The Clinton News Record, 1927-01-27, Page 3: apo ted. direct from the Orient
in metal lined. chests. Blended
and, pa.ciced,.into-,11ba, %1b., %-lb.
bright Aluminum packages.
each M naIts is a ROOMS.
Eaelt ;minute .is a Yoom tu.'e build,
Part of the house wherein 'tis willed
\ire still must '.live ' our whole 'lives
Not only we, hut, too,
Those others who
Will" follow us. Then let us take
With care. the bricks and stones to
The wall a.nd floor,
The sin .and- door,
So that this room a, place may be
Where we and they eternally
Iu peace end deep content may dwell,
Let ua• build soberly and, well.
-Mary CarolynDav-es,
An Airplane'Legend.
Some of the most thrilling results
which have been brought to light in
the deciphering of ancient manu-
scripts in the various .libraries of Der-
ope, Great Britain, and Ireland are
those which contain romantic stories
which indicate .a foreshadowing of
discoveries which we look uponas al-
together. the -result of material de-
velopments pertaining to the present
One of he most curious of these is
the tale 'of ,he appearance of an air-
plane, the account of which was Writ-
ten between the years 914 end 956
A.D., during the reign of an fresh king
named Oongalach. - The authenticity
of the date of the .tnanuseript is be-
yond que'stlon, and' the„ description is
es follows:
Congolach reigued In Meath—and
wase. evidently -given to farming pur-
suits, for the Story:goes on to tell ot
kis one day attending a fair at ft place
now called Telltown, - on the Meath
Blackwater, midway between "the
towns of Navan and Bells: 4 While he.
wee Inslaectng"'herses, for which that
county is femaus, a sound in the sky
caused him, and all the' people, to look
up, and they beheld, a large ship fleet-
loating far above them., It appeared to he
Sully equipped with a numerous,"`and
evidently intelligent; crew, After a
time, during which' the people in the
fair• gazed 'M silent wonder •' at the
phenomenon, the huge vessel gradual-
ly floated toward some cloude into
which it•enteeed, and ale awe-struck
crowds saw it no more. This . same
Story Is told with slight veria,tionslay
the Norse documents, named. Bongs
Yet another tale Is told in ons of
t1_ieso Irish legends, in which the.
writer prophesiee that a- time will
c'om'a when carrlagee without horses
will run through the streets of Sens-'
These. atonies are, oi course, mare
legends of imagination, but it is In-
teresting to flint them noted in docu-
ments of unboultded auiuity, and in
local as well as in ancient ruins and
sagas; also that such shadows of the
actualities of thetwentieth century
should have einaueted from the
thoughts of people in the tenth.
It would be lnteroeting to under-
sand the mental, capacities, and the
outlook of the persons who inspired
such tales; and who tilctught them of
sulltelent'have thews -re-
corded on velluni,
"Pope's` Diapepsin" Corrects
Sour, Upset Stomachs
at Once
`rape's Diapepsin" is the quickest,
surest relict for indigestion, gases,.
flatulence, heartburn, sourness, ter.'
mentation or stomach distress caused
by acidity. A few tablets give almost
Immediate stomach relief. Correct
your stomach and digestion now for a
few cents. Druggists sell millions of
The miner mitts and sifts the sand
That hides the precious gold;.
The poet searches for the word
That glows with stamp of beauty's
Edith Hill Carnes.
15 to 30 drops of Selgel's Syrup relieves all forms
of indigestion and dyspepsia. You'll swear by it
ones youltavetried it. Any drug store.
Shearing of the weals.
In order to keep track ot the seal
t)opuiatioit on the Phibilof Islands,
30,000 one:yeae-old male seals are to
be sheared thie year.
Minard'c Liniment for chapped hands.
Two Cities Compared.
London's death -roll from street acci-
dents le lower than that of Greater
Now York, although the population of
. the latter city is over 1,000,000 less
than thatof the British capital.
MALLABAR e Caha'.".grer'
-e50SPRD/NR 311-CelloraLRND.
Guaranteed bocausentado
from our own steel
VANC00000. C1.JOHN,N.n.,
Gun and Jug.
