HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-16, Page 2CLINTON
of 8ubscription-42:00 per year
Advance, to Canadian _aildreeSsS;
O tho U.S. or othe toreign TMy, inYstermus PaSS:313, SIT
iitrios.No paper, di800ntillood eight inch: tall Christmas tree- an
alt arrears aro poici:Miless at ',absurdly 'guy spot for the infornml
option of alio. Publisher, The' Christmas dinner---e11110T, for ',the -
ta to which overy sahscrintlRa to family group Tof for guests--Sor
Id is 'denoted on the lahet grown-ups and kiddies. MI will on
rtInIng Rater,--Trauslont adver- • ulIa amutng gft
Mg -t
, 1,2c per Count lino for 'that '
Aadif there is no gT0111), and no
ertion Be for each subsequent.
. eine,
ertion. Heeding counts 2 lines.
all advertimenents, not to eneend
e ince, such as "Wanted," "Lost,"
traftd," ete,, laserted once for
e; each schsequent Insertion 15c.
vertisements zent lis without 15-
tact/0ns as to the ntunber of tu-
itions ,wanted Will run until order -
out and will be charged accord -
1y, Rates for display advertising
de known on application.'
eimunicatfans inteneed fOr..pnblI
meat, as -a guarantee ot good
be accompanied by the name of
titer. .
Proprietor. Editor.
eneral "Banking Briedeeso transact.
Notes Inseoueted., "Drafts Issued.
erest Allowed 051 Deposits. Sale
es Perchased.
- - •
. -
Paotary Pubne, conveyancer,
andel, Real Estate and Fire -m-
ime Agent: Representing 14 Fire
Mance Cempanies,
Deesioti Court office, Clinton.
rrister, Solicitor, Notary Penne, etc,
Hourse---1.30 to 3.30 p.m,, 6.30
8.00 Attl., Sundays, 12.30 to 1.31 p.m,
Other hours by apeointment *My.
ce and Recidence Vletoria St.
R. H. S. BROWN, L.M.C.C.
Office Flours - •
0 to 3.30 „pan. 7.30 to 0.00 p,m,
Suedoye 1.00 to 2.00 .p.m..,
Other hours -by appointment.
• • Phones;
ce and atesidetice,. tantOrie Street.
Phoee, 212.
mice tine Residence: ...
tario Street • Clinton. One
ne door west of Anglican Chereb.
. Phone 172. ,
Dyes examined and. glasses fitted.
Otnce and Reaidence:
roe Street Clieton, Ont.
. Phone 60 • •
ornierly -occupied by the Iate .
, .0. W. Then:mama
yes Examined and Glasses Fitted.
hiroptector---ElectrIcal Treatment.
Winglutzu, will be at the Commer-
1 Inn, Clinton,on Monday and
ursday foreboctnia etteh week.
itseasee of 5111 kinds sucreeashilly
lulled. •
owned Allot/tamer for the County
of Huron. '
rresposidente promptle answered.
mediate arrangements eat be merle
r Sales 'Date at The Ilewealecord.
1nton, or by caning Phone 103.
Morges Moderato end Satisfaction
Guaranteed. a
Ctinton, Ont.
weal Fire and Life InsmancoaAgent
r Hartford Windstorm, 'Live Stook,
utomobile and Sickness and Accident
serenest Heron aud Erie and Cana-
Trest 13onde. Appointment -1 made
meet pertiela at Pruceilehl, Varna
cl Hayfield. 'Photo 57.
once Greduate Croy Jones' National
Wool of AuctioneerIng, Chicago. Spea
al course takee in Put -is Bred Live
took, Real Estate Merchandise Mid
arm Sales. Rates in iteePing witb.
revelling market. Sallefattion as-
ured. Write or wire Zurich, Ont.
f hone 13.03.
.1'S11113 will arrive at and tlepant from
Clinton as follows:
Buffalo ehd Goderith Div.
ming East, depart 6.25 am,
4/ 11 14
2.52 p.m.
!Ding Went, ar. 11.10 a.m.
an 6.08 tip. 6.53 pea.
41 II ar. 10.04 p.m.
London, Huron & Bruce Div.
