HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-30, Page 1;..; 0,'* .•,Ye,ar WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED" M410, ' " > rFiS !A!'lt'A DECEMBER ' e We are thankful for our success in' 1926. \Ve fee'1 it is d reflection of your mood will. and patronage, and it gives • great, pleasure to extend to you our hearty wishes for a appy -New • eI a JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST one 174u �' • Residence 174j. 9 „Muwp�sq�v YEAKE D SPECIALS 35 inch Flannelette in a variety of stripes and plain white g.,30c and 35c,' on sale at 25c yd, Lingerie crepes, in flesh, peach, honeydew, orchid sky and size' with dainty floral designs, reg. 35c for 27c Girls' Tweed I{nickers, sizes ,25 to 29, reg. $3.00 for $2.49 Ladies' black pure cashmere hose (Circle Bar), with elastic p in sizes'9 to;1O, Reg. $1.19 pair for`\ 98c. Happy New Year to All t. We o4rrinot allow thisseason to pass without thanking acro is for•.t1ie liberal< atrona e extended to us duringthe P Pht: '" `is just d e' r that , an w �eehtliatour efforts to -fur- . � � h tare begat olttf itting at the lowest prices consistent with d dualty have;' been full:' ' appreciated. tted. i h renewed ,e furls on our part `fo r,the coming year supply; you with the very hest values in Clothing, F''uritish- s.Etc., We etend to you veishee for d arid 4 ' siv ar are D i l r OHRISTTVLAS ENTERR`A1N.MENT. CHILD CALL 3). Tho employees' of the Clinton Dust- ting Go. held their annual Christmas :tree entertainment in the chub rooms on Wtddnesday evening of last week, Mr. Harper filled+'the position o chairman and an interesting' program was given. - iSpeeclies; were given by Col,' H. E. Combe, Mit Morrison, and Mr. Harper, heads of the firm, and a charming little program was given by employees. After the program gifts were distributed from a beautifully decorated •tree. Lunch was ' then served, followed by an old -tine dance, DEATH, OF R. IP. O'NEIL. Robert F,i'aneis O'Neil passed peacefully away at his residence, 82 Lonsdale avenue, North Vancouver,, on December' 14th, at the age of 'sixty-five years. The deceased leaves to mourn his loss besides 'his widow Elizabeth McQueen O'Neil,. three slaughters and two sons: Mips. Charles Wrinch, of Vancouver; • Mrs. Leonard Fair of Meuse Jaw; Mrs. Heebert E. Gentles of Regina; James H. O'Neil of Flint, Mich., and Clausen J. of Vieteirla. The funeral took place from Ilaeron Bros. and Williainson's Parlors, 55 10th Avenue East, Van- couver, on Dee. 17th, aev, ' William Gilmour officiating. Interment was made' in the Masonic cemetery, Burnby. , Mr. O'Neil, who was a brother of Mr: W. T. O'Neil, was . well-known here, having lived 'here and at Bruce fields for some years. S. S. ENTERTAINMENTS. St. Paul's Sunday school -Christ- mas entertainment was given on Tuesday evening of last week, when a very happy time was Spent by the young people, who provided a very nice program - of recitations, choruses, etc., followed by the distribution of the gifts from the tree. ENiW4�BE� Mz .and'Mrs, J Jaciib, -"manager . and matron of. the I-turon County. ricin, received the sad news, on 'Mon- day of the death of their'littlecgrand- daughter the three-year' old' loughe:. ter of Mr. Stanley Jacob' of Mitfox'd, Mich,, after a short illness. from` pneumonia. Me. Jacob ,Went to 1Kit- ford to attend the funeral. AMONG THE CHURCHES. A. very charming Christmas' can-. tata' was given in the town hall on \ redne'sday evening of lust week by the Sunday. school of Ontario street church. Those presenting " the pro - grant took their parts well and it was unit& enjoyed by the Large number present. A Christmas tree was also unloaded. t The Wesley -Willis Sunday school, and the Baptist Sundayschool had their annual Christmas tree' and en- tertaiements on Thursday evening, when pleasing programs were put on by the pupils and the gifts 'from the trees wore distributed, much to the delight of all concerned. TO HONOUR LIEUT.