HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-02-03, Page 5••rte to • le • of in --ti C '.St • ti ,O n n1 In nt eh fo sp ri se in th at ne • er in Li ' th' v of A tit in pe -ha ' a Li re ':ib 'Br si fu an 415 pl co Br Br :ae Pe on . fri de lis to pr ae 'ho Br It ne •V a tit of mol. ch an mol fel art of •eo •si RI, en • as fri ort 'Lb pa pr in • CO eo -re • se eh si "Lis Pr I'I}r ILLSD F1Y, I'1 BRITAR• 3, 1 ak • f on etvspapers ass, td weans rchie Ons as ttld wry to hatch non. dors eased ff toff tion, ... I^ h lit;... , . o e ? e :I c : ;: , '.' . Z I coddle -it; h„ Ti ane f ;'•,: .;•,, .. ,....: , --re. ,;: :'...' ,.. . .., .,.,,. ., • - tx .::: �-�' �f'' ". ,- C * V ,;: - �. T . � a � A'pA N „�' q, p A � NGS , ,.. ,. ,,, ... � : .. :: L ;. .. r.„>- ,:, . , „ ,,..: •.. -.,.�. , ;, . oft t _ •••••Tins ho P ,, .. ........ :,,. ... -. , _ . � , , ;., ': � .y,.',,.� .. .. ,, a ..:. .: : ,.,. C� ;., ., ,. ,..d..11p one Ste do :OU : r, g, :; ..� :rn eeuerex eels l� Y`'Otlti ls' , , -„ always eful b t ho•• u p , .q .�x_d D W, k, .GaligW,,.,Ctodelt4h,,3yas also , . ;' pa a osed,: bu sxa dra > • t% aecou ', p tb mon,: nb gf."his,;,allrscfi e , . ,. ,. fir;. • ,, -.e ,•,..,-::�. .. , :., Un,a coun;.it,• irk I'ha:. : :. „,,:.. -, ,.; ., ,: , Until , ltrfor,, motor.+tr is I ha A declst4. Was,: not Breached.- s -u , .,. ,. ,,. _ ., ,•_th ,:;hours a Cltntan:; ,:, , . t zny,, _ .W .th . fifb allot , ra e. t ho i ,. : �. _ ,. e lr � ,.„ ox hanan ur, C INTON.:- UDIO,.,:O a� x OCOnvetliign-;q Oried.Ma SCott': � ,�� l? EVERY,TUF, DAX. ,was the aowest tn: the Elia=t,; Mar, , H11i ' , ., . ,; ,, . .. ,.« ,. "i' :" , . • , ,.c e - , 1+'roAt 1,,,3,•1• . to ro a ou I R: s,adVanba d, t next,,.�7ien 1lTr,:,Coseps: ;;, .- ; m:.::. •T?he fourth oil st od, Robertson� �Q"( /lk:wairttu ,.; lrot4s .taen ottngf 50.,,,II1s10p ..76, Tlta, ,;nal r5t�e cont4' j,rk ..above-ll.Ot72a, ,nd,,Ohlr , . . f . ; • Was 66 oe-Robee,teOn an 9c9:, fah , ::, �:. , lits ; ;: La . .. . _ Bar ess 'Partxait'.Stuc�to ,., . I m'oVe what 4he motninatio f.Mr:" ,, ..., n o . . MIrokilmL,AND C4INTON o ba,znade.una ominatiosatd: r,. . ii M , th, eat tiff F' • g , ;: a oh ,ed v ane, 'rix r . d o . ; . ,• -�. .,,, ,, -`!',!,'74`.-:':.: lase e: -- g...:, . to•• • ` real •< . �'+ / - . ' ” ' .,,.Deatiand anti' rages are Much <bet ,:-° ter.:'>It • d:' a e � ` as a u45 bl ull out Fig old - •. , -5 and;non profztable Ztens ;now and takes ., _ e of a! qod market., '.;:, A1w sin he' market- f" :, e ' _ &3 t . pr, 1tj' w La d 17g'gs na,'tt 11C 'ndS' tlf�7?oultY•y, ;fir • I . A( -'^l`' ire'W2tlrti9ain e 2 - ,t • • .i :� ,, _ �• }iar1ware u .. •, ,o lel • ` �\ canxiot �: ”! ,, ., • It hoe 1s to t , .alone . brio success'.. g see . -.. boy ,ti:obe?'tsgtirwlten the, xesul�, was„an , noutteed ..:and .axle all nyy ,•frzends to,. .. - r, t o behiii h m. o t o conch a a� ,i h n�' am- ReaI,,Irlsi>!" Llnri?;,tc�re �piign Phones' --Office° 214 Re 1 e e a, s d ne ..224w, .. ---^ • -our. Y p o i w. r d, securing independence of so many, yet• the •gyd x`egular, savings plan fak.hi ;,. .. , , his tender years the'value'of See. your a SUGcesS ID,th� ry � , ., and colnfort the vlslon attainment Of so`few-adopt; a ' n• now,• and teach him, in;'•`• - saving sornethin out of as,they wou'd' have :stood ire-•, . bifid, MVO •Pholi'e,17 ... •� � "• 7 8 fo' rho vote Was taken M'x. Rob-. Neal .er $.: Cora e e:tson .reminded the convention that ' ' wus zhicheasin 1 iffionitthe We invite you to inspect our. stack 'et AUTOM • BI , 13 LES .Godetieh iberals ' out to s UNBIrEA,CREO LINEN. CL'OT13S" >;,:, upport a ; QvCrhauled and`Repaired • canclidte •i].wava chosen in; altother: Colored Borders ` 'every dollar.'