HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-30, Page 3-A Fine Night In Win0w. T F N
f mwoelly��alfumm Or
t " I'A ho Meefing,,
Anlkp on rea nn a factle-n. to Ueckmbe�",
not )%,arro"
81t VIn-'t Me nth, 11-1durit" I,,:& tnu,ty I General,Managerls.Addream., Tids It Mch swe"Anno an, yaling Awl!
lild Imit: I bveothea
Y1�01,et gka a nrvr1qf,9 how us
"4 b ,l "m , 7 of n'da t—laim, J" eic to his Ioldi"", sld
.."I" fiad, qu,h to I'mtt.! �.14 11, d"J"'d ujit th(. �e very f,rew, can-
littlu to dlao��,,az, In i wost overy duv.�rttrmt galas . jsm,,ai vioatea' 1. 11�n Our'nu . the pAst, wjlLn, �Vd,xfl�nvf-�1,3� fn&wd tho bordsxa,
of a tnt,, 6-d, kel. yin. and Opptly olote is little oro�p0i, of, an and J12 t1h."e, Mal
151till, - Qn.r.
'C"andeo" early ris-ilctry to that n- -dasa, Hy1WU1t1l V&X.5, QT& o0entlig cue by one,
I.tdl '40it- ,plial "Utlau'R t. 0- into tultif bude aitie lled sLaAM'd at t1le,
y1tt-It In dtl�p.jen,� of natc-I al,* Coradf,
to �,tcxa of nu,nufactitriuz i1wits., �ll Eall
J. thj� JA iho Rx—JI of U�o Outstanding Facts, Aln)"I vciw av�� IWI!, fuX 1.) ffg,�
J�ul' m�d .1 . ndrt-, t'lnJh1g f.,t. cUeents Cauad. ale ing afilps—,
1. the V�rt. uln . law to W.—I Wo
the, A,ru",A. I, In zuch a rAlace, C14 such it dItly r (1 1,
a of ratvrp-�� ot"W'a Investors In o"a witafit who h.,a th. g in
al."Idy .1�c, i dwrl- to Ctuada� Iqt, Ault wlltelled fill w ather. walkin
0 42�
-a if r th a DI'a At h -n."
In MPI�it of illiih alie -.y b� eid W �(_ 1, ., the, sky,
F J it 19 Dointed out If t It's ihan 90 yet" 111111'augil &1y oj&ds threa(led the
liEr a
tho tifi,� F-I'le �rqviule� — caiW"bittd, azur�os day I
Survey ol"Con'ditlons.' To,uy on the ferma ridna if a r4ulation at A�ud I witutel, se,eul,eld a t1bougand yeatrg
: I i ultil sauu.M OT
rim—as jpeciple,
The president praoetded ,to JairIvy, toadittow tw u=ltI.g f,�toera., 1. Illoo the
it t�0 lentho� and footm4v fitidudrr, In ,rtn�
i tm,,� or ow field -r. at th- vlellheas 15 alra
Iran and wel alid V�intod out the po'sIbIlItY v at 82 vaillim 11.1111a; fIQIV 'It is ale,a to . 70 . 0 HeWo are 11101 Blowers, an
A .1-ing do,n 1. the bulldIts: utdra Wowing 4
very -11'a 3";,I,d The nati,,eiblo 1,pDrolenost
ch C=1.4A If R -cwt, -0 an
No Batteries I No Chemaicals I
The Ixtillok StRIns l6allilig in s: leafles"' READ, 'TH ESS
W not b realized abroad FEATURES
uncandmuent, agricititural cotult,,Y, It p"y freje-� -
A, Caltadian 9 11irl t
that the gre's al.e of tnetatf.cf-d Wdutt3 Nlol� to 'Dewilib-'g, irlon SlIaTe .DUST SHIN OV ITI Radio 01'. 0 S
.;'ha figgrepato or Canmd I ale fortlan, Inds still in 1024, the lent w.3 This 114011; of .�-fumaoi,airl - AeMovement. MOB "althout the usual Ad-&OCUTaffen,611t
osily le, th. zurl� It.'al D0�4tlwl
Dd,,, haflag had a "1., 61 dr, 000,00ii, tw -�-Syltvta Lyn(l. No batto?160 oull lwmiVenleneo dA. D. and C. Bat-
4- O,tb. slat; or 1042, car. the ."Is rear. loind terks� or aeublowl 'chargers.
