HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-23, Page 12%,,g926 :,PAPE drth'.e?hile�'. etvelertt . 4tore. rvier stock offers; special' inducements., "at specral'prices • c , interests, and btiy at Mei¢ OPTOMETRIST esidence'174j stinas stofls as, Step-ins and a gorgeous ar- s:Gifts. d rainbow effects, in. georgette ced. • hamoisette, Suede • in Wool and f . k, Silk and Wool and Cashmere, nit, and Allen lines, all high class ate prices. Tiny Tots yjamas, rubber- pinafores, towel t hooks and:othet,,jitems. too, num- '1 eR uy His Own Gift - be - One of These ,50 • to $1.25 $1,50 to $2.50 $2100 to $3,00. • $2.00 • to . 58.00 $1.00 to • $1:50 50 to $1.00. ... .50 to $L50 ,50 ' to' 2.00 - - . .25 to .50 , .50 to $1.50 • .25 to 51,60 • .50 - to "$2.00 $1.60.,. to, $5.00 .. $1:25 to $3.00 .. -$2.50 to $4,50, ..$1.50 to $2.50 station)'.. ...$1.50; t5 .56.75• ;ST all wool ...$1.50. to $2.50 • $2,50 to 54.00 n $1,50 to $8.50 ,erns e. , '$4.50 to $8.0`b 58,50 td .$15.00 as Shopping •Carly'. [01[11 or:ever ` Man 1 1 AMONG TII2] CIIURGU S,Re THE ADVEnTS911,,UP1V;'l . • Program for the. Week- OT Flegihning on `Monday, 'Jan 3r a -union Week o2 Prayer will in the v,ariouschurches each e at eight o'clock, as T(-iilows: Monday, Jan. 2rd :-» St. church, speaker, Rev, J. E, Hog sect, "Christ ' 9s the Redeemer of Prayer. Tread £he ad✓ertisenWaS this week..-{ d '1927, We are coining off thr press several he held hour? earlier this wveelt tin Miler :that' bening people pray have a';.:4fiAnee' ja•'-read the ads before comihig re toe n to do Paul's .the last of their CIrr•is,1b b shopp ng, g. Sub- It will pay you .to stat Khetiz; then tome rn. and' secure th+e r1)aresins of Life," Tuesday, Jan. 4th— Presbyterian (Baptist) chureh, speaker; Rey,, A. A. Holmes. Subjeet, "Christ the ,Alpha and .Omega," —Wednesday, Jau • 5th•, -:Wesley it Iis 4liurch, Spegker,.Rev,'L 0. Haid son; .Subject, "thrist, the Intimate Comrade." Thursday, Jan. 0th --,Ontario Street church, speaker, Rev. J. B, Meaorm- ick. `Subject, "Christ' the •Gloryof our Nation," Friday, .pan. 7th—Baptist„ chug ch, speaker•, Rev. C. J, Mborhouse• Sub- ject, "Christ the World Ruler." An offering ' will+be taken at: the meeting. an W ednesday'',evening. "It is, hoped these meetings :wilt be well attended. .Baptist Church 'Christmas services. 'Christmas an- thems by the choir and the men's trio on' Sunday evening. The minis- ter's subjecte "The fullness of Tinre." Sunday school at 2;30. Bright'gos- pel hymns. douse and enjoy the ser- vice. All welcome. St'. Paul's 'Chur`eh Christmas will be eelelirated,a'> St. Pauls church in a carol service at 11:20 p.m. Christmas Evefollowed by'Holy Communion at midnight and also .by elroral communion at• 10.30 a.m. on Christmas Day. Sunday services at usual etas' The Young Peoples A•ssoeiatiou'of St, Paul's church issue a cordial in; vitation to all former members "of the A. Y. P. A. to a reunion in Owen Mentorial.I•IaJI on Monday, Dee. 27th, .1928, 'S pan. Lunch will be served and it is hoped there will be a brand rally. Presbyterian Church 'Christmas service in the Baptist Church on Sunday at 11 o'eloei;. Spec- ial music. Subject; "Christmas— and After." Sunday .school at 10 o'clock. The prayer meeting service will be withtlrawli until. Thursday; Jan. lath. . Included in the ' special Christmas music will be a solo by Miss Mary McMu'reht "O,Reit rn ti1e.iiord"; ails them, `Ii'e ,Shall Reign"'; anthem, "The Angels' Song." The Christmas entertainment held last Friday night was a great success, and the children had a delightful time, After a tastefully served hot wereshown, et lantern illustrat ng" T e Christ- mas Story," also the story of "Peter Pan," which was beautifully told by. Miss McIver, and the ever popular "Cinger'ella," The 'gifts from the tree were then distributed by the children's friend, Santa Claus, Wesley -Willis -United Church I3r.