•:: . " " THAT WAY , ,'• ' - _Uc=45 UES x -ns SUCCESS. Q , , art of the, riding. ;Ile thought the • : ""STORAGE DATTTERIES in. $100 , , 5� in; $1..60 ehotee of: a Godorich alai( would. de '3( a`kins .to l4I t'teh 15c each •' Charged Stored for winter month tench 'to stiinulate enthusiasm: , p `' I: • and Repaired s LINEN, TOWELS , 1 d _ .• c, eP 'ware are � A. e, ::.�� ® y `u!ta: �gAN/y �, ^ate • 1 , + 4.eaix A �` SI{AYES , $1.40 poipair and up ' L Births. Ground and. Honed Orders taken for- .Wlornen's'and Clitl d- g 'RADIO S 30th, UTA1V—Ak Attbtu,n' on..Ja• n. ten's Dresses, ITnderslotlin oto: Outfits installed Mk and Mxs. Edward Strath }g art;,a soli, 7 Gasoline-,Oils.--ACeessories OM- S'�XCban e , �: Hours 10 a.m. to 6,'p.ra. i .. ® •Dealers in',GeneraLHatdware, Paints,,0ils,;Stoves, Etc. Rowland's 'Old Stand ,`. °" LLEPHONE 53 CHI-NAMEL• STORM orlon i�xa - Cl• Manch . R, E. Malinke! Manager " Deaths Saturdays—l0 am. to; 10 p.m. ""' a4 LANXON=In Clinton, on Jan, 29th, - tp) Prot). W. J. Nediger, • 'Satisfy Q`� interest to YOU abused, 'not only.• Canada, but also . . • Ann Hooper, ' widow of the .late ��,gQ , n i . - i� ' John Lai on, aged 84 years and:4 e�wl- d it i donvr� y ' �+ �+• Yt' a Serve an �1 J 4- rQ R.DARROW and' a The Io tslati-re Assetnlil met y fronto yesterday, • *•* * * the bear see his shadow yes ter- ly? We didn't anyway. *,; M ,, ,,. in England, where titles have ac- Wally been 'purchased illy, gifts to coznpaign funds. Titles axe -only con- ferrel on tlie. advice of the Govern- meat of the eountry,in which ithe-per- son to be=honoured lives, so'that .it is'.a temptation to',recommend'perty friends foi•;this honour. Then" agent, Canada had two hereditary titles con- feared upan! citizens. This months,. • 1 E ING AND UPHOLSTERING - w • Choice Cut Flowers, Wedding FURNITURE REPAIRING �O'CONNE_1LL—'In 'Clinton; on Jae, 29th Edith Jago, Bouquet's, Floral work, etc. Now is agood" go,' wife of 'bit. P. T. time to have that O'Connell. on short notice,.. broken, or out of data piece made up-�a��p to -date, and a useful member of the HOA,RE--lIn _Clinton, .on Feb, 2nd,furniture family for a...mode/ ate out -'Did CHARLES S V. ®{pI{l Yin Mrs: C.,Iioare. Funeral service at is Fortylines of eoverin to -,rho' rattily residence, Chutou, eny` g Phone 66 R'ex 185' choose Prem. $100 per yard and up. - Friday, Feb, 4th, at .30, interment W. S. DOWNS -F-•^ ..--f-- �� For Week -end Shotenig, 2Q lb. pails . X3.00 Shortening, 3 lb.pails (net) , 50e Larch, 20 lb. " . BARRISTER will be at his office Clinton eaCll. 