h the col-soo.111.9 porlad ..do Is. I --------
r1dtily. an on ye,g,es he, bee Mae -
very ran& cheaper and, convenient
i�h t":har.tier, or us trade. b -06A Ing we Power, that canatla� 1 scoolail Harmony. or CW9?71' it'll really
I- alocagitg, Ifai-tiq hutrat'laeuttl tuad Warts tve, in this resvaitt in the TwIl ,Siugle diai in the.long run for You to decide on a RO90"
optooste-sa.vt under *Y, a. ctn.islofe, HAOTY Ines$ We do not Id"
d=eept,fl, '" a ocanotluelo,o o� which th4 ravor� co.w,"m HUNTING'GROUNDS THAT MAKE: 'MEN AfAixed of worth &ad Control. PIRST und have no rogret"at;6.r on,
aid� balance line �dlralzlsliod.�' CA1 lad. ,in have in use 4,500,600 herse power. Tile,Canaillan hunting a easini thait . has just been broughl, to it 01,090 IuBa, Oomplifflims.; vie Tatheir glye,them, ham votume Control,
"prasehung a dapitai inyssitamt,in Dower Plants to C for 'thell' fall And ignediting din ilia ill6ts. 'whca'�S� 'W's 08afflation Tilde remarkable batteryleas eisit operates from
boon voted, h'Y exiierlenced buutersiyho haTe'oplVe, UTIQda . 1 041-01. your light Socketat a 0013,t of 10510 then �O a
Trend Upward. and tr.raituisslon ito. or- lin. manuon dollftrs�" faill -eAn Onocablnert, Single
Outing, as one,,Of �,ffie fineot evev 'expe0ence&I aemm, big and, small, wall Must, If wa beer 'an alm beyond,tho Vol, week. it Is.all. oamplat
-Th"a three fa.t� Al -da", the Gateral A.,0. Pot, dial contra and, COUVefuleirt4ave length
Deselibina pt��a,nt'�acfduavui lie C4.04. the at plentiful. Alany. camps Mported "or end moosa In abundanee.ouly a few head I Tub ea , (exolueivo).
aa'd,� says, "should be uoush to at
president ante the wu,laAIau.U,4l, the no ufniqo -
,�Drluah, onalueews. Pr�omotors, investors. ractiourom' Mile frout carnip, J41s applied �9 ncrtiheza- Quebec, Noya, Scotia, inqrthern y masteis: purely red Suptn' A. 0.
has arne,99d flat. the shadow of mtrlI,tad bud- My betters a -re, DIT IS See Your Nearest Rogers Dealer-
nesa. uts2flafactory caralaits'e.fid indiaoreelt bat. tutors And Intan lli�twthufoats'" Ontario, and British Columbia, the outatailong lifaisting grounds of this By their ,,tainnient I ldhew iG ahall, Power Tube,
Auto sheets aiod� the trend of business I. new , Sir Tiqatorla 16110wed the VW1964 SOMM, - country. Scale, Genidne walnut Youll Be Glad You Bought a Rogers.
dlethi upward in pnotiomur An lines of trade, reralortff bY tit- hard, j. thq interests of the, Two American hupters, Captain Frank Douidera'amd Joseph Sartori, Some rooky Steps betivejen the mount Cabinet I
"I annot .,a an sa and th%�_Of Canada, such "1116
v Indication That thlai,;w log Ulu crol) GaRaon, th quo at ant"i Vale, MU AN. LTD.