;eine Sossth, sr. '7.56 dp. 7.56 a.m.
o 4.10 .p.m.
ohm Nortb, depart 6.50 p.m.
•• " " 11.05 11.15 a.m.
The McKillop .Mraboal
?ire Ingiirance Company teralock-eone of the most decorative with leaf fl10,111: EDIEST b11/8 of c.hatcoal,
-treditional Christmas dinner, a littleo
tore helps make the day festive --end
makes a bright and comferting Com-
panionfor a siek child or a 101.elY
person. .
An imitation evergreen about eight
inches high can The obtained at a candy
and Chriotereas favor -shop, or at the
novelly counter in 'a larger store.
Trees with tiny candles are more ef-
fecilive but of course, must be lighted
with care, and the iii,/10 111.1331SE3 blown
Silt before a package is taken from
the trOe.
IT the hese of the tree is ,attached
to a small box, till the box with hey
nets ot candy. ,nteearners of , tiusel
thread or silver paper make sparkling
decora.tdons for tho branches. "Snow!'
and a silver shower may be bought
anywhere where ClyiStmas decdra-
tions are sold, but strips cut from tin-
foil, not necessarily :new, .or colored
paper, do very vreil and wet next to
nothing:. •
- If the tree in not in a ,holdee. place
•it bi a box der convenient htirttrling-
The heavier packages on the -lower
branches, on opposite sickest f the
tree will, balance it.
Wrap everything. Cut , sinall
squares from calmed wrapping paper,
or bright colored sm.-etch pad. Tie
these with colored stringe knitting
silk, tinsel thread, or bits Of oarrew
ribbon. The brighter and gayer the
colors, the better, but if one has 'nine
to work out color schemes, here are
too suggestions.
yackages wrapped in blue or 'pink
or white paper, and tied with eilver
or 'gold thread, the -White packages
hroad r
-lie:(141*4 I'D k ith. a
,thaeirdean , , vraPPe-
with red, white,,of }s0.1-, paper
Andtied. with :tinsel) th)read Or 'SSA
Piny ....'pepp imit'ated'by
rol,mg some nnaP objrct in tissue
P..,ItPerp frilling the ends and tying in
two places with the gift between.
Eatables'shoulcl be wrapped in wax
paper -then in colored po.por. In ty-
ing alt packages leave 'enough string
to loop over 1)1°)mi:hes af tpoa and ti
thanl)y. ,
In. selecting . gifts miniature give
and light a)eight Are important. Sorno
suggestions:follow fer presents for an
inexpensiye tree. Five cents worth of
peanuts or animal crackers would
supply many trees. -Animal crackers,'
etc., ,can be wrapped -two together,
Large nuts may be wrapped in silver
ST colored papr-niakIng bright
on the tree. A handkdrehlef KnaY
be folded as striall as.a postage stamp.
,pverything on the dist may be obtain-
ed at a five and ten cent store, ail art
shop; or a candy and favor shop.
Crackers and nuts of course' may be
obtained from the grocer.
Tiny teadenders, colored thimbles,
art gum, beads for stringing, beauty
pins, lingerie „clasps, invisible hair-
pins,' needles, paper • clips, elastic
bandS; water flowers, tiny wooden
tops, tiny scissors, dolls and dolls' ac-
cessories -these -are just a few of the
things which may be placed- on the
This Same plan, of course; may be
ealhorated upon as much as one wish-
es. inaeard a the artificial tree, a
real tree; in a very, very :small sixe
ilmatbe used, And gifts ofenore'value
may telt° the place of the amusing,
inexpensive milts outlined above:
e.And-Where there are no kiddiewn-or
where Santa overlooks bringing the
kiddiesa tree- the tiny miniatura
one wig be doubly appremated.
Si innotephninope
Pozoner muler-secretary 01Atabu in the
kecteralneeeernment and a dlettnenesle
ed figure' In Creedian publio lieo, died
at his home in Ottawa, on -Dec. 2, aged
73 yams. Sir Joeeph had-alayer a big
part to the- civil service or ties country
&ming the past fonty-five years. Re
wes late E..5011 of the late 116n. TV. 11;
Pope, we or the fathere- of nlonfedeeze-
s. Pearl -Bedecked Canoe.
