HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-16, Page 4�r waXuen ts, a rnett , as usul¢• �-
rt r e t1}oslvtbxk of,tbe neceilxbex geesion aF reealnnleY
the afi(uani Council was -gone through open coni'
Sn a ory expedit}qus,'.xnanneri's and 2s600•.fol
leftwae'finxshed ap Fricla'yafternaou and paid",
ciosgtL wrth a short lzxogiam„;at'a Re, ace,
l ro n nrghtxiebb{ng Miltjrmp� welch theyyyrx nine klosp
den 'was lijebexrrted wish agold-headed 't4G4 5Q iS
Gane ; Giatkt of: 76.ea h to,the Exeter We recqu
and ,limon Rlowmgnls Assogiatton talion
and X500 to tine ClXxjdren's And Soc xoTo ee E
IetY Werq ma4do` vRee'omrnendation P t
'o Iepa>r'tmellat” uar� Second' I±loo> of an nnereaSd `Tarr the laxlex was lard Ghau �;
ogex as was• also the valuato5s' report:, follows,
r A Wonderful AisplaY to the next , session was dee! Qed We rec
"-' the severs
to talose Mgpl, i,'oads ip:C7'sborne town- schools ai
ghtp as requested-Ah4'A4 refer to the
,���--.�.-+�. Q 'j. ;•the ' matter of a PI?feted 'fir
Sta aonar.y fi3,000, graltt for klensall: It was';also Wle re I
Fiecided •to. build- an `ex4x a, vault fir thew Lue7cnoW,
H'ptetureS •' court -.house and to piovide sieei filing Seifa.rth
WearWell ,Hosier ,i an ideal verified 7i
Y cahiiieks for, tl+e suita$$'�a�te eour dorso,
Christmas present. WeP110- "^ Fo'lpwmg are 'the det<'tils of the ••bus- WO," ice
P viae special bOX85; •..'. ]ne5's';' ' the Hens,
New litres gi'. P'apet,ries tn- ".The—eloping, sessioiig.' of the -Council, 'Clifford ;s
class 'schbcis be
that the grants to
be paid ivhen.
chidrn "illi E fish line o
. � 2 eStpeCiBls ,�, f
was held .Thursday evening, L'trsiness_
aI ;the Deceiipbex .session *as"fill.
We reiiominVind that the - count Y
rear.' value, , , at ..• o ular
Irina. A 'ore Silk hose Ili all the tir, g .. P' P
,... -
fished .for this, Year, A number of ,ad
dresses were iven b several 'of the
s. Y
cleric also furnish hi school
gh s of
boards' with' the "necessary.forms to
latest shades with lung; foot Prices.
councillors Mr. Jolie"Ha es of Pail--'.
;make'requisitioil £or; their e -rants,
and specialty 'reinforced
ll kinds: p Y
hill, ,titok tare, chair and, eotidueted.
'the lnogrinipie xvhicli` consisted of
We recoxtrmend t'iiat where a school
as doing illi class xvoik_and' is re-
per pan" X1.49,'.
9ddt0ses by' Robert W. Livingston,
caanized by; the Departmenf that the
Wonderful value in ,pure l Al l;lj, Pl{ 1ljjZEB .
Chaillos A. Robertson, A, H. Nteob, M.
ive tYr,ailts be ,double the Legisla-
t giant, providing they.employ two
,al lrn at re- sills, lined with' art stllt,• all n�\
- Many the old' Masters '
'The feature ` of 'tlze evening was
or inoxe"tgachels.
^ of
ricss. shades and siz'eS
the presentation of a. okl-heacledeane
P g
We recommend that'. there port of
firer' pair' 98c in miniature forin-with dainty
to'Warden McKibbonby A. C. Backer
the Exeter high school be returned for
frames, 2SC to 35c each
in dinner Children's and men's soclts
an behalf of the 'Corriity Council, An
address was'read lay Robert-Cronitex.
correction and that we object to 'pay -
ing on a rental basis.
a sets, of tttl kinds, An Ideal Clift,
The ineetfng was -then. on
inotion o£ Messrs. Sanders and Neeb..
Ili the matter of the London Nigh i
School the pupil'bein a resident of
The singing, of the National :An-
Exeter, the county, is not'liable. "
« +
thein 'and "Auld Lang ,Syne" conciud-
This report was adopted.
open evening's until Christmas
ed the December sessions. '
The, Road and Bridges Committee
"Santa Claus' Headquarters "
The council met in the afternoon
and received reports of standing
then presented'its report which was
;,tit Part as follows:
working for the past trsh months.
