HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-23, Page 6�;;lint4kt'; sss;•)l eO0t!dr HAT blb'VOW GIVE LAST CE ISTMAB reseatation • ' YY Toys for, the kiddies Most:of the brokerx..Tiyr• Covers are • '' way, !`'.�,iometh ng useful" for" the gro i upa==noxi, oi'idedfor worn out or, fozgotten" Cash,.to' our'employees-•- Chtisanaa. Y "Citi gooks. appreciated but soon spent ;Other; presents --hurriedly boughc'and perhaps ill -chosen. 'Are they remembered' Suppose this year you give them each a' Bank Book containing an initial deposit, and urge them to add to it regujarly. , Could anything be more suitable? Add "Royal Bank. Books" to 'our list of Christmas Gifts. The Royal Ban of Canada. -Clinton Branch R. E. Manning, Manager Of` nterest to You Miss Bradley of ,London sang a a e o ace, an also assist - so• lo "Face d 7 d ed the quartette from ;Brueefield at - the Presbyterian service on :Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Agnes Currie left on Tuesday to spend the Christmas ,season` wit her .daughter in Hamilton, A Christinas social for the children of . St; Andrew's United church was held in the Sunday school room on Tuesday evening. The Trinity- church. -concert ]held on Friday last was quite a success, in hat the program was' of a very high order, but it was rather spoiled by he fact that the draw curtains aught fire early h the program; By and lie. , A Merry :Christmas to everybody. v a e No excitement so far about .muni :opal elections this year, Have Tree become "fed up" with eleeticns ? • There was some talk' of putting u -women candidates for school truste . a year or two ago. How about t year ? , Geriilany is (building up.an army i Russia.,eh? We bated to keep harp ..ing on it .but we never did trus those Germans much, a,�a,x Monday is nomination night. Conte out and choose your man, or hold your peace as to how the town's bus- iness is conducted during the coming year. • * , s. c - Ile • p es his ] 11.o t, h Tomorrow is the night you hang up your .stocking and don't forget to go to bed early. :Santa Claus ean't spare the tine to hang about waiting for shiftless people to 'get to sleep. a r s v• Evidence seems now to be complete, according to scientists, to prove that man descended from apes. All right, let's admit it and let it go at that, All we can do now is to see that we de not revert to type; Is it possible that the railways do not, for some unknown reason, wish the people to know just what it would cost to bring Alberta coal to 'Ontario? There is something holding back ae- thin which is not clear to the general public R * M About four inches of snow would make it just about right for a Can- : adian 'Christmas . But this might stop oars and apparently, car own - en would forego the sentiment for; the sake of gleed and comfort. Any - ay, we haven't ordered the snow. At e the prompt. action of several of the men present the fife was quickly ex- tinguished and the burning curtain carried outside. The paper and wood- work at the top of the arch was also burned a little. It is not known ex- actly how the fire started but it is thought that one of the curtains was swung over against a gas light that was hangingnear the front of the stage Fortunately no one was hurt and although the audience and the children were . greatly alarmedyet there was no panic. Mrs, • Paull played ee had ogram at the e ar- dience " was<• grain ep" as y tir- es by 11 en- ' was cur- eod) stepped into the breach and the piano until the audien settled down again and the pr went on as arranged except th scenes for the plays had to b ranged lit full view of the au 'and 'of eourse "no quick curtain possible and the retraining pro did not have quite as much "p it would have had under ordinal• eurnta'nces. _ The recitations and. diatom% the little ones were very mut joyed. The tableau "0 Canada' much appreciated, When the tains opened Canada' (Annie MeL was sitting on. an elevated seat ing a sheaf of grain while