HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-16, Page 7Retttrirs for Huron — ar Ly. No: 79 49' 6.17 '237 Majol'ity 'Cor hledd-400, GODERI('11 1'OWWNSI.112 No. 1 : No, 1.. 67 64 No. 2 44 495. r No..3 54 • 90. lal No. .1 37 55. 39 l3 61: I Nu. 1 . • yt are -tile returns by muni for Huron county in the re nnrial .election. .We were .hold thein over last week of space. CLINTON Medd Neel) 17,7' ,127 1:75. 134 162 105 •103 107, 557' .473 ty for: '14edd-84. SEAFORTH 98 77 No. 1 . .. 113 77 No. 2.. 69 72 No. 3 _52 70 No. 4 . 54 76 No. 5 . 73 No. ( z 7 1 11.1. ajority for 'Medd 4144. I1IN,S1LL o1 Majority for Medd-91. ' BA YFIELD No. 1. , 34 Majority To Neeb-75, I)TOKILLOP No. 1 ... No. 2.. No. 3 • No. 4.. • 67 123 No, 2 v1 1.7Q No, 2.; 29 144 48 114 59 362 365 Majority for Neeb-3. 7'1TC I61ERSMI'PI3 81 71 111 ,x•62' 120 . 19 . 130 34 err 457 , 445 ity for Medd-12. EXETER 1,15 123 -196 109 . .. 164 98 6.49 Alajority for Medd-400, HULLETT No. . ... _ . 4 11847 No. 5 . 516 372 No. 6 96; ureal ANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 • SSETS and LIABILITIES ' 3Oth October, 1926 ASSETS h on hand osits with and notes and cheques of they Banks . . '1° , osis with Central Gold Reserve . . and Short loans on Bonds, Debcn• res and Stocks , .. • union and Provincial Government ecurities . . . , . , . . adieu Municipal Securities arta itish, Foreign and Colonial Public entities other than Canadian , . 29.230,754,26 ay and other Bonds, Debentures d Stocks . . 4.463,25t,i6 Quick Assets $424,919,084.27 s and Discounts and other Assets 33e,g53,870.06 Premises . . . 0 z1,800,000.00 lities of customers under letters of 13.95-,Igo.S7 edit (as per contra) Total Assets . $781,525,145.20 • $ 83,411,634.39 50,844,5=7.81 17,000,000.00 1.60,811,3O2.37 -. 79,157,614.28 LIABILITIES M. circulation . rs of credit outstanding r liabilities . Total Liabilities to Pa TO PUBLIC . . . 41,175,089.50 656,259.467.61 13,95-,190.87 $ 71,9,417,775..;1 bile ess of Assets offer LiabilitiesP$ 62,107,369.98 Majority Tor Medd- 27.' STANLEY No. 3 6(i u' No. 1 . �L No, 2 . No. 3,. v1. No. 4 i 27` No. G . 27 N.o. 6 . m No. '7 •. No.u, 56 40; N0 . 58 46 • 6 . No. 7 6 44 No, 1 '418 wort for Medd-93. M J Y., HAY 36 No. . ,.. .. 74 No. J, . 131 249 No, 4 .. . 81 12° 'No 5 No. 8.. No, ,1 No. 5-A� 24 18 No. t13' 107 No (r •; 36 31 21. 44 17 39 55. 35 - No. 6 60` 107 .o. 7 ... 22 ,' 38 N .. No.8. . 28' 69 508 525 Majority for Neeb-17. USBO1I` dE No 1 .. .. 61 26 No. 2 ...; : 101 22 No.3 ., ... 87 • , 21. No. 4 :. 54 ,40 No..b'. 110 No, 6 . 17" ,o5 39. Na 3 13LY TB' 85 100 185 311LOX1'TCI? 63 A SIIFII%LD 72 54 102 02 91 '77 49 '72 4,1 �6 57 85 FY 27 79 206 05 fl!naithus ui A Column Prepared, Especially for Women — ' But Not Forbidden to Men God' rest you? merry, gentlemen, Let nothing yob.' dismay, 1 rir Jesus Christ our, Saviour, Was born on Christmas bay." many think very little, 9r1 the 'Gre,at Gift to the world, but under all, ori festivities, all' our joy and gladness that,0ne thought. Tobeautiful tiful ane and itsee oun great be, taught to give as well as toexpect to receive. much of the (beauty and sacredness of the iGhristlnas time is destroyed by the' commercialization of the $eaSOri a kill. fancythis will, < When the: beautiful s: a myth- ical person; no one ever saw Wm, but their elders, and will proud. 0101 e Tho time comes, of course, when 61 boy or girl is old enough to made stand that ,Santa Claus is but a ore tore of fancy, or that he is a Spiri and they mast bo ,told. But do n�' as 7 have heard of some parents d ng., laugh at your boy dr +girl wh such question: come, and tell the they have been "fooled.",'Pell the the truth, that the Christmas Sail is a reality, that it is the iSpirit c goodwill and of love, which Chri brought into the world with him whe s he cauie•and which has never left i and gift -giving even though it is often smothered b T mo it is a very e, u Assn] ms to Hie much ma;,lat be done selfishness and self-seeking.d how the stand and filen it is a s cal think, 0 401 upon t der 519 and to memories it tnay bring us, t zt t thl 19 119 