-GOVERNOR, A presentation and 'banquet IS be- ing organized for His Honour, Col. Harry Cockshutt, who is retiring as Lieut. -Governor of Ontario. The banquet will take place in the Coli- seum, Toronto, on •the evening of Janna'y 18th. r Ontario never had a tnor'epot 1u r Lieut. -Governor, or one who seemed to take so much interest in the pee plc of- the provihee as a whole and it is safe to say that Government House was never se popular with the people as it has been during his . term of office. In all his efforts to get close to the people Col. Coekshutt has been ably assisted. by Mrs Cockshutt,• who has won golden opinions from every- one who has "come 'in contact' with 'her. ` Arrangements -for the banquet arc' fast taking shape and sale. of tickets has begun, .. The participating organization;. are reported as: Ontario )Division,Cane adian Red, Cross Society, The I{nights of •Columbus, 'L Q, `M. Ti. Nee 2, The Rotary ,`Clubs, of Ontario, Northern 'Ontario Associated" oards .'of Trade, Optimists . Clubs. of Ontriao, Ontario. 'Associated Boards of Trade, I iwanis Chibe of the Province, , The Ontario •Civil Servants Association, -Ontario 'Tourists Association, United Far - moil of Ontario, .Canadian Progress Club;; Empire Club, The Orienge Lodges' of Ontario, The Canadian Manufacturers Association;, Brant- ford Rotary Club, The -Masonic: Ore der,.. Young Mens -Club,' "Toronto Board" of "Trade, Canadian Clubs throughout the ,Province, The City' of Toronto, Lions Clubs of Ontario; Toronto Board of Trade, ,Cosemelcial Travellers Association,s Mayors of Cities', and Town's, and"'Wiaidens of 'Counties., A ee ort iseu'ed. � the 'Col ' mitte p ,r� n e in charge of , atea'ngemeits'.states that there is wide -spread enthusiasih being, manifested''from all parts .of Ontario. Before the ticket sale aw" 'tually.•cominenced the 'Secretary re - 'ported hundreds of requests. His' statemients points; .mai the advisa'bil- ity_ of immediate, reservation. on ':the part of all those ')vho, are anxious to attend:as advance'enthuaiaeni• makes `it appear` that the; huge capacity of the Coliseum will he: strained to the utmost.. The idea of the oennnittee in charge ig to'4iase the pi•egentation. loin eset t- ative of -the whole province and can 'tribelions'' are hatted• to, one , dollar and ,may by any ° susn' • undeis that,; A'nvbne wishing to fontribnte niay hand their: contribution int any of. the local hanks. 4ll applications for tickets should be addressed to the Secretary, Ceek sliutt Bhnquet Committee,. 1404 -Batik crf Haniiitbn.a3ldg,, Toronto,'exoept-•in' eases where •those, desieing; to attend'. 