Balboa, who welter the Pearl Is.
/ands, near the bey ofPanarna, report -
ad tb,et the canoe; of the -chief was
richly decotated with eemis.
Use of Aluminum Paint.
Aiuminnm meat is being used to
keep etructures eithee hot or cold, be-
cauee tt reflects heat and does soot
rewally absorb it
We hear ye jingle of ye sleigh)
And gledlyin our toil we pause
To weicorneen tays Ohristmas Day
Ye famed jollie Sanaa Claus;
He cometh dowsi ye sootie flue
To hunahle cot or lordly hall
And singeth out hys loud halloo,
"A Morrie Chrietnins to 'You Ale"
Hys smile is broad, hys await is waren,
He briegeth funne and right good
And be there calm or be there storm,
He comsat surely once 0year.
And in our hearts he lights a glow,
Beaman hys magiek seen we fall,
Ttu wo, too, greet high and Jew -
Wytn "Meanie Christmas to You
Thys 'day he eules the world, hysjaws
Are lawn of love and peace and
mirth; -
Ale weeld thatte gentleSanta Cleus
Might ever govern on ;the earth!
Yette are eve gratafal thatte he brings
One day of Joy for Great and Small,
One day when all ye planet rings
Wnth "linerrie Christmas to You
All." '
Winter Apple -Blossoms.
The beenches of any epple-tree
Seem very logatitifel to MO
When laden with white Wooers of
They lightny llft and bend and blow.
The fields rimy lie, delis, sere and cold,
And Summer be a stoat told,
But snow-blooies on my apple tree,
Turn Winter into May forme.
. Ott Munson.
The most severe test of friendship
is whether it will stand a loan.
There is surely ite interest and en- ovel bouquet with sterns enerlaPeing
i :QM:is that will carry on into eke vitie, wite-eztoged hemlock, holly and-
thusiam in planning Christmas house and concealed in the middle, of tabor
winter, fee exceeding thot ef tiny bright berries; tie a red bow over the
other 15096011. StSillS-wide paper ribbon is all right
The most stolid person in the world,. -and hang betwden the, inner and
win feel a thrill at- the thought of outer window sashes. These are rap -
Christmas greene, and the least sesta. idly macie and exceed,iegily peetty.
mental win gloev at the sight of hay For the basIcete, select went grime -
and tnietletom - - ful shape and effective cola; eaace in
When we go for -oar Christmas it a conboiner foe water, and fill with
things we take cuttes, twine and EL cope -bearing hein:ock, motac sprays,
cauple of big baskets. We go firet blue -berried cedar ancl juntieer, sprigs;
.tis the big pitch pine's, for we covet a , ef everiestieg end haylierries.
few twigs of its brigiantny green! Yoe the "Welcome" wreaths make a
needles, eelecting branches beeriner; rotincl of it stiff but pliable. twigatane
the- rough, chubby cotes. Here we a pair of ecieeers mid a ball of soft
also'find a certain variety of rich twine and go to work. The foundetion
bream heads of seed vessels of a wild is prettiest made Of ail serts of geoen-
grass, heads that ate very effective ie ;,cry of tile 'varieties seggested, Meted -
winter bouquets. , i ing es many cones as possible. Inter -
We then go to a certain hiKsitie 1 sparse the white overcasting end as
where tee ea50 find nearly everything; many varieties of berrie.s as you have
(Kee necessary for our purposes---' at heed, using sprigs of bayberry
princees pine, tree ,evergeeen, bar- I 'Altera:1y. Bunch a limas , of ever -
berries, bayberries and so forth; ancl greens, cones and berries at Lho top
We clip beanches of juniper and cedar if you wish. Hang on the front door
and white pine, and tvolgoerf maiming with is big red how,
eumac beeries, which eetain their glee- Smell pine or cedar trees Or tiny
Sons red eater through the winter andf junipers, potted, 5:50 Char111iing.
are very effective in evreetho and bas. Then there le EL moss garden made
Ivets, For sprays oa cons -fringed in a big floweepot saucer, This I fill
Head Office,' Seaforth, Ont.
aeoldera, James Connolly, Goderleh;
"ice, James Evane, /3eeeliwood; Sec:
'roasurer, Thos. 13, Hays, Searoith.
erectoren George McCartney, , Sea-
orthgla. F'. IVIciareger, Seaforth; a. G.
