HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-30, Page 400
We are wiLb all the,necessary,equIpment
appy ?levy' Year' to All
A. T. .000PER,.
, •.. .
41 • ,
t llyi o 10 aka014,,,,*0
• Bev t'
Ir, gr4- 13e1fl1O 83,
436; 3ackLinclaY .87.
78.Maud Paike,
.11; itonburs;' 'Keith,
• GeMinhardlii liencithtSf, • NcrOwit
Lbuiee .Mcleeed, 66;-
lareekiStur6eert, 60; Lphie” Weld, 54.
• • Jr. .214Me11!il161,1 Tent.:
11401.001); .301.]
Wishing all our friends
A Hippy New Year
Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative
Always At. Your Service • Box 113 or Phone 273, Clihton
o 0.,,,1it'Clii1t1'eleLbeesimeeteel..:
t� Gde141i Wo a'iesoii7
"kg,'-gh,g;.*61.401. •-ki'',0iii."'01•IfC011
Irene:and Jeau; ''361i4t..er.i,-,O,f.
.1-regbeierl.are"-tSpeniling• theilY.; heilidaYS,
'Clinton: :were'. home' ,Over
tire, .A.„.:Atietin'and.„.lettip,,eimeleirillie
,friends'.in,Detioet:e •
, . „
es .vieleirig' withfriends ein„Vreeeerhe,
).e;: 6(); ob:, Carson,
Johns (nelseed exanainatiens).
•1.A Book Delis_ Featherstone;
di:aides Harkeii; Clara Parker; Wil-•
Psmoncl.,t "
• • Sst...Frinter—ljean Dinim.Etts,
Leona Holm, .Dielc, Vsreston. , •••
t17,V •.11"Peg'eclsiti14"
'a, Very., .017fieient
her many-. fmend
0107, e].
Mi,. Thhbaie0.
g.r,s•:;`,'gdikWi'`EV;,(Ar6 •
e.Orli71],rj,MellYeeeeie seehding,:et
pa're het liqlidays' With 'friends ,at
..'• '
.'day.ta.ep:orid ,a`.'slte'i't;tenre
(Tee late for last week)
Jr. Prinier—Evelyn gentinhardt,
ivIis "A., meconne1l has feturned, to
Jean Elliott, Albert; ,08111.011.4, Pem.l her home after spending the:past few andlamber. ‘Miss Gamble bit
Lindsay; Mae Murray. •' months in...the: West. • ' 17.411-unne,in Ripley on FrideY.
s\--ANNA,WOODS, Tex -teller, •Some 01117 villagers attended•the, *Tile annual community fowl supper
play -in Bayfield `last Friday night, NV:15 •'held on Tuesday' evening at the
Senior Ropm •
• 5th—Pas s 50,.per cent Numbers in
beadleet's are number .of examinations
witten: May Sterling, (11), 70e,
fIelen Seeds, (13), 69; Clayton Wes-
ton, (4), 68; Annie McLeod, (12), 55;
Erect Wallis, (9) 44.
4th—Pass 00 pet cent—Lottie
Higgins, 76, honou'
rs. Margefret 131-
liott, .75, honours; .A.gnes' Kar, 75,
honours; Bernice f Seeds, 12; Fred
Weston, 71; Jessie LindsaY, 70;
Ceoege ,Sturgeon, 66; Doris Gemin-
hardt, 61.; Ella IVIcKlay, 55; Newton
Sturgeon, 52,
Jr. flinl-Pass 60 per ceia--Grafton
Weston, 62; '.ka.ry Wedeomb, 50;
Berthina Sturgcom, 55; John Brown -
(absent). • .
Sr. 3rd—P0,s55 GO Per (7ell•---cra5g
Kerr, 59; Harold McLeod, 57; Teen-.
neth Merner. 50.
--M. HELEN GERRIE, Teacher.
