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The Clinton News Record, 1927-01-27, Page 1
2394— 4811111 Year WITH WHICH L a:l‘I ti C I�1 1S^ ;INCORPORATED >.' THE CLINTON. NEW ERA E T [UR UAY-, JAN11.1AF Y 279 119Z7 6E GUSTOR ERS AND •T}1 IftlriAlE PAVER KEEP THEOLLiONES CFJMLNC YOU MUST AEIVERT1SE CONTINUALLY: gal Wrker Do you ever stop to think how hard your watch works—provided, of course, it's a good one like the Hellyar watch? Iii a single yea? '.:the, roller jewel strikes the "lever -fork" :157,000,000 times. Try rapping your knuckle on the window at that rate, it is only 18,000 times in the hour—not much skin would be left on it at the, end of the day, would there? The "balance -wheel," too, during; that same year will travel as far as from .NOW York to San Francisco and return. And it ,does all this without' complaint upon the one simple, inekpensive-meal `that you give it every night: It's' hungry for work—nothing less than 24 hours a day and 805,4. days in the year. All of which•oes-toprove the need for perfect workmanship and best quality material uch as you always find in a Hellyar watch.; A'. YLdlqar JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST Phone 174w Residence 174j A Few 'Friday iAll Ladies' X27 inch ' Reg, 22c:and Bedroom valiance and Ince A quantity such as gin have recently table and W White .25c,>on. curtains trimmed, g at of ;rr, : . S pedals �� c P and .Saturday f or c t s 1t oastle. Y " 16c with sale 89 C il goods flannelettes remnant Ates. S1. • • of Sweaters, o Half flannelette sale of of remnants s been very pullover n wea ,d a Price. good heavy quality, at pretty chintz , made reg. $1.25 pair, on g of cotton yhamp rihits. and added: to our attractive.,p Friday, Now on SPECIAL o 's Y en's en's en's en's oys' Fleece en's en's en's ' oys' Knicker Y All .- rim l,.hrey5 x, Sa are the 20th is your your next H ead Worsted Y39c Heavy Socks. Heavy Blue Fleece Lined Ribbed Underwear, Lined Night Shirts;' Overalls,extra Suits, special Suits,' II a e )I tkcles selling ' ata Ends Sale. as of Sale: J i".6 tarda Last- Three Anniver-)ary eJ t�;.i ifor, , & Mondati Days of Sale. ll. s, .. our money . ' 19c, 39c, 50c" 95c. .. 79c:; $1.19 59c, $1.39 $1.59 and $15.90 3.90 and , $5.90 specials of 31st. Approval. I " • 'I. opportunity to save 8"i" � year's Requirements. �uirements. PRICES THREE SIR DAYS , Hose Knit Shirts, (fleece. lined) Underwear (all wool) Underwear full sizes • special . at $10.90 -5 special at p $ not mentioned in straight,. d15e® not 20 percent. L' nt. Monday, January Cash. - No.. o on e 6 r , DDIS ileie � Beal 1 Dill �� X01° l ,Every Man �s n THE MARKETS Wheat, .$;1.20. Oats, 40c to ei0c.' Barley, 60e. - Buckwheat, 75c. Butter, 34e to 35c. Eggs, 30c .to 48e. Hogs, $11,00. PLAY ON WELL PUT . WELL The three -act comedy, "Willy Not, Jerry?" put on by members of the Westminster Guild of Knox Church, Goderich, under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church here, was given in the town hall on Tuesday night to a capacity. house. The various roles were well taken and some .of the characters ,showed considerable acting.ability. The whole 'performance was much ' en- joyed by the large Audience. A cap- able oraestra supplied music between the acts. AMONG THE CHURCHES. Baptist Church The paetor's sermon on Sunday ev- ening wit be the •second in the series on the second coming of Christ. The theme will be: "When Christ Comes— What Then? Wesley -Willis United -Church .On Sunday morning next the mi'n= ister will take as his subject: Th'e Clash= of Color," and in the evening,' by request: "In Tune'W4th the Infin ite—A Parable of the Radio." ;Brotherhood on (Sunda a 1 y t 0 o'clock, Subject: ' "What attitude should Canada take to Southern Im- migration." Leader, N. W. Trewa .