,,ad of pub a asonathar Meglawhile, tile mprk: I have and I' will Q.R.S.
pro WHY 1. c.trina to an end. balu'. I, .Dart. dw called at the tourist department of the Canadian! P Ilia Railway in 1,10-iltre 51C CO., C
a .0c. id the. fu- l,sh�.s! -.train And the vartam PAreplacts Issued and'asshad NT a trip to areal hard hunting ground-. Theag4A Suggested t." 690 KING SrRF I ET WEST
Has und,rlyi.g can , thums ro.,e0.3 da and lie f(T-1911 dtfutdcal- Carib went in r&'a mo.nttll alid, on their return da- wed.
tum a- be vlaws�i with emildestes." I to farouars In Cana co Country In. B.C. They 'eath 01 T aft,
So that I dmw tile U, flue ww V* R st1swa
cilared it was a hunter's paradise second -to none, Captain DoudIsra explained Station is nought, nioi� factwan loulrel-
tracts I - Eub out to . be developed th1wel, that thoyliatid- found' what they Were atter-a halrolt country to 111111t. But this nowns
trip. It was a, Ouse of mans -sharpest t
and-spaicial, attention hIllneding giv6u to said put ille, real Jay In a hunkilino I I NoIr rivalas tightly beliterl for the TOIC0, Classified Advertisements.
FREIGATS OF FRUIT . . wits evalust the unustiab ounning, 0 L f the games, They returned v M. - Several Contest Winners.
I tL gmthof _,av&&uit, Good Speed to theml my Via- is, here
Britainle Sea Supremacy Waam't We. ha" been. aoinevillat slow in ittooge, three caribou,, foldr, mountain gqats, and four coyeteet .-Thely were or there 1 one of t7os, most Interesting cam- GRAMOPHONE.
that alliong them I have papigns ever hesid In Canada, to select
Bulit Up on Slg.QunS1 but on ItaIldilig" to this deliewy, bv)tt�'0710(s satisfied and happy and, reiterated the statement of every hunter that comes My pride, Is- V ICTROLA STYLU, FULL 5AB-
the, Juice of the Llme.� saanpled, d1ways, eaten," It is of great -to damada,-that its huntiti; facilities axe the finest in eadstentm - p1lace: a� name for 9, new product has InSt INET, plays all records, 48 Well -
medicinal value and dielicious, to ent Auld thus I keep. thle Instrulwallt 1-11 been oompleted-,bY Sheet Metal Pro, tions, autoial Value $95.00 for
ur t85.00 guaranteed.
It is' attvaeft find -requires no sugar. One. (I is CO, of Cariallia, Ltd., In 1� Poisson, 840 Mount
I Thio firm inveataoI4,� yal East, 'Montreal.
AStar Map. Candle -Light. ---Georg� Meieilith. IL splendid n
Soubs yvaro ago, a stateamin, gibild Whhait,sepaTately, is In,grapea, Oranges All of heaven In my hamils-
that It was gossamer threads of *sentl- lemons and limes is It' basteful 0 . )Oin- The evening started normally. The stoy,--plise whj:& is extremely easy to
.1losart' that bound the Dominions and bination in the grltpe�&uit. With one finger I can turn light of a, 40 -watt electric lump,came put In and has three looks-. In each soo, OLD C11111110311
Till I slialt Orlon's hands,, with the iaora*ct Slant over the read- STOMACH TROUBLE tion. -%rlaich prement it bulging I-. and EczEMA REMEDY
Colcartes to the Motherriandi says an Jaald Is being to �e cheap6rl- Yea, Aild the Lyre beginstoburn. FI,r tiats'nal Us. only
'ansililb. writer. _NC -qv f1liefra is someo vocid :aaws� An In-yeator lues, DOW Per- er's left - Shoulder illuminating with make It very olcid.
thing mkMS sallngtantial-fruttl The fSobad a new "soft fralt" tub -for Staying birlillaucy the b-10jok lett-6i's on was wanted- -for this ilroduot, far u -m., Itab. Phopla
so On. I can make a night of spring, the white page Of a magazinc A name llillavl. d 'Idblos
children sire supplying the mother, to strawbartles, raspberries, , �;I DUE TO THIN BLOOD 'and a contest wall held among Cana -
and Shivering Spl-ea, white. Altair. hardware inerckautS. 00331t6st ar b.1 bad. GIV. It A Irl
the mutual bimefit of each. Title oalc tubs hitherto usecl weighed And allaves me I can swing: the lights went, out, firmly (Ilan liontrous Jar $2.10 foau,ald
In this connection it 18'at Interest twenty-one ptraudsV Red 'holds fifity-SIX 'equivocally went out. They raftibed to - ran from April, 24th and ended Noveni" AEO. Y. LEE,
to'recall, ithat it vas tile Implorbadou -pounds of fitallt. Railway car,4-age had Silowly Berenlce!s Hair. be coaxed back, and theeveallng look- It UsuaUy Disappears Wheg the lom, 30th, and the lucky winners. Of the Ko. Box 4221 vlatorm D.C.
