HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-02-03, Page 2CLINTON
fortes cf Subscription -$2.00 -per year
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$2.60 to the U.S. or other foreign
countries. No paper'diseontieend
until all arrears ars paid unless at
the option of the publisher. .The
date to which every subscription is
` paid Is denoted on the label.
Advertising Elates—'Lranstent aclYer-
tieing, 12c por count lino for first
Insertion, Sc ` for each subsequent
insertion.Heading haunts 2 ;lines.
Small advertisements, not to exceed
one Inch, such as "Wanted," "1104
'Strayed, etc., inserted once for
35c, each subsequent insertion 15c.
Advertisements sent in without in-
structions as to the number of tn•
sertlous wanted will run until order-
ed out and will be charged accord-
ingly. Rates for display advertising
made known on application.
Communications intended" for publi-
cation must, as a uar•antee of good
faith,; be accompanied by the name of
the writer.
G. E. 24ALL, M. R. CLARIS,
Proprietor. Editor.
A. general Banking Business transact
ed. Notes Discounted. Drafts leeutnl.
Interest Allowed on Deposits-- Sale
Notes Purchased.
Notary Public, Conieyancer.
Financial,, Real Estate and Fire In-
surance• Agent. Repreeenting 14 Fire
Insurance Companies
Division Coul't Office, Clinton.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc.
•five Hours: -1.30 to 3.30 p.m., 6.30
to 8.00 p.m., Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m,
' Other hours by appointment' only.
Office and Resident; — Victoria St,
Office and. Residence;
Ontario Street, - Clinton,` Ont.
One door west of Auretcan Churcli..
Phone 172.
Eyes examined and glasses fitted.
Office and Residence:
Huron Street Clinton, Ont.
Phone 68
(Formerly occupied by the late Dr.
C. W. Thompson),
Eyes Examined and Giassea Fitted.
Loss of Appetites---
That Tired ` Feeling
, Titouaands take Hood's Sanappa-
rilla as their tonlo medicine for that
Circ;d feeling, nervous •weakness,^im•
pato blood, and testify that it makers
thein feel better, eat and sleep better.
Hoods Sarsaparilla; has givenen-
the setisfaotionto three generations
in the treatment of ggonorel debility.
If. restores the aprietito, relieves that
tired feeling, enables the meter to
resist Infectiouscliseases.
ITgod's Sarsaparilla aids digestion
and'makee food taste good. A gaol
cathartic is Hood's Bilis.
Ultra -Violet Tr'ea$nent
Enables 'lind to See
London,—The blind have been made'
to seo and the deaf to hear, all by the
power of ultra -violet rays, This.
amazing statement was made by the
authorities of the Nottingham sun-
ray clinic; though itwas admitted that
the treatment was successful only in
"certain suitable. eases."
"Only certain diseases can be at-
tempted," said the clinic's spokesman,
"hut the results' already .obtained)
make one very optimistic for the fu-
ture. More than: fifty oases of encs-'
phelitis lethargies, (sleeping sickness)
have been treated `'during the last
year, and the .condition of the major-
ity of the patients has improved in
every. way."
Certain types of corneal ulcer have
also been completely cured within a
few weeks, and the active tuberculous
process has been arrested in .advanced
CRESS of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Chiropractor—Electrical' Treatment.
Of Wingitani, will be at the Corntner-
eta1 Inn, Clizlten, on Monday, Wednes-
day' and Friday forenoons of each
week. •
Diseases of all kinds successfully
Licensed Auctioneer for the• County
of Huron.
Correspondence promptle- answered.
Immediate arrangements can be mado
for Sales Date at The News -Record,
Clinton, or by catling Phone 203.
Charges 11/federate and Satisfaction
Hanor Graduate Carey Jones' Natrona
School of Auctioueering, Chicago: Spe.
clal course taken in Pure. Bred Liv
Stook, Real Estate, Merchandise and
Farm Sales. hates' .In keeping with
prevailing market Satisfaction as-
dared. Write or wire, Ztirlcb, Ont.
