HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-01-20, Page 2Vfnitti1 VI. Cae papilailer. 'A.lie
to to Which ",every subscription is
aid is denoted on the label.
vortising Rates -Transient adver.
istuk; 12, per count line for first
3ortiotl, 8c for each;. subsequent
station., 1Ioading counts 2 lines.
mall advertisements, not to exceed
no Blob, such as "Wanted," „Lost,"
StritYed," etc.,• Inserted once, for
Ge, each subsequent insertion 15o.
dvsrtiaen?ents gent in;without '.in -
tractions as to 'the number of ln-
ertions wanted will run until:order•
d out and will; be ehargod accord-
gly. hates for (Hapiay advertlatng
ado known on application.
omtnunlcatlon,i -intended for publl-
tion must, as a guarantee of good
th, be accompanied by the Hume of
Proprietor, Editor,
,general Banking, Business transacts
Notes Discounted. Drafta Issued.
erest Allowed on,_Deposits. Sale
tee Purchased.
H. i'.;RANC
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
andel, Real Estate' and Fire In-
nce Agent, llepresenting 14 Fire
ranee Companies.
Divlalon Court Office, Clinton.
rriater, Solicitor, Notary Publro etc.
Oface• ' -
ce Mune-1.30 to 3.30, p.m., 6.30
0.00. p.m•, Sundays, 12.30 to 1..30 p.m.
• then hours by appointment ouly. '
ea and Residenae - .Victoria- St.
Office and Residence:
ario Street Clinton, Ont.
ne door west o£ Ang;lean. Church.
Poona 172. ,
yes examined and glasses fitted.
and Residence:
a Street _ Clinton, Ont,
' Phone 60
ormerly occupied by the late Br.
C. W. Thompson),
yes Examined and Masses Fitted.
hrropraator_Etectrlcal Treat
will be at the Coroner.
L Inn, 'Ol 11100, on Monday, Wedaee-
y and Frl4ey forenoons. of " cask
Diseases of 1111 Wade successfully
ceased' Auctioneer for the County
°of Huron.
:orresponden°capromptl,- answered.
nmodtate' a'rrangemcnia' can be motto
r Sates Date At The 23ews-Record,
inton, or by calling Phone 208.
;barges Mielerato and Malefaction.
:c _
� �O�D pial
ire nsurance Company
Head Office, Setaforth, Ont.
rFealdent. James Connolly, Goderieh;
ice, Tames Evans, Beechwood; Sea -
ensurer, Thos. E. Bays, Seatorth,
;teeters: George McCartney, See,
rth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; J, 0;
neve, Walton; Wm. fling, Soaforth;
Maven, Clinton; Robert Ferries
arlook; John Bennewelr, Brodhagen;
3, Connolly, Ooderioh,
Agents: Alex. Leitcje Clinton; J. W.
so, Goderictt; bd, ilinohray, Sea-
rth; W. Chesney, EgmondvIlle; R.
Jarmuth, eirodbo,gen.
Any Money to bo paid la may ba
rid to 'Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton,
at Cates Grocery, Goderieb,
Parties desiring to afpeot Insurance
transact other busiuesa will be
omptiy attended to on application to
y of the above officers addressed to
eIr rerepectivo post office. Losses
seeded by the Director who lives
rarest the acane.
ate tnedioine; for the blood, i3tonr
ace,, liver and kidneys; prompt in
giving relief. It is pleasant to take,
agreeable to the .stomach gives e,
thrill of new life, 'Leahy not try it S
Can um isle Egg Is'rodtscas Cloven
Higher Protection During
Winter M®nths,
Ottawa, Ont. -The demand of the
Canadian tirmors for additional pro-
tection for eggs has been met by the
Government by a temporary :expodl
ont. Duties can only be changed by
Parliament, but values for duty pur-
poses can be increased by the Minister
of 'Customs. lion. W. D. Euler, Mo-
ister of Customs, has fixed the value.
