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The Clinton News Record, 1926-12-23, Page 2
fT aN S -RECORD LINTON, ONTARIO Subocription--42,00 nor Year ince, to"'Canadian -addresses; o the .U.S, or other foreign es. No ;;aper.-disaontinu1 11 arrears are paid nnless ,tion• rot -the ',Publisher; The a which every subscription le denoted on the label, in53 Rates -Transient adver- 120 per, count line ter first on, 8c for each subsequent ion Needier; counts 2 lines. a ldaitAisements,.net to exceed Leh, such as "Wanted"."Dost;' red," eta, inserted once tor saoh, subsequent•nsertton '15c tisemeuts sent in. without In .ions ae to' the number of in- ns wanted will: run until order it and will be • charged accord= Rates, for display advertising known, on application, wildcatter's intended for Llub11-� must, as a guarantee of good le accompanied by the name of Iter. 'HOWLING FOR APPLES One of the qua111teeCeuston 0 0000' cialed'with New Year's 'Eve v3 " early apple1-ow'.'111 ,' which dates from very tines, and Is still carried out with all tile.. 0111 -time formalities 111 011103,.:1 all't3 cif. England. In the West Country the ceremony is known its "wassailingthe apples,' the wer sa ars-baiug men and youths, who pass through the orchards heat- ing the trees wi h sticks and sprinkl- ing thorn with beer er.;cider. This is done to the accompaniment of a kind of song, which calls for 0 blessing on the coning year's ccop. In some parts of the country one ?;articular tree is chosen to repre_ent tho'orchard; and ,ake:s dipped in cider are hung upon its branches, , after which the ":growling" or "yvassailing' Proceeds •in the usual way. , , The"howlers" carry horn lanterns. fitted with 'short tapers called 'ghost candles." These are supposed th frighten off --evil spirits, which are still further kept at bay by frequent pro- longed blasts sounded On a cow's horn. On the consp2etioii of the ceremony those tatting part proceed together to the house of the owner of •the trees, who regales them with cake, cider and nuts sup'plontented,' if the -previous year's howling" had been effective;'' by a plentiful supply of apples. Learned men tell us that "apple' howling" is a relic of paganism, time beer and cider used` being in the na- ture' of an offering, poured out to Pomona; the Roman goddess of fruit^ trees. FLOGGING THE. COMMONERS, A curious customastsooiated with New Year's Day is that known as "flogging the commoners," which has been carried out annually on this date for one thousand years at Malmesbury. IALL, M. R. CLARK, roprietor. Editor, G. D. MCTAGGART 'M. D. McTAGGART eTAGGART BROS. • BANKERS feral Banking, Business transact - Votes Discounted. Drafts issued.. t Allowed 'on Deposita. Sale "Purchased. 11. T. RANCE otary Public, Conveyancer. tial, Real Estate and Fire 'm- oo Agent. ,. Representing 14 Fire nee, Companies. vision Court Office, Clinton. W. BRYDONE tor, Solicitor, Notary Public, oto. .Office: - N BLOCK • CLINTON R. J. C. DANDIER Flours: -1.80 to 3.30 p.m., 8.30 Sundays, 12.30 to L30p.m, r hours by appointment only and Residents Victoria St. H. S. BROWN, L.NI.C.C: Office 13our$ 3.30 p.m. ' 7.30 to 0,00 p.m, Sundays 1.00 to 2.00 p.m. ther hours by appointment. Phoffes aced Residence, Ontario Street. Phone 218. in Wiltshire.. Long ago King Atheletan• gave' to the commoners of Malmesbury 500 acres of land as •a reward"for driving out the Danes, and'this land; which is still known as "The Ring's Heath," is to -day' held in trust and regularly cultivated by their descendants. No outsiders, excepting, those who have married' a commoner's daughter, have even come into the king's gift. Each :man admitted to common rights is "flogged" by the bailiff with a bawl twig. At the same tine .he. chants the ancient formula of initia- tion as follows: "Turf and twig I give to thee, the same as King Athelstan gave to me, raid I hope a loving bro- ther thou'It be." Titis is repeated at each plot, and the new"6wner rewards the bailiff with a