Into Britain Of one fridt.from. a, colony to -ilia &Wd' on the whollea weight.' Tlia Winter , eveiiiing, autumn devit ad like a lost thing until the top sheld Blood is Made Rich and Red. priza money were: 'Twas She.
that Saved i plHow of liv�a; and as- now tub weighs oirly seven pounds, . Alan. has charted; I can see In the pantry came to m1iid and on It 1-0. M. F2iT1DW, c/o G. & A. Gardl- "rue prespexcus, looking man was a
a, tin box marked Candles. Thi-n-T)lood is onsof the most; COM- ner, Lt&, Sarnia, Out.
Staved the sui;ilrean4cy of this bou . irliry'l and lossizo dae. to tubs beIng knocked How Midmunmer Nilght moves on 1 2-'%,. R. Plivlay, Travelling Sales, Stranger to the neighbolincool. You
on thel, Ocean over during Shunting are eliminatad. There, among bent Stamps of tea- men oallses of stomach troublet., It
Climate. L Traallitilly and terribly; tive left -overs, were four 'Jiat stood effects Ills digestion very quickly, The mail for Northern Canada, SUPPIT Co., could tell that by the way he kept
Colored by Tile na4v tub, br.a simple "aiptiting" Pausing uncertainly - to look at the
arrangement, cannot be uppet. And �jght lost in light"IdevVII, log in dedth, pro .. 147 ll,�rfeot alb011. of TOXIOUS 001-,�gl,nnda t1hat furnish the digestive fluids Cobalt' Ont'
That one i fruit was the lime, from It Is a BrItish Invention, British made. Spate without ors. Boon the" were grouped On thho, are diminished in their Eletiviti, tile s.-LSz. L. Bi,lsoette,*c/o J. 0. Pa- names painted on the gatea of tile
the West Indies, and thas-dilsetuse it' Time without end, readluff-talyle, flanking tile Patient left stomach lunacies are weakened And. QUOtteS Hat'dwaro), 790 St. Catharine houses lit the street.
iseotehea the dreaded. scuny.. In Real Garden Flavors, . bound- 'l
ithe Sdrinen YeaW War duly 1,500 001 . - 'The devellopimetilt of British fl�uit 1, whoza 11te Is but a bzeatli� Shoulder, and rIovealling the back ot. there is a loss, of udrve force, lit this St, B., Montreal, Que- Presently he mounted, the - Slope of
Idiom and Marines were,killed-in SO- eumillng,' under ilia guidance, at the Turn InfIbIty around, the mugazine Wt Open face (town to state of health nothing will more 4�Mralter X111rok, Hardware Mer- one of the houses and rang the bell.
brorn scurvy. heep the place, A story hadi Juit-lieOn SO 6. Igast,crt chadlttj 111mira, Out, o The d000perred, and Smart madd -0.
don. ;'But 134,000 diedi I I Board of Agriculture, is making extra- starled. Ttwitathetaleofthell 4"'Plely "es"Cre ", -ppe", , d od rjell., And the name selected NY -as Self.peared. a
The juice of the lime hailp banished thit oula"T and normsl nutrition than go -
oridl lady progre.�s, If-youdesir;S, as he,"I.,lit or S, wru,n-a kipper's NO Made Pipe, which also embodies tile III am trying to And a woman Wilmot.
Socurga.. you'- Should, to support home tadu& so red blood.
aboaxil ship going aroun'd Caps Hi6f, D�r, SMP, used 7 his big name I bave torgotten," he began, "but
. 11 . Wiliji,ins? pink plIle act directly. pplibeipe)l letters, b t
AnictlJ4 frult, that Is ww, in ever- I bries, get British Claimed frti� SAVED BABY'S LIFE I know she lives. in this neighborhood,
in winter. On tile blood, making it rich and red, firm.
