HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-23, Page 5A lhatet bomd,throft%'one of theAl Green, Bbughs of HOMO., Steve Ivith a Mang and struck the Dt homo, that come, be - V011 Tan, Try Then cal a blow againettho window twcen (4eaeQ), ear yen e.nd 4,1116"far distallit h4sls*4 11 `d for i Pea wherel to jOrestval,the atWLh;.f6r just wii,_ e r my thuugh� cloca m0i ho , In no shapi, yolir old, seveitte'tainilI '191111111`7 6-__4'w and was 1299 AO e of, rt th: il one�my, Hol, gathers d RM of his strel and eloughl Ill Ifach hasion, 101,10V trea thl dilps" �IRRIAM ROUSE, fu I A -throated voice Into thc- styeam ber 00�1111- whips, in his ordiiiary, Djoelle 1"' be cried. The 4ossialra(�, besidla the gate-, t el Rogow lats,� w 21-Vil-on, �Vhera twilight Otroll Tilt attrwh ceased as suddenly as'It h? TI t )u o3lee" did MbIthro, had bequlil and Laroeque thanked Tire hemlack grouils thotdtally hold % ul' 4, p rallsedl`�ul% ccilt'�tact� all evil ileawn Mat ho' bad to dtsftl�witll a Their owri'agal tile _)'0'ndVy goMd' e might o-waid. A braver man, a.1-Irted, Would The inapla lln6e,that vive� this; view fiini7.And.that Mine. Larocqu , , e have marrled� you but.for the day You FL11101 M 17Q, have pressed the fight to an tend, but A green, or luankill fimeu`1101; GREEK A b,-ot you,. deg half to d"ih?" I'Diijelle woiLMnot; ilow, if ever, risk at- , .. I., 1 .11 . 1 .� I 1 1. 1 . , I j '1� there had been anything neel -o,6quo able to defend Those oldestalpolla tre.m fortno I I I tack upoi), 4 T,ai whose ree�a Flo 'to �Slld -Albert DineXe c0loPlOtOly himself. Evidently he 1bad, counted 111indred, Yeam :q� Wi-lte IseMill Tarontbw f0r'91' filto ' the fury toward which 'he was upon haviog wily the dog to deal with Hw . ve braved a piessing hlmselfi.r these reminders -Land B131ileo 6l be Shot without stox ' ints, And turn a face as blUble, and fl 'm-no'slifficieul Ile leaped to his f��6t great danger. greet their vemull' ocritur; Tad iand Alix. roctilli I e was I again as plotare A -It ABOUT backed away. By this time La A Strange and touching lit ORANGE& ardly � at the faint, but he thought It -better not to of the brief acquaintance and shared LaTolloque' emliled in�w, The'yo.u.uger 6rc!haaW& heavy edge, 1310MIltion. He had,ill thought of lie book upon the bunk. Painffflly he beldol 'plastImes of tw6 chilldeel 'Over 0aGh The Fruit for HGalth- ii1ramed, in the honely loclist Dinelle whom he Fruit - Ifushie,l sito � burdened or Oil wilosis lives hung fheblxolt� and ying hands upon crawM, to the stcke and filled- it - then w kriew for a coward. dragged the blankets to the floor and hideous shadoirty: of aluraer, was drawn in tha New York WoAd 1>7 It. -Surbria,s, yell "I came here to -night to say that lay clown with his head upon the It oolneg to My h0lole,101194ug eight- re'Dantly may Mr. Wayne'Whipills. They wore TPA adtthou& orI9,juDAllY-QlOTD well but two if you do nc I t PT0111ka -that contract shoulder of 13011le, Tluctedol fathetrl�al beebalt he act vl . t and litteT,' to lv�liwlsb, b6fore the pal swept over him in' The btjlOwT woods acrollel 9 roj�d� -ale of t of crangl*s; awl ( d of't'he M, fil.t ycli bad ghcon and tbrough the night he 'was Often aositit, and tile ilitpla Princess th 0 are ,,)n In' 1 Z69 where ali, the whido Of hearAen strode,, of an alas Or new eighty, ranging me all you vwpl" no more, than saml-conscious. Thus And slang In every tOWeIrl atem, -- AUX, Itall the 0"w1i'l Alexand"t, thla-little, Tangerines to 1ho big trilit The tl slammed. boule, with a nionling.fcond him In tile same Spot, Would[ fillat i'wieroat hom-9 with them I doomed, to porleft l5ruteilly by murder- from Jaff�. Same of tftcl�tber'omr th�' grull went baelt to his place, and - Th�poal,aw,;aEP#,I,',edwitli-gra�,Mght, bus hands,, with heir husband, ber All ,,,a of mtei,,20. hie innoter, I refilling ids pipe,. laughed fo� gorsethilyg of the day filtelc4 In 331or under thlegs, -downbendling boughs 411a,heir four (latuglAtirs, India Is the home olf the, orange', and ong'and heartily.