HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-02-03, Page 1ITO " WHICR
"131148 PAPEEt
TO •GII•se.)Q,SID-TIllIE. IS ri10 'SAVE ',TIME
• . • ,. •
0C100SE A
AS your -tintekeepern's to save you repute__ ,
than ier'nunatnalitY. Then are ''macle oft
geed materials and by competlent 'arid
• skilled workmen.
Phone 174w • Residence 174j
Checked marquisette Curtains, white, frilled, ancl--"with
tiebacks, 21/1 yds. long. Original price, $1.25,
On sale at in
BLACK 'MESSALINE SILK: We have been fortunate
in securing another piece of this in an exceptionally it, 4
.god quality and will sell at the low price of • 40, .39
If you are interested in seeing the new
reversible sport coats for Spring we will
be glad to have you call and see a few of
these which have already come into stock.
We }lave a
Couple' of Shiprrienis of
Fine New Hats
Careful Dressers will
Choose Early, while
•the Range From
to Selept
is Full.
011111S Ei
A Square Deal for Every Man"
children those things which ereprof- a
neeests itable dor the welfare of their soul,
'Oat, 40e .to 50e. et....
Barley, 60c. •
.Bueltwhealth450. •
•Butter, acie", to 85e.
Eggs 30e to--4(le.,-
Hogn $11.00. -
The death. occurred' iff Clinton yes-
erclay of • MTS. O. 111W% W,110 had
`been in poor' health for some incintlia.,
Mrs. Hoard; Who Wes before het
marriage, Yfiss- Moore of Stratford,
has during her short residence in
Clintonemade many' friends by her
kindly disposition and her recent 111 -
nese. has been greatly reggetted.
A short service' will be held at the
home on Friday at hay past ones
when the remainwill be taken to
Mi.1111'0, to the Moore family 1t for
At , the January meeting' of Conn-,
ty,Conneil the Matter of grants to the
several hospitals was left over pail
the June •kieeting. There seemed to
,be a feeling amongst many of the
rural members that each menicipality
where' a hospitaleis situated should
support it. Mr. sTrewartha and some
other members explained that the hos-
pitals served' much more than the
towns he which the hospitals were 'sit-
uated and that the cost of maintain-
ing them should not fall altogether
upon the urban centres in which, they
were. The matter was finally laid
over until June.
The matter of grant for .Clinton's
eonneethig links was also left ,ever
for the time being, as these will be
looked after as Provincial Highways,
the cost of maintenance being shared
by GotaLRoads Department.
Mrs. Aim. aanxon, one of the old-
est residents of Clinton, died at the
"Monte of - he daughter, •Min. Alex,
anloman, on :Saturday evening. The
late Mrs. LOIIXOTI was born in Corn-
wall, England, eighty-five years ago.
,nlie came to this country in 1887, and
has spent the years since in Clinton
and vicinity. She had. been an invalid
for the -past eight or tine years, being
confined entirely to her bed for the
least two years; a stroke of, paralysis
musing her death. The deceased lady
was married to John Larixon in 1873,
her husband predeceased her by ton
years. She is survived by one son,.
Richand, of ,Goderich, and' four chi-ugh-
ters, Annie, of Detroit, Mrs, Alex.
Sloman of 'Clinton; . Mrs. John Ken-
eedy of Detroit, and Mts. J. K. Noble
et the Huron Road.
The funeral was held on Tuesday
afternoon frons her late reeldence.
services being ,taken by Rev. J. E.
Hogg, Of WesleY-Wilks cbureh, of
which the 'deceased woman had been
a life-long member. Interment was
made in Clinton cemetery.
illbs. John Kennedy of Detroit, Mr
and Mrs. Richard Lauxon of Goderic-h
and Mr. Ed, Fox of Sarnia came home
to attend the funerel.
The Ministerial Association
meet at Wlesley-Willis manse on Mon-
day morning at 10:30. Rev. A. Mae-
farhme will give the addrese.
T_ThTten Church
'The minister's morning subject will
be: "God is Love—Wny Pain?" Ev-
ening: "Good ',Investments." •
The Brotherhood at ten o'clock. The
subject: "Blessings in Disguise," will
be introduced by Mr. H. B. Chant.
The W. M. S. will meet at the home
of Mrs. J. C. Candler an Thursday ev-
ening, Feb. nOth, at eight ontleek.
Presbyterian Church
Service in the Baptiet church on
Sunday at 11 o'clock. •Subject: "On
Being Too Cautious." Sunday school
at 10 o'clock., Prayer, meeting ell
Thursday evening at 7 o'clock.