'are n enibers, of a Chan ber of -Come in t Con- ?tee, 'Board, of Trade or Set•Vi(:e Club, ch case tapplictrn,n'` behalf in of awhinunberladhe y be :maadeoti the Secretary by the '10941 officers,, The Ministerial Association "•will meet at Ontario Street parsonage on' Monday, Jana 10th, at 1:0c30 am. Wesley Wi lis Unitedr,`Chureh New.Yeai''s services next Sunday. Morning: "Things Shaken and 'Un- shaken." Evening; the 'Land' 'of Shinar." ' B L] let' 11 1 1.Sd t 10 o'clock. Address by Mr. Alvin Leon- ard, Ontario Street United Church Fellowship service at ten o'clock ori Sunday. Mos•ning subject: "The >Church, at Laodicea?' Evening: "This Year Thou Shalt Die." There will be special music.at,both services. Misses Mary ' jIclelurchie and Marion Gibbings will sing it duet -iii the morning and in the evening Mi.'Pierce, violinist,, Toronto, Will assist. The Junior j'League wilt not meet on Friday evening, Vit :being New Year's "Eve. Presbyterian ,Church Service in , the Baptist church on !Sunday at 11' o''clock, Subejet: "The Past a Guide for the 'Future." , • Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Prayer meeting services will be resumed on Thursday, Jan. 13th, at 7 o'clock. • Baptist Church - New Year's service. Suliejet: at 'l4 pan.: "The Divine Guide." Bright song service, anthem by the ' choir. All are welcome. Sunday school sit 2:30 4p.nt. The Sunday school Christmas tree entertainment was a geed success, while the crowd was not a very large one the program was eg,oacl and en- joyed by ail."The items' rendered .by the members of the Auburn Baptist Sunday school were a greet success and helped very much to make the evening an enjoyable one. " Good old Santa paid a. visit"itnd was well re- ceived 'by'the boys and girls, as was also the gifts he distributed froin'the well -laden tree, The service on Sunday evening was suggestive of the Christmas season. The choir, under the leadership of Mr. Guy Jones, sang two. anthems and the men's telo also sang. And we' trust 'God was honored ,by the ser- vice. .' GOLDEN WEDDING. ro' acct n ay mo Christmas Day had a double sig- nificance for the family of Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance, esteemed citi- zens of 'Clinton, who celebrated the fiftieth anniversaryof .their wedding all the home 'of their daughter, Mrs. George Foote, 14 Normanna avenue,. Toronto. The entire family was pre- sent for the golden wedding, celebra- tioir, and many messages of love and congratulations were received from a wide circle of friends. ' Mr. and Mrs, Toeranee were mar- ried fifty years ago at the home of. .the, bride, Joanna MacDonald, in Bay- field, taking up ,their residence in the township of Stanley, Iater moving to a -larger ..farm one mile south of Varna. At these two farms the eight children were 'born/ Since 1902, how- ever, they have made their home in Clinton. Mr•.` Torrance was born. Dec. 25, 1859, in the township a Clark'e, Dur - hap County, celebrating' his seventy- sixth birthday itt connection with the golden wedding. anniversary, Int Ap rel, 1867, when sixteen years of,age, he came to Stanley, Soon after' he started ptublic life as Returning Of-' (icer, and• filled different munieipal offices by ito' the Wardership in 1802. He was', a ',Valued member of the County . Cbu'ncil as 'Comnnssionee,. from 1806 to 11102. Always taking a keen 'interest in polities, „he was President of tile• •South. Huron Con- servative Association for'eleven years, aiid he creditably served as President ph »trays weth jeer. parents; Col, and of the South Huron Fs'riners' Insti- Mrs. H. B;. Combe, -'tut; and as President, of the Hay In- NI:t. Chas. Cale of London and Mise ,suranee Connpany, In-:'190$'he was - 'Csenio Cole • of Totolto ,spent appointed License Inspector" f'or,isouth f%}Iristnas with 'llieir' ptrant:,, ,Mr. Huron, which- positioir he held until t,?d Mrs,• W. Ei, Cole. 1920, when ,he resigned.. ,He betaine Mt.'•;and Mrs. George- Mbllienzie and Inspector of. the;Honee of Refuge in . master alcolm o aDungamron.. 