HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-01-27, Page 5i lync�n- Ne
(Of interest to You
and 'Me
(George Young of'Toronto wi11 pot
-reel like sneering at• the American
habitof gum -chewing in future.
"The meanest man," says an ,ex
;change, "is the. one who will; lie cold.
and fake a snore so that his wife will
get up for the extra quilt."
,This cold: snap is probably the one
we were promised a -week or two ago,
which• did . not arrive: • It seems to
have 'been sitting down • somewhere
:gathering strength for the onslaught.
'A teal touch 'ef'Winter -struck, us
T ueeday" night• and: the thermometer
Tonged •along, from11,2:to •24 below,'
'aced ding'•to..the one eonsu'bted, yes
•teiday- rnOreing -•It was • ,:dear and'
cold yesterdayz with the einphasis'on
'the•eoid, arid" there's'notmuch Change
this"morning. '
• ?We'-lrate to;:•be disagreeable`.bitt v.e'
'cannot -help' noting •the fact than ;a.
•terrible frost struck us the bight 3r'.
gomtrany, of iGoderich.;:lieople carne
-down: fb give us -an entertaimnent.
Happily the visitors from -the"county
:town werek�of met by a "frost." 'They
•were :greete-a with ,a good :house and:
a...warin reception.' s
A Washington meteorologist pre
diets a• "no summer" year for 1927,
r_i_ivitki grave ,:dangerl:to the harvests ;of
the world. We have heard these pre-
dictions: ibefore,'and have more Which 'in an older prophecy than this which
says that "while the earth''emaineth,
seed -tune and harvest, simimer and
.' winter shall not fail," ---Toronto Globe
The 1 annual Vestry . Meeting of
Trinity church was held on Thursday,
.Jan. 20th. 'The meeting opened with
prayer by the rector.,, The minutes of
-the previous meeting were read and
confirmed. 'Wan,. Scotchiner was el-
ected delegate •to: Snod` and Wm.
Stinson as substitute. The reports of
the Sunday school and Junior and.
Senior Guilds were presented and ac-.
-cepted.,- The financial reportof the
• committee: in charge of alterations
was presented, showing a substantial
• balance, which is to'be used for future
repairs. Mr. Wm. Elliott -was ap-
pointed rector's, warden,,: and Wm.
Seotchmer people's warden. Mr. Rus-
sell Heard was elected treasurer: The
select vestry, F. A, Edwards, G.
Greenslade, • Russell 'Heard, D. Me -
Naughton, -Wm. IStiirsoi,. J. Tippet.
Sidesmen L. Elliott, Win. Elliott, R.
Heard, Wnr. Heard-, D. McNaughton,
J. Tippet. Votes of ,thanks were
giventto Mrs. ]:Erode for Supplying the
flowers for the church and to Mrs. J.
PT. McLeod4or her faithful services
as people's warden and treasurer for
the past seven years.
Miss Helen .Gerrie gave the pupils
of her morn a treat on Saturday last
- when she took then for a sleigh ride
and to the theatre in Clinton. After
the return drive supper was served
at the Lakeview Hotel. The pupil
all enjoyed the outing very much.
Miss Thelma Ritz of Stratford -was
home for the week -end.
Dr. Newton -Brady is stow using a
snowmobile which Walter Westlake
built for him.
Same' .of the villagers are busy
making.. an open air' skating rink on
-the square. , This will add much' to
the enjoyment of those who skate.
On December 26th Mrs." Cameron
fell and:fractured her hips • She ^was
removed to Clinton I•I'ospital and at
first she seemed to be recovering, but
complications set in and early Friday
morning she passed from this life.
