HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-16, Page 6, ,-„Of interest to Ifot 1. Is tip ":a r Christmas o1�jt�Ru; lteplxng• aa4> (� ,t you get out i O it early in thenronin t. is itne to be. athi`nk}g up ~vn o you t tp;•,trlsact .t+h0,town''s business ttxt••vearNorinaofto>g it Dec 2'7th If vot}Inty: etre suggestions Sou" aro evidently' eiIbisl'icd. o1 '' ;SeotLish nobleman,; head t`eamship.'contp.ny 'doin.," bus - the far east, blames the pre- , foible in 'China of the Christ- 37I.,31Irs5iories, %Shouiiilrt:wender''a. . bit ifiie'5 right, too. If Clreistian ni- S. ionaries had not gone to Chinn, .arising lieu their civilizing influ- ence, the Chinese peoplemight not yet have awakened to the fact that hey were being' exploited'"by greedy foreigners, and no -trouble would ,have ensued." , Before Monday's thaw we had�`ex- elient i cads, enough snow .to matte fairly good sleighing and still not enough .to hinder ° errs :from running. One day within one block in the front streetwer•e seen a wagon, a sleigh, a buggy, a cutter and a car'all getting blong comfortably. - 1 The snow oielted• on 'Monday' but luring the'night the weather changed, reezilig' everything solid' and 'it•'has een very cold ever since: :Since"yes- erilay a fine old•faehioncd blizzard as been, blowing, We might say ore, only our ink is frozen up this norning. x: According `to reports coming •from British Columbia: the Commission :dig- ging into customs, affairs in the west find ,those affairs just as scandalous as 'they.were found in tate east. 'Phe digging to the bottom of this Dress n4 applying a remedy is -one ofethe ost important,' if it is not the most Important, matter in Canada today. According to. reports officers were ieterred ftoin proseeuting flagrant flouters,- who were caught,a•tor-, eec front -'Ottawa. Who. gave the rders? That is one of 'the questions hich ought to be aekeiland an answer ;misted upon: If N. W. Itowell-will •ift this thing to the bottom he *ill vin the approval of the common peo- le, no matter who he may offend a- nong the higher, ups: Go to it, Mr. oweli, Let nobody be spared. It ooks as if the 'Whiskey Ring" -had anada by the throat. Londesbaro The annual Christmas entertain- ment in connection with Knox Sunday seliool•Wili be held in the comnfunity hall on Thursday evening, Dec. '23rd, when a pleasing program will: be Igiv?en.: A1I friends will be welcome. Mr la .Adams is in. Brantford this 'week, He went' to attend the funeral of his aunts • Miss Dodd of Toronto recently Vis- ited friends here returning ,Tuesday. Goderieh Township The annual Christmas. entertain- ment ' of the St. Jarnes', Middleton, Sunday school will be held on Tues- day evening, Dec. 2.1W -The young people will givethe clay; "Rooms to Let." A bold, bad hawk visited the hen roost of Mr. Lorne Jervis one day re- gently:. A regular housebreaker and thief of a bird .this was, Mr. Jervis heard some commotion among the fowl • and going to investigate he found .a •big hawk, in the hen house malting.a meal off .one of his chickens. The maurauder had broken a page of glass in the window to enter the, hen- house and when Mr. eevis enteredat the door he lost no time in making his ' escape, through the window, breaking another pane of glass in the attempt. He flew up into a tree and no doubt would have returned to. finishhis interrupted feast had be been left alone but Me.,Jer'Vis got a gun and fired on him, Wounding .bul not killing him Wright. The bind flew off and at last reports had not xeturmed. nrretiges WALICEI� M 1SIs.ELL --- At the • • C-hui'ch of, the A ension Ilatuilton, or Dee, 9tb,;bs the Rev lir. ;Reti- • aon33 4, D;L1,•rector, M bel berg Aasbell, fourth daughter of the hate Mr. and 41ts Ldcvri,cl •A."'Mas- kall' of, C=ode ich t4 George A, Walker, only stet or 'Ma, ,tnd, ikirs, John A. Wsll.ei, Clinton. IN `MD iIOI?Ia1M IIIT L=1n loving memory of our dear inothe) Mrs; George Shill, who pissed away Dec., lath, ':The pe ult gaits were opened; A gentle voice said, with farewells' tins Mien And v ,r 1 p She'geGLiy entered home." --=Sadit'missed .by her family: Stanley Township. Mr.: Harry Talbot. has sold; alis fifty -acre ,farm -on the'Benson litte'ta_ MT.'