shilling, presumably for his trouble in "flogging" him. FRED G. •THOMPSON Office and Residence: to Street - Clinton, Ont. door west of Anglican Church. Phone 172; • s examined and glasses fitted., . PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence: Street Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 erly occupied by the late Dr.. C. W. Thompson). • xemined and Glasses Fitted. D. H. MCINNES praotor-E l ectrical Treatment, GIFTS OF NEEDLE AND THREAD. Another quaint New Year's Day cuatom is enacted at Queen's. College, Oxford. This consists in the solemn presen- tation to each guest at "hall" -the college dinner -of a needle and thread. The gifts are in each instance handed to the recipients with the in- junction: "T•alae this, and be thrifty." The custom dates back more than five hundred years to the days of Prime Tial, eon of Xing Henry P1. The young' man had had his gown torn in one of the "town -and -gown" rows then and for he appealed longftetoerde his prevalent, and. father to buy him a new one. But the angry king refdsed point blank, and gave his son a lecture on his. extravagance. Afterwards the Prince, who was then a student sit Queen's, made his appearance nt "hall" with needlesand thread hanging all over his gown, ex- plaining' that, in accordance with the commands of his royal father, he had been trying to mend the rents in the garment in the cause of economy. o• Ill be at th Commer- gltam, w e nn, Clinton, on. Monday and ay forenoons each week. • sea. of ail kinds successfully EORGE ELLIOTT ed Auctioneer for #ho County of Huron. spondence• prompts^ answered. late arrangements can be made les Date at The News -Record, n, or by'e:all:4 Phone` 203, gee Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Merry Christman HAVE YOU PLANNED TO- ---Obey that mistletoe impulse? -Forget old grudges and quarrels. for the day? 11 -Tune your radio' in on `hristmas servities? -Fill up on good o.' turkey and dress- ing? -- Relnnoinber, baysth?e mart man and the delivery --J'oin in the fun with `the kiddies? -Send greeting cards to ' your friends? Heid a family reunion? -Attend your church services? --lie a Good Fellow? -Contribute to charities? -Help those • less fortunate , than you enjoy the holidays? -Attend your community festivities? u v s account a --Open a Christmas savings for next year? -Marl yourpresents'befoie the rush? •--Wish everyone a Merry Chistmas? -Decorate you own Christmas tree? -_Fill a Christmas basket . for the our lad New po02? g hang-hatare an lacca -Buy. Christmas Red Seal stamps? I1 on fur humming, can ba made of 'ribbons, silks, r roe hs in your win - Eat morning and leu draw Hear all round the joy, flowers and wi'S1 contribute cheer- -Hang belly v ri goodChrieickas t> s?' good luck to all those who drink it. mortals, at their best. the coming,, speed l and uiness to the breakfast table. efs dew 1 us Carol? go man different Gladly welcome in aKe b idea a luabdkercin React Dickens Christen hat mince pies in as Y Here is re;,ting this ...S. -Sing Christmas songs?' ? houses us possible during the. Christ -1 the parting- guest." ansa a novel way af, p --all your loeitl friends. nlas seFson, for accordfing to the num-i On n3 face is sorrow showing,not 0001 most popular of gifts. Picot a little, -Have al greeting for every child. you. i I you have good falling tear; i•n the corner of a eoJored meet? • fire? ,, stories around • the grate -Tell _ -Go ...window siroppiug. --Keep .your Christmas tree up 'until New Years? folks? ger' the old em ._.. em R it S ? lel aC stockings? ls �.r -Hang up your T g ,-.,klave the Christmas spirit? ---Recall the days when you were a ' youngster? leseaits?.' G' useful Christmas p ---t B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, ont. a1 Fire and life Insurauce.'Ag@ nt ' arttord Windstorm, Live Stobk,' and Sickness and Accident and Erie and Pane. Huron nee. Wit Bonds. Appointiuenta 'made et parties at Brucefleld, Varna pyfield.' 