HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-01-20, Page 3URSDA AJ.,--KT
-,'U'ARY 20 li)27:
Once magic was mystery.. Onceit meant. the ereatibm.of an
lesion by meafis so skillfully concealed that the eke could not follow.
And those who,,),vrought magic were fell".
But tiler() is a modern magic more marvaleus. than that which
mystified, before:: It is the _means by which, from a bit of be'autiful,
fabric, a Smart, and lovely frock can, be created--rnot, by the skilled'
, modiste, but by any woman, anywhere. The .only requisite is the
desire to have. Pictorial ,Review Printed ,Patterns :provide the per-
fect means.
Think of it! Is it hot inag,,ic that y,ou can select a design, choose
malterial, and,. eve nthough you have had no experience I:lel:ore--
simply by following .the definite, clear instructions on your pattern
---.--,ereate for yourself a dress that has the stykg the chic, the air
of modish smartness? You najght say, to yourself, "Oh; I never could
make,a dress vdth any style to it." But never fear. So skillfully
is the Patten). itself 'designed—se perfect is its colistruction—that
the sty,le of the garment is in the'lmtteru.." And if you simply follow
instructions, the dress you make must retain all the style of the
original design,'
• Pleiori,at Revie*, Printed Patterns
r. OOP
Have a worthy Object in
view by purchasing a, Sher-
lock -Manning Piano • and de-
velop the'snusic4l ability of
the faly.
Special Bargains for`Jamary
• Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative
Always at Your &vice Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton
Candiansin. the Affected Area
_The wholepivilized world is •iteix.
ions1R. watching the trend 'ol events
in -China ' at the present time and
waiting t.c tbe. VI* Outcome
will be. The anti-areign - feeling.
seems to be growing stronger, being
in many instances fanned to a Ham&
by Russian Reds or their oWn ends.
The eafety of •13ritish and American
subjeets is in some doubt, but Brit--
peenis, While tryiag to take mea-
sures for the safety 61 her subjects,
to, be ondeaV"orink to wield anything
which might stir up any more hatred.
-The following missionaries of the
United Church of Canada haye
eri on the field in the Province of
zechwan, West China, with their
amities. • This week some.have: left,
iecording to the advice of author -
ties, takineshelter at Shanghai,
Rev. 11. H. L4sh, B.A., and Mrs.
rish of Nova Scotia, and Dr. W. 11.
itifs, 85 Duplex, .Avenue, Toronto,
ere absent from their station,
ungking, last fall, but are under-
ood to have returned in tecent
eeks with their 'children.
F. E. L: Abney, B.A.Se., .-Toroato,
tission architect, is also at Chang-
ing. Mrs. Abrey is in Toronto at
1 Webster anomie. "
Itee,...Malcolin P. Smith, 13.A., and
Ts. -Smith of Hiekson, Ott
"Rev. H. F. Swann, 13,A., wife and
hildren, -whose -relatives are at Kiu-
atcline and Vancouver.
Rev. H. B. Burwell, 11A,, wife
lid children, of Shedelea, Ont.
1Ifies Irene Harris, of Winnipeg,
MiOs R..C; MoNaughton, of Hunt-
ngdon, Que. '
Dr. W. J. Sheridan of Toronto.
S. II. Frier, mission accouritanti
d wife and children, are at Chung- .
• mg. '' ° The developmeat..of a united dorn-
At Tzelicitsing, :Szechwan, there inion and fostering of Canadian ne-
e Rev' 3' G. Edmonds, 43•A -e St. tional sentiment, as one great need
atharines, Ont., with Mrs. Edmonds Of Canada at the present thne, was
1 Napanee, -and their children; Rev. urged by Arthur R. Ford, of London,
• . 11.• Smith, M.D., of 63 St. Mary editor of the London Free Press, and
treat, „'Ivoronto; Dr. F. F. -Allan and
amity, and Miss S. Haddock, late, of
nce Rupert, B.C.
Rev. W. E„ Sibley, 33.A., Gerald:
S. 13e11, B.A., and Dr. P.,S.' T.ennant
and family are at Jung;shien.