The Ladies' Auxiliary will meet at
the home of • Mrs. George Roberton
• Tuesday evening, Feb. 15th, at 8
o'clock. .
Ontario Street United' Church
Fellowship service t 10 acne. -•
Morning 'message: "We Preach
Christ and Him Crucified.h Evening
addnease "Life with Wing Power."
Juniors meet at 7 Friday evening.
TheSaerament of the Lord's Sup-
per wil1 1e observed Sunday morn-
ing, It is desired as far as possible
that all our members be present.
Baptist Church
Service Sunday evening at seven
,o'clock. Pastor's sunject: "In View
,of Christ's Coining Again What
Should' the Christian's Position in the
World be?'
Sunday school at two -thirty. Prayer
meeting each- Wednesday evening at
eight o'clock. '
• St. Paill'e.Chure0 ,
• On Monday evening lase the Rev,
L. C. Harrison • gave an illustrated
teeture at the meeting on the A,Y.P.A.
en the subject, "How we got onr Sun-
day Schools." " Theneeture was great- c
ly enjoyedeny all, and interest was
very muelt enlivened by the etelubition
of a large fiumber of beautiful lan-
tern slides, showing the 'founder, the
firet Sunday senool and many other
nothabie scenes. • Robert Raikes' first
humble ,Sanday school building stood
in striking contrast to the many fine
sfetteturee of today. • It was impres- t
sively brought home -to all present t
how much humanity °Ines to the Milli
who led ip the nehle work. of teachine
The ,ennual meetinge of the Clterton:
five brigade was helcl," Monday even
•ing, *hen tligenesignaltions were re-
eeived of Fite Chief ilieery Glezier,
after thitty-five yea* service and
• Capt. Bert Keine aft'thirty yeara
servioe•' l'.
Officert •were •elected as follows:
,Chiefhltichard Tisltetheaptain, A. F,
• teCuhdYitTitbrereen; ulri
i 1[1..a PCerre,
,..re; Sel-
DAli.POF MRS. I', . O'c9IsiNniir.i.
The death occurred On Saturdayof
"Edith Jago, Wife, of P, T, O'Con-
nell, after a short i11i, from pneu-
monia and complitetions,
..„ Min, O'Connell, wbo nets a daughter
of Mr. and Men:W. JaJego of tonne
had feihserne time beethliving in Tor-
onto lint the family returned to Olin -
to n about three 'nontlifif .ago. She is
survived, by ber husband ad a family
of four young children,- for elioni
Innen sympathy is felt;
The funeral took niece helm St
Pain's ebureh on Tuesday afternoon,
the services being conducted by the
rector, the Rev. L. C. Harrison, in-
terment being made hvOlinton <ceme-
Mr. W. 31. Lolin of the, Bayfield
•road had a successful sale on Tues-
day of lest week, when he disposed
of 18 cows anti some young cattle and
pigs. In converstion with Mn. Lobb
we learned that this sale was held on
,,the anniversary of • his first sale,
Jan. 25th, 1909, eighteen years ago,
when he sold 38 cows. A comparison
•nf the prices received ehen and now
is rather interesting. On. the occasion
of his first sale the highest price re-
ceived for any one animal was $65,00,
while on Tuesday the highest figure
realized was $11'2.50.- 'The average
price realised lash week was $86.00,
while the average of eighteen years
ago was n'48.00.
A. very pleiment tied sueteesnul
noon luncheon wan given by the amend
of Trade et Bertliffn Testament an
Tuesday in honour of Men -W: N. Man-
ning, ref the 'SberlocleeManning and
Doherty Pianos who leaves today. ee
a business trip 'to Austrella aecl New
About fifty of the 'business men sat
.down to a, welleserved. anid satisfying
luncheon and after it was over a short
time Was spent in epeech-making.
Tho president of the Board•of Trade,
Mr. J. A.' Ford, .occupied the chair
and speeches ,were made by Mr. Jobe
Ransnord, Col. IL B. ermine, 11r. J. W.
Shaw, Mr. A. T. cCoope', Mayor Jack-
son mul the guest.
The speakers all alluded to the
guest in the- highest termshhaving
known him during hie Tesidenee here
several years ago, and since his tem-
pany has taken over the boherty
Pianos.' One of the speakers said the
Clinton industry languished often Mr.