Wits Cameron „was 'a noble woman
of quiet, -cheery ,and patient disposi-
tion, and Was beloved by ail who knew
her. 7,wo sonspredeceased her some
years ago and her.husband two Years
ago,, A daughter and three sons sur-
vive: Miss Grace R. Cameron and
John R. ,Cameron at home and James
A: Cameron and -Gordon R. S. Cam-
eron of Toronto;
'Beautiful floral tributes were sent, AUBURN.
a large wreath from The Detroit Free
Press, a large spray from the King • •Mi. Earl ^ lM eKnight" and HowardEdward';'Sehool;Toronto,, _(where Mi, Adams returned hone. last week from
J. A. Cameron is assistarirtinaster) ; a sailing, •
basket of rosesiifrom Miss and* -Mrs oar. Reg.;Hamilton has returned
•Grainger, Clintfin; a •spray-, df carnes• ,fretn Toronto, where he 'has been em�'
tions frdin •Mrs. David Dewar ''and'a-
wreath from the Cameron family. The
pallbearers were -her two'sons John
R. Carneroa,,apd Gordon-° R S Cam-
eron,„ and two nephews,, D. Galbraith
and A Galbraith: z
lialir, predeceased his 'father- some
years ago, • two sisters% and four
brothels, Andrew of Bayfield, George
and John ef' Fairdale, North Dakota,
Peter of Osnobrook, North Dakota,
Mrs. McDonald, "Windsor, and Mrs.
Morgan of. Goderich. This, is the
third death in the family' within a
few months:
The pallbearers -Were James Switz-
.er, Murdock Ross, Henry. Darrow,
Henry- Weston and Rolit: Parsons.
The sympathy of the community is
extended. to .all the mourners, at this
Miss `Grace - .Q heroin had received
word '•last -week that Mrs.' Cameron's
brother, Donald Morrison, had died' at
Tiverton ori January- the 'eeventeenth
at the age of'ninetyAne Years.
The ,following' take frons the Es-
canaba"Press refers. to her song who
has been away' Vont Bayfield for a
•number" of years: '
. "Norman ,M. Cameron, age about
40 years, circulation manage-•' in the
upper peninsula for the Detroit Free
Press, was found dead in his bed at
the Ludington •:hotel, bhortly before
noon yesterday. Mr. Cameron wos ill
when he arrived at the Hotel on Mon-
day, afternoon and it is believed that
he suffered from an affection of the
heart that resulted in his death. Im-
mediately after his death had leen
discovered, Dr. George•C. Bartley,
coroner, was -called and the body re-
moved to the Allo Funeral Home,
where a,post mortem examination to
discover "the cause of death, was con-
ducted at S, o'clock last night.
tiloyed for the oast six,weese.
Miss Verna Rutledge, who hasbeen
Visiting in Toronto, returned home
Friday last. • '
The Women's Institute held their,
regular monthly meeting at the home
of Mrs. Earl Raithby on Tuesday"
afternoon -this • week. .There :was a'
good attendance.
There will be a carnival held in
Au'buin at Carter's skating, rink on.
iFeb•'4th, under the auspices of the
Anglican church. ,
Mrs, Harper of ICabourg is,yisiting
.her daughter, Mrs. W. R. 'Alp, for a
few wekes,
Mr. and'Mrs. O. E. Erratt were vis-
-tors-in Clinton one ,day Ibhis Week.
•''The, men in the vi'lage are busy this
week putting in their,. sunny of' Inc.
They report the ice, to be about 14
inches thick and of good quality. They
are getting it out of the river.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Icing of Goder-
ich are visiting with,. their son,.Russel
of Auburn.
Mr. Gameron arrived:--iu the` city
early Monday afternoon and went
directly to the hotel *Imre : he regis-
tered and told the clerk in charge of
the desk that he had been ill and that
his physician had ordered him to' eat
lightly. - He did• not leave his room
during the, afternoon and early in -the
evening asked that some ice creain he
sent to his bed. He did not call again
during the night but.. he was heard
moving about his room libtween
seven and eight o'clock yesterday
morning. Shortly before noon the
chambermaid assigned' to that floor,
tried Mr. Cameron's door and found Berths'
it to be unlocked. On entering the'
room he was found lying in the bed
and his appearanee ,at once attracted
the 'attention of the girl. James
Christie, proprietor 'of the hotel, was
notified at once and a physician was
summoned. When an examination
was made it was found that the body
was still warm, indicating that death
had cone but a short time before.