for duty purposes on eggs imported
into Canada at 45 cents per dozen at
point of production and 48 cents at
nearest point of distribution in the
country shipping 'the eggs here. This
increased valuation, ibis belived, -will
increase the protection to' the: Can-
adian egg, produced considerably. At
present the specific duty is three cents,
but there is also an ad' valorem duty
palettes of application,. and it is in
-this form the duty will be applied. It
is believed the increase will be about
six cents per dozen; or making the
new duty about nine cents as against
three formerly. It is understood the
new regulation will only be •applicable
during those months- when climatic
conditions place the Canadianegg
producer at a disadvaptage:with con -
petters` living iii more favorable
climates: •
Nimble -Footed' Team* Crosses
Six Railway ,Bridges With
Freight at Heels.
Cainpbeliford: Wilih a heavy wa-
eon tilting and careening. et their
heels; a nimble-footedteam of run-
away horses crossed 'six railway
bridges at top speed in the course of a
six -mile run down the C.N.R. tracks
between Cantpbellford and Godolphin.
At Godolphin they turned from the
ties and were stopped, panting but
Local train schedules suffered badly
by this equine display of.temperainent
Behind the horses as they galloped
down the tracks; a fast freight snorted
with impatience, for its driver was
linable to pass then, unwilling to -run
them down.
At the' station, passengers on the
7.03 express, unaware of the run-
away, fumed impotently et the 15-
niinute delay dictated by "safety -first"
Talking Weigh.
'SVelait le more genera.kly spoken to.
day. than in the seventeenth eentury,-
Profeseor W. X. Gducydd, Cardiff.
Clinton, 04t.
General Fire and Life Insuranceeeeent
for 1iarttord Windstorm, Llve' Stork.
Automobile and Sickness and. Accident
Insurance. 'Huron and Erie and Cana-
da Trust Bonds. Appofntmenta made
to meet parties at Brimfield, Varna
nd Bayfield. "'Phone 57. -
Trains will arrive at and depart from
• . Clinton as follows:
Buffalo and Goderlch Diva
Going East, depart 6.26 a.m.
2.52 p.m.
Going West, ar. 11.10 a.m.
0 ar. 608 dp. 0.33 p.m,
ar. 10.04 p.m.
London, Huron & Bruce Diva
(long South, ar. 7.36 dp. 7.56 a.m,
4.10 pan.
Going North, depart 6.50 p.m.
11.05 11.15 a.m.
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' National
School at Aucttoneering,„Chicago. Spa.
Mal course taken in Pure Bred Live
Stook, Real Estate, Merchandise and'
Farm Hates. Rates In keeping with
prevailing market. Satisfaction ria-
sexed. :Write or 'wire, Zurich, OnL
Picone 16.93.
-if you feel bilious,' "headachy.." and irritable -
for that's a sign your liver is out of order. Your
food' is not digeating-it stays in the stomach a our,
fermented masa, pa isohing the system. Just take a
dose of •Chamberlain's Stonkaeh and Liver Tabieto-
they make the •liver do its work -they cleanse and
swaeten the stomach and tone tho wbola di5eetivo system.- You'll
fool Ago in the morning. At all druggists, 25c., or by mail from
' Chamberlain Medicine Company. Toronto 14
mess Bei imano
Rend These Amazing
Stories of Success
i 6 l,,lwv rsf bwro.}WLit
=urge re t5in
I H w 6,m u flkh ,i;IC
� C.,a u Ymawt
as 11nY t. owl
14°Y ' .L o
Y 4
Met these Alen Imvo dose, you eon do! in yourspare time
at home you con easily Matter the•secrots of belling that make
Star Suleiman, whatovor your experience has been -whatever.
you may be doing noW--whether or not you thinks you can sell
just answer this gueation: Are you ambitions to earn 310,000 a'
year? Then get in touch With me et once! 1 will prove to you
without coator obligation that you' can easily become' a Star'
Salesman 1 will show y0N�how the Salesmanship 'training and
Free Employment Ser ls:a of to I!. S.. T. A. will help you to quick:
zooms in SeUins. '
Si0,000.:A Year Selling Secrets
;bled (almonds, (almonds, abbot orr tia5ht, to at
b ht,dyfor 11,0 N.