'Phone 67. -- A Merry Christmas to ...All - WHY NOT ALWAYS? Christmas is easily the most enjoyable day in the is -and feasting, and, because on Christ- mas hrism year, because of .the gifts mss the bast and finest of human. emotions and ethics come to the surface. geniality, bratherhood,,:landness- the Charity, robs ali�oe, g seem to be in the very are so;in evidence at Christmas that they air we breathe: And the reason is that onlyall day ti bese an these Christmas finer. qualities, and ghat. Chrytmas is esent that thy are a natural part of qualities -are so generally p • daily life. We Humanity is struggling for a�h�:uknow . of Ch wonder , if that goal is not the happy timeor a 'sprit spread out to s will instead of being confined to a day OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey Jolla's' National 1 of Auctlontlering; Chicago. Spe. ourse taken in Put'e Bred Live. , Real Instate, Merchandise end Sales. Rates in•keoping' with. fling market.- Satisfaction as. Write or. wire, Zurich, Ont. e 18.93. TIMfw TABLE is will arrive at anil depart from Clinton as follows: - Buffalo; and Ooderich Div. --a.sn. g Eset, depart 2.22 a.m. 11.10 a.m. g West. aC. ,m. ar. 6.08 dP• fi.63 P ae. 10.04 13.m. London, Huron& Brtice Div. g th 7,56 dp 7.56 a.m. All Wrong. "I understand ynoaere not on sp ins teems with year vile." "Nonsense! 'Why, every born -we're quarreling over Christmas peaCee:'. include area days of the year. CHRISTMAS SPELLS. A Glad Davy Year. Christmas in the old days teemed Hear the joybells gaily ringing on the with spells and omens and if 0019 midnight: air; ancestors faithfully. observed them an Listen to glad voices singing, singing they certainly deserved to have the • everywhere. best of lucre cktring the ensuing year. 'Tis a new friend we are meeting, Here are ,a few of their most cher-a with a smile of cheer, ;:shed superstitions for the coming Balding. forth the band 02 greeting to season: Draw water from a clear we seee To be stn;' of boine el It is a is grateful lel ,pailita is young or o The ma Warren dsa and soman; vous weal{• Rood's 21 more vital stronger n the length them. Cul made at a tops or to case their; sketched is filled with winsome to Every an Vlirl treasai peoi s1lY 'at of the faro the": pattern in front of is cut from used as a p black pap ette on boa makes a c received wi When th she will be 'ly delightf created we little thong -E. M. S. T What did A heart It brow hour Of happ A race And lou Tb@ New still Be yours, What did Good fartu It broug And hea The etin The fail Couragefr; And times Whate'er The yea Let's sta hig In hope Christmas Gifts From Susy Needles. Now is the time to get out that clever needle and make those tittle gifts for Christmas that have a per- sonal touch -little gifts with good wishes seem in every stitch. a little Take for inetanco, those gay Re; beauty doctors. -the powder -puffs. means of watercolor paints, narrow ribbons, lace and tiny flowers, the ordinary powder -puffs are teanaiorm- ed into whimsical affairs that portray saucy flappers or demure maids. One side of the puff is decorated, while the other makes itself useful. It never occurs to Santa Claus to leave pretty ribbon fancies out of his head at Christmas -rime -•he merely varies .them a1 little each year. Gar- ters made of ribbon shirred over flat elastic trimmed with lace ruffles and ribbon 'flowers. Any material that is left ever can be made into small iin- gerio blossoms. Alwayal welcome breakfast caps. are not to be left cut' of the lists of Christ - Inas gifts even though bobbCape heads ds are easy to keep tidy d d bends for the bobs "I bro Dick until "You're hie Christ it oft?" "Oh, .he pensive is back." re t ger of houses so av • Y year. All are welcome sweet" bestowing on tiny sins _ put in it a luck during •the coming eco In it a Embrace as many friends as Pos our glad New Year. 1liitttie powder puff• and pi Bible beneath the mistletoe for these May he' bring us joy and gladness,l wire covered with robiwn with the tier kiss