"Going hunting, Bob?"
"Yeiil Where you going?"
"I'm going hunting too."
I have no gold to give to you
But I send what gifts are mine:
Two da.'tvne, a sunset full of Galin,
And a day of silver shine.`
These gifts will cheer" when gold is
When silver sheds its •lure;—
A.nd let me. add, just one gift more,
A friend whose loveeis sure.
-Thomas Curtis Clerk
High School Boards and Boards of Education
Are authorized by law to establish
With the approval of the Minister of Education.
may rbe conducted in accordance with tho regulations issued by,
'the Department of Education,
Is given. In various trades. The schools and classes are under the.
'Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the
for in the Courses of Study. in Public, Separate, Continuation and High
Schools, Collegiate; Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. \
Copies of the Regulations issued by the Mlnistor:of Education may be
obtained from the, Deputy Minister, 'Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
Cakes baked With Purity Flour keep fresh for three or
four days. Purity is a vigorous, '"dry" flour . that absorbs
and holds more water 61: milk. Tasty cakes, rich pies, and
large, light bulls and bread are always yours when you use
Send 30c id stamps for 401' 700 -recipe Parity Flour Cook Book. zea
Western Canada flour Mills Co. ,Limited. Toronto, Montreal, Ottnrvo, SaiatJoba�
Some men are like an hour glass,—
when. they're upset they 'leee their
A Man and his wife were et the.
"Say, Pat, what: doers A.sbes:Loe' mean`
on the curtain?"
Be still, Magi don't show your ,lg
norance; that's Latin for'welcome'."
Trade smiles with the other fellow:
A gentleman is a man who would
live juet a' he now do'ds if there wasn't
a late against anything,
'Clever Critters.
The la.dyericket, so they sal,
Can lay a million eggs; ••
Her leuebanrl, tdo, has teethed to play
The fiddle with heselegs,
Tlfe lady bee does Lall the work,
The queen is on the lay;
But the Ile+B'eo is the turbaned Turk;
He loafs around an day.
The lady ostrich lays the eggs
Down neer-the hot equator,
Then struts her feathers while the
heat. .
Acta as an incubator.
Considering that he lids been shot so
much and still lives the bull seems to.
have more lives titan the cat. ..
As the candidate spreads his bank,
so shall he lie.
"What do you man by college bred?"
"A four year loaf from dad's ,dough,"
The Bard's Failure.e
I often write a comic rhylne
And afterwards soon rue It.
I read. it o'er; it seems all right
But has no cracker to it.
A man met a friend' who was about
to be married. "Let, me congratulate
you, 0l4 man," he said. "Permit me to
say that i feel same you will always
loot: backonthis day as the happiest
In your lite."
"Thank you; `.old chap," said his
friend. 'Shit it's to -morrow that I'm
to be married."
"Yes," answered the other, "I know
You can always tell a man born in
town. He thinks lie could make money
raising chickens.
A surgeon, we sup- pose, might very
properly be Balled Secretary ofthe Iit-
And the hardest job for most of us
is thinking..
Gladys --"I think li- e's the meanest
man on earth."
Phyllis --"Wily?" e •
Gladys—"I've made up my mind to
refuse. him, and he won't even propose
to mel" .
Rudolph Prisma, Ramous Austrian comiposeu', has :gone to Banff to gain
inspiration for the score of the "Squaw Mea;' a nen
musical comedy upon
which he is ad present working. " "Rae° Marie;' one ot Frim el's most recent
successes, has popularized this young eompoeer'with the musical and theatri-
cal world. The "Squaw Man" became widely popular thlough- he interpre-
ta'tion of the eetoi,, William Faverehaul.
In the accompanying photograph" Mr. Friml Is shown fingering a siren
keyboard. It is alt lliveriti�on of hie own and argon it he works out many of
his compositions, aline fi•avebjing overland where a piano i5 not: available.
- — +.
Night Slipptng Into Day.