Manning's departure and that it had
taken on new. Info and activity' silica
laic return to its martagement, ,
Mr. Manning' said his chief business
would be to- see the eustotnein of his
corapnya as• they had e tensiderable
trade in Australia and New Zealand,
and to study condition's .and pick, up
new btsiness. He said if he could put
in a good word for any other Clinton
or Canadian Manufactiire he would
certainly do so and -Unit he would be
veryetileased, to meet the Board of
Trade in Clinton on his return and
give them. a report as to what he had
learned of requirements in theeoun-
tries visited.
• Mr: Manning leaves London. today,
aceoinrpanied iby his wife, on the long
journey. They will lie absent several
ntontha. •
• t -
The town council will meet on Mon-
day evening. - • •
ivrve: Andrew Steepe fell at her
owe door the ether day and fractured
her ankle. •
Mr, D. K. Prior fell the other day
and cracked a rib. 'He is, like Ahnb,
"walking delicately," ever sinee.
'IVIise Lizzie Cattet fell on an icy
walk the other day dixdhinjueed her
head, lint no' berme -were broken.
We bed-tur January' thaw last
week-endeand since have ;been walkinn
very carefini•lYtotetcape broken 'bones.
The Unity Club of Gocterieh town-
ship Will Meet at the home of Mrs.
Olive Jervis On Tuesday afternoon
next, Feb. f3th. • ' •
• ,
The February meeting' of the Clin-
ton Hospital Board will be held in the
board room of the town hall on Moh-
day afternoon next atetheee O'clock.
Mr, J. suSilirsuattneidn aaeslilui,"alTildige:eue;lytheed
'ether clay. The streets' have -been in
a very elippery stete eneekh..ninie
middle of the King's ,highway is ibout
he only safe spot to walk.
• •
The hi. C: 1. coin/AM.:cement exer-
ises will beheld in the town hall
sighb and tomoriew niglit. A play
s neinn mit on and. cliplonias and
nedals presented, the diplomas this,
Thursday, evening: the medals toe
narrow, Friday.
"Ericlosed please find • renewal for
yotir newsy papmen writes R. B. Fos-
er of Toronto, "which ,look folward
o, getting every ,Saturday. May 'this
IS the' best year you ever krieWS"
Thet's the sort of WOrd. that makes it
pleasure to work bard to keep the
taper, up to standard.
'Tile Meniliere of the Yellen; PeOple'e
SeCieey ef.Wnsiey-Willis cherch wene
invited to tne home of the pees/dent,'
kr..Leelie Pearson, lii Goderich ton -
Ship, 00 'Menden eneningX when a
lai•ge number of ' the young -people'
went, out for the sleighride and en-
joyed eavery .pleasant seeiat evening
together, under\ the hospitable reef of
the Haute on,PearCon, . •
• The regular meeting ofs the e-nro7
Institutemen's-\was held on ThuesclaY,
Jan:,27th, thirty-tnut Indies., being
Present. TIin roll Call was answered
with "MY Pee Proverb.'5 Wes, O. L.
Paisley mad a paper on "Our-nnnties
as 'Canadian Citizen's," The hosteeees
were Met, Aninstrong, Mrs. Ed. Cook,
Mrs, MeClinehen and Mrs. H, J'en-
1<ins. There was a demonstration of
candy 3n8loing• -by- Mrs, G. Wi. Cook,
Miss Minnie Walket—ancl Mrs. S110b-
The annual meeting of the Ladies'
Bowling Club was held last week,
when the following"offieers were el
Gated for 1927: h'
Hoff -President: Mrs. John Zapte.
President: Mrs. G. D. Roberton. •
lst Vice: Mrs. C. Rumball,
and Vice: Mrs. R. S. Smyth.
Secretary: . Miss Amy Inowson.
Treasurer: Met, W. 3, ,Stevenson.
Committee conveners: Social: Mrs.
T. Jackson, Gaines: Mrs. J. MeMur-
(hie. Property: Mrs. W. T. Herman.
The' ladies decided to have their at-,
mull euchre and dance on Feb. 21st,
Mertore'nferner, who is attend-
ing -the Technical ,Sehool at I 'linden,,
epent the week end with his parents
M. Jas. 'Sturgeon, -Who is spending
the winter; in -Loridon, was home fdr
a few days last week,
Met. IL Lord and Miss Gladys
Davison came from- Ltnuten on Mon-
day teespenn aweelt witnetheir inth-
Mrt,• jtio. Davison, •
-Miss Alma 1WeIhay; Whci Itas spent'
the Peet two months with her parents,
left on ,Tuesday for Vondory where
she will spend a few days leefore pro-
eeediug to Toronto. -
Mr. R.. Anmetrong ef Willow Citn;
North Dakota, is visiting her, COUSill,
Mrs, Wm. Hea-rd.