=House of Rouge Coininittee Re-
ported- as follows: The House of Re-
Tape ComuVdttee met four• times dor_
Re cern,ent culvert between cones -
slonVi and 5, Grey, nix boundary of
an 1 Perth, This "eulvert ha.s
been' repaired and made, passable• and
'Coop i
�, ,+
`�✓✓✓, `�/
the year as por by-law relating to
signs placed , end of concessions
House of Refuge matters and audited
loads to. 7.,590 pounds; at a
Tholn.rs lYfaMiohael for additional
pay re his work at the Refuge, five
tila issued orders for accounts, to-,
lalling y11,260.75.
cost of $16.90,
Re bridge between sixth and sev-
enth concessions' "Grey boftnda • f
illr. and Mrs. Forrest Carter and
t the begmnrng o£ the year•,
through the resignation of the as-
+ ry o
Perth and Huron counties, We agtged
Miss Lottie Jackson spent Sunday
sistant matron, Miss Campbell, the
that abutment was to be reeirforced
j last with friends here.
committee after advertising, selected
with concrete 'under direction of
and -appointed Miss Miller, of Barr}e
County. Engineer: Patterson. The con -
The Knox 'United. ,Srinday school
at the same salary.
tract was let but the work was not
will hold their Christnihs entertain-
, {Steps were taken during the, year
done owing to adverse weather condi-.
ment ori Thursday evening, Dec. 213 -ed,
in the basenront,of the ehureb.-Every-
to deal with the special case of in-
tions -
Re Bowen Bridge Menzies
body welcome.
mates admitted who were possessecj
of property:
Bridge on ""boundary of Huron and
Mr.. and Mrs. R. Shaw expect to
" Miss Miller has given up her posi,-
Perth, We have had these painted at
4, cost of 267.32.
start on a tri to'California the laet
of this week
tion and a Miss Fleck, Zurich,'has
been employed in her place,
Re Balls Bridge. We "have had this
'With regard- to -the matter of the
bridge' "painted ata cost of $192.25,
Mr. John Raithby has purchased
County Solicitor being deprived of
Re Iiohnesville Bridge, The guard
Mr. Gen Howatt's beak, in the v}l-
his Oglitful business at, the House
fence reconmianded has been com-
of -Refuge we recommend that in fu-
tune 'all •business -relating to legal
plated. '
ate Beilmiiler Bridge The east up -
Miss Thelma Lawlor Inns eturlied
fibtu Glencoe, where she las been
inatters of the .County Home be done
proach was widened 'at 'r cost of
working for the past trsh months.
by the County Solicitor and that J.
Torrance be notified of'this decision
Mr. Chas, :Scott gave a party for :t
by the clerk.
(,Continued Next Week)
number• of'lis young friends one ew
In the (natter• of the claim of
oning recently, whorl a most enjoy-
able `time was spent.
Tholn.rs lYfaMiohael for additional
pay re his work at the Refuge, five
recommend no action be taken.
The report was adopted in connnit-
Undo the auspices of Trinity church
tee and incooper. Sttnclay school to the
Varna. The rtapori: of the Finance Com -
Mr. and Mr•s. Morris Johnston and nlittec was next presented, recom- TOWN BALL, BAYF IELD
mending certain payments. Report
family, who spent the past month in FRIDAY, DEC, 17th
was adopted in ennv»ittee and in
fine v}Mage, retiir2led to (lint, accom-
ib� council. ., ut 8 o'clockpau}ed by their mother, Mrs C. John-
, ston,.whro intends spending the vin. Tltr valuators'report was next pre- The pryt rant consists Of Choruses,
seilt6d and ,the tbunell on mtioli of Tableau%" Dialogues, Monologues and
ter thcro: Sanders and (laves, went into com- .Recitations, also
M and Mrs. John Rathwell left
on Thursday last to spend the winter ntittee o£. the whole with Mr. Arps- "Little Stockings on the Wali"
��!a� f' !! 'Yl�r strong in the'bhair: The' clerk road By the piimary pupils
with friends in the States of Oregon the valuators' report Ad a genera}' "That Long Ago Duet" --Comedy
M1VIatChe9-i�><li><t� � and California Their inany fi}ands discussion toak place. The valuators CASTE-
! wish thenx a pleasant •tri were present Ind gave an account 'Mrs Bixley • • • .... • , ,Agnes Kerr
1tTessrs, Russell anti Harold Taylor•, of their work. After considerable dish Martha ... , ... , . , Emma Sturgeon
who have been in Detroit for the cussion .eoo
thfllwing naonwere
Model 309D Plow $70.$9) Jimmy , ... .. Ii oId 'McLeod
summer, have returned to their home.