Istereinedug quitiatilthea conding to us Strawberries, blaek Currants, raap- Under the 40 -watt glare It had again- and this enriched blood Strengthens Sha Is a �wowan easily dea�oribtuls and
from the DomboiOnso Is 9140 � bentles, lovatiberleo, and so odij� pre- MInard's Liniment for Olatemper. perhaps you know her -E, Fling I
:y*ry large part in decreasing paired lit 013 way, are now on the Mrs. Alfred Tranchemontagne St. ad unii-atural. By candl.-Ilght 01IONYla weak nerves, stim-Ulatos fired muscle$ beantitibil erentilm w&th plibilit: and U Or
i`e a.: - with the old wife, shut 11.5 ill the, cabin, a4iol ItWokells -to 110Tnial activity the I'M
saalftr th.e standard- of hedth, and' niiayket� all with the peal I -garden Michel des Sainte$, Qve., Wrl overhead, water glands. that suppilklhe digestive fluids. Poilt ness, complexion, 611orl'ous, eyes like stars
altending the Syaragss length of life. flavar 11 The ft -alt Is 111vilicle " andthe "Baby's. Own Tablets are an excellent oil lamps swinging lwas going -out for qn a summer iilglit, and hair Wbtioi
During In Steadily, and creeping high- This In shown by all Jinprovediappetite, The housekeeper
keeps -tile - dooAt 101-118 �rd the last IvOrd in ll;��fglljc and medicine. They Saved my baby's life D tile Aqty. d to lexvia home -lis, outriyals in qvialit
Is a ionying - and I call highly recommend them to er ulk ill clyt� must sw1m, Swim, Swim. and Scott the effect of these blood all She ha line gold
Of wr �Fvttabtlflci Cowltotiotion. Fermentation, mothers." Alre, rprauchemald- One cOules to-oliniging to, one!s Chair rk�hlng P,,Is je,eividellt throughout tlio� fore the grocer and baker paid their lustre,"
Is TIApbsZlible, aniff the fruit saids call- an . to Hot to Starboard, whole Ostend. , y ustiali morning calls, and accordingly rm afraid I don't know ham"I ra-
t the Doluillilons 116 frai not affect tire tin. tagne's B."pellence Is that Of thous..'llitis as the ZOOM seenis ou 11114 that what 7011 a
ill Simply R back what I At some Slogans we Bull' eas b -u t "Hat of Other rllotllers� who have fisted ilia No clectrip, Illament. Could, have 00 Out doea-inot digtxess you, and that your lie hastily Scribbled a note and pisaned pilled, the serviblaL
bridged that gulf -of time Und 60,00 tire vilgIormis Instead of Irritable and It up On the front door._zIt. rerd. as "Jane, teal the gentleman I'll bb
we Sent them Ytars,'ago,' The pilok of more triliVI Is the best that %vas, ever, IvOl-fli of"Baby's Own- Tablets. The between the Skipper's wIfe and.,1310 listless, - If �., ur appotito 18 flakles If fGHONi's: t down In a Minnie," said r, VOLPO *OA
ths01*16fia avplei� from Nova Scotia. I , , Tlbblt. are a Sure and ,.Is M011031 0 -eader. Flickering eand-les wrollglit )-oil hs;vo any 0 of . t - distressing palno "Ali IoUtl Don't leaTo addythingl" the head of the Stillra,
'said MUsh Coaumbla-m-ithe Brantley, ......... .... I$- for Ilitla ones and lleyer, fall to raga- he v a
arra stomfLell, thus y
. ro. that mmoting. and symptoms Of Indigestion, 716U Having done this 'Ilia ""'Out har w
the Blenheim amid the, Ridditon. PIPP141, From "Tamarack Blue." late ilia I bolvels lIc On her return skis saw that the front ChAnged Tones,
-ooms firsom, British Stock, grown by lieving all the utlilor IIIS fl�oiu Which $0, whe41 tile re'Wer had closed 11111 should at once tRice Dr. Williams' P-11
Somehow'the i'alley was uncoranionly children Buffer. They are sold by magazine and. candle lit hand started Pills S.Ad prollt by the better condition d'"t woz RJaw, IVIIS"eat She !ha4 latt HuSband (Impatiently) - Is it poor
plonmr Seliena,and lovely, following the raln, in cts. to mount the stairs, to bed, noting 11,43 in %vhfoh ther,111111 Put Your blood. ft securely looked, sables nly dear, that you cannot beopI
'111i who yieltall ilia recent Urn. � The mellow benediction of fit edichie dealers or by 11111111 mt 25 fatsciatillig shadollis, east by the battle' Thesepilld sure, gold by all, dealers in ftlug inside She found that the those Children quiet for a monlAst?"