- tha. The animal congregational supper was held yesterday evening, being well attended, . considering the sever- ity of the weather, The supper was all ;that could be desired and was much enjoyed. When ample justice hacl been done to it an. adjournment -was made to the auditor - Min when a program was given. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Agnew gave sever- al musical selections which were alt predated.'Seott,gave a read- ing,•' Miss Dorothy Role a reacting, Miss Anne Stewart sang a solo, Mr. Leslie Pearson sang a solo part in a song chorus and there was some com- munity singing. ommunitysinging. Rev. J. E. Hdgg oc- cupied the chair and the gathering was voted a very happy and enjoyable one: Ontario Street United Cliurch • Meeting of the morning classes at ten o'clock. Morning message: "The Relation of the 'Mind to Wlorke' Evening sub- jest:'Faith and Sight." Juniors will meet on Friday night at seven o'clock. The Young -Peoples', League was greatly favored on Monday evening when Miss Hobbs gave a paper on -Canadian Poets. She divided Canadian poets into three periods front 1867- 1907-1612—giving 867- 1907 1912—giving stiff example from each peeled, Bliss -Carmen for the first, Robert Service the second and Marjorie Pickthall for the last. The beauty,- simplicityand purity of the diction used by Miss Hobbs in her paper made it a real poetic paper. Great pleasure was expressed by those who hoard it. The Ladies' Aid will meet at two o'clock on Wednesday afternoon at the church for quilting. All -members are asked to attend. St. Andrew's Ward ment'bers will serve tea. Presbyterian Church Service in the 'Baptist church on Sunday at 11 o'clock. Subject "The Christian -Certainty." Sunday school et 10 o'clock. Prayer :meeting on Thursday' evening at 7 o'clock. The annual meeting of the eongre- gation was held on Friday last, and in spite of the unfavorable -weather there was a good attendance. The fin- ancial statement fortihe year revealed a satisfactory condition with a con- siderable balance on the right side and a reserve fund steadily growing. The reports of the various organiza-' tions, Sunday school, Women's' Mis- sionary Society, 'Women's Association and Young Ladies' Auxiliary, were also most eneouraging, giving evi- dence of activity and growth through- out .the year, The congregation is facing the future with courage and. hopefulness. The' W. A, will meet' at the home of Mrs. T. Jackson, 'High street, on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. '1st, at: tw,o o'clock. - Salvation . Army iCaptaiu Sarson and Lieut. Berton, former officers of Clinton Salvation Army Carps, having farewelled, Cap- tain i e V. T lutea and r iGieut. T'. Heson n have beeh appointed to succeed them here, end cemmenced their work ont here last week, These officers were formerly sta- tioned at .Seafeeth and are Well known throu • ghout• the district. Captain Tides man was brought up in Kingston, Ontario and has been some time iii the Salvation Army as an officer. Lieut. F. 'Bison, who comes from Toronto, has also had various exper- iences ' with Salvation' Army work. They express their desire forr the most hearty co-operation of the citizens of Clinton inconnection with the ba'anch o the' Army .v f workworkhere. Services are cing held every Sun- day dv and a cordial invitation is extend- ed ed to.all .Captain Tidmand n. Lieut a ITirson, as all Army .officers. areat veer si.r- vice if needed, In times of sickness or trouble do not he afraid to call en BACK TO BUSINIISS. Mr. E. Munro, who Was so serious- ly injured by a fall front a ladder in November and whohas been spending most of the time . since in the hos- pital, is.now .so far recovered that he is able to re -open his bather shop and' resume business. His fiimids;are glad to see him backnd, hope will p he con:. tinue to improve ,' until . he has .cem- pletely,reeover•od. C. C. I. AFFAIRS. On another page pf this issue will be found the C. C. T aseport for •tbe fall term. :•CiiptenCollegiate makes a good ahpiving. -Of a total'.: of, 1,140 papers written there were 957'passes, it percentage of 84. According to the' new method of marking, students. are getting full credit for, • every. paper written on and marks obtained, and will know; just exactly how'they stand. "e'atn 'Form oneies' off the palm,, as being the .best the school, These 'students have now made a re- cord which they will need to see is continued. - TOWN LEAGUE' RE -ORGANIZED, Tho tower• hockey -league is now ready to commence- their schedule. The four teams are evenly balanced, in feet 56 evenly :balenced'thee the members realize that to: 'win games :each malt will have to play hockey in- ,stead of decorating, the penalty box: This season we may .expect some real fast, clean • hockey. The schedule opens next Friday, Jan. 28th, with a double-header, commencing at 7:30. Pick out Your favorite .team and be there to cheer them to` victory. '•Bes. law are the names of the several teams and the schedule: St. Pats—K. ,Roberton; .e. Nediger, J. Twyford, H. Patterson. T. McEwen, W. McClinchey, V. Broughton. T. ;reason, II: Hawkins, G."Marshall. Canadiens—F, Mutch, D. Kennedy, S. Castle, P. Livermore, E. Fulfard, Kr D3ttteb, sr., W. Glow,' WI. relford, C. Cooper, H. Lawson, K. Streets, Maroons—,T, Muteh, L. Pearson, •C. Fulford, F. Dixon, T. •Eleett, R. Mc- Donald., D. Glazier, 1<.. Johnson, B. Corless, B. Biggart. Senators—R. McEwen. C. Draper, L. Cook, Livermore, H. Grealis, G. Rath, W. Muteh, jr., G. -Lawson, J. 'Kennedy, E. Rorke, J Carter, Jen. 28—Senators vs.'faroons. • Canadiees vs. St. Patr•icks ;Feb. 2—Maroons vs. St. Patrieks Feb: 7—Senators vs. St. Pattielcs Feb. 11 :Maroons vs. Canadiens Feb. 14—Maroons vs, Senators Feb. 18—St. Patrieks vs, Canadiens. n Feb. e1—Can i " ad ens vs, Feb. •25—St. Patrioks vs. Maroons. Fels. 2$ -Senators vs. Canadiens Mar. 4—St. Patricka vs. Senators, Canadiens vs. Maroons. A BROTHER PASSES ON. , The following from the Stratford Beacon -Herald refers to the death of a brother. of a Clinton citizen; 11is. P. J. Weisman, who died on Friday hist and who -was buried on Sunday. He was the eldest of the family and his death. makes the first 'break in the circle aside from the parents, This aon died the same day of the week and month and almost the same hour as his mother passed away eleven years ago:; "Henry Westnan, an esteemed resi- dent of Stratford and- this district, passed away at his home, 224 Caled- onia street, last night, following an illness of three week's duration. He was in his 71st year and had been en- joying excellent health previous to being stricken with heart trouble a short time ago. Moen in Huron coun- ty, the late Mr. Wiegman early in life moved to Logan township and there he spent the greater part of his life, pursuing the Deco atiou f : nn` P i P o farming. He retired 1from farm life 19 yeatds ago and since, that time ;has resided inthiscity. He was ` employed for some 17 years with the Stratford Chair Co. and despite his advanced age rte was: remarkably active and Was at. his work ae usual , until his re- cent illness. He was 'a member of Zion Lutheran churith and in former years took an active interest in the affairs of the First Leitheran church. Logan of which church he was it trustee and deacon. Possessed of.a kindly disposition he was respected by all -Who, knew him' and he enjoyed the friendship of a. wide .circle ' of acquaiiutances. He ;was maeriod 40 years.ago to Mary Wtesen'bdrg, who survives to ntoure. his` loss, along" with four 'daughters, Mrs. Louis- A. Fick-: reier, 'Mr's. 13. F. Strasser and Mrs. .N. H. Schenck, this city, and Mrs. Diegel, Waterloo; two sons, 'Elias He this city .and