianing of the sudden death; in Buffalo,` of MBmrie'Beatrice Herman, daughten.•'of Mrs: 11 001111an of dlin- ton. The remains will; be brought home for interment the funeral to take place Saturday -afternoon Irani the home of Mrs: E. lierinan, Victoria street, the service to • commence one o'clock.NE FLAT , ATE N RATES O PARCELS, The following aura ch an =es in par eel 6 1 cel post onparcels o weighing.over ton and up to fifteen pounds,':are now in force. A flat rate for Such weights -has been ?established a follows: To any postof]'ice within enty miles, 25e; to any postoffice beyond twenty miles in - Ontario, 55t; to any post office tie Quebec or Manitoba, 75c; to• any post office in Sasktehewan or Maritimes, $.,15;1 to any -post' office in Alberta, 131.35. to any post office in Brit: h alum s a,C bla or Vulcan, $1.50. HEAR OF'WIHEAT POOL Quite •a large gathering of farmers meet in the Star Theatre: on Tuesday afternoon to hear Mr, a.. Gilroy of Alvinston, president of the Co-oper- ative Association, and Mr: J, J. Mor- risen explain - the workings of the wheat pool in the west arid' outline to some extent what it would mean to have a like pool in "Qntario. Those present showed deep interest in,tlie ]natter •and a number of copies of the contract were-distribut l' so that the farriers could stud* then] and become better acquainted with whole question. Mr. T. McMillan, M.P. for South Huron, presided., WILL 'CE'LDE:itATE AT MITCHELL The' annual meeting of the South Huron L. O, L. was held: In Exeter on Wednesday of last wee•ly the fol- lowing representatives of the 1oca1 Lodge being present: Ii. IVs. Haply, W. J. Falconer, R. P.Fisher, 14I, J. Schoenhais, N. W. Miller, E. Harness, A. D. "McCartney and. George,„Canic- son. It. was arrahged-.that the county would join South Perth and :celebrate the 12th of July in Mitchell,. The following officers were elect Co, Master: .7. B. •Rethwol] Varna Deputy: H. Powe, Exeter, J Chaplain:' Rev'. Jas. Foote, Exeter, Rec..'Sec;: H. 'M. Healy, Clinton. . Fsn,.See.: R. P. Fisher, Clinton. • Treasurer: George Davis, :Centralia Lecturers: N. W. lefiller,�•Clinton; L. K. Epps, Varna. - Marshall: War.: Lutman, Exeter, HOCKEY NOTES. On February 28th the Town League Hoeltey games got away to a good Mart, Maroons winning the first game from the Senators by 6 to 3 in a game that gave supporters of each teem many opportunities to cheer their favorites. I The second game was a hum-dinger from start 'to finish between the St. Pats and'Canadiens, the former team winning abet the :margin of one' goal in a 5 to 4 score. This ,game necessitat- ed:the` various grlayei of both"teams being on' their toes from bell ;to bell and, needless to say, the fans were on their toe's also, There Was a goodly .number of fans present, who were well repaid t fori• d their attendance. h Mr: Paterson; our local • Agricultural Re- presentative, was a'' distinct. surprise, but after it was whispered round.that he was one of the shining stars on f the 0, A. C. team of Guelph when he d attended that eollege,-it was not hard to understand where. he. had learned' his hockey. Brindsy 1NcEwen was 'the :Teff of the players and is the making of •a real hockey :player, . buzzing around here, there and everywhere,, making his .presence felt by the big- ger players.; Jack Elliott, who was the Mutt of the e la e• rs lues promise players, , g p nose , of rivalling his brother, Fred, as a real hockey .player. Pearson in gosl amade some real saveseand the other players exhibited •some. fast .skating and Clever stick handling. The second League guile turas played 'February 8i�d, between the winners of the double header on Fri- day, ri- o day,;'Maroons and Se Pats. This game has not been surpassed in many"seasons for• good skating, stick handling, shooting and goal- keeping. It' was a bum -clinger from i start to finish, and was just Oxen- s ens enough: ' There ryas not a dull. ninute during. the game, slid the corn be]ng'tied at full time necessi- :ted playing overtime, Two five- :mute periods were played after full me. First period there was 51o.scoi'-.>s g and ill, the second klaroons were d uccessful in bulging ' the net twice D iter each member of the team exert- p i all the energy he could, put into cl V FAUST ADVERTISECONTINUALLY DEATH OF MRS, ANN CREAMS Mgrs. Ann Grealis, widow of the, la Owen Giealis, died on;Mopday at age of seventy-seven years The' ft eras was held :from 1St, Joseph's cher this morning at line :o'clock, the i ternlent being made : in the R, cemetery in Hallett. SOME BIRTHDAYS., Today is the birthday of a coup o$• our venerable citizens, Mz'. Robe hltzsinrons-ad Mrs, James Lindsa the latter of whom is eighty -iii, years old today. Mr. W. Cnntelon and . Mrs. Liver- more, So,, ea`eh celebrate a birthday •Monday nest, Fob.