Move, Welton; Wro, Ring, Seaforth;
4. IlleEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries,
earlock; John Benneweir, Broillaegee;
'ea. Connolly, Goderleb,
Agents: Alex. Lotto), (Anton; J. W.
fee, Goderich; Ed. Hincliray, Sea-
orth; W. Cheersen, EnetiondvIlle; R.
Jar -math, Prodhagen. -
Any Money to be paid in may be
aid to Moorish C.lothing Ca, Clintore
n• at Cuit's Grocery, Goderich.
Parties desiring to affect Ineuran,ce
Is traesact other business . wilt be
go:wetly attended to 00 application to
of the winter greeins-wo visit the then cover with emit green mese, in.
grounds 'of a friend, where we' are whieh I set all sorts of titty wood
also allowed to tie:lace a few twigs of growths --partridge and ebeckerberry,
the time -unique cone -bearing ever- gold thread, bits of Terns and so forth.
greens. Everything, except the su. Thio is sprayed every day, set in tee
.01100 berries and thb) seed vessels of sun occe,sionany, and in it appears all
the grasses,. we clip. most ceoefulty, gate ea rodwate growths. Acorns. and
with sieneereetion in tabid; end we chestnuts sprout into tarty trees.
never cut the elow-grovoiria arid dim- One of the very pettiest aafl most
iniahing laueet or pull the rare creep- effective Christmas decorations I
ing etegborn. , Immo is made by rapidly wiping oeer
With ell this weelth of gremery letegular „ ancl attrac,tively shapea
and snowing 0010r at Command, it is Imre twigs with paste, sprinleing
easy to wreath picteree with the trail. them eparealy with while. con,fetti,
Ing evergreeris, branches of white ALW of which will adhere, and then
pine, cedar and juniper, and to make sp.rinIclieg thoroughly with the gait -
exquisite wreathe, 'baskets and win- teeing silver mica dust eted for eaow.
slow sprays to conteibute to the charm ming Christmas trees, The eesints
of Christmastime. Beware, however, in en airrangemeet exactly retellaliee,
ig „tor Chia.
n =Nei forget the
possibi)ddfl i),(1;:tihe home-macia
rttnrAttleTivlr 4,1ift;
erect with 'the pernonal touch -great-)Y
appreciated 'by Most of our, friends.
Also, at the' -sarnif time, ena thus pro,
vides the candies to be enjoyed...by the
fonti1,3' and guests in the home during
the holidays. •
The smal5 hex of salted almond's
a.nd peanuts,a quarter pound 131:a3,to
suggest -e(1 'for each person at the
Christmas dinner OT to accompany a
card for the acquaintance 0111.3 'WiShss
i".7n be.i
-toi OtiVie bcCs
and the inside' -of the, covers Wax'
paper, a litle red ribbon, a Christines
card, or, a spray of holly tucked' in add
very few pennies to the expense, but
double the velue of the gift,
. -
Prepare nuts, all except ahroands
and nee/tuts 'must be shelled, With
pcanuts'• remove the red skins. Al-
innrale ere pieced in baing water for
about two minutes, till skins soften,
and then ponr off watef' and partly
coal. Re01.0V0 brown jackets and dry
them. Phr alt kinds put 44, cup cook-
ing oil or a tablespoonfuls butter in
frying nein. Stir in 1 cup nuts and
grease well, _remove frorn fat ,artd
drain on paper. While dreinieg,
sprinkle with sale. 'Grease another'
oup, full and SO on. Next place in
pan area in oven tall Its nro.wn, as &s-
tared. Watch well evalle in OL/e1/ arici
have only rrioderately heated oven for
thds work.St' . ,
cOpe sugar,
2-3 cup of -milk;
2 taalespoonfuls butter,
3 ounces chocolate.:
-Boil while stirring niln tint k eflinnffh
to clropn.from spoon as mol&ms will,
that is, when Poured aack into the met
of tile, mixture it will pile up on itself
a little and not readily mix into the
rest as a thinner Beald will (about
or 8 minutes). Remove from heat;
aad 1 teaspooeful vanilla' and beat
ttli creamy and just ready tb harden.