' Mr, and Mrs..Marriott of Bateman,
Sark.,visited the hone of their cous-
ins, Mr: and Mrs. Joseph -Yungblutt,
Constance,,and also with Mr. Fred
Yu'ngblutt, the Base -line, for several
days this week. -
'On account of the reads being. tun
fit for motor %raffle, I have; changed
the hours at my Clinton studio.
'a.m. to 2
All wanting photos taken, please
coinf in above hours andi oblige
ess Portrait;Sptudio
Marriages -
Andrew's Methodist Episcopal
church, New York -City, on January
18th, by Rev, Dr. Bennett, Edna M.
Pridhani, M.A., daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Pridham, of Goderich, to
Mr.. Emil Hoglund of New Fork
The annual meeting of the Bayfield
Agricultural -Society was • held 'ori
Wednesday afternoon last, January
19th, in the town hall. , There was a
fair attendance and it Was an inter-
esting meeting. •It is really too bad
that somany members neglect this'
.as they should give it more .attention
and it Would show that they want to
help the S'ociety,' It is by suggestions
and discussions that - improvements
are brought about.:Hayfield Agricul-
tural ,Society Directors have reason,
to feel proud of their record. The ;ex-
liibit last yer was exceptionally
good. The balanee on hand is over
$500. We believe there are few•so-
.cieties even of, larger places that
'show as good a" balanee. The officers
and directors for 1927 are as follows:
President: John McClure; lst vice:
W. J. Stinson; 2nd vieet W. H..Tlbot;
Secretary A. E. Erwin; Treasurer:
-IP. A. Edwards; Directors: J. W. Reid,
'Samuel Houston, Ed. Foster, • John
Rathwell, Thomas Snowden, Fred
Middleton, T. M. Wlobds, Wni, Stew-
tewart, William .Sparks, J. A: Ferguson,
'Robt. TVlurral,.Robert Penhale, Mrs. J.
'W. Reid, Mrs. F. A. Seeds.
An unusually_ sad funeral took
place: on (Sunday „afternobn from
'Trinity church when two members • of
one family were laid to rest, the' late
Mrs. Thomas Cameron and her Son,
'Norman, M. Cameron. The rector,
Rev. F. JI, Paull, had charge of; the
service and gave a short address, tak-
ing his text from the 'Proverbs of
Mr. Cameron had been engaged as
upper peninsula circulation manager
for the Detroit . Free -Press for the -
past 'two years and made his head-
quarters at ,the Brunswick Hotel, at
Marquette. He made frequent trips
to Ecanaba and was known to a num-
ber of people in this city."
Mr. Cameron's most intimate friend
for fifteen years, Mr. D. A. Rowan,
accompanied the remains home. Beau-
tiful "large floral, wreaths were sent
from The Ecanaba Boys, the'Detroit
Free Press, a beautiful spray from
Mr. D. A. Rowan and a wreath from
the" family, - The pallbearers Were D.
A. Rowan, E. Weston, J. McLeod, C.
Pollock, G. Castle and 0. Toms.':,
Interment Was made in Hayfield
Cemetery. The family wish to thank
their friends for kindness shown
them during their sad trouble.
`Mv. D. A. Rowan returned to(De-
troit'on Monday morning, accompan-
ied•:by Mr. Janes A. Cameron, who in-
tended .to spend Monday in ,Detroit.
Mr, Gordon -Cameron" returned, to
Toronto'on Monday, afternoon.
Real Irish Linen Store
s. CLINTON, Phone 17
SIZES -To meet every requirement,''
PRICES --To meet every purse,
Our Patrons' are always satisfied. and
come again for
• 200 lSeeh '
25c Packet
Women's Exchange
Hours 10''a.m. to 6 pan.
Saturdays -10 ane. to 10 p.m.
batt ,Pt With lkweri
_-• Choice Cut Flowers, Wedding, ;
Bouquets, Floral Work, -etc.
on short notice.
Phone 66 Box 185
Rug: For Sale,
Medium sired Wilton rug. inquire
at The -News -Record office. 94=1
Reducing. Rates
The IVlcKi11op Fire insurance Com-
pany, having accumulated the neces-
sary surplus,. and a certain amount
over, is reducing its rate for 1927.