At first it seemed strange that I
should see the man hr the old clapping
coat on the tieing bit of roadway out-
side my window every morning, al-
ways exactly the same, always in the
very middle of the road, always walk-
ing away from me so.that I never saw
his face, alwayte, moving with a slow,
swinging gait as if he were in no hur-
ry to quit the valley, his faint shadow
following him like a pale, widespread
sail cast over a gray sea, and rocking
with the wind. :
Ile was as early as the lark, for
hardly a morning Tapged without one
brown bird hoPPingt':to the topmost
twig of the hedge and .pausing -there
for a moment before rising into the
Morning sky; be was' -ahead o the sun,
for the dawn was etili'.bat a trespasser
beyondethe-herison, timidly feeling at
the gates of_day; be was ahead of
sound -save for tiro lark's' high "song
-and the Clog -clatter of his boot, tell
back to the . valley and sent a little
rabbit head foremost into its ]role.
It was not until- several mornings
had brought the dark coat into vieev
that 1 began to wonder -about the
stranger, wonder where lie came from
and "why, since I did not rise precisely
at the same moment each day, be was
always there When l opened ,my shut-
ters—always just there, passing from
the..shadows of the Sow country into
the dawn.
And then, one morning, I stood and
watched him until he_.1'iad reached
the spat whore the road dips down
again --moving so leisurely, so appar-
ently obliviousto all around, just go-
ing onand ^nal and out into the Iight.
At the, top •of the rising a swift shaft
of• brilliant gold shone full upon Min..
He paused, his, great coat bangles
about him in heavy fade, the wide -
brimmed hat bent 'slightly before the
glittering .thing ahead; .and then he
passed overthe brow and was gone.
A country` laborer, youasay. Maybe
you are right, But 1 have my own
ado fancy about him, my early morn-
ing story that I telt`all to myself. And
when I .puslh back niy shutter's and
stand Clore by the window I forget
the psbeale, ivattoh•-of.,fact world, for
it is Night I see slaking Its :slow way
up from the valley, passing by my, old
garden, and slipping over the hilltop
into the day.
Should Enrich. Their Blood by
Using Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
There are oondltlous of health in
which no particular organ appears to
be at fault, yet the patient is miser-
able anis' unable to putaue the activi-
ties of daily lite w'lth vigor and en
joymeut. The remedy isoeded 55 a
medicine that will benefit the whole
system rather than.a part. The blood
reaches every, part of the body and
au improvenierit in its quality is quick-
ly, followed by au improvement in the
whole system. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
make a prompt' and visible Improve-
ment in the blood, and bring new
health and strength to 'ailing people.
The value of Dr. Will•iame' Pink Pills
In caste of this kind ie proved by the
following statement: Mrs. W. F. Nash,
R. 11. No. 1, Bellamy, Ont., writing on
behalf of her husband says: "For the
past two' emmmens .nly husband hoe,
taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with
much 'success. He was in a weak con-
dition, did not sleep well at night, tired
all the time, with prior appetite. The
result was he got very thin. IIe de-
cided to try;,Dr. Williams' Pink Pike
.and by the time he had taken three
boxes Ite was• feeling and looking so
much, bettor that it 'was very notice-
able that the pills were all they were
recommended to be. We feel, very
grateful ami advise the use of the pills
in all cases of weakness,"
These phis may be had from all
dealers in medicine, or by mail, post
paid; at 500 a box from The Dr. Wil-
liame' Medicine Oo,, Brockville, Ont.
— n
Mothers as Teachers of
Pre -School Music,
Mothers of to -day are taking their
place as educators in a system of pre-
scheol music training recently inaug-
urated. Special °lasses for training
mothers to share in the musical in
attraction of their children have been
sneoessfully introduced. In these
classes it is recognized' that expres-
sion and appreciation thiraugh listen-
ing muet tonics first with the child, but
that this should be foilowed closely by
exprese!fon through bodily movement"
the voice in alleging, and the, hands in
playing the. piano.
A statement of the principle under-
lying, this, new instrgstow le conteibn-
011 bo the pamphlet through quotations
from Rose I311a Cunningham, who has
developed such a program in'Massa-
chueette.. She Bays:
-"TO begin to instill the principles of
rhythm' in ehildeen while they ,are yet
infants ie not to begin a whit too soon.