- l Ile had little fear .rsujd tile doolland the wifidoNil A t1iousand tender M'amol house, - Thell met at the house, of Doctor the fruit came to, Atrka.!l Southern vl larocqu oh_-wfille, your cad toulpalilciw r0a-4 Brown, = American dentist locatail) I . Of Wastem AsIl Rn L Burop� -by WaT pf - y 5nqre.tb4t Albeit DineMe could oring and through ere and patronized. by the By the al%lleeixth�-­ returned -to full consciouffnese. *He Your peace be thell green boughs bt in Frankfort -through the Arabs set for! Islirl. dermeal nobililty. MTa'. Lincoln wao ots�- cAttil tilt Larolique did not�glve'a thou to f6t better although an offort to Stand homel . . century it was ta full ght his crect. sent him rW�Ing against tile Wetherald I'll "The 13114� Ing In the city fl thobaths, amA Tad Rely. physicail danger,, for ie 61ioved went. to School Doctor BroWl enemy loved. his own skin too well to bunic" and he knew that he must be ding Chl an visited him In lids hotne, 1,500 From One Tree. take chances. Anl Gel Smoked contant to move on all fours or risk son and oft hrow also IWO Thexta axe 00ange isees, 400 Yen" his pipe with an Occasional peaceful the -Opening of his wound. The "Bad 190y'W" Room. where - he come to ol That, of course, IS oNceptionak, -red a drink, Schoolmatel sister Mica andIdew P%Y� Or tree" in thisnianner he secu 3�f nd-fabitherii Ill stood a Ut- 'Prin- but it is nothing uniml f gi. chuckle, -indifferent to the unturtain in matte Pailail A11x.._The,11ttI0 coVpT a ceal OldtO continue to pill ed window in the wall against which and saw with uneasiness that 'the tie illack from the al street, in the ol 'took at great fancY to him; the I average, Period OA t he leaned. water -pail. was but Ill full. The 06dolt, of two haudsome cities, whOl Ifilt.uf of Ot Much &Ace crops, The i wood Supply also was low, and aftlul a quiet Uttle, gITI heading is fro;m fifty to Onghty yl It was, when Us, alrose. to go to bed he had built, up , 1L small fire he deter- Overgrown boughei would daah thel lossitr$al livia for a big,'merry, manly In V. 9100d' 'Season a full&baal tlls'(�, that the fact of the viaw&w -was SsIves jl�gainst, the gablee, whenever bay - Tall did not who* reciprocate it. mined to save *hat-mas left ter An A SMARTFROCK V OR blol�v hard. Ill� the 1-t wag 14hough he thought much more of will y1old, according to Its -she, frol brought home to. him with heart- JTJNIOR Ill the. wind t garden, covering Parbil 4 400 to 1,00 oranges, and larger tral t gripping guddaillness. Almost in the emergency. Xrocit. a pleasan. our Micl says-Wls old Ocill0ohrill holve-been. known to produce 1,500 or it Was %VMIO Laroeque was resting This charining little one-ptsee, qilialliter of an ecre, fudl of P111111-ttlDl t1be was too kin"earWa ana chilyal, same. insl he heard A little tirtll from his efforts that a, realizatiOn Of will beJound suitable for all daytime even WaTle. Of glas ; a �bmath of air fanned 'his - and -ger came upon wear and. is very siml favbioned� find goosaberry-bushel Nothing INDUS -to all little AIIX 6 Sao that he The namta lloxal hast a somel a Ow potent dan (al a dentl s, da h - cheek slid something thudded ixito a. "" among inr)llnew Surroundings gave 'no preferred an Ame 