HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-16, Page 1oiees„ Ensem - , • hie PY.iamas, Stel)-118-and gorgeous ray Ofundeithings for ,Christmas Gifts. „ ' SCARVES, In clouded and • rainbow. effects, and sillt crepe, mOderatelY priced. in georgette AR ladies' and gents' knitte4 scarves (about 4 dozen _in • all) on sale at half, priCe. • - „- . ' .Gents ties, values up to $1.25 on sale at 69c. • • Ladie's gloves, in silk, Chamoisette,- Siege in -Wool an . • . - Nur linedt ,„ •• • Ladies' hosiery.in All silk, Silk and Wool and Cashmere, in Penmaie.s-Supersilk, flarrisKnit, and Allen Iines,ali high class Canadiau makes at very inoilerate prices. •. •• • For the Tiny Tots • Flannelette Nighties and Pyjamas, rubber -pinafores, towel sets, dolls, handkerchiefs, paint.books and other items too num. rous to mention. • . Sale of Ladies' Coats DO NOT *MT UNTIL AFTER CHRISTMAS— The best Coats are going now, and at rockbottom prices. The stock is very low and reductions of 25 peicentto 35c percent are now offered. • ANI•mtmeamnopoisno s-• H hewere to Buy His Own Gift It Would be One of These Wool. Gloves , ,,,,, , • .50 to $1.25 Mocha Glo'ves, wool lined . • . • $1.50 to $2.50 Caps Gloves, iseol.lined . ; ,, . .. $2.00 to $3.00 Cape GlaVee, nekined . „ -.,$2,00 to $3,00' Chamisisetes Glosies , . . . ... $1.00 ,Olithreere Hoee • .50 to $1.00 Pansy Bose . ... ". . . ... ........50 to $1.50 • Ties) in fancy boxes • .50 to $2.00 1/andkerchiefs, initialed , ....... „ , .... .25 to .50 •Silk Handlcerehiefe . . . .ta to $1.50 •Be1ts ,..,........ ... . . .25 to $1.50 'Cuff 13uttons • : .......... .. ... „ .50 to $2,00 r"ajanias. , , ... ,,$2.50 to $4.50 kIat,eliwase Underwear (conshination) • • . to $6•75 • Tiger Brand IlliderWear heavy all wool ...$1.50 .to .$2.50 . •Broadeloth-Shirts . . . .. $2.50 to $4.00' Sweaters of -every description 41.50 to $8.50. ' Windbrealters, in' choice patterns „ $4.50 to $8,00 .Dressing Gowns . , , ,•.. . . .. $8,50, to $15.00, Do Your Cliristinas Shopping Early.. •, A Sqaare (oir:8verk, Man A 1NCQR'ORATED TUE WN ,TARESsNIS JSOLST . • , i(s4,.:ManSs-% Whites Who .for'''sdnie Yollas 'been conneeted With . The „.20.61,40,...1,,,,i).0,-..eocro,..tio's.:' -es; Wo-, men'e",,,"[RoP4111/ent; .11ao-4eseine ; inetiber,•oT1i4"Maff- and Einpire.lteff' eneeoriscluctS: a daily WOinleit'e under:stile- nki.peii-naMeiSBride. eri''s The he* depertniett-"Seeniestn leadS " intraf lead6r4,„althetigh; the )6S. SsPeoi-o-fit .-44403)54:. e meet tlin citY.;Wosten ss;aie ziof by any Means barred; " .eitperieneed news..4peiswomess; gyedlrid make a - --• • .• 'nficeeSS;of.;thO'department.-,• By • the' a o1$eisfcirtil ir1. Nb denbt'Infitty therealsouts!Will rerliejnbersIser,' L.. b,. B.; .4.--.91•PFIO3B•s•• • • : • - • • • • The annual -meeting ek the L. 0. B. A, Wsi's held on Tuesday' evening, when the installation; of -offieers 'took Place, after which A Veisy "enjOyable shcial'eVening was spent •''The offi- dere fkthe awning, year are: Mrs.E. Cook, --- •- D. M.r1Vfiss If. Taylor. •' „Chaplain: IVIrs. 51. 'Clincher, Ree.-Ikerestary: Miss 0. Watkins. • Fin.-Seeretary: Mrs. R. Fisher. •'TreaOrer: Mrs. Geo Taylor. lst Lecturer: Miss Vera Gould: - D. of C.: Miss MerWinna Judd. • I. G.:• Mrs. JI Watkins. '• 0. G. kr. Nyl. Falconer. Com. of Fjye: Mrs. Fl Steepe; Mrs. C. J. Aikenhead, Mrs, Follapd, Miss, V. Liverrhore, Mrs, G. Emily. Aaditoes: Sir. M. Hanly, Mr, W. Falconer. Guardian: Mrs, W. Shobbrook. Pianist: IVIre. Geo. Swan. P. M.: Mrs. Geo. IIanly. ;CLINTON COMMENDED. Last -week's Fergus News -Record carried on its front page a picture of Clinton's NewCollegiate 'building and had a write.ina of the town by Mr. W. G. Beattie, a member of the Pergus,. school board.; who visited CIinton'to see the school and who was so in/Pressed with the whole town that he looked into a lot of things and gave us a good write-ups The only