The Y. P. S. will meet on Friday
night, when part of the program-wili.
consist of e 'debate. • The meeting is
open to all who eare at come. '
The Junior Guild of;Trinity church
is planning to have a Bt. Valentine's
Tea in Mrs. Me...Kay's restaurant on
Saturday, Februaly the twelfth, froni
three to six o'clock,
311. Jas. Lindsay- spent the week-
end with friends in London. •
Mrs, A. E. Erwin is visiting friend*
le niringham.
The village was illumined suddenly
on Tuesday. evening about half past
eight when Mr. Alex. Cameron had
the misfortune to have his barn de-
stroyed by fire. The fire apparently
started in the east corner of the
building and was diseovered by Mise
E. Cameron, who was just about to
leave tile house to come to the village
When she was attracted by the bark-
ing of her dog. She managed to get
the fowl out" but the'strong wind
fanned bad flames an(1 by the time
A meeting was' held in the board that help had arrived It was too lata
room. of the Agricultural Repansentaa to get out a: number of hnplements
tive's offices on Friday afternoon which belonged to Mr. W. Higgins;
smitilir6:sett t!
aiOC.ni.i•eioLwho had the barn reptedw
by ]jr,. Some straw
1 and grain was also burned. It is a
CatoPerative Association, who. gave a mystery how the .fire started as no
very. interesting and; instructive tem, one is: known to have been ih that
sealtrigavellaaii1,Part of the huildingt:oreivsrelv..eic•gall.nd:re(cen,
address on the- resources oe Canada, nIts itsnIrtygilitetlte ii°1-Lernee was carried.
The boatel room Was comfortably 'Several men watched the smoulderine
the -addresses. - - carried sparks. Fortunately wi
leg will he held in the Star Theatne was blowing -away from the house.
011 uesdaY afternoon next•ameet-
to discuss the matter of fort/1111g11.
wheat pool in -Ontario. Farmers lind Varna
filled and all -listened with anteeest to ; embers all s night in case thewi
• ,
• Mrs ,$te velirs has gone 'tO"sj?eild, a
few wesks witli 3/0): daughter. neer..
Mount Forest.
ltrra Wln." Rattenbtivy; who has. been
erinfined to. bed"for the -emit ten-weelta
with' a nre tee eg, eat;ben iemove
to the Boyne ,of her daughter, Mrs; •
.. • • •
. • .
peir.F11:41,,,SebeeradirsIseptietnseetd.', thine Lto'
church o'n Sunday, 'Feb. 13th, , '
Huron Road East
Mn. lined Cook is not feeling very
. .
well at preeent, • Ii
le s suffering from
the etfoots of an injury received last
Mr. F. Clew has purchased a val-
uable team of horses.
Mi, Shep, Dale is able to be out
'twain after being laid up for a few
• dIr. Fred Nott is, taking advantage
of the good sleighing by hauling logs
to Clinton.
M. .Raymond Jamieson eaptered
two large coons one day receritly,
Goderich Township
The Huron Trustees' and Ratepay-
ees' ASsociation will meet with'the
enencil on Monday afternoon -next; bo
discuss matters educational. It will
be an interesting meeting and tteise
interested should 'attend.
Mrs. iC, H. Elliott -hes been quite
ill, but she is now improving, her
friends arc glad to know.
Hairy Salkeld recently returned
from attending. the ‘short course in
live stock and seed judging at the
O. A. -Cs, Ghelph and is very enthus-
iastic over 'the short camases put on
by the Depettment of- Agriculture
and the college staff and says he
wouldeAdviee any young man; or older
man, to take advantage of one or
more ef the nvations courses „offered. • •
Huron County again comes to the
fore, as Mr. Salkeld was elected presi-
dent of the sheet courses for 1927,
anyone ietereeted will be weleorne to I
attend.. . Mr. Gorge .Celeman shipped a car
1 .noad of cattle to Toronto Monday.