' Demand' and prices are Much bet-
ter. It is+advisable to cull out all old
and non -Profitable hsps now and take-
advantage •af to good market.
Always in, the market for New
Laid Egg's and all kinds of Posituyr.
N-. ' V,�Trewartha
Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w
For Sale
Six h.p, gasoline engine, recently
remodelled, also Massey -Harris cream
separator, good as new. These articles
may be inspected at the Massey-I-1er-
ris shop. F. Jenkins. 94-2-p
For Sale
20 choice Little pigs, -.bacon type, 6
weeks old. John Mar, Maitland con.,
Goderich township, Phone 32-640.
SPACEMAN -In (Stanley township,
on Jan. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Spacicis lin, a daughter,
HOLMSTEAD-At Seaforth, on Jan -
25th, Francis Holnrstead, K.C.,
his 84th year.
CAMERON -In Clinton Public Hos-
, pital, on Jan. 21st, Isabella Morri-
son widow of the late Thomas Cam-
eron of Bayfield, aged 81 years.,
CAMERON -At Escanalba, Mich., on
Jan. lath, Norman M. Cameron, son
of the Late Thomas Cameron of
Bayfield, in his 451th year.
JOIJNSTON-At Hayfield, on Jan.
23rd, Ellen Greer:, wife of Mr.
Robert Johnston, aged 72 years and
10 months.
McMUILRA.Y-In' Toronto, on Jan.
15th, Mrs. Margaret McMurray,.
mother of A. J. McMurray of iar-
riston, formerly of Clinton. •
W;ASMAN - In Stratford, on Jan.
20th, Henry Wessman, brother of J.,
F. Wastnan of 'Clinton, in his 71st
There passed away suddenly early
Sunday morning, January 23rd, Elle -n.
Greer, beloved wife of Robert John-
ston. Deceased had been in poor
health.for some years but able to at-
tend to household duties until about
a week before her death. She was the
daughter of John and Laura Greer
and was born in N3:'owiek township,
near Gerrie, March 11th, 1854, and
was the first .white child horn in that
section. •
She has 'lived fifty years in this
neighborhood •and was married to
Robert Johnston- forty-six years ago.'
Besides. her husband she leaves to.
mourn their loss an adopted son, Wm.,
Johnston of Varha, three, sisters and,
two brothers: Mrs. - C. Thompeen,
Chatham; Mrs W.'E,-Johnston, Lang-
don, North Dkota; Mrs;riThomas Ellis,
Detroit, Mich., and Joseph and Robert
Greer of' Stanley township.
-The funeral was held on Tuesday,
afternoon from St, Anjdrew's: United
'Solomon, Chap. 3:1 -3, -.."But the souls -church, Rev. I•I F.'Kennedy ronducted
COLCLOUGII-In Clinton, on Jan.
' 25th, Phoebe Ford, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Colclough of
'Varna in her 20th year.
Cow For Sale
• A choice Durham and Jersey strain
cow, a good creamer and quiet in
every -way, Apply on premises, coy -
tier of North, and Spencer streets to
T. H. Leppington. 94-2
Nediger's Garage
Overhauled and Repaired
Charged, . Stored for winter menthe
and'Repaired. "
Ground and HIoned.
Ou't'fits installed
Gasoline -Oils -Accessories
W. J. Nediger, Prop.
Now is a good tine to have that
broken, or out -of date piece-inade'up-
to-date, and a useful member of ;the
furniture family for a moderate qut-
lay. , Forty lints : of covering to
choose from. $1.00 per yard and up.
Shop opp. Ontario St. Church Sheds
Clinton Phone 95
Auction Sale °
Of Farm Stock, Hay and Seed Oats.
1th. Gustave Bisback has instructed
the undersigned auctioneer Io sell by
public auction Ili mile west of Clinton
on Bayfield Road on Sat rday, Jan-
uary 29th, at 1:30 sharp, the follow-
ing: Black Belgian horse, rising 6
years, 1,600 lbs.; heavy draft mare in
foal to Murdock's horse, rising G
years, 1,750 lbs. Cattle -Reg. Here-
ford heifer, 2 years old, due to fresh-
en May 28; Reg. Hereford heifer, 3
years old, due to freshen Sept. 25;
Reg. Hereford bull, 2 years old; Dur-
ham grade cow, 5 years old, due to
freshen Feb, 28; Durham grade cow,
G'years old, due to freshen April 26;
Durham grade cow, 6 years old, milk-
ing good, bred six weeks; Polled
Angus cow, '7 years, due Feb.