ob-" jection we make to it is that he makes us out a smaller town than Fergus. As a matter of fact we are, probably, about the same size, both having a population of a little over 2000, although Dun's puts Fergus somewhat below that. It is a grow- ing town, however, and probably is about the same size as 'Clinton, ,Thoeditor of the News -Record, that is of Our Fergus naniesalm, also vis- ited •Olinton on Friday with a pariT, who. carne up with the architect, and made an inspection of the new SehOol. Fergus is voting on a bylaw soon to smith nioney for, a High school and these public men "wished' to get all the information they could, AMONG THE CHURCHE.S. Baptist Church • Minister's subject for •Sunday ev- ening: "A Jeyful„Outlook." Sunday school at 2:30 p.m. Prayer service Wildnesday at $ pan, Sanday school entertainment Thursday, Dec, • 23rd, all welcome. Wesley -Willis United Church The annual Christmas tree and en- tertainment will be held Thursday evening, Dec. 28rd. • The Minister's morning subject will be: "Bringing I -leaven to Earth," Evening: "Finishing the Father's Work." Mr. G. M. Elliott will address the Sunday school in the afternoon, show-. ing some Slithas. Presbyterian Church Service, in the Baptist church on Sunday at' 11 o'clock. Subject: "The Gideon Spirit." Sunday school at 10 o'clock, Prayer meeting. on Thureday • evening at- 7 o'clock. Last N. Sunday Mr. , Macfarlane preached. on • "The Evening and the Other !Side," and in the course of his sermon paid - a high 'tribute to the late. Dr. Stewart as a'ininieter, a man, and personal friend. • ' St. Paul's Church • , The WI. A. has elected the follow- ing officers for 4927: • Ton.-President:•Mrs: Thos. White. • President: Mrs. L, 0, Ilarrison 1st" Vice: Mrs. J ,T.„Johnston. ' 2nd Vis:1 Miss Postets.. Rec.-Secretary: Mrs, T. Herman, -Cor.-Secretary: IVIrs. D. J. Atkinson Dorcas, Secretary:, bliss Foster, Treasurer:. Mrs, Taylor., Mite Box Sec.: Mrs. .1. Johnsten. Leaflet Secretary: ;Miss Z. Bawden Flower Miision: Mrs. H. T. Rance and afrs..W'. Elliott. ' • Visiting • Cennnittiee: -1VIt's. A. J. Holloway and Mrs. John Schoenhals. Ontario ;Steeet United Chimeh• Morning claSses at ten o'clock. The 'pastor's morning' 'Message will be concerning the Church at Phila- delphia. •Evening: "Betrayed.” • - The Junior League.Svill' have their Cllizestihas meeting on Friday even- ing at seven 'o'clock in :the leeturlt11 zooms. PardritS and friends are in. b vited. • ." w 1‘11.ra. lVfoorhouse • presidefl • over 'st g Very interesting meeting of the "W. w .4.S: WedneStlay.afternoon last. The 'h Heripture leason and leaflet' 'Selief '.arid Trust," were well taken 4 MTS.. eaton, Mrs. Niles'gave a most in- a •teresting• paper en T±onit 51iisiong, giving much information • abont the to • Indians, A well prepared paper on se "True Wisdom," was given by Mrs.. te f.hirrall. 4ibbings in g •excellent voice sang •"The First is Christ -Mos Morn. A dainty lunch was served by the yonng • ladies of a Mos, VirR/ldort$ clas5,. I T „I, 1 ,k‘*•c. Clinton n the front rank of eff ? 7. ttibutio. accepted by the,' ••; EN:Dsk AM, . 4,teadei$,, s Ne*S-Record:' wise hay,e„ Iluroas.friehrle- ' Ins e Toren to 'aye -reettieSted•to SehdlPieitrix0)6S and'a(-1; thessesSto• Hatinees,i172 Ralinerston P.:111.4efot t1ejiVR6se aldded:Sto 'tiltesliat-of. the irsnyors S'Old 'BoYS'-'Aasociation":of Toronfe.;,::: IFUR(111,41RIiHObTO:STRED, ; The 'Clonnty of, HnroV.is to be. hon- , oured in 4, 'x,*ery, •,distniative way by having 4 chanting "stepreseirtative resident at Washington; in eonnection with the Canadian "Minister to that City. Miss Sadie Me $o1 who, dere ing his, term o,f. (Mee, Was the confj- dential ,Sect4ary nons6u.e. Mur- dock,Iate Minister of 1,elsor, has been added to the elerieal, 'staff of, Hon. Vincent Maisey, the recently'appoint-. ed Canadian representative at Wash- -110m, and .shortly aCcompg4 him to the AJlierien (capital,• 1V1i,s.s McCool is ti" native of Hullett.toWn- ship, _and /1r many friends her and elsewhere Will be pleased to know of her adianeement That. she is accom- plished and, efficient goes withoet saying.. It is another caee, of which there have been many illostratione before, of a native of this old, country making good in the big, outside world. Mist IVIcCool is a graduate of the Clinton SeheoI of Commerce. DEATH OF MRS. E. HOLMES ' One of the 'oldeet residents of St. Catharines passed away on Monday Of last week in the person' of Mrs. Mary Watson Holmes, widow of. Ed- mund Holnies-wo was said to ,have been the first perSon to reach Hon. George Brown, Editor of The .Globe, after he was shot. Mrs, nolmesswas born in Lincoln- shire, England, ffs.1834, and 'on Aug. 19th, 1850, became the wife of the late Mr. Holmes; who 'predeceased her twenty years ago. Shortly after their mareiage they mute to Canada, the voyage occupying ski: weeks, They first resided in St, 'Catharines in 1853, later removing to Clinton, where for some years Mr. Holmes published The Clinton New Era. After spending many years in Toronto, where Mr, Holmes was employed on The 'Globe, and also filled the position of Asst. Parliannentry Librarian, the 'family returned to ISt. Catharines in 1888. The union was blessed with eleven children, of Whom eight are . still living. There are 26;,, gilffiilchild- ren, twenty-eight great-grandchildren and two greatsgreat-grandchildren Mrs. Hobnes was one of the oldest members' of the Welland Avenue Un- ited Church, St Catharines. Like her husband, she was a Liberal, and in the Dominion election of September last she walked to the poll to cast her ballot. Death came after a short illness at the family home on Thomas street. She is survived by three sons and five daughters: Robert Holmes, Surveyor of Customs, Toronto; Mrs. „R. G. Emerson, Winnipeg; H. B. Holmes, Vancouver; ' 115.B, Chant i • Clinton; Mrs. C. J. ' Farr, W. P. Holmes and Misses Anna and Hester, of St. Catherines. The funerallris held Wednesday after- noon, Mr. and Mrs. Chant went to St. Catharines to attend the funeral. AN ORATORICYCL CONTEST. • A fine gathei•ing of young people met in the lecture room or 'Ontario street United 'church on aVfonday ev- ening, when the finals, in the orator- ical contest amongst the young peo- ple in Huron Preotery were held. There were just two contestants, Mr. Eugene Howey of Main street United church, Exeter, and Miss Delight Mutch of Victoria Street ' United church, Goderich. Mr. Howey's thenie,was "Recrea.- don," and'Iffisa 1Vlutcles" "The League of 'Nations." The young orators handled their subjects with skill and were listened to with numb' P),easure. The judges were Miss Hobbs and Miss Arches, of the Collegiate ,staff, and Mr. Paterson, District Representative, The -judges decided that Mise Muth had won by.several. ssointe. • The young people of Wesley -Willie ehureh joined with the Ontario street you»g people for, the occasion and kliss.Dorothy Rorke gave. 0. reaclink, 'Miss Marion Gibbins Sang a solo' and Miss Edna Elliott gave a selection on -the accordian 1VIr. W. B. Medd of 'Illiceter acted us chabanan for the evening. WALKEII—MASEELL, • A quiet marriage was solemnized at the Church of the Asc' enSion Ham- iltont ab eight o'elock h Tutsday evening last when Miss Mabel Irene Maelsell, daughter of the lgte Mr, and btts Edvard A. MaskelL'of .Goderich, was united to Mr. George A. Walker, eon of slVlis ;and 1VIrs, ,John'Ar. Walker of Clintom'the ceremony bef ing 09ndunted by the Rev.' Dr. Roil- , teetop1 ilte hureh. .„ Mr: and Mrs,'Edward T. Vatsoii Of sisten and - brothei•Of •the ciSc, were the ettenciatte,'The bride pre• a wedding frock of pale mauve eorgette :over -peach crepe de cheat, ith small silver lace and. metallic ataudI silver eboes and hose.' After thc eeterdony 4. wedding sap- er was served at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. 