nine representing the provinces knelt somi-cirele in front, At either knelt Fred Heard and George geon in the uniform of cadets on knee and bidding rifles, After a n 36co13110of Lh4'` r4Ads being nn•:, t lair kiQtoi +traffie, 1 have' ,hftugod' Ile henry: t any.Clinton StL dio, GLlNTON,`STIJIMO ,OPB1Y T7V irty TT7'USDAY' .' Tram 11 84 a•m to �;p,ill AIL wairti'irg Photos talion. please 0 4omic in abtiVe heuesaard oblil,e„ , Bargess,Portraat Studio MITCHELL A'N1' CLINTON Ellzbtt ' Ehbnd •Stuigecn, Thehna Parker Louise M,dLeod, Jessie Lind= Say, Berrtioe>, Seeds, ,Dean Castle Ella Nack;, iJiay andris Genleinliaid,-irr. different..costuln'es, represented the.Provinces, Year Lindsay, in oi•}shinty was Newfoundland, while John Wild and Jaines'Sturgeoiirepresented In= die and _Ceylon, Lawrence Johns -was the 'little , pag:e who announced this° visitor, who came' 4o :bring gifts'•and- pay--;homage to Britannia.. At 'the. eonelusioru. of the speeches "Rule Britannia" was :lustily sting, and a, tableau -"formed a fitting conclusion to this well rendered ;exercise. A Christmas drill by twelve senior 8•ir18 terminated the performance. m Miss -Jones was .a very' able ecco- ,panist, Mr, Alfred E. Erwin; reeve, was the chairman and warmly con_ gratulated the star$ and pupils of the school upon their successful enter- tainment. • Births TEI;'RYBE'RJRi'—Tn Tuckersinith, on Dec. 19th, to „ Ml', and Mrs. V. Terryberry, a son—Milton Alvin. IN MEMO/HAATLAWSON—In loving memory of Wil- iam -Lawson, who died Dec. 22nd, 1925. "Oh, for a touch of a vanished hand And a sound: of the voice that is still." Wife and Family. S t amen Township Report of S. 'S. No, 10, GO per cent. for pass; 75 per cent, for honours: So. 4th --Melvin Snider, 78.7 per cent.; • Viola Wheeler, 73; Roland Ketehen, 70; Frank McCowan, 68,8; Jean Campbell, 68; Howard Hyde, 6G.8"; Ross Grainger, 63,7; Dorothy Swan, 62; Mary Woolley, 42,5'`, Jr. 4th—Rctta Taylor, 43". Sr. 30d -Anna Aikenhear, 80.6; Dorothy Woolley, 63, Catharine Itet- h- s, 1- then, 61.3; .Stewart Baird; 60.5; Kat leen Mustard, 60.3; Stanleys Collin 52. Jr. 3rd --Evelyn Grainger, .63; Ra Pepper, 48.3; Nelson Forest, 43; Wa ter .Baird, 42. • 2nd—Randal Pepper, 67; RenMc- Cowan, 64, Ist—Olive Johnson, 78; Audrey Swan, 75; Jim Burdge, 64; Alvin Dutot, 56. Primer—Harry :Snider, 76; Archie Mustard, 75. —31, E STEWART, teacher The folloli No. for 5 Bold- November: girls ' Jr, 5th—Elgin, Haytce. lit a Jr, 4th—.Vera (Smith,, 204 marks; side Grace" Robinson, 262;, Mar Saar- garet Rob - bison, 159. one Sr. 8rd--"Bert McBride,169' !narks; a d Bruce NleClinchey, 168; Edgar Mc- Clinehey, 73, (absent). Jr. 3rd—Russel Hayter, 233 marks; Elmore McBride, 232; Campbell -Mc- Kinley, 226; Elmore Stephenson,$3. Jr. 2nd—Margaret LaMont, 247; Allen Armstrong, 101. Jr, lst Hazel Hayter, 295 inarks; Elva MrClinchey, 279. Primes --Isabel Robinson, 176 marksDorothy Armstrong, 166; Clare Mc- Bride, 127; Lotus McClinohey, 94, —C. E. Reid, teacher. nunutes they rose, marched back tood on guard •besicle•-Canada while the children sang "0 Canada;" behind the scenes. The primary Glasses oohed quite cute in.their "nighties'. nd pyjainasa and did their parts well A rumor was current in Wingham i s last week that Editor ,Synth of the! Advance -Tines had Come into a.for-! • tune of $8,000,000. .Well,: it ran all .1 the way from - $2,000 " to that fig a be ny ve or tire,. you, know how rumors ruin T , genial newspaper man disclaims a such good fortune, but it must ha been thrilling to have such a ruin . circulated * r a Several newspapers have been ad-, Ao wising those who opposed, Premier E ?Ferguson's Government Control poi- II icyy now that it has been endorsed by -S the majority of the people of the S Province,. to fall in and co-operate, in ' with thea Government is, making it a Do success. The Premier has little to. na fear in lack of co-operation fi.