> 14th,, 3115 being well r 1 eve tte fours cmc ma ^k • 1 ami Mts son t • S to Sr.,t ill t,v be ninety-two on Feb. 21st FUNERAL OF MRS, IDI ARE to the eh u - C, le rt. Y, ve After a short segwica 41, the home ori Friday' the 'rse tleoli s of Mrs. C. Iioase:web taken to d1,trmo, near Mitchell, 'and laid in the family -plot of the Moore family, •itIrs. Hoare hav- ing been before her - marriage' Miss teinnie Moore. Several relatives were here for the 1janeral service and ae- companied the remains to Mitchell. Rev. Hogg: o canducted the e r- gg e vice at the home. FIRST LOOO'MOTIVE. W']ll am 11, Burrage, iiged 69, pion- eer railroad man, and fireman on She `SCountess of Duferin," the first rail- way engine to enter Wdnnipeg; died at his home in Winnipeg a few days 5)100. -..The late Joseph Whitehead, a forliseO well-known resident of Clin- ton is said to "have taken' the first locomotive into Winnipeg in.connee- tion with the building of section 15. of the C. Ii. R.,'for ' which he had the contract, . JOHN •'BROADtlENT DEAD. The following from it recent issue of the Maresca .Times, has reference to a former resident of Hullett, n brother-in-law of MM -r•. Edward -Carter of town: ' - "The death occurred at his home, Thornhill, at 8145 a.m. on Tuesday., ,Jan;'11, of. Mr. John Broadbent,' aL• the age of 80' years, 5 months and � I days, Tho deceased gentleman, was born. in Yorkshire, England, on Aug. 1, 1 184(1, , Ho jourareyed . to Y lleconsiin with his parents at tee eaoly age of 5 years, and when hut 14 years old, crossed over to Ontario. On Dec. 25, •1872, lie was :harried toEllen Cowan, ♦ all VCo ttBlythe, H ]tet u town- ship, Ont., and in 1881 settled in Thornhill,,where, for about 20 years he west engager in the lumber busi- ness anis fanning; and resided there up to the time of his death. He re- tired from active business] about five years ago. ' • The late -Me. BBr'oadbent leaves to mourn his loss, besides his widow, six e1iililren, John Broadbent, Thornhill; George Albeit.liroaclbent, Winnipeg; Mrs. Mary Jane McIntosh, Morden; Miss -Sarah Elizabeth Broadbent, Thornhill; Mrs. Annie C. Riggs, Win- niepeg, and Mrs. Phoebe I,. South, of Winnipeg•, and one brother,. Fred Broadbent, of Tapley, 13. C. The late Mr•_ roadbent had made e host of friend in. the district in which he had - resided for so many years, and he will be greatly missed by all .of,them. The sympathy of She entire com- munity will be extended - to the be- reaved ones ]n their holm of afflic- tion." - Clinton Council Makes Protest e ..A sins t Increased g • s d Assessment Will pay Cost of Power of Clinton Public` Hospital. - • K'1`he town council mot on Mond. evening, all menlbei•s preesnt. Afte the reading of the uiinucea of, las meeting Mayor Jackson said the would defer the ext .order h n de of buss ness and receive depnta'Lions and Dl andier ad G dresse the council 1 d c] on tl matter of a littledifference dl era e t hich ha e v arisen in regard to the payment of in creased cost of power ]n comrectio With the operation of the new X -Ray machine tit the local' hospital. Heseid the council had, .perhaps not unnat ural'ly, thought the Hospital Board should have.consulted it before m stalling the new equipment, entailing new costs. Dr. Gandier explains -that when 'the .old hospital was start e use . d so ear• ago years g the council.was approached as to h what •assistanc,. would be given and the council of that day agreed to supply power. At that time there were only the lights required and - he, D. 'Gandier, had suggested to them that as time went on other' equipment would be added requiring power, It - was understood that this- would 'be looked after also, a "Gentlemen's agreement," being entered into, the Doctor said. Dr. Gandier called attention' to the great service the hospital was to the town and community and hoped the conn- cit would see its way to taking care of the cost of power supplied to the hospital. Re said thea -Ray machine Mild not be counted on as.a revenue j:Producer, at least. for some time 1.1 the cost of maintenance, was high, Al an instance. -:Ire mentioned the fact 'that if 'either of th'e two lamps used were to break, which was very likely to happen .especially' when the ma- chine was new, there would be a cost of $125 to replace' it. He said the hospital board had been fortunate in that the :superintendent; Miss Grain- ger, had undertken to operate the machine, without increase of satlary, which. did ,away with the need of q special operator, but the supplying of new plates, etc., made it impossible to count a great deal on t'evenue from 7t. 1y tion front the T3'ospital Board, asking