1.,Vatson. Mr. and `5Is... Walker have returned • Clintorr itTka ttaVe taken •up their eidenee ib Soisthlook.'Cottage, Rot- hbury streets bast. They ha:Ve the ood..v.vishea. of friends lora ants( and prosperons future.' ' The bride Wes until 4t eW go a', member of, the office staff Of he God. ch Star, • • IC OF VENESON ¥x Sidnes" Thornpsexi, formerly freight agent at. the Clinton station, who l.banat Port Aethur for the past few months *hipie'd 'a deer bonne the other, slay, fleasof a -sue Cessful.'hunt; to be divided among his friend*, , and The News-Reemid came 'in for Sa nice Toast of ,venipon, It is veil nide to be xerneme ise:T,LE1 eTclhY, one's trvsi zo. Who's aspiring to be Warden of, the Coniity.,cext year? Read the eds. on siege eeven, and all the pages' this Week. ' Only one more shopping weeit. Read the ads. for anggestions. Detailed results of, the elbetion in both Huron ,rittings: will be found on page seven., ltIr Iohn Ford and Mies Elizabeth. have indved in from Hohnesville and will occupy their town 'house for the winter. • , •, - • Do not fail to read the advertise- ments in this week's issue. If you are in „doubt :sheet what to give for Christmas they will help you to de- ihe,Clinton Public library will be closed on the day before Christmas, 'which. is Friday, en Saturday, Christ - 'Inas Day, and on the Monday follew- FUND STILL OPEN. • . . The'Flospital literd wish to ex- press their thanks; for the generous response to their recent ' appeal for funds, and feel very grateful to the merchants who donated their adver- tising space in. The News -Record to make known the needs of the Hospital and to all who contributed. The treasurer says that while the response was liberal the objective has net yet. been' reached and anyone wishing to add a contribution will find the fund still open. Contributions can be handed in at any of the local banks or to any member of the board. A list of the contributions Will be Published later. WINS VALUABLE PRIZE. The Moisten Review had the fol- lowing reference to. a former Clinton resident: "The International Harvester 'Coln - puny congratulates A. J, McMurray as the successful whiner of the Silveri ware Contest eondueted by the Inter- national Harvester Company, (Lon- don Branch). This prize consisted. of 4 beautiful silver tray of twenty-nine' pieces of silverware, Community plate. Twelve local agents on Mr. IffeMurray's territory also won the same prize. Mr. .MeMurray sreporf's with the able assistance of Mr. Frank Langdon, ealesman, the closing.of very successful year's business for the company." AN APPRECIATED HONOUR. In the report in our last issue of the proceedings of the Ituronebraneh of the Ontario Medical Association, mention was inadvertently omitted of' the fact that Dr. Thomas Gray of St. Tbitrias, 00, old Clinton boy, whc; was presetit at -the meeting and read an instructive paper on the "Uses and Abuses of the ..1. -Ray,' was made an bonourary member of the Huron Association. Dr. Gray in his reply said he deemed It a' great honour and •privil- ege to become an honorary member of the oldest county Medical Associa- tion in Ontario. "And," he added, "the'honour is doubly :enhanced by the fact that the-mover-and-Setonder were two of the oldest living membets of the Association, 1/r. William Gunn and 'Dr. • :Ts W'. Shaw:" I'RESBYTE,RY 'MEETING. The Presbytery of, Huron of the Presbyterian Church held its regular Decon'ber meeting on Tuesday, the 14th. Mat. in the,Baptist church, Clin- ton, The Moderator, Rev. Alfred Maefarbiee, M.A,, 11,D, presided, The report of the treasurer, Mr. P. G. Weir of Goderich,; showed a surplus after meeting all •expenses of the year. D. P. E. Lerkin, of. Seafortb, convener 'of the committee, on remits •from the General Asserably, submit- ted