°ont pro- Fl • hibitionists in his":efforts to promote M :temperance; at is the people who H wish. loose liquor laws who are the Br law -breakers; Tlt * * Ida A Kingston editor figittnes that, lie 'Canadians bought last -year $65 worth by `of goods per capita from the United. Illi . States, while .the people of the latter , act -country only bought $4.50 worth per as. capita from Canadians. Looks bad, 1 doesn't it? But figuring it again we ben `find that each Canadian •sold 345 sty worth to the United States, while the one average U. S. resident sold only het "$6.50 worth' to Canada. Looks dif- ing ferent, doesn't it?—Goderich Signal. L With all their figuring these edi- of -tors do not seems to have ,figured out Inas what proportion of raw material was hall 'sold by Canada, We fear that' figures the will show•tliat Canadats exports are teres largely raw material, while her im- ports are finished goods. What. Can- ada' needs to do to ensure prosperity is to manufacture het own raw materials, employing ..her own work- ,•eix. for the purpose. in Little Stockings on the Mall." Both plays. "That Long Ago Duet" and "Miss, Doulton's Orchids" were acted very well and were very amus - hat xbY, tha, my, nor rge ml Mass ]k - rd,: ale red est in, un- m- ly nd ds, 01 nr 0- fie n c e t - n d mg. Those taking the parts in "T L ng Ago Duet" were: Mrs. Bi gams Keri;; her daughter Mar mina Sturgeon; her son Jim arold. McLeod; Miss Jennie, Elea cotchmer; the Captain, Geo surgeon; the Colonel, Douglas Ge hard!. Those taking parts in " arson's Orchids". were Gee* Be p, Lucy -Woods; -13ess Mayne oy Edwards; •;Polly Winslow, An aLeod; Gordon McAllister, F mind; Kenneth Moore, Ern own; Owen Belknap, Albert Dui ere were also choruses by the S y school; and ode of the fittest nu es was a carol sung veryasweet Craig, Kerr, Charlie Parker a g'h McLeod Miss Floy Edwar ed as pianist and Rev. F. II. Pat chairman. t is Very much regretted that o utiful cut•tains have been Lhus d oyed, They were particularly fi s and malty a stranger has bee rd to exclaim in surprise at se such fine curtains in Bayfield, ast week brief mention was mad the Bayfield Public School Chris 'entertainment held in the tow . The hall was well filled an audience enthusiastic over the in sting program provided. Through out the evening splendid order_ pre veiled. The program consisted o Choruses; "0 Come, alt ye Faithful," "Burk the -Herald ,Angels Sing'," "0 Canada)' and 'Santa'll come on Chalet. - Inas Dye.", 'There were numerous re - ions, long and short,, by tiny tots larger pupils, a well -given inon- ue by Annie McLeod, A negro I;ue sbyf five `senior girls, Lottie ins, 'Mary Wfidconte L11'a Mae; Mary Stirling and'Doris Genu- ard. Twelve tiny girls from the r room sang a•.g;•our of playtime s consisting of "Bush a -by "• o's a ball' fop Baby," and -"The airy Bash." ` A Folk "'Dance c -a -Boo,". by ten ` junior girls boys captivated ;the audience. e pickle Weston played three did mouth organ Solos. e chief item on the program was triotie exercise entitled 'Briton,- In ht- the part •of Britannia was bly' filled by:Helen Seeds;; who el:in National cost nte, made 'a �: , figtixe, Agnes Kart and Lottie n5, pit"uresgnely 'attired,' re- nted A1'stralia and New :Zea- wlrile 13erthena Stutgeoii ieole ars of, ,British Afrteia. Mary ng as • Canada; and Margaret- 'BaA➢)1Aeifd "There will be special Christmas .services throughout the parish, of Hayfield. on 'Sunday. EaYfield, Holy ,Communion at 8:80 a.m.; Evensong at '7 p.m, Varna, Holy' Communion and Matins at 11 a.nt, •anti at Middleton at 3 p.m, At Hayfield there will be a speoial Sunday school service at 10 a.m., to which the -parents and friends 'of the children a•e'invited, M. Chas, Weston of Detroit Is visiting'+his parents, -Mr, and. Mrs.: 11. Weston. • Mx, Merton Merner, who is attend- ing the` Technical school in London, arrived home' on •Monday to spend the holiday h lday with his patents, .112x. W J Stilson took a carload of bine cattle to Toronto'en cFriday last There was no' service