'MONDAY That will be one of the necessities 'the future, no doubt. Swine •cities e already talking o'P them, supply- . - . went against the grain of the democratic' people'of this virile yaung land:. W. ,.tn •i4lunro cemetery, "near Mitchell. Shop opp. Ontario St, Church Sheds DEMPSE .r—tri Goderich township, �Q3�flQ�l t$>£'Y° &Ii « •Olinton . Phone 9530-tf. pails $3.65 Brooms,` 4 string •490 Sodas, 3 lb, boxes 49e From 3 two .rit, P g air stations far the use those d -o not -wish to build:up'-a titled anis- on Jan. Seth, John H. Dempsey, ' 92-12-P ' largo pile.. 23e of evening timough 'the air. ,; a• e •, tocrae in Canada. We do not mind YNotice ]raving real worth and national ser- -:bestowal ,aged 78years. •• •• �� �``1� of Appliction to ParliamentF' WANLESS—In ' This ad, is of interest to the lad- 2, .Lux, pkgs.. . 227c Matches, 3 pkgs. for ' Notice to The federal governnfept is 'testing out for a suitable way of eelebrat- g the 'ulbilee of Confederation, Whyare It plant a tree this year for every an, woman and child -lit the dentin- hthis a.—Shelbout'ne Free Press.r e „ 5 0 •y Bruce CountyChildren's Shelter. has viee rewarded by the eta straw on Feb', :3rd r title of honour,' but that'nian's sons John Wanless aged 89 years, The fes of Clinton and Surrounding dis- NOTICE is hereby given that Ap- funeral will tales lace on Saturday met. Have your ;Chesterfields re. plication will be made to the Legisla-jo. honoured enough in being his p Y sans. I£ theywish to ,cern such pub., afternoon, from the United Church, covered and your antique walnut par- tive Assembly of the Province of On- tic honour they have to work for it iu Varna, the service to commence at for suites reupholstered, They are tario at its next session for an Act cohorts, It was really those her -are 2 o'clock, Interment will be made .• valuable, I win a practical upholster-' to annuli Incorporation of the the in ;Baird's cemetery. er and I guarantee any work, Ido the lige of Bayfield and to annex to the titles which turnedethe tide ofhold public opinion aghast the idea alto- work in your own home: Let me give Townships of Stanley and Goderich IN MEMORIAM an estimate on our work,nayrespectively the�, y of the said i{ellagg's re e 3 pkgs. . 33c 83e Eakins -Pure Strawberry Jam 4 Ib. tin for. • 75c Prunes, new, 2 Ibs: for 25e. Dried Peaches, per 1b. 25e FM—Salmon Halibut, Fillets,Fin-ditary nan'Iiaddie i , �, s �� • Allfuet-are now lower in rice and expected to gq- lower,%o don't has an longer, * Y 6 en without inmates or several oaths and the matron 'las 'been. re- re - axed for ,tele of employment. 1 smear. If the finers of the Children's Aid are do-erience. gather. you p portions Then, many Canadians] prefer, as,. GOURD In loving memory of •%few- prices are reasonable, It always pays Village which prior to the Incorpora- best to have your work done 'by a tion of the said Village were portions many a distinguished Englishman has and Gould, who died on Jan, 31, done, to wear his plain,unadorned 1925:phone perie ce- mechanic, My former ex- of the said Townships respectively, The is told "'FebThave since that comes froth Murray -Kay of and for erecting portions of the lands FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Bananas Oran e y -Oranges, Lettuce, Celery, A ties etc. Apples, , , , > O�%E'' „ 89 Clinton, Ont. g their duty, and there is no intima- frame, story of a news- years' passed Toronto. The least -we enjoy is the comprised within the said Village into - ei that they are not, then Bruce ,seems 'to be in a very happy ate in so far as