111. Sehool eqecert
ominatIons n
• ,
ULLETT , (aeclarnatiOn). Couneiller'6
Sult -73f.„norninatiOns s Eullett tawO (.#.0e143niati3a)1-=:-.17, Raeder, :Job
ship were: ,ss ReeVeor'-- Dougal, Alfred Reieh
;Matthew -ex:met:robe Eb0S1 danl43 oo11-
"john'.9orbes; W., II: Knox,
RehoMt LwsOThj"ehn Dayr.• '
yVaa held in•S. •S. No. l' on ThursdaY,
afternoon , The - program con-
of,ionger.reeitations, dialogues,
'ehe' 'after, wbieli Santa Claus present-
-ed,ethe •gifte„ on.,• the ,treeAt the
.elbeeieff; the .pregrarn the. pupil* pre -
seated the teacher,'.Miss •Camble, with
ar.leyelyl. every /clock.•
.7.,• ,
Mrs, AleX: eVIcEeven invited o num-
• 'her. of the :young 'people. to her halite
gb Thiersday evening , last; During,.
the evening Goinble -was given. a,
lovely] c.ernb and brush tray in pearl
, DLYTH-.....Norninations ' today,. re-
Sult.eC,P ,Reevee..-..4ante's
Dedde,-(Dr..W.-4; eirdc.(S.,,G. Les -
menet-, 'George Wh: ite 'Herbert Doc
ter, 'Themes 'Tayler;... Will-la:a. Mills;
Wall* Johnston.. 'Trusteesj.'."H.
E..Eiliett,, J. E.'111.prire„.H.:6::_arein-
tYre,...Orton' Stubbs, Thoinas taylcir.•
HYclro ,C.onunissioner.R. M.', McKay
•.(ocelaenetieri). -`
which was given by the young pee-.
pie .of Trinity church, and:report an
excellent .14ogram...---
We are sorry 7te repoet the illness
of.• :Klee J. Johnston cif the village,
but hope she will soon be around,
again. .
300. McAsh hat had a Marconi
radio installed for the winter.'
Quite a' number, are laid up:with
sevoee colds. • '
Mr, Fred Davidson of Detroit
called onfriends in the Village Tues-
day last.. • -
Mr. J. Hagan of Hensall was re-
newing old acquaintances in the Vil-
lage one day this week. ,
.The young people of the United Geo, Baird, sr, .
church are Dating on a play Thurs- 1 Mo. and- 'Dies. Wen. Baird. of Tor -
day night of this week. onto spent the Cheistmas holidays
Sorry to hear that- IVIr. Clifford • here,
Keys is- confineto his bed but, hope Mr. Daye MeNaughton spent
to hear of his speedy recovery. Christmas and Sunday with his broth-
Elmei Keys is at • present sr, Mr. John McNaughton of London.
.spending a few days with his broth- Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Elliott of Wind-
er, Ruskin, who is teaching in Ford sor are spending the festive holidays
City.. • at. the home of the latter's brother,
• 3has.
5,',,», o- tire Christmas holiday visi-
ars..........ama....;......sargessaxmosassmnavsmosecdr.smarrocomr......,.e,karmino.rumemaa.r..7.;a.:21•.rer". tors were
r ford; Mr. Roy Roberton, Err. and Mrs.
; Mr. Will Thomps.on, Strat-
Harry Beadle, Mr, Clayton Ladd, MT.
and Dirs. Albert Thinking, Mr. and
Cli.ristmas saie o MTS. G. Stanbus, Mn. Elwin Rutledge,
Fred Greig, Detroit; Miss Mabel
Hickingbottem, New York; Mr. and
• Mrs. Norman Mutch., Alberte; Mies
• RadiOS Lawlos and Miss Elsie Lawlor, Lon -
Alma liutch, Toronto; Miss Lottie
don; 1VIiss Ethel :Washington, Neff'
Our shod< of Atwater Kent and Crosley radios are being Mr. and Mrs. Art. Ferguson and
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Innes.
Over one.hundred people Sat down to
the well -laden tables. The remainder
of the evening was spent in music and
:Mrs. Will Spear of Highgate is vis-
itiigr--er mother, Mrs.- Malcolm Me -
Miss -Erma Diehl of Hamilton is
• home for the holiday.
Miss ,Edna MeCowan of Markham
spent the holidays at her home.
Miss Vbra Pepper of Mount Forest
and Mr. Lorne Pepper of Toronto
were hoer e f or the holidays.
Mr. Robt. Baird and wife of Pasqua,
Sask. are visiting his mother, Mrs.