in Trinity' churoh on Suday last, owing to the illness of the rector 'Rev F. II. Paull citat and olog dialo Higg lcay, einh, ,juni0 song "Iter Multi =Pee] and,' Littl alike a pa nia.r, Sriita atti ' ie regal Iliggi presen land, yhe p Steen': The following is the report for •S. S. No; 1, for the month of November. Names are in order• of merit: Sr. 4th -=!Bessie :Corey, Marjorie bMiEweti, Marion .,Shipley, Omerine Le Beau, Sr. 3rd—N,ornio Shipley, Vera Saundercocli, Karl. Sta'nbury, 'Sm•, 2m1 ---Joe :Cony, Stuart M�cE•w- en, Clarence Le Beau. Jr. 2nd: w'ora ,Stewart, Isabel Saunclercoek, Gladys .Saundercoclt. Sr. Pi'.-rack Jr.Pr.-Clifford Henderson, Bobby, Glen, (Edna ,Saundercock:,.-. W. E. Gamble, .teacher; Hay for Sale. Ahout 10 tons of good timothy hay, in barn,. "George Colclongal, :Con. 4, Hallett, Clinton P.O. ' 89-1-p Farm Wanted Wanted—To hear from owner of good Don ,for sale. .State cash price, bull particilnr5: ?.DP. Bush, Minae-° apolis, Minn, 89-5 1 Christmas Entertainment Siltation Army' hall iCheiatinas Eve, Dee, '24th. There will be at 7:30 a Christmas Treeaaiid Entertainment given by the children attending ihi(d-' Ten'§ meeting in 'Mils. E, Sealo•'s' house, Princess street All welcome, Ne admisbion fes . A H. Stewart .of Guelph will speak. 89-1. IVOTTCD TO.CREDITOR$ :1�otice 1s;ltereby giveli .that' all per -- sons :,having Claims against {he estate of the ]ate':George Bel] of the Town. of W;ingilkni m the County Of" Iluron;. who died on or ab int the third day of Noverael 1926, re required. to forward their -Sloan, "duly ,peknn; to the undersigned,' on or before the fifteenth dayiaiif 'January, 1967. And notice is•:further given that after the said "date the Administra. 'tor- of the said estate will proceed to. distribute the estate, having, regard Only st eh clai tts a he shall then, have •(tad notice '"• A 1 Dated at Goderich, this twenty- first day o'f ;Deoernber A D, 7:926• . • IIAYS. and HAYIS ,I3atristers, etc., Goderieh, Crit, �r Iltl�.11 arnasl S a. tore y' rot ere! ;.and Fane ileus, :TQ.jels and ouse an dlB eretal� reties tier, herr; Christixias � p .�::prQ9�flsy.• �t�. � • z _ N W ;noway th i �lexs IaXlllalli+� Open Eveninga Iltltil Chtistntaa Potiltrg an.W. Phone: ] 7, " Now is the tiino'to get rid of your non -producing hens:, We will do your culling free of "charge, We also want chickens and cluel:g. Wednesday Siad, Thursday forenoons at residence, Vic- toria street, five daces neilth of C. N. R. tracks, Call 231, Clinton central, for prices. A. E. PINCH 78-1f. RAW FURS 'WANT/EU) Am now paying special high prices for all kinds of raw Furs. H. A.' HOVEY Phone sq_, Clinton, 9nt', SKATING PARTY Under auspices of LADIES' AUXILIARY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Tuesday, Dee. 28th. Hot Dogs and - Coffee Served ADMISSION -25c. 88-2 A ? `'+ TE Live salesman to sell new aromatic Damper iSpecialty for furnaces and stoves. Exclusive territory. Extra good money. AUTOMATIC DAMPER CO, 67 Adelaide St., East,. Toronto, Ont. 88-2-p People Don't Wear Glasses For the purpose of seeing as well as possible, either in the distance or 'close up. Sometimes wo reduce a patient's vision ill order to 'secure comfortable vision. And that (coin- fortablevision) is the purpose 'of all our examinations. If you aren't see- ing With comfort, ,he a patient of ours. W. H. Hellyar, -Optometrist, Clinton, Ont. 89-1 Grain Wanted 400 bushels of feed barley. W1111 pay 61c per bushel,' delivered yat Clin- ton phonec131non mill. Call 614, Clinton central. 88-2 House to Rent Partially furnished house, with bath. Apply on premises to bliss L. Grant, 4 doors east of Ontario street United church, Clinton, 88:8 Heifer Astray Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, a red heifer, with round Polled Angus head, about 800 to 900 lbs. Information as to its where- abouts thankfully received , by F. G. Ford, Holmesville, Phone 16 on 611, Clinton central' 88.3-p Stray Steer . Strayed onto the premises of the undersigned, lot 34, cots 14, Goderich Tp.,'00 or about end of October, a 2 -year-old steer. Owner May have sane by proving property and pay- ing. expenses. David T. 