the committee -1s report. Rev, S. Banke Nelson, D.D., minister -of Knox church, Hamilton, was nominated for the moderatorship, ..of the General Assembly, which meets in Stratford, in June. Itev. R. C. McDermid, of Goderich, presented the report for the Seise:nee of the Church, The no Presbytery was keenly alive to the interesting report upoh the immense expansion • in all' the work of the Church as shown by the general shatement of the Genet:al Hoard of Missions, The inerease • within a single year it congregations mid mis- sion fields. tlw'oughout 'the Domihion gave its .i•.c.s.t testimony of growth and•blessing. The care for the Gos- pel being conveyed to -three million / soils in other lands than our own was t felt as 4 challenge...liar the Presbyter - San Church to do its • share for • the world Whose future is' bound up., with the response which this. church and I ail• churehes make toward the world prohlem and the highest hopes were entertained of the Presb rtery's 11 'cation to the Sthernes being exceed- ed, Rev. C. MeDermid was ap- oar THE LATE REV. ALExAN:I.ER STEWART. M.A.. DD. WELL -BELOVED PASTOR ' er in Winnipeg. AND ,FRIEND, 'CALLED.• I After the death of Mrs. Stewart last year Dr. Stewart remained ns. TO HIS REWARD Toronto until August last, when he • went out to Winnipeg to make his hone with his daughter. On leaving, Remains of the Late Rev. Dr. Stew- ToriintO he told his.frieials be expect- ed to be back again next summers About a month ago he began to fail in health and went into the hospital for treatment, He seemed to respond to the treatment at first and to be improving for a time but later it was thought that only an operation weuld 'help him, and he consented to under- go it. The operation was performed' on Dec, 3rd and he lived for three days after, his advanced age no doubt telling against his rallying powers. art Laid Reverently in Clinton Ceinetery on Friday The people of Clinton and vieinity were sorry to learn last week of the death, which took place in Winnipeg on Monday-, of the Rev. Alexander Stewart, M.A., D.D., who for over thirty ,years was pastor of Willis Presbyterian church, Clinton. The remains were brought to Olin- , The Rev, Dr, IStewart was a native ton for burial, the funeret taking" of Lachute, Que„ but he reeeived his place from United. education in this province, being I: church on Friday afternoon. A large graduate of the UniverSity of Toron- gathering, old friends from tole and to nticl ogfraKilliratioCnolllieege, for a period of two years was a mie, congregations in town, were present. went'ror Novnetsot. , and his former congregation, and of all surrounding community, member.* of tes' his sioneyy in the Swiin River Distriet, Rev, C. F. Clarke of Goderich, chair- Nothweet Territory, having been or- snail of the Presbytery, had charge of <Mined en his way to this field by the service; Rev. G. Telford of Blyth the PreebYthrY of Winnipeg on Sep- read the lesson and the Rev. J. tenther 22nd, 1876 On his return to Hogg, pastor of the ehurch, preachtd Ontario he preached in Willis chtusch, the sermon. He took for his text the which was vacant at the time, and words: "The Lord gave and the Lordi later received a unanimous call, hath taken away, blessed be the names which he said afterwards, he "neith- of thd. Lord." The preacher pointed' er expected nor desired." This was out that the Lord had given e good' not because he had anything against gilt, to the Church which he had. the .chruch or the town but because he served,' to the congregation to whiele had received a tall from a country he had ministered so long., and.to the J church which he wished to 'accept, family to which he belonged, in °iv - mg this good man Now He had tak- en him, after a long life, full of labor* foe the blaster whom he loved, to rest and blessedness with Himself. preferring work in