HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-09, Page 20 N C NSERVATI 'S HAVE ,: 39 GLINT � ALL IN ON I'AO 0S NEWS -CO , <�'_ ,: ; -•-- only Standing Toronto.—With M•yrit wNiti file r J Pattie • -ear LlNTON, ONTARIO Tet°m0 of Subscr;Ptlon--2,90 per 7 'd' 0. from Ilett decis;ive,retuins have in advance, to Canadian addressee; eel $50. to the Li.S. or other foreign riding, from which dociaiVe returns, c No 9one9 discontinued have not yet been received, the latest Govern - the ve , erre . the o C011l until all arrears are'. paid unless at .o,e4tion Summary shows the. optioh•.'et the publisher.tion ip mein of Hon. G. IiewazclFerguson ro- dafe .to which every subscxi9 turned with arc:ear majority of 39 otor. Da s - � from Advertloin9':Bates—Transient adver- tising, a 12C per count line for first ; Manitoulin, helea Progressive, thee, Thomas ,Farquhar, insertion, Sc .for adi n each is subsequent IFaoq insertion,.` `Heading counts 2 tree, LnBax•on Aiblee; by 90 votes with Small advertisements, notto cecd •four outlying polls to be heard ricin inch inch as "Wanted." `!Lost,"The otitstandtng polls are Bay Finn, one "Strayed," etc., inserted' once for Collins Inlet, 'McGxeg`or Bay •arid Advert' sem0 subsequent t ninsertionwitl111' l`;illarney Quarries, which ;,}an " be Advetiosemas t sent in lbor o the number of iu• �•' ached only Uy boat, and which, for atrllCtiDn$an ta..t 'sertiouV wanted ,will run until'oral:. � id i denoted on the label, Il Accordmgito the last word re the present, are inaelessible owing to, ed out and will be charged sever the ice. in"19• Rates for, display advertising There are several:;hundred::vo O1z n.� made unown on application, ' 11 these polls, one of which went st g Communications Intended for pub 1'" Conservative during the recent. cation const;o.as a jinarantee of good y , A4 a•raeu;t, neither. the be rccompanied by the name of side 1s claiming the victory, the writer. Ontario l egni,iatlns'e ,.Seats iii Mouse • 112 � eryatnes' .. 7a dna Libe 'a's Progressives 13 r 'CSb ro x t P Liberal -Pr o, t easrvc s • Independent L,ibera,,...,' 3 In doubt (Manitoulin) . • it makes its appearance in the Legis- lature. lature. The Government control ver- sus prohibition standing is thezofote 79 to 32, with Manitoulin yet to de- clare itself . That; assures the Goy- ` v- eminent control:: proposal.., a majority of 47 intho-House „[ni There were two changes listedul the results, following a more cater l checking of the returns Thursday. J. s. Progressive for North 1 e:es.tron iddifield P} g„ edera W F W eh ` e h ,` v v ut e C r U th ' o Bell, ret T. B 1 .,r. d J. ' lace - ` • Onbai�ro; lisp it the result should return the Pro - Editor. ernmeirt Candidate, who had bean de- ggessive; that Government still ;leave dared the winner for that riding. The Conservative' Government ,with the Widdiftcld had a majority of '140 G. E. HALL, Proprietor. G. D..MeTACGART 81..D. McTAGGART R. CLARK. Editor. cTAGR T BANKERS A general Banking Business' transact-: ed.' Notes Discounted. Drafts lbsued Interest ":Allowed on Deposits- Sale Notes Pure -based. =I. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer. Financial. Ileal Estate and Fire In- surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire, Insurance Competes. Division Court Office, Clinton. substantia]' Ferguson, :Cn of 38 over all.a , second change cause in-Stin'(,eo,n Falls; Hon. Mr. P andate accordingly, h s mandate from ; the people where T. "Leganit, the Liberal Govern - SoCarry ofd £o verry n his policies and, se d, thee'1 dared the winner. ,Later returns give Goveroment control is concerned, t the :victory to A. A. Albin, the: Gov- voice of the erector's is even more p1;oe : eminent control Conservative, Though Gov - pounced. successful in,oveaddrrinietion, there rolI " Lor succesoful. /pledgedth selves front,'Mre1<'egaulttconceded the riding Liberals who have/pledged :hems tt of that measure when. to 'dr. 