HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-01-20, Page 8111 Clinton Pile wiswl$ec.o> d CLINTON'S LEADING JElpi'ELEItY. STORE RCONIPHON The Best in Radio Receiving Sets • Rr',R3o JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto -College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's . Drug Store armapy' Sale Once again` the Op- portunity to Spend and Save at the same time is presented to you during our big January Sale. Special low prices on Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats.• _. to Clear Every garment in this department priced so low you will be sure to appreciate the wonderful values we have to offer: MEN'S OVERCOATS FROM $12.00 UP BOYS' OVERCOATS FROM $5.00 UP - Men's and Boys' Pullover Sweaters high neck, Penman's make, Special at 98c, Boys; Heavy Pure Wool Shirts and Drawers, picked seconds, Specially priced at 93c. Combinations as above, $1.85. Men's Flannel Work Shirts; navy and grey, special prices $1,39 ulx Buy your Requirements now and , Save Money. Plumsteel Bros. PRONE 25. Fill up the Gaps with 13IeC1a7's Snirny Itine the Beautiful New Durable Kitchen Ware then buy the remaining pieces as you require them until you have a complete set SUNNY BLUE ,is a new Kitchen. \Vire that will please you lore as you buy more. It is a new super ware for your kitchen— as drivable as it is beautiful. Sunny J31ue is heavier and will outlast rdinary wares. Test its 'weight; you will then appreciate the dif- erence. Its smooth, glassy surface is delightful to handle ---its color ffedt and innmaeulate appearance a constant source of pride in owner - hip. Sunny Blue will not fade with time. It will never become ull or uninteresting. It will ibr'ighten up your Kitchen Shelves. 'on will' appreciate its clean, sanitary, sparkling effect. Start buy - ng your set today. Fill up the gaps in your shelves_ with McOlary's unny Blue, , Special vIntroductory Offer eg. 75c saucepan and reg. 50c saucepan Both for 75c. Sutter Sc.. Perdue AitiuWARE' PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING PIHOI;lE 147w SteartWarller Radio :Gets They say Hearing is Believing -. Ring me up and appoint an afteroon or evening for a demon- tration of the Stewart-Wtarner, or better still let me install a set n your home for five days trial. Listening to this set one night ill convince you it is the clearest and best -toned instrument you lave ever heard and will also convince you it is the set you have een looking for, and -the price is within the reach of all. Prices ango from $125,00 to $700.00 complete. Sets sold on monthly pay-. eats if you wish. i only 4 -tube .Bremer -Tolley set complete, only $115.00. Tubes rejuvenated, 25c -each Batteries (wet and dry) Tubes, Loud Speakers, A _Batteries, etc. for sale ALL UNDS OF MUiSICAL INSTRUMENTS "FOR SALE Stevie' • arner Dealer Phone 89, Clinton t i There are magazines almost spec ially edited for you—but have you found -them among the bewildering mass published today? Have you been dragooned iiito ordering maga 'eines that are out4 tune\wilbh your_ mental and temperamenial make-up?'. Dv rho magazines you now itead'leave you satisfied? -Our newstand affords' a wide selection, among' the many you will surely ,.find one that will hit the marlc—that wii'I provide the men tal diversion or information you crave in your reading, or it linty- be to relax the sleepless mind. Some are for the mechanic, scene for the sport. ing fan, for those who want,adven- tune or romance, the coinie is there as well as those for the intelleetnaily alert and the mentally eleet; Then we have the Toronto and Lon- don' daily newspapers, the only cuti- cle in daily universal use that is new every ;day in the year. Yesterday's, with its news, its wades, its picturee, its fiction, its markets, is thrown away to make way„for the next fol lowing issue. A comfortable chair,,, a cosyfire, plus your newspaper or a good inanazine is the 'type of even- ing's entertainment that should "5 peal. Tie W. D. Fair`Co. Often the Cheapest --Always the Best nem quern ilea i roll .'seal iwr Mrs. H. 13. Combe has been in Toron- to during the past week. Mrs., Russel McCaig of Galt is visit- ing friends in town this week, Miss Eleanor McKenzie is spending a few days in London this week. Miss Lottie Jenkins . of Londesboro visited her sister, `Mrs. John Wat- kins last week. Mr,' Oliver Rands, who has been in Windsor for some time, has 'been home the past week, ...