To teach cltlldrento sing as they leiirn
to speak is not impotdible, and child-
ren so taught•fin their first year pro-
gress rapidly until .the time they en-
ter the firet grade in school, when
teachers welcome them as. a distinct
addition to their classes because of
their unusual' m laical grounding..
"We need• look back, I think, only
Ippon our own days ' of childish musk
Lessons to -know that children evoiiid
far rather go from their music *ch-
ore and, their lessons back. to a home
wheal their meta study is, fully
geenteorooodueraangrdemcwat'baeantdshedy ruonrdetcemheivttaeEaeuxya1plificnit slislntap1i7t. mAutontbetaaionelpaedtpnugretloy: teat!
of to leave. . In genius every-
sons in harmony, than to "g°• into- the tiring has its reason for existing.: It is
parentally vacuum". which WAS our' loft, because it is. Its ehad'odv is the res_
when there wase llo home intea'eat iii verse of its clarity, ox?,5 ting. It is be -
our. musical atwdlesy no untcr+stanlldng
and comradlsship.1 the !Andy."
,:Joseph's Partner.
Among the -ancestral traditions ot an
American tarda, of Quaker descent en
amusing one recentlyeeiated concerned
a certain Joseph and Bathsheba.
Joseph was a bachelor, a competent
blacksmith, but by no means wela-to-
do. .Bathsheba, the proprietress of a
little shop, who had recently employed
him to do some ironwork for her,
learned that, though she had paideceslh
down, he had charged her considerably
more than he had charged a neighbor,
for a similar job. She went to the
smithy to protest.
Joseph, an amiable -childlike giant of
is man, was perfectly willing to .ex-
"Thee sees, Friend Bathsheba, when
I Have a good cash customer like thee,
I charge a good price, because I ltuow
it w511 be paid, But I have many cus-
tomers who wave a hand and say, 'Put
it clown in thy book, Joseph; put 1t in
thy book.' And I do put it down in
nay book, but 3 don't ltnow whether I
ehallbe paid or Dal and eo often they
don't pay me that now I always make
the charge D. little one, so as not to
lose so much."
"Joseph;" staid Baltslieba after a
pause. "I feel it laid, upon my spirit as
a burden that I must tell thee, thee
heeds a partner."
"Thee is kind to advise me, Bathshe-
ba," responded Joseph gratefully, "but
I should not know where to look for
a partner."
"Really, Joseph," said Bathsheba,
demurely, "I do not feel it laid upon
me to te11 thee that!"
They were married, nod Joseph's pe-
culiar business methods were soon al-
tered, much to hie financial advantage.
nth ~Brushes 'and Cold,',
Liver "Oil.
Thirty-five gmJlo)re of ° coil liver oll
have been rooentiY•atilppud by 1;lio of•'
ilcia'be of dune it,ol Cross Soeiety'lir Saa-
katehewan to the Oharbobols and Cum..
berlaaiii Tiouss school districts in or-
der that a daiIy ration of ono ,half'.
Ounce of this vitamin la•1en conmmod,ity'.
Fn0Y 'be given each chiid In these .re
gf ani; Government ,report9 ; do Sag-
katoltowan showed lest year that melt
cal 'inspection of the -school 'nlialdren
at Ohaniebois, Sturgeon Landing. and
Cumberland Boase Lias revealed a
startling amount of general malnutri-
tion'among tlievi- with a correspond-
ingly great tendency • to the`. waisting
diseases. It was found '.that the diet
of the average 1arnily among the peo-
ple of these districts, who are largely
of native :extraction, consents of hard
banrdocice, dried fish and -tea and that
,this food is so greatly daelring in the
necessary constituents forgrowing
children that their teeth and general
obnd,ition gutter deterioration and their
physioues are below par.
With- the facts before ,theism the
'Junior` Reid Cross Society of the pro-
vineo: took immediate action to have
tooth "brushes provided for every
School child' in these diiebritte; to sup-
ply enough codtiver oil for the daily
ration of vItauolne' and faits; and to
slave funds, set-aside eudielent'to..en-
sure 'surgical and med'lca1 :atteution�
for all children suffering from adenoid
or throat troubles. It, ie' new reported
by the;Comlmissfoner of the Saskatche-
wan Division of the Red Cross. that all
these. services have been providedin
the Charle'bols and Cumberland:Hdueo
6 4
HE 4 ► ACHE ,
Taniht! Clean your bowels
and stop hes:daohe, colds
sour stomach l
Get a 10 -cent box.