.Meno Steckle. Mr. John Scotchreer has installed a adio. , The people of this neighborhood are sorry to hear that Mr. ;Chas: Raithwell has not been enjoying. the best, of health lately. e • ' ,Mrs. Saar. Helmer was in Gederich on Saturday last. 1VIi. Albert ,Boyee of Godeiieh;was the guest Of 'his brother, Me. Fiiank/ Boyce, on"i Sunday last. ,Mr. John Armstrong of Goshen line visited friends in' Tuekersinith one day recently. (Intended for last week) Miss Freida Talbot spent Saturday and Sunday of last week- with friends in Kitchener.:-;•, Mr. W. H. Talbot of the Sauble line is 's'porting a new Chevrolet De .Luxe sedan. Leonard Talbot motored home with it frontOshawa on Tuesday last. Hallett Township .Mrs: Honey East returned Monday y from a week's vtsit with her daugh- ter, Mrs,, E. Porter of Goderieh. The teacher and pupils of No. 5 sire preparing tor a school'concort•on -the evening of Wednesday, Dee. 22nd. "Tate program will be given shy the. penile and young people of the sect. tion, lyliss ,Gladys McIlveen, B.A.? of _Chimp? University has recently ac- •cepted a position as case secretary of the Central Bureau of Social Agencies, 'Hamilton. "Iter mother, 'Mrs. J, McIlveen of Sedgewiek, Al- berta, will spend the winter with her 'in Hamilton. ,Mrs. McIlveen will be remembered by many, hereabouts as Miss Lizzie Bingham. She and be .daughter will spend the ,Christmas holiday season as the guests` of Mrs. Mellveen's sister, Mrs; John ,Manning a of London, Ont. Clulst na :Photo roipe new and'coiur_ quigl.: if. yo want Photogi.aphs -tot Christmas pie,• sent , IC you leave ' t until the last 'two logic j c,ti1'will be dioapgointed. .{;linron studio' 0 sell from' 14.11.,1h. 'Fisc! Kippers (Intended for last; week) Mr. Edgar Butt tutored to Goderieb on Saturday last to give, evidence in a. case before the Judge in a collision of cars at the corner last summer, It is -a notorious'. fact thatalthough the authorities havetput up stop signs at• these corners motorists seem to ig- nore them, hence the frequent' aeei- dents that happen here. The writer sate only recently what might easily have been a smash had,it net been for' the wide"'road at the coffers, as it was they cane very near bumping into .each other. As I understand the law in `regard to these stop signs the motorist who has not the right of wayis supposed to slow down almost to: a stop "before. going around the corner and because there is no one here to see that people obey the law it is frequently' violated. All who drive cars should observe the principle; of safety first.' Mr, Alex. ;McKenzie of the village spent the week end in Goderich with relatives, also meeting his daughter, IVliss' Bertha, there -who was .up from. Toronto. Both returned to their re- spective homes on Monday. The storm of Sunday last was a severe one all over the province, In Toronto it was furious, blowing at the rate of 47 miles an hour and causing the city ail expense of $50,- 000.00 to remove the great drifts of snow. }Such a storm it is stated has not occurred for 28 years so early in the season. It may be the forerunner of a severe winter, Let us hope net. Brucefaeld. (Intended. for last week) The monthly meeting' of the Kelly u 'Circle was held an Thisda y after- •snopn-last with the President, Mrs. Arthur .Mcqueen:` presiding. Mrs. Rohit. Watson had charge of the topic „and read eniiinteresting chapter front the ,study book, A letter was read :from the