1004 and still retains that position. spent ChrlstusasMtvitli the foi'sirer''5. folderAn. interprepareetned ng;` :andby tvtheery attractive mother, Mr's. T, MGI{curia ° sons and 'Mrs, Claire Elliott and . li tile' Miss 'daughters for the .happy occasion can ' Ilatherine of.,Toronto spent Christ tains a•brief sketch, of the lives: of , ' liras with. the lady's pimrent's, .1143';:` the lnrhde and gropiii and a number:of. and Mrs. J. B. Lindsay of town. interestingpiotutes,, At,;:the dinner kJj :Rudd, and, Miss Clark joined a on Saturday evening: the chilch•en cost htaitseparty who :pent the• Christ-. tiib?.ited'to g'the'''foa list, and tho, ru lis weer -clad et the hoate'of the w'randc'liildrenn ave a. deli 'htful : ptis '` 1Ylisses Sauthnentbe, Niaga�'a Falls. ieaN p e'gram, yvhich concluded: ini •M•r.. Ernest Ford of Detroit, ^and Miss rressively, with , o Bsinle reading •1iv Plizabetit Ford of Oshawa; of Mr,, and: b4Zss,`Jb nn ,R'orraiice ' Aui' il- spancling the Christmas- . vacation luminated address ' krid • ttq handsoi ie , at the 'home' of their fathele 'John, vitt were presented to thejp{t}entS gid lYord. gtfi' were pteeented i:o the•patsente,IsY 11YIt}:ISsdetev 'Tjioinpsoli, formerly of their ,children ,‘„,/ tiie C. N, It: depot hale, and' who ,The sons dull ttaughtei's pl`es4ni , at ems' been Me' past few .months at flre.reunnon were; NliS 1A L. Gran 1nrt A'nthui retarnod 'bonnie last tnn Porn Ai llhrp , aiid, st J cif a week ' Mrs, George H4ptlt, Toronto;'Jshm,'pf MY €ind Mrs,':11W',a:l\Tei(enzie and t',ethbriclge bfstt-in, of Torcnto; Al- 'lass Berea land Master Douglas of fledpf' Akron,'{Obit), aiid Edp;'ar'o9' Dell okt were, here for* trhristmab Galt. A.' daughter, Edythe ('ars, A. and', are spending the}week with .Me •("1-; Virtue)' died iii, Isethliridge 1s1 1122. foweem s uagtlhlbr; Mee, ,T.'M'c%snzie. There wvente thi•rteen i?andcltildien Mi: rad Mrs, Hotvarti Bell of fort' • 'lirosent Jlvi'%an spent Gitetnas with' Leo ' ac .'a n s Illi t On The -'4 u t M G. t rTh ma �o 1G `�and.'y ,, n friendsf I,, Yns. k• Tornnee Clinon vie ;heartily in the' coegeatuhaitions wbiif are icing showered upon Rhein. AN ACCIDENT. OnChristmas morning Miss; Myrtle Trewartha slipped on arCley step and in falling fractived her aekle. This' was a Christmas box which war not a bit appreciated and eMiss Trewar- tha's friends sympathize With her In her: misfortune. SUCCESSFUL SILA'P.l'NG PARTY. T! he nueAuxil- iary on -Tuesday ed, over ice: The the result skating' party, held under, t piees of the Ladies' of the Presbyterian-Ohuneh sday night wsrs: , well attend 200 skaters being on the • ladies ate well satisfied with 1 it of their venture, FATAL AUTO. ACCIDENT.' An exceedislgly-; . sad accident hap- pened, at Norwich on Wednesday of last eek, when Mr. and Mrs, W E,. Macdel were killed when their car was struck by a .train. The latter was instantly. killed anil the fot'mer. died a few horn's latera Mr, and Mrs. Maedel were going "to. Guelph to bring their son and his family home for • Christmae, The unfortunate couple. were friends of Me. and Mrs. W, A. Holmes of town, who t received Christmas greetings from them, which had been mailed before the tragedy. They had also visited in Clinton' since Mr, and. Mrs. Holmes located, here. LITTLE LOCALS. Mr. J, A.' Carter of '.Loridon, form- erly of Clinton, is -now very 01 of scarlet fever in a .London hospital. Mr, George Davies as been iveiy 111 past few days. Itis condition is slightly better and his'friends]tope the improvement will continue. The regular meeting of the Hos- pital Board will be held in the board room of the town hall on the after- noon of Monday, Ja•n, 10th, at three o'eclock. • Mrs, Howard Humphries of, Jack- sonville, Fla., will eiutg over the air at eleven oelock on Sunday moraine next. 