- Mrs. Milton Cook of Sarnia is visit- ing this week• with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. ,Schoenhals. Supt. H. B. Chant and Mr. "B. J. Gib- •bings are attending a Hydro meet- ing. in Toronto this week. Mrs. G. Wi Morse of Boston and Mrs. Robertson of Montreal have been visiting in 'town this week, Mrs. Helen Quinn has returned to Toronto after spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Herman. Mrs. Winn. McEwan and little Miss Helen of Goderich visited the lady's aunt, Mrs. G. M. Farquhar, over the week -end. Messrs. D,' C. Macpherson of Hailey - bury and R. C. Macpherson of Ot- tawa were here oves..the week-ehd, conning to attend the funeral of their mother. Mss. J. Melville of Londesboro aria Mrs. Robert Hamilton of Astor, Saslc., were visitors at the hone of their uncle, Mr. J. G: Medd, one day last'week. .Mr, W. H. Robertson, editor of the Goderich Signal, was in town on Monday. He was on his way to the funeral of the late J. W. Ring, M.P., 'at Bluevale. Mr. 'P. J. Evans of Minnedosa, Man., who has been spending 'some, weeks with relatives in Toronto, is ,now the guest o£ hie .siste in-1aw,, Miss Minnie G. Rudd, of towii. Mrs. •(Ilev. Dr.) Medd visited at the hone of her brother, Mr. W. Hiles and also that of her brother-in- law, Mr. G. Medd, before re- turning this week to her hone in Dutton. Varna The members of the Beef Ring held their annual party on Friday night last. A program of music, songs, readings was given by different mem- bers, after which lunch was served, Dancing was then indulged in until the wee sma''hours. Mas. Armstrong', formerly 'Miss H. Ward, of Manitoba, is visiting at her old hone here. It is a good many years since Miffs. Armstrong left these parts,' Beatty Bros. shipped a mixed car load' of live stock to Toronto Satnr- day. Mr. H. Collins spent the week -end with his cousins, Mr. W. and Miss E. Logan. Miss J. Jollriston has gone to Tor- onto, where she intends spending the winter withrher sister. The members of St. John's church are practicing for a concert, which they intend puting on abonit Fel). 14, Mr. G. Cohnan and Mr, W. Taylor each shipped a ear 'load of live stock to Toronto Saturday. Ms' Geo, /Beatty, sr., spent the week in Toronto"' The play entitled "The Old -Fash- ioned Mother," which wtis;etaged by IIilkeereen talent ii the township hall M•oiiday evening., 'was heard 'by a large and aupreciative.audienoe, each member taking • their part well, es- pedally Miss Grieves,' who acted the part of Mather and had' a great deal CC)C()ANUT IVIACAKOONS A Deliciotns Confection 'Melt 2 squaresof ehocplates and mix wel1:Sth 1 can of Borden's Eagle Brand Milk,' Add pound of dessicated cocoanut, mix thoroughly s and add l -teaspoonful vanilla, Dropon greased time, about an inch apart. Bake in a moderate veli until nice) browned. i makes one teaspoonful at a i chocolate for plain macaroons, Delightful 'to serve on' all occasions, This makes 30 macaroons.. Omit Eagle brand milk 23c .Cocoanut, per lb, 29c UItSDAY, WTUAR'Y"; 20, .1.927:; Tobe: Friday Healthy Wealthy and Wise Eat Fish 25c FINNAN ITA.DDJE 2 lbs, for • HALIBUT RtD, SALMON FRESAI 1ItERRiNG OYSTERS Stoe aliitig Sale HEAD LETTUCE - CELERY Special Week -end Price List at Irdall COTTAGI; ROLLS GCiC Per lb 4 TABLE SYRUP 5 1b for !TABLE SYRUP +y 10 lbs. .totf•'0c SLICED PINEAPPLE 5C Pe! tin,; SOAP FLAKES 2 lbs. for 29C P. & 0. SOAP , . Bars ' While They Last � 'for *Yule CORN STARCH I �C 2 'pk.l gs. for .lbs. 4I•bs, for 25c CARNATION MILD• • Per Can , . UOOSE MACARONI Per lb, SMALL MACARONI 3 lbs for .. PEAS 2 cans for-. CORN 2 earls for , .... TOMATOES 29C 2 cans for , PECAN ROLLS Special, 'per'Ib. 75C Above cash prices• are.goodthe se' three days only 15c 10c 25c 27c 29c It/lotadaeo TOMATO SOUP `2 cans for , COCOA 2 lbs. for', ROLLED PATS 0 lbs, for • GRANULATED SUGAR". 10 Lbs. for . 79 TODDY' Large size . BROKEN SODAS 2 lbs, for' .: . . . . ........ 25c 29c 59c . `'COTTAGE ROLLS Per lb.. gRORTENIIVG 28c Bulk, 3' lbs. for 48c In the Morning First Delivery 9 a'.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 pan. Kindly^Order Early Caand �, Phone Service sh eTo O'Neil _ 48 Where " Sells for less " price prevails. Special January Sale We•have on hand Sash, Doors, Frames and Interior Finish in different woods at very attractive prices. - GY PROC ALWAYS ON HAND FOR SALE—Two stables and one wagon shed Thomas McKenzie Estate 'CLINTON, ONTARIO Everything in Builders' Supplies. ..r.v,r For delicious quality -- services and low price you thank us and no matter how large or small your order..