15th; 21 Durham' grade heifers, 'ris-
ing 2 years old; calf 4 weeks. 12
]rens, r year old; 12 pullets. 120 feet
hay fork rope. About 12 tons of
good hay, 350 bushels good clean
seed oats. No outside stock and
everything advertised will be sold.
Terms: 8 months credit will be given
on furnishing bankable paper or a
discount of 6 per cent. per annum al-
lowed for cash. Gustave 'Bisback,
Proprietor. Geo,Elliott, Auction93-r2,
House for Sale, or Rent '
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements at
Lot 22, Bayfield line, five utiles south-
west of Clinton, on' Thursday, Feb.
3rd, commencing at 1:30 p.m., the
following: Agricultural team of
matched bay fillies, rising 4 years;
black cow due to freshen March 2nd;
black heifer rising 3 years, duet to
freshen March 15th; Durham cow, ris-
ing 8 years, due Ito freshen April
22nd; Durham cow, 4 -year-old, fresh-
ened one week; 4 yearlings; 1 young
calf; 4 young Yorkshire sows, due to
profit the last of April; 1GTassey-
Harris binder, 6 -ft.• cut; Massey -Har-
ris mower; Massey -Harris steel rake;
Noxen 11 -hoe drill with grass seeder
attachment; steel roller; • Frost and
Wood `cultivatoir; set harrows; wagon
and hay rack; sleigh and gravel box;
set of double harness; walking plow
and fanning mill.. About 50 bus. of
Marquis Spring Wheat. About 30
Ina: of White Tartar seed oatsand
some Rural,New Yorker potatoes. A
.quantity of cedar posts, some house-
hold effects and other articles too
numerous to mention. 'Terms of sale:
All minis of 510 and under, cash, over
that amount, 9 months' credit on ap-
proved joint bankable notes, or a dis-
count of 4 per cent. straight, off for
cash -on-credit amounts,,, Adam: Steep,
Proprietor. Geo. II Elliott, Auction-
Notice of Appliction to Parliament,
NOTICE is hereby given that Ap-
plication will be made to the Legisla-
tive Assembly, of the Province of On-
tario at its next session foe: an Act
toannuli the Incorporation of the Vil-
lage of •Hayfield and to annex to the
Townships of Stanley and Goderich
respectively the portions of the said
Village which prior to the Incorpora-
tion of the -said Village were •portions
of the said Townships respectively,
and for erecting .portions of the lands
comprised within the said Village into
a Police "Village.
Dated this 25th day of January,
,A.D'.1927. ,
94-6 Solicitqr for the Applicants.
of the righteous are in the hands of
God, and there shall no torment touch
therm: In the sight of theunwise
they seem to die: and their departure
is, taken for °misery and their going
from us to be utter destruction but.
'they are inpeace," which- were the
-words of the anthem 'sung by the
great :choir of. 'Westminster Abbey
when the Unknown ,Soldier was 'laid
-to rest. there.'. He stressed the ,fact
that .we should not mourn for -those
who die but rather for -those who'are
Mrs. Cameron, whose maiden MOM
was Isabella Morrison, was in her
eighty-first year. She cameto'?Can-
ada from Scotland, when about twelv
the service, taking for his text-Thess:
based on immortality. The pallbear-
ers .were nephews;'' John Howard, -
John Greer, Norrnair• Greer, John Par-
ker and E. A. Featherston. Mrs. T.
Ellis of Detroit and ,Mrs. C. Thomp-
son of Chtham were here to attend
their sister's funeral.
The floral tributes were beattiful.