0 'n GV ug dexivatite. In the Sanskrit lti a log on the other side of the room. him. Refect that be was hungilY, and There is a setAn inverted Via# at the in -ore Satisfaction than the QQSY all or to the AlegID-Garman DrItill that a ll foo , even cold, would be left sid-front. thusl providing for the 'ePar'Ld, it -narl the ArabsAwlisted. that. a hands and knees as d at had been, Po -Invited the to ,nal I!,, a MI, a t ,0 a . He dropped to hi necessary shilt fulnial The dress has Ing apartment th -romensbar that my sister th Ira Igill'? d waiceine. to iiis'weakness. foli'mysailf, it was the hall room Over 14-ol Princess to her birthday Party, to 9 Audi the report of a rifle reached hifif. Then he remembered, with -a fe.taing an, opening at thd neck for -a short difl- th front door. and the, Provencals -to "orange.." prom that position he I;L-w out the sy" that there was no food tairce down the centre-frout -and' tile 0 which Tad came, birlmglzig 2, huge Ol .. akin to disma alt that we were,'COntaUt to lel it, at'; paridles upon the table --at once -to either for �Tjjl or the dog because of neck is finished wlht� a tritin TOUUKI " had never had a chamber all to mortal German. confel VIllich though ow. "011212194"PILIO-11-clatiM r a fool. 11 be had myself before, and this, one� about grsoed, tile, board'allimoot Ill a bol haq murdaim(I the mas-10all curse binisel'A fo tile Prodigality of Int night. coMar. Trimming braldis effectively twicti"tho siza of On%' atatO41001131 031 quet. TAttle A41% Wed Tal gItt ad- 41eft them, ht DineMe, would 1ave bo- . Deatfi had drawn a net abolit'him, U5611 . for the strap at- the left sidef boa -rd the Typhoon, was a -Val Of miringly, and I thought sbe, east an lieved be had Scored a hit, and Is I Ing ee as Although ora�ga t"eas call he grown wow have been led to investigate. and even. to his.�optimistic, 'nature it cuffs On the long tigill tt SI v iietatiless, and, comfort, Prettr chintz a-imest envious 'Xionco, at my sister. seemed that the odds were In favor of and top of the useful -patch pol direct from Seed, ZrAttleg IS the MPth`j a Laroeque wanted =thing So much as the mel placed at the right side, while a nar- curtains hung at thei window and 0- "Ali% couldn't skote, and her Tol old usuasy employed. Seeds - 00l patch,qOIIt at more labliors than we to.get his hands upon theroan who The dl hinged upon the equally row belt, edim-Pll this, Practical and - We mams. forbade her trying to learn In a in pf-epal Sell and remain there far In Joseph's cost covered the little puW_4c pigica. -so Ted, when he Invited hold fired at' biln. fro- allsbuall- hie little frock. No 1265 is in sizes all some years, Thw-AsedliEngs axe tbQi it Sil it wastoo -late for that, be important matters of food and a ms- truelcial The pattern of the WOM, our Alice to go Meeting on a little all - . I Them was, when be came to' 6i 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Sl 8 re. I paper left nothing to �be desired in 1�w IOkS new the river tbatr%,also oug- transplanted to another. bad, and 'must prepare for deferill and be bit- ehue' their eleventh or eighth T -ear -the terl.y regretted that he did not have j nk of it, a practical certainty that quires 21A Tards 86 -inch materitil, and that line. On 8, gray bilekgroundw'ers, rested that they two ell Push, A'ltx It -would be at least a. week before I Alfi yards trimming braid. '20 cents. small buill of leaves, unlike any In an'lornate Russilau sledgia. minti.rnalm time far. a trast to come Into the habit of* carrying a rifle Into , arch for binL 11ome sewing brings nice clothes hearing 1& 11 a. ears- grafted