Phone 18-98.
Whev.t Yield in 1926 '
Ranks Third Largest
Ottawa, Ont,—C ada's total yield
of wheat for the year 1926 is estimat-
ed at -406,269,000 bushels from 22,768,-
449 acres,.as compared with 411,375,-
700 bushels from 21,972,732 acres in
1925, anti: with 386,864,525 bushels
from 22,084,320 acres,the annual.
averages for the four years 1922-25.
'It is announced in a crop report issued
6y the Dominion Bureau of Statistics.
average yield per acre,
wheatThe in 1926 .was 17.8 .bushelsfor• all as
to ,.
.a with 1 .7 bushels in 1925,
compared 8
1e ver -
and with _77:5 bushels the annual a
age for the four years 1923.26.
The wheat crop' -in point of yield
is the third largest on record, the
other • large yields havingbeen-474,-
199,000 bushels in 1923, 411,375,700
bushels in 1925; 399,786,400 bushels
in 1922 and 393,542,600 bushels in
1915. /
Clinton, Ont.
General Fire and Life Insurance.'Agent
s for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock,
Automobile and Sickness and. Accident
Insurance. Huron, and Erie and Cana-
da Trust,l)ontle. Appointments made
to meet parties at Brueedeld, Verna
and Hayfield. 'Phone 67,
Fruit Craps Uninjured
by Low Temperatures
St. Catharines. With the mercury
going only to six below zero in this
section, according to the official read-
ings at the City Hall, leading fruit.
growers were positive in their asser-
tions that the peach buds were un-
harmed. "There is no danger up to
fifteen below zero," said Manager
Brown of the St, Catharines Cold
Storage Co. He said he had heard of
nothing lower than six below in -the
Niagara peach belt.
Fox Pelt Brought $345
at Manitoba Sale'.
Montreal.—The feature of one day's
session of the Canadian Fur Auction
Sales Company, Limited, was the of-
ferings' of 1,000 silver fox pelts. The
highest price paid for ;a single skin
was $345.
Marten, numbering 4,580 skins; ad-
vanced 25 -per cent., with the top price
for, dark fur at $75 and for heavy
pale fur. at $27.50. .Fisher, including
a group of 1,040 sins, remained" un -
'changed, with the highest quotation
at $175.
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, Janes Connolly, Goderlch;
Vice,Jamea Evans, lleochwood; Seo:
Treasurer, Thos. 18. Hays, Seaforth.
Directors: .George McCartney, Sea -
forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; J. G.
Grieve, Walton; Wer. Ring, Seaforth;.
' M. alcHwen, 'Clinton;- Robert Ferries,
Har]nnir; John Bennewelr, Srodhagen•
Jas. Connolly, Goderlch, •
Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W.
Yeo; t?oderiah; •'Ed: I•linchray, Sea -
forth; W, Chesney, Egmondville; 11.
G. Jartnuth, trodha$en.
Any money .to be paid In may be
paid to 'Moorish, Clothing Co., Clinton,
or atCutt's Grocery, Goderlch,'
Parties desiring to affect Insurance'
" er transact other business will be
promptly attended to on application to
tiny of The above officers addressed to
their respective post Mice. Losses
Inspected by the Direotot• who Uvea
nearest the ecen0,
Invalid children in a Connecticut
town ,are Visited several times a week
by a public school teacher,
so that they
can continue their education,
Nearly ovoryon6 has
ripplag, teadtigheadaclic►
at times. Disordered atom -
.ch -sluggish liver does it.
. Cheer up 1 bora'► the real
relief —O h am beri al n •
-. Stomach and Liver Tablote.
Thar put the stomach and bowole riyhf.