COLBORNE: There will he. no
inunieipal contest in •Colborne ton -
ship, The whole eeuncil being re-
turnecl by acelamarion. Hugh Hill, a
member of the past year's Council,
was elected to the Reeve's chair, to
-suceee.1 0. A Roberti:in, who was re,
cently elected to the ,Provineial Leg-
islature. The Council for •the com-
ing year will be as follow: Reeve--
Hegh Hill, Councillore—W. L. Young,
Fiank Wilson,. A. J, Goldthorpe and
William Thom.
. EXETER: The reeults oe the nom.
illations are • as follows: • Reeve—W
sunders, C. B. Snell. Couecillors
Joe Hawkins, Eli Coultes, Win. Gilles
pig, Wm: Lutinan,, Ed. J. Christie
oehool -Board--B. Frame;
•Dignan, J. G. Stanbury, R. N. Creech
Vinetta Mollard. Utill
ties—John h. Hind, (acclamation).
family spent Christmas with friend
offered to Inc public at prices enabling all to own a radio,
in Wingltam.
Mr. and Mrs. IVIaltland. Allen and
Satisfa-ction Guaranteed. Free service for first season. Dorothy- • Craig are -spendi rig the
• • •
Christmas season in Detrote and
' Flint..
Call in for a Demonstration. •
and Mrs.. IV, J. Andrew and
Misses Rae and . Freda of Goderich
spent Sunday -with friends at Auburn.
Mr. and. M178, Norman Mutch spent
a few days with -friends at Clinton
and Porters Hill before leaving on
their return trip on Tuesday. • They
will also spend a week in New York -
before returning' to their hdree in Al-
Mn. and Mrs. 0, F,. Erratt spent
Christmas at "'Woodlands", Huron
Road, near Clinton.
Mr..and Mrs. Chas. Roberton and
eamily of Goclerich visited friends
here Sunday. e .
Mr. and Mrs. By Munro of Mitch-
ell spent Christmas with Mrs, D.
IVIunro and -relatives here. '
Mr. and Mrs. Amble Robb -Mem' had
the -.pleasure of havieg th.eir family
home :for .Christmas; •Mr. and Mie.
Fred Schoen, Miss Edna and Lavern
Robinson of Detroit; Mr, and Mrs.
Frank 'Robinson a Toronto; Mr., and
MTS. Oval Phillips of 'Seaforth,,also
the latter's sister, Mrs. Jos, SteWert
of Detroit and Mr.. Lester ,Greuinsen
of Detroit. It, is twelve year.' -e since
the -family bad been together at
,Cheisemas. •
13atifielcl ' •Dr. and Mrs. Newt -on -Brady spent
• 1 Chrittmas and the week -end with the
Mises Elva and Anne, Dewar and ; latter's parents in Toronto,
- Mo. David Dewar of Toronto are home I
• for the Christmas ,vacation. . -Miss Jessie L. Metcalf of Detroi
is spending the holidays with het'
Miss Ethel Geminbardt of Toronto
parents, - . ..' . . .]:
• .spent the holiday and week -end .with "
her parents. •' ' Rev, and Mrs. :SE, A. Townsbenn
1V,fiss, Margaret Baker ' was lionie •
front Toronto for the ' Chlistmas
and family and Miss Mary Elliott0
Beryl° are visiting their parents, Mr.
week -end. •. :and Mrs. T. H. Elliott for the holi-
Mr, Haery Baker of :London mote'l day. . .
951ed up and spent a few hours with , •
his par,ents on •Christnins Day, . .1 Misses Anna, Betty. and' CWen
• Miss Izetta 1VIerner of New Dundee Elliott of Ttmento are hone for the
is bora for the vacation. , Christmas season.
'Mr, George L. Blair of „Petrol is
spending his Christmas holidays •With
his parents. '
1Vlise Helen Gerrie left on Wedites=
day to spend the • vacation at her
•home near Ingersoll.
- Mrs. GeV.. Woods and Miss Anna
liMeoee are spending the Christmas,
xadation Courtwright. '
Miss Lola Elliott of Detroit spent
the Christmas week -end with her
mother Mrs. M. Elliott,
Mr. CliffOrd Clark of Cameron and
',Mr and Mrs. Ephriam Howes and
family of Ridgeway are spending the
vacation with their parents, Mr. and
Ars. L. Clark.