•otherhood meets at ten o'clock - Sunday morning. ivlr. Irwin will give the address. • • Special Christmas session of the Sunday 'school at half past two. Christmas offering•'for the Children's Shelter. Christmas themes aird music at lboth church services. The minister's morning subject will. be: "The Visit of the Shepherds." "Evening: "The Visit• of the Wisemen." • The morning.musieasl program be; • • Anthem:, "Glory to God in the Highest." .- Cp .Solo: "The Angel. Said" Miss Stews Evening %Anthea': "Sing.• o'I3'eavens". Tou Octette: "The Angels' Song" Organ Obligetto;. "The Angels' Serenade." 'Bzn 6ON FIRST:GAME 'Phe Zuildh inteiljr�thate * hockey roam came pji Pucka "vgn7�`irg td play an exhibition • garlic tlh s e local,. team. ,It `was a Weil C bested g'atne/ 'Which resulted 'in h will for the, local," pueic-chasers ilt a seoraay£ y 5 The locals have entered an inter rr„ediate team: in the 'O a. 'g2 id o: series of genies will :''+be playOd2 off'. early in the New Year. WILL PRA•LTIiSE AT r$LYTIIr ; . Dr. •Manley A. Shipley •has Pur- chased ur chasecl.tlie '.praettse op Db, Colborne of, Blyth : and '*III take'Pessession• at the beginning of the New .`S'eat.. - • Dr. Shipley has just reeentiy re- turned from a special,lpost-graduate course at •Seranton aird New York 'specializing ion several,branches of medicine and surgery. His friends are glad to have him retluei'to'the old, home eounty:to practise,, and. wish him success, EN'G•AGLL'1I>NTS ANN lJNOE•D. Mr, and Mrs. James; Sterling of Willowdale Farm, Goderieb township, announce the engagement : of their eldest daughtar, . Freida Jean; to Mr. Alfred Lewis Bailey, son o£ Mr. and. Mrs.' -Edwin Bailey of Aluherstliurg,, the marriage to take place early in the New Year. Mr. and. Mrs. John A. Coe. of God- .erich township announce the .engage - matt of their daughter, V'erce•Eilen, to Mr, Thomas W. Iiudie, sun of Mr. and Mrs. John fludie, alto of Goder- ich township, the martsage "to' take place before the new year., , W. 3. MEETING. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held on Thursday. The roll call was respond- ed to with New Year's resolutions, The program consisted' of .4 piano solo by ,Mrs- Wendell, vocal solo by Mrd. Hearn and a reading, by Miss D. Rorke. Mrs. G. W'. Cool. Ravens, excellent •liape1: on 'Thanksgtvingslr vhielt "haul been postponed from the-Nonenber meeting. The hostesses were Mrs`, F John- ston, Mrs, Farquhar, Mrs, J. C. Gan- dieS.• and Mrs, E. Ward. HUItONIANS TO THE PORE, Mr. D. A. Andrew,_president of the Student Council, Ontario Agricultur- al College, Guelph, goes to Montreal next' week to attend, a gathering of repr'esOhtatives from all the Caned- , ian Colleges to talk civet a national organization. Mr. Andrew was rhos- ,ento represent the boys' at Guelph. The, girls' organization . is sending two representatives, ane of them a Huron girl, Miss Margaret Maunders of Brussels, who is president of that organization, Huron young people seem Sound to make their mark. Mr. Andrew has been dean of the college since going :to Guelph and is this year president of the Student Connell, the highest honour in the gift of the stridents; while Miss Maunders has .been hon - will oured in Iike Manner by the students of Macdonald' Institute For the two Years previously, too, a'Huron boy• Coe held the honour of hea`tling .his year. r,t.. The youngsters now attending the Schools in the county • have worthy rs- reeords,,td'1i0'e°'ui` to Huron citizens: are epeeted' to • be 'of outstanding. ability, - go, TAlrirr `G HIS •PLACV. .•• Ontario Street United Church Frontethe'Saskatoon (S;ask,) Daily LITTLE LOCALS. Morning classes at 1b a.ru. Star of Dee. school s closed yesterday and the nien'tbers • of the staffs whose honies.are 'elsewhere have hied them -'I selves off' to spend Christmas whir their friends. • The News -Record is being issued„ twenty-four hours earlier this week, so' if some news is omitted eontribue tors will understand that it arrived too late to be'included. SPIRITS OF 'U” I]biSTMAS By Molly Bevam • • I think we all, like ^Scrooge,. are visited The ghosts Of Chthis rstinas • Pgstrous eve t,,vandrClnistauas Present And that 'mysterious "Christmas Yet to