Take a Caecaret'taniglbt to cleanse
your Liver•, Stomach and Bowels, and
'you will surely feel great by morning.
You men and women who have head-
aches, coated tongue, a. bad cord; are
bilious, nervous; Upset, bothered with
a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or
have backache and feel all worn out.
Are you keeoflng your bowels clean
with Oasca.rets—or merely forcing a
passageway every new days with salts,
cathartic 'pills or castor o!1?
Cascarete Immediately cleanse and
regulate the stomach, remove the sour,
undigested and fermenting food and
foul .gasee; take the excess. bila` rem
the liver and. earry'off the constipated
waste matter and poison from the
Remember, a Cascaret to -night will
straighten you out by morning. A 10 -
cent box from your druggist means
healthy bowel action; a clear head and
oheerfalnese for months. Don't for-
get the children..
By Regulating the Stomach and
Bowels With Baby's' Own
Winter is a dangero}is season for
the little ones. The days are change-
able—one bright, the next cold and
stortny, that the mother 10 afraid to
take the cbildren out for the fresh
air and exercise they need so much.
In consequence they are often cooped
up - in oveaheatea, badly ventilated.
rdoms and aro soon' seized with cold's
or grippe. What 1s nestbed to keep
the little ones well is Baby's Own
Tablets. They will regulate the
stomach and bowels and drive out
colds, •and through_ their else the baby
will bo abie to get- over the -winter
season In perfect safety. '
In using ..Baby's Own Tablets., the
mother has an absolute guarantee that
she is giving her -preelotts little ones
something that .is absolutely safe and
sonietbing that carnrot possibly. 10
harm to even the newborn babe as the
Tablets contain not one particle of
epiaitee or other dangerous drug. They
are sold by medicine elealers or at, 25
cents a box, by mail, from The Dr,
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Hugo's Notion of Genius.
What! no mattes? . No. No °ensure?
No.' :You explain everything? `Yes.
Genius is en entity like nature, and,
handling bulbs, -has been.lnhownto
Set up skin disease in certain cases. In"
the same way,; iieople•employe'd in Cut-
ting the stems of narciosi and similar
blooms may develop a rash,
Tina: Taranto Hospital for Incurables, in
affiliation with Bellevue and Allied Hospitals,
how York City, offers a three 'years, Course
of Training ::to yeuna women,. haetnd the
required education, and desirous of becoming
guises. This Hospital has adapted the eight.
hour syctom. The pupils, receive uniforms: of
(10 001 00lt. n monthly allowmteu and traveling ,
expenses to °rafter New Yams. For further
Informationwrite the Superintendent.
ISSUE No. 4—'2%.
came it ie. Its precipiceis thecon-
dition of its height-11T1Gtor Hugo. .
York Minster's 1300th
Anniversary Observed
York liinateo?a 1,300th anniversary
NOSH- celebrated on New' Year's Eve.
Tiro aat11edraFa site has been holy
gibund since 627, whg Pedwfn
built' a wooden o1i 4'chen Iiinthere. The.
Archbishop et'Yolei participated in the
sea,eme.niss, and at 5nidnnight the Dean
of York read from the, altar a service
repeated; ' only duce . every hundred
yeama. '
In the London eledaentary'schools
over ono thousand ne:w teachers are
appointed each year.
For Colds—Minard'a Liniment,
See Announceineut on l;
Another )Page
Classified Advertisements.
' 'NET, plays all records, 48 selec-
tions, automatic. Value ti 96.00 fo
;86.00 guaranteed, Poisson, 340.Mount
Royal East, Montreal
( and light sewing at home, whole
or spare time. Good: pay. " Work sent
any dietance, charges paid. Send'
stamp for particulars. National
Manufacturing Co., Montreal.