Mr. and Mrs: F. A. E'dwards and
Miss Eley Edwards returned on Mon-
-clay after spending Christmas with
relatives in Kitchener. •
Mr. F. A. Seeds left on Monday af-
ter having spent. Christrniis with hie
1VIiss S. M, Ross of Woodstock was
hem Tor Christmas and the week -end.
Mr. E. T. Brawn of the .Standard
Bank enent, the Nveek-ond with his
parents in Toronto, ,
There will be a watch night service"
in Trinity church on Friday night at
fifteen minutes to tWelve o'cloek.
The ice -cutting ..,!.).rierations com-
mencedfon the rive): on Monlay. The
ice is quite a geed thickness.
MTS. Thos, Cameron .had the groat
misfortune to fall on, Sunolay last and
fracture her , hip, She was removed,
to Clinton Irospital and tit time of
welting was progressing fayourably.
Her many friends . will:: for her a
good recovery. • • -
The reads' are very iey and in a
dangeorus condition' 'for teevel just
now. Rev. F. H. Paull had the mis-
fortune to Acid and go into the deep
ditcli between. F. IVIcHwen's and L.
Clark's on- Sunday ' morning, . For-
tunately the ear did not turn over or
the ,conseqeences might. have been
serious. Mr. Paull get anothei. far to
take Min to Varna and Middleton and
his own, ear was taken out M,oritiay
with no Berions damage done:
Miss Ceeile "McLeod Who Ms been
„juirsing in Perrysburg, .Ohm,,,for some
months.,,,returne,d to the yillage last
Tuckersmith T9Wnship
M.. as.
Dr. Harve Reid and wife of Toren -
to spent 'Christmas at the former's
home here.
Miss Pearl Taylor -of Brussels is
spending her holidays under the par-
ental, roof,
Mr. Chas. Rathwell spent Monday
it London.
Miss Alma Ratlevell. eeturneel In
Windsor on Monday after spending'
., Mr. and Mrs. C. O'Brien -entertain-
. ..
ed about csixt:y., et their friends to a
dance one evening last week in hon-
our sI Mi. Harvey O'Brien- of 'Milani,
Alta. who has not been home for
teen years, ond Miss Essie O'Brien et
Termite, who :is also visiting her
IVIise Ruth Houston • returned -to
London ern. Sunclay . after having spent
the holiday with her. parents,
Miss Nina ,eard. of Kite!) net Ise
*sPeudine• the Christmas vacation
'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm,
Heard. •
Mr, end Mrs. john Pollock went to
•-Godericli (in Wednesday last 1..'0 spend
, Christmae with their daughter, Mrs,
• 'Geo. Holman, after which they plan
to visit their daughter Mrs, SbeWart
in Hamilton,
Mr,- and IVIrs, .0.00. -Ring are spend -
Eng the Chrisienas-seheon •with their
.daughter, Mrs, Hart tri Toronto.
• Mr, arid 14±1,Rt Jewett end
isees ,Ethel.."and thiate 010t0515(1;from L0-140117.0;rla -Spent IVEonday• arid
-VieeselaYI irt„.•the •, •
ReV. F. IL and Mrs. Paull motored
to London on TlititIsday And itpent
1.47iih i:OTtrieV'S mother,
-returning Phrietinae"eveniln,
,Miss Gladys Davison London
SPent 111,0„t11,-
.' The, following is a eeport of S.
No. 4 for the Christmas exams:
Sr. 4th-711ota Fear 74'7':e.;'
' Will
Pepper, 70; • 'Cannon Rowcliffe, 67;
Margaret Fear, 58. ,
litTLLETTe Reeve--1V/atthew Arne
R b
Clarke.- Counciller*--Herbert
ridge, 'James Leiper, • James
•Forbes, Therms Sloan, William Kno
(withdrawn), Robert Lawson, Joh
strong' Emmet A. Adams, o e
the nominatien in this township re-
sulte 1 in the return 44 the 1920 Reeve
-I3AVFIELD: Those nominated he
are: Reeve—E. F. Monier, A. FL
win... ,douncil-'W1. 3. McLeod,
Parker, Geoege'Castie, Lewis Thom
• Son; Murdock Ross, William West
School trustees—E. R. Weston, E.