St. Christopher House, Tor- • onto. It was ,decided to send them a ' box later, on, 'Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead read the current events, after which the meetings was bre-Light to a close `by repeating the Mizpah benediction. I seri l� 1eII(D l>h'A� h Miss Hazel Potter of Stanley visit- ed her, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, T, J. Potter, over : Suiting. ' Mrs. D. Calbick of Hamilton 'is vis- iting iter -sister, ,Miss Acheson,. Mr. Gordon :Schwann of Toronto is Visiting friends in this community. Keep Your Hens Laying `,:PiI:-the Basket Msd and BLATCHFORD'S "Bae -Nun" AEN SCRATCH Assure greatest egg produation ' At your dealers .11, W. Charlesworth Stray. Dog A yellow, .long-tailed dog "strayed onto the premisee of the undersigned.. Owner can have sante by paying costs and . applying to 8, R. McM`ath, tholniesville, 88-1 House to Rent Partially furnished:- house, with bath. Apply en. premises to Miss L. Grant, 4 doors east of Ontario steeejn United ehurth, Clinton. ` 88-3 . Heifer Astray. Strayed- from the premises of the undersigned, a red heifer, .with round Palled Angus bead; about 800 to 900 lbs. Information , as to its where- abouts thankfully received ` by F. Q. Fiord, Holmesville, Photie 16 en 611, Clintonucenteal. 88-3-p A Christmas Concert Wail be held in theschoolhouse of $. S. No, 5, Hallett,' ,on'Wedeesday, evening,.11lecembei . 22nd, at ;;$ p.m. Good program is being prepared by pupils and young people of the sec- tion, Light refreshments 'will be served.' at the"''elese of the: prosrani. Admission 25c, • 85-1-p to 4 p.m. every; it to t •Y Burgess, Portrait Studio MITCHEL", AND CLIN'TON NTEa . . Live'salosnian to sell new atitmatit Damper iSpectalty ,for furnaces anile stoves. Exclusive. territory.• lbx"tra. gond money. • " AUJTOII'I:O'IC DAMPER CO. 67 Adelaide; St,, East,' Toronto; Ont 88-2-p , Seeine With Comfort While 11 often s re uire'.soine time q,. , for a;• patient to• become ;used to glasses, if patience isexercised core- -fort vvi11 be eeeured Many` people see well enough without glasses, but wear them because -of the comfoet they give Consult us foletile good of your eyes. : W. I1. Heliyar, Cptom- etrist, Chilton. " , . 88-1. SKATING PARTY Under auspices of. LADIES' AUXILIARY OF THE' PRESi73YTERIAN CHURCH Tuesday, , Dee. 28th. Iiot...Dogs and Coffee Served ADMISSION -29e. 88-2 ol. ". Christmas Tree and Cantata evil be held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22nd at eight o'clock p.no, Under the auspices of the Ontario Street United Church Sunday school Program): will consist of the Cheist-. Mas Cantata, "The homemade Santa" • Gifts from the Christmas Tree will also be distributed. ADMISSIOI'T-"35c and 25e, 88-1-P Grain Wanted 400 bushels of, feed 'barley.' Weill pay Ole perr bushel, delivered at Clin- ton chopping mill. .call Switzer's, phone 31 on 614, Clinton central. 88-2 Clearing Auction Sale Of Vann, Farm' Stock and Imple- ments at lot 30, Holc bsville, an'Tues- day; Dee. '21st, 'consisting;. of the fol- lowing t ol-lowing: Impdrted grey' Peedheron stallion, weight 2,200 lbs., enrolled fee 1926-1927; grey, gelding, 5 years old, 1,650 - lbs..; grey gelding, 0 years old, 1,600 lbs.; bay mare, 8 years old, 1,500. lbs.,- in foal to Highland Chief; bay filly rising ,2 years, sired by Hgihland 'Chief; black gelding, gen- 'eral purpose, 1 year old; black eow, 5 years odl, due Feb. lst; blaok cow, 6 yearns old, • due April 1st; 'Hosltein; heifer, 2 years old, bred in. Septem- ber; $ !.Durham heifers, due in Feb- suary and, March; '8: Durham heifers, 2 years old; black heifer calf, 8 months, old; 6 store hogs, 1 sow, 9 pigs, 5 weeks old; 73 Rock pullets.; 50 Rock hens, • 1 year• old. 25 ewes and lambs, bred. Implements; ' Mas- sey -Harris . manuee spreader, .neatly