Pour into bettered pan seitinnut when
pasely cooled..
Nuts co or bits ef
marshmailow may be added as I
11 13 beaten. The.tinne of -beat-
ing. is abont'd7" or 8 minutes
and this gives ,a crearaY
result than longdr tuiJlsug Aid less
beating in all candies thin er'eam, (15
very rich milk gives sintioth, velvety
-results, as compared with ordinary
Milk and part nrelk-and part evapor-
ated milk will' give line results when
cream le not at hand.
2 wee molasses,'
1 cup sugar,
3 tablespoonfuls butter,
w ter
, Boil till hard hall forms in cold
water. Add either 1-3 teaspoonful of
.cream of tartar or 1 table-slot:011ie./
vinegar. Pour onto buttered platter
till partly cooled, With wide knife
fold over and over; and where cool
enough, pull, Butter 'the hands for
pealing. Curt in own pieces' with
sheers. Wrap in wax paper. •
1 cup white sugar,
1 cup brave eugar,
cua corn syrup,
1 cup light cream er rich milk,
-% teaspoonful salt. .
Mix in sauce pan Mid stir over heat
five' MilialteS. Boil 5111 ±1 forms a hard
ball in'cold water. -Add one teaspoon-
ful varelaa and e tablespoonf ins butter.
Pour into oiled pan. Cut when partly
cooled. Later wimp in caeamelimpers.
For chocolate toffee with better add
one ounce of cboodatte, ;Nuts and
marshmallows cut ie small bitsmay
be added as desired. Often these are
chocolate ccated, too, •
Corn syrup is used in many. candies
With cane sugar. Candiesmourea into
pens oiled with cooking MN or Signe
oil hey° A more attractive surface
than when butter is used on the pans.
1 oup sugar,
3 t.ableepoonfuls water, .
Boil up well once, till aubbling all
over surface. Put 3 teaspoonfuliecon-
fectioners sugar into a bawl and pour
syrup ento this, thee beat bin smooth
and flavor, Drop on wax paper or
oiled tin. -E. M. S.
On youe Christman list, like that of
everyone, bhere are tramee which pre -
sett difficulties. Perimps a frieed in
hospital, or a nephew who cannot get
home for Christmas, or some far away
arierid. You searchethe shops in vain
and in despser you tarn home ---home
Holly Berries.
In some parts of Ireland holly is
regarded as the special tree of the
In- Rutlandshire there is 11 super-
stition that it is unlucky te take holly
into the house before Cluisimas,
Holly is ValliMCI us a wood by cabinet
makers. It le white- and hard.
Holiy trees are grown in almost
every part of the world. The leaves
en a, holly in the Himalayas are from
eight to ten inches long.
The South American 'native drink,
mote, its made from tbe leaves of a
species of holly- -
Holly has been popular for decora-
tions slime the time of the Druids.
to your kitcheit perhaps, to prepare Ideas bring in nothin
reed out.
the evening meal, and then the idea
comes -why not send a box or hamper
of home-made Christman dainties te
beat, your Ohriettnas greetinge of
cheer. Of course you will want Christ.
meg Cake in it, some Shortbread, oonne
home-made caudy and nuts. These
boxes daintily packed and tied with a
bright bow make attractive gifts.
'I cups llour,
2 cups butter,
lie cup fruit sugar,
Cup brown sugar.
Cream butter, add sugar gradusvny.
Add flour 'gradually and' mix well.
Put out on floured board, Ettead until
it cracks and is of even consistency,
Shape bite. desired sizes. Bake in
moderato oven, 350 degrees, for 20
1 eup figz,
1 gap walnuts, 1 cup dates,
1 cup seeded raisins,
ao tablespoon lenion juice.
Put fruit and nuts through food
ehopper. Add. lernon juice. Mix well.
Ftoll into balls. Then roll ln grape-
le,tecl etagere powdered sugar, icing
sugar, or ohteamon.
Jesu, lyte of all the wernle!