Johns, W.3. McLeod and A. Brand
GODERICH: For mayor—Ma
H. 3. A. MacEevart R.. H. Cutt. Ree
—Chas., C. Lee, J. 'J. Moser, R. T
en,B 0. 1VIunnings, Wm. Bailie.
puty Reeve—J. j, Ililoser,, R. Tern
and Council by, acclamation: Reeve
Councillors — Wm. Bailie, 'Ito
.Coultes. Council — D.
johnstan, C. Hmnber, D. Ocler
Stalker, F. .Campbell, Joseph :Kerr, , •
B. G. Munn:rigs, II. Blackstone,13
Bert Thompson. ley 1VIeLean R. H. Cutt, R. Turner
Armstrong, D. Sproule, Fred Mur:
E. L. Dean Craigie, G. L.
sons C. Dean,
A. S. Paltridge,
Peaciley, J. Cutt, Alex, McLean, C
Lee, .Tohn Storey. Public school ti
tees—acelamation--J. F. Thonm
James C. .Carrie, R. R. Bellows,
MORRIS: Result of the ;nomina-
tions in Monis township is as fol-
lows: Reeve—R. H. Shortreed, E.
Cardiff •W?. J. Henderson. Councillors
Wheeler, J. Brydges, John Mc-
Gill, J. A. Brown. The Council is
eleeted by acclamation.
John Hanna, James Ballantyne.
Councilloes, Dan Hew, Wellington
Skinner, Hugh' Berry,, Benson Wil-
liams, ,Slias N. Shier.
John Hayes, (acclamation). Deputy
Reeve—Ruben Goetz (acclamation).
Councillors—Wesley Dearling, Robert
Melvin Love, Peter Martini, Chester
Mawhinny, Nelson Schenk, •Thaiala
HENSALL:. Nominations for 11
sail, resulted as followe,: Reeve -0
Geiger, Geo. C. Petty, William C
sitt. Council — Robert MeArti
Chris: Campbell, Jas. Priest, Rol
Higgins, William Consitt, All
Clark and Robert Cameron. S
Soldan,, William A, Mactaren.
lie Utilities --(0001.)—,Chas. Mo
A public: 'meeting was held on
nesday night, when the eon
.Christmas at home. .•
equalized assessment as it :de
Mr. Eric Reid of London is TO- tbi.S village and other municipal ni
4th—Norman Lloyd, 70,, Edna
Cook, 68; Verna Layton, 64; Gordon
Manning, 56. ,
Sr. 3rd—Melbourne Ball, GO•
PepPer, 64; Eddie Layton, 54;
Waiter Pepper, 56.
31-. ,3rd—Marion Matheson, 66;
Frank Garrett, 54; Wilma Row-
cliffe, 50; Beatrice Snell, ,50; Dorothy
Walters, 35..
Sr. 2nd—Bert Garrett, 66 Alden
Grich, 64; Harold Pepper, 58.
Jr. 2nd—Norinan Pepper, 50.
Sr. lst—Kathfeen Faleoner 60.
. ,
Wanda Rowcliffe, 57. - •
Jr. lst—Eldon O'Brien, 65; Clifford
Pepper,• 64; Glen Layton, 60.
No. on roll, 26, Average attend-
ance for December, 21.9.
MWan. E . of Parlcer Sa.
Mb tmie spent
Christmas with hie parents, 'Mr. and
Mrs. 0115.5. Parker, .
Mi. Nesbitt • Woods. of , 'Toronto
spent Christmas with -his ;parents,
IVIr., and'hIrs..John D. eeds., -
Mr. D. Cameron and daughter, Miss
.Ethel, and son Dona,6 and Mr.
Cameron of Detroit .sperit Ohristrnits-
with their father„ Xi. A. .Canieron. ",
, Mr, and Mrs. 'Fred .Grane and chit&
Ten Of el:Are:are, spending the holi-
days' with Mrs Crones parents, Mr.
and 'Mrs, It- WieStori. 1VIrs; 13 Weston,,.
,who lias spent tie past feW,,rnenthS
Wit.4 ber daughter in Detroit,ra,Ccem,:
panied thent, home. ,
• irts d..,:tranilen left .on:FridaY .last
to 'sp cl, .,Christrtas,..with her •••son„
(To late for last week'
Mr. and Mrs R Shaw end femily
visited •frienee Kitehnee last week.
