HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-01-27, Page 7a
ere d ;;Keirrxl
Lenear oirer; n
4-41.4-41.Tuesdayevening of. lest •week a will agree'' that ordinarily I `am not'
Who is given either to'boaetin ' 'f
.�gathering' took ' lace in the ode �! _g e 8' 4,
unique P,
Exhibition Park.), :Toronto? patiuotisn' er to parading of :tenderer
'Coliseum, ..
dere ; .'Yet there are occasions
when a monster banquet was :ten t d .
h i • be its us' all u 1icl . to state
'retiring � Lieut. -Governor of On- when t f p it y
t4 the Lieuft..
taxi°, Col. Karry Cockshutt. " r,
It wasWas brilliant
made e o
s>bleby the enthusiasticCitizens of
"Ontario, who, Wished to' show their ap-
proval and appreciation, of tire: fine
spirit of •patriotism and good 'citizen
, g
• shill; which Col. Cocksiiutt Brought to
his.'hi g •hoffice andmaintained
t aintained,
throughout°his term.:in Goveimiirent
our mind; and the* in mattersmunr,
Gane you have mane. I am;proud to:
be a citizen of Canada. ' I ant. proud
of her record of achievement,)•proud of
her institutions,proud, of,'<"her ter',
sources, and prouder still of her man-'
hood and womanhood. And especially:;
Cin I thrilled with pride•when I'reflect
upon Such matters .in: tortes -of this,
beloved Province, the• very heart and
centre of- Canada's' being',.' the lcey
stone of her arch. tlrat'stretahes from
'Col. Cockshutt was given a•compl1- ;
Mid ill later be ,ocean to ocean. •
ment r address •an. w .. , ... • ;.. •
...ay d
resents with a gift' from. whole these sentiments
p , . d . . Your reception of, th }
Which .will ibe .
Pro ace o g.heart
vt indicates very clearly, that 'at
.e ' In'�
• characteristic. of 'the♦ Provae�t you are no different . from myself,:
reply to the _address Col, Cockshutt
made the following speech:
''•man .Fellow -Citizens
Friends A11= If my' heart :could, but`
speak from that fulness of emotion
with which it is charged,: the -senti-
ments it would utter might constitute
a fitting answer to the enthusiasm
and spontaniety ofthe redeption you
have just accorded me. 7. But • my
heart can only feel—it gannet speak:
and the throng of impulses within it
now clamoring for expression are de-
stined to find poor. service, I am a-
fraid; in lips that sadly 'falter,
FrenklY, I find myself subdued by
the immensity ' of this gathering. The
magnificence of its staging impresses
me.` And being but human, I admit
to being almost completely overcome
by that warmth of felling towards me
that is so unmistakably demonstrated
by your words and actions here this
And you will credit me with sin-
cerity, I hope, when I say that,I fail
to understand wherein I have deser-
ved from you so striking a tribute of
appreciation. Rather, from my point
of view, is the 'balance of obligation
all the other way. In the high office
it has been my privilege to occupy.
have been most signalling honour-
ed at your hands. Coming from my
native city of Brantford with my fam-
ily to Government House, almost as
complete strangers, everywhere the
good people of Ontario promptly op-
ened their homes and hearts to us,
and made us their friends. Speaking
for Mrs.,Cockshutt and my daughters,
as well as for myself, I can truthfully
say that we all count ourselves rich
beyond computation in the many new
and lasting friendships that residence
in Government House has enabled us
to form, and in the host of delightful
recollections associated therewith that
will be a joy and comfort to us as
long as we live,
For the many privileges thus en-
joyed, and for countless kindnesses
received, I shall always consider my-
self very deeply in debt to you and.to
the public you represent. True, in
my own maladroit manner, and with-
in the limitations prescibed by tra-
'dition, I have tried to discharge some
'small portion 'of my obligation 'to you
for these,favours. In accepting the
honours of an office usually associate
' ed in the public mind with duties 'of
a purely formal character, I
permitted myself 'to indulge a
desire to be useful, knowing
that I must fail in any
attempt to be ornamental. All of us,
as we outgrow the acquistiveness of
youth, find our greatest happiness in
being of service to others, and with
me the partieular bent which that zeal
for service has taken has been the
fostering of a better feeling, based
Upon clearer mutual understandings,
among the people of divers classes,
divers occupations, divers races and
divers religions, who comprise this
glorious Province, and in a broader
sense this • mighty Dominion. • It is
not for me to say whether my feeble
efforts in that direction have been
productive of good, but in the fact
that .they have at least' been appree-
iated•I find myself abundantly re-.