beneath the Christmas mss- free our hearts from caro; . handkerchief tied to it makes a the clever. whonon to ha t e g flat r cad ass he ria a A do re Y ret. a : b car Wish s um t ba uro or en ., t •1 never q is adv into it h m will May Y footed woman about* the' house, during and everywhere; i rho tree. Christmas time will always May he usher in a measure of content- great ontent- All the liable ptsople for whom the bad lock. logwas a men; dear; - I Christmas tion h eel pl wild be delight-. The'burning'of the Yule May he prove a worklav de treasure, ed vrith, toys and 'ornaments made great -event, It 'rues dragged in withthis Duet 'glad New Rear I, led crepe gager Printed with figures lire,and rejoicing and placed on the _Alice Wise. 1 of ehfddren• These little ornaments lire' the larger tlw )atter, for .Yule. _;,�,y�_..:__ •, I are macta, by pasting the Crepe paper , out the fig- -Get %' ca es o on --Get up early flan - ace suer Width O OUI� 111. I is .-Place your Christtiras tree'near the I and anger, and broright peace , A bon -hon wrapped in paper h t an be seen from; n 11 h armed themselves the street? I tat its Leat None was a lowed to sticr for foot years to g f others? f breaking tts bent - ' on 1 Farm, Ottawa, Uetween Wax- i Thin, black: oi•_cloth and a co orad ea r• - lig ex- Christmas smile Soil a winterkil show that to overco soil cam with a not Trace' bare of killing. to a smai but not e an it for gift maker -Place -Wear a.: rt Christmas morning t a'1 memories of wrongs f PI• • rdboard and cutting window • where i e goodwi'l. to all who a nd wide plowing -that is, be desk .blotter will alert the g -Take a wall' through Use snow. i ilaott d, person was, allowed to en or:ty elan. 8 and 16 incises, have silo a on the way to a successful desk set -Refrain from eating' too much, j the room ,while it was burning, f that the Iatter;givee.aa large Yie d for little folks. After an oblong piece Christmas cgncly• friends?. brought poverty and Poo sight the farmer., latter, furrotv5,8 inches in sn hbu=0"for yourfrlen househdd It was thought un rho iced of tarn after sod on of'iblotter st p been covered with { o tie 'stn Y the blotter a strip of; oic 0th is tacked I Comparisons that have been made tied with baby ribbon which else f at the Central Experi hqn them on the t --Enjoy the year Christ i ;the fire for fear n• i menta -Put on your' Christmas' neelcw snow? I ficial influelrce; no squinting of bora , roaw_ a r rep. serves -I cep ? to 1 wu Forget all your work and worrioq• I I•uckv too -for an odd number of: per-. li 'ht soil has averaged 22.71 toils and over one, end of it and n trlangai,-a Two NG i'OR,'GOOSE, "„„Re ad the .Christmas editorial in sons to be in rho room at tide Limo• of oats also after sod :04.0 tons. At piece, over an opposite Cotner. your "peace on , and. a charred piece -of the log was 1G incises the f teal of corn tons rivet ,places of or• -c 0th mal<t+ b_wtter an chopped onions " our. a �.es -Wish Ponce on earth; good wi.�l to, age d21g0 tans andaf oats GG9 tons. PP: rvtper cover?. td s pF 1 oare£tiliy saved incl preserved rn his, � , 'theDominion to Mother Goose,• nr APPLE STEPPING 1i/z cups 1 tablespoon' butter d boiled • the Yah cups ehopp men" :' the. following y h e uston g Ire e • -Marco this the b Ch •stmas yo h rrloth or VA cups bread cniubs r over had? teaspoons 0811'0 u was an in est t1 ellar drnring }e• : Drawing' ls•'con . ., canes .. a urea white the o'. r is ntalces es 000Y 028012 gift ----a----I • ' usual; . make passible ehildi.