Wilfred F., Vancouver; also four sisters, s s ors Nies. Robert H. Et- , H Et- ty, Fullerton; Mrs.' George Rutz, Mit- chell; Mrs. John 'Elligsen, Hansell,: an Mrs. John S ickrei d o n S et, Toronto, . and three "brothers, John, Clinton; Charles, Kippen and Lotus, .: Great Falls,Menta a 'Thirteen n Tl teen grandchild-' ren ad one great gratrdchild also app give. The funeral.was held on Sunday af- ternoon, Friends and acquaintances from } t o the sort nulla districts a o s s well t:,' W as from many outside points, includ- ing Toronto, ° Guelph, Kitchener, Wat- orloo, Elmira, Clinton, Mitchell, Kip» Pen and Hensall' were in attendance and paid their last respects to the memory of the dece. a v •tscd man. ` The e servicehe v washeld first et -the ors 1house eat 2:30. o'clock, :followed•., by a beautiful service at 'Zion Lutheran church, conducted byRev. i qI. F. Gruln n, the pastor. •M,anay, floral tributes express- ed' the -esteem of a ,vide circle of friends. The body mis laic; to' rest in Avon ile mausoleum; FARMER'S MEETING TOMORROW Tomorrow, Friday afternoon, Rill. 28th,'in the board• t•ooin of the Agri- cultural offices, a meeting of farmers will be held, when co-operation will be discussed. Mr. McCurdy; and Mr. Thee. McMillan, M.P., will be the speakers and all interested will be welcome. DEATH OF A MOTHER.' .. The ..death ocetirred. on January e5th of Mrs. Maigaret MiMurray, Mother of a 'former resident of Clin- ton, at;the home of her son, Thomas McMurray, :Greenwood 'A•ve., Toronto. Mrs.McMurray; whose maiden name was Margaret Reid, was -theo y ingest and; last surviving. nteniber., of ]ter family, ; having Ayr,. ' Ont., iia her •birteelace,.while her eldest sister was born in' Ayr, ;Scotland: Early in life bereft of parents, she was cared for by her only brother, Adam Reid, who 'lived in the vicinity of Brussels. Later she married Peter Mu1`xay, of Mit- chell, where • together, they resided many years, but since her husband's death nearly seven years ago she had Made her •I1ome with members of her family. The remains were brought to Mitchell forinterment, the funeral. servic e+barn conducted cted in the Presby- terian church by Rev. Mr. Bennie; the deceased being a life-long member of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. McMurray 'is survived -by three sons and three daughters: Thomas, Toronto; Adam J., ' Harris - ton; John, Alberta, Mrs. Austin, Her• - me sa Beach, a Cal' tfo ' lura; Mrs. Andrew Moore,. Detroit, and Mrs. Ilarold Mill- wood of 'Pontiac, Mich. Interment took place in the Presbyterian ceme- tery, Mitchell. LITTLE LOCALS. Reeve N. W. Trewartha is in Goder- ich this week attending the county council. '• Mitchell won from .Seaforth in the home and home W. 0. S. S. A. hockey games and will now play Stratford. Mrs. George Roberton entertained the lady bowlers to a bridge dinner at her 'home on Thursday evening last. Reeve E. F. Kropp of Hay was el- ected warden of Huron county for 1927 at tho first meeting in Goderich of the County Council on Tuesday. , Dinsley Terrace, over the river, is putting on the airs of a town, having now had hydro installed. Messrs, H, H. Cantel'on andCecil Cooper have also installed radios. Mist Kathryn 'Larkin is here at present training the Collegiate, stud- ents for play, "Binubo," which will be put on in the hall on the evenings of Thursday and Friday, Feb. 3rd and 4th. HAD SLIE-G4LRIDE. • On Wednesday oflast week tlye members of the A. Y P. A. of St. Paul's church had a sleighrido mut to the home of Mr, and Mrs. John 13, Middleton "of Goderiah township; where they were hospitably enter- tained. These was a good attend- ance of the young people and the ev- ening, was spent in social enjoyment, followed .ity refreshments before the homeward journey, C: H. S, ANNUAL MEETING. The adjoui•ited annual meeting, s