' warded for any expenditure of time or
of thought that they have cost me,
Yoii have alluded to the friendly in-
terest which has been manifested. be-,
" tween the Provinces 'of Quebec and
Ontario. The • movement , to draw,
them closer , has ` many admirable
points and it is well -that we 'should
mutually letter good will and felendly
The St. Lawrence route is the: basic
line of communication for 'both ,Pr'o-
vines and to the north of 'this We
have our mineral and timber wealth
besides many great. water powers,
the, early developement. of: whichcan
best be achieved by a co-operative
friendly 'effort. ' Beyond all this' lie`
the great waters of Hudson Bay with
all its, tributaries :and whose -future
wealth and developemneut will be hest
worked• out by provincial co-operation
for the-generalgood of all, .
There is something else also that
lies near the hearts of all of us whioh
needs constant and, careful cultivation.
It is the heritage of race-iwhett"het
'we be French of British let our hearts
reflect the pride we have in our own
Dominion and do all we can to pro-
mote the welfare, education and gen-
eral upbuilding of our national life.
For, Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen,
(,love this 'Country of ours. The wel-
fare and happiness of its people al
that my faith in Canada is your faith,
that the ambitions I cherish for Ont'
ario are thee -some iun'1dtions:.that yod
cherish for her.. If I might make'
bold to hazard 'a surmise, I would -say
that in homes from end to end- of 'this
Province, thanks' to the miracle of
radio, ' there is a vaster audience
whose "Amen" we may also 'safely
for granted. And therein Ties
our hope for ,bigger and better ,things
to come.
For ours is truly a marvelous her-
itage. With an area only slightly
less 'than all of France and- •Gerhiany
combined, with a navigable 'fresh Wat-
er shoreline of 1,100 miles of a salt
water shore line of 650 miles more;
with a soil and a climate admirably
adapted to agriculture pursuits, 'with
forest resources that are the envy of
our biggest industrial competitors,
with a treasure house of mineral
wealth whose proving is already. be-
ginning to stagger the imagination,
with water powers developed and un-
developed that provide 'a perpetual
bulwark for manufacturing, yet with
a population little more than one -for-
tieth that of, the less richly endowed
portion of Europe,' have just referred
to, Ontario surely has within herself
the potentialities of a veritable • Em-
And I am optimist enough to be-
lieve that our children, or at least our
children, will live to see the
day when Ontario will achieve a des-
tiny entitling her to rank as an Em-
pire within an Empire. The founda-
tion for such a developernent has
been well and truly laid by Nature.
In the industry, the enterprise and the
integrity of her people we all have
abiding faith. It only remains for us,
who have received this heritage with
-values enhanced by the ,_labors and
sacrifice of our fathers, to consecrate
ourselves to the task of seeing that
when we pass it on to posterity it will
be still further enriched 'by the con-
tributions we will' have made to its
I take it as a happy augury to be
able to give voice to these sentiments
within the walls of a building that
has witnessed seine of our most sig-
nal triumphs in industry and in art.
Here, front year to year, we celebrate
our progress in manufacture by an
exhibition of specimen products whose
high quality and remarkable diversity
have made this City ' and this Pro-
vince famous. America has seen no
finer display of tine products of field
and animal husbandry than those, that
have been staged beneath this roof
and the whole world has heard 'no
choral music that for interpretation,
techique and volume hasequalled the
performanees given -in this magnific-
ent Coliseum by our own Exhibition
The evidence of what we have done
is the best assurance of what we are
still capable of doing. The heights we
have climbed can be made the step-
Ting;stones to heights still higher.