the rising general - is concerned.4 t M The leader paper man in'one of +E}ie western cit- fes, ('newspaper nten are notoriously modest, of course), that he 'was ap- as to whether he would ac- sept e. title. His answer was in the negative. °'i'tn a plain man;"•he said, sad day, Why one we loved,was palled away, comforts of a home' in this toil op- a Police Village. God took him ,tome, it tvas this will„ world, so take advantage of this op- Dated this 25th day of January, But in our• hearts he ilveth still," portedrtt-a. 1 carry a full line of ini-„ A.D. 1927. 7 —Fattier, -Sisters and Brothers. aquiri flies, and mohaits, Leave W, for the NL, your enquiries ;for Inc at the Batten- 94-6 Solicitor for the Applicants: k �� CO LAWSON . . PROMPT, DELIVERY PROMPT, Phone 111 ' COAL Coal of all kinds always pe hand for immediate delivery. of the Opposition in the Tebec Legislature- :I like to come ,home from my office, e RAPSON-In loving memory of John bury Hotel. NOTICE TO CREDITORS - Rapson, W. b ERICLINGER Also a quantity of dry Maple Wood. charges ,that supporting the Govern- faire Ins coat tact go out•and hoe in the garden or•mow my own lawn, who .lied•Feb. 13th 1926,_, The Bulls Sales Act Jnst'a thought df yotj, dear Father;4��A,D Prices reasonable and, sante to all ant are in the pay of the Govern- in the to Just a memory, fond and' trite; eat and cermet, therefore, take an deparndeitt stand. This is 11 favorite arge of oppositions, which, bapIIly or tviuter get.up early of a morning and shovel the snow oft the walk in front of 'my house, I like the Just a token, affection, Every Eye Does the Best It Can Iu the Matter of the sale of the Balt- That our heaets still ache for you: Often its hest is a very poor ser- ery and Confectionery Business - �4iife and Family, Every' tries to We are again in the mantel for g9od logs of all kinds, either delivered in mill at Bayfield or on �' J. ���� a :. Orders taken at residence, phone 11S r the country, is seldom true. It exercise and like pottering -about any own home. You cannot tack a title vice, eye overcome With all Appurtenant Equipment any abnormality that flows exist in it, by Daniel F. Schwarz to Edward our yard the stump,' ;:Call us 11 you have any - oaks well for the honour and pat- Aim of newspapers that they are on a man like that" he concluded. "It look to -see and this :A-TTEMPT means some sort " !}'"endorf. CAILD OF THANKS of discomfort as a rule. These ab- thing to offer. Custom sawing will be done as us- ire - AL Tdom in the pay cif anybody. And the independence of tile, press lie's 5 •safety of the country in many Those who lave their country wish it well will strive to keeps its wspapers free and independent. ;., ;, %, would ridiculous a man with ab/handle to Itis name in overalls, doing odd jobs about, his own borne," And so the matter was settled so far as he was concerned. As a matter of so fair as our memory' serves, the premier 'still has the privilege of normalities can be overcome by the TAKE NOTICE that Daniel F. Mr. and Ny . Wm, Colclough wish made -to -measure lease only, It is Schwann of the Town of Clinton to batik theft fri•ends and neighbors very unwise for a person to Continue has made at sale of his -business of 1 fol the sympathy extends@ tq them to strain the eyes when help is so Ital rand confectioner; and all the in their recent berevemant in the readil secured. GladPhone y to help you. W. stock -in -trade, machinery, fixtures cienth o£ their daughter, and for flow-Jp_tf I. Iielyyar, Optmnetrist, Clinton,-Clitand equipment connected therewith, ors sent, Also the Supt, and nurses in "uaI during the coming season at Bay- field, Clinton and Thos. Wallis', 4th con. Goderich Township.• McEWEN BROS., BAXFIELD 624-r-4,-Clintonfact, -central ' Stove, Egg, Nut and Soft Coal ' , Coke and Kennel Coal Hard Wood •and Cedar Wanted " E. WARD Phone 155. Huron Streefl, W. Ti. Robertson, editor of The •God- recontraendieg persons' for such honour, 96-1 to Edward have f of the same the Clinton Hospital for their untiring have 'appointed ieh Signal came within one .of 'be- the. choice of the North Saxon for distinguished service, rbmt public opinion being against place; and ,I • been care. ,,• For Sale Trustee under the Provisions of the g berths as a candidate for election to o Dominion Parliament, to fill the caused by •the recent death the sitting member, J. W. Bing, the •indiseriminte bestowal of 'titles, no such aacommendation Iias been made for a number' of years, or since the debate in Parliament on the sub- jeer. ' Bulls Sales Act; and that all persons About 35 good White Leghorn hens, claimin • to rank as Creditors of the CARD Or THANKS one g Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Ja o and Mrs. garth, cop._6 Huliett, Phone 22 n 641 business must file their claims with g the on or before the 12th day "of Feb- �f0Cool and Mr, P. OConnell wish to Clinton central. 95-1-p rutty, 1927, after whiciL date T will thank the friends for Are in the et for . Singer SewingMachine Sold on Easy MonthlyPayments two-year terms ,SpecialYiveit to iaxma iisl7ip of Brussels won out on e fifth ballot, - l Robertson being and neighbors -----� the kindness and t proceed to distribute theproceeds of yn paths extended Grails For Sale another car of this now. Let us know what you Also full ' to the finish. Those'North Huron opie Wright have done worse than 'Tis PASSING OF PROMISING to them in their recent bereavement, A quantity of clean oats and some the said sale having, regard only to; the death .of -Mrs. P. OiConnell, ' goose wheat suitable for mixing with Claims of I have had notice and g proof as required by the said Act, oats, Phone 21-r-620. Roy Cantelon, have and how you can start haul- soon in Matst be sweet and well -cleaned. g•' a steak of Needles; Belts and Parts for all makes ve chosen the Goderich editor. Long time since the county town berms had YOUNG MAN It St. Valentin'e's Tea 95-1 Dated at Clinton, Ont., the 15th day In McI{ay's of January, 1927. Bayfield, Sole Agent for the Singer "t= a representative, in the >use, and-newspaperre men make good tatives, when Teeple are'sens- was with feelings of the deep- est sorrow and regret that leis friends and neighbors heard of the death of restaurant, on • Saturday afternoon, Feb. 12th, under Tenders Wonted JOHN RA limon , the ausiiiees of;the Junior Guild of Tenders received for caretaker for 94-3 Clinton, Ont. (� ]� C • U N Car of Dried American Corn just �j/• �'��' COOK Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clinton e :enough to elect them,' Mr. Gordan"F. McMichael eldest snit , of Mr. Thomas J..bleMichael of H,ul_ Txinit church. Tea •served f •• 3 Ontario StTsiet United ,Cto Ten- Y to 6 oclock, Menu: Sandwiches, dens Will ,be received up to Feb,ro19th. " arrived. Special price this week. ° qll Tho in China is lett, On Sunday; Jan, he Coolies, Cake, Tea and ,Coffee, Hoene- Apply to H' Wiiltse, where duties wan Clint011.'S• -situation unsettled, itain has made offers of comes- have been 'descrcone'as 16th, :be- came -suddenly ill, and on Monday Seaforth.Memoria; , made Gandy for sale. The proceeds be ascertained., • 95=2 .` to be devoted tothe - r-----_ Have all varieties of Flours,Bran p� �• Mitt M lR d which enerous,'gibtt the -Chinese have re- was removed ,to wherehe lie was seitis.ss .are education of a missiohi%r child. 95-2 'Rug For Salo Shorts, Western Oate; tck Oileake, Tank= age, in fact complete stock ofes seeds, _ 1' Incubators and Brooders sad to sign anything ntho agreement uttjil the British forces But,yrug. operated on ppMedium unfortunately, m$asles developed) Inquire sized Wilton.Wlilton. I -0g Work Wanted, at The••NewseReoord • office: 94.2 also barrel of Feedin Molasses. S ec-• p ,I i e removed. To this reasonable pee- : could matte no' objection if there 1g a Government in China vih n later, followed by pneumonia, and an Tuesday of. :.followin week he passed away. the 'Will go out by :day to do any sort -oeeeewelessett f house wont, Apply Mrs. A. Mc- ReducingRates ""' `�"''"'�° �''' ` Me- I{eowrt, at W. Bez2o s Clint_ on.,95-1-p ' The McKillop FirInsurance, Coln- r s� hal price on this, MAPLFI, F7LM AND Poultry Supplies and would guarantee to protect itish Subjects in that country. The itish gunboats and military forces e on hand to protect Though only' eighteen years of,age,' he had, during his short life, won the�.�• highest regard,,of everyone. who knew pang, having aeeu2nuIated the neves- ;, �� For Sale sats •surplus, and a certain amount see„ Two White Roelc'Cocke r sale. beer, is reducing its rate for 1927. i �.3 Mrs. Ti. TL91I, C„lintmt: Phone 150, 94-2-p i4 ' :; WANT BASSWOOD LOOS .-e , Baby Chicks•and Hatching Eggs merely British' hien,- for he daily ..exemplified in his from China f t i, Sealing Machine UjiplieS note .;Chinese mobs. .If life a noble, generous nature and' his AJ44t-,A, ' :14,'' / i FORD ��`� 03-tf ly realized , it (Britain is the .]teat death is a ,great loss, not only to enol she has aitch' one which can be those dearest d lin Sal, Ilouse For Sate • or ileal Six. li,p: gasolme , engiita,, recently i 2 r ` '� k; ^ tie �® °�` pended upon to• assist her to estab= h a national goverayment. ' At. the CocIcshutt baiiruet in Toron-. n nearest and a ai st bot also to the whole community whew he was Y v a general favorite, and beloved by all for lbs bright and kindly dispontiou. The funeral, 9 -roomed house in Victoria street, 'remode'lled, also Massey -Harris cream C` Lights, town water, good cellar. and, separator;, good as•new. These articles stable, of els acre lot. A l to : G.� Pp Y S ma be fns tatted at the .Masse Hai'- :Castle; ami Ott. 95=3 3 1'Y� tis shop. F. Jenkins, i94-2- p ��` "t �(f t'•r y' �� ”" �. "� :, et; `i �4..'' �' �; ^ w; m ° ` \ y Phone I23 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers ' Y ` l NEWS -RUNGS ADVERTISING BRINGS RESULTS a fortnight -ago Fromier`I'erguson, ought hap the matter of titles, ,ex- rising regret that Canada may not sept for bei-• worthy citizens such pouts as oilier- by Biers of the itishnone Commonwealth a�tbers of the is interesting to read the difte eat. which was =private, tooth pitta from his florae on ?huxs,- day afternoon to the place of inter- anent' in the Maitland Bank cemetery; the services being conducted 'by the Rev, Me. Lane of North Side :United church, Seafoith,• , The allbearers were his ba friends, Ivan Mr,Arthur, Y p .w;,; Farm hot 5ale�` Cosv For Salo, et .� ' 10Q acres, well built on; situated A`thoiee Durham and Jersey strainl )YOU CANT 60 TO right at the village of Varna. Wbli' cow, a ,good creamer andquiet in I-fi�,iai®At i` i"c1 HEAT Ells' tinNa�� drained and well watered.: -Apply -on ' evdry way. Apply en .premises, car" i Folk$' WILL premises to Wm: •Colclongh,, Varna per of North and Spencer streets to a R2NJC t=LCR1pA:. 4 P,. �' 0 94-4 p T, Si: Leppington. �94-2 • s �° �% �j �i �1 C. H. " ""' '"° "" ��S`"�A�'•$� ' Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances , %iring and repairs. Phone I tyspapet comments 'in this regard., few: to Stewart Dale, Wirl fz'ed Penfonnd, Wile Mare For Sale Warmth and •sunshiner; for Salo` of newspapers seem. favor return to the old way of conferring. g les.; It is something Bice the habit liatit Wright Fergus Wrightnd g • '•h t Hug�Il., There „ ;A heavymare, 5 •,louse on a . Tears old, apply to: ` House on carnet/ of I37iron and c5, , Let the Heat Pollcs give thein- to phone No, 276w• 95-1-p wage streets, =ofd Mountcastle place, you. , 'to " giving, gifts and ban nets to people g q P li are leaving ;a community, a 'a ai'e left to niour•n his as, his father, mother, brother Robert and t osis u'. sisters, Evelyn Marjorie, to Apply F:, "PJ'. • Johnston, •Clinton: Seed Oats " •' 80-tf. N8 conte ear be iia a sun-. Choice seed oats for' sale registered , " , pd n g rp,,e a,* as..i.Sra i rzrwsrr Wc, r • r: ; or a society; Once in blue ion. someone leaves a C ten,. almost without exception,'liis low -citizens unite in iltuiking he gltt to shown some sll'ecial marls and whole . will. be extended, the most heartfelt ear felt syninthy of ,a large circle of friends.: - Abundance variety,;, Price 75c per P bushel, John Vodden, sr, iv: R. No, 1 r Londesboro. Phone 12 on 640 Cli7r , 'ton central;. 95 -2 -Ir unless n c shiny n ooth the household machinery Cheese for'Sale .� ruus;'sntoothl '_.Y^ Cheese Tn bulk at any time.- Large And nothing helps %s Much as good cheese;'20e, Plats, ale Sultans;.23e. Boal in making thin machines run Y per lb.' The Holrnesville Cheese' and: sinoothl p Y,, ;^ P P THIS l - -8 ,µ' iiartea�r Yr' LGG"" ;. x ,` - ' ,be honour. It is donewith s pontan- us .enthusiasin d ev r bo - an ,e y dy won the honour was merited and is ARCI[IE HISLOP IS 11BER,m4and CHOICE 'NORTH HURON Unique Concert : i The Young ,People's grottos will 1 g ve,a concel,t ire 'the Coattnttitnty,-Bell, Butter Co, W, H. Lobb, president With a well -,believing furnace' and salesman, R. R'No: 3, Clinton.' -. rano your house' hill radiate comfort : 78-tif. e • ^ ,., an.. et. ::>v ��w gg^^a+ �8 " ' rx: ` P,,,t t; 1 ....,•=, ; , car of Western ®akS. these are old oats and ' and happy. ., But Soon nate- l pY e, else leaves, sainoone who has lived long i71 the community and whose ends believe:Adult}, 'also ,be hon.. red. But'the public is not touched ,1N • North. Huron Liberals ill put their W 1 1irust in a warrior of many campaigns, YA at the coining federal by,eiection In .. �' .: • convention at Wingham'on. tarda' f- 3 a Londesbaro, Ft'Iday, Feb. lith, ai,8' ` , i ,i...: o,ciork, .the 'program wtlL,consisi of r: " t a ; , Cmuedy The I$egtar. A Bur-. : + lesque `The Anybody Pamily." ; A Play:. and Pia Che $nob., Group' Without it, you'll have inside Natal RoofingFor Sale as well as out, Look" over our,buildm s, Do they ., o f . heed new roofs? tI can .supply you ; and F�a yeti with metal. roofing -and sidin Call.tlie : Y.. g is �. s 9 „ . �^7 �° �S: d :;e o the ,. , Ilia safe,poa d t wholeabme e gipmaking �letit. �� .- l ` ` rw mor rest ounce c materials, i , of; ;a tr, k, Will makegood feed r ` will selloff the ear. • 4 e Santa waynoon se elltogether; at and if the ih neurh is they chose Arch, I'Lisiop, of Priissels, who represented the riding yells 1 y tttisical stints.: ;t"idmission , 25C and' \ 'o 15T. 95 1 Apply. to Robert M. Tawnsoncl Loudesb fro. • ` 93-12- " p " ' Y for gent,, clean coal ; . a0 r Keep13 hens, allS E Meal , be Eoreyour hoita: the time— Special p a prates on beef i it isbut , half-hearted it d 't h ar d iffy . and ip n tile 1905, ie from to • For Sale = $ THEN COLLECT Pet EGGS escort the habit of giving seed, y $ g a e to departmg:members of that coni- e is gieen u Ii- is 'ust so with y p J and s three , moa etimes.;tinsuceessfel can- tee dtdate for the Haupt of Commons, So doin the re"ected five othe• g, Y ,oa. lees- roost _ A GOOD POLICY -;''Mr, A, 0.,Pattison; local agent foX t he Mutual, Lafe Assurance ;Gornpalty> A (Conn C-` MelodySaxophone ,in . P a •'ellen condition, 21' sel ' e• as t ' 1 ;, l • oat.v ry easy terms and very oitable, Ap- p , 1 z ' ;; Bymeal Said and a ',and tankage, titles, df they were -only fei'red on ,the people whowent n P p have ly ,moth younger anen, whose, names' h,- t to the laallpt, Wl'I3. Roliertson, . althon •h retried , from active. epi c,- e ie tion with the C. N::R. is. actide.;. :tea R. . ' ' • .W ply R. FI, •Johanson, Jeweller. 92-tf , C a 0 <. 9 ts1 r ally nerved `.,their •country, whose ,, ?vice has been of an outstanding %ratter, there: w6iald ue little oppo- .• But, unfortunately, the prat- e of -'confer in titles has ••-been . editor of Ther digital, :Goderich Ccor- , , don Young, of dolbgrne r'esid'ent of >; t, l , the; North- Huron. Assoeaation• Abner • GOSens> of Wingham, :a former', can- didatle• D,: 1V.f, Scott of Reassel � ;, ss an in: the lnsur"anoe:fi'l' c d. Mr, Pattison'. recently,wrote n li ,. p a Cliaton'lsustness pian -tor a olie - of 15-000 which P Y. $. , , w c makes the second i policy for .this aliiont t . ,-' � - . t,' en ,y on. wi,t a is:'. , Clothes Cleaned and Pressed. -,�p� �p ,Clothes• cleaned, pressed and ;re- �'0 COMPANY. : _' • `� �� :' Q 1�1� paired. • Woollen -,goods dry cleaned. Rooms 'aver ,FSeard's ° Barber, shop. . . ltIIONIa 74 �hlhli� l W. J. Jago. - • 2283-tf •, , , , �`^ s � t r ,, : ^ PRONE 199