HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-30, Page 6EUJO The Clinton, • ....• 1 • .•-••• • - • , • • • ow .Year Resolution to.:Srye.-4YOU • ' , • ' And this TOWN • ..4nd this COMMUNITY • . A • . To the wholehearted extent of Of Interest to You and Me The Ontario Legislature opens on Wednesday', Feb. 2nd. Eeto nominated a woman for tember of the school board for 1927. * * * Well, how did you stand up under he strain of the Christmas festivi- des ? • 17, C., 1 • And now, let's all try, to keep at east a measure a that fine Christ- nas' spirit throughout the year. * Pretty tough getting down to plain iving and high thinking, after sever - ti days of such feasting that almost my kind of thinking was out of the motion, * • "Rural people still control the rural 011001," remarks the Fatener's Ady�- oto judging from the,mumber who attend the annual school meet- ing there is not much pleasure de- rived from that kind ,of 'control.'" • * * ' As a sensible remedy for sleeping sickness The Chatham News suggests Subleg Pim • . If people will not stay awake after that, we'd suggest a good strong cup .of eoffee and a linnit of Christmas cake before going to bed, . Le021cie.sh6ro The monthly meeting. of the Wa- ne:11s Institute will be held in the :ommunity hall on Thursday, Jan. 'th. Program and lunch, by the 'mung girls of the Institute. Miss Siary Cartwright ,convener. Miss Lena. Parkinson and WM. Stubbs of Brussels spent Christmas and the week -end as the guests of Miss S. C. Barr. Miss Mary, Hall o/ Hanover spent the Christmas holidayswith her par- ents on the 13th eon. The Christmas .entertainments held in the community hall last week were bothwell ,sttended and a good sue - Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Lyon of Xful- lat have, returned home after spend- ing several days with their 'son, Dr. KiAt...Itynn_of.Stratford. Miss Minnie Grey, accompanied by er niece, Hattie, and her two tepliews, are -visiting hor brothers in he States. Mrs, Geo. Lyon 15 Quito sick at the onto of her daughter, Mais. Will making. She has an attack of hoping •congh. Miss Bertha Brogden was home for hristmas.'• The following is from a Glasgow aper and refers to. a ,cousan of Mrs. fameg :Campbell of this village: • "From 'a' the airts,'•' on Saturday relatives and friends of 'Grannie' Ag. es Watt or Steel, who celebrated her 100th birthday, flocked, to <Nekton, near kaglesham, to, offer congratula- mother, Mrs. E. Bell. Mrs, Barker and children, Mrs. •Grierson and children and Mr. Frank Fingland, all of Toronto,,spent-the holiday With their parents, Mi. and Mrs, John Fingland. • ,Rev. Fingland of Mimic.° spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland. Mrs. Wan. M6Cool s visiting her, daughter,' Mrs. L. Awde of Wood- stock. Mr. Win. Wells, who has been in Western Hospital, Toronto, returned on Friday. Mr. Edmund Crawford, who has been visiting his datighter at Niagara Rills, returned last week, Ilev, Jas. Abrey is visiting his daughter, Mrs, Chas, Grar, Walker - vine. Mrs. John E. Taylor is visiting Mrs. Wm. Brundson. ' Miss Mary Little of London spent. the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Msr. Tho. Little. Miss Esther Jamieson of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jamieson. . Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper and son, Gladwin, oof St. Marys 'were week -end visitors' of Mr, and Mrs. Jas, E. Maley; Ooderficit Township • Mrsamuel Merrill, who has been a patient in Clinton Community, Hos.. pital, Clinton, returned to her home at Sumnierhill, M. George Thompson of Wycliffe College, Termite, is home for the Christmas vacation Goderich township will be saved the excitement and expense of an election this year, cte the eld council was elected by aelamation, Herbert C, Cox, reeve, 0. Jen/is, S. R. Middle- ton, W. Macke and D. Churchill, councillors. When the nominations were over ex -Reeve W. H. Lobb was called to the chair and speeches were called for., Former councillors J. Soworby and H. Corey spoke, com- plimenting the eonnell on their work, Report of S. 8: No. 8: Sr.