In various 'branches of agriculture'
and of dairying , we have solved the
prebleni of quantity ,production with
systematic and orderly marketing tp
lay -.'for ourselves- the foundation of
an abounding prosperity.. Our great
North Country, that less than forty
yeaes ago ' was valued only' for its
forests, has been yeilding to the pick
of the prospeetog and the drill of the
miner such secret hoards of gold, sit-
ver 'and other precious metals' that alp
ready we are ,justified .ima;.rating it
among the very foremost of our aS;
sets, 'even though its surface has been
no more than scratched. In the de-
vclopement and distribution of elect-
tical energy we have made phenomen-'
el 'progress, 'yet there again the a-
chievements to • date are as nothing
compared with the ultimate potential'-
iSles of our numero,u5 and 'strategic-
ally located water powers. .
].Meanwhile; With the onward march
in these and other base, industries
-our manufecturer,•s are keeping pace,
in many instances overcoming the
handicaps df' a limited domestic mar -
'cot by assiduously cultivating the ex-
port field. In the matter of channels
of coinhnunication, including railways,
waterways, highways, 'yes and sir:
ways, we ,possess an' .equipment and
enjoy a service that no state of Sunil-.
arty sparse population;ca.hsurpass,
and that few stares with far greater
density of population can equal.
Nor have we -lagged behind it
things less material. - Our Colleges
and our universities rank among the
foremost on this Continent. Among
I o etftoteney In medheal iese4iih`.
we Maya cittt' c to the 4ttonttgnr,of
the whale world. rIn literature, m art,l
in mu§i ; 3n gPeh teeture, Cad In en
guteesmpg'we ha'v'e aehmeyedmreal this
binotnoai hlmY sbcral
Service work ,•gf,
;every kindwe aie' well prgant{and
our coni,ributiont"ha'de been generous:,
And underlying: it all we ;have neve)
negleetea,+to nurturer those leiigmous
beliefs°and to m pi:'•aetase rthose mroaal
precepts;'that are',the guiding stat to
all`real greatness:+
Tit this oonneetio'q I desire to offer.
a tribute ' oi:' sineera ep ireciatic)n ';;to
the wth en of Ontario, lPu'ring. niY
fincum'liency of office I, have been. af-
orded; oPp .P ortiinitie such''as I. never
had before for learnmg .about and for
observing their manifold activities in
works Fief 'Charity "and mercy, 'and' I
wlsii `to say that it Was little sher-L
a revel'atio'n to pie to find them:,en-r
gaged in such ':numbers, with such
zeal, and, to such' geed : pu'poSe , in
practically 'ever
form o£ soeial bet-
torment:When firtgthis
activiity, iii its. 'true perspective in. Tor,
Mite -I' almost committed' the unpar-
doneble'`faux:pes" of citing.the To -
onto, women as leaders whose exam
silo the • womiien: "in ,other places
might, well, follow. ' But 'I was' not
l'ong in discovering that.what'appeal-
ed'to'ine as so:splendid in the women
of Toronto was ;characteristic of the
women in a'll,,parts of this Province:
Everywhere they are assuming the,
,of., ministering to the poor and'
needyi-.'ito;bite' eiek and suffering, with.
glad leai;ts' and; smiling" faces, and:
saying so little "about' it •• as to leave -
most of us men ' in -ignorance -of, the
factthat we are entertaining angels
unawares. I can only ,say, 'from the
lull -Jess -of a heart that hasbeen deep
ly'1ouched,, that I honour. them for it,
and pray that in the daughters who
will succeed them 'Ontario will be
equally: blessed. '
Mr. Chairman, . once more let me
most sincerely thank you, and through
you. all the Committees and everyone
individually who has borne a part in
the carrying out of this magnificent
banquet. • From . the bottom of my
heart I thank them one and all and
as a •last word to them, and to the peo-
ple of Ontario; let me "give you this
message, Fellow -Canadians. Respect
the franchise, love God, and, honour
the Icing.