Be."' The ghost of Christmasses now long departed ' Guides us, with taper burning bright, Till, by some well renrembered.fireside A -gleam with 'holly 'and soft candlelight, We. hear the echo of our childish voices Singing the'enrol of the "Holy, Night:' The ghost of Christmas Present nray it find us A little worthy of its incense rare, Within our homes the joy of peace and plenty, Within our hearts a simple faith and prayer, Willing to give from nut our small possession$ The world's "Bob Cratchits" all an ample share. The'shrouded ghost,of Christmas in the Future Stands at the aortal of.the years to be, A grim, relentless figure, guarding ' Days that no mortal vision may foresee; •Lord grant we keep the Christmas spirit Throughout our lives in reverence to Thce. Back to the great unknown, with noiseless footsteps, The spirits glide—their mighty task now done; While all the Christmas chimes are sweetre pealing Poor Tiny Tim's, "God Moes us, every onel" The New ClintcMfCollegiate Institute • A •ehitects: J. ,B, Coon & Sons, Toros to General Contractor: Alfred Ivey, Toronto The above is taken from the architect's plans. " The building will not be ready for • New Year's Gift,' but when itis ready, it will be a "very lrfrlidsone gift, contributed bythe older to the younger generation of Clinton and surrounding community, costing $70,000. 15th we learn drat Mr. .At 15 Minutes to seven VLnjg te ev;Jan es G,4Iuck r, a forme r citizen sofenin Mrs Wendouf will an or- Clinton, came 4th in the eleCtiort ioe gan recital` on . English.. ,Christmas: city aldermen in the recent nuniciipal Carols. ' elections. 'Proportional Voting. was • Morning Service observed. • - Organ prelude "0 :Sauchissima, After _the elec ion the West Side Friedrich Luiz 'Business Men's Assoeiatiom of which HPJnn 120; "0; Coh e. all ye faithful." Mr. Tucker: `is president, Invocation rt to tele - Invocation �brafe the'election` of Mayor Norman Hymn 116, "Hark the heraid•ankels and Alderman Tucker. On replying sing' to the congratulations of • his o Prayer • hates Mr. Tucker , said: "Now that: Anthem; "The Fast Christmas Morn" the.excitement of. ee f h election is over Responsive Newton let us girt ba9k into harness' and with esponsive Readin .,,rt g ,� ,;:• the comings good of all in view; work O ertory, .Silent Night, Holy Night" to make this one of the hest cities, in quintette,' "The Star of Christ- the west." niastide." The following also a eared in the Sermon, "Ola• Christmas Privilege" same issue: p]?' • y' Hymn 121, "Angels from :the reahin "J. 'Flicker of Tricker and Bate gave of glory" a reporter a Most, intetesting•'.half Benediction • hour•• when he. ;showed the . scribe Organ postlude, "Christmas March" (through the firm's modern' cleaning Arthur, James establishment at 230 Twentieth street, Evening Service W. k stair of 14 adults , were busy Christmas Caro1, "0 Holy, Child a cleaning; • repairing, reniodelIing or Bethlehem" Wilson pressing Iiynin 1.1% `Silent Night, garments'which ranged from Holy flimsy gowns to heavy fur,coats, Two' Night" •motor trucks were :busy at colleeting Prayer, and delivery ants every .:move was Anthea- Christmas Awake" , tender the •personal'supervision of -Me. t, • Maunder .Bate. The cleaning process was ,fully ex plained and- the -amount of dust and dirt reproved front garments was sur- prising. Garments which on receipt loolced shabby and worn left the prom lies looking like -new. To the layman it appeared as.., if the last word had been saidin mod - esti cleaning equipment but lee was informed this enterprising firm will build% a new , establishment' during': 1927 and wall install the rno)st 1.115 -1,0 - date equipment that can be secured ."