1Wies Alma Mutch _of l'eronto ar-
rived on 'Monday to spend Christmas
with her parents. •
Mr, and Mrs, Wim. Andrew of
goderith visited friends here on
Tuesday •this -weelc.
•Special Christmas Seiviees will be
,I(nox ITnited Chlarch on •Sunday
next Dec., 26. _The ehrir will i'encler
special anusie. Mrs: A. 34. Rice as-
• The Christmas cencerts are to bp
eld this week, Baptist Tuesday ev-
ening, leresl,yteriern -Wedneeday and
Union Time sday evening, •
IVI•e. Thos. Johson and Miss Ellen
Phillips visited friends at Mitchell on
• Mr. Geo. RaiblibY'htls sold his farm
.to Mr. Elwin Killough.
• Mr. Crtnninglutrot of the Standard
Bank Spent tilO week-eud in' Kitebner.
Dr.• Griersen of Kore10 will speak in
-Knox 1.1nited 'church, Ambran, next
!Sabbath. The 'sacrantentiof baptism'
will be 'administered 0.1111315 Service,
when the yOungest, chRd-"of Dr. and.
Mrs, Grierson, Mary Fingland, will
be. baptized, •••.
F. TALBOT, Teacher
neveing acqueintances in this vicinity. HAL TOWNSHIP: Reeve—Elmer .ters were discussed.
We are sorry to .report the serious
accident which happened to Mr. Tom
Brownett. 'He was cutting wood in •
the bush and was feruelt by a falling
limb. He was pretty seriously hurt
but we hope to hear of his speedy re -
Since the above was written Mr.
Brownett has passed •away.
• Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Copeland and
Miss Florence Pollock of Toronto, and .
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pollock and fam-
ily of London motored home -to spend
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Polka of the 'Goshen line,
The following is the report for S.
S. No. 1 for the month of December.
Names are in order of merit:
VARNA MAN ENJOYS • ----mcKillop Town6lip
Word has been received of the death
of Mr. Frank kO'Neil of North Van-
couver, brothebe of Mi. W. T. O'Neil
of Clinton. Ftank Nvas well known
in this vicinity having lived a number
of years in •Hensall, Btheefield and
Clinton. He leaves to mourn their
loss, his wife and five of a family:
Mrs, Wrinch. of Vancouver; 1VIrS:
Gentleof Regina' and Mrs. Fair of
Moose Jawf james H, of Flint and
Clauson of Victoria. The, sympathy
oe their many 'friends is extended to
the sorrowing *may.
The ,Christinae tree • entertainment
which Was held tin Wednesday even-
ing, Dec. 22nd, was a grand success.
Great credit is due the committee in
eharg4 and als,o Miss Stewart, teach-
er of No, 1.0, ,Stanley -and Miss Tay-
lor of No. 3, Tuckersmithin training
the scholars to provide such an excel-
lent progiam. The Stinday school
room wasto its utmost eapae-
ity. The 'offering was giveil by en-
velope for -the- Maintenance of the
Sunclayr school and was a most liberal
one amounting to over eighty dollars.
Christmas visitors: • Mr. and Mrs.
Austin • :Wheeler of 1I)et-roit at the
home• of the • former's parents, Mr.
arid Mrs. T. Wheeler; Mr: Wm. Mc-
Queen of Toronto at the home ef 1151
parents Mr. and Mrs. jaans
Me -
Queen; 1Vlist Annie ivr. and ,Cetreaan
Haugh of Toronto at: the home. of
their parents, 1VIr, and Mrs. C., Haugh;
Mr, John McIntosh of Toronto at the
Koine of his mother, Mrs, James Ma-
Intosh; Miss Emma McDonald at the
home of lber Mbther, Mee. J. McDon-
ald.; lgise Della Souter at, the "home
of -her parents, Mr, , and Mrs: Alex.
tendon. ,... •
Sr. ,41h—Bes5ie Corey, Marjorie
MeEwen, ()merino LeBeau, Marion
Sr. 3rd — Norma .Shipley, Vera
Saundereock; Karl Stanbury.
Sr. 2n4—Joe• Corey, Stuart 'MC -
Ewen, Clarence LeBeau.