While Jack Miner . is well. known
for his interest in the breeding and
conservation of wild fowl, compara-
tively few know of a remarkable farm
almost in the suburbs of Toronto
where all varieties of wild geese' and
other water fowl are being bred, This
interesting place forms the subject of
one of the articles in the newly pub-
lished February issueeof Rod and Gun
and Canadian Silver Fox News, iii
which George Hebden Corsan, 'Sr„.
tells how he raises the wild geese on
his farm at Islington. The artiste is
well illustrated.
The contents of the issue include
many fine stories of hunting and fish-
ing. The regular departments relat-
ing to angling, guns and ammunition
and the outdoors, contain a great deal
of good information on their particu-
lar subjects.
Within the cover of this issue, is
included Number 2 of Canadian Sil-
ver Fox News which justifies the
promise shown in the first appear-
ance. Some important phases of fox
farming are dealt with in time many
Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver
Fox News is published monthly by W.
,T. Taylor Limited, Woodstock, On-
ways has .been and always will -'be our hospitals we have 'several' that
very dear to 'me. You who know pie' are acknoivleclgecl to be the last word
Small Scr1131bling 1'adi
Size 3x41A iinclhes. 15c pound
The -News-Record
(fVien $2,500 ,>y^
efous Dp'aer
(I+'iQln Sari.' Fran oiseo$Eilaininer)
L an 1 e cot
LOS ANG); E"y, J 6G g
'f'oung, •17 -year old Canadian swim
mer of. Toronto, Canada; who '''came
overland toCalifernia•on a ba€tered
motorcycle to enterthe.Wrigley,pbeau
marathon -early today,,conquered, the'
chilly `waters: 'o£ Catalia channel in
1,5 •hours, 44" n mwtes and $8 speonds
"o 'the . 5000-`atsc' £ ed •
andwn 2, _P.. T.. b,
William W'ridley Tr.
lu "ed' in o the` c ai `el Young' P,,.ng t h, an
waters. at the :Catalma';`isthh wS
urday;.at' 11:24 ann,:With" a Zeikel;
'102 contestants and., stood • bp' the
v of t .Vince te,
`wave=lashed iYeach all• P n t n
'under the flasiriP g beacon of the light:
bowie at eight',, minutes 'and thirty=.
ei lht' seconds after "'S "o'clock: this
Yonne is "Only Entry finish! .,
as .t e"onl one to finish the
-',1:10 was h .h
gruelling `task'""•although Margaret C.
'Hanger of, Long Beach, ..and : -Martha
Stager of Portland, Or., two of the
hardiest women 'contestants, staged
a plucky. battle .with the wave's"only
to be taken from ithe water .at,.6:50
i\l'iss Hauser was a scant mile off
the breakwater -when she was forced
into a boat; while 'Miss Stager 'was
better than a. mile and a half behind
lowers of the Man of Galilee, hut re.
member ever how he used these occa,.
cions they need, not fear to indulge in
Social. joys, •.
oXulnri Prepared Especially tox. Women
Out Not oebiddep'to Men
,Out of the twilight of the'past
We Move to adiviner li ht•-
4v gi
,For nothings that is wing can 'apt
IVothnng's unmetttal`.but the:'rlght.
Clara Belle,aEarret, school teacher
of: Pelham, :N:.Y., ,a favorite among
the feminine' entries for the $15,000
prize in the women's class, succumbed
to the bitter cold at 1:11 ann. and re
tired, having covered approximately
thirteen miles.
'Norman Ross, dubbed the' "big
moose," an entry from Chicago, who
also' was a favored contender when
the starting gun' was fired, ',.was
forced to take to his boat at 2:40 a.m.,
with eighteen to nineteen miles of the
twenty -two-mile stretch behind 'him.