o that the council assume the responsi-' t btl ty et the added cost few ;powei ,at ' C 1 the hospital, which on audtion of Y Reeve P ret: rtha a vi d ounctl C 1 l or Pais- - ( ley,1V 5 ', Ia granted. From. S zo n the Cade• • shu tt Pros enL.etion Fund, asking for •t contt.rbution. On motion of Council- " lops .Hennes and Livermore. this teas" - filed, The clerk asked if an unsigned 11 letter was 'to be veld, but the mayor said, "No. The fire is the only place for anonymous letters." CountyClerk' sent County Bylaw No, 3, confirming adoption of Valua- tors' report, and' the Public Utilities 1 Commission sent in financial report -1 for 1926. S I Reeve Trewartha explained the ac- tion of the county'' council and his own' action in regard to the valuators''-. report.. He said D. Milne, reeve of AMONG THE CHURCHES. - Presliyter'ien •Church Service in the Baptist church on Sunday evening at seven. Sermon subject: "Westward of Forty." Sun - ay school at ten o'clock, -Prayer selv]ce at seven -o'clock Thursday The 'W. itI. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. W. I). Fair' on Thursday af- teenoon, Feb. 17th; at three o'clock. Wesley Willis :United Church The minister's' subjects foe next Sunday will be: nnorning "Beholding the Wonders of the Lord at 'Sea'; Evening: "On the Upward Way." The Presbytery of Heron, also the Executive of Iluron Presbyterial W',o- man's Missionary .Society will meet in Ontario 'street church on Thursday, Feb. 17th, at 10 o'clock. • The Girl's Club met"at the manse n Teesday 'evening. Ontario 'Street United' Church Moznin • classes atten 0r• - S g nim: subject at the morning .Preach eg 551110a "A Far Look." Evening ubject;"Marks rf the 'New Birth." junior League will meet at seven' o'clock en Friday evening, The -lard of management ,of the Sunday school' flet on-Tnesday' even- ing and decided to' hold -the -Sunday chool anniversary services• on Stu1 ay, Mai:. 13111. The Rev. Mlmson�, Gyle, secretary of the 'Young Peon. Iles' ;Work, has been secured for th1 ay. The W. M. S.` met in the church ecttu•o eoem on Tuesday. After ops sun g • exercises and s' r a sapiano , ono was given by Miss Isabel Ilolfiies, nd a •(Met by Miss Pearl Or•ich and. rs. Downs Miss Maud ' liiltsc then ave the lecturettei "Schools or the n lilted Church." A letter 1 t dto the So- oty was read from Itliss Sybil Cour ce, missionary in Japan. It was v517 tercel:Mg' and .was enjoyed sty all. ho Easter T•haekoffetrog• Meeting• is o be held an March 853, and special (forts;are being made for a good 10gram..:, a couple of songs, Besides these there were a number of others in costume,, girls and boys, who danced and sang,. 'Miss Freida'rschoenhals took' the pelt of 0 grey moth in a pretty dens tee moth and the flames, a number, of 3) tls girls in lied being the flames: Misses Ruth Jackson and Mary IIovey played a ukele.e duet in the last set, The P.imbo Army was very comical, ,showing 11102010 need of training. The whole program WAS amusing anddkept bite ;crowds interested two evenings. Principal Fines made' the 1100essar7 annorill,eoinents cies nPhursdayeven- rng Rev. J E Hogg presented tls di- plomas to those ental i entitled to herni and on Friday the aithletie prize', the sale vev cup and - medals, were presented by Dr. 3. W. -Shaw, On Thursday evening also presen- tations were made to the teachers by the pupils. It was a grand game and well worth seeing•. A. game, which some farts say was the best yet, was played 011 Monday night between the Senators and the. St Patincks, resulting in a wine for Hoe former f ' n t in aor 54 C f 8-4. Tomorrow night the o Maroons play the Cnnadnn,s, when it is expected some excellent hockey will `.be wit- nessed. The citizens should attend as many' as ,possible of, these games and 01]- 00810-130 the 'boys in their sport. • 1• ff Mayor Jackson reminded Dr. Gan- dier that it was a. former council who had made the agreement with the Hospital Board. The Doctor said he appreciated that and sand each year he realized that the council :night change, For this reason lie 'thought. it might be . well for' ,the board to keep in touch with the council. He thanked the 'council for giving him so patient a hearing anti` for inteliuet- ing the -routine of 'their business to do so. The cleric then read a eommunie,a, - SE.A:TIII.OF MRS.'RUPERT: Mee, Rupert, 1videtu of •-the late Rev.E. IS, Rupert, died at her noise in Toronto last week, . after a pro- longed illness. For three years she resided in Clinton, when' Mir. Rupert wets pastor . of the .old Rattenbury Street church. She left a son and two daughters, one of, the latter be- ing the wife of Rev. Mr. Balfour, Toronto, Icor eon died this week in the Western Hospital, just.one