0.0 drat ts},
bnd F.,naa-pTY 05 aim •nney Jobe Oat deal .Y•here.''No matter what you
re now dam the field of stUtng °Toto you :p rite !ohm. '. set toe late.
•y' p' ft atioest Salesz sh• 's
1'raini7o association
itnr v 4
Ceaadian tdrr,. .' ;mono, Ont..
Succeeding col. Henry 0ecksinttt,D. Roos s nas sworn in as"Lieilieuant-
Governor of Ontario on Jan. ,12. The ceremony' took place in the Council
Chamberce " the Parliament Building's, the oath hying administered by 7J. J.
Lomelre, Clark of the Executive Council, Ottawa. t seal. Some of the prominent
persons attending the ceremony' were: Ciitef. Illation ,Sir William Melees
Hon. G. Howard I'erguson, Hon. Vincent Mthssey, leon. 'George A. Henry
Flon. W. 11. Price, deal. John S. Martin, Hon. Charles McCrea,
- , and oilier Pro•'
vincitul AQinete's. The ilinstration shows the ares i ieutown.nt-Governor in
the act of subscribing his Henze to then
•oath of oIDce.
2. _Premier Pangalos sets up mill-
,tory dictatorship in Greece. Foods in
Europe take tremendous toll•in hunia"n
lives and property.
4. Rumanian Crown Prince is forc-
ed from his country for political
causes, •
7, Hon. Rs dolpho Lemieux is re-
elected Speaker of the House of Com-
mons at the preliminary session of
8. Canada's Fifteenth Parliament
was opened by Lord Byng.
9,' Duncan' Royal Commission com-
pletes investigation ' of Nova Scotia
coal industry, and recommends- sale
of coal in Ontario and the basing of
wages on the profits of the company.
15. Premier' Baldwin outlines plan
to develop more electrical energy hi
Great Britain,
21. Development of '50,000 horse-
power on Nipigon River is announced
by Hydro -Electric Commission.
28. Terrific blizzard sweeps over
Ontario. System of old -age pensions
is outlined by Hon. Ernest Lapointe,
1. Lloyd George is re -erected -chair-
man of the Liberal Parliamentary
2. II. H. Stet'ens begins his attack
on the adminic jration of the Customs
10. Vigorous protests are made to
Coolidge on Chicago water diversion.
Third session of Sixteenth Ontario
Legislature opens. France and Bel-
gium favor German entry to the
League of Nations.
12. American anthracite miners'
strike is settled, Brazil seeks place of
United States on Teague. Council
25. Huge improvement shown in 0.
1. Hon. James Lyons, Minister of
Lands and Forests, tenders to Premier
Ferguson his ,resignation as a Min-
ister of the Cabinet,
10 The case f th
0 e nsaees err 7110
Great Lakes against Chicago's diver
sign of water is presented to the Su-
preme C6urt at Washington.
14. Manitobaplanselectric railway
to Red Lake gold' camp. Air Night
from Capetown to England ie safe
completed by Aran Cobham, British
aviator, -
29. Legislature passes appropria-
tion of •*5,000,000. for Northern On-
tario development work,
1. British Government' proposes' to
introduce a definite disarmament
scheme at Geneva,
9. Huge St. Lawrence River devel-
opment is planned in the United
States. `
14. Ontario Hydro buys 260,000
eectric horsepower from Quebec on
15. Robb Budget presented in House
reduces taxation, restores penny post-
age and indicates net surplus-af over
22 milions.
211. Increase of 15 millions in 0. N.
R. net earnings ahown in financial
21, Work is started on the Hudson
Bay Railroad,
23. Three thousand workmen peti-
tion Premier Ring to modify automo-
bile tariff reduction.