Then to whom len hearte doth
. W -hen the elmerees `affryte it,
,Ilede Me, foe it 15 so Butane
That coetarre could lyte it.
Seem ayte 'of all the worlde!
If too 'black my heartee derko
For Thyselfe to handle., '
Lyte it with Thy wordes spark
For Thy Christraasee candel.
of ueing hemlock Cor peeinateent wall a barelnal IS bra -aches 'CoVer•eil WW1lzelr ; _
of the tibeve olliceremateIrest,osed to tiec.oratinn, it 'noon -ti,egt.o8 to dry :front Two 01, eine, sleennen•eece • oe,
re.spective post 0 ea, S*505 r
risbectod by tb6 Dii.ector wilb lives eeen; , . ,,, 111 0 gets's er sever -he, der _mega a
aearefft the scene. For window sprays arrenge e tlat amtutiful Cametru,as
The feel wonders; the wise man
Por tire
there's notIsIng equals
the nifty little boautt.
fully colored, -
SEND au empty DY -0 -LA
Dye pacicago and 11 cents
($tainps or COM) for each
Doll Pattern wanted,
unless car -
Hospital for Sickehildreft
67 College St., Toronto 2, Ont.
Dear 114r. Editer:
A spirit of, wane fraendliness
tvords the Hospital for Sick „Children
IS Toronto exists all over the
province and. it Incretnets with Use
years. -It has boon enhanced to a
considerable extent by the ;elutes
which, have- beet conducted in so
many centres In Oittarlo by doctors
from the Holipital who havenpieked
out curable cases which up to the
time of "the clinio had been seem
'ugly hopeless - eventually ,tiendlug
the little patients home from the
ilospital healed awl fitted to he
valuable assets to their municipal!.
ties, instead or remaining useless
'and pathetimeurdens.
Your readere, 111 cemmon with the
,peopin In all other prosreselve eotto
mutinies, are intereeted In the Hon
'Mal and what It is doing. Tbe
keen Interest In crippled ebIldree
inanifeeted by 'the Rotary, Kiwtens,
Gyre, Lions andother eervice, clubs
throughout the eprovince,- has been
of grand assistance in bringing in
uefortunate children, often from re
reoteedIstricts to tbe varlow canteen
where the :members of Om Hospital
staff have etteuded and bane been'
Maio to hold knee clinics with the
result that there aas been a Stead!'
'.etream of ehndeen ad.mitted, to tbe
' Hospital from an over Ontario, for
. it long time,
This Is but one breech of tht
thoroegb.. service rendered. by -tin
Hospital, It is the best equipped
Mgt/Lunen of its kind on tee cen
'Uncut ter the treatmett et all eland
ailments. No Ornerier child reciter
inn' its service's /A refused admittance
told all tbat ,tnotlern medical and
surgical skill combined with loving
care can accomplish ia bestowed
epon tiro sufferer, without dIstine
tens as .13 religion or nationalleo
„or because tease reeponsible for the
ohlid are in poor circumstances.
, Heavy 'eaponse is Involved In ibis
merciful were, Mr. 10-1 RS you
can , realize. Ordinary sources -et
revenee, including grants, fall to
cover the actual wet of maintonitene
or the little patients, notaltestend
leg thrifty management. Old felends
four new ones ,are rellee upon, 11
oheip in eseing the deference ano
they include the readars ot yam
,veluabIe .paper, 'Tim Hospital Pot
,Sleit Children- does net: share in the
earunds of the Teronto Federation for
anorrenunlly Service, becntiee 11takes
;patients, from all over the province
Please ask your roa thirs 50 rOrnolO
"tierntgh...opI ain
i for S telt Children
.1L'1105, they are 'dog their Christm
. „
wli A m3,
• Ch ttircnan or the lirtiet ries.
God 'With Ua.
Olt, llghttthe Christmaa candles
And :et them shine to -night
Aetws the mew of
Reflecting }leaven's Light,
A Light that brings election
Glad tidings of good cheer.
Light forever burning.
0111.3 pathVa.), Straight and teen
Oh, light the ChristMas candles,
While chantora sweetly sing,
Icor once more in a' manger
Is throned' our new -horn King.