< Sciipttrre lesson Offertory, "With the Shepherds" Solei: Y J•. Lemnrens Hymn 126, "While Shepherds watch- ed their flocks, by night" Sermon, "Peace and Good Will". Anthem, ntlr et It "Tidings of Great Joy" , 12yinn 118, "It came 1.1thc, mid- night -er 1gon d- : night tielear" 'Benediction Vesper Organ postiude, "March, Pontificate" Looks like our' Fortner Ci trzeu was 3. Lenstners j doing his share to build up, Canada: i rAendndtiviered1n ign. Our church and W. 112 Wie :have always found you read l i' to coon assist �r to and f r'thering to interests . of o Chinth•arid the Society represente here today. Your sympathy has bee expressed by your actions and a lar'g share of our your has been a .tained through •the adviee and conn sol received from you. Your year of residence with us as a citizen hay been pleasant and profitable, We therefore take -this opportunity to pr�esent'to you this Life' Meipber- ship certificate as a tangible token of appreciation 'of service and pleas.. and associations;, net that, we.•feel i does in any` way repay you ,but simpi as an expression of our thankfulness We hope that long years of life ,vil be yours in your `sphgr:e of useful- ness. And may "He who judgeth- Yighteously" reward you. --:Signed on behalf of the W. M. S., Mrs. II. Allan,. president; Miss Belle Scott, secre- tary,' ' In the South Huron election returns publish'dd last week there was a little errors' In Nos 7, Pay, to figures were; transposed. Medd had 88 vote's, Neeb, 22, a majority of 10 for Medd,' LolndeSboria,„ { The. W, • M, S: • stet at the home of Mrs. Nott for the December meeting. Mrs. Melville in the chair•; After the devotional exercises the sheeting was thrown open nd the niembert Pre" sent • put on a short program. The tone of to . meeting -vas one oS ( . Christmas, . Appropriate readings were .,giden: The Christmas Story, S Christmas . Giving, The ,Christmas Gift, The Greatest Gift and a very Pleasant feature: of the years work was thepresentation of a Life, Mein - ' to Mies. John Htt- ton one of our" very er 'veined !I Yntorli...� A pleasant social hour -was spent. at the close,: The ,seeornpanying address speaks 16i itself;v " Mrs J 1 Skutt o rn on, Dear Primal:— Wei the,inem'ers of the '4 V. M. S. of Burns ehireh, 1- ullett and ,_of Knox _church,' Londesboro, asseinbied het e this ternoon as a Missionary: Society, fel !thate cannot `find S. -r nr.z Miller er hasr a hnppy 1 ny stall Y these days Why? Because Sant: in Clans gave him the gift of a lab ur d boy., n Mr. T. Johnston of London spent e the Week -end at hie home here. t- $ e t - SI. AUGHTEg %112ONG NEWS- • PAPERS •Out of twenty -lige Ontario cities; only Clive have now mare than one daily newspaper•. • Out of twenty-one,. Ontario 'cities of - less than 50,000 population, only one (Belleville), has mare than one daily newspaper. Out 1 of all Ontario towns only three have dailies. Toronto' has four dailies where a•�fese years ago it had six, Ot- tawa, Hamilton and, toitlon have two where they had thise:i:•And this re- duction has. been going; on not only in. Onta%io'bet all over Canada. Since ` the beginning of the war, over forty dailies inthe Dominion have disap- pearea, through suspension, or amal- gamation, (i Miss Blanche Snell of Toronto' Uni- versity came •home Saturday and will pend her vacation at the parsonage ith her parents, Rev. B and . Mrs. nen. Miss Starr of Toronto was recently visitor with 'friends here, Mr. Campbell, who has been' armee the doctor's : care, is -aitch imlrroved, we are glad to .report: Mr.' C. Adams had 'a radio put in on Monday., Dr.'' Milne was .here ere on Saturday Owing to the illnessy of lvtr. T. Adams. Mrs. Webster was in Clinton on Tuesday, to see her uncle, Mr. Mans who is quite ilei, --Mrs. J. Manning spent Saturday in 'wciscle •to xpress our gratitude for rte _Y. aq thevery Vvrllang services ou i ii#mb load East. Mr, Noble holland has prehased a pair of blacit foxes. lMMi','•aatcI Mrs. Fred 'Cools'spent Sun- day last at the home of Mr. Chas. Cook, near Bayfield, Y , 141r Noble :Holland has finished bean threshing for this season. and Mrs. Robert McFarlane and Miss Alberta MelCiniron.'of Gocl- erich spent a Sunday recently at the. home of Mis Chas .e r Mrs. 21. tattle is helping in 112, i. (Mr. Wit, Glazier }tnertertained d MaCeol's store over tite Christmas number• of his friends with pregees- season. ,.