Mr: John H. Dempsey, an old resi- ,I ear Mr. WM. Taylor shipped a car load
of hogs and an
cattle to 'Toronto d a
Mad of cattle to Buffalo Saturday.
dent of Goderich township, but for the ; The Libeerry Board held their an -
Past eleven Years a resident of Clin-i mial meeting in the hall Monday ev-
ten, occurred . at the home of his ening.
daughter, Mtn. David Lindeay of the I Miss TO. Me:seep is at present with
Huron road, on ,Sunday after an ill- her sister, Mes. Jas. Stephenson.
pese of some weeks, : Goshen Line and the many friends of
Mr' DeniPseY was u 8" of 131e '' c''' "he. is under the doctor's care. tut
; Mas..Stepbsorry
enson will be to. heav
Joh Dennesey, a pioneer settler
Goderichd w
township anas born sev-,1 swe hope she mity soon be able to be
enty-eight years age - in that , around again..
there ' until about eleven"' Years Quite a number of the youths took
township. lie continued to' reside !
ago, -tvlien he lef t the farm , in the (101500 and - hockey match in
his son " and moved into Chin , Brueefield Tuesday night.
.to temivrrs. Dempsey died three years : The W. A. of St. John's churth met
at the home of Miss Logan last Fri -
ago in October. • Ile continued to oc- I day.
eupy his-nievn bome until about two l ritev. Mr, Foster of Kirkten, a for -
„helm ago, ammo he was failing, in Ines pastor attended the .funetal of
health, then went out to his daughter. , the late 'Miss Phoebe Colelough, which
He is survived by two sons and five • W” held lust Thursday :Mull' the
daughters: John, on the Ilornestend 1 Milted ehurch. :
on the -91:11 concession of 'Goderich I Mrs. Paraent and Miss R. Colelough
township and Sterling of Clinton, Mrs. ' 01 Dat'ik who were home attending
Dentin of Dungannon, Iles. Webster nth° funeral of their sister, returned
and Mrs. •Sterling of ineaforth d to their home in the city.
Goderich township. ' little hope is held out for his recot
Mir, Jas, Winless Is very low an
1VIrs. E. Miller and Mrs. D. Lindsay ief
The funeral took place on Wednes- his', R. Polled< of La Riviere, Man
day afternoon from the twine of Kr. is visiting friends ana acquaintance
and Mrs. Lindsay. The service, was in our distract.
concluded by the Rev, J. E. Hogg of
Wesley -Wallis church, and the 1)011-
wora the two eons and four
grandions: Earl. and Keith Webstee
of Seal:m.0z mid -Harvey and. Thomas The many blends of Miss Olive
Webster of Dungannon. ' Interment Pollock; will bo. pleased to know that
Me. and h1n Wallace Allen, Who
have been visiting the latter's moth-
er, Mrs, E. Bell, left Tuesday for
Toronto, 'where Met. -Allen intends
halving an operation on her eyes.
Mrs. John Fingiand has returned
After spending some time with friends
in Galt.
We are scaly to report that Mr. S. .
Wioodume fell on the ice 'on :Monday,
breaking his ann,
London Road
- airs. Walter Stvinbank has been
quite ill. Her frienda hope soon to •,,
hear of her -recovery.
Mr. Norris nellery has been 11 and
it being treated in the Seatottli Hos-
His friends hereabout were sorry.
to hear of the death, which occurten
on Tuesday of Mr.. Michael Whitmore,
an old resident of Tuckesrmitli.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shaw and
family have returned from California,
where they have spent the past
To Mr. and Mrs. Edwaincintraiigh.
e an on Sunday, Jan, 3011, came a 111-
tle son,
The Auburn Egg Circle will hold
their annual meeting, in the Orange
e Hnll on Thursday, Feb. 3rd, at 1:30
Mr. T. A. Benson, Dona Potiltry
Rep., Toronto, will be ane of the
Stanleg Township
Wa8 made in Clinton cemetery. The she is recovering from het recent
funeril ,was largely attended, ness, although not as speedily as we
Iffhl10N APPOINTMENTS MADE would wish, •
Mr. Robert Pollock of La Riviere,
ee meeptg bf the ) provincial Maieneghe has spent the last tine
Ca:billet the ' other clay "IVIr. Dudley Weeks with 'Stephen townsliip feiends,
ni.oubl.,,,,te; ,cogroliqwning,Ahtatothtliza.z,8utivegpeoeid.pitigcid is again renewing acquaintances in
this neighborhood.
Me. ,Seager, who has intired aftena Mitt .Robert • Elliott of the Geshen
hehneen of hihehnewt. coant,x, eennt hilts. Robeet S. Reid, who is en tlh
sick list.