anyone;who has reached middle -life ee I fear h £ 20 106 there''are memories `<a -plenty which I I The Cl i i0Lmas season 1, now to assist children matter how many .sad appreciate the are t thought They how they may manliest it to other ns and, no Tell them, truly, that, when littl children the way to sh8w 'ten beautiful spirit is to tell about it • 10 d7 bring feelings :of sadness and 'loneli- 4o Hess Ye e 104 t the Christmas time is the a person, but when they are older the do not need this. But do not, if ye test of the whole d of Santa Clans. If anything kills love your child, :shatter his Mb ill 30 96 gladdest and some to in Santa': Claus without 'giving 30 81 year';'Easter'coming as a close'se- I a child Santa Claus was `a myth something' more ''tangible; in � ct 28 118 Gond. "• shape of a 'clear 26 conception of t 108 eo rle nvho Sometimes .oue meets t 1 Who he ,was ae real as.g•oodness, kindness wonderful Cluist?Spurt td'put n.i{ will t appreciate .:Christmas,. and Jia p'iiress. Nowadays 'children place. A; belief ,in Sairtba the s, ~e'J9 ib a bit of sentiment re- e tiro for .weeks before Christ -rightly guided and used y . p will not adm may see ired help •ardin 'the 'season duel Lyne laughlIes an everyday, cuts may prove a' very g • t 101 F g h do 2161 IROW,[Oi6 No, 2 , . • 72 No._3, A .. . 85 _ No 3 B . , 53 No,.4 A 61 Usually rias, n. s as common a y person. Children have lost tnuch"bY''the traiiring of a child. REIIEKA 104 ' and sneer at those .Whe 61 ,.such people. are a sad drag upon the $3 joyous festivities of the season; they , 10,1 do not add anything to the'happines 9fi of their fellows, and are.not really 131 happy themselves. I wouldn't mind :: . {,5►' No. 6 . 49 89 493 _ - 766 MOI/RIS No. 1 : au No. 2 .. ............ s; 45 81 51 92' 562. 209 No. s4 . Majority for Medd—+35.3. No. 5 . No. 6.: STEPHBN Na 2, 4 38_ No. 3., 101 No. 4 126 No.5 , 24 No.6. 66 No 7 , .... ' 49 64: No. $ No 99 9.. 673 Majority, for 1Vledd ; 17.9. ' Total majority for Medd-1,628. 45 50 139 ,66 139 -21 47 554 NORTH HURON RETURNS• GODERICH doynt Robertson '79 81 88 82 91 56 83 65 81 50 91 .62. 86 74 No. 4 B ........... 96 86 No. 5 A .. 88 40 No. 5 B 80 28 No. 6 A 1113 83 No: 6 aB . , 92 86 04o. 7 114 Advance .. , . 16 No. 1A. No. 1B... No. 2A.. No. 2B. , No. 3A., No. 8 B No, 4A 42 . 47 49. 270 T7J1 NBI}RLRY No..1 A . 62 No.,1 B 34. No. 2 . .. 62 No. 3 .. 42 No. :4 26 111 62 96e ' 132 548 •53 '76 123 85 226 448 E. WAWANOSII No. 1.. 20: ' '76 No. 2 63 105 No.3 43 98 No.4 38 88 No. 5 . , 28 $9 •192 ' ; 456 W. W.A'WANOS'H8� No. 1 . 88 No. ;2'. No3 . No.'5 . . No..6,. 63 23 101 57' 21. 354: 413 COLIBORN•r No, 1 .. 52 No. 2., 49 No. 3 '54 No, 4 15 80 80 so much if such people only spoiled their" own, enjoyment,, while should be very sorry for them, but; they are bound to interfere in the enjoymeint. of others; And it is particularly hard to forgive .then when they seek to spoil the pure enjoyment of children. 'Anyone who deliberately^ snatches from the lips of a child the cup of in- nocent enjoyment bas a lot to answer 170 68 '' n CAPfTtmA.TI.ON 3 Ashfield .. 401 Blyth• ..•• 185 Brussels .. , 179 Colborne . 170 Goderich 1208'.. Grey ........ . . ;... 218 - 18 799 9:1 }Lowick Morris 270 . 548 226 44$ Twnberly , 192 456 39. W awnoslt 854 413 'W. Wawauobh ' ' Wingha490, 413 m. 580 Wroxeter .• .. 63. '105 99 4444 6386 '76 Majority or Robertson, 1,942. • ,1203 • 864 WINGETAISf No. 1 . . 91 105 No.• 2 . ... .. • 92 136 30 No. 3A. No. 3B.. 69 64 No. 4 A 80 83 No. 4B.. 48 70 No. 5.: 62 50 460 BRUSSELS w No. 1 A 56 No.1B. 52 Some very kindly and conscientious people, however, are averse to allow- ing their children .to believe in Santa Claus.' They argue that it is deceiv- ing.tpe child and that when he "grows' older he will find that he has been deceived and his faith in his par- ents and the older generation is shak- en. Wall, perhaps to folk with no im- aginatiou, this might be the caee. But, after all, isn't "Santa Claus," that is the 'Christmas Spirit, just as real as love, faith, kindliness and jus- tice, and aren't they all . from the same source, the