80. No agreement is reached by
British mine workers and owners and
immediate strike is announced.
l.- The . British Government coal
N. R. earnings for 1925. J. G. Gerd- subsidy ended at midnight last night,
iner elected Premier of Saskatchewam and this morning all work in the ntinea
Britain's Ministry of Labor Gives Actual Time Loss as 159,-
59;800,000 Working Days, Constituting a New Record.
%ondon.--Industrial disputes to a eleven months of the year and that'
number and more widespread ' than � 159,800,000.. working days wore Inst.
any in the history of British Labor This compares with 71980,000 "days
Iost in 1926. Thaprevious'bad" re -
will make the year 1926 one long to 8 re
be remembered by the workers, drd ayear was 19211 when 85,870,000
days were lost, ,
Ministry of Labor statistics records The long-standing coal 'dispute and
that 2,761,000 persons were involved the general strike were *Wetly reopen -
in trade disputes during the first Bible for the idleness in 1926.
1ft. The-Amundsen-Enewcrth-Noble
Polar Expedition left King flay,
Spitzbergsn, at 10 o'clock thin mnorn-
ine to zly over the North•Pole; to Nome,
Alaska, in the dirigible Norge.
12. The British general strike ended.
al noon to -day, after nine days' dura•
5. 'Captain It paid Amundsen and
three cf his officers on the Point
3t ht'
of the dirigibi,e tivrge arrived ed today
at Nome, afte ,safely parsing over the
North Poe.
21. Farther important changes in
the automobile tariff were announced
to day by Hon. James Robb in the
House of'Commont.
30. Release on .ticket -of -lane is
granted Peter 'Smith, foriner Provin-
cial Treasurer, serving a three-year
term in Portsmouth Penitentiary.
1. Canada's favorable balance of
trade repprted at nearly 3380,000,000
in the twefve months ended April 30.'
8. Viscount Wilingdon is named to
succeed -Lord Byng as Governor -Gen-
14. Ontario Government to take full
charget1 of: export marketing of agri-
21. }loyal Military College, King-
ston, celebratea 50th anniversary,:
28. 'Premier King is refused dissolu-
tion by Lord, Byng, and Conservative
Leader undertakes to carry on Gov-
1. Metighen Government defeated in
House by one vote. New Ministry falls
oo constitutional issue. Penny postage
restored in Canada.-
2. Lord Byng grants Mr. Meighen
dissolution .of -Parliament, terminating
most turbulent session. Emile, Coue
advocate of auto -suggestion, dies.
21. I',:even St, AndraW's Camp
youths: are drownei' at Balsam Lake.
31. Death toil of Bahama storm is
126 persons, with 400 missing.
9. British submarine 11-29 sinks at
its moorings near Plymouth, carrying
crew of five, men to their deaths.
24, Rt. Rev. C. A. Seager, former
Provost of Trinity College is conse-
crated and enthroned es Lord Bishop
of Ontario,
29. Opening of Canadian National
Exhibition Attended by 101,000 people.
1. Spain loses in claim far penman
ent pace on Council of League of Na-
21. Sick children are victims of milk
strike in Halifax, N,S.
5. Nene buildings and an, imposing
eastern entrance are planned for Ex-
hibition Park.
8. Germany admitted to League of
14. Liberals are victorious in Fed -
oral election. Toronto and Yorks re-
main solidly Conservative.
15. Compete party standing re-
ported at 119 Liberals, 51 Conserva-
tives, 11 Liberal -Progressives, 11 U.
F. A., 8 Progressives, 8 Lobor, and 2
18. Millions of dollars' damage and
hundreds of people killed in Florida
22. Withdrawal of French troops
from Rhine zone is begun.
23. Property losses from Florida
storm total 3165,000,000, Wintry bliz-
zard sweeps prairies and halts her
29. British albite state that 149,228
miners have drifted back to pits, thus
repudiating the policy of their leadere.
1, A`,JAu Cobham, England's long
distanceflying ace, glided down to the.