Dr. Wallace Crawfotd, D.P.H., Lon-
don, Ont., and wife; Rev. James
Neave and wife 01 Scotland, and Mr.
and Mrs. A. Roger, Self, M.A., of point he said, that • this objective
should stand out emominently in thiS
sixtieth year of the, anniversary of
Confeddatidn. The Kiwanis commit-
tee on public affairs had recommend-
ville; IVIrs. :Morgan, Airrore; 'Rev: J. od that the organization should assist
C. Endicott, MA., TolNoto; ---Ivhs. in celebrating confederation and in
Endicott, ChathOin; .Dr. T. A. Pin- emphasizing what Canadian citizen -
cock, Winnipeg., and Mrs. Pincock, ship stands for. •
Nev Brunswick, are 011 Chungehow, e
Bev. George) E. Bockhorn, B.A., of
Amherst, bT.S,, and wife and children,
are at Penglisiea.
Dr. and hfr8. T. IL Williams, Win-
nipeg, and Rev. II. 1. Veale, 13.A.,
wife arid children, are at Luchow.
Rev. R. B, and Mrs, McArninond
of Morrisburg, and Ottawa, and Rev.
R. S. Longley, B.A,, the latter of
'whose family is in Toronto, at 96
Erskine aventte.--at Vowshow.
Rey. C, J. P. Jolliffe Rockwood,
Ont., and wife; Dr. G, M. Se.,11ery
Toronto (678 (SPedina • avenue), and
L. 13. Wilimett, 13.A„Sc., Toronto, and
Mrst Willlmott, of Ohio, are at Jen -
Menem seat of West China Union
'University, and the largest station;
has the following: '
Dr, ancf,Mrs. R. G. Agnew, 52 Tur-
ner Road, Toronto,.
Rev. W. 43, Albertson, Oakville, and
Mrs. Albertson, Dunclos,
• Rev, E. J. Beaton, B.A., wife ,and
Lhildren, 'Clinton,
ligiss 0. 441. Bedford, Winnipeg.
Dr. A. R. Best, Armetreng, B.C.,
ancl Mts. Best, Peterbore:- '
R. C. Bowyer, Toronto.
• Rev. H. D. Brown PILD • 'Biamp-
ton•and 1Virs. 1)3roira arampton. ,
Dr. E, 'Cunningham, kVinnipeg;,
and Mrs Cunningham, Virawanosa• .
1V1- ' R G 1 '$ 1
iss ou d its co con.
Rev. 0. R. Hartwell and wife, Van-.
• couver. •
Mies L. C. Hartwell; Miss V. Imo -
son, Robleford; Alta.
Kiss R..7. Jaare, St. Thomas.
Rev. R. 0. Jeliffie, Rockwood, and
Mrs. Jolliife, Meadow'Lake, Sask.
Dr. L C. Kilborn arid wife.
Dr. A, W..Lindsey, lrionireal, and
Mrs, Lindsay, Carleton Place,
Rev. W. J. Mortimore, B.A., Lon-
don, (hit.
Dr. H. J, Mullett, Drinkwater,
Sask, and .IVIrs. Mullett, Estevan,
T, Edgar Plewman, Richmond 13111,
and Mrs. Plowman, Long Beach, Cal.
H. D. Robertson, B.A., Morrisburg.
Itevi. W. Small, England, and Mrs.
Small, New Brunswick.
Rev, 8. II. Soper, B.A. St. Johns,
Nfld., and Mee, Seer, Toronto. (Mrs.
Soper's mother lives- at 482 Delaware
Rev. 0. W. Spal'iling, 13.A., 13.D.,
find wile St. Marys, -
Rev. G. W. Service, M.D., Aulte-
Miss Lirnelibuse Orit.
• Batifield-
Mr. J 0; .Gokithrope ,id on Wed-
nesday. for, -MOntrear,. where he in-
tends to ;spend scane time.
Mrs., FL A. -Stott is visiting in New
York and later intends to go to Mon-
Miss Lucinda Rcsid. went ,to Exeter
to visit friends on WecinesduV.
The young People's ,Society will
meet in the hasernent o St. Andirw's
church on Friday evening at eight
uclechit is •hoped that 101 •members,
and those who wish to become mem-
bers will be present. ,
• The annuad, meeting of •the Cern-
Lei 1Company ;Was held in the town
hall, • Monday afternoon, when the
following officeils an1 directors were
appoinled for 1027:
President, John McDonald; Vice,
1arne 11. Reid; ,Sec.-Treastmer, A. C..