week after his:mother, DEATH OP' Mit. C. P. - MILLS. Charles P. Mille, local Registrar of the Supreme .Court. of Ontario and Clerk` of the County Court, add, for- mer member in the Provincial' -Legis- lature for North Waterloo, passed away .last Thursday evening et his home in Xitchenei•. Deceased was a son of the late Rev., John Mills, a former• pastor of the old, Rattenbury street €hurch, 'Clinton, and was born in the parsonage here- Ile 100151 very highly thought' of , by the business community of Kitchener, 8ITTLE LOCALS, The annual Masonic at-home will !be, held in the town hall 'on Friday ev- ening. Invitations have been out the pa;steweek, - i4lr. J. Walkinshaw .slipped on some icehet da he of • t day and ih ragtag in- jured his head. No bones were ]brok- en but he was' badly, shaken up; Some of the streets havebeen sand_ ed this week to snake them safer' but Old Sol can do More to :breast the back. of the 151. 111 .an ]tour in the middle of the day than'. almost anything .else. The weather this week has been more Eke March than February. The Bank of bIon11eal is this year giving' away a book on sheep-xaising: and caring, which ought to be help- ful to those in the sheep business, es- pecially if they Happen to be new at the gains. Anyone applying to the local branch may have a copy of the book. The Department of Public High- t i s is a er ' " t y dt ttsrng• for tenders for concrete paving 011 Provi 114111 High- ways at various points, among them being "Clinton:Noith to encs of con - crate," cte,' and "Dublin to 11saforth."' bo there trill just be the little stretch "be- tween 'hero . and Scaforth unpaved when this is finished, • Blyth; took the ground that -:the whole thing teas illegal, as all three value, • tors were rural members, although- the cou0c]1 had authorized the ap- - pointment .of :awe rural and este -urban member. He esylained that such ap- pointment was made. :but the urban -. member refused to act and aro other being. available a third rural member.: was appointed elle later confirvned by , council. Reeve Txew:ar•the.said he had voted against the adoption of the re- port but lsterihad voted for the by- law, as he felt an appeal was to be. Made that you couldn't appeal against anything' but a bylaw,' 'HQ said -he did not - wish to get the town into any litigation over the matter and it was now up to: the council to 'take whatever action it wishethee iter some ctiseussion, on motion of Councillors. Holmes and Carrell the following motion was passed:. "That this coun- cil register an objection with the county clerk regarding the increase hi assessment of the Town of Clinton by the committee appointed to read- just the County equalization, and that the clerk (be inetreeted to notify the county cleric to this offeet before Feb. 15511' Thereport o f the Public ubli Utilities c tees Commission in regard to watertvorics caused some ctiseussion, and Clerk 1Maepherson addressed the council in regard to it. The report, a summary 'of Which is published in this issue, shows ai balance on hand at the end of 1026.., Clerk Macpherson said ,that as the waterworks system belonged' - to the town any surplus' over the op- ertlon cost should he handed over to the council each year and that any capital needed to extend the plant should be .taken care of by debetnures. Ile did not think it right indeed said it waS "dead wrong" to use surplus to extend the system. The surplus should be either handed over to the council for use or used to pay deb0n- tures,,or the rates should be reduced until '1111010 would be no :simples, ac- cording to the clerk, and some of the councillors seemed to agree_ Reeve Trewar•tha asked if the councillors might have copies - of the report as. he felt he did • not understand .the mat- ter fully. On motion: of 0ouucillors Langford' and Livermore it WAS decid- ed that the council should meet the Public Utilities Commission and go into this matter and .arrive at some understndiug; • -Bylaw:. ro._3 g 1\ appointing the fire': company, was not quite ready for coMpletion and was left over, but by- law No. 4 appointing the town offi- tiers, was read three times and passed. The' old officers were reappointed, at the; sante salaries as last year. Chairman Lengfor1 of the street committee reported -that the last month had 'been a light one in regard to snowplowing• but that ice had been very troublesome. Ile reported that the committee had now obtained some sand, for use en ley streets where needed. On motions of ,Councillors 'Curren and Langford the nightwatchman was - instructed to .8upply a written ex- planation' when it is necessary, ow - (Continued on. Page Four) MRS, J. LINDSAY,' CLINTON` %ho is 85 y'eaes old today, Fah. 1015