All druggists,160.. or by mail froth 9
Chamberlain Modicbo; Co., Toronto
The northeast area (dotted) is eon-�
trolled by five or six military lords
whom the, gains of the Nationalists`
have driven together, The fighting has
begun again near•Hangcliow.. General
Sims still holds the Shanghai area,
General Yang Senholds eastern Szeli-
uan, Governor Yen, the Province of
Shansi;. Wu Pei Fu, most of Ronan;
Chang Ts"adn, the powerful Manchuri-
an general, nowincontrol of the. Pe-
-king area; General Chang Tsong
Trains will arrive at and depart from
Clinton as follows:
Sulfate and Goderlch Div.
:Going.East, depart, 6.26 a.m.'
2:62 p.ns,
•Going West, ar. 11.10 a.m.;
•" " ar. 6,08 dp. G.53 p.m.
" a'." ar. 10.04 P.m.
London, Huron & Bruce Div.
Going South, ar. 7.56 dp.-7.66;a.1n.
-4.10 p.m.
Going Nortlt,y6lepar-t_ 0,50 p.m.
11.05 11.15 -a.ut.
T'" what these roan have done, you oat dal In your spare tlmo
at Homo you an easily master tho•eecrets of setting tits t maks.
Star Salelmen. Whatever youreaitrtence has boon --whatever
you mono 4$eln0 new.•-ivhether or not you think you cons II-'
ust an war thioquestion: Aro you e0tbltioue to turn 010,000 A.
Year? Then set in touch with me at once! -:I will prove to yyou
withal coat or obligation that you can eaolly become a Star
Salesman. 1 will show you how the Salesman] {Ip Training end
Free E,npioymett Servleb of the ,II: S T. A. will burp yod to quick
euccoss Ii salmi.,
,$10;000 A e r Selling Secrets
5. 0 5o0503 af:amr SalramaneLli,p a fought: fir tpo n. e, r• 8. het
1;'a'bo.tt,d ti ply ods 'tpimont overnight, to have behind for, over the dm gary
and,oap•pay ef,bllod.au, lob, dot load o,*1l e: no onto,, Wbol you
soy11;7 d V, rho old of apllmg osoro you 0 tltg'tutdrar-sot lhd facia.,
Jy can qr allV,
ational'Salesnsen'a:TraininAssociatiof 1
Canadian Mur...... Sox 362 Taro to, Ont.
Hsiang, who holds the Province of
Shantung. If this combtuation get
together they should have no difficulty
in driving back the southerners.
Thb west (verticallyshaded) com-
prising the provinces Of Yunnan,
River Ohow and nios't'of Szcltuan,, is
more or less ,ou the, fence, although
Press despatohesindicate that.tt is
siding with the southern area im-
mediately to the east.
The southern area (diagonally
shaded) consisting of .six and a half
provinces under General Chiang, Kai
Shelc, is dominated by the Russ'lans,
who have Here political and military
The northwestern area (squared
shading) is whore the C'hristiau Gen-
eral Fang holds the provinces of Shen-
si and Kansuh. He has about 60,000
men and i&dependent entirely on Rus-
sia for munitions and funds. .
- CService to Austral .
ONPACIFIC CABLESLondon.—Following the opening of
Canadian Costs Cut from. 48
Cents to 38 Cents Per Word.
Sydney. -The Pacific Cable Board,
taking advantage of the increased ca-
pacity of the new duplicated sections,
has decided to reduce the comihereial
rates from. Feb. 1. The rates between
America and Australia willbenefit
The cable rate from Sydney to Chi -I
cage.. which was formerly 61 cents a
word, now will. be 45 cents a word; to
New York, 48 cents, as against the
old rate of 64 cents, and the rate to
San Francisco has been reduced frim'
56 to 40 cents, -.
The Canadian rates have been re-
duced from 48 cents to 38 cents a
word, and the United Kingdom rates
from 60 cents to 48 cents.
The deferred rates will be half of
these figures. The press rato'hasaiso
been reduced, but the other special
rates remain unchanged.