Erwin; Sexton, Richard. Elliott; Dir-
ectors, E. Johnston, 'George Hudie,
Charles B. Midffleton; Williasn
-Scotehmer, Thomas Il.E4liott, D. H.
YfeNaughton. ' •
'Considerable improvement WaS
made, to the cemetery grounds and
plots last season .and it is intended
tio continue this work as early as pos-
-sible this -year. The new system of
'pekpetuity is working out well. The
sum ;of fifteen &Alai's extra paid•TM, •olit profits may bo e);Pecte,d and even
when maiing • the general purpose
each lot and this sum • assurea the
perPetual care•
flock egg produptiim must be kept
of it.. ,
Dr. and Mrs. wncNetulf prominently...in Mind if the best TO-
ttlrhed on Monday' -After spending turns are to. be , secured. .
several days in Ddtroit, - •Vigour is • the foundation on which
•The Senior Guild or •Triuity chu'rch haliwinateingig.nipuritoc"iyeet.ibottililt.OveGio.n,atitImrebd.
lield their annual meeting atthe rea
longed peilod is one of best indi.
tory on Thursday' aftetimon last. The
cations .of this desirable quality. This
same officers- were re-elected, as*fol•-•
loivs; Presideat,, WS, •P. H. Paull; iesoniesupneectiiaolnlylvtirtuhe thwilzent'ilethaebrielitiys,„tino
Vied, '1)Irs, mr.a. IVIcLecul; Treas.:. Mrs.
C. Brendan; ' Secretaty,, • Airs. E. H. -give fertility and hatehability to the
Baken ••eggs and vitality; to the ehicks,
Those who have no records to which
After 6•11Ter, business had been at -
they -may refer should teleet females
tended to the meeting adjoutned and
that are active, -that have glean cut
a dainty lurid) was aervecl •by . Mrs.
Paull. The next meeting Will he held Amos, and Welt: Promblent.eyes and
that handle well, that is, those having
• on Feb, 3rd. at the home-Of'IVIrs. A.
Newton Brady.
soft, pliable skins and that lurve soft
abdomens showing that they are not
, Theanriugl meeting of the ,Baarfield'
loaded .dowe with heavy deposits of
LibraTy was held in the Library room internal fat. .
on Monday, Jain 3,7th, whtn the fol. -
The mele to mate with these fe-
lowing officers and directors woe ap• -
males sholild be their -counterpart, of
pointed for 1927: President, F. A.
Miss L. E. Taylor, Dr, and Mrs. J.
E. Thompson, Tel:onto.
, C. C. Walmsley„and wife, Toronto.
R. C. Wiilford, IVI.D. Myth..
Rev, P. Dickinson, B.A., a-nd wife,
Yarmouth, N. 2,
.$1101.11,D vosnat CANADIAN
Ito Clicton N vot Rec,ord ,
Toreabo and from thence to Points in
North Carolina,: and Florida-, whe're'
they_mtend,spending the wmter.,We'
wish for them a very happy future..
Mr. Sam Eagleson went to London
'..15'n Saturday to spend a few days be-
fore:returning to his home' in Milton,
North Dakota.. '
Tuckerstuitla Towilship ,
An epidemic of measles has' been
prevalent in this „ locality for some
vveek.s. Several of the adult popula-
tion have suffered Iron the disease
as well as the'ehildren. • However, it
seenth to have been checked and it is
hoped no serious results will follow.
Experimental Fa'rins' Note)
The poultry flock on the. average
' `Cougatu News
'SEAFORTI-1: Forty bags. of -Sweet
clover seed mysteriously disappeared
some time fSaturday night from the
barn of Mr. IVIurray, who lives on the,
Peter McCann farm, two and. a half
miles east of here. The police are at
work ork the case, ,
WINICHIAM; flev. Wyburn
for the'past year and a half pastor of
Kensall Park Baptist church, London,
has accepted a call to the Baptist
church at Wingliam. Mr. Smith ex-
pects to,asstune the duties in his new
-pastorate ,on February 1, ,and will
move bia family ' to Wiingham next
week. Mr, and Mrs. Spith in accept-
ing the Wingham charge are leaving
the' Middlesex and Larubton Associa-
tion 'and entering the Walkerton
Association. Mr. Smith came to Lon-
don from a pastorate in Philadelphia
where he had previously attendecl.col-
lege. Mr. and Mrs. Smith also grad-,
uated from a Chicago Bible College.