�eli's desk.' Every year wader £arrows Y I for the 1 their ap- allOFt1 and I tis mote. to under �lA ct that 1 adyd Shallow plowing during cur ye alt l ]van lowing Hart• fallible security against all yield Husbandman in :his report for .painted on danger of fire. 1925 remarks that 'inasmuch as the ;dusk. Th Sou ar. Pepnos and salt. „ 4.10 P•tu• Mix a]2 'ingredient$ well, .If the g North, :dGiUtrt 0.50'p•m• goose is a very largo one you will need 11.06 .11.56 a.m. to make a larger quantity. *■® ,��® j�t� a� eligh children as w©1 as grown-ups e M I del he to make canny. This recipe is a real Ch/esteems one, Having the ce Company gr red ,cherries and the green peel to eve it the Christmas colors:• lead Office, Seaforth, Ont. CHERRY PUFFS,' DIRECTORY: 12 cups ganulated sugar sLdOnL, ,la:iea Connolly, rodorich•; 2 tablespoons earn syrup e amen. 1-3 cup wa r asurer, Thbs. E. F1aYs, Seaforth, •. • rch of salt J Evans Beochwoo0 Sec- • to actors: George McCartney Sea• pinch shite th; D. F.'MeGregor, Seaforth J. G. ' 1 egg 1608, 'Walton; Wm. Ring, Seaforth; ye cup preserved OT candied ch lyicnwen, Clinton; ttobertFerrieel tie cup cheeped citron peel ;•lock; John B derich ir, Urorthaagen ;; 1. i/a • t d1) as V3J5' .,, . Cnnnolly, Alex,GLerch; ,o,, Goderh; Leitch; CitntraY J. --W. Max ojolt syrup, it nstirri g until =o,• Goderich; Led. I-Iinchray, Sea- bring to boiling p When al�niost rth; W. ClsesucY,. il)gniondville; iti the sugar is dissolved, Jarmirtl;, Brodbagen• a j. cooked ,add. iho , preserved cherries. 10 to money to ilo. rigid in m Y b ntinue to c0o1c untiI it fosane e hard id tlooUSO Clothing.God Co,Ch, Clinton, hair., in cold water, or 265 deg: I''. Pou'r' a Cue d Grocery; Gadecich, white Yarwuso L other sinest w111 be. beurance ating tr:d thef t n . , ddgpeel and transact, other business bcatu E °raptly atlenciml It on application to flavoring and beat until mixture avill tp ,y,dY the above otllcers addressed to ioir resllectier a post office)._ ' Dosses spatted'. by the Direcidii• who lives are&t the sceis0.. 1' 03 hold its shape, Drop by spoonfuls onto waxed paper and decorate IS you wish with bits of cherries, Isee Ploughing. the plowing'of a latrger acreage per! the Faithful rag d'vll ma ccs bake: the f ars d twill bo cbsxtve ow. fur-, p arance re Experimental Perm, l ecenom•tual t p strenuous life that babies wi'JI lead' at e.e, Central nig D xp rows: Ottawa, has given as tat"ge a Yield of _ I0 0000 sadneceoats has, deep pllhaving.\--•-n-00 1 yet neer oats as has , says the; Do -1 sty!' St1oRP,NG EARLY minion Field husbandman in his an- Ilnal report for 1925, to do good ii.ow-11 nig, to turn alt the land and to cut, and, cover all the weeds. A table in the report shows that, atteld fouro•ii ched deep 'on light soil the y after sod averaged 21.71 tons and" off oats alter corn 69.2 bushels. At seven inches deep the average of corn was 21.4,1-.5 tons and of oats 65.4 bushels. Last year was especially good Car pats; 13e- "11. Cost me so ;march at coblego being 95.5 ti bushels. y man 15 Kcal enah c.oY Vane so swiftly fines; S t ai.0 C hausohol¢1 row ' crura we.,l. •ata -i I s 1 f l l 1r C,hlr .m 'I 15 ,: . old at fatly inches �;TM after corn ,the ti r r bushels and at seven' inches, t t buy 78.6 The 1,1! I71 t Con011 tbo bane o lenot to by bars tives; th aggro trouble. but Wire Chamber] and Live stir un th nerVeS n otomach like en in riccess ;What th-ean n1'n hat• at 11183 Sou can 03,11'31 Star Ssdedmgn Wbetecc ou met bo, o}fl tIT;=, anatva>.;tltlt}, tiestion ,ton touch roan year, ' without coator WGiisaN. ler eamaa 1 wnl shout I ve Oei to S Dittst 8�vtct $1 0,000 A Y Sha SeeieO `ar Saar SA enabled th ersnde Almost •• mut al p Y df UlInd•ntl myFt '05 taa.a ut National' Sales. C !Indian Mr. yens fall that I bavent a c n o 1 .___ .ti- J-__� i 11 s Loh°'lig".---='L',...;..--..- a Th Dolaye you a Christmas Preset; ., fhe Excerition. ,11.e-."C)h wall, iu;L give me,iveer kith. the budget) (403'1 believe s' T,0 in tt a expenditure -so tar, '�s Ina as Y,1 lin lie case. e_tha saws sl.001', ^d torn 1n T AIc.,.ni. Slcie c,. ort,, axe lagan„ - rn shape .Coni a dr, ,4arce. IP' 1 'not, be •ante elle cal• cell ka a , eut, that - it 1 up the winter;v'(:ad• t l'irifc "ii ich,il. ,lb. ? 'it 'has ui*0d Uhorauizkn5, l 1 • seer to have there of 03311 filet , or alta u, you bene t, a Ysar ago ahung overhead in 'Clio granary. ;cry: sot and til? and (10 this important lob Wo:`v-e ecaar 'us:id it once." yourself.