Home Wrecked in Paris
By Gas Explosion
Faris, Ont.—An explosion of natur-
al gas practically destroyed the brick
veneer dwelling of D. M. Lee of Gov-
ernor's Road, just on the outskirts of
Paris. .
Mr. Lee went down to the cellar for
some fruit and struck a match, when
the explosion occurred, the force of
which was felt across the river nearly
half a mile away.
How Mr. Lee escaped with his life
is a.mystery, as also is the fact that
the escaping gas was not detected in
the house. Mr. Lee's sister; who was
standing near: the cellar door, was
thrown some distance by the force of
the explosion, and is. eutfering from
The loss will amount to several
thousand dollars.
the "beam" wireless service between
this country and Canada, the Marconi
Company announces the early exten-
sion of the service to Australia. Pre-
liminary tests have bean successful
and the stations in both countries are
to be handed over to the British 'Post-
offco early in the new year.
Tho "beam" wireless system greatly
increases both the speed.of transmis-
sion and the strength of the signals
by concentrating tho broadcasting of
the waves on a narrow sector, by
means of reflectors. The -capacity for
messages has been more than doubled
by the new method, and it is planned
to link the entire British Empire by
means of wireless "beams:"
Longer Skirts Are New
Decreit of Paris Fashions
London. -•--Longer hair, longer skirts
and smaller waists is the tip fashion
experts are banding out to British wo-
men who are planning their early
opting wardrobes.
Women with knee-length skirts are
getting rarer and rarer in London
ballrooms. Hems are being let out and (placarded their doors "The whole
a fringe is being added to give greater family is 111 Of influenza. Will'reopen
length to the gowns of women who when better."
failed to heed the Paris warning last Some of the country districts are
autumn. Many of the latest evening badly stricken. HI•alf the schools have
gowns from Parts fall three inches or-beett
closed in N
ti hilo
more below the ` knee in front and• half the police forth in Dorsetshire is
sick. There is hardly a household in,
the village of Northarnptonahire which
has escaped. All the public officials
at" Penmaenmawr, Carharvon, Wales,
have been stricken,
During the last five weeks there
have been 500 more deaths front in-
fluenza than for the corresponding
for the.. calendar year 1926 amounted period last year.
to 135,984, compared with 84,000, for A bulletin issued by the Health
lender ear 19.,5 anincrease f '
the ca y , e Section of the Longue of Nations,
er eat. This information is Mali
60 Il c whreh has been ;following the inflnenzad.
public in an bftlolal" statement: by the epidemic closely, showed widespread
Dept. of Immigration and Coloniza- prevalence of the illness in England
St. Lawrence Sea Way
Urged by United States
a -Great eS
Ex -Governor of ` Iowa Tells
650 Delegates That Water-
way Would Mean Emanci-
pation of 40,000,000 Peo-
ple in Mid -West States..
Muskegon, ;Mich. ".The economic
feasibility, soundness and necessity
and the engineering practicability of
the 'Great Lakes-St.'Lawrence water-
way have been proved, and the first
and major duty new confronting us is.
an immediate treaty"with Canada Pro-
viding.for ah early opening of the con. The ).are c.enry d9ay Boiasid
rection to the sea. President William •icy Montreal on Jan. 20,
Harding, ix -Governor of Iowa, said to
'the 650' delegates to the Regional Con- utterance that development of the St;
Terence of the Great Lakes -St. Law- Lawrence as a seaway would mean
rense Tidewater Association.;:in ses-
Ilrolil-linown newspaper ratan, who
sion here.
Diversion of lake waters by the
Chicago Sanitary Districtwas hit
'William George Bruce of the Wiscon-
sin Tidewater Association, who said:
The Chicago diversion is not only
a menace to our national welfare, but
a violationof natural law which is
international in its scope. Half' of the
joint control by Canada and the U C-
ited. States of what after all, is a
Canadian waterway.