with, r, any ol Would so that Later they am the mountol Five minutes bel ever graiv in this world I and on "Alix was a happy little Princess In- --slope T' `7 To beleoncluded.) within the reach of all, and to ftollaw' 1,4 Percllr -b r ch the a's d varlety' nol would have Induced him ter be-. ' ( every other blur. -d 0, Yellow dead when Ted. tucketill In � 1; a I Si so OM V try LA t1jo media IS delightful when it can be bilrd, pitteld with crimson Spots . . . robes about her and with the friend moved to a' P1 -n� t n a a lil that A-lbert. Dinalle would have done, so easft and economically, by given ample sailace-twentY to thirty., gayly behind her equip - u That no an& bitild ever eodsted- ddd net Alice skated. test. An oraneery, with thousailas od is dared to risk. in iedcor, eVOU under following the aty?es pictured. in our detract fro& my admiration of eich age, oidang arelaiid.andt around, the bil the present favorable circumstances. new Vashion Book. A chart- accorn- -one There W44re two -hurl and itittis, lahe. She had been perlmItted to froal thus requirea milLell land. t1i p irst of aA Iarocque arl to panying eath$attern shows the ma- st:xt'l-eight of these, birds in all -not sol slicii. an unasuslay darneell The bitter vail-ely, generally chosen' the door. Ile rcinal that there 'll cut out counting terial 'AS it appears prilicess--ollice the, h a spikes on itA 9 -walla sockets for a bar on each side ed so that ill; those split in two where tile in, of the, door. Be-hing up, he tested Every detail is explain per -was badly Joined. -,l or a, Presidaut of the United or inexperienced sewer can make whhout pa A wash -el In the corner, 11 -chest States was to attend as, honorary chap- Palle link bpPear It, the 611-Intri thSinal found that they Was Solid- difficulty all attractive drel Price and the Veit, does, not ripen natuila-1W m- of carved mahogany d%rawerS, R, look- arOn; that guaTanteed ills OpprOTRI Of and the bar he'discovel in a corner of the book 10 cents the copy, jug.gjass In a. filigreed frame, and a her sbralt-lsced Germaii governess. Until, tile folioving sliflug. rltlweTif under a litter of dirt. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. high-bailiked chair . . . constituted the Them on the shom stood Mary Todd greau and matured, fruit, m&7 be on 0. d. Borda, who bad been, moving about Write your name and address platin. furniture. Over ths, blead of tho bed Lincoln, her full and flow.1mg mourning tree at the Same time. I'A witll s.rumble in -his threat, made Ill ly, giving number and size of sue were two Oak Shelves, � holding per- garments swathed. In it long crepe When oranges are reasonably, sture against sarprisat and I I I I hal " a. distant :up patterns as you wart. Enc'ose 20a In dozen boolics-SM10219 '�vhlcb veil, smiling as sh,; suparintendelI the Gramgss for export fr- yet he ifelt better whim the bali was stamps or coin 06ln Pr d eforred; wrap -eKI gre m and r1pM in place. and wore Theodcorej or the PoruTialls"; happy manewl of all the young Pool countries Ore pici, ,a it carefully) for each nu "Robinson Crusoe"; an'odd Ulume Of pie, But Once., as, thelY Einted torattl in the -il retiigaral holds of thd The window came next. Laroeve Pa n apt, That will took tile boachos in his big, thick address your ordev to Pa "Tristall Shandl Baxtetrt "Saints' the wast they saw Mrs. Uncolln vavlac steames during the, VOYAge, A� , Wilson Publishing Co, 78 00 4- lla�V' and 2. fine, B11911teb edition Of wiloDy unwiscious for the me- method, however, dlePTIVOS the orange hands and pulled off the uprights, jrjids at, Torl PS a a n bj