'Mr, Humphries will join with her in a• duet. ' The Women's institute of Exeter .sent a fine donatieli of oranges, and candy as a Christmas treat for the members of the Huron County Home household last week, and another treat of oranges was sent in memory of the late Mrs John Middleton. People You know Mr, and Mrs. George 'McLennan were in Toronto for Christmas, Mi'. Dean Courtice of Hamilton spent Clnistmas With his father and sis- ter in town. Miss Jean Fisher of Toronto spout the Christmas season with her par- ents -in town, Contractor Ivey spent the festive holiday and week -end with his fam- ily in Toronto. Mr. James Walters,of Pontiac, Mich., is home for the Christmas and New. Y'ear's holidays. Mr. Ernest Hunter of Toronto' was a -Christmas guest at the home of his parents in town. Mr. Harold Livernter•e of Detroit, spending the holiday with his moth- er,Mrs. G. G. Castle. Dr, .and Mrs Gunn went. to Windsor to spend Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Cross. Mrs. Clara Rmnball spent Christmas with her eon, Me. Ray'Rurnball, and his family in Montreal. Magistrate and lies. Andrews "turd •' Miss Marion spent Christmas with the foIpng"s sons at Seal:'.bore _Bluffs. Mi'. Edwin McJ cs szie' of. Tante' is spending the holiday period with This grandiniether, Mrs.,T. Mckenzie of town. 'Union is visiting ]ler brother and. siater, :Mr. E. and Miss E. ° Wash- ington of Clinton, Mrs.' Margaret .Southcombe 'of Port 'M.r, Harry Ball, of the Western Uni- versity, Lennon, is.''spending•the 'holidays with his parents, Mr. and mr.'. 'Nelson Ball, -Miss Agnes" Combe, ','Of St .Hilda's College, Toronto, is epentlin, the. n ' their tetuin,'they word acenmpanied by Miss' Edna Elliott, wvha ie -spend- ;r1'.;the vacation time there, MR. AND MRS. JOHN TORRANCE OF CLINTON who :.celebrated their golden' wedding anniversary' at the :home' o their daughter in Toronto on .Christmas Day. CLINTON COUNCIL IN BY ACCLAMATION - :Mayor Jackson Heads Board for Fourth Term. N. W. Trewartha, Reeve; Two New Councillors. Tlie attendance at the nominations en .Monday evening was not quite so large as usual but the following names were put in nominations for the several offices to be filled: ' c For Mayor 'Fred Jackson --By A. J. Holloway and Thos. Churchill. Jas. A. Ford—By T. Ii. Cook" and W. S. R. Hoimnes. For Reeve • C. G, Middleton --By R. J. Draper and A. F. Cudmore. N W. Trewartha—'By D, Cantelon and W. J. Paisley. 'Bert Langford—By T. n. Cook and R. Tasker. For Councillors Dr, F. G. Thompson --By Harvey 1VIcBrien and C. G. Middleton. Geo. I-1'. Elliott—By D. Caritelon and F, W. Andrews. ' O. L. Paisley --By C. 0, Middleton and A. E. Cudmore. ' Fred Livermore; By A, Cantelon and R. Jennison. II H, McBrien--By • R. Jennison and A'•'Cantelon. F. W. Johnston -,-By John Carbert and R. J. Draper. Bert B rt II. E. Rot*. and Wim. Walker. W. S. R. Holmes ---By Wm, Walker and 'I3. E. -Rorke. L. W. Curren By R J'. Draper and George Cantelon. J.' A. Sutter—By Bert Langford and L. W. Correll Publie Utilities Coimuission ear W. T. IIalvlciiis—By Fred Jackson and S. J, Andrews, Seheol Trustees St, Andrew's Ward -W. J.' Plum - steel by A, F. Cud -more .and C. G. Middleton. St. James' •Wnt'd-G. A. McLennan,. by O. G. 