HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-23, Page 7'CLINTON LlBAIIING Jj;WPLEI%Y' SOItF; . Really now -i doesn't.jewelry convey truer sentiment acid rove than any,other;ift'?' "Most ;certainl . Y >. What gift cart ;&ii are ^ijtji a diamond? p. -What gift stwukertsryns the Heart so mucli emotion and sincere apjn eeratioii,as a ght`tering'jewel-or• s�'e'xy�t;site neaklttce•?' Gold, Silver, Platiriurtz`and' ewels arethe most , .� ..,precious' materials of which the best and most desirable giftS`'are made. Gold Slave Bracelet Diamond Rings,' Gold Pencil and Pen, Gold .Cuff Links; Men's=Gold'Watc}res; also ivory, etc.: R. H. JOHNSON Graduate 6f Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store ro..r.....r11..,01111•1111111111 IVT,en's and Bbys' 'Cies—Silks, Crepes . ox Knitted -39c $1.50 Men's and Boys' Fine Shirts— Tooke lend Arrow brands' $1.,00 to $3,50 [ Men's and Boys, Braces I � 25c t0.75c s Hose--Sill't and. Wool or Pare Silk 'Plain or Fancy 50c to $1.50 Sweaters, Scarves, Gloves (lined and unlhied), Skating Boots, House Slippers, ete„ 'all at easy'prices. :Satin Towels, Towel Sets, Guest Towels, Glass Towels 25c td $150 Pyjamas and Night Gowns, Flannelette or Pyjama : Cloth $2.00 to $2.75 Hendkerchiofs for all the fam- ily and real values too Umbrellas and Parasols—The very latest styles and best for the price $.1.25 to $4.50 Make your',se1ections and 1 et us quote you' some -rea money saving prices. 1 .. .s e iF Eros. • Christmas Radios Not even a great violinist can coax fine mn;sio out of a .cheap villin. No more can an inferior radio do justice to the fine programs that are broadcast;'.' We catry•Vedee Neutrodyne the finest radios made. -Perfect tonal realisriiz-the crashing ereeendo• of -a symphony or the swelling volume of a, singers voice -Bass note or. treble—realietieally created with the most delicate' peecision - Selectivity—distance volume without "hum" or "buzz". Give the whole: family a radio --yeti% enjoy. it! FADA NEUTRtdD'yiNE'----tEFORIJS•T AND CROSSLEY RADIOD'yi7E A B ctteries---,B Batteries --Wet• B Batten`ies—Speakers,' .Let us ,install the radio into otir!liorne—reed toi y Y tune n. A` small payment •down secures delivery tin' any radio. The balance divided n"nto small monthly payments—makes owning a radio easy.` Wishing You a Merry Christmas a -' HARDWARE Pter Sc t.' PLUMBING . ELECTRIC WIRING PHONE 147w e Most Beautiful Thin In the world .indubitably is love but a,$ a present it.ha"s, its disadvantages; yon% can't wrap it, in a box and• put stickers on.it. .You -can't wear, it You' can't show it to your friends. We would not suggest a' substitute for the "nest beautifel;thing-in the world but we offer for your consideration a selection from our. stock as :a symbol 'of it and to -hold the giver yin .joyful remembrance. Just another thought introduced by the , -question is it pos-, Bible that we may The too wise in the selection' of our gifts. Can wenot afford to be a little more unusual or even foolish in• our buying of them, Reason is sometimes eeld, even cruel but sentiment 'is gentle, even if a lit- tle foolish and extravagant, it be- lieves in Christmas and making oth- ers ']nappy. A ehild made happy with a toy rather than a pair of rubbers, a girl rejoices . more over a dainty. than is et 1 p e a pettieoai. Will you show your sentiment at Christmas: or your cool or cal- culating mind. It should he a season, of love and peace and happiness and our stock 'in its variety of choice either in the practical or the sentimental or foolish may supply just the gift that is worth while. Tlie W. D. Farr Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 4 I glOpuu wuaullunll Miss Mary Chidley of Toronto is home for Christmas, Mr. I-l'azry Shaw of the staff of Dark - mouth College, is home for the Yule- tide. Miss Eileen Atkinson of the Western Utide,niversity is home for the Yule - Mr., Reber•t Hunter of Toronto Uni- V'ersity is 'home for the Christmas recess, ' Mr. Elmer Paisley of Toronto Uni- Versity is hone for the mid -winter holiday. Master Owen- Combe of the Port %Lope Boys' School is home for the vacation, Miss Clete Ford of the Alma College staff, St, Thomas, is home for the !Christmas vae Bion. Miss .Susie Powell' left yesterday to spend Christmas holiday thne with •her sister in Detroit. Miss Harriet Hawkins visited with Rev. S. E. and Mrs. lVfcSegney of London over the week -end. Misses Elinor and Jean Plumsteel are home from the Western University for -the mid -winter vacation. Mr. Chas. Shipiey of the Western University is spending the Christ- mas vacation at his home here. 