SEAFORT1.1,: The death occurred
Canadian :farm will be made up 4)f on Tuesday at ills residence, James
one of the f.;eneral phip'eSe , breeds, street, after a prolonged- illness, in his
that byeed that will give good sOth year, of Finiarn Thomas Box,
table fowl and als.0 lay a lair num- a priori -Mem furniture manufacturer.
her of eggs. • - The deceased was a native of Oxford -
The egg production end of thebus-'shire, England; and done to this
nes is the one from which. the great,' -country,„„Lwith his parents, when five
Year's OiNge;' settling in 'Woodstock
in 1852. 'They later moved- to 'Ex-
eter; where' he learned. his trade of
furniture making.' In 1871 Mr. Box
became a partner in the'firin of Mc-
Evoy and BOx, Stratford. Later dis-
Pesiag of the business he -entered into
Partnership -with tbroadfod, of
Seaforth, where they carried ou 010
extensive busititss until 1900, when
'the plant Was' sold to the -Confide
Furniture Manufacturers, Limited.
Mr. Box remained manager until 1907,
whdn he rebired4rom active business.
He wee married over 50 yeats ago to
Itc.d8e Maty Fladletb, of -South East -
hope, Whe .eurvive him 'With four
sena, all of Whom reside 111- Seaforth,
Herbert C., Alfred It., EdWard
Ernest L., and one daughter, Mrs. IL
•Minnett, of Toronto: Another dough-
ter,1111`s. E. II. Close, died`gix months
'ago.' The funeral takes plaee today,
Thursday 2530 to the Maittend-
bank Cemetery. ,
EXETER': The annual' meeting Of
the Hortictilfital-Society WAS held on
Friday night hithe town hall. More
than $700 was 'spent by the society
and hice balance remains. A splen-
did' Delver tshow was held III:August,
at which - over $50 was spent for
prizes. ' The electi6n of 'officers re-
sulted' as follows: Honorary peesie
'dent, I. Carlieg; president, S; E. ITiar-
vey;'-firsf vice-president, G., S. How-
ard; second vice-president, Mrs. (Dr.)
secretary-treasuter, J. G.
Stanbury; e x tiv'e •Committee•;
'Messrs.- Compliii, Ward, Hunter,
Misses jeckyl and Andrew; • parks
committee, M 'Johnston, Medd,
Beavers, -Sec 1 Mid' Dealing, ,
Edwaids• libtarian, Johns; as- good °Jk.for 'Me breed with long,
.aistatib 1hlnarian, Miss rowile;broadlinvek, the width careied right
back 15 .the „te.11,- , strong and' verile
seevetary-treasuree, George E. Green-
-with. legs -set well'.apart and quIP.of
sladel directers,..E. T. Merrier, Rev:
,b' usitivity, a clear
e IllsePoatuoill.:au
ti pep"er - as e‘avnic111,..V
mar, MTh, 3D IVR•gity, Miss' Josie Stir- Ore. • • ' •
generally money well pent fey
ling.' It was deeided•-to have a chive•It is ge
those who have no „breeding records,
5• 7e. ,113114'erillyeates,,' tAlle.lt°,0,,,3,,,ganlmaitle,'rmal,plY,- to purehase malesof kneurn .breeding
from breeders, who are keeping ,care.
teciate the privileo of • being able
.ful records, These males, While con-
to.;obtain•gobc1 books and it ie hoped
that these.eral try to gat other mem_ 'forming to the appearance preVionely
Imre. The circulatiofor the past described, should be earefully.selected
was 3,154. A number n
f• rom dams showing a heavy'larodric-
Year rek new
on of large eggs over long „periods,
books are ordered. • and whose sire's dean also showed the
The new council tier, 1927 met at same characteristics: , . •
fife town hall Monday evening, all These breeders should early be sep-
members being preseat. The muted from the balance of the flock
inr, officers Were apointecl; Z. Pease, and no attempt.made to tome them tor
clerk; Jas. H. Reid, treasurer; ton- egg production.
stable, sanitary inspector and care- Rather should they be given an ab -
taker of town,hall, William Osmond; unclance of fresh air and exercise to
medical health officer, Dr. N. W. keep them in goad hard Condition.