new; Farmer's Friend .riding plow; walking plow (new); rubber tire buggy; Portland cutter; 7 hip, gaso- line. engine;. Massey�Barrie cutting box; Maple Leaf grinder, 9 inch plate; -heavy farm wagon; gravel lbq; 2. sets of heavy team breeching harness; 2 new collars.. and tops; set of plough harness; extra set of breechings; get of light harness, goldeen, mounted Mid rawhide lined; No. 12 Delaval. cream separator, • nearly Stew; Daisy churn, 2 -8 -gallon milk cans, new; 80- gallon milk can; wheel barrow; log- ging chains, about 100 bus. turnips; few bags of nipples; about 12 ton of alfalfa- bay; 5 ton of yellow blossom sweet, driver hay; 'a quantity, of corn and sorgum:; 250 :bus.. mixed grain; 16 louse sliring whhat; a few bus. 0f• -soy teens; forks, chains, whiffletrees, neck yokes, 'glad .numerous' other ar- ticles, ' Also. the ,farm, which consists of 100 acres, more or less, of: good clay loam, with good ,banes barn,' 40x60 ft, 2 -storey frame hb•ss,e; 6 Beres of good bearingeorcha d, with abundance of water, 40 acres 'seeded down, 15 acres ploughed, 15- acres stubble, blue- come in pasture. "Terms: 10 per cent. of -the pttrehas.o money paid ;sown :on day -of sale°; balance in 30 days. • Pas, session given immediately. The above farm is • in a very desirable "location, being 'd,: mile :from churdli., store, school and railload station, bvexy thing to bo sold as proprietor is giv- ing. up - farming. 'Terms' ori hay, grain and poultry, and all sums of $10.00 and andel; 'cash; over shalt. amount 10. Months' 3ledit, will be gi;t!-" en on fuenisliing Bankable paper, er • a?discount oe 5 per cent. steaight-at lowed for.eaelt an.credit amounts. ° OSG:A.IL rsMBBliUfT, Proprietor: 'At e 'and iid ' ` Place the, tlte;5ame following-line'of„;farm stock• and hn pleneents, the property of Mr, Wesley' Vanderburig/t; „will ',be soldis. Black riiare, general ,purpose, 10 yeate•:oltl aged mare; bay•driving horse, pacer; 2 pigs .;}bout 90 lbs. each; , 30 Rack hens, 1 year old; ,20 Buck pullets,' 3 white Pekin ducks; ‘white- Pekin d}ake,; Tpdhope' Anderson team, wagon, nearly new; Bain sloop sleighs with log,' bitnl:s and bolsters; nearly new; Deering mower, 6 foots •cut; 10 hoe seed l rill .;VerityitY walking phew, , No. 21; iihUtirow diseha rowset of diamond hail ows '-set of heavy team harness, nearly new; 2 collars, nearly new; about 10 'tens of 'good timothy hay, Everything to be sold on abcnei described terms. Wesley Vanderburg, Proprietor. Geo. II. Elliott, Auction'- ger, • 88-1 Ir salt t.,i`li cti Store FOX°. Oa nasks, Ein- broiderel and Fancy L oens Towels and Handl ercllkefs, f -f ouse Dress Aprons, etc. Yry All_ o�" 's:'Exchange en Phone 1r: Open Eii,nings,Until Christmas -PouitrU Wanted; ,Now is the tiiie\to. get rid of your, noir-produting.heps. We will do your culling free of charge. We also "want" chickens and ,ducks. Wednesday. and Thursday forenoons at residence, Vic-' tor•ia street, five doors north ofC, 11.E P tracks, Call 231, Clinton central, for prices. A. E. 11NCli 78-tf. • .A 'FUR WANTED Am now paying special high prices for all kinds of raw Furs,' • H. A. IOVEt Phone 89 Clinton, Ont. Apples -Nice winter apples for sale.Bring your own bags. 'C. Hare, Clinton. ' 87-2-p Boar For Service Large white Yorkshire; bred by J. E. Brethour of Burford. Terms: cash, $1.50, credit, $2.00. Fred L. Potter,_ Marcel Road. ` 87-3-p Stray Steer Straged onto the prenrises'of the undersigned, lot 84, con 14, Godetach Tp., on or about ' end of October, a 2 -yeti' -old steer: • Owner may have saurie by 'proving property and .pay - trig esipenets. , David T. Churchill, R. R. No: 3, Clinton. • 87-3 Christmas Entertainment A Christmas .entertainment wilt be held in the church at Taylor's Corners on Tuesday evening, Deo. 218t, at•8 o'clock. .The program in- cludes a five -act play, put oia.by the young people. Admission 735c and 25c 88-1 Cheese fax Sale ' Cheese in -balk at anytime,, Large cheese, 18c, Plats, 20c,, Stlltons, 21e per lb. The Uohnesville Cheese and Butter Go. We Ii. Lobb, president and salesmen, R. R. No. 8, Clinton. 