- WE THANK YOU! THE C. & S. GROCERS to Iearn. Why send to tho city for talent when there is so nuieh good, talent just ayaiting for the training? Miss Einily Beatty of London is, home for.;a few helidays. Mrs. Chas. Johnston is hone from Flint, Miele, owing to the ilness of her husband. She intends returningi as soon as her hiaaband is able to ac - ,Stanley district L, 0, L„ held their annual meeting in Varna on Jan,'llth. The„election of officers resulted as follows: W. M,, Geo, C; Petty. D. M., W. J. "McLeod. Chaplain, C C. Pilgrim. Rec.•+Seeretar y, i F.. W. McClymont, Fhn: Seeretary,:C. Diehl. •_ - T easnrer, J. W. Reid. 1st Lecturer, M. Clark. 2nd Lecturer, L. Epps. Marshall, H. •Stinson. • Auditors, R. McMurray, C. F. Weekes. ti Goderich Trn#vnsbip. Mrs • A, r. Hicks, who has Been visiting her niece, Mrs. F. M. Nich- olls of Pontiac, Mich., returned home sooner .than' she, expected to on ac- count of the sudden illness of her Mis- ter, Miss Riihar+dson, The latter is now improving, We are glad to say. Miss 'bate Richardson is at present in. Clinton Community Hospital un- cletgomg • treatment. Her many fi1iehds will he 'pleased to know she is: pr'og'ressing nicely. , They hope for her speedy n•co0very, .: HiuHe 'll Township Miss Mogr idge resigned as teacher of leo. 10 last week, and a new teach- er will be, engaged. .,,jVlis Mogridge has. been unable owing to ill -health to. take up her duties and during most of the fall term Mi's. Robinson sup- plied tot; hes;, She hoped to be able to go on after the Christmas vacation but last week docided she„would have to ,resign. Her, '.e'iefhIs sympathize with her in her illness. .0/01.161 q111/11•11lUi• TEE 3 -ACT COMEDY "Who Not, Jerry n ,s By Ross Farquhar Will be presented by the Westmin- ster Guild of Knox Church, Goderich '” in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON Under the auspices of tile -.Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church on TUESDAY, JANUARY 2611 at 8 p.m. Admissions Adults 35c; Children 25e Reseewed seats 10c •extra Plan at Fair's Book Store (This play was presented on two successive nights to crowded houses yn Goderich.) Come and have a Good Laugh -` 92-2 pruy Yo it Roofing Now and have it Ready to Use. We will sell you the Preston Sheet Metal Building materials now and you can pay foie it June lst. This well known iron` ` is of high quality base metal. Come in'and talk it over with us for prides, etc HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 What will the Year 1927 Bring to All of Us ? In 'starting another year we naturally look forward hoping to improve on the past year. Our earnest, :endeavor will be to cater to the needs of Clinton and surrounding country more faithfully and wfefe itiwilll suitver thebrequirements ofgto all,ptaprceshasstock re -reasonable as possible,, We invite your cooperation to assist us, to-vizitour stores give us a chance to show our goods, and if by any chance' we haven't just what you want, tell us, and let us get it for you. 11?HIEN YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME —'You have a chance of getting some of it back. W.IIEN SENT OUT OP TOWN —It is gone forever, We drank you all for past favors and wish you a very I: and Prosperous New Year. appy Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOOK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 196 SUITS AND OVERCOATS That appeal to every man, younger old Your money has greater par. chasing power when you buy your elothing here. We are of- fering exceptional values in Suits and Overcoats. To give you the utmost in style, in fab. I'M and in tailoring we have combed the best markets of the country. -Never have you seen a finer showing of Suitings. All personally guaarnteed by us to give you lasting service. Best Indigo Dye Suitings at '.kais,�'� y _ $30 to $55 Davis merman Custom Tailoring Cleaning and Pressing .,, We Pay_ P S of Cash for Live and Dressed Poultry Both eggs, and poultry are in good demand and it is best a rat ret wl.ile the quality is good. Phone us f i r Prices GUNN, t:ANGLOIS & Co., Limited'' HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUE. CLINTON BRANCH ,"'° CLINTON; ONTARIO PIi0AtE 190