- r Mr. 19f. Elliott shipped a carload of dealt With:.dill Jennie .. Eleanor , Sturgeon - Moved, by Messrs,. Sanders and The 'Captain .George Sturgeon
live stock to Toronto Saturday, last.
Neeb, that the a valuators report on The Colonel . , . , boughs Geniinhardt
G Quite I number of the young ileo- „,
SPECIAL BARGAINS for this week in Radio Sets. See ple attended Xiss Stewart's school the valuation es the received
for d tai- `Miss Dou ton's Orchids Comedy
concert, whielr .was held in Walker's
' zat}on purposes be receavad and laid. CAiSTE—
these sets before buying elsewhere. over -for further consideration at the Cecily Belknap Lucy Woods
hall, Bruce£ield, last Friday night, January meeting of the council, and Bess Maynard .. Ploy Edwards
Misses Annie sort Emily Heys left that the valuators be paid," Polly Winslow ...... Annie McLeod
Also Eveready and' Burgess B Batteries, Tubes, C Batteries on Ttwtday for Oshawa,' where they . "Moved• in amendment by Messrs. Owen Belknap ... . , Albert Dunn
intend spending' the winter with'their Livingston .hand flays, that we approve Gordon McAllister .. Fred Beard
Phones, s • ecial at .2,75: sister: '
P of the report of .the vahiators as pre- Kenneth •rilooro .. .Ernest Brown
We tui pleased to report that Mase seated and that a resolution to that Don't Miss This Splendid Program
Large 18 -inch cone -speaker, delivers teat voluriie, special ter Elliott Chuter is able to be effect be recommeuded and left over Admission --=Adults, 25c
on(, l p around again. for further consideration in the Jan- Cjiildren under 12 years -15c
y $14 each, equal to any cone on the market at $25 Mr. Clifford Epps is busy thesenary meet;
days installing radios.. ,A ,vote was taken, 17 voting for the
The United church' purpose holding motion and 12 for the 'amendment.
�g /�, g q� thein Christmas entertainment 'on 'The motion declared carried. The
A Ilio t !� l/ Tuesday, Dec. 23rd. 9�
warden resumed the chair and the to-
(Xntetrcled ,£br last week) ' tion in committee was confirmed in
` Stewart -Warner healer. Phone 89, dCllntonDr.` and Mrs..Moffatt motored' all council. We never
Motions were then called, the got -
the way fvom London toar11a, on lowing being presented: l
Wednesday, of l you
lash week.,to east their Moved by Messrs. Nays and Me- that,
ballots: Later in the evening, when (vl'uairl, that all moneys to the credit
the results -were known by radid,'�it of `paying inmates in the house of 9
. , �C��a�cryas due tb their ,courtesy that many Refuge to January the first, 1927, be
O OVERCOATS PLeRCOATS e were iible to celeyrate-the ,conserves- placed in a separate accormt•and tbat .
tive victory, at Varna poll and the inmates,be charged to that ac- eta
That appeal to +k',V+l rg man aiZEtdl d` r (illCQ r.
throngs{out the piovmce, in a splen- counts' Carried; 4` c� 99
y did manner. The report of the 'special Commit-
00 �
' Mr. Harold Rathwell of Detroit is tee "was taken up }n 'the Morning and Just usto 4
Your money has greater•'pur- visiting.with his parents; Mr, and dNeussed very thoroughly and adopt-
a^ ohasing power when you buy Mrs. J. Rathwell -of the village. ed iir. Committee and council as fol-
pour clothing>here. We are o£- We are very ,sorry to report that lours: _
Tering exceptional values in Master 'E1liott Chuter is _still under Re request of Gdadman and Stan- Ci;,1SHION= QL.E
Suits and. Overcoats. To give the doctors care and continues to be bury; or -r UGboine'lownship 'p R
you he utmost in style, in fab- ver ill' but at time ` of writin his .askin than a b law .be Shoe hildr
y Y, Y g g`. Y passed�le
t fie and 'in tal'loring we have condition is slightly improved dosing up certain roads }n above
n Are A
.,- combed the best markets' of tho'. 112r, 'ani] Mrs.' W. NfcAs}i motored `earners township; W'>e reCommend'tha�t "
country., Never have yoix seen front Loudon on Sunday, retirrnirig, in this be lane and a •copy of this be-
Lthea finer showing;:o Suitings. All the evening accompanied ly the lat- law be forwarded to 'tae 'lirapex`' of-
Personally guaartrteed by us to ters'mother•,-Mrs, C. Weekes, 1)'ho in- fieials.; Standard
Five you lasting service. tends spending thd; winter' inon hs iti Re rcominendation frgm' W. Bry-
4 Best. Indigo Bye' Suitings :at
city. " done, Clinton, regarding section, h of
14liss Emily Beatty of Londoli spent by-law':No. 1924. We reccirninend'that
X30 to '^�55 " Snnday'a bY
her•homn in the'Burg•. this matter lye referred to the
Mr. W♦.:; TayIor,�hlplied it car load 'county'sohcitor'' and 'ask for a writ- o'
1 = --- of live stock to Tox oto Saturday, ten opi torr on thus question.