'Mr. and Mrs, Georgy Jackson, left i Monday for' ernie, Mane where they intend spending a few weeks. Miss Winnie MOMath of . Victoria ' College, Toronto, is spending the ('•hristnnas holidays at her home in town. Miss 'Jean Hogg of. Ripley and Miss Ethel' Hogg of'. the Toronto- Uni- versity are hone for the •Christ- mastido. Mr, Thomas Archer has returned to• London after spending a week or so as the guest • •of his daughter, Mrs. L. Rath. Mrs. M. A, Shipley and babe have gone to .Morrisburg, where they will spend the Christmastide with the lady's family. Mrs. •A. Sinclair of Toronto is with her sisters, Miss Bluebell and Mrs, 'W. Pickard. Mr../Siuclair will come up for /Christmas. Mr. D. A. Andrew of the 0. A. C., •Guelph, has been ; Bone°the past. few days. Ile end his family will emend Christmas with Lniolmety friends: ; , Mr, Kenheth Hunt of Sudbury and ',Miss Wimnifred .Hunt of Toronto are spending the Christmas. holiday neriod with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hunt. Miss -Ward, left !Friday for Essex, where- she intends spending a day or so with Miss Stone before going -on to spend the Christmas vacation with her family at Rockville, Mdti DP. M. A. Shipley whohas-been with. his mother.: Mrs. George Shipley, since the death of his father some • weeks ago, is in Toronto this week. i'e takes en his new practise at BIytb 'at the new year, Mr. and Mrs; John Torrance and Miss Maud left Tuesday far Tnr'onto, where they wiil spend ;the ,Cihrist- mas vacation time, On Christmas DAV M. rind Nees. Torrance will celebrate their Golden Wedding an• neve sary. . SALIENT FACTS ABOUT. CANADA By R. H. Coats, Dominion Statistician, in Boston Monitor 1, Area -3,'729,665 ' square miles';; slightly laegez•' than the United /States. 2. Popaiatioe—Latest estimate, 9,- 864,200. Moines owned, 1,289,150. 3 , National wealth --,Estimated tat 1 • 1 1 1 •a ; tva) ays with , ta ,la Thursday •and Friday, I)ecen .,ber' 23rd` and 24th We will -clear put all our Christinas candy, Nuts and Oranges, 4t Canclg DARK `'MIXTURE Per ib -LIGTiT MIXTURE LARGE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL, per lb. , , . , . „", , C5LEA14I 'AND• •C HOCOLATE�9 MIXTURE, PeTb. SMALL ISATIN CANDY 'gj Per lb, . ..t.........<. ", PECAN ROLi,S Per Ib. eic SkTIN CANDY Per lb. 19c 23c 25c 50c OTHER PyANCY: .VARIETIES Front Sec per lb. up. 'CREAMS sand CHOCOLATES ( 3 1'b. -box assorted JC:77 For the C triattnas Dinner -MINCE MEAT Per lb. , , CRANBERRIES 20r FRESH CELERY LEAF LETTUCE HEAD LETTUCE CAULIFLOWERS. RAD5SHES - SMALL PEAS Per tin .., 25c. GRAPE 'FRUIT. ly For Salad, each ..... OC FRESH OYSTERS STUFFED OLIVES.. 20 Per Bottle .. Large Size, 40e RIPE OLIVES pin Per bottle .4Zie OIIRISTMAS :CRACKERS GOLDEN /BANTAM eve. Corn -on -cob Nluta aiulOranges MIXED NUTS 2''lebs fore.. BRAZIL Nt'ITS FILBERTS Per lb, ALMONDS Per Ib WALNUTS" Per lb. PECAN NUTS Per• ib. CA-LIF'ORNA BUDD;EJy WALNUTS, pee lb.. , ... . LAYER RAISI1' g • e. 30c 3Oc• 40c 50c 35c LAYER LAYER FIGS ti Per lb. . , 30�.•:. ORANGE'S;;t'ARE BEAUTII`UL «AT i 39c to 69c ped dozen CALIFORNIA GRAPES ' 1 Per' lb. 25c MALAGA GRAPES ; 4OC Per` lb, 34. cr We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. Cash and Service - In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m; Kindly Order Early 0 Neil Phone 4.8 W. T. Where "Sells for less" price prevails. IM 4 4 1 Last Minute Shopping for Santa Claus Necessities A full assortment of Candies, Come in and see our five lines of Christmas creams, Chocolates, Bon Bons and various fancy mixtures. Beat chocolates by the box 25c, up. Mixed nuts, Grapes, Grape- fruit,oLarge juicy orang,os. Our prices are right. Do notworry about a Christmas cake or pudding at this late hour we leave the very best all ready for using. A Merry Christmas THE C. Si S., GROCERS Bargains in Lumber & Building 'Materials . \r, M. 1 inch., Pine Siding and Tongued and 'Grooved Pirate Flooring $40.00 per M and up. {, 90 Odd Sash with ,and without glass, 25 cts. and up, OUR SPECIALTIES ayproc, Pine, Vie Luinnber, Spruce, 'Lime and. ail. builders' Stnpplies Always en hand Thomas McKenzie Estate CLINTON, ONTARIO $22,195,000,000.