- Jr. 2nd — N -ora Stewart, Isabel
Saunderceek, Gladys Saundereock.
Sr. Pr.—Jack Henderson.
Jr.. Pr.—Clifford Henderson, Bobby
Glem Edna -Saundereock.
E.' GAMBLE, Teacher.
Ilie•,nchniriations .40
Were held the, ..town.,•liall M,ondak
Ayirir miEt W. MACKENZIE
It'ING IS -4,,..'nAc3fpgibol
' Premier Mackenzie King_ 'stIll
shares, with the Prince of W'alee the
.distinetien , of being the .111mp5reN
:arrest elitj3oltbael3sl91ti New lighton
"Wliy..heItae so lengreinained in that
' State'. Wets., eujiblieff 'the ,other. daY2 flaY
In Le.32,7evoil..4„ who' inede :the
,PI:.-a:111".t., *at:, Whetr.Mr. King iu
Yetltir dell .015011'0
yohng 'lady die'used-td-take...a1ong
bO61-". socidlogY and,' read- extriete"
to' het' 4310113 xt,'—Eclineirten journale.
Victorja, B. C., Dec. 13th, 1920.
To The Nem -Record: As my many
friends are expecting to hear from
me I thought I would write them a
general epistle through the medium
of your valuable paper, of which I
have been a reader for the last 35
years. We left Seaforth on the . 8th
and had -a quiet and speedy ruin°
Toronto; After a wait of about an
hour we boarded the train for Win-
nipeg and it being lbed tine we went
to bed when we awakened in the
morning, or at least when those that
slept awakened, for I did not sleep,
I am not used to sleeping on a. bed
that throws you endways and side-
ways and up and down at one and the
same time, we were well through Sud-
bury and into the thnber. It is a
very desolate ccuntry right through
until near Winnipeg. Y'ou would see'
a house or two here and there,where
the section men lived, and an odd
trapper's hut, but very few people.
The animal At Home of the Huron
Old BoYs' Association of Toronto, will
be held at the Oddfellows Hall on
Wednesday, January 26th. A special
musical program will be broadcast,
and the special feature 'of the even-
ing will be a Fiddlers' Contest fey; the
County of Huron, a silver .cup being
presented. So the winner.
Any fiddler over the age of sixty
yeare will be eligible, but it is hoped
that each district in the County will
have an elimination contest to decide
who will epresent that district for
the final at Toronto. The Huron Old
Boys/ Association ave paying the ex-
penses of those filially selected.
• The broadcasting of this special
feature by CFOA, the Toronto Star
station, will create a geeat deal of
interest in the .,event.
Burton E, Till's Orchestra will
supply the dance mesic, which will
also be broadcast.
Mr. and 'Mrs, James McGill
fondly attended the funeral of
,Tames McGill, sr. of Seurat
Wednesady, Dee, 15th. '
Mrs. MeGill„was born in Seot
in 1840. She eame to Canada
lier parents at the age of five
settled on the Town line, Hui
There she lived 1,111 twenty-nine y
of age, when she married Mr. Ja
McGill of PittsburV. She res
there for three years, whey: they
turned and settled on the 9th co
Hallett, on the farm new meet
Mr. C. Dexter, This was their
for thirty-six years, when
bought the Black farm on the T
line of McKillop.
Occasionally a man would ceme on
of the timber and stand and watch
the train go by and he looked pleased
'to see a huinan being, even if it was
only through the car windows. Wp
arrived in Winnipeg Saturday morn-
ing at.,10 o'clock and Were met by the
wife of Mr. William •Reid, who is ae
old Stanley boy, where we stayed un-
til the following' Monday. We got a
very cold reception, not front our
friend, but from the weathermen.
When we left the city on Monday ev,
ening 51 was 25 belme and the follow-
ing' morning it was 36 below, and 111
say right noW that I felt that cold
and so did the rest of the passengers
"(Too' .171te .for -14at week)
„IVIrS, Wm., Nesbitt's. :Many' frienne-
vvil1 be 505153' ±6 ',hear. ,that .she had
the misforttine to fall on the ice and
freetnre her wrist last -Week.',
The itMbi'±„of the- Peldic.-LibrarY
hoard 1114 lastrw±OlVand decided,' to
54Me't'new,,beeliS4.. Any
:the- rne?ltbditi , shin, speCia.hbok.