Thames this ^afternoon, in completion
of the first a:•1 -air journey from Eng-
land to Australia and back.
4. Ontario and Quebec coma to sone
plete agreement on the exploitation of
the Carillon Falls, Each Province
will receive 133,000 h.p, annteal3y.
Large crowds greet Viscount and
Lady Wiliingdon of their arrival at
Balkans May Be Again Embroiled
5Qi00 3cif
Above 'a sho}vnthe Balkain n, l.aof Iiutopr, ill which iretli eel i ;lensc,u > ,ire. t ti s:10c l,.fo'lo\o n ria; -'s eon•
� a
elusion of a treaty with Alliil it .'t' ' ; .
Y t t t 111. of is a pl o„cSi apo. or Di 1lIomtch�i,o N..21101°,011,tl t o %.}s , .: is
c.�-1i 1 1.13 ioa
-o3 toa'eign m•niekor in the goverilrilcnt or JegaSlavia as a prates 'tglips( 'Liu pact, p-hich-IPS 1'o:i s Huy I,Lve,seri-
ous' consequences for his country. "
Hon. Casimir Oessauilc
Probably the moat venerable oS active
legislators in the _British empire, 'who
will round out a'centurySeptember
29 next,
11. Dominion -,vide G se i - i
e ti rvai:y� e
Convention, meeting at Ottawa,
chooses Hon. Hugh Guthrie, ' fernier
Liberal, to Iead the party in the Ilouse
during the coming session..•
14. Earl of Oxford and Asquith,
one-time Premier of England, resigns
the Leadership of the British Liberal
19. Imperial Conference is opened
in London.
20, Hurricane sweeps over Cuba,
killing or injuring hundreds of;' Per-
sons and
ersons,and wreaking damage estimated
at 310,000,000.
4. Mussolini provides death penalty
for attempts against his life or the
lives of the Royal fancily. Princess
Astrid. of Sweden and Crown Prince
Leopold of Belgium are married at
10. Vincent Massey is offieielly ap-
pointed Canadian Minister to ,Wash-
11. All Canada' pays tribute to "Our
Glorious Dead" in Ariniatice services.
13. British miners accept defeat,
and long coal strike is virtoaiiy ended.
1. Conservatives win 76 out of 112
seats. in Ontario election, while 80
members are pledged to support Gov-
ernment control of liquor.
1 Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux is re-
elected Speaker of the house of Com-
mons. Colonel Noel Marshall dies in
10. Sixteenth Canadian Parliament
is opened by Viscount Willingdon,
11. Ontario financial report shown
deficit reduced to '3380,986, League
decides that interallied control of Gera
man armaments will cease Jan. 31,
17. Britain sends, fleet and Lands
ntarineg to cope with Chinese situa-
tion. U.S, Setate approves Illinois
River channel project, but refuses to
authorize diversion of Great Lakes
water by Chicago.
13. W. D. Ross, of Toronto, is ap-
pointed Lieutenant -Governor of On -
25. ;Emperor Yoshihito of Japan
dies and Prince, Regent Hirohito suc-
20. A new treaty is signed by Italy
and Germany whereby each agrees to
settee all disputes peaceably.
Notable Cere molly :'Heid it
Cabinet :Council Chamber at
Provincial PariiaTelit
Toronto. -In ceremony which had
all the directress'and brevity of high
state action about it, William Donald -
Ross was sworn in on Jan. 12 as
Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario. The,
function was held in '''the Cabinet
Council ncr
1 GIla tn
ber at .the Parliament
Buildings, and was attended by a rep-
esenta ive
{' t gathering, of those who
are prominent in the public life of the
province, Premier Ferguson stood on ;
the Lieutenant -Governor's: right while
the commission was being road and
the oath of office administered: Chief
Justice Sir William b3ulock was also
present, as was also;' His Excellency
Hon, Vincent Massey, Canadian envoy
to Washington. "'others who attended
for the occasion in addition to Bis -
Ilonor's•personal party vveie the Min
issters. of the Ontario Government, the
officers of the Legislative Chamber,
Mi. Justice Ferguson, Rt. Hon.. N. W.