'Aubip. teethe support Successful Meeti%'sg Ornitho' logts1z lion: r itepreseetative bird-love1'e from oho Itiited States, Australia, and Canada to_tho nhunber of 140, athered in Ot- tawa for. the meeting of the American. Ornithologists Un,Loet in the Victoria Memorial Museum during the four clays October ,11 to 12K The opening day wns devoted to the business, of the Union and the election o4 officers. tilt tSeem- 1: ONE' W. BRYDONE Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office: SLOAN,'BLOCK CLINTON DR. J. C. GAND1ER Office' Hours: -1.30 to 9.30 • p.m.,. 6.30 to 8.00 p.m., Sundays, 12,30 to 1.30 p.m. •'Other hours bappointment only:. Oifia' and Residency Victoria St. DR, H. S. BROWN, L'•M.C.C. Office. Hours 1.30 to X8.30, p.m. • 7.30 to 3.00 p.m, Sundays 1,00 to' 2.00 p.m. Other hours by appointment Phones Office and Residence, Ontario Street, Picone 218. DR. FRED G. THOMPSON Office nil Resi c dao:. n a • Ontario Street ' Clinton, Ont. One door went or Anglican Church. Phone 172. Eiyes examined and glasses fitted:; DR. PER'IVAL BARN Utt1c and.Residenc9 Huron Street Clinton, Ont, Phone 69 `' (Formerly occupied by the late Dr. C W. Thompson). Eyee Examined and Glasses Fitted, • D. H. McINNES Chiropractor—Electrical Treatment. Of 1'4Ingham, will be at the. Commas- Mal Inn, Clinton, on Monday and Thursday forenoons each week. • Diseases of all kinds 'successfully - handled. Nteth;ral R.tsoilrces.$�sl�ietio. Pei'hape IMO of the least knotyn or exp:o'red part:, of Canada is the great peninsula of 'Gaspe jutting out' into the Gulf of the at. Lawrence for 160 miles and with a width; about half as gi`eat, Yet this is one 01 Canada's 'znost picturesque and eldest regions with great; resources ,of timber, fisheries, game and minerals. ,-,.,rrytp..potxin�i.,t may be said bo historically, the o dt,st"liaxt of 'Canada, for it was on its shores neat. the7towll, of Gaspe that Jacques Cartier, in tae year' 4134, lanced and claimed the country for hie sovereign, the King of France., Although the first 'discover- ed part of Canada, the peninsula is stC'C largely covered 'with - --T- hou. G. Holvard;Pergusan Who returrns from the 'polls `for the second time a3 Premier of Ontario. ° ONTARIO'S S: HELP SOK TO OEY LOP ST. LAYVRENC Lois d3Y' Ap ctite—•- '• ' 1st, " "ire . 7t el n g Thoueanile take Flood's• 6arsnpa- .; rima as their tonic motiseme for that tired feohnl nervous• weakness, pure bio0d,v tt z i trstify drat it make ;the' heteel.better cat rind sleep eol,4or. Hood's`:Sntaaparxl a 11E1.9. given, on. 1.tiro eatisfsct,ois to three r enovatxana in the trtystment 0i t%!:betel debility. It restores oho apI aI it. , relieveqs that tirefi t 'n . euati f fhb eyetem to resist i 4O8 o"us'`,1"3"'”Hees. g tion i 1 C& sit afiilli ids d o d s.,Sai,' T1 ,o slid nittke'6`Ptitlsfi"ttt'di�',kaod. it good. athareie ie`I1ood's 'Pills. Prinee ,George. S e?1t Week,• end With Governor -Gerdes ofli., Ottawas—The visit to Ottawa There t 'e pen no roads, dor ommunsI'R•H. PCine0 Ceorge, youngest san of toss the peninsula, tisoa, :rifted cti iin bbl King g Geor Was in the 'nature of a ac p ,Cin George, cation bed thus oho sett ernexits ea th Private week -end stay with'their Ex- nxl t. and those i0 ere Ile 1r docs not re-lencies 'the Governor-General and exist. The iaelc oC roads from Carom Lady Wilanddon. The Prince accept- to youbh i5,of course; accented for ,ed 110 public eitgagcznents, Ile arrived w the chain ry 5hicl shock mountains sit 8 45 Saturda;,• morning' and was 2,000 are very rugged and i•uzf £tom met at the station by members of the at It went fee 0D t and cit 40 staff, a thr st 2,000 to nior0 , Governor -General's s height, 'rho. Quebec, 1'lov n int Dept _ wt ,t„*,,,, once to Government Rouse for break- fast. o- !glint, of Roads tit coasts is quite dilierent,, Along `the. about 200 persons..