pire Wnit Show in Loan . don roust barre, a still, - a box front The Dr. WillIROW Medl- ted's as they Caught tile light Oita by medicine, or "it atinget them by mail hOueQ had been ransacked and all, her Wird (soothingly) - 0ANOW, , Johns
been. St1V1ck;`b7 tile -6024OUS, 0010rlMg' Tit a beaver -ponds that UNd upon. their cine, Co�, 13rockvIlle, Ont. Into darknotse, an a IX 4 all I h the poor I I dilitle
I glass ------- e--- line slid then receded I at 60 canto a boXL from This Dr. Wil. mOSt VOIlled P08888151003 bad be do 't h r w t
of this exilim- That to due to Climate. l lie know that tile price Of Modern 11- lijamsil Al9dierne CO., Brookville, Ont. taken. Innocent things. Ita is natural for
In 'British Colurplylia, for instance, The, clean Clear, blite of iloon-, thL- peb- Indicative Mood,
the tell SO) � ]UMInation CaS itint appear In full On Anot�her -glance tit -the note on the -them to bo J' -U.11 or spirit, t
tbere is Much more, sun thairt, here, and bly broolt Teacher' N%11-19111111119 I., d and tuff me
the bills smit in by tile electric light -A microscope capah.le of inagrilify- door revealed thal on addition had olang the best they caWl
MeanderIng Its twisted silver rope it I said, I'My father lied a Car" that
raht. Through heallock arches, lottertug In " ompandes. iqg an object 12,000,000 times is being been mgJe thus: "We took all w4s Husband -"Well, it I oondol. have a
..Once Sampled, Always Eaten." ocuia be tile Past tense. Now, Betty, 0 --"- 0 eouldoarry. The �k - u.11
pools ,,Uy father Ilas a ca -r,' what used in the detection of disesse 96TIns. A yo moment's Peace,, I would alit down =6
Perhaps ..tile most' m7cell0sting 'BOL- Clear -hued as brimming morning- if you said, Tile season's beat oellfir-the 01101 ------------ 0- '%Mile 'that Cheque, yoll've bow bother.
hillitit'ivas a first consignment from tile gl:1017108-, Placid, would that be,?" Jll'od with cool. I Minaird's Liniment for COlds. Gas, billoolspeat, heartburn. dy"psla, and ing fm"
almillar III& will not trouble you If you tako Wife (steridly) go Ul)_
Gold �0020t- Of 111mad, girall e4rult, Save wheat a-tralit would put a slow
Draiice�3. and banglints. Theire are vast round Riss Seigela Syrup. Any drugstore. Stairs PA oncel And It I hew wbotiveO
Upon ttle watei--these beautl. OODS %vord from You to-Ulgllt 1`111,P111118h 704.