Lille cis at present with her daughter
lig term of office, send Vit. -Robert
clerk midi cloth'. of . strrogate eourt,
hich. position was Made vacant by • :Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Richardso
.t‘vlasupeyanimittion of eae,,D;aeac_ spent ameyening recently at the home
• cioionid_.,
of Mr, and Mrs: Will 'Cleric.
It was expbeted that' at the same We are Sorry to report the eetious
time VII'. IC. G. Middletrin of Clinton' illness of Mrs. Robt. S. Reid,;nut-hope
would he appointed to the nosition. of t° heat! of :1181! speedy ree'verY.
sheriff but this appointment has not, ' 'Mr' W. J. Te3d°m' shipped two ecu'-
tiened the age of Superannuation] last,
load' of eettleito Stiffale on. Fridge,.
yet been inade• • Sheriff Reynolds has'
re enthe oit tle etaol'em..,.scihi.pnt op, °op. t'Souff
aturdaayi 0.
but in a few- menthe he will .have I Most fee in kis „en shade.
rounded outnthirty yeare' service and leh
he will probably remarn until that
time: laurnme has connected Me. Mid:
nleton's name with the position foe
several months -and it. is .believed In
,good authority :that 'Ille will be ap-
• pointed. ,. '
, The Goderich peOPle are not ple411.1L
a former resident of Stanley town -
should .g6 to othen'than Go4erich men. I
Mr. Relines, however, la a homer ship and an side' in Wallis Preebyter-
IG-Ic)ocliitle.ischhamvainlig' 11188;ifeatttb,e`th'cialll:e1;aatlel phirn. an. elder in the ilhotherwell United
ian eherelh.was eecently-aet apart as
life in that tOwn. He. was up to Ins eehul'ell'•c .
(teeth countyetrenstm.er. •
Mr. .Tohnston, who is a soe-in-law Li II t - '
01 my, l'ohn Joynt, is aatually a Brace ,
•u, e t Irovvn$tajtio
retinas, man, berna a resident of Luck- • Ma's James Campbell of MeKillon
noW,'Inrt so is JOh-ll •Terit, "who n'olve- andatom George epent SultdaY with
rented the riding ie. the liggielatine. Mt. anal6s., Shen, Dale,
Ateentalse fse'r =aril', Years.' Ent, while mi. and Mrs. Henty •Glew eifter-
they • live in . Lueknow 'their large 1 a ilenc s to
enepetty noldingt ate nearly all over eachre and radio Music lent Thuancley
the line in Huron ceunty. • " evening. •
A-moet enjoyable time " was spent
'Saturday enening, January: 181h, at
"Twin Mlle Farm," the home of Alt,
and Mrs. Matt 43rownlee, about 9
miles south of Salem, Oregon, when
inembots of their family and rela-
tives gathered to eelebrate with them
their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr.
OM MPS. BrOWIllee were Mewled at
Kippen and resided in this vicinity
e until about six years ago, who they
moved with their 'family to Oregon.
Early in the evening a delightful din-.
Ile ner was served, after which the time
was spent in •social conversation and
music. Gifts appropriate to the owe-
sion were- presented to Mr. and Mrs.
Brownlee and eongratulatione and
, gifts wen also received from Ontario
friends„ Those present at the cele -
bream, besides the host and hostess,
were theiv son, Albert, his wife and.
little daughter, Ruth, who live near
them; Ilayetle, who ' is teaching. hear
Junction City, Oregon; Wilson, who is'
1,,a sophomore .at Ceegoe Agricultural
College, Cowallis, aed Herrn, whoths
a sophomore at High School, Salem,
also their nephew and nieee, litIr, and
Mrs, Ermal Owens ' of Salem, Con-
gratulations are extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Broevnlee from. their many ;Kip -
pen friends. .. .
The previous Saturday evening the
„Red Hill mithday CM), of which Mr.
• and Mrs, Breetenee are menthete, met
at their home tor a social evening,
Moe° than ilfny-five tnembees and
friends were present to enjoy the
games, ontests and intimee Birthday
cakes were cut foe fene members, in -
:eluding Mr. -Brownlee, A cake was
also cut in honour of len.. and Mrs,
Brownlee's 251:11 wedline, anniversary
and members of •,the club presented
them with a lovelsr silver sandwich
tray in honor of this event
Nfr. and Mrs. tater Boyce and
family and Mv. Ruesel Helmer of
Goderith mhtored down, on Saturday
to visit the- former's. nrother, Mr.
Frans Boyce of the Goshen
Mrs. Chas. Rathwell is spending a
few days -with Zurich friends,
Mr. William Taylor of 'neienhe
at ell these three appointments