of the CIirtton Horticultural Society was held : in the Hoard Room of the town hall on Saturday evening last, The president, C. G. Middleton, occupied the chair. In his remark's Mr. Mid- dleton referred to the tribute' paid to Clinton 'by a citizen of 'the town of Feigus after a 'brief visit here to. in• spect the new Collegiate building, which is now nearing completion. He expressed his ' pleasure in knowing that the evork of the ,Clinton ilorticul- tural .Society was not the least worthy of -mention and hoped .the -coring spring and .summer seasons might see even greater intproverents by the elrorte of the Society. ` The minty g res of the last meeting were react and adopted The treasur- ere report was also received end approved. The following• officersvere elect- ed for 3927: President: C. G. Middleton. lit Vice: W. . J.Cbo- 1.. 2nd Vice: Miss Wt, O'Neil. Sec: -Treasurer: II, E. Rorke. Auditors; R. E. Manning and G. 11 Paterson. Directors for two years: Mrs. G, D McTaggart, Miss Florence Cunine Mune, Mrs. W. D. Fair, W. Cowen 1 Stong. Directors who have ono year 1- run: Mrs. W. - C. Brawn, Mrs. W Brydone, E. R. Sharp, F. A. Jenkins W. J. ;Stevenson. Committees: Premium —' E, Rorke, IL R, Sharp, W. 3, Cook. Civic Improvement—Florence 'Cuninghame, W. J. Cook, W. ,Cowan. Flower Show —Mrs. W. D. Fair, Mrs. C, .D, Mc- Taggart, W. Cowan. STEVENSON---ROWE. The 'marriage took place at San Mateo, Cal., on . December twenty- ninth of Duncan ,Curtis Stevenson,, only son of Mr. J. Curtis. Stevenson .• and the late Mrs, Stevenson of Oak- land, Cal„ foriiterly of Clinton, and Miss Caroline J,' Rowe, daughter ot Mrs. A. Mortimore Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson will snake their home in ` Oakland. Etrucel eld. Mrs. J. Percy Cole and her sister„. Miss Gladys Holland of eeafortle leave for,London to visit with Mi; and Mrs, Hr S. Walker and family' and Mr. and Mrs, Fred E. Daley and family, ;prior •to.,the removal of Mr.. and Mrs, Daley to Vancouver, wherethey perpese meitirig their home. Mr. Daley is being, sent to the Coast to - open up a new .branch of the London: Life, Mr. Daley is a real estate in- - specter. • efts. Robt. Boyce of Mitchell' is the guest of Mr. Murrry and Miss Mary Gibson this week. Miss Eleanor: Snider spent the week -end in London with her sister,., MissIrene. eno. Mr. and Mrs.. 13. eleleenzie_sere vise iting friends in London this week. Mr, L. Forrest is . attending the welding' sohocl in Landon this week. Mrs. P. McCartney entertained re number of her'lady friends on Mon day, the 23rd on the eve ofher , to t o reside de- parture t in Clinton. A verb - pleasant -time was spent in the home t of ?Jr, C. H. Reid, where she has beery ,housekeeper for nearly six years. She will be very mnelr missed in Itis home- , and also in our village. She was are - active ,member of. the W.''rJJ. S. and ,• always- 'took a deep, interest in the work and a frequent visitor of the, sick and 'shut -his, where she alwaye brought'goocl cheer. The :;rest wish- • es of her many 'friends are extended Delegates to the twenty-first an- nual convention of the Ontario Hor- ticultural Association to :beheld at the King ' Edward Hotel, Toronto, Feb. 10 and 11 are C. G. Middleton, H. E. Rorke, Wm. Cowan, with optional substitutes, It was suggested that the weed in- spector be asked to look after cer- tain lots in town which might be cleaned out and made into beauty spots; also that monthly meetings of an educational nature be arranged, with a special speaker at each meet - ng; that the drinking fountains in e town be cleaned thoroughly and kept clean and," sanitary by a, spec - ally appointed committee. A motion was passed that the so- ciety- ask the Tonin Council for a grant of $100: C. H. A. S. ELECTS OFFICERS. - The annual' meeting of the Huron Central Agricultural Association was head in the board .room of the Agri- cultural represen'tative's. office on Sat- urday afternoon. The president, Herbert Cox, was in the chair. The minutes of the last annual meeting, held on December 15th, 1925, ,were. _read and adopted. The minutes of a director's meeting held on August 5, 1926, were also read and adopted. he financial statement for the year ending Jan. 15, 1927,.was read and approved..