- 4th—Jack Stirling, Kenneth Young. Jr, 4th—Florence Stirling, Verna Picot Sr 2nd—Bob Stirling, Lillian Picot, Hoiden Clarke. Sr. .1st—Harold Johnston, Harry Lowden. ' Jr. Ist—Jachie Johnston. Primer — jean Johnston, Thelma Johnston, Gladys 'Clarke. —RIITH EVAN'S, Teacher. Uohuesville Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Elliott, epent Sunday with Listowel friends, Mr, and Mrs, E, McPhail of Ceder- ich spent Chrietanas with the latter's mother, Mrs. Holdsworth, Mr. Douglas Ward of 'Woodstock spent lSomlaY with Min Errol Cud - A flush of joy mantled the old- Mrs. J. Ctuhnore left on Tuesday ady's cheeks when a- telegraph boy morning to visit friends in Chicago. handed her the following message; • IVP. Whitman of Detroit is visiting ,The,King and Qu„,., sre snnch hi_ friends hi this community. \Mr, John Glidclon of Siteleatchewan tereSted to hear that you are today celebrating your 100th birthday„ and is visiting hi'S parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' - send yet their sincere congratulations D. Glidden. „ and best wishes on this memorable Mr. and Mrs Oscar Tebbutt and anniveraary--(Private Secretary,' family are moving to Clinton this Almost intinediately after receipt wsek• They will be much missed in [if the telegram there' knocked at the this es'inintinitY• Goderich township nominatione• deer two representatives from a tvell- known Glasgow baking firm who were held on Monday lest. mr, W. u. bora between them a gigantic cake Lobb occupied the chair for the speaking afterwards. As there which had as a summit decoration 190 candles. • seemed, to be nobody aspiring to of- , The company at the subsequent flee the old council was returned by ninnbered over 80and includ- acclamation. When nominations were , td ,one daughter did five gons concluded 11. L. Salkeld, who was dele- until last year `Grhlinio' was able gate th the Educational Convention in Toronto gave his raport, Mi,-Soworby to read with the aid of gleosee, She Ls abrisk body, and what 5119 sum- and Mr. HCorey two ex-coune'ller s, Iner rises at 7 a,m, Te inquirers 'Grannie explained that she snows no particular secret if longevity, unless it be hard 1Fork, and -she.has had plenty of that, for eel" widoWhoocl has lasted 54 years, luting a considerable part of which the had family responsibilities to •Hes health is 'fin,' she remarked Mias',Francis Service of Victerie 1J01/ege isviitiog Mita Blanche Snell. Mr. Herold Snell 0,f victoria Col. lege ia,,spending the vacation at his MISs „saary Jamieson of 'Torento ;pent -the Week -end at her 'home. • +Mr, aid Mrs. Wallace Alien of after which the teaeherfleft for her 6aftoqily, Dift., are 16siting the latter a home in Westfield then gave excellent addresses, also 1V1i.• N. W. TreWartha. Meeting closed hp singing God Save the' King; . (Too late for last week) We are eta to report -014 MSS Ernma•Courtice, who has bean on the sick list; is somewhat improved. Mr, Oscar Telibutt had it, very. sue- .cesstel auction. sale •on Tuesday last. Mr. and , Mrs. Stewarta Mair • of Sarnia visited •tha formerts fethef, IVIr, Geo, Mair over -Sunday lat. •Stewart is ariothen-,of onr'ilohnovilIhoyswhe ,is inalcane•good,' • „ H�laiiCsvill0echool• closed en the 2nd winding nap with; a 'CliristmaS tree in the -afternoon for the schelars, , I Fiocoaat.:,ci110,ieliadallieuig,un fit for Mothrl,trUffie;;111';;licive;:elitinged the honi*iinY..Gliritenatiidio.,:., ••;1. INTO.",STH ,jaN Wa0:,ing"PlietoS"..-talaeri ,Please' oblige,• Burgess; Portrait Studio karnages HARRISON-L-RUTLEDGE -At' the Mense, Auburn, on •ChriStmas .1)ay, bythe Rey, W.R.