78-tf. Cook 'Wanted Cook wanted for the OlintonPublic Hospital. Apply any day to Hiss Grainger, Supt. Hospital. 8 -tf, i .Strayed From lot 27, concession 2, West Wasvanosh, oil Nov. 915, a black Angus heifer, 18 months old Last heard of on Base Line near :Summer- hill. Any person having heard of or seen tete said heifer kindly conununi .tate with the undersigned, John Hoare, R. It; No. 2, Auburn. Phone 15-29, Dungannon Central. 85-4 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms ever Eeard's Barber slice. W. J. Jago. 2288-tf I4� W. Traw.artI/4" DEALER IN" THE NEW -LAID EGG We SPECIALIZE lit Milk -Fed Ped- try 12 months in, the year. Phone ab early in the' week as ,possible for prices. GOOD' DEMAND FOR ALL KINDS OF NO. 1 POULTRY ; We advise : you to have the birds el i your 'laying pen culled while the price is high. " Culling o£ birds done' Tree of charge through ?our office, Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w Go To- Houle roe Sale 7 -roomed house and ' quarter -acre lot, town water, electric lights. Ap- ply to 3. P. Doherty, .Clinton, 83-tf House for Sale or Rent House on corner of Ilur•on and Or- ange streets, old Mountcastie place,, Apply to F. W. Johnston,_Clintonr 80.11. VO'TER'S LIST, CLINTON Court of Revision Noticeis hereby given that, pur- suant to The Ontario Voter's List Act, a Court will be held by His -Hon- our the judge of the County Court of the Coney of 'Huron in the Council 'Chamber, Clinton; at 2.80 o'clock p.m. !, 'on Saturday the 18th clay of Decem- ber, '1926, ecember,'1926, to hear and determine eons- plaits of errors and onunissioes in the Voter's List of the Town of Clin- ton for J926. - D. L. M,(4CPEE1tSON, Clerk • of the Court (1TO:11E-This notice applies only to the list to be used •at -the Municipal elections in :January, 1927, and there- after) NOTICE, TO CREDITORS 1 In the Estate or John Wells, Deceased NOTICE' is -Hereby given. that -,all persons having elaiirie against' the es- tate of John Wells, late of the village of Londesborough in :the County of Huron, gentleman, 'deceased, who died on or ;'about the 27th day- of June, A,D..1926, are required, to deliver to Francis Little and James Ruddel'l the executors of the said estate ;or their solicitor, on or before the 20th day of December A.D., 1926, 'a full stator -wet of their claims with par- " -Heelers bhereof,'and the nature of the securities, if any ; held', by them all duly verified by ,affidavit AND TAKE -NOTICE' that -after the said hest -mentioned' date the said1 executor's will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased_ a ntoneet the persons entitled thereto i s l uch claims. i r hiving regard only' Yto s they shah/ have received due notice" and in accordance therewith. ' Dated et Clinton, Ontario, this 26t11 day of November"A? D. 1926. W. ERYDONE, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the said executors. 56-3: Nediger's Garage For Gasoline, Oil and Grease "Tires, Tubes and Accessories. Let us figure on your Trucking Some Wood for Sale W. J. Nediger, Prop. F. . A R.Yr W BARRISTER ,will be at his office •. in Clinton each. MONDAY From 3 to 6 p,m. 30 -ti. We Serve: and Satisfy CANDY Nuts and Oranges OF ALL KINDS-- AT ALL PRICES Mixed' Nuts 23e, 2'lb. .for. 45e Walnuts, per ib 25e - Brazils, per lb. . .. -28e Royal Mixed Candy, per lb. . 20e Cut Rock, per lb...... 230, 2 for 45b Mixon Creams, per 1b.. 25e Tango Mixed, per 1b..... 80e Minto Mixed, per 1b. t. 35e Rob Roy Mixed 35c Creamed Almonds, per ib..., 40c Duchess Bon Bans 40c Mixed tOliocplaters, per 1'b. bhoeolatess (boxes) 25e, 85e, 60c, 85e Oranges, per doz.40e, 50e, 60e, 70, 80e Table Raisins, per• pkg. „ . 