• The following' officers were elect- ed for the ensuing year: , i Miss Kathleen E., only daughter of h Mr. rind -Mrs, Jas . Livermore, is one of the class which will graduate 1 from, Wingham General Hospital this, Thursday, evening. Mr. and Mrs. Liv- ermore are in Wingham for the grad- uation. ,. DIED IN VICTORIA, .8, C. The following notice in the Colling- wood Bulletin refers to the death of an old Huron County_boy, youngest brother of Mrs. Janes Steep of Clin- ton. Mrs. Ham'mill is a. sister of Mr. "Mr. George Hamlet, I3.A., for- merly principal " of Collingwood Col- legiate Institute, passed away at his home in Victoria, B. C., on Thursday, 2 January 6th. ,By'a letter received -by T frie ads in, ,Coitiug'wood just before Christmas it was Iearned that bis condition was decidedly' serious.. He had then been confined to his bed for Polite tinge, and little hope was held foe his ultimate recovery, but there was no thought that the -end was so near. • Mr. Humnill was :born near Sea - forth and educated et the home 'pub lie school and in the collegiate of Sea- forth, In 1892 he was graduated with honors from the University of Toron- to in; a mathematical course.' .After teaching for a; short time at Stirling s he Cane to •Collingwood' in 1898 and S Hon. Presidents: John Shanahan; Ii. Cox. • President: John Macfarlane. let Vice: W'. htc17wan. • 2nd Vice: P. H. Powell • -Secretary: G. H. Elliott, 'Assistant: Elton Roza. Tr'easueei': 'W. J. Miller•. remained here some -years as a mein - bar of the teaching staff of the'' Col- legiate Institute, finally being ap- pointed principal in succession Mr. G. K. Mills. A. year or so later he re- -sighed and moved' to the west, set--. N fling in the town o£ Carstairs when in partnership with his ?brother, Jo- seph Ii"ammill, he engaged in a gene eral hardware and furniture business. Still later 11e moved -to Victoria, 13. C., where he has since resided. Directors: Olintonayor Jack- et!, N: W. Trewartha, Dr. J. W. Shaw, Edward Wise, A. S. l4iciViur- 1ey; S.13. Stothers, G. F. Paterson. Goderieh township -W. H. Loth, J, . Middleton, W. J. Yeo, "Oliver Jervis. Tuekersmith—G. W. Layton, W. ott, R. •Kennedy. Ststtiley--,W. Sinclair, J. Irides, J. The deceased mart'ied Annie. daughter of tl e late te rod t Sharp of St Marys, M rys, Ont., -who with: one "son; Stinson, and three married daughters, Dorothy, 1 y, I'loxence-and Helen, survive. Of the family all ;are in Victoria, but one daughtere.Florenee, who lives in England, Ind. , While in Collingwood Mr. Hannni'll made many warm friends. He was reeognized as a 'capable teacher, al- ways receiving the . highest • grading fromhe t aro incl v al i s 1 inspectora, 1 IIe was active in the Gerling <"Club and for eight : or ten . years was an enthus- iastic metnthei of the Whist Club. He was always eenterested in the school shorts and all movements -in connec- tion with w th th© welfare Gfi,hes students. d ts. To add to the ',trouble o lblc of the Family Mrs. lla nr rntll recently fell i e ] aril sttf- ferecl a severe fracture of a hip which bas made bar a patient for some t weeks. To them the deepest sym- pathy of alb will be extended, The funeraloo t k place at 'victoria' on Saturday, January $tla, .rtilanson, Hullett — Humphrey Snell,- Thos. McMii pan, M.P. It was decided that the Spring ,Ste k (Show be c I h w held on the -usual day, April 7;- bang the first Thursday in the