With lnYrrh of deep -devotiorl,
And joy and things of gold,
Caine sproad a living worship
,Waero wise-dnen knelt of Old.
Oh; light the Citristrafis candles
And ring, ye anerry bells;
Fling osb the cheer end goed
Each yuletide message tells;
Forgetting years of darkness,
We wells toodan in Light. '
Come, eat the shining candles5
15310111 singS with Heaven tonight I
-Anne M. Robieson,
Santa Claus, Pawnbrolier.
. .
„;The trades. sign of pawnbrokers IS
the fsaniller three brase balls. Feta
howeiver, know that the balls have
Christmas origin, ancdowe thleir exist.
once as a "loan" symbol to Santa'
Maus or St. Nicholas-, Russia's patron
ill1-111;et. was a,ivery'-rich yoUngenee, and
among his possessionswere thew bars
ot' geld, given to him by his 'parents
aria treasured accoadingly. One night,
just before Christmas, he wa$ passing
a noblemen's, house, and througlethe
open window' neata bine ten his thee
daughtees that misfortune had mane
on him, end. that the house and all in
it must be seld, and that they would
have 50 beg their bread in the streets.
Niaholas' heart was tenoned, and,
knowing that money would be refused,
he conceivecathe idea of secretly plac-
ing one of the neaten -0.f' gold le the
house. • This imedid grad it was found
and looked on 'as' a gift, from Provie
&Mee.' Ile met another, bar theeneXt
night, and -veas about td do the seine
on the third -right; when t,ne nobleinao
discovered him. Nieliolae preesed lern
to accept the golden, bars, and after
a time the rtobleman agreed -to take
them as; a loan, to .be repaid when bet=
ter times came
The story -a legend a course.--
-Relief tram
Rheumatic Paine
heomatism 155 13, 00311.4i119110,3313,1
defense. It cannee local aches' And
pains, inflamed joinfe..tincl stiff
nniscles; but cannot he pia unteently
,rolieved by load OS external appli-
cations. ---I5 mut have colistitationei
, Take the ;teat bloedeninifying mid
leek menilelne, Rothils ,558tatcperilla,
which correctn- the acid conc1ition,.01
the blood ore whicli.rheurreitisei ,cle-
penes, and gives permenent -"relief;
It combines the most effective agents
In the treatmeet of this disease. '
apreate ALA gradtEpliy t1s050 'who 10115
inoney took the tarnee bars as . ththr
trade sig -n. Later they were changed
to the "three bells"
Christ:mai for the Birds.
Airieng other delightful traits ef
the Scandinavian 'people 58 ,therr cee.
tom in their YLE58 festivities of think-
ing not only of the happiness tbetr
Iittla enes, but of teaching' these chil-
dren to bear in mind tha happiness a
others and in' particular of the eni-
inals about them. We have seen that
they never omit to provide the trusty
household ntisse with his Yule dinner
of perridge. But tbey also remember
the blade At the Yuletide season, INC
market -place of Christiania (now
Oslo) presents a very gay aspect,
filled as 11 10 with spree° trees of ard
sizes for the chilaren'srlestival. But
there is a feature in the Ndrse Christ -
Mas that I hare not heard *11 111 any
other country, in that, in then market-
place there is for each Christmeneree
• Juieneg, or little sheaf ef barley,
welt person wlio buys a tree buying
also a nheaf, Then, when the tree la
set ula in the main TOOTS of the home
at •Yuletide for the bairns (bore, at;
they are called in Norway). the sheaf
of- grain is fastened on the end of a
pole and put out in the yeed fin a
Chnistmats feest for the birds! If the
degree of civilization fe people een
be measUred by ies behavior to tha
animals about it, then this. cuitom
denoted in the Norsemen a very, high
plane ificteed, " •
nn additien to measurements and
fingerprints Of criminals, phono-
graphic records of their voices 0971
now be taken without their knowodg•e.
It Is the One Time Of All the Year When It Should Be
Dressed Up --To Do Its Bit In Spreading Yuletide Cheer.