Rowell,' IC.C. ; Hon. E.' B. Ryckthan, •
I{.C.; Edmund Briztol;; and the wives
of the Cabinet Ministers.•:.:
As the formal confirmation' of a
new ,Lieutenant -Governor in his high.
position, the ceremony of swearing in
has a.terseneea suggestive of the louse
rims rather than of the picturesque
side of the office. It lasted in all less
than a quarter of an hour, in which
period not only had the commission •
acquainting Mr. Roos with his ap-
pointment been read by Col. Alex. Fra-
ser, the oaths of office administered
by E. 3. ,LeMaire, Clerk of the E'f'e-
cutive Council front Ottawa, but the
necessary papers bad also been signed,
Mr. Ross stood pledged by his oaths to
"be faithful and true and bear true
allegiance to Hie Majesty King George,
V.,"' to "well and truly execute his
office and trust of the Lieutenant -
Governor of the Province of Ontario,
and duly and impartially administer
justice therein," and "well and truly
execute the office and trust of Keeper
3f• the Great Seal tof His Majesty's
Province." With the .signing of the
oaths the Great Seal was delivered to
the new Lieutenant -Governor and the
Bible upon which be had been sworn
was also presented to him,
Seven -Day Test of
Beam Wireless System
London. -Early on Thursday morn-
ing the Postoffice began 'a seven-day
test of the beam wireless system be-
tween this country and Australia and
Canada. The drat meosagc sent was
received clearly.
It the tests are successful, the Gov-
ernment will take over the stations
from the Marconi Coin -pony, , which
built them. The advantages claimed
for the beam system aretheapness and
privacy. It was reported on Thurartlay
'that a Landon merchant has placed a
3100,000 order with a New York firm
by trans-Atlantic telehnne.
Man. wheat--No.1 North., 331.474;
I+ Io. 2 North,, 31.43%/ ; No. 3 North.,
Man, oats --No. 2 CW, nominal; No.
8, not quoted; No, 1 feed, 60c; No.
2 feed, nominal; Western grain quota-
tions, in c.i,f, ports.
Am. corn, track, Toronto -Na. 2
old yellow, 88e; No. 3 old yellow 83c.
hiuli%ed-Del. • Montreal freights,
bags included: $ran, per ton, $32.26;
shorts, per ton, 334.25; middlings,
Ontario oats, 60e, f.o.b.. shipping
points. • '
Ont. good milling wheat -$1.27 to
3to freights.shipging points, according
Barley -Malting, 60 to 64c.
Buckwheat -•75c, nominal.
"Rye -No. 2, 90er
Man. flour -First pat:, $7.90, To-
ronto; do, second pat., 37.40;
Ont. ;lour --Toronto, 90 per cent.
' pr.tent, per barrel, in carlots. Toronto
$5.55; seaboard, in bulk, 35.55,
Cheete•--New, large, 00. to 203fc;
twins. 2034 to 21c; trirllets, 22c, Sal -
tons 23c. Old, large, 251; twins, 20c;
triplets, 27c. Old Stiitons, 28c.
Butter -finest creamery prints; 45
to 46s; No. 1 creamery,. 44 to 45c;• No,
2, 43 to 44s. Dairy prints, 04 to. 35o.
E,gge--Fresh extras, in cartons, 62'
to 53c; fresh extras, loose, 60c; fresh
firsts, 55c; fresh seconds, 38 to 39c;
fresh pullets, 50 to 52c. Storage ex-
traa, 45c; do, firsts, 43c; do, seconds,
37 to '83c,
Poultry, dressed Chiekens, 5 lbs.
and up, 4 -Go; do, 4 to 5 lbs:, 380; do 8
to 4 lbs, 86c; do, 2s to 334 lbs., alio;
do, 2 -to 21$ ls. 350; hens, over 5 lbs.,
32c; do, 4 to 6 lbs., 30c; de, 3 to 4
lbs., 28c; roosters, 25c; turkeys, 42
to 45c; ciuci.lings, 5 lbs. and up, e5
Beans -Can. hand-picked, 33.60 to
33.90 bushel.; prunes, $8.45 to $3.60.