Huge Hydgo Pla it
is Plain B.C.
lraaed `
Vietonba, TBC ---Negotiations were
completed between Tion. '0. D. Pat
Great Lakes waters belong to'.Canada, tulle, Minister of Lands, and. James 1I.
and we deny that the Secretary of Lawson, counsel for the Crown Wil
War, even the -Congress of the' United liainetts paper interests of San -Fran -
States, has any, right to authorize the cisco, as a result . of which the de-
diversion, Canada. can never fully velopment at a cost of 315,000,000,
approve the St. Lawrence waterway within five years, .of Campbell River.
until the Chicago water steel is dis- Falls, on the east coast of 'Vancouver
continued." • Island, will be immediately tender -
•Canada will' be unwilling to con- taken.- 'The first unit will be a 200.ton
elude a treaty with the United States paper mall, but power sufficient for•
to provide for a Great Lakes -to -the- eventually supplying a mill capable .0e
seacanal via the St. Lawrence'River manufacturing .1,000 tons of news -
until diversion' of water from the prin"t a day is said to bs;acailable.
Great Lakes by Chicago is ended, ac-, Contemplated development will lead
cording to Mr. Bruce. He said he to establishment of a new town of
had been apprised of Canada's atti- 4,000 to 10,000 persons in the central
tude by F. H. Keefer. I region of the island, it is stated.-
A telegram was received from Her-
bert Hoover, Secretary of Commerce, VIMMINIMICILIMISHLAA.13.401091:11
saying that . authoritative economic
and engineering authorities had shown
the "vital need and feasigility" of the
project, and, applauding the work of
the association im awakening the in-
terest *0 Middle Westerners in the
Opposition of the New York inter-
ests fathering the all-American route
via the New York barge canal was
touched by two speakers. The first de-
clared the opposition to be factional
and without national support, but R.
J. McLean o£ Detroit took a different
IIs said ,.,;,,New Yorkers, as a rule,
are' not so favorable to the all-Am-
erican route. The St. Lawrence water-
way would give them a second hoose
Port, Buffalo. The completion of the
project, many of them believe, would
cause an eventual greater -traffic on
'the barge canal and result in an in-
crease of millions of dollars in their
export and internal trade.
"Tt would be emancipation to 40,-
000,000 landlocked people in the Mid-
dle West," President Harding said.
30v. Reed .told the delegates that it
would mean the ditferenee between
bankruptcy and a reasonable prosper-
ity to the agricultural States of the
Middle West. He said also that it
would mean .freight saving of 121,4
cents on every bushel of wheat mark-
eted by Minnesota farmers.
Frank H. Keefer characterized as
"all wrong" Premier Taschereau's
People Stand in Line for Burial
Certificates in Poorer
London.=A wintry spell last weak
caused the recent epidemic ofinflu-
enza which has been prevalent ill
many parts of Europe' to tighten its
grip on Great Britain,. 667 deaths be-
ing reported in Britain for one week.
The official death roll of the County
of London has shown a steady increase
during the past three weeks, the fig-
ures being. 72, 137 and 197. These-
hesereports front 105 -large towns apart
from London for the sante period of
time show 172, 326 and 470 deaths,
In some of the pog3'er districts of
London' people have had to stand in
line to. obtain death certificates, while
there is a public department or
business house part of whose staff is
not on the sick list.
Hundreds of school teachers are 111,
while some $luall shops in the East
End,. have put up their shutters cud
drape to a train which is many inches
Immigration to Canada
Increased 66 Per Cent.
Ottawa. -Immigration to Canada
doh, During the -year just ended 48,-
819 British immigrants arrived in
Canada. The number from the United
States was 20,944, and from other
countries, 66,221.
Charlotte, oncee,Inneprese, Carlotta of lelexloo, esshe looked shortly after
heir marriage to Maxiniilan in the middle sixties, who died -recently at her
ohateau neer Brussels, and who has been insane ever slice his oxeoutiou in
and Wales, The bulletin reported
that the epidemic •was continuing in
Denmark, The Netherlands and Switz-
erland, was increasing in . Bulgaria
and, diminishing in Spain.