•,On Sunday there north coast oho people aro mainly French Canadians of the "habitant” leas a luncheon to which liiembers of alto Cabinet -and 'heads of naval and. type. Along the in ho ma the Aux mlhtary establishments were invited, lien I,'renco an it' ere s found, a1- Prince George left Ottawa early Mond - though here and there is found t1te:I dfly afternoon and sailed for 'Eng on the Montroyal. which will run completely around the 7 a0'' v up with private entertmiiiments at p' The ha. t Government House; and in the even - The paliul'atioil of the two Gaspe'°lir a dsnce was given in his honor for t BY NEW YORK even - habitant'who hes drifted in from other. parts of the province. The two differ in both language and customs; as a rule the habitant is agricultural while the Acadian is a fisherman. Settle- ments of Scotch end- Trish are also to be found, sharply 'marked' off from each other and _from their 'Pooh - speaking neighbors. Anther import- ant group en the southern and•eastern; coasts of. Gaspe are the Jersey and Guernsey peop:e.who have• for genera- tions been fishermen on these coasts. In fact, from the' point of view of race, language and folklore, Goalie forms Can- ada. most unigU•e parts 'of e of on •t: it will 1 here Dr. Alex, Wetmore, A s s art Albany -N.X.—The State Water the.P.tovince of Quebec, w taty,.of the Smithsortiau Institute, bower Commission Intends to m reeds, wd isto make madeowill take Vreghfngton•, Distrlctof Galumbia; was without further de'tay on the pending away rte which, once elected President for the ensuing Year. of elle application for leases of State�rate- away'.'oho interest, of the Province :of he other 1,rinciptii2oiRc�ra., power resources despite the request of Ontario inhe St: Lawrence develop- ment for many years to come. 'Union California, end 14Ir. "In the third place, the' report of Grinnell, Berkley, Ontario; It14n. This Intention was James H. p Leming, Toronto. • the Commission in a letter to the Gov- . ov- the Internutlmade$toACongrEngineers ss one the secretary, MT: T. S.,Palnier Washing cruor and which wa g about eto be on, treasui+e!r, Mr: W L. Hcdtoe; f the five members proposed canalization of the St.Law- away sion. renceis.favorable to that undertaking: The next three slays were takes up Two applications for major hydro- If that project is undertaken before wltii Papers on different pba8o5 of bird P Inent of the river moat inn e.ectric development are Holy await action is taken by the State in t protection and one of, the i the approval of`the Commission. itwater-power will a almost develop await - portant resolutioas'Passed'deprecated ng American Superpower Corpora- ,it vvitt almost inevitably .result- that I hawlm The - these water -power resources will be apj= general compa'tgn against tion and the St. Lawrence Valley Fed- Corpore- al' owls and protested the use of the ower Co. seek access to power re- era- Goverednment, annent controlled 58 an ci- ward"veTmin r sources at Barnhardt n den- Governs , tK^o species. St. Lawrence Ritter. The project is dont to or by-product of.'a navigation Luncheon was seared to the MOM- estimated to involve $200,0OO,ODO. • Project." hers during the meetings at the Mu. , um and through the courtesy of the ify estimated to involve making it tdeyend-� ' YHas Sufficient Ships _. luded in the menu. This eat on the stability of the State'sbin China Batt lyes Inc -owerpolicy as expressed Y to Protect British wa 1 ed £rola oho water -power I which -ti ria treat, kat the Legisrature. The act T s signed by four t expressed by s 0 " in reference to those P Island, i the se um of the Interior buffalo ln•a._ a supe f W int herd in Buena Nationxul park Wainwright, Alberta, was greatly ea• siderod an oxpreaeion of the State's London.—Word has came from Vice- of one of developing water p Admits, Sir Elwyn Al d Sl of the Commis- Washington. E. N. Sinclair, K.C. I,,lliera.l leader, elected in South ' Ontario. CANADA AGAIN WINS MAJOR SHEEP AWARDS Province of. Ontario Takes Most 'of Prizes at Chicago Show. ha Live Stock ck S OhleagAt the International Liv Stock Exposition- Canada again took the major awards in the sheep, divi- sion, with most of the prizes gong to the. Province of Ontario. , ' In the breeding Cotswolds division F. B. Glaspeil, of Hampton, Ont., al- most scored a clean sweep, losing only the reserve junior championship. The Hampton . breeder won the grand championship ram with a yearling, while his lamb was named`. reserve titiist. Glaa h It's yearling ewