HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-02-03, Page 3a
ROM Windsor, Ontario,,ta
Hudson's Bay, from to,
thecki •
z�hanhe last
t few
weeks has scored
an extraordinary inreaSe in Sa1es.
It is because we have stopped using paper pact.
ages, and are again packing this finest of teas in .the.
old, familiar Aluminum package of years go.
The reception it has been given demonstrates
beyond, all doubt that housewives of Canada recog
nine Aluminum as the perfect container.
Por more than thirty years we have been experi-
menting with packages- trying:: lead, paper and
Aluminum— seeking always a material that would
protect and be worthy of Red Rose quality.
But it was onl-�Y after Red Rose has been offered
to thepublic in all' these packages—first lead, then
Aluminum, then paper that the great advantages
of Aluminum were proven
Aluminum keeps out moisture, preserves the
flavor and protects the quality. Paper packages, on
the contrary, absorb moisture which occasionally,
impairs the quality.
" So now and in the future RED
ROSE TEA will be packed in the
Aluminum package, as it Was in
years gone by.'
T. H. Estabrooks Co., Limited
Saint' John Toronto Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton
For speech
I delve in a treasury widows air.
All found in it got everywhere.
Avery delver puts: more in, -
And takes, but leaves all. I begin
To see the speech -hoard of all time •
And measure its demesne sublime
• When I recall, "Let there be light,"
Thereafter, on, as opals' in my sight,
I may survey all speech to know,.
And speculate which glint shone for
Which sage; which flame a seer would
blow, ,;
For speech
I delve in a treasury free as air.
All of it usable everywhere.
—Martha Webster Merriehaw.
The hief
Yotereaily enter sunny Cali-
fornia the moment you step
Santa Fe crossecontinent •
The new Chief—extrafat°e
is the finest' and fastest of
the Santa. Fe California
trains. Only TWO business
days on the way.
No extra fare on the four
other daily trains.
Fred Harvey dining service
sets the standard in the
transportation world.
Enjoy" the. out.ofdoors this
winter -take your family.
California hotel rates are
reasonable.' as
May I sled psi; ourpictnrefolde:a7.
nanny, Gen. •.l.'ent,
write re Rallway
te4 Transportation 13515105
Detroit, Mich.
Phone; Randolph 8748.`
&Practical Hint for Children's
Socks and Stockings.
Always 'try to mend the chiidren'S
reeks aid stockings before they are
washed. This applies also to all atoclr-
lags, but it is specially atecessary
where thereis a largo weekly basket
of molding. •
'Where there i5 a family of boys the
inevitable football stockings will re-
quire much attention. It is a good
plan to ravel the leg of an old sleek -
Ing da order to mend the others with
that 'yard, Sometimes a patch out
from the foot will effectually trans-
form a hopelessly large hole in the
teal to a neat end eueceseful mend.
Lay the piece under the hole to be
amended, darn it down al'l round] on the
right side and cut away superfluous
material. Do aeot cut too closely, how-
ever, and if possible press with a cool
iron alter washing. •
Great care should be observe, in
washing Children's little white woolen
scales, for they should not be allowed
to get smaller and smaller as will cer-
tainly happen with earetese washing.
Nash them quickly, one et a time, in
warm (not hot) . water with• soap lath.
er. Only when necessary to remove
some matin from a brown shoe or from
maid splashes shouhi„ the soap be
drubbed on them. Rinse them' in water
about the same temperature, softened
with a sha'lap of soap, Then squeeze
oust the water, never wring it out with
a twisting motion of both hands, end
dually squeeze it in it towel.
'When all are ready La dry, hang
them up by the toes, each one sepa-
rately, in a draft or in a warm place,
but revel' before a hot fire. See that
the seek hangs in •theshape of the
stick as worn, not as folded when new.
Melee:Mr to etretcheach one, while
drying, from heel to toe; if possible,'.
do it several times. Pull hard. This
`will keep its original shape azed. one
will be„seorprised at the increased
length of usefulness obtained thereby,
Soviet Planes for Wrangel.
The Soviet Goe'ernin,ent is organiz-
ing a polar aviation expedition to
Wrangel. Island', off the northern coast
of Siberia, where a Russian colony was
recently established. The expedition
will visit the colony and explore the
little-known . Arctic regions in. the
neighborhood of Wrangel Island.
An Old Superstition.
When the month of January begins,
on Saturday, aye an old superstition,
the Winkel' will be very open, with
goose frost; the summer will be riot
and pleat -ant; the leeriest mod'ed'ate,
Garden legrbe will lie damaged; temp,
flax and honey wilt ''be Plentiful,
A Lk -up Spider.
A; Burmese spider is ipleospleoresoeeet, ani' }aline en its light when trightera
ed, as a means` of gel&defense.
' Covering 17,500 square miles, Can-
ada's new national game preserve hag'
been named Wood Buffalo Park. Al-
ready .it contains nearly 6,000 buf-
faloes. This park is half the .size of
Doctors vouch for Minard's Liniment,
at.v Hoy,:' to.Tell a Classic.
In tilersE:re the' o o:rd iia:ssic wae'
�b p Illy iitniLed to Creek land Latin
®� ALLdLi� Moose and poetry,= It has now ootnsorl'
'to scorn any piece —t4 Uilstature who5:e
_. .duality Is such. that it hes` earrived•.
Much Suffering Can be Avoided for fli y"'e2 t ltanturad v ,.g" anti is by'
ueulmon consent regarded: as so good
Through;-th e-Tse,of ITC. i- lt; to b !permanent. A. litera yclassic
Dania' Pink Pills!..
The most fateful years in a woman's
life are those between fth'ty-live and
I fifty. Many • woman eater -.this teenn
under depressing Oquihtisne through
ove>•'tvcrk,_ wor y, ror is watery •y condition
of the blood, and'they suffer heavily,
in't:nig:the cornnonest„•symptoms
are heartaches, p;ulpilaticne,',dizziness,'
backaches, depression- and other 'veil
recognized disturbances of the health
which show 'that the blood requites
attention. Women stand in nett of
rich red blood ll thein lives, but never
more ee than at la -!:Idle age, when
nerves are. also weak and overwrought.
In this co'nd,itionthere is no other,
medicine can do so milds for: women
as Dr. WEliaine' Pink Pills, for these
pills maks rich, 'red, bleed, which gives
tone to •the whole body, thus. restoring
robust health: 'Thousands' of Cana-
dian women have proved the value of,
Dr. Williams' 'Pink. Pille in cases- of
this kind, Among them is Mrs. J. H.
Jchesston,'Lion's Head, Ont., who says:
—"I ash w•sd•tdng 'to let' you know the
wonderful good your pills have done
me. I Wass complete anreck, and would
faint if I crossed the room. - I was go-
ing tbrb.igh the' -change of life, and
was so week I -could' not do my work.
I went to. Toronto, when my folks solid
nothing but an operation would heap
me, Bat I said: 'No, Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills helped me iu girlhood, and
I am going to give them a trial: I
took the _ pills• steadily for a month,
when I returned home a well women,
able to do all soy work with ease.
Friends here say it's a wonder I am
alive, after what I went through, -and
I am thankful to say :I believe 'Dr.
WiilIams' Pimk Pi11s•.saved my wife."'
Try. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
anaemias rheumatism, neuralgia, ner-
vousness, Take them as • a tonic if
you are net in the beet -physical con-
dition and cultivate a resistance that
will keep you well •and• strong. You
can get these pills through any medi-
cine eleel'en or by mail at 50 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine .Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
The Bird Man.
The Artist's Trees.
From an artistic point of view, a
tree loses little by being s,trlppeel of
ite leaves.. The bare branches of win-
inter show drawing and reveal beauty
of line and farm. The etrgng, coarse
edge of the white oak, the angular
twist of the black locust,• the rambling
reach of 'the immense, the ihmegular
or Unbroken fork of the neglected ap-
ple and cherry era illustrations. to the
point. That we oftener admire , the
desooping elm, or the spread -broom ef-
fect of the maple er theround ball top of
the horse -cheetnut, proves merely that
our range of vision is" Limited. '$till
even these—the commonest trees of
the lawn or the pasture—will have a
peculiar beauty which only winter pan
fully reveal to us. The beech is ea
ways admired, for its beautiful *bark,
but is it dyer so beautiful in texture,
so ddsttngehfshed in color, as in mid-
idwinter? A few dull gold leaves {Ong -
Ing here aid there and streaming with
tile wind seem to accent the silver
trunk. Gold•and silver and white, with
blue overhead! what a color-echeme
to baffle a 'Whistler veal:all
One cannot forget what Corot mads
oat of the common ,brook-wiIiows at
Ville diAvray, and • wheat pictures
Monet produced with Lombardy poll
let's shivering in the wind.—From'
"The Meadows," by Poin Van Dyke
should ro;•i -5s one'o-r all of the follow.
nt qushtics
1. It should reflect the 'mole of
thought anti the, COES,me and atannere
of its time. •
The travels of Ileroihotus, the elks -
lasses of Socrates, and, the novels of
Sate Auren are examples..
2 It, should he, avn•ltton iiia beauti-
feel and, striking style
,, Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech is an
example. ,
3. It should spring from and appeal
to a cultivated imagination.
The peeah)s• of Keats ai'e an ixampi'e.
4. It should be a 'contribution to the
thought of the world and should' d' climes -
late the' thought of .the world.
The essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
are ass example.
5. It" should 'possess a universal
human interest sed express all phases
of human experience.
The Old Testament and Shake-
opearets plays are examples'.
No one generation can determine
what olaesise it is producing. The
final judgment must and will be pro-
nounced by• succeeding generations.
Walt Whitman -and. Lincoln wells look-
-'ed on with contempt by many of their
most highly educated contemporaries.
And yet Whitman's "0 Captain! My
Captain!" and Lincoln's' Gettytisburg
Speech will Live an long an the Eng-
lish language lives.
, Nor deems a clastic have to be "high-
brow stuff." •If ft is a genuine intelli-
gent., and witty Vetere of a certain
aspect' of society, even a beet -seller
may become a'claeeic; although I am
bound' to say that most of our modern
!lest -sellers have very little chance of
achieving this iminomtality. Artificial
aeld pretentious writing never makes a
classic. Sincerity, eimpdi'city,' "and
spontaneity are qualities that every
trite classic—whether in music; paint-
ing,.prese or poetry— .posseeses;..all
others pretending to . the titles are
counterfeits. Net' nobody hoodwink
you into supposing that the classics
are pompous, stilted; and borenome. If
they were, nobody would read them—
not even your teachers and professors.
-Lawrence F. Abbott in The Outlook.
There ars no warblers on the boughs,
No robins in •the grass;
But there are songs within our hearts
That will not peso.
There are no weaves' on •bush or tree,
The roses'erostrate lie;
But there are hopes within our breasts
That widl not die. •
So let the tempest wreak its will
On forest, field and bower:
My house ofdreams 'will hold me safe,
, With leveya' 'bright flower.
- —Thomas Curtis Clark.
When you Ret that tired„lay-me-down-and-die
feeling take' to 80 drops of ealugd 'a Syrupp In a
Siris of wattr. Doee trio tric]c and safely, You'll
feel like nosy,..
'glia. Folding Tune.
And I first played the tune all our
sheep know, as, one after one,
So docile they come to the pen door till
folding be done.,
They 'are white tied untorn by the
bushes, for 10, they have fed
Where the long grasses stifle the
water within the strea,m'e• bed;
Ace! new one after one sacks Its lodg-
• ing, as star follows etas..
Into eve paid doe blue far above us,—
so blue and so far!
--'Drowning, "Saul.'
Tho Toronto hospital for Neuritic*In
affiliation with ltollapue and 5111,5 ilo,pitatc, -..
lieu Yorir City, cePori a three year.' Caere,
of 'Mini.. to youngwomen, hosing 'IIto
nauired education, and .dosirous of heeotning..
nurses, This Hospital hoe adopted the *la-
tely system. Tho pupil, roman uniforms.. of
the School, a monthly aitowanco. nod traveling
coronasto and from New York. For dethor'
lntoi'ieatton writs too euporintendeht..
Man's first dreams, o5. flying as-
sumed wings of • some kind attached
to his shoulders' like those of a bird..
The unfortunate Icarus devised wings
like that, and Leonardo da Vinci,
learned. engineer as he was, still
thought of wings fastened to a man's
body as the only means, of keeping
him buoyed up in the air. The air-
plane is a d•lffereet kind, of invention.
It has wings indeed, but the wings are
part of an engine -driven machine in
which thee flyer site. Nevertheless, in-
ventors are still trying to find a way
to snake man himself tate flying creaa
tone and not a mere passenger. An
Australian engineer, Anton Lutech by
name,- bee contrived a machineto be
fastened to a. man's shoulders, fitted
with bat -like wings to sustain his
weight and driven by a Baseline engdne
which rests against the man's back.
Two helicopter screws peep up over
theflyer's shoulders, and they are in-
tended' to enable him to rise quietly
acid almost vertically into the air: The
apparatus weighs only -•eighty-eight
pounds, and Herm Initsoh hopes to re-
duce that weight by twenty pounds by
substituting alumhaum for lemon where -
ever possible. He says' the machine
can be built for about ;100.
4PPape's Diapepsin” for
Gas, Indigestion or '
Sour Stomach
Insstnrtitaki Stomach corrected! You
never feel the slightest distress front
indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy stom-
ach, after, yen et a tablet of "Papa's
Diap'eg hii," The moment it reaches
the stomach, •all eonta+nessy flatulence,
heartburn, genes, palpitation and pain
dieippeer, Drug'giete guarantee each
package to correct digestion at once.
End your stomach trouble for few
Soldier Settlers�)Prosper in '
Further evidence of the prosperity
of Western Canada is to be found in
the oalle$tion statement of the 901
f'op's Settlement Board', recently Isr
sued, •
From October to Jan. 7 heist toailec-
41ons amounted to $2,394,063,07.' Col-
lection' in the correspendh>g period
of 1926-26 totalled- $2,208,$61.$-. ylTiels
shows an improvement of $183,000,
which its •considered remarkably good
by -the department. officials. About
$4,000,000 Balls due anntiadly..
It is .pointed• coat that these paye
ments have been•hade on the existing
capitalization. The legislation of 1926
never received Royal assent,
• Post FactoPostcards.
The acme of preparation was attain-
ed by e woman wt om the Roston Her-
ald toile about. She had gone ito woos-
ital •to undergo -aa operation, Before
the surgeon ahndveod'ste asked for two
postal ids, wrote a short message on
each, addressed them both to leer hus-
band and;aolted the-ntir,se to mail the
one it was hest to mail the'next day..
The nurse glanced at the dards and
saw that' One, o•f them area.d as' fel-
LOwe f
"My dear husibalnd;, I have had the.
operation aced em doing nicely. Will
be at home in a week Or two."
•On the other Card was written:
"My dear husb'Atid: I ltaye had the
operation 'and. am a arty to tell you l
did not survive."
No headache, constipation, bad
cold or sour stomach
by morning
Owl E?
Is there a baby or young cislkiren iso
your honec? If there Is you .should -not
be without a"box, of Baby's O vn 'lab -
lets. Childhood alliucnts'curls quick-
ly and means should always be at
hand to pramp'lly fight them. Baby's
Own Tablets cone the ideal 'home
remedy. They regulate the bowe.e;
sweeten, the stomach; banish consti-
pation hind indigestion; break up colds
and simple fevers—in tact they relieve
all the minor Ills of little ones". Con-
cerning them Mrs. ,Norse Cai]ctte,
MaitarollrF Que., writes "Baby's Own
Tablets are: the best remedY, -1n, the
word fee Like ones. Aly baby suffer-
ed terribly front indigestion and vomir.t-
ing, but the Tablets soon set her right
and PICAS, she ,.inti in perfect health."
The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail al 25c.a box from
The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brecitville, Ont.
Angus Knew.
The London newspapers like to tell
funny, stories • about the coundaynten
fromthe north of Scotland, who come
down to enjoy the sights of the greet
city; and the Seats see too, fond, of a
joke themselvesto mind' it. Here is',
one from Sunbeams:
Two Highlanders were on a visit to
Landon when a watering cart passed
them in the street. Donald was fiery
much excited and shouted at the top
of his voice, "Hey, anon! Tar iaedn'
all Ter water."
Angus, turned to Donald, and said,
"Hoots, moil Diana show yer ignsor
an'ce. That's just •tae keep the bairns
free hingin' on behind."
Athletes thee Mtnard's Liniment.'
Warm for Early Risers:
- With the cold weather, students In
the dormitories at the Massachusetts
Instlibte of Technology have designed
several automatic devices for closing
windows and turning on the :steam
beat about a half hour before rising
time. One of the most ingenious plans
is a switch, operatedl by clockwork,
olosimg the ,house currentcircuit
through two stoves, one of which has
a pan of cereal upon it, the 4tIItes a cof-
fee pat.
I am sure we can never be wise but
by our own wisdom.—Montaign, 1688-
Get a 10 -cant box.
Wok headache, biliousness, coated
tongue, head and nose clogged up with
a cold. --always trace this to torpid
liver; delayed, fermenting food in the
bowel's or sour, gassy stomach.
• Poisronous matter clogged in the in -
teethes, instead of being east out of
the system is reabsorbed• into the
blood. When this' poison reaches the
delicate brain tissue it cauees cringesa%
tion and that dull, throbbing, sicken•
lug headache.
Casca'rets Immediately cleanse the
stomach, remove the sour, undigested
food and foul gases, take the excess
bile from the liver and carry out all
the oongtipated waste matter and
poisons in the bowels.
A Cancoxet to -night will surely
straighten you alit by morning. They
Work while you sleep -a 10 -cent box
from your druggist means your head
Clear, stomach sweet and your liver
and bowels regular fair months,
A Tip for the Sleepless.
When Lard Grey of Fadlodon was.
threatened with total blindness, he
learned to read. Braille, and even now,
withhis eyesight neuch improved, he
still finis Braille books useful. "One
can turn out the light,' he eaytr, "draw
up the sheets, and literally read one-
self to sleep."
Ice In Mince.
-- In some deep mines it 1e neocaeary,
to place blocks of ice in the ventilat
ing shafts, for cooling purposes.
For Colds--Minard's •Liniment.
In enscier to the', question: "Gan
you • give a sentence 'with the word
`notwitbstaridung?" a small boy re-
plied; '"Daddy's britches are all glaxy
at the track, .notwithstanding."
MALLABAR" Colho nmr
romontTO ,-eoa WINNIPEG
And there aro AO doses in a
75 -cent bottle I Pleasant to take
and instant in action in every kind
of Gold. $ehievee Drbnchitls, Croup
and whooping Ceres.. Prevents
Flu" and Pneumonia. Plasma irri-
tatedthroata. Buy ."Dui tley'a". Sold
by all druggiote and guaranteed.
W. IE. Budkher, Limited,
142 lhfntanl Si., Toronto 2
Ace .lite a itasfi=
a single sip peeves it all
EA tRAC U.E.,'.
Don't let, the Children suffer.
Minard's with sweet oil will
quicitly relieve -the pain. °
Classified Advertisements
i t ICTItOLA' lir IS, riLL
INET, plays all records, 48 sedate
tions automatic. Value' $96,00 $�1r
38.00 guaranteed. Poisson, 340 Mourtal
Royal East, Montreal, •
and light sewing at home, wh,
or spare time. Good pay, Work sen
any distance, charges paid. Sari
otanrp for particulars. National!