'Middleton and •S, J. And- rews, ,St. John's Ward' -C H. Venner•,' Sy M. .T Corless mind ; A. 1'. Cuchnore. Thos, Churchill, by C. W,' Wallis„anti 1. McEwan. 'St George's Wald—M: T, Corless by' W. S, P. Hein es and W. J, Cools.' Waren' the i hour had 'passed for re- ceiving nominations, his., S. J. An- drews was called to: the chair anti ,the members of tile- tad council and the new nominees were asked to the platform. Some of then went, others were 'too modest. -"and shunned tare limelight, or the footlights, perhaps. Mayor Jackson t'evoiwed briefly the work of the. council' chuing the last year. The chief work,had'been on the streets and more was to be done;, gravel had now become a problem and breaking stone . ways expensive, He said that•ehree years ago the town ended•theyear with a deficit of over $2,300,: each year since a comfortable surplus has; been on hand al the close. of the Year., He advised the ratepay- ers to read the financial. statement. He could riot promise .any induction in taxation rather the reverse, He congratulated the ;town on having a. very comfortable' women's rest room, said a: committee of ladies had come rtplePron "Exeter to see it. The'tewn hall beodecl scute .1epairs. I•te Said' he would stand for mayor. ihie year` and thanked the people for their snip- port in the past, Itebve Middleton said _the: Medical Officer of Health wile right when he deelaeed that "'We lead, others 'fol- low," He thought a 'littlo advertis- ing: wouldn't hurt ns. We need more •ho ee-s .of better `class. Ho thought the position: ho held es' chairman of the street committee was a difficult one to fill but he had endeatte ed to keelswithin his estimate eaeh',yeer. Ile` said” he was not''; in a position to aoce t the- nontinetion this yea. but had tried to give his best service to the. town, and 'thanked the people for, t, their generous ,support_ Councillor Ciurrell appreciated tai honour of his nomiiiatioti and if a ° zneinber of the councillor 1927 would' do his best for the town. Councillor Langford asked support. for the 'reeveslnip and thanked thee ratepayers for the support given hint la the past. N. W. Trewartha said he did' ' not think he would ask for any pos- ition from Clinton this year, he was a stranger here, but had had .eleven; years' experience in municipal work. in (oderich township. Mr'. Elliott said he would not cause, an election but might take a place at the council table if elected by aeelam- ation,' Someone had to carry on, He had no chip on his shoulder nor inns to sling at anyone. Mr. W. IS. R. Holmes said he hal' been a councillor nineteen years ago, but had pulled out. He would n$t. cause an election, but if given a place' at the council board would do his best. for the town. At nine o'clock ' Tuesday evening the following had qualified and wilt hold .office for the comingeyear: Mayor: Fred.Jacksnn. • Reeve: N. W. Trewartha, Councillor's: Bort Langford, Dr. G. Thompson, 0, W. Paisley, -Fred' Livermore, L. P1. Curren, W. ' S. Iv . Holmes. School Trustee: St. John's Wiard• Thos. Chnrc `ll. St. John's ti s was the, only ward 'in which there were two. nominees. ' MAYOR POD JACKSON "who has been returned by aoolame- tion for: a fourth term as mayor, Mr. Jackson s•eceived' an acclamation last year, aleo. NB`1rb0N TREWARTIIA r h who t e In s b t ors" re v 1 4� t e e during g" s 1027 M%. 7,te{v'tr'tha has so far Iiald municipal office in Clinton bathe. ,was for ie>uera) years reeve of Cor- erioeh townsliiti,:so is nn -novice. ,r1