Mr„ Johnston ,thanks his ]ieighbors,
and friends for the kindness shown
him iii his bereave?ibent. •
The death took Place in London'
'late Sunday night of a former highly',
respected 'resident of Goderich town-
ship, ^Charles 'McGregor, in" his sev
fierily -eighth year, The remains were
ears: of age, with her' parents, who brought to, the home of his brsbher,
ettled in Bruce county', about"ithree A -drew' MCGrego, on. Tuesday and
like from. '' Tiverton. There; she -the funeral took place on Wednesday
McGregor and
a r ,house. Mrs MoG
n to itis .hos s `e
',her he
girlhood and a frbm g
teen g
pent a couple of yeart with her sus Mr.and Mss Alfred McGregor. of Pe-
er, 'Mrs.
e-er,i'Mrs. McCauley, in this village, trout 'accompanied the ,body.
herd' she ,met her husband. At the' The Rev.Il, F. Kennee�dy had charge
amily home'rear Tivert'on,en March of the, service and tools for the text
2nd, 1876'sle became the bride of of his address -1 Cor. 15:55,'-'0 Death
homes W . •Cameron and returned to Where is -Thy ,Sting? ,Mr. Me reg-
ayfield,,^where she, has spent her or leaves to mourn Jesides,his widow,
Another n, Wii-
317, an
dealt 'with. •thoughts
arried Life. one son, Alfred, not mer so
Children Who Are Fighting
Eye Strain
Are sometimes disobedient, slow to
learn, victims of' Headaches and be-
low par generally: It bas been fournd
that supplying such children with
'glasses that remove the eye strain
results in an almost immediate and
complete removal of the undesirable
conditions. We can tell you -about
your children's eyes. W. H Hellyar,
-Optometrist, Clinton, 9471
,The Bulk Sales Act
In the 14latter of the sale of the Bak--
ery anti Confectionery Business'
With all Appurtenant Equipment
by Daniel F. Schwanz to .'Edward
TAKE NOTICE that Daniel F.
Schwanz of the Town of Clinton
has made •a sale' of his butsinese of
baker aril confectioner, and all 'the
stock -in -trade, machinery, fixtures
and equipment connected therewith,
;to - Edward ° Wendorf of the same
',place; and I .have 'been appointed
Trustee 'under`' iiIle Provisions of the
Bulk Sales Act; and that .all persons
+claiming to rank as , ireclitors of the
business `must file their ,claims with
me on or'before the 12th day of Feb -
after whichate I w
1927 f
proceed ,to distribute the proceeds of
the said. sale having regard only to
claims' of.wllith I have had notice and
proof ,as required by the said Act.
Dated at Clinton,. Ont., the 15th day
of January, 1927,
94-3 ' Clinton, Ont.
Farmers' Meeting
The Clinton (1. F, 0. Club will hold
a meeting in the (board room of the
Agricultural offices• on Friday after-
noon, Jan. 28th, at 2:80. Addresses
will be given by M>:, Chas McCurdy,
salesman of the U. F.-0. Co-operative
Company, Stock Yards, Toronto, and
Mr. Thos. McMillan, M.P., for ,South
Huron, on "Co-operatibii." A cordial
invitation is extended to the farmers
of the section to be present., 98-2
TILURSDAY, JANUARY 27, ,1927` 1 ''
-Bargains in
;wilding Hardware
filler Hardware
Dealers in General Hardware, Paints,. Oils, Stoves, Etc.
Rowland's Old Stand
We Serve and Satisfy
For Week -end
Shortening, 20 1b pails $3.00
Shortening,, 3 lb. pails (net) 50e
Lard, 20 lb. pails $3,65
Brooms, 4' string - 49e
Sodas, 3 lb. boxes • 49c
Chipso, large pkg... - 23e
Lux, 2 pkgs... 23e
Matches, 3 .pkgs. for , 27c
;Kellogg's Corn Flakes,:3 pkgs. • 33e
Eakins Pure Strawberry Jain
Heuse on corner' of Huron and Or-
ange streets, old Mountcastle place.
Apply to F. W. Johnston; Clinton.
Cheese for Sale
4 lb. tin for 750
Prunes, new, 2 lbs. for - 25c
Dried Peaches, per lb. • 25c
FISII-Salmon, Halibut, Fillets, Fin-
nan Haddie
Bananas, Oranges, Lettuce, Celery,
•Apples, etc.