Prizes of $2,500 Each to Two Women
In hppreciation of -..the valient at-
tempts of , Miss Hauser and Miss
Stager, who were forced to abandon
their' efforts within 'striking distance
of the goal, Wrigley announced he
would present each with checks for
$2,500. Presentation of the cheeks to'
the women, as well as that to 'Young,
will be made at a 'Hollywood theatre
Tuesday evening.
Although they -numbered among
their successful efforts the swimming
of the English channel in 1923,
Charles Toth of Boston and Henry
F. Sullivan of Lowell, Mass., fought
a losing battle with the 'Catalina
chamael'and 'both retired, Toth made
approximately nine miles, while Sul-
livan covered upwardof thirteen, ac-
cording -to observers,
When Young was 'brought back to
the 'California Yacht 'Club after his
successful finish he was in high spir-
its. Attending physicians said he
would suffer no ill effects from the
efforts.' Be was recuperating tonight
at the Seaside Hospital in Long Beach
under strict orders to see no one, He
is in good physical condition, attend-
ants said.
Watchers Take Up Hunt for
A 'bundle of old newspapers may
not seem provocative of thought, but
the arrival of a half-dozen issues
from 1850 on the editorial desk start-
ed reflections on the contrast between
Canada of that day and of .1927. in
transportation alone, Copies of The
Globe and of The Brantford Herald
of more than seventy-six years ago
seem to belong to another era and an-
other land, were it not for the perpe-
tuation of names.
There was not a steam railway in
Upper. Canada at that day, A rail-
way operated with horses, had ,been
running from Queenston- to Chippewa,
making a 'porteg'e, around Niagara
:Falls; since 1839, but it was not
changed to Steam until 1854. The first
'Canadian radivay, Pram L aprairie to
.St. johns,-, in :Lower Canada, was
opened• nl 7836, -and ten yedrs later
another• Was begun from Montreal to
Lachine, affording a portage around
Lachine Rapids: .
Tfines'have ehangedl Yes; and, I
firmly -believe 'fen the bet er-1 too. fm.
t ,
not oneaf°tiosewo believe that
world is g'g ettin worse, •People are
learpin'g.•sometlmiuig, as the years slur:.,
by.:- Not mle'ar ing ;<so fast:: that it lunch the water in.the ':pan might be
u. still ,;used to, 'wash- the dishes, perhaps, but
nialces�•-'them; dizzy, 1teXhaps, but
this is an idea of'•my owni'the,pupi s
leirning+ a few things each decade,
atiywa�• ,. ,.
imeed' not act on' ib unless they like,
:One of. the proofs." of advancing
s o led e h'c i,m, • i •: o i e.ars-,
s '>
]nw wlh on gv
g g 8
t. r-
an.;allustra ren ,lust iiow is that a ce This-is.,an age :of youth. .,:'This was
after her dinner today, piaeiug. in a
Sar ;and sealing up , against the a'1,
ready for ;•the morning. All that'would
-be required at the; school would he a
fiat bottomed pan.,,: large enough to
hold -the variona;,jars, a cover for
vi eioptional,"a oar in h
b ng' boardmight be
laced over to' r heating'
and a , P couple of shingles, a iece' of
asbestos oe' , something to keep -the
jars off the bottom of the San. After
tarn school out in Goderich township ,broughlt home to me as I sat, an in-,
ited..guest,at', a birthday 'banquet
v b
givept y an organized class of a local
Sppday 'school to one of ••thieitl mem-
bers, in the kitchen of the church, the
other evening,
Itwas ag Prou_ayoung girls and
Y. oun
its I. glanced `down that table, .lined
on either side by' happy -faced,
' care-
free girls, thought .e. hat pleasant
has taker' toproviding hot lunches for
the children Hot lunches, mind -you,
,When diose , f.
and. grandfathers -'were veryglad to
have a cold- • one and.' made no com-
plaint, about its, quality, So long as
it was ample in quantity. But here
these girls And news, the pets of for --
tune,. (so, -tie cloulit, many of the 'older
generations`;weuld think, could they.
see them), , sit tip in the little red
school and. eat hat _lunches at noon
every day.