® Miss Welsh' spent the- week eXtd' iii H "'"Irrdin, Provincial engilreeK, was
� ' ° London. o present and, addressed the comma In
The i oiteta'Shui'eh Sunday scho the afternoon .Mv;.1t vin in'his ad e�', are
Custom Tailoring Clean}fig aitd Pressing are .preparing for a Christmas enter= .dress, •gage considerlibl`e' rirformat}ori
Deeemberi kl on "the 23rd of: zogar'dings'the roads ofA is
tainment to be 'hecounty.
„ ,The :executive committee, itacle its
The W. A. of St,'•John's church met report. which ryas taken up in connnit-
, ,at the home of Mrs J 06atty Tbur•s tee with• Mr. )Cox int the chair. 'The
Auburn the Auburn 'Iiorisa. j day afbelnaon -to pabk 'thein- bale: repo.it'; vas 'thoroughly 'discussed and
The funeral of '. the I4te Thomas •which they send: to, tb it fornfet pas-', adbpte.d. With sOm,e amendmentz. in Fresh :' .��t�k'$on
The 11.ptast Sunday school will hold Doyle took, jilaco ft.6ni ' the Cathode for, ltev,• YIr. Condell,, jto is'stationed ;comraittoo and ':in •council. , Tlie: to
'its annual Christmas tree, and enter- church, St. Augustine, ,Friday, Dec. at Caledon)a, to distr'i%te among hhe PArt is, part. as hollows. • ` Retailor o3 ine 7 aotWear
-tainment in the church `on Tdesdayi 10th: Interment in Catholic centietery .1W ]ans, " Re i'a,•ppeal `fr' 1" "L�r titer drstrict
Aec, 21st at 8 p.m, Mrs. Shaw returned front, Detroit : The W;':M S of ,tlie Unified e'iureh Junior I'iowmen`s� Association, having CLINfiON, Or`lx. `
Mr. and Mrs; Albers Xing are Visit last week, where she spent a weelr hold' tato}r mothly titeeting' on Thurs ,area n ne'd the £i riiucial staternent' of s
ing with their son, Russell Kang of with friends." day last. , receipts.; and 'expediture, rve recom-'
NG Shop before #Carrshias
Jewelry= the gift thaf . lasts a lifetirxie—tike gift'
that is a constant reminder of the taste and generosity 1 k
the giver, Jewelery is the most a Pp 'i•eciated of ' gifts. At'
I lellyar s lowest xn-the•tOwn prices ( quality for -qualify
-prevail on every piece of jewelry, silverware and'gift
merchandise in our stocks,
from $7,25,up
A special watch in white or green
u t gold filled at, $12,00.
Men's watch of,reliable make,
A special'watch for"'•boys`at $1.50'
-- a chain given with each.
boys' watch,
Ladies' and Gentlemen's rings in large =
See our specials in Ladies Diazriond. -
Rinjs from $15,00 up. ,
r`' • . _ • Bar pins and brooclies in latest
( 3. - . designs moderately priced.
Cuff links, Chains and Scarf pins for the gentlemen.
Clocks of all descriptions from
$1.00 to $10.00.
French Ivory—A big stack
Umbiellas for Ladies and Gentlemen
Silverware is always popular for presents it is
artistic and useful,
Cut Glass and -China.
We have a stock of. Victrolas and Records
A Victor'talking machine from $17:50 up.
What is.Christrnas without music?
Come -in and see the most attractive
asssortment of Christmas gifts
.shown in torn.
'Open Evenings
Phone 174w „ Residence 174j