tile , star. any luding from i ll Nights," with al'i-111121- mant of their movements. The -wliad of a IsT& pert of its natural 1118"clous', leaving long nails pil return �,11. dred wood-ents by ElavvoY. was hlowdsis the dark veill about bar niess. Picked sun -ripened, Oil Oramea .sell the �lleees cd plank that had been the &__.c -j dQnt know how we can set $hall I ever forget the hour when head ga she Steel HIM the Cutma�eaa,ja a velltelatlon lon oxqulsite tests and the seats. These he pounded into place Sh -bl a Chillatill Present W 4000 B.C� Tomb.' I first overhattled these booksl I de Sibyl, vilhouetted against the oull-,et'llnwit"Ing a over the window, standing carefully oat of Antat 3DIaa. Shals going to leave her mted -Th. Pickett fruit is liable to a dfA4 at one side. Wondl djocoleTles Ore, revealed not allude to BaxtaT18 "Snintste Rest." sky, whose livid. attaTl Sugg( !i tar froan bei -mg n. lively pork the recent tragedy In America. It was Ol coalied "moV1116" and that :16 whr, A resolute -man might have liusbe inbuay to no, you know' by Dr. Retailer, the BgYPt,01991st, in 0, willoll 'a o ' "Altablan ahO, and She alon4 who SoOmed then tl�e bevt varistles are always wraDl)", the osbin-but not the One outai . 1134o­�'WhY not let IIET take It Out disport of his discovery Ill the pyra- Tell tile yol but t j�'. I A Therefore GedeOn felt his Preceill of the amount she's going to leav , a rAds of GlAza Ol Mix-thOosland"ye"T' Nigliti," tand -paxtioullerlor "Robinson the ingto figurel foT the future still Ili imper, Thai lattOr Vwl bru!P" lden us?" Crugoe." The thrill that ran. Into my lay hidden. Poor little AUxl" and a.risO stops the d4seaes, .11 it 811011W to be worth WIll old tomb., ends thou Ilea not run Out Yet, breirk Gut On On 011 from SPrOl It was prob W -e that the enemy had It IS illut of Queen Hatepherw, �ja� Il It was t prob- mother of tjl� iDgyptian King Cheops'lliany a time did I steel Up to this lasat ,l a me t Nigh"are. and Wife or jjjnj Settal who reigned �cf a room, slid talting the dog's -eared lick, able that he would USO Inuch ammuld- olluma, from Its shelf, glide off Into an tjon 1-1 bijOd firing at door, or windolil I rite, Lite great black horses I (A my two thousand years before MiDg,`Il onobaitted Toalm. - n­omi Aldorldlit's Ile t keep the suporlopity arhicb heart ankhamen was ill ill'j$ Inuf ivThe, Story of a Bad. BOY." dice, his weapoll gmvo, for he had, COMMit- With relifs or steel across their flying The. frama,* OrIc of tile, canopy Or tho ted lrimo& so that fafhMb would Inske heir; fiareopl�agujj, 0%3,45 Dr. Reissfer, 10 On agli- belt, SO gw;rt to astollisattile: piace�,ot construction. tile him a fligitive. So "low are they to Two Years is Cheapest Age. p Ortimately the bunk was placed so Start, Aq1 t& testpuls a.-nd moTtices are I Tile &varil I go cost of maintenance of that it was Out of the line ol possible The stormy-brel Btalliollo . of de@- Sheathed in copperand lack like those uman bell Is at the lowazltrpOint fire either fror I ii viindow or door, and pair, - I of a Modern bad. Tile upright Places. a 11 1 R Statistic - La I t length lay down With . a Dark us tile night', laid fretful as the at the coll are claspedi together by at the age of 2 years, says chuckle, after ll Boula to a pilace air,. a copper bai, w1th a silot and tiel -ale ease 0 law -neater tbAn hounds that go with b4A- and sttselimentie, foll, mirthfus Or doom Ill its 8 l Year Of exist In Of Safety. --'W, 1 -uhl consider the ilea thinnett- - formed by,col staples driven Into child consumes loss food, wean Out 01augos are nub Inarally I - lug things to el The ObI w" Nylich, the rind I,$ heavily thsT9811 is the beol'01 ot many partirm6s, and is also need til dftgujae the toate, 4y ulitralatabla Ril Some Conundrums. _-What Is thwt which to OfLon found where It in ill Fl -Why sh-oillld dectors be less 11OVIa than Others to be stelt on the ocean? .