' ' either sex; mailed in plain ereve3
ape.' Paris. Specialty Co., Montreal.
VING .'.
COSTS 40 @14598
Federal Report. Says That
Husband Works 1 1.3 Hours
a.Day, Wife11.4.
• Washington, —, Living expenses of
farni famllree average 31,598' a year,
the 'U.w. Department of Agriculture
has determined after a survey. The
-sons and daughters cost more- to
°lathe titan the farmer'. and Ids .wife,
'and the daughter's clothes cost more
than the soait-r'.
The average -size family sharing the
expense was about 4% persons. Food
accounted for two-fifths. of the living
costs, 010011n04.7 per cent,, rent 12.5
per cent., operation material 13.3 per
Willie's Troubles.
Willie was dejectedly walldng home
frost school and his woebegone appear-
ance attracted. ,the attention of a kind-
hearted old lady.
"What is troubling you, my title
man?" the asked.
"Dyspepsia and rheumatism," re-
Why, that's absurd, retuarked the
old lady, "flow can that be?"
"Teacher_ kept me in after school be-
cause I couldn't, spall them," was
Willie's dismal enewar.
"Don't Mention It."
One night Phillipe -• Brooks' lItU,e
niece disturbed her aunt by telling her
that she .did not went to say her
`prayers. ' '
In the morning her aunt asked her
if she had not said' diem. "
"No,"' she replied. "I did not say
my prayers, I just kneeled down and
Bald: 'Dear God, I am too tired to
say my pt'ayere, And He looked down
and' Raids 'Miss Brooks, don't mention
it'" `
Sneezing?—Use Mlnard'e Liniment.
A Winter Lullaby.
Sleep, !little rabbit, Bleep,' my own,
Snow, Mike a blanket, covers the town,
A blanketet stars, all sparkling and
So, ,sleep, little rabbit, thro' the long
Sleep, lullaby, sleep.
Sleep, little rabbit, oh hush -a -by -by,
Low ,hangs the moon in the wintry sky,
She sends tliro' the window, a silvery
Thatbrhrgs to my darling a gay little
Sleep, lullaby, sleep.
Beatrloe Shand.
Deceptive Stair,
'She has a baby s are:"
'Don't try to climb it—yolial slip
Minard's Liniment,—ever reliable.
Froo for Fruition.
All freedom is worthless unless it
brings fortis fruit, and the fruit must
be in epeeoh and in act. --Lord Cour-
ane of Penwith.--.
P/an0r7 r Ei'a?IS&P
Lost word. to builders' aid, Practical,
up-to-date suggestions on planning,
buildin,g, filrntsling, decorating and
gardening. ' Profusely, illustrated,
end scores of actual delbirrsaving sug-
-'gostions. ,Send 25 cents for
,current issue.
MacLean Sundae! Guide,
;` 114 Adelaide St. w..
Toronto, Ont.
i� gisicklY ]Easels
Irritated Threats
Slowly swallow a sip of "Baekleepp'e"-
'You'll be astonished by 111, imirsodiats
sella£ it brings to a sore, inflamed
throat. Singere, withoera and he first
should never be without it. Tho drat
doss eloare and soothes the throat and
bronchial tubes—and there aro 40
Ocoee In a i5 -cent bottle t At all
druggiote and guaranteed - are : 1
'w. B. Buckley, Limited,
142 Mutual St,. Toronto 2
Acte tike a stash -a single sip p
with rheumatism? Mlnard's
wilt ease the pain, relieve tine
Proved safe by millions andprescribed by physiciansfo$
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain - Neuralgia Toothache Rheuinatisn%
Accept ons "l3ayer'k package'
which contains proven dh'ec ions.,
'dandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets'
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin; ta:ibe trade marls (registered in Coulee) of buyer Manufacture or Mononcetle-
acldester 'of Oalicyllaaoid (500071 5Rlicync Add, 'A. s. 0."1. Whitt+ It le well known
that0051110 a Beyer mauafeaturc, to moist tho public against ithbtetlonsi the Tablota
01 Baser 00x0)0101 )4111 Is Steamed situ their amoral troth) wait, the "he7or (WMA .'