Cheese in bulk at any time. Large
cheese, 20c,- Flats, 21c, Stiltons, 23e
per lb. The Holmesville Cheese and
Butter Co. W. H. Lobb, president
and salesman, R. R. No. 8, Clinton.
78 -td.
Rooms to Rent
2 unfurnished rooms suitable for -
honselteepin •. Mrs. J. Aitken, Albert
St, ' ' 93-2
Metal Roofing For Sale
Look over your buildings._ Do they
need new .roofs? I can supply yon
you with, metal roofing and siding.
Apply. to Robert M. Townsend,
Londesboro. 98-12-p
For Sale
A Conn 0 Melody Saxophone in
excellent condition. •W1111 sell, on, very
easy -terms ,and very reasonable. 'Ap-
ply ,to R. II. Johnson, Jeweller. 92.tf
Farm For; Sale
60 acres of good land with good.
.buildings and lots of• good water. One
mile' from Blyth, lot 25, concession 14
l o.
Nett. A
te:to township of Hu Apply intl w
premises to William Austin, Blyth.
ClothesCleanedand Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed arid' rd
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Reales aver Heard s: Barber shop.
W. J. Jago • 2283-tf
Phone 111
We are again in the market for
good logs of all kinds, either delivered
in our mill yard at Bayfield or on
the stump. Call us if you have any-
thing to offer.
Custom sawing will,be done as us-
ual during the coming season at Bay
field, Clinton :and • Thos. Wallis', `4th
con. Goderich Township.
Phone 624-r-4, Clinton central 0-tf
will be at his office
in Clinton`each'
l®IMO.N +' AY
From 3 to 6 p.m.
Notice to
Ai1 furs are now lower in price and
are expected to go lower, so don't
'hold furs any longer.
Maple Leaf, Purity, Five Roses
and Pie Crust Pastry. (Special prices
in large. quantities for cash. -
Have a complete stock of all kinds
for hens, pigs, cattle and horses.
Our prices are right and quality the
best. "
Have our spring shipment of Tim-
othy in. We bought early in order
to get highest quality at a cheap
price. Offer this seed to early buy-
ers reasonable.
Wheat, Western Oats, Barley, Corn
and Buckwheat. Expect a car of
Corn daily Special price off the car.
Let- us know your requirements,
Phone 89 Clinton, Ont.
Isn't it funny?
People buy fire insurance in case
of ;a possible fire.
Well and good.
But the same people will leave off
buying cold -insurance against a dead
sure winter until the first cold weath-
er hits them,
Perhaps its because they know
that we'll rush the coal to them after
the cold snap comes.
But buying coal is like -buying a'ny.
,other life; insurance; the earlier you
buy, it, the elieaper it i-. ,
Call the '
for good, clean coal'
B-..' --Muslar�
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and -
Grain Buyers
COAL ' •
Having erected new coal sheds will
hitve on hand full stock of coal for
immediate delivery. Prices reason-
able. Also a quantity of dry maple
wood. • .,
Orders taken at residence, phone 1131
Stove, Egg, Nut and Soft Coal 1
' Coke and Kennel Coal '
Hard Wood and Cedar Wanted
Phone 155. Huron Stretlt.
Singer Sewing Machine
Sold on Easy Monthly Payments
Special two-year terms given to
Also a full stock of.; l
' Needles, Belts and Parts
for all makes . j;,
Sole Agent for the Singer 173
Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clinton
E. L. Mittell
Incubators and Brooders
Poultry Supplies
Bel Chicks and. Hatching Eggs
Sewing Machine Supplies
93 -tit
•C. ..VENNER, Electrician •
Electric Ranges, Fixtures,' Bulbs, irons, Fans and other•
Wiring and Repairs.
Phone 7
It is composed to the last ounce of.
wholesomeegg-making materials.
before your hens all the time
Scld"and Recommended By
A car of Western Oats.
these are old oats` and
will make -good feed,
'will sell off tIe' car.
Special prices on beef
meal and tankage.
PHONE 192'•-