month. A motion •wa s passed that the weight limit of 1,600 lbs. or over on geldings;abe left off the prize list, also that no prize money be paid to any entry made later than one o'clock en the afternoon of the 'show day. ,A committee ' consisting, of G. -1Z. Paterson, W. S. Miller, (leo. Elliott,, W it i 1 1Vi'cE wen Frank Powell, H. Cox and II.:Seell' Fra was appointed to look after'' means . of entertainment to be given on the evening of April' 7. A motion was passed that the sec- retary and ereasurer receive a salary of $10 each ifor tbe year. It Was also decided le¢ that the prize ]rat and' financial statement be pre- sented to the clerk of the county ,at" Lan nest " meeting of the 'Comity Conncil. The financial statement showed re- ceipts of $1,095.77' and a balance of $310,73. to her. Mr, Reid has secured the sag- ., vices of Mrs. J,atte of Hensall. We welcome her to our village. Londesboro Mrs. E. Lyon spent several days last week with Clinton friends. Miss Jones 'of .Stratford • has re- - turned after a short visit with friends here. Mr. E. Adams, reeve, is in Goder- ich this week attending the count council. + Mr. and Mrs. Arent of Port aurora were recent visitors here. Mr, an Mrs. R. M aD ower lofkhe West is spending several months with relatives in the vicinity. Mr. R. Hamilton treated his horn to a radio last week. He purchased it from Mr. G. McCall. • Miss Parrot, our school teacher;, was i11 last week but we are glad to, say she is ;better and school opened' again Menday. Mr. F. Johnston spent the week -end: at his home here. The monthly meeting of the Wo-• men's Institute will be held in the" conintunity hall on Thursday, Feb. 'ercl' Roll cell will be answered by current events, duet by Mrs. -G. Moon and Mrs. W: Lyon, reading Mrs. J. H. Shobbrook, music, Mrs. (Rev.) Snell and reading Mrs. G. McVittie. ,host- esses will be Mrs. T. Moon,- Mrs. G_ McVitti e, 14I'rs, Robt. Wells Mrs. A. Welds and Mrs. Jas,• Mc.Cool. On ;Wednesday, February 2nd, the' Londesboro United church will begin a 'Standard Training School. The class will meet from 2 to 4 p.m, each week until the course is completed_ The fit,atetud.e will .be on the princip- le of teaching and' the second on and study. The class is open to all. Those • who 'desire may take an examination '.: at the close of the course. - The Young 'People of the 'vicinity had a coaster sleigh ride on Monday night on Ioslings TTill. The party was largely attesided and very much enjoyed.. Mrs, Geo, Stevens of Clinton is vis- iting her father, Mr. Geo. Lougnsan, • who is lit very poor- health. -Varna Mro. Gordon Marks has returned. to her home in Toronto after spend— ing twoweeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Connell of Varna. Mr. Elliott shipped g' ear load of live stock to Toronto Saturday. Miss Jane Dennison has returned to' the village and intends spending.'a few months with her brother, Thomas.` We very ntueh regret to report the sudden death of Miss Phoebe Col- slough, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W'nt. Oaklough,, which occurred in (Hinton Hospft<17 Tuesday morning; Deceased was. in her usual 'healtfa whe e` tt,sh wassuddenly strielreit with lin attack of, appendicitis.' She was rushed to tine Hospital but 'too' late For an operation. on The sympathy; of the community is extended to the be- t'eaved family. Huron Road East Mrs. Frnaik. Clew has retern,:d'•house after; spending a few weeks in Peter. bore., Miss Norma Cook is visiting with her aunt;' Mrs. Thompson of Godericle Miss Whitely and Mrs Charles- worth rles- wortof Clinton spent a day with their sister, Mrs. Janles'1-holland, who: isnot well. 'efts -and Mrs. F. Townsend and Mrs:,. Crauley spent it few hours at the home of Mr, Wnt. Ball oe Tuesday night. Mr._ James Magill :is recovering^ ';from an attack of measles.