-A. to "Beell prob"em Nr� .. �f- t out. Or he -could of getting my wrists of all their Strength have the beams, itlywer clothes and has Ass$ J -10 --ss ill" In any other pell in its exist- . Hubby Hadn't N1 Lives, Because tiley Q'- Mola "a Slickness. Ila walt_ is , stand, the Strain of 1110ne to spare Other pill of gold-d"ed furniture I I I . "This Is our best lilettail, me'daill-it 'Whdah of the Plaillett'S has the meet 1 .1 - d W"trl Muo-11 better than Albert Whon thoss,black hunters, leah upon consist ofa large bNI, a carrying Chair, ones. I prom that aga until 20 yesil the I time'l.11 Ehifoolo, ildne Ope-OIG? The Ull because Salo 'a con' to. DI, I I - , � Amid the W9 man . aa o . , 6onfident that his , the, wlind,. two. arnl 'with #a1wras flowers iredualily I-acrelaall What It the sudden thunder of "r undar the armlij and a hlead4last. Ill a m0atenanoe test It is &t its peakduring tile adult pl "I d1lin't marry .", total cati, Y4011119: ota ehaiiiiinig quarters, ably tknA, shotild von lilubl UtY; the . rn of atta - dog Illba in okl.:, the depths of silleep Larotique 7 feet gold.calaad jewel box beateing the name lVoker, like a dream Some farmer from of the quell were, twenty sillver aallt- rTom M Ld oil yeal's of aga, after which visit au� iron fo ' urdrY ?' When he wants and out 1 was jerked- as ilf by tongs of red-hot it begins to dec'1100. Ills not? liats." tell for each ankle, 'jhOL,VVal has a malaten- ber-Maid. A Contrast, -why would. You be justifierl In pliAn, Iron, He gave a cry, rd-jingLa�ld­-ttik- _a4fOlt Dreamalmd, T, too,,iffirmer, before the" Mill of $585 a yaRX.,. For th,086 Milt,0111 Ing tile Packets of u vendsor lot engrel red ftea Ing out with his hands,, L f lijil of the fleet br>k- . from TOO E arly I over 00 y-ectra tile coot, Is appToximl -hol Sbakeopell alul A It IlIgg!? Bacange hall pletnres (picked ljtak�kl together in our the corstPlOUSlIeSs of al but, jjjlaW..aLtO understand what it was-tbat, racked Stec do of tble w(re oil I Of courell getting � all education )lag ly $300. their liolat. -6 am famill-1 I ..he two greatest yours), Ordilially Speech. tie t -Mlial, trado,does the sun regulsirly him with �ahf- With con -rplete -%vakefulness came kle, Thell!,Weilaily nallirs. al.o. gral and !,is m s, but one of, wby useftli Even it Dead. �Mljlj,Le m,Ath foaan; a. boy'should not droll out baf(IM, 011- 2 ' b4igh' rcr, it le'too L"De' ItRled by t Posts Of llbiglaild� In the whole Spirit Iftlilow? Those of it tanivex and a, por� and natmile of their , work th ey lltav e tmit Ill the realization that low in one side illy ol 1% that SIeOp,, brother, sleop! I bring terijig high ilch able OB timber tar a ycar or for a boy to get the habit still Valli hardly anything In, commoal., It is not _jVhat w(wd nill be pronounced for the mosit. sIgn was the clantre of his torture, The jl there -wet and Sticky to tile hers OS ;ill gge �Robort Nlatbalit. of quittinO.