It is not vem'y'etpensive 'plan 'they
lave`of providing these, but it is said
to be very satisfaetoey. Each child
or family of children bring along the
material to be heated in a sealer, a
larger or smaller one, according to -
the number to be served, end at the
morning recess these are placed in a
pan of cold• water and put on the
stove to heat. By noon -the water has
heated up about• them and 'the con-
tents are piping holt. The jars are
removed and the children proceed to
After the excitement of greeting
the victorious. swimmer had some-
what subsided, the all-night watch-
ers turned their iittentions to the re-
niaining :women swimmers. Back in
the murky.fog Miss Hauser and Miss
Stager were battling the waves. For
several hours they were not heard
from, and then as daylight began to
creep over the coast line the news
was flashed drat' they were forced
out of the water.
Ethel Mettle was listed among the
fastest swimmers in the race.
Another stubborn bid for 'fame and
fortune was accredited to Pete Meyer
of Cincinnati, Ohio, who was forced
out shortly after - 4 o'clock Sunday
morning' when but a mile and one-half
from the mainland.
Another . Santa :Catalina Island
channel swim but for women only is
being arranged by William Wrigley
Elated over the success of the 're-
cent; marathon which was won by
George Young, a mere boy, . -Wrigley's
Associates let' it be' known that 'the
gum king 'will repeat the _ stunt in
September 'and encourage the en-
trance of Gertrude,Ederie, Mrs. Milly
Corson and 'other fatuous feminine
While the detailsare still, hazy it
is, expected that lTx. Wrigley will set
aside $25,000'as •a purse with special
awards Ito entrants:who in failure 'to
be first to,•conipelte the swim will be
rewarded -for valorous , and distin-
guished attempts..
Mn, Wrigley believes; that the wo-
men are entitled to more lenient con-
,ditions 'than those which prevailed
Saturday. Especiallyanxious is he
to havewarmer weather conditions
and restrict :entries ' throughqualify-
ing tests which would eliminate those
without training, endurance or other
necessary qualifications to eater such
a nerve-wraciciing contest.
No announcement of the marathon'
will be forthcoming until the plans of
his 'business . associates have been
completed and presented.
The advertisements; in these 1850
newspapers announce _ stage coaches
front Toronto ,to, Holland .Landing,
arid steamship services on Lake Sim-
coe to On.illia; : on ,the Grand River
from 'Ca'yuga to Lake Erie and thence
to Buffalo, on Lake' Ontario between
Toronto and 'Belleville, Kingston, Os-
wego, Niagara` and Hamilton. . It is
significant -that. an earlier steamer,
City of Toronto, then ran between
Tofonto and Kingston, as a later and
larger one 'of the same name operates
The air was then full ofrailway
talk, and by 1860 there were 2,065
miles of line in; the various Provinces.
TheNorthern, from Toronto to Allen-
dale, was opened in 1853; 'the Great;
Western, from `Suspension Bridge to
Windsor, in 1854, and from Toronto
to Hamilton in 1856;
The Crimean War and the reciproc-
ity treaty with the United States had,
brought great prosperity, and the tre-
mendous boom for the next decade
resulted in revolutionized •traimsporta-
tinn, The present generation lived
through another era of the same kind
in the first few years of the present
century in the developing of the North
and West.—Toronto Globe.
anemories• were being stored up in
their minds to be recalled in later•
years. when their number shall be
scattered, each filling her place in the
world and facing the sterner realities
ef life. It was a real banquet, "A
feast of good thing's," which their
mothers and their teacher, (who doves
to see her flock happy), had 'not
thought it too much trouble to provide
and prepare, and whicl? the girls
themselves served and -so thoroughly
enjoyed. They laughed and joked
'and told stories; their paper napkins.
slipped, to the floor and they had to
scramble after them, or• do without
have their hot soup, meat and vege- them. But they had a thoroughly
tables, stew; baked beans, or whatever good time and it was all such inmao-
their_mothers 'have provided for their cent fun,, the memory of which will
last long beyond• that of some seem-
ingly -more important events, making
a sweet, loving _memory of happy
"But," someone may Ask, "Isn't a
Sunday school class formed for the
purpose of learning the Bible and re-
ligious thoings? Why should it 'be
necessary to meet to feast?" Seems
to ane we have the 'best of authority
for these pleasant social gatherings.