'Churchill, R. R, No. 3, Clinton. 87-3 Cheese for Sale Cheese in bulk- at any time. Large cheese, • 18c, Flats, 20c, Stiltons, 21c per lb.. The Ilolmesville Cheese and Butter Go. W. II. Lobb, president and salesman, R. R. No, 3,:Olinton. 78-trf, Cook Wanted Cook wanted for the ; ClintonPublic Hospital; Apply any clay to Miss Grainger, Supt,': Hospital; • 86-tf. Strayed Froin lot 27; -'concession 2, West Wawanosh, on ' Nov. 9th, a black Angus heifer,;' 18 menthe old Last heard of on Base Line neem Sumner - hill. Any person having heard of or seen .the said heifer kindly,,communi- cato with the undersigned, John Rome, R. R. No,, `2, Aubumn Phone 15-29; Dungannon Central. 85-4 • Clothes Cleaned and Pressed -. Clothes cleaned, pressed. and, 're - aired: 'Woollen, goads dry -cleaned: ooms'' aver (beard's, Bartter Shop, W. J. Jago. 2288-tf - Rouse For Sale- 7-rooined house and quarter -acre lot, town water, electric lights.• Ap- ply P y to J.?7;. Doherty, Qlintoil. 83-tf Phonos-Office, 2143 Residence, 214w Go Ta>, Nediger's Garage For, Gasoline, Oil and Grease` Tires, Tubes and Accessories. Let us figure on your Trucking Some Wood for Sale W.J. Nediger, ,Prop. F. R.. A O i BARRISTER will be at his office in Clinton each MONAY Prom 3 to 6 p.m. We Serve and Satisfy Christmas Greetings Finest selection of Christmas Can- dies, Oranges and Nuts in Clinton, And prices that suit one and all, NUTS -Special mixed nuts (new), per lb. 23e (2 lb,;,for 45e) , Walnuts, per lb, 25e Filberts, per ib. . , ... , .. , 28c Brazils, per ib, 28c Peanuts, per 15. 20e e CANDIES Mixed Cantly, per lb. 20e Cut Rock -Candy, per lb. 23c (2 1b. for 45c) Mixed Creams, per lb. 25c Mixed Mints, per lb. 35c Mixed Chocolates, per lb. 35c Special Mixed Creams, per lb. 40e Box Chocolates at 25c, 35e, 50c,. 85c ORANGES 'Special Oranges, per dozen 55c Oranges, per dozen .. 50c, 60e, 70e Table Raisins—Figs--Lettnee Finnan Haddie-Fillets L. LAWSON & CO. Open Evenings Until Christmas PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 111 Clinton's ,,oma a "Vhat is houto without lie r'1cat lents Did you ever realize how much the happiness of ;your Christtnas depends on coal? You plan ;'your lovely presents, your g,orgeoug•tmee, ;?our, big dinner, your family'reumon,• ' And: dowm underneath. 11 the fact that ;.your Christmas ineeriinent would literally be :frozen if you didn't ` have a - warn, comfortable house:' for your• celebration, -Be :gore and do your Christmas coal -buying early, Call the nkffeet 'for good, dean coal • Rouge for Sale or Rent ' ' IIouse on corner of Iluron and Or '!tinge ' Streets, old 'Mounteastle place,' Apply to.;F. ,W,„ Johnston,'Clinton, COAL COIVIPANY PHONE 74 CLINTON ILLER ou au Solve man: hristml vy individual gift has tha-, so desirable. Gifts ,for a; and again are the, ones that, are , fill thought for the dozier. Do,Fens in this stare, at a -wide range of you Call please therh ell, 'See chr Dealers in General 41arelanz TELEPHONE 53 Christmas Sale of Flour We offer Maple Leaf, Purity. five Roses Flours at practically coo for gash. 9yerstocked on account of so much feed being required and haying to take Flour in order to get feed, Now is your chance to get high grade flour less dealers profit. NMI ferget the dates 27th to 3Ist only Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers In making selections of .Christm -that there's nothing that will make tor any member of the family, from selection from our attractive line o A FEW CHRISTMAS Street Shen Storm Shoes Dress Shoes Bed Room Sli House 'Stipp Felt Slipp. Comfort Shoes Dress S School Shoes Bath F ED JA The 13ig Shoe Store C. H. VENNIER Electric Ranges, FixturAeps,p1Bialinl Wiring and Repairs. OattAA Keep Your Hens Laying and HEX 'SCRATCH Assure greatest egg production Charle PHONE 1