Woods; assessor, John 00.1110r011; In the absence of green food, well
auditors, Lucy Woods, Floy Edwarde. cured alfalfa or clover hay should he
A resolution was passed las to hall Ijberally supplied. Cod, -Liver oil is
rent for, dances. If Continuing after also excellent to put the birds in the
Owe o'clock alt extra charge of 50e'• best physical condition and to ensure
per hour will 'be charged, A grant strong vigorous chicks, This may be
of $25 was made to the library. Two fed at the rate of about two per cent
-'-by-lciws were passed, one relating. to of the grain or mash by pouring it
the appointment pf the officers for over the grain or mixing it in the
the year and the °they-regal:ding a maelth
petition being preSerited to Pattie- Hatch your chicks early, the -late
'ilea to grant that Bayfield be made sumnier'chieli is seldom a money mak-
o Police Village instead of an Meer- er. George Robertson, Poultry Div-
porated village, as at present. The ision, Central Experimental FarM,
object of this was to obtain- gyelro • Ottawa.
at less cost than given incorpo&ted .
places. • A totainittee was appointed
to sea about getting cartel= to re- CONSULT REPRESENTATIVE
Place Those dettreyecl by the fire last -
inonth. The members of the commit-
tee are Mrs. N. W. %lode, Mrs., F. A. Clinton, jan, 12, 1927.
Edwards, Mrs. A. 'Erwin, Mrs. E. ,
J-ohns, Mrs, A. R. Seeds, Mrs. Win. F.
Metealf and P. A. Edwards was ap-
• Dear Editor: Tri view of the fcuD
pointed chahanan, •• that quite a large number of inquiries
The 111(11111>ms of, the local Overige have already been received regarding'
Ledge held ub soeial end Pregressive yeliable,sources foe ,eeect grain for the
euchre party in their hall on Tuesday comi.n" etwing, 1 would be glad if you
°yelling. The wiliteila of %he thmt could lindconvenient to insert the
prizes were; mrs„ cep, castle and following rlws item in your paper at
A. E, Erwin. The booby prizes: Mts. your earlieet opportunity: •
Chas. Toms and J. McLeod, jr. A "Because of the general poor qual-
yery nice progra„ Was given, also. ity of spring grain in 1926 the matter
Those coutributing solos, Meests, W. of securing suitalik seed oats for 1927
IVIeLeod and A. E. Erwin. Read- has, po doubt, oectieioned more or less
ings, Mr. 3, Pbase, mouthorgan Music, concern in :certain localities.
Mr. Jas. Rottatt, Vielin malt, Mr. Jas. The officers' of .the Seed btanch of
Lindsay.' Refreshinetts -were served the Da4ninion.1)epartment of Agricul-
aftdr the program. tore have assured the local Depart-
tional, at a celerbation‘ by Toronto former governor, a Eierams interne- Mr. John Drehman f Bala has merit of Agrieulture that there is no
been visithie .his brother Mr II. real cause for alarm. While the qual-
Kiwanians yesterday of the twelfth Dehman. 1t,y 1°1ast years oats ' ' . is W.
r.ow stan-
anniversary of the fOuncling of the The Junior Guild Of Trinity church dard, generally -speaking', yet there
organization • held the annual meeting at the Immwill be oavailable a fairly large suppiy
. ,•
Mt. Ford pointed out that good of Mts. N. W. Wloods on Tuesday af- of seed grain of passable quality? This
eitizenehip was the first objective ,ternoon. The result of ' the eledion eupply will be from earlier maturing
of the organization fax 1927., It was of officers was as follows,: president, crops that clid,not euffer from rust as
Miss.Lucy Woods; ViC,e, MISS E. Cain* well as quantities of superior seed
iron; treasurer, Miss Ploy Edwards; produced by individeal seed growers
secretary, Miss Annie MeLeed. 'Phis and by the organized Standing Field
Guild is. a very active organization of Crop and Combined Competitions.