Many facluring Go., Montreal,
.eithsex; mailedin�
erin plain
e. Paris Spcialty Co., Montreal.
send ten cents' for y+anislhing' col
trick, with new sixteen page catalogue
of Jokers' Novelties and Tricks. .4
dress:- Bell's Novelty. Shop, 295 Jamee
St. North, Hamilton, Ont.
condition, cheap, 11.4 to 15 ha,
Boat engines, 3 to 36 h.p. ' Get lie'
`Engine repairing ,done. Guarantee
Motor Co., Hamilton, Oan'ada,
In Winter
lesf .for you and
Bcti? e6o o
The parson who greeted a xegular
church attendant with "I am glad to
see you so regular in your place on the
Sabbath day," hardly expected the lie
ply, "Deed, sir, I'm glad to come, for
it's not every day I get, such a corn•'
Portable seat and so little to think;;
about." .
Pland-7r 'carr
Cast word in builders' aid. Practical,
up-to-date suggestions on planning.
building, furntshin , ng and Pro use y1 illustrated,
tied scores of ac dehlan:savingg sug-
' gestions. Sens 25 cusp fbe
,gturent Issue.
MacLean Builders? GISMO
544 Adelaide et, W..
Toronto. Ont.
A delightful place for a winter sojourn, where weather conditions are
Ideal. An abundance of hotele, apartments and cottages offerer any
desired type of accommodations at reasonable cost. Take one of these
tine trains down.
The Flamingo -
Lv. Detroit (M,C,) 12:05 Noon
" Cincinnati (L & N) 7:00 pm
Ar, Jacksenville 9:00 pm
Miami 8:00 am
Ar; St. Petersburg 8:15 am
" Tampa 7:00 em'
" Sarasota 9:10 em
Through sleeping cane, observa-
tion mad dining oars, coaches.
The Southland
Lv. Cincinnati 7:10 ami
Ar. Jaekeonvilie 9:00 em
" Miami 9:30 pee
Air. ,.Tampa
St, Peterebu'rg
8:06 pm.
9:80 pm
Sleeping cars and coaches. Ob-
servation and dining cars.
Land of history, romance and oherm, from New Orleans to Pensacola
and East. Delightful eltme,te, Excellent hotels. Reasonable *oats.
Through train sewioe froan Chicago, Cincinnati and Louie,vi'EIe. Ask
the undersigned, for particulars and Literature. -
H. "B. PORTER, Tray. Pass'r Agt. ,
005 Transportation Bldg.—Phones Cherry 5001.01—aotrolt .Nish.
It is the selection of rich, western wheats — the finest
grown on the prairies — that gives extra flavourto bread and
buns, and extra richnss to cakes and pies, made from
Send -30e on stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. les'
Western Canada Flour Mille Co. Limited. Toronto, Montreal. Ottawa, Saint Jelin.
Dissolve _tomo "BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN" in
four tablespoonfuls . of water and gargle thoroughly,
swallow some of the solution. Don't
rinse the mouth. Repeat gargle every
two hours' If necessary.
This is an effective gargle proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians.
;Accept onr1 "Bayer"
acka e: Look for
the "Bayer Cross."
Handl "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100, Druggiets•
Aspirin itl the trade marl: (regiotcrrcl in Canada) of Rayon - :Marini' octavo of ldo» oacettc-
n yy
ttclt t,msh et Sound Ogyst (Acetyl ine.tolio assist
stth 'r p, 9. against, t line IS well Snows)
or Darer remand will he
stamped with
their' o tlaille se ma imltattnu oyer Crtieiss,"
or Darer dleDtlsaOy W1nUo atamPtid'wlth thotr:t;endFBl. trade mark, tlh@ "Darer G%os0."
IBS U;E No. 6,—'27.