Maple products -Syrup, per imp.
gal, 39.25 to $2.30; per 6 gal, $2.15
to 32.25 per gal,; maple sugar, 1b., 25
to 211c.
Honey -80 -lb. tins, 12% to 13c; 10-
a), tins, 12x/ to 13c; 5-1b. tine, 15 IA).
13%c, 231-Ih, tins. 15c.
Comb honey ---$3,40 it $4.50 pee doz.
Smoked n, nts-linins, • med,, 28 to
301; cooked hams, 42c; awaked rolls,
L5e; breakfast baron, 32 to ere; backs,
bonelets, 38 to 40e.
Cured meats• --Long c:ear bacon, 59
to 70 lbs., 322; •70 to 00 lbs., $20.50;
2034' lbs. and up, 321.34; lightweight
rolls,: in barrels, .41.50; heavyweight
rolls, 338.54 per bbl.
Lard --Pure tierces, 143 to 1534c;
tuba, 16 to 163f:c; pails, 1634 to 17c;
prints 1711a to 18c; shortening tierces,
12 to 121/ac; blocks, 143*: to 15e; pails,
1314 to%e.
ldeavy export steers 37 to $7.50;
heavy :steers;13good, $1;.25. to •3640;
butcher steers, choices $7.25 to 37.40;
do, fait,td good, $b.l$ to 36.25; do,
come 34.75 to 35; butcher heifers, ,
choice 36.25 to 37; do, fair to good,
35.50 to 36; do, cola., 34.50 to $5; but-
cher cows, gd. to choice, $5 to 85.50; do,
cola, to med., 33 to $4; do, canners
and cutters, 32,25 to 32.75; butcher
baa, good to phoice,, 35 to 36.25; do,
med., 34 to 34.75; do, bolognas, 33.50
to 33.80; baby beef, 39 to $10;
feeders, chpice, $5.50 to $5.30' do,
fair, 35 to 36.25; stceisev ,. choice,
34.75 to 35; do, fair to mod., 34 to
34.50; ntilch sows, y$70 to 390; spring-
ers, 390 to 3110; plain to Hied., cows,,
345 to $63; calves, choice; 313
to 314;. ado, med., $9 to 312.50; do,
coin. and grassers $4. to $5; lambs,
choice, $12.60 to 312.75; bucks, 39.75
to 310; sheep, 'choice, 36.50' io 37; do,
heavies, 34.50 to 35; do, culla, 33 to
. h, thsmooh, fed d
water3$ed, ogs$11; doick, f.o.b„ t $10.50; ando,
country points, 310.25; do, off cars, -
311.40; select prepremium, per hog, 32,15. .
Oats --Can, west,, No. 2, 750; do,
No. 3, 6814c. Flour, Man, spring
wheat pars, lots, 37.30; do, 2nds,
37.40; do, strong b. -.kiss, $7.20; do,
winter pats., choice. .36.10 to 36.15:..
Roiled oats, bag 90 lbs., 33.65 Brant
332.25. Shorts,. $34.26. 'ISlidd':angs,
340.25. Hay, 1-o. 2, per ton, colas,314.5050;.
Cheese, finest Pests., 19 to 19ge..
butter, No 1 pasteurized, 41144 to 42c;
Eggs, storage extras, 44 to 45c; stor-
age firsts, 41 to 42c; fresh extras, 58c;'
fresh firsts, 58c,
Canners' cows, 32.50; meta, cows) ".
34.50 to 35.25; veal calves, 310 to $12;
rassers, 35; hogs, ordinary quality,'.
11.50 to 311.05r