gifts of the one Loving One, who loved so much that He gave Himself for us all? Perhaps some people carry the idea too far, perhaps they actually try to "foot" their children. This to me seems a wrong attitude altogether.' When children are little it does them no harm to believe a. benign being, Santa Claus, is abroad at Christmas time, giving gilts and spreading good will and cheer throughout the world. It 18 true. There( is no time .in the year 'when people are so kind, so thoughtful for, ethers, so 'kindly dis- posed. Vil isposed.:Whi at posse4ses them, do you suppose? Nothing but the thought of the Christ child. It may that 113 47 150 78 388 519 206 294, 888 864 Your Christmas tedNew' Year's Domer 1 have a choice assortment of special fresh': and cured'' Fowl for the Christmas Testiyal, Including Beef, Pork' which has been speejelly fed under` our own directions." ncludes.Turkeys,,Geese, Ducks and Chickens, all of Which led, t that we always carry a full line of choice Cooped and. Cured Meats of all kinds'. I?IIONE YOUR- ORDER—WE DELIVER P1I7ONE 162 Connell & Tyndall CLINTON'S LEADING'MI,+'',AT MARK;16T CHR.IST.AS PLANTS' Cyclamen, Begonias, Primulas, Cherries ,Flevvering Bask S Baskets and Pans filled with ferns and flowering -plants . Th• is year we have the finest stock that we have eve; offered for the -Christmas trade. In order to get the best choice we would; advise ordering early. Any plant will be kept until Christmas or delivered Des, 24h. The CclnTen are l sizes, The Basketstanid Pans preathe very choicest. The Jthis erusalem Cear in herries Cherries and Primulas are also good. Cu* ICAni R.oses,tCarnations, Daffodils, Tulips'. Y ' LettuC> New crop of Crisp Leaf 'Lettuce For an appetizer we have a nice 0009 o. Crisp lett lettuce, 1vh}cli is just ready now, Try a. bunch, •��� Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere—Business 'Under Same Management GREENHOUSES CORNER ORANGE AND WELLINGTON STS. cot ap This Buy Your Christmas Candy HERE From 'a -Well assorted stock of boxes from 25c to $5.00. Candycanes, Stockings an S k• d other Novelties as well as the usual Creams and mixed candy and bulk chocolates. See our Horne made Rock candy 18c per lb., 2 for 35c Christmas Baking: Christmas .Cake , of the finest quality all sizes or by the pound Also Short bread, Puffed paste, Cream puffs. A full -line of baking suitable for Christmas Season. At Christmastide ARTLIFF . CRICH Yours StM What' a happy family! Plenty and good cheer are with you. Santa. Claus has paid his usual visit. Mirth and Jollityare your guests, and the Spirit of Christmas reigns, You, the father'and breadwinner, may reason- ably cherish a silent 15ride,as the thought'comes to you—All this happiness is the result of -my efforts, It all depends on me. • And that' pride is mightily increased when you can sit back comfortably,, while the children play, and look into the future with perfect ease of mind, because, knowing it all depends on you, you have made sure that "come what may" happiness and Christmas cheer will still be theirs on future Christmas Days, But—have you made sure? If not, then we say 'In all sincerity, there can be no act more appropriate at this season than to Make Christmas' Certain for your wife and children' for many years to. come. For a comparatively small sum deposited annually.wlth the Canada Life, you can secure an Ordinary Life Policy which will i Christmas Eve— The Big Day—Happiness reigns supreme - "The End of a Perfect Day'-'. °And it all depends on Protect Your me even tliough`you should not be here. Such a policy. is well within your reach,. The _ coupon below will bring full. particulars, and a pro- position showing what this protection meansto you. In a matter which touches you and yours 'so closely, you cannot act too quickly. The Canada Life Assurance Company wishes you the merriest Christmas and most prosperous New Year you have ever hada ._. .4A•9n ..-. tl%l: W.I.ei2C.4f ..•(,5,.,v G-130.11. ELLIOTT,• CLINTON, Dks. R9P Lif e /�, 1'\t, ,,R°'., ede<" i91 'ya0y 00.� o eta ;fig " '' _ae 10. g�a oti p se C411 0' o, d