Dumping Duty is Raised .
,To Protect Apple Gro-wers
Ottawa.•-The-Itiinistet *0 Customs
Inas issued an order which will raise
tho basis for the application of dump-
ing duty. 75 cents per box on all im-
portations of apples grown west of
Chicago and; imported from points
east thereof. The order • amends a
previous order; in regard to the 'dump
ing•,duty on apples. Under the'pre-
vious order, it was found, the dump-
ing duty could be evaded in certain
cases. The 'purpose of the amend-
ment, it is intimated at the Depart-
ment of Customs is to preventthe
Charles Chase
74 -year-old confidential merseugor to
seven Ontario premiers, who le on the
job 'again for the session of the legis-
lature, despite a bad fall which threat-
ened to put him permanently out of
• comm) salon.
Good Advice.
Retstrned Tourist (to his friend)—
"Well, I liked Parisand••Itome, but the
best part of the whole thing was the
trim over, Don't ni•iss that, whatever
You dlo, if yott go to Europe."
Increase is Requested
in Bounty for Wolves
Kingston. - Frouterrac County
Council Biassed a resolution calling an
the Ontario Government to iner'ea..e
the bounty on wolves. The resolution
was moved by J. D. Flake of the-
heTownship of Clarendon and Miller,
who claims that tl-,e wolves rreMemm-
ing so plentiful in the North ,that
they are a serious 1111Aa. i -to live
stock. A copy of the 'resolution was
sent to W. D. Black, representative tor' 80c; cooked hams, 42c; sucked rolls.•
Frontenac-Addington, and to Ilon. G. 1,5c • breakfast bacon, 82 to Sic; backs,
Iioward Ferguson, Prosier. I boneless, 33 to 40c.
Man. wheat—No. 1 North., $1,541/2;
No. 2 North:, $1.50554 ; No. 8 North.,.
Man. oats—No. 2 CW. nominal; No.
3 not quoted; No. 1 feed, 62e; No.
2 feed, nominal; Western grai n quota -
Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 50
to 70 lbs,, $22; 70 to 90 lbs., $20.50;
2045 lbs, and up, $21.84; lightweigh
Tolls, in barrels, 341.50; heavyweight
rolls, $38.54 per bbl. .
TLarde-Pure tierces, 16 to 15e4e;
tubs, 1G to 16rfsc; pails, 1(rt,$ to 17c;
tions, to c.r.f. ports.
prints, 171/2 to iSe; shortening tierces,
1 .
to14c• ails
Am. corn, track,,. TBronta—No. to i3s/ic; tubs, 18,rz pails,
old yellow 89c; No. 3, old yellow, 87c.114 to. 14; c; blacks and tans, 15ee to
Milfeed—Del. Montreal freights, lOc. ,
bags included: Bran, per ton, $32.25; Heavy export steers, 87 to $^�7.65;
+. 34.25; middlings, levy steers, good, 56.25 to --$6.50;
s4orts, per ton, $ g .
340.26. butcher steers, ehorce, $t to $7.35;
O Carle Oats 50c, f.o.b. shipping do, fait t0 good, $6,25 to 89.75; apo,
n tom„ $4.75 to 56; butcher heifers,
points, choice $7 to 3'7.25; do, fair to good,
Unt. i;oed milling wheat—$1.28 to '
$1.30, f.ab, shipping points, according $5.50 to $6; do, com., $4.50 to $5; hut -
cher cows,. good -to choice, $5 to 55.75;
tbfteights. ilo, tem, to coed., $3.50 to 3.1.05 doy
BarleyhcMalting,' 66 to 64c. canners and cutters; $2.25 to 52 7ti;
—Na. 2, 31nontinaL . • butcher bulls, good to .choice, $5 to
,2, 31.00.