fill. SNOWSHOE TRAILS IN NORTHERN W Skim Milk. Severely,"
'to You" The tsl:le
I'l or winds among tile aspen- The bl"t of a alliAll boyna followed
by a Shrill "Latte, SciraintaW Awaketile Keep MI"ardlo Liniment In the helum
The , fragrance I Oil tile air when my the sleepers and m0s, them scurrying
The plibin country Miosw to *w thok
sorrel mount, down tile alone kalfr%- for a M *
o'A Por In this Sunny winter nisalaires Me ground well but Sato W
Lopingspon. the tr� ung doAtu selif Us fd&wed and unti2La&__J1*hfi
HAD 10
SETSand � SUPPLIB hoofs Italian RilIrfera, there ars tholtipands of
Upon t1lewhatergreen and left it yJ01toos and paloess we, li*)4, 00 the
At.Practloally Wholesale Prices. brulsed xag-i;a-otto mubt 1105 win milk
Unftfi,the summer coma again,
Mail Your Order,To-day, And drippIng—thessW&M very clean
100,volt storalle 111311 Batteries kind cool. It was woeha Were the wifter dls� vanx For Bomar
-lslyreresd where the milk came from.
................. �is.00 And I was gind. fov the wild plums Last vloid. in builders' aid.
never Seen a cow about, but UP40-datle $OR Ila a qn- planning,
6 volt 100'Amp. RaX Storage criniaoulng She had r IV, I
., Statteries .. .�,. . _ � ....... $14,60 Among th' leaves, tInd for the frail thede, NvAs always, plenty of milk fo lelrating, and
6 volt 90 Amp. Rex Storage blue trill-JorS saile at the, 'Tiattetia." Then One, d4i), &rdtnTiig. V. 1 1,
7&. oil tile (11 -11 -LI the AMNY a vinonlan,washing land scores of soctual dbil4r,savlog sr.
Batteries ... Glinting above them chips of, a splln- -gestions. �Serl 0,
Ifsvo�lt: Vertical 'IS" Batteries, $3400 . L-orwa sky; IN millk Palls and Shortly afterivard! met qurrentlssue.
45 volt Fiat 'IS" Batteries, large, Glad for the, blossoming alralfa fields tile Skim Milk Woman, Tracing back� MacLean ftildlere Guldo
. I ... .., ....... "... .. I $4.00 slid the. asters- bobbing wa-rd gho'�caiue, to a cowslied, a cliosstl delaida St. 114.
45 volt Heavy Duty "BI! Batteries, Al d Clllldi:�Rug at tile �vhirusles of tile, Ircoin on the ground floor of. tile houeo,
.-. - I I - - ... I - I - I ... I...''._ $5.00 containing a fine Aldemoy, a calif and
_91diotron 201A Tubes .... $2.16 same Aabblts. There tire as Yen -hills
RAdlotrdn 200A Tubes ... $4.96 Glad for the far Jang-Jangling �cattla.
�Radlotiofi� WX199 Tubes :;.. $2.30, bolls, all dotted with laa-ins round, the town,
and every flam keeipa its itlillden cows,
Permat�on-,261A Tubes ': ..... $1.26 Tb&L bitiniated a land of deep ivet C'NIMAI A
Reliable A & B Chardem ... $20.00' grass io the sou -nos of tile milli oultilly was
Write for Prices on Standard G.— 110 I-On&eir a mystery.
As u 1117', water
The Italian peasante Sre wi6ndea,
anteed Radio Products not listed. ',I,,vail,�y of centell
Lew Sarett, Ill "StoNy loke." fully,ind-ustrIbliv and :(,,be womefri.,Vyiork T;%
BIG L FOUR RADIO CO. aide by.Sidetwitilitbe nvedi In the fledds
2 G.uld'Stre,t Toronto. 2, Ont.
as wall, av keep Uollose, bake the bread.
Dept. WP History. and tend the children, It IS Plait of
Tell me, %vhat, you have, loved"– X. ilieAr w-clig to look after "Lo besteles"
The, land. -of your de�ii,re; and"m flassfe Includes cutting 'eye"
Nothing of whed,e. yotllvo traveled mollitIrful at toddeir with a small al'okler,
Stall I Mquire. they must toll Up the hillasilitheig, glean
from. along the. mulle-tracka and. on the
What b0,1Ut7 Y011 have, quested, terracc-a nuder' Do olliy6 traies, In or, WANCOW'..'