-Fort Worth Ras ttivo., mereiv that thely are, by adil A, P714ble, to It? Dart, (i tothigul6hell in separate Pro- ri'al was touch. He oil diMilY, tl� feel tile villeas of po&.j,y; �h�ftt Shakespeare IS . --sat nose of Bel again-st his hauds---a above aX the &a illItle, and Mltorl the big tongae, grated on his clutching 6pic, peat of the literature 0i 5 differ Twilight. fingers. What had happened? W M, 4�,�; �� Ile 8 much de-eper, and declares On'te The pa ev somerawl's otea, t I haly him lids lie Poll Nir a few seco - Swayed u Itself. virmletaliably at niniost eveq blench; IS du,6 UP the plale 111300 Of tile ,ark tll,-- edge'Ot'tbe bunk, Certainly there point, Now, this not entirely A bluel, Val 11110 waters IlPallh TOr or had beali, no One Ili the cabill tile to an inborn differen" In the o To where t1l c hol ends' thlesoa. loan -would have givela battle. In do4aration he lighted a, candle aad g i Venolus otiffellaile,6 poebs; It Is due. ala.9 to the with a tinge, o.r (I.u§k Do 11164bed rose, -o the bunk staggered back i: Blood. was flowing from a ll V: 'N pre- Ili the spirit of the thnes they re -or, I The clou(11% a twilight ai'mand For in a all even Shakc� 'dWILIS" P, lood the Ill Sit. , 4bMd ere id have prostrated a ol, that well' On of sa),el I, �Ilof all age," as Weill as "for The.mlot comes floodlin Ili, 011d So far as we cangileals f rc, less heroic strength and �� tfttUre.L With the,-Zail., that -was alwilys ill, the tl aiiii-time.11 haVe'filillre'd tile 1As ll lie oeemBto L twilight Of the land, Into the er a I from his und l5hirt, lie ar,Lbcdox pojlj&cg of the Tudor filil'aS, div-0clitting tile. antil Of tile poplilace And- (IsrhuRals, C01111135 Softly ter- '141�e ding and managed A, a id Lge He,dl deep- pP6Tt Or the Bastiet moroas the, fed-Iii9sland and stallnch , In his 611 Anti, fol-dis ftAi arms about the, town. fore ly - il the wator-peil aiid felt better. Godeon LIAtrocque was not still power of the king, In "SlIhOIJOIRRO."' .11, the flue spirit of the Reltial"aace, - ---- -------- tious, but th&,%!ystery of' the stall Shalm6ppare's worlt Is takell ilip lillIet- ly with human ItT Jai this Nvorld raithea, Prayer. his onel ,in,, �Jtho,,ogh it w1-4 -1 1 did &e�lll that it couild than With Its relations, to eiiy other;' Now thtlit I know Lw� not �possjlble have �Oen dolle bY'k human 'hand, he lcr6wd.1mg Tbat. wbot I am in;,u t be, 'silla tell hatl,no oloubt that Dirte2le was in sonic IntelValltS IiMd 8CUTIdl )0101 c taltG Thy �od' 'at W :responsible. a&ap��t wlth the Revival Of bOwl 1, the �%Jml chaligto ate, to a trea. for his danger came with 1, It' I live'd alld Elligland jin wliJoll .14 01 tile tile thought. Merely beoalLiscl lie 101ew All) art., J)jljej".c �(yr a coward hL hAd Worke(t ivas stirred il different Nov,� fli4tt I see, efaWoos . , . iat4pired by far t1lifer. Allot ')Low We be'l't Is "Owa' stor L I Iald him to contell 'forgL"ting that Ont flll:0rVr0ll& and a Lord; wave ThY 11"I'd Paxitstillsan, as ll s file I la d o Mid timb 'Ile to A AMS; elijujilIg oftell tile pcettliar lori4babble NveRp I,Or tho q*ward. 41�8.gp 'I do" .* fit's of ea Is Al� But Liroctilte did not, have An oil- to speculate Ill, upon the . .... . Tiih%abetb, nad to file (Hill stalle, alitl their postnv, fevel"co in t1lo or a sbrulc tl tro-q, be- portonity ITtimedlatt m'alie of hi,% NvOu"(1, 101! a 1 1 . .1 'vo 111.1olt Jol-1) fC' yl" all 1113 Til), Ill "by le is �tha sollad.of crenkinlil Wood catil J:),oin _j,111 t,lt& or it's to cr_v pbalil- flinelt Th ;6911tillilli; (iv5l` llle4 bi y j-,_,sj3,Pctively nypra,9%,ill klen-ry S. tj('Q3�' jodow, and lie knew that. the lie Slegsi. _'l ti�y'og to get ill. jo's,L erectell ollt to 1�'!s tl� I I!Ln, i!� The britling 0 Ili oftnw3t bo _tf8� But lleivt o oltll, 1, brlitigos t:l t1lb woA4, w pall'ao n,s L" 111 to lig,lish ol - roar Boula fitlog jjimse'�f against the ale'r,40 qy Of, tilt! jlnjoojj,� I),. i f, t rl The-w;l b,-alitifol 1� IS aaL Daly the mosst bemitiful,,l)"t we7 pieces of piallk. LL certilill plik of th 6 Strolit1jr(, S�jjlige4