.2G• do red. 4 to �$4,r5 do, bolog
'Man:. $oLtr—First phi $8.20, Te- $5 rr $
Tonto; do, second' pat., 37,10.' i tea8, $a.,r0 to 33.80; baby Beef, 53 4e.
Ont. flour—Toronto, 99 per cent. $10; feeders, choice,$G50 to $5.801 do,
patent, per barrel, in caelots, Toronto,' fair, $5' to $5.25; stockers, 'choice,
35.50; seaboard, in bulk, 35.60. :4.75 to $5 _do, fair to med.,' 54 to
Cheese—No n, large, 50 to 20',4 54.5 4 nsileh$cows,p 6 1* 3m0edspcows,
twins, 2034 to _1c; triplets, 22c, Sti.
tons, 23c, Old, large, 25c; twine, 26c;$40 to 300; calves, charce, $13
triplets+ 7e.: Old St .tons, 28e. to . $14; do, med., $9 •to $12.50; do,
Butter—Finest creamery prints, 45 tom, a
rid grassers, $5 to $0 Iambs,
to -se; ll/1.
1 ereatn•ery, 44 .to 45c; Ne, ehorce, $11.50 to $12; baits, $9. to
2, 4ggs-14e. Dairy prints, 34 to 85c. $9.50; sheep, choice, $6.50 to $7.50; do,
Eggs—Fresh extras, in cartons, 60 heavies, $4.50 to $5; do, culls $3 to.
to 62c;feesh extras loose, 58 to 60e; $3.60; hogs, thick and smooth, tired and
fresh firsts, 513 to 55c; fresh seconds 'watered, 311.60iia, f,o,b., 311; `oe,
42 to 43e; fresh pullets, 48. to 50c. eamitly points, .1 $10.76, dlo, off cars,
seloct premium, per hog, 52.
Storage extras, GOc,;- do, firsts, 47c $11 90; `25.
secor dto ii. , .M(NTRF 4L.
Poultryel2, dress43ed—Clue) one, ij lbs. Oats—Can. west., No. 2, '75c; do,
and up, 40e; do,4 to'6 lbs., 38c; do, 3 No, 3, 67c, Flout ltIan. spring
to 4 lbs. 8Oc• do 2?.tl a Jtii lbs„ 35c; iv$oat pats., lsts, $8.20; do, 2nds,
do, 2 to 2'1 lbs., 850; hens, over 5 lbs., $7.70; do, strong halters', $7.50; ole,
32c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 90c, do; ;3 to 4 winter .pats., . choice $6.1,0. to $6.15.
lbs., 28e roosters, 5lbs. and up, S5
25c • turkeys, 42
to 4dc; ducklings, Rolled oats bag .90 Ibs 33.65. Bran,.-
$32:25. . Shorts, $34.25. 114idd ings,,
taEcanc—Can. hand-picked, 33,60 to ,1g40.26. Hay, No. 2, per ton, cal•lots,
$3.90 li?rshel; pirates $3;46 to $3.60. $14.50,
Maple products•• -Syrup, per imp. Cheese, finestwosts, 19 to,191c. .
gvi., $2,25''to x+2.80; per .11 gal., 32,15 Butter, No. 1 pasteurized, 41 to
to $2.25 per; gal.; maple sugar, lb., 25 41,14c.
to' 26c, • Egg's, storage extras, 48c; storage
tioni.y G0 -1b. this, 12ys to 13c; 10 firsts, 45c; storage soconds, 40 to 41e;
,b.; VMS. 12 to 13c; 5-15, tins, 13 to fresh extras 58e; fresh firsts, r8e
i:3r/ac, 21A-15. tins. 1.5c. Com. cows, 38.50 to 34,50; calves,
liotiey-.3.40 to 34.50per doz. sucker, ordinary quality, 310 to 311;
Comb o 3 ,the 12 with a 32 per
Stacked meats --Hants,' red., 28 to hogs, thick on
$ ,
hog premium on selects and a, 50c per
cwt. cut on shops, or 3112 flat; sows,