-MP,'1Vluriel; only ilatighter mr: and 1,1!rs. Bebert, Rotleclge•of West Wawanohla, to Wakter Ross' Harrison of Goderich. . ' • Eliirth8 IVIOORE—In Clin;on •Public Hospital, on Dec. 190, -to Mr. and Mrs, And- rew Moore„. a clanghter.-41ary Deaths BROWNETT--In 'Clinton Public Hes- pital, as result of an accident, on Dec. 2a9.-th, Thomas Brownett of the Bayfield road,' near Varna,, in his 56th year. -• O'NEIH—In Vancouver, on Dec. 14th, Robert Frani a O'Neil, formerly of @linton, aged 65 years. - • People You Know Mr, ,Garnet 'Smith of Detroit was home for Christina. Mr. Fergus Carter of Detroit was home for Christmas. Mr. Jack Bawden of Hamilton is home for the holiday season, Miss Nora Kennedy of Mildmay is 'home for. the'holiday period, Miss Mlles cV Lion's Head is the guest of Miss Linnie Nediger, Mr. Fred Lawrence of Milberta is home for the Christmas bolidays.*,,, Mr. Wilbur Ford. of Peterboro came up to spend Christmas at his home in town. Messrs. Charlie and Weldon Hovey spent Christmas with their mother in town. • Miss Etta Hardy of Manilla is spend- ing the -holiday •seaon at her honie in town. Miss Norma 'Bentley of London spent Christmas with .her sister, Mrs. Morgan Agnew. Mr. Dodds Holloway of Sturgeon Falls :Tent the Christmastide at his home in town.' Misses liens of Beamsville were . Christmas guests with her aunt, Mrs, E. W. Morrison. Misses Jule Bartliff of Toronto and Annie Bartliff of Aurora were. home for Christmas. Mrs, John ,Cluff and Miss Maine spent the :festive holiday with the form- er's son near Hayfield. Mv. and Mrs. E. • W. Morrison and Miss Violet and their guest:" visit- ed in Hensall on Christmas Day. Mr. and l'Vfrs. Harold Kitty and babe of 'Toronto spent 1Christmas with the lady's 'invents, Dr. J. W. Shaw and Mrs. 'Shaw. Mr. and Mrs, EintnerSon and Miss 4a Liddy of Kincardine were the guests of their cousin, Mrs. R. j. Cluff, over the ,Christmastide. Miss Lottio Shaman, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slomari and little Miss Joan of the 0, i. R. ear school, and Messrs. WI, and 13. .Slonian of Kankakee, 111, all spent Christmas at their homein town. Constance Mr. Jas Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Main Nicolson and Miss Josie Berwick spent Christmas ' with the 'forrner's daughter; Mrs, McArthur of Goder- ich. Mr. Sidney Delmage of Detroit was a caller lit our village recently. Mr: Ben Riley had a, wood bee on Tuesday mid a dance et night, Among the visitors that were home for the holidays were: Miss Myrtle Lawson, Miss Irene Carter, Miss Mil- dred and Clifford Britton, all of Tor- onto: Mr, ,Geo., Levis is visiting friends in Egmondville. -Mr, Fred Wakefield and Mr. Geo. Levis have the ccmtraet to cut fifty cards of wood for Mr. Wm. McMillan. Your correspondent wishes the ed- itor and 150 residers a Happy New Year. 10TICE TO CREDITORS 'In the Estate of George East, Deceased NOTICE is*hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Gecirei East, late of the Town of Clinton, in the -County of Hnron, garageman, deeetteed, who died on or about the 20th clay of No- vember, AD. 1926, are required to deliver to Thomas Churchill, the ad- ministrator of the said estate or his solicitor, on or before the 15th day of January, AD, 1927,• a full state- ment of their claims together with -particulars thereof, and the nature of the aeetivities, if any, held by them -all 'duly Verified-hyl affidavit. And persons claiming properties in the garage formerly etinducted by the le.• ceased or elsewhere in his custody are reqiurecl to/claim the same forth- with ' AND 'TAKE NOTICE that after the said lag Mentioned date the said achnibistrater will proceed to distvi- ?Jute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as he shall have received due notice arid i accordence therewith, • -Dateat Clinton, Ontario, Ibis dly,of Decernber,'A.D: 1926, W BRY,DONE Clinton Ontario, Solleitbr for the 804 Administi'afiA% 1.'51 tolbe r amasks, - broiderred and Fancy 'Linens Tcowels and H-andkerchieli, House Dresses,'Aprons, etc. womaeri s Exchange Phone 17: • Open Evenings Until Christffias Shorthorn•Hulls For Sale 5 Scotch Shortltoiit btrlls, .8 to 14 months old.. Melyin-Criett, R,11. Nd 3, iSeaforth;--PJipns 21-615, Clinten peritral. .90-3-p Beet Ring Meeting A meeting to reorganize the Sum- merhill Beef Ring will be held in the 'Orange Hall, Stunmerhill, on Tues- day, Jan 4th, at 2:30. A full atten- dance of former members or those wishing membership is requested. 90-1 LOGS WANTED We? are 'again in the Market for good logs of all kinds, either delivered in our Mill yard it, Bayfield or on the stump. Call us if you have any- thing to offer, - Custom sawing will be done as us- ual during the coining season at Bay -- field, Clinton and Thos. Wallis', 4th eon. Godevie.h Township,. MeEWTIN BROS., HAYFIELD Phone 624-r-4, Clinton central 904f Many ParentS Knew Their Children Need Eye Help • But keep putting it off, hoping their childrens' sight will improve, It can be stated -positively that this Practically liver happens, A child with an error of vision is likely to carry ,it all .through life if it is not corrected with glasses. We give ehildrens' cases particular attention. W. II. -Idellyar, Optometrist, Clinton. 90-1 Auction Sale Of Tann Stock. Napoleon LeBean has instructed the undersigned auc- tioneer to sell by public auction at Lot 29, London Road, 21,14 miles south. of Clinton on Thursday, Jan. ath, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Shorthorn .cow,'Ne..184491, calf it foot; Shorthorn cow, No. 119530, due in•Marsh; .Shorthorn cow, No, 123700, calf at foot; Shorthorn cow, No. 151192, bred. on Pasture; 2 .Shorthorn bulls one year old; red COW, 5 years duo in .March; Holstein cow,.3 years; due in Jannary; black cow, 4 years, doe in 'March; bine roan, 7 years, due in March; red 'cow, due in February; 2 roan heifers, due in February; red heifer, due in /Sarah; cow 4 years, freshened ono month; HolsteiMeow, 4 years due time of, sale; 7 Durham steers, '2 years olch; 10 Durham steers, 1 year old, • - TERMS. 8 months' credit given' on .furnishing bankable paper or a discount of 0 per cent. per annum al- lowed for cash: Napoleon LeBeau, Proprietor. Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 90-1 Farm Wanted Wanteil—To hear from „owner of good farm for/sale. State cash price, full partimalars. D. F. Bush, Minne- aphdis, Minn. 80-5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claimagainst the estate of the late George Bell, of -the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, who died on .or about the third day of November, 1926, are required to forward their claim duly proven, to the undersigned, on or before the fifteenth day of January, 1027. And notice as further given that, after the said date tho Administra- tor of the said estate -will proceed to distribige the estate, having' regard only to such claims ,as he shall then have had notice. , . • Dated at Gederich, this.twenty- "first day of December, A.D. 1926. , HAYS and HAYS '• Barristers, ete„ Goderith, Ont. ' 89-8 House toRent• Partially furnished house, with bath, Apply on, premises to MissL. Grant, 4 doors east of Ontario street United chureln_Clinton, . 88-3. Heifer Astray Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, a red heifer, with romid Polled Ang-us head, about 800 to 900 lbs. Information as to its *Imre- abonta thankftilly received by F. G. Ford, Holmesirille, Phone 16 on 611, Clinton central, 88-3-p 'Cheese for Sale 'Cheese in bulk at any tinie. Large -cheese, 20e, Flats, 21e„ Stiltons, 28c per lb. 'The Holmesville Cheese and Butter Co. Wt ,11 Lobb, president and salesman, R. R. No, 3, Clinton. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed., and -re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned, Rooms aver Heard's 'Barber shop. Jago. 2288-tf House For Sale 7-roomed•-bouse and quirter-acve lot, to watel,,--etectrio lights. Ap- ply,to J E DohertyClinton. 8341 , House for Sale or Rerit "louse on cornet be.R111011 and 'Or- ange. streets, old ivionnteastio, A s ly. F. W. Johnston Clinlon. ,TooLw Patrons • • IA Happy New Year N W. Trewartha Phones, --Office, 214j Residence, 214w Nediger's Garage For Gasoline, Oil and Grease Tires, Tubes and Accessories. Let us figure on your Trucking Sue Wood for Sale W. J. Nediger, Prop. F. R. DARRQ BARRISTER will be at his office in Clinton each MONDAY From 3 to 6 p.m. 3041. We Serve and Satisfy We with for yen all those things that will bring you happiness and success. And for ourselves we are wishing, and resolving, that we' will merit a continuation of the patron- age and support accorded in the past, L LAWSON & CO. PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 111 • Clinton's ci,:iitetrftit?S "Witatls home vattiout If our sincere hopes for 1927 are`fUlfilled, thi to be the very best year you have ever had. Becal wishing for you all the goOd things of life, and hopi the happiness -and prosperity conceivable will be TY!. eller Hardware • Dealers in General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Stoves, • • Rowland's Old Stand ,' • TELEPHONE 58 CHI -NAME P taxitty Wted Not,/ is the time to get yid of your non -producing hens. We will do your culling free of charg,e. We also want chickens and ducks. Wednesday and Thursday forenoons at residence, Vic- toria street, five doors north of C. N. R. tracks. Call 231, Clinton central,' for prices. , A. E. FkNell‘ — 784f. Christmas Sale of Flour We offer Maple Leaf, Purity. Five Roses Flours at practically cost for cash. Oventocked on account of so much feed being required and having to take Flour in order to get feed, Now is your chance to get high grade flour less dealers profit. Don't ferget the dates 27th to 31st only J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 lour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers AW •Fl WANT Am now paying spec for all kinds of raw F H. A. HOA Phone 89 COA Having erected new have on hand full sto immediate delivery. able. Also a quantity wood. EL J. MIL Orders teken at reside COA1 Stove, Egg, Nut and Coke and, Kenn Also Cedar ami ' E. WARI Phone 155, Singer Sewing Sold on &lay ,Mon Special two-year ter farmers Also a full st Needles, Belts a for all mat Sole Agent for t W. GLEN When the Heat Folks are in your You. can wake in the meriting to the delightful aroma of coffee and. bacon. You jinni) willingly out of bed be- eamse the room is warm. You start off to work glowing with comfort and happiness from head to toes. • • . Yee look forward all day to a cosy everting at home. You can really enjoy the winter:,_ When- the 'Heat Polka are Th your home. Call the vsti5NP4fe for good, clean.coal 1:::•1111,...:\.ii ,.. i 0 t,' COMPANY ..-• .. ...,,,,,..... To our Friends and Patrons, we send a Hearty •Greeting! We aro very thankful for the many favors sl ing the -past year and we feel that our. efforts to furs of Footwear at the lowest possible prices consistei quality have been fully appreciated! This thought affords us the greatest satisfaction. We shall always be untiring in our efforts to furni with the best Shoe Styes, Values and Service that it is a Shoe House to render. FRED JACKS° The Big Shoe Store Opposite th C. H. VENNE,Elettri Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans Appliances Wiring and Repairs. :X.eep Your Hens Laying LiekAr 717.4,,the.‘askee")., A and DIATCHFORD'S • "Bar -Nue NEN SCRATCH Asmara greatest egg prothsetion FLO Get our n FI Bran and and Grow