Trinity church, It, is ,supporting• an It is to be :hoped, therefore, that
'Indian Cecille 'Prairie Chicken, the faerners in this district who are
'at' the St. Pallr$ school, bilged Rei•becoming aniciotni regarding a relia-
serve, Alta. -The treaseter's report Me supply of seed will begin at once
showed that nearly $400.00 had beento inquinci for.suitablevarietles that
handled during 1926, with only a are recommended -by reliable` sourcee
-small balance -on hand at present. • such as the Ontario Agricultmel Col -
Mrs. F. 11. Paull was appointed teed- lege and. the Central Experimental
er of IVIission Study and plans wove Farm, A number bf excellent varlet-
discusleecrfor the corning year. The iee at oats from whieh to choose a
next ineethig zis to be hald at the suitable variety follorv: -"-
home of Ilfrs, 3D. 11. -msK,Ery on Wed. Eaely Varieties: Alaska, 0. A. C.
riesclay, jun. '26th, at 8 p.m. After No. 3, Daubeney.
the meeting Mrs. Woods -served re_ Qther Varieties: 0. A. C. No. 72,
freshments. O. A. C.- No. 144, Victory.
A quiet wedding was solemnized on The general seed situation is going
,Saturday, Jam lith, • at half past to present a good opportunity for en -
throe o'clock in Trinity church, by ierprising salesmen to sell seed grain
Rev. 3D. H. Paull, -when Isabella M. of supposedly OPeriot sttaine to the
Wood'S,'widovv of the, 'late Win, H. farmers this spring. All farmers will
Woods, wais1nnitied in holy bonds of d,o well to inquire of the- Agricultural
matrimony to Frederick 0. Neolin of Representative or the local, Seed
Seaforth. • • Branch at -Ilarristori before purchas-
The 'Wide was attractively ,..,t,tired ing oats' of 81.1C11 tYpC8 as the 'Mani -
in a French gown of Ibrown croXe sat- • m41,13. .ClusteF" and others. Seed Of
in and cut velvet with hat and gloves these varieties -are not only not suit -
to match and we're a handsome coat aide to the local conclitians but gen-
of tonpo needle 1)(41A with raccoon erally have a very high percentage of
fur • trimming. After the ceremony hull and other bad qualities.
they repaired to the home of Mrs, Hoping that you will sec your way
3.4 ,31. McLeod, where the wedding clear to pre$ent this at your conven-
dinner was served. • lenco, arn yours very truly, 0, R,
The newly married couple ;loft on Paterson, Representative for Huron
Tuesday fax London, Hamilton and
very lit -sing' troin the -Canadian etand-
Totonto, are at Kiating. Mr. Self's
father, T. Mit Self, lives at 78 How-
tard street.
Re,.?. E. W. • Morgan, l3.A., Belle -
Two small girls were out playing
when the dooter, vvito happened to be
passing, stopped and hiquired how
they were.
"1 dont think- we lad better tell -
you" said one .of them. . •
"Whyrnot?" ha aSked,
she replied; "Doddy„teld us
that whentyon palsied ,the other weak
and asked how we were it cost him
Judge 1I.sD. Doyle died Monday at
his home in Seattle, Wash., aged
eighty-five years, Judge Doyle
settled- in Seattle ten years ago on
retiring after thirty-three` years ser-
vice as Senior Judge Huron Coimty,
Ont, Mrs, Harty C. 'Morris of Iiki-
M011tOn is a daughter.
Board td the,. list of„ApduStria
ease.,,.and very' ConSiderable ;csneadi-
tures .were wade in 1926 in ,connec-
tion with: the payment...of for
'Phere has also been a marked in-
earideaisiel iin92t0h,e atihneoultotpnalidtifaovii-lulgrcblieeeani(
n$19:j.8.<;ItSbC,,i7n01,1)rvs2151g.'-ht,slYhe,otvoetia, 1$41.11e2d,i0c0a01
aid for 1926 ainciunfed to 214,,40 of the
benefits awarded • by the Bbard in
Schedule 1. '
Mr, Morley states that the Accident
Prevention Associations fotined un7
der. Section 101 cyf the Workmen's
Compensation Act plan to continue
their work and hope for a continued.
reduction in the more serious type of
accident. Over a period of years
death caseS kind peimanent total and
1s3leionwniaincet ncele ciTarls eiativh i dc iiittiseesl hasav
encouraged the 'executive committees
of the various Accident Prevention
Association? to continue their present
plan of campaign.
Pollovring linger-
ing illness, there passed aiveie
Thursday, • 7,,Tiltiam . Bradieyi in his
79th year, , Pour daughters and one
eon survive Jack. and Emma at home,
Mrs: A. Ati'glis, Mrs. A..Forsythe and
1VIrs. Geo. Haller, all of Wingharn.