Even our lestrets, the heuses In
which we live, sin their mute way -wee
come with joy the advent of Christ-
mes and the holiclays. You may not
have suspected it -but that is because
you have never paused to coneider
that the -yuletide season is the onnY
time, throughout the year that our
housen are "dolled -up" or allowed; to
wear gay ribbone, and bright colors
and put forth their moat invitingap-
Ffewveer, houttes like little girls,
immetimes are put to shame ani the
way their mothers dregs them up -.-
501210 mothers, as you lcnovt, overdoing
it -others by their bad taste-, and
still <Abets -who seem to think that a
"hair xibnon." Is enough to make tme
feel dressed up.
Christemte decoration in the home
are not der the family and vieiting
...friends only. Every housewife should
realize this feet. Colorful decorations
however aro very, very essential to
the development of the real Cheistmas
smelt reeling, putting the color and
action into What otherwise might
merely be a climb winter week in De -
Simplicity ifs' always' ro good rule in
any art -and who. is there who can
say that arrangenient of color does
not call for a certain senee of the
all consider the size of the
house when selecting the decorations
that tee to be used at cloth's, windows
and ehroughoet the home.
At the front door a fat,bright bony
wreath with a plentiful supply of red
levees, by all 3110131111. The real heron
wreath is of conree to be peeferred.
In the Eastern States the,practice is
quite geneeel of hanging the wreath
on the outside of the drew. This is
done so that it will tot. wither oe dry
out as quickly -as it sometimes will
'de vvhen hung insideneand behind the
g1 -ass pawl. The writer knows one
faranay Beim the West Wile were quite
shocked at seeing tho wreath on the
outside, Of the door-expresearig the
feeling that it was too suggestive of
death in the barite.. ,
However, it is a matter or choice
end no doubt orte east well be govern, -
ed by the, custom of the locality in
which they live.' -
For the wirrilows, otl deeorations
are hung 011 the invide, If one has
large plate glees- windows, then ze
medium sized hoDy wreath at OE1Oh
vvindow quite appropriate. If the
windows are smaill---fiben, almost any
wreath obtainable is too Mote. The
blight artistic touch for sinaLer wrn-
settle or small bright red paper bell
replacing the tassel on the shade. This
gives jug the right touch of color and
a uniformity which is very pleasing
to passersby.
Threughout the country the prac-
tire is oveey year becoming more gen-
eral of decoratieg the living ile, or
evergreen trees which may be growiug
in ones yard.. This, bright Christmas
electric lights may ame used. When
the lights -are turned on it Is beautiful
min inviting.
When one leo tete living Christmas
breee at one's doonstep-all ablaze
with 'brightly colored. lights-- it
spreads the Yuletide cheer.
The most siebietio -Lauda of all -wee
that Wu& who drat conceived the idea
of transplanting smell firs, wean or
overgrows to the flower boxes whioh
throughout the steamer had been auch
at riot of gay color. Dtring the holi-
day week one ban pin red cranherram
'to braneh emit of these little treesa-
adding to the decorative velue.
Yen will note we have touched nnly
on borne decoration' for Christmas
'which has lo de with the view from
the outside of the home. Suet one
more point: no matter bile size of the
Christmas tree yeu may have in the
home, place it where it can be sem
through window, door, or gnassetnin
porch, -Bo that all passersby may enjoy
15 1)00
It gives that warm imaing to the
heart te knosv that within that home
-the Christmas spirit. ---joy and peace
-is prevailing.
dotys is a bright rea (artifielal)
toolong, it will
load to chronic
indigestion. In
the Meanwhile
you suffer' from
miserable, sick
henclachen, ner-
vousness, (tepees..
Bien and sailog
TABLETS. They re-
lieve fermentation
indigestion - gentfy
but enroll, Oconee the ta,tau and keep aux
atomaoh and liyorIn perfeetranninsorder.
,At all dietchte, }Sc., or lir null town 15
ChemberLein Medicine Cm, Totonto
eSSESETP3E, 4Erearalsioat
ituricA- excess
atee o
What pees, men nee one, you wan o! t,i your opera titre
at iteme yew eon one* master the.secretc cif selling that
Star Saletimen. Alluitc?er your experience has hecn--whatever
you mny'te, doing now...,whother or not you thing you ean att.-
yust Ammer 01151 queoSont Are yov ambitione to earn 500,051 5
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