Did not the Great Master join them
and enjoy .them when on earth?
Around the social board are often
this is much easier, as she can often formed friendships which mould char -
prepare a lunch for the next day right actor and shape destinies. If the fol-
lunch'. The plan is said to 'be working
out well. The children 'all fell
with It very readily and the mothers
are no doubt glad to know that their
children are enjoying that hot "lunch,
which they felt unabletoprovide for
them otherwise. It is 'a simple plan
and` any school might adopt it. One
mother in discussing -it said, it was
so simple that it was 'a wonder some-
body hadn't thought of it before. She
had been trying to send something
hot in a thermos jar; which she had
manufactured for that purpose, but
It is bard to;acoount for the tastes
of woii'len. , Lady ' Byngr .1',44 of;lthe'
fernier Governor-General 'of Canada,:.
who ,returned :' to 'England a ley
Months ago, has sent back 'here -:for
somefrogs eggs, which- she will have
hatched out and placed in ponds; on
her estate so that she may have the
pleasude of hearing their coneert'.aa
the, slimmer bvenings.
-The: Khan, who
Ih � to''of
homely, simple things,' Wrote of "The
Bullfrog" ithusi
�TheY may talk othe hind"with
plumage;i blue,
with The <bit bird the bosom. red;
They heraldthe sPtin
g m.thhe
son theysin
g ... g
Aid( tell ale old inter is dead;
But Iet on the bird without b b irfealth
ers on:
The safestoh
ro a :'
'P P is he,
When ' he`,sou s Iter -iron c1- {
g 1 Ie.
dunk l -Icer -dunk!'
)own`in the Marshy b
The, one thing ;the writer likes
about the ,Sd*a 'of the bullfrog • is that
it ineiins the.spring lies come;
$600 Contest
You may wince much as $100.00
or one of the twenty other cash,
prices by making up a list of
words from the twelve letters in
There is aNyelDruggStore in your
locality. It off era an the famous
Nyal • Preparations--NYAL
CREOPHOS, the valuable tonic,
builder and remedy for persistent
coughs, among them.
Just ask theNyal druggist for the
Word Contest sheets, which ex-
plain everything. No necessity to
buy. Get your entry in early by
going to the
"Once'a trial-.
always Nyul" 7
Report of hog shipments for week
eliding Jan.- 20, 1927:
Londesboro—'Total:; hogs, 85 select
bacon, 44;. thick smooth, 41,
BBrucefield—Total' hogs, 63; select
bacon, 17;; thick smooth, 17; heavies,'
18; extra heavies, 7; shop liege, 3,
Huron County—Total hogs, 1,608.,:.
select bacon, 503; thick smooth 867;
heavies, 122; extra,likevies, 12; shop
hogs, 59; lights and feeders, 12.
Have you noticed how everything
else just fades into obscurity when
the spotlight is focussed on the lead-
ing lady or 'leading man on the stage?
Andhowvividly every detail shown
by the spotlight remains in your
memory? •
Many a business man can draw an
object lesson from tihis. Is your busi-
ness, for- instance, in the public eye?
Do you regularly . throw the "spot-
light", of ADVERTTISING on your
The Clinton News -Record
i in
Will ,enable you to tell the story 'of •
your business in 1,200 homes in this
town and district. 'ADVERTISING
breeds confidence.. Buyers go natur-
ally ito the store' or 'business that is
"in the limelight."
"An Advertisement is an Invitation"