850 Layer Figs, per 1b. .... • 35c FINNAN " IIADDIE, FILLETS CELERY, LETTUCE, etc. L. LAWSON & CO. Open Evenings Until -Chelan -its PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 111 Clinton's Oftiatottl... WE cARCFuLL'( INSPECT EACH Lor of ebALWE 13OY AM) NOW MAY` WIE 5eLECT YOURti/INJi'1:.R5 COAL - SUPPLY What does home mean to yon?. Warmth and'cheer? • 'Comfort and happiness? Oe must you remember it as 'a place of . cold . halls, draughty en- trances, chilly -Modes? The , Heat • Folks have .brought warmth to many a cheerless:' house. Let them -make your home inviting, MULL R ' HARDWAR ` cBANTG You Can 'Solve many of Your 'Christmas'Christmas`Gift Problems oere.H. Every individual gift lias that;,superaority oC quality viti'cit snakes; it so, desirable: Gists Sot right:•iierrt Irc i ,al Clioi"t nas. Gifts , I Lhab are useful and practical $omobhing `to.be used every clay againd,; and again are the.ones tha ai.e usually welcome end used with g -rate - c 8 in• Y , Tel thought Tor the donor. Dozens of, such gi;its•,ti c gathered together iJn this store,at h -wide range of pices. Men, 'women and children- yeti can please 'them all. 'See'our display windows, Meller Hardware Dealers in General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Stoves, Etc. Rowlands Old Stand TELEPHONE 53 CRI-NAMEL STO Western Oats Expect car daily. Selling 850 bus, off car at What oats wou ,cos you to lay: ,Order year requirements. These are high and, will he much higher: Bran -8E Shorts Have cars coming li`s-regularly. Ceder your requirements and give u9 a chance to protect you on 51 rising market. - Call the Icf,talage i , g for good, dean coal 0 11 -'' e A 18 .• COAL COMPANY PHONE ` 74 CLINTON CB o. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Peed Merchants and Grain Buyers Having erected new coal: sheds have , on /land full stock of coal immediate delivery. Prices zeas 'able. Also a quantity of dry' m., wood.' R. J. IVIILLER. Orders taken at residence, plao7pe COAL. Steve, Egg, Nut and Threshing Coke and Kennel Coal Also •Cedar' a.rl_liardwood E. WARD Phone 155. Huron Str Singer •SewingacllI Sold on. Easy, Monthly Paym Special two-year terius.given farmers AIso a full stock of Needles, Belts and Parts for all makes Sole Agent for the Singe: W. GLEN COOK Phone 1713 P.O. Box 20'Wp 011 CHRIST \ AS GIP T S In making se'lection's of Ghristtnas Gifts neve} overlook the fag that there's nothing that will make a mare•seusible and useful Gi for any member of the family, from Grandpa, down to .Baby, than 'selection from our attractive line of Holiday footwear, A FEW CHRISTMAS' SUGGESTIONS Street -Shoes ' Bed Room Slippers Dress Slippers Storm Shoes : house ,Slippers Baby Shoes Dress Shoes 1 Felt Slippers Arcties Comfort Shoes Dress Slippers Rubber Boots School Shoes ' Bath Slippers . - Leggings, e The Ne w Jane Goloshes }Dake a very pleasing Gift the Young : Ladies. Made Jersey' wool cloth, nicely fes lined. Price, $3.50, Remember that our prices ways stand for the Best Vah and our Experieneed::Shoe S vice is always at your comma FRE The Big Shoe Store JACKSON Opposite the Town H C. 11. VENNE'a'a', Electrician Electric. Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and cat Appliances Wiring and 'Repairs: ' Pb PLflLY AND 1 We have b. car of semi coming; in a few days and, will sell the car; •also ,another car of Western Oats which we will also-"; off the car, Leave your order for, delivery off the car, D aBR9N SHORTS AND oirCAKE A LWA 'XS ONI TIA1) .All the First Class Brands of Flour on hand. We will give sp prices on five and ten bag lots -We have some •Ground •Screenings, Chop and Rolled Oats TRY OUP. CELLO -GLASS .FOR YOUR CI-T'IC1rEN HOUSE Charlesworth PHONE 199 '