the country. When ..thePresbytery mot Clinton repre- sentatives were present with their call ontdmenho cisc f'etletgirettatf oprZlilcetps°t, hth4: Ile thought it ought not to be so other congregation had changed. its bard to say, ',Blessed be the name of reincl,"he 1V11.8 persuaded to accept the the I,ord." At the eonclusion of his call from Willis. Later in the after- sermon Mr. Hogg said they had with noon repreeentatives of the other them on the • platform the ReY, Do. congregation same, but they were too Fletcher, a collegeMate and life-long late, "In my disapPointment " 'said friend of Dr. Stewart, who would par, Dr, Stewart in recalling the incident, a tribute to his friend. "I had the Satisfaetion of knowing that I, was going to a field which I had not sought and that Providence bad chosen it for me. .Subsequent ex - Dr. Fletcher recalled their college days together, their call to the Yarger field and finally the settlenient in the. iv taw shite Presbytery, where their friend-- pertenee confirmed this View, eipened as the years went hy... result • was a happy'Pastorate o11 ,211113ex. Stewart was a good marlie be, thirty-four years." • said sinmly, "one who took bis work Dr. Stewart's pastorate ended in serioissly and prepared himself for 1912,, following an illness from which it." As he recalled the many who had he felt he shOuId not recover suffic- passed on of his 'comrades of years ieritly to take up his •wok again. "I past he said: "I wonder soinetiines, have never preached -a farewell ser- why I am left here, except it be to mon to Willis church congregation," aci as I am doing now, acid my -tribute • remarked Dr, 'Stewart on 'one occa- to those who have finished their sion in speaking' of his work here, course and who have been called "for the simple reason that I do not the larger sphere of activity." wish to bid them faresisell...... I am It was at'impressive and affecting still one •of them and Have as deep service. Many. lovely floral tributes n effeetion for them as I ever had." were brought by; loving friends. The - In affection for his people in Clip .pallbearers were: 'John Macfarlane, ton ny DI); etw, afrotr 31Veri mritfully' ia)f s WAlc,LIVIeleurna,116 .3.oLh.11-Pgai6sElowyallandGD7rIVfge. so greatly beloved es he was by three generations of people. He made him- self one with his congregation and great was their sorrow when he was obliged to give .uP bis work. And since his removal to Toonta, where Lindsay. The remains were laid beeide those of his wife, his beloved "Bessie," who . was buried just a .year and A day ahea o ham, bliss Stewart accompanied the re - he made his home since 'nett, be made frequent visits to Chin- Mr. Robert Stewart joined her at his v.etire- mains of hoisfather from Winnipeg, on to see lsis old parishioners. • and the _Rev, Robot Stewart of Toronto and eame up for the funeral, went with his Church into Union. I)r. •Stewart was a Unionist and Windsor and MrS. 'Thompson of The - After the consumation of Union he llois, 'broth -or and sister of the late oft 'the Church in which he had been Di...Stewart, were also here for the worelripping in Torento El Ild idonti- Ameral. • • DOS himself with a :former Methodist elms which was hear him, Pointed' interim , inedersitor' 'of the, •;Session of: Church,. • IIensell, The Presbytery adjourned to 'meet bit •Chnton ors Tuesday, ,Peb. '22nd, at eleven d'elock.--4ames Foote, ;Pres- a les g ss Maist who as t sch t I at • COUNCIL MIEETING.' • • Dr. Stewart married El • izabeth, the late' Prof. 'Craig of • Pbe toWn council met yesterday ICnox College, whe predeceased him' ening, when the ,financial report for one year to the day% They aro silt- the year was . presented, We shall rived by two" Ions; Ithbert of Toronto print. this report, or summary 'of nd Douglas' of, Vancouver, and one it next week, as it is too long for us bytery r