- 4, Agriculture — Estimated agn i- eultural wealth over $7,500,000,000. Forestry -. Average annual value of forest products,. 5800,000,000. 6 ', Mining — Value of production, 1025, 5224,846,237, 7' Water 'power --Total turbine installation available, 41,700,000 h.p. 8;" Manufactures — Mons produc- tion/_ $2,781,165,51A;'net, 51,311,025,- 375.- 9. Railways-Tpttil .tailwayenile- age, ;40,061; largest per eapitar in the world. .-` 10 Education -pupils, 2,206,799; paiilie school expenditure, $119,908,- 735,' 119,908,735,'• i ° AGRICULTURAL COURSE FOR T URON'S YOUNG, FARMERS. Areangenients have been made by the Ontario Department of Agricul- .tare through the • local Agrieuiteral Representative for .the holding of a four weeks' course in Blyth. The young mien's oourse in Agriculture and the young ladies' course in •Home Economics will beheld during Jan- uary. Live stock, field cropsand other agricultural'' •subjects Will be discussed in the boys'' classroom while household science, sewing, home nursing and' first aid will farm the lectures given the girls, There will be special lectures in many sub- jests such as poultry and beekeeping, swine and sheep 'marketing and .oth- ers. • These courses_ have 'been con- ducted throughout the province for st,veral.years and 'the fact that they See shifted about in each county .or district• annually gives 'a .wide scope to the nuinibers that may attend The importance of agricultural infer-; /nation and education is readily real-: ized and -all who 'can should without riuestioe errange• to Attend.': , HOG SHIPMENTS Report of hog shipments for week ending Dee. 16, 1926: Clinton—Total hogs, S2; select ba- con, 39; thick smooth, 42; lights and feeders, 1. Lohdesboro=Notal hogs, 47; `select bacon; 23;, thick smooth, 24. Huron County --:,Total • hogs, '1283; select bacon, 359 thick smooth,;.803; heavies, 61;„. extra heavies, 2; shop hogs, 45; lights and feeders, 2. LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS By doing your Christmas shopping now, and this year give tame, all something useful. We have just what you are looking • for, for • "her" or "hint'" or even the wee folks. Give us a chance to show you onr, display before you buy. Special Imes of aluminum and :nickle plated ware, or get her one of, our roasters •• ',fox . the turkey, Just what she wets to give g`. you that good CChiiistrnras dinner. -TWO MORE SHOPPING DAYS In making your selections for Christmas gifts -why not. give useful and dgrable things for the home. We have a wonderful assortment of all kinds of furniture on hand, -A real line of Electric Lamps with silk. and parchment shades, Don't fail to see our bedroom lamps, Mirrors and Pictures galore, Fern- eries and Smoker's', good Comfortable Chairs apd Rockers, or Cedar Chests, A goodo.Matteess would be a real gift, Then of course we have a big line .of Children's Furniture. Better make selections while the Stock is good And . t'e'll deliver when you say so C. C. M. Skates make an ideal gift for either boys or girls. Hockey Sticks A good selection of Carving Sets, Knives and Forks in stainless steel, Berry. Spoons,. Pyrex ware, Coffee Percolators and Tea Pots in Alumin- em and Nickel Plated ware. These are beauties at real bargein prices. FOR THE KIDDIES A large, assortment of Hand Sleighs, Kiddie Curs, Toboggans, Baby tSleighs, D'oll Cabs. Electric Light Bulbs 25 to 60 watts 5 rot $1.00 EXPERT SKATE ,GRINDING Clinton Hardware an4 Furniture Co.. THE STORES WITH A STOCK `FUNERAL DIRECTORS ' MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 VINIMINIONANISIN Poiiltry anted We buy` all kinds of live.and dressed poultry andpay SPOT CASH Always market your poultry when ready. It will pay you well to hold immature e stock for lte r delivery. ' PIti®ne us for prices.