&V8 That I would hnmv, wCuld !so, der t6' provide sufficlent for them;
It that lies BE the substance a
$Odtnttlia�epl th, load which allatcot ecv�
Of hjstory�
is a, frag-
EE 6eais tilbe, head Cyr thabearial
A raintllundle of,wlldt thym% sage and
BOOKLET Tile reads by whiellyou Cant% V69 slualY'to l4es IRSed- as beddini� for
tile guli'mals, Fro f Bites.
Tile, life you knfmv an. itutigbt,
tile simple meblnls of Bill; I tnust learn the' boualty Among the I !tIng out; Of
leighbors theskim. milk Minard's triaze-s the
-eatinefit �in -11cyar 110ana for t is re- Your ";'61111.1-va's souglit.
vendRr it'ivelbbo-olp, rot, does, nof hair, them. Quickativ. c1rcloxtIon: and
)a it 4,nd 010 re, The forests In winter firric,
Nof 'of �Pa storatio.ii, or prouent an 11118rhand, gu,a�d, oheeip cit tit
I �rjclet R�ly 'wtth tha attractive appearance. PhotograDliz �bhoiv: a hillslAe, proy.enite compill-ttonS.
h6alth b,�
Upper lefl, typical vrirte� cone offer anow-', aTtlea by a Irlenal17 Woolly o:iog arlil "t
llramtolt voilot Rily Celiemtor. .........
fill. lower, site of the Iniclifirent husky' daughtex who leads the, flock, while 01
Flv.e Yoars on_0no Me i.
Any home equipl)ed tvlth electric FIS11 Whioll )OU live caribeintodly on i dogn of the NInOO-114; XfDpor right, I-nolt Other Bails rallik ill the towill she
.�Jgllthlg InLly have, tll& 114laustoll
�tlle in
cue ineal avory Ilv(,, years nte sonle.1- thiao, I. the l"li; Idwor, 41ou team a- the
Q,ellertftol, ready LV1 haildy 'at alt IEG f011ud '11, 8ubteI;I'a)lean caverns, trail . ketags beq, saving's lit Pr Rtso.okfag, "Va,
tin ben Rignefra," for did Vot, one, or the
J,jm&g fol, 1'luJuot1,l�1tc.1lSe, lUld I'eliCf,
109 Oil, in tile 10aig, d;gc,! KING
In t1tel-r natural state,,lbey ave liale bant AF PAIN"
'r.'C"'In the
D07) v,� (I potit card: "Sond vo a In Color, but turn black if. ke
cop?f ()/ I)OQI�.Jct fr��o/l and I light, Bee Trails," a new out-of-doors -feature wbich for spen�llng a Nviliter out�i])g. in t116 -,voo& and the That's Why.
8irlq� yoqj�, )t(i,ni, B awni'll take tile visit -or, out into the [crests of'North- me), who will operate thein are outTitters who have Aftebreso—"And Nve, uouit'lly lla�e a
'ellee ift caring :rot, hunting all(I fishinlg
litario and Quebec ulider the cl " ice of e�pori- ba(I N�7i(lo oXpor� lato, flylnfev, Are, )-,on' ii, clistn med' to
1� Tho;busineg�i maii whose ovorli2ftd is ern 0 aidal
Pranston, Limited artied. Travel Nvill be over trall lines, oil well-beatn
Chas; A B tIT- 91�y SIA�ltl,l!,ot be SuTprised if h,, enced woodsluen and trappers, vvill ])a operated this p rid Ahe vlsito�� t1lat?"
�er by several outf aul and SnowshoLs a
,f ric,1,0�ldull.ftl Apl,Alntll�. filids big Profit$ ill i'lle clouLl'- winil itters ill the northern sections OT trails, by dog, te, Xvvv Co.ok—"Thaft!s why I'm her"
126 Walling'011 Street, Went these two �)rovjrices, it is annolluced by the Tourist Nvill be able to uialce Nvocdg trips of`Tfoui 5,0 tO 200 I"UF 'No. 52—'20.
Toronto 2 lent of the calladiall National Rq�jlways, These. nail", under e6nditious )VIlich will provide :,".or the coln-
KInarals I-InWer- for Sore Sack. mee of t1lo in6k_poriencecl Nvood,ln,�k%
Qxj=iaea to lw�t� the donlaild pi facilities fort and eoiiyeltiL