Aileeee. 'give14 ±114 nanie:':of
N.ulitleitt Township
and,' . Mei.- Geo. Bayley and
.‘"feMi1y. APertt` Chrittnias night With
the.-ferieter's parents. '
Mr. ,and- Mee. Arthur II:ablcirk and
"daughter, •Ilelen, • Spent an enjoyable
'evening. 510..bloAsianas with, Mr. and
Mrs. Jno., Bayley.
, Mr, Wm. Moore of .Censtance 1301311
Christmas with- Mr. .Jo. Mann 'Lind
3elini.:-6 Mann.
.Elizaleeth 14111 spent . the
Christiaas1101,idays 'With her. sister,
111ra. Tefa,
ef, Stiatera, ,
ie"OneMrSeLeonand Hunter Spent
SundaY with VII,. •and Mi's,',Folland.
Ropi::1Ir, has:, beenender
eare. hilt 150 15 ittuireVitig
She -has resided in Seaforth 711
the past six years, -13esii51s
'rowing. husband she leaves a 10
of four sons and one danghter,
Sam of &wider, Colorado; Joh
Goderich; James of Hullett,
of Seaforth and Mrs. Thomas. .
ands, Hullett, to mourn the los
a devoted mother. She is survive
seventeen grandchildren. Mrs.
-Gill had been a life-long mere
the Presbyterian church, Seafort
Counag NeNivs
EXETER: Frank Triebner
last week following an illness of
a couple of days. The decteasee
been suffering with some ;Loeb
:me of his ears and on Sunday
several dizzy spells, which ende
unconsciousness, from which he I
recovered- He was in his ticlth ,
as they were corning to the tam He silent most of his hfe in ,..±5
with their noses and ears frozen. We township, where he :farmed.
reaehed Moose Jaw • albout 1 o'clock about feur years ago; when he rel
and stayed there until after 6 as the 17,, Exeter, He le survived bY
trains were running slow on account widow, fen merly leanniv Sanders;
5,111 and fmr daughters, John
Mrs. Percy Dunsford, of IL* ,..
ehip; Mrs. Albert leahner and Fr
ef Stephel township; William, of
Inonton; filmy, oi Cornwall;
Ake.... Means, of Centrmia; Cie
..f. Pontiac, Mich. ancl.Mrs. Beta
Toronto. ,The futerel was bel
:Sre)day on the arrival of 1,Vil
from the 'West. The deceased w
member oe the. Anglictio c'lmrch.
LeineinS were intereed in le:
of. the cold and were all late. There
is a fine •:Stretch of country around
Moose Saw and until you get near
Calgary and •from there on it is all
ranching land. Until we got near
the coast there was not 100 heves of
landl that could be farmed, all rocks
and mountains and canyons that Were
wonderful to look at. We reached
Vancouver on Thursday about 3
o'clock and stayed over ,might, as we
could not get a -boat for Vittoria until
the next morning at 10:30. However
we stayed overMght with an old
friend of ours, who used' to be 34155
Lizzie Foote, and the surely gave us
a royal welcome. We took the boat
the next morning for Victoria and
the old Pacific oeean WEIS covtainly on
its good behavior and we enjoyed otn•
'trip across very much. The scenery
was ye-ry beautiful. On arriving at
the dock we took the street car to
our -friends who were very much sur-
prised to see us as we had not"sent,
• them word fee were coming. HOWeVOT
we fund them all well and hoary as
I hope this •will find all my friende
alt honte.- Hoping this will not be too
long a spiel for you to pient youe.
valuable impel., I remain, Yours re -
53401,40117, , •
.;SEAFORTH: A very sucee
presentation of the -play "There
noi,ilooni in the Inn,” was give
eently in ,St. James' parish hall
was largely attended. The pl
which all the parth were exceptic
well taken, was in three scenes
characters were as follows:
Blessed Virgin, (Miss Margaret
cell); 31. joseph (Ray McKin
Guardian Angel, (1Wiss Marg;aret
an); Misrael, a blind man, fk‘th
a Jewish family, (George
Sara, 'nether, (Mise Mies -
children of above, Rachel, (Vora
an); Marta ,(Hazel Dickson); E
(Julio, Flanagan, ; Jacob, (Allis