Funeral serviees were conducted at
„his late residence on Saturday after-
noon. Interment wee made in the
'Whightun cemetery.
DOtaiiis of Pakinents by Workmen%
Compensation Board in 1926 '
Speaking of the .accident exper,
Wimp under compensation in Ontatio
in the past year, R. 13. Morley,- Gen-
eral Manager, Industrial Accident
Prevention Assodatioes, eites two
recent cases—one, an employee whose
thumb was injured while removing
nail front lumber and who developed
infection from this slight wound, dy-
ing within a. short time. Another
cage' was that of a • -Worker placing
belt dressing on a belt on a .drive
shaft when the shaft caught hie
clothing, tearing it completely from
Isis body, breaking 'two ribs and, giv-
Melilla minor cuts and abrasions.
Mr. IVIorld'y says that in 1926 there
%vete 65,916 accidents' reportedto
the Workmen's Compehsation Board,
as againat 60,012 in 18925. The fatal
eases inereased from 345 in 1924 to
400 in 1926. An investigation of the
-reports to "the -Compensation Board
4,5hows that a great many more cases
have been repotted involving medical
aid only. From this it appears that
many accidents 'formerly dealt with
as first aid eases at the plant are
now being reported to the Board for
medical aid. -
In 1926 the total compensation
awarded was $5,821,351.90 or nearly
9300,000 more than in 1925. During
1926 silicosis and compressed air or
caisson diseases were added' by the
McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets
Fine for Thin Underdeveloped Kids
Children Love Them Because They
•• Are Sagan Coated ancl as Easy
to Take ae Candy
It's your duty, Mother to see that
the trail, peaked, sickly, youngster
grows tzi to be strong in body, keen
in mind and robust in health.
Extruded from the livers of the
lowly codfish are the health, weight
ascii • strength producing vitaminee
that are fotind in McCoy's Cod Liver
Extraet Tablets, which are sold by
,pliarnyieistsiall over Noiih and South
America. -44
Doctor's know about thein and 80
C1F,%111 druggists and if your children
need building upesk fax these tables
today if yoa want to give ,yont toyed
obes, a good appetite and put- pounde
• of,good healthy flesh on their bones.
But be Sure and get McCoy's.
They ase not expensiv1--60 tablets
--60ccents and if you are not pleased
with the improvement after 30 clays --
your money back./
A very sickly child, aged 9, gained
12 pounds in seven months and ia
strong and healthy. ,
One skinny woman gained 9 pounds
hi 24 days.
An old college friend writes us:
• The reason the Bible has se :little
so say with regard to animals" elairos
upbb ud" for just and kind treatraent
may be because there NVIIS 110 neees-
sity fax it. Perhaps the'people were
more civilized. in those days thee they
• •
The H,gyiptiane 'estimation • of the
value aT the ox' Was such as to rgad
them to offer him divine honours.
• The bea-utiful pastoral eontained hi
the twenty-third psalm,- Written by
the shepherd' king,is evidence -of his
ori•love for his s'heep.
The picture drawn by Isaiah
(40:11) to :portray the -tender love of
the Lord for his people was evidently
taken from the intimate relation ex-
isting between the shepherd and his h„. wen .at the end 0, half a „own, .
sheep: "He will lead his flock like a .
only withliolding 'trio offictal
nouncentent for a few days,
Mr, Blaels was . born October 17,
1867, at Dunclas county. Ile fq gnn
of 'William 131acic and Janet Gowan -
lock. He received a. Public school
education, • Ile married Georgina .11„
daughter of j. 'A. Griffith, of Parham,
and has,two, childern, Ile has seen
active public service, being county,
commissioner, secretary -treasurer DI
the Agricultural Society fOr 14 years
and ,secretary -treasurer of the Far-
nier's Institute 14or five years. He
was,elected to the Legislature in 1911,
anti -re-elected in 1014, 1019, 1923 and
at the last election, Ile is a Presby-
terian and Jives at Parham, Ont. Mr.
Black visitod, I-Itiron a few years ago
as a mornber of the Agaieultural
Committee, which' sat in Clinton.
At a dinner party the uests were
discussing' whether women or men
were the most trustworthy in busi-
"No woman ean keep a secret," said
one mn ascornfully.
don't know so much about that,"
tetorbed ' the forbidding-loeking wo-
man seated - opposite hint. "I've kept
iny age a secret eve, since I was
.00h," he replied, "You'll let it out
one day, though, mark my words!"
" VV
Never!" ehe exclaimed, "'hen a
woman has kept a secret twenty years
she can keep it for ever!"
How did you screw up courage to
Propose to the rich 1VIrs. McTavish,
"Losh, mon, 'twas arefu'i I'd sworn
I'd do it come Monday nicht, so I took
her for si vide in •-a taxi, ancl wi' one -
eye on the meter tickin' awe' I had
shepherd, he will gather the lambiin •
s s, and tarry em is is os-
om% and will gently lead those .that
are.with Young."
Solomon' says: (12:10) "A righteous
man tegardeth'the 'fife of his beasts,".....
.(orlias mercy for hit 'beads). -
This from a resident of the Orient:
"The lamb is the thildren's ineepar-
able cofhpanion. It follows them to
the pasture and at night th_e little
ones dispute who shall have it for his
bed -fellow, It goes to ,sleep with
their arms about its neck."
And last, but not least, the beauti-
ful parable 'of the lost sheep in the
gospel of Luke. It was not the
triesie value of the sheep (that„ -was
very' little in those days); but the
Jove fax it which indimial the strephem
'to receiver it.
The atelents-were mare to Nature
and more intimately associated with
the animal world.
• •
M.P.P.-oleet. for Addington Wilt Sue-
. reed Hon. I. E. Thompson in the
Ontario House
William David Black, M.P.P.-eleet
for Addington, is to be appointed
Speaker of the 17th Parliament el
Ontatio, it was learned recently.
Mb. Black will suOceed Hon. J. E.
Thonmson, Speaker, during the Test
Parliament. , •
Probably the biggest crop of tur-
keys ever marketed by a farmer ef
this district was sold two weeks ago
by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. IVIeBride' of
Waskasoo, when they receiveda
cheque for 9881 from the Red .Deer
Co-op. fax a wagon load of birds, 195
in all --and they were a fine lot. They
also sold some birds privately and in
'all received about 9950 for their 1925
turkeys.—Red Deer _Advocate,
Sec. 44—(1) No person under the
age of 16 years shall drive or operate
a motor vehiele, and lid person over
the age of 14 years, and under the
age of 18 years shall drive or operate
motol, vehicle on the highway un-
less and until such peison has passed
an examination and obtained a R-
emise as provided by section 17 of
this Act.
(2). No person ghat( employ or per-
mit anyone under the uge of 10 years
to drive or -opetate a motor vehiele
and no person shall employ or per-
mit- anyone over the age of 10 and
under the age of 18 years to drive or
operate a motor vehicle unless and
until he has passed an examination
and obtained a license as provided by
section 17.
Mc, Black has been at the Parlia- (a) Any person who violates any
ment Buildings fax the last few days, •of the previsions of. subsections 1 cg
and when questioned, would make ne 2 shall incur for the first offence 'a
comment on the -report that he is to penalty of.not less than $5 and not
receive the position. He would neith- more than 910; fax the second of-
er confirm nor deny the story. Prem fenee 0 penalty of not less than 910
sources of the most reliable nature, it and not more than 925; and fax any
is learned that the appointment is to subteqeunt offenee a penalty of not
be made and that the Government is less than 925 and not more than 950.
(010M.•6101011111101110- VOW OVIMMOOMINIMIlld.10•01.11
• Whippet
• Prices.
The only car on the market with 4 -wheel
brakes, at this price
Touring $795
Coupe 795
Coach 795
Sedan • 920
Landau 960
F.O.B. factory. Freight -and ta'xes extra.
Bert Lanai" rd, CUnto
Issuer of Chauffeur Licenses
• Keep Posted on Latest Developinents on
Laic illa:ron gold
Mines, Limited.
• AnsExtensive Property in the Cold Belt.of
' North Western Quebec.
Mining plant to be installed at once and Important Program
of work to be undertakenunder.. expert direction.
Write' for Maps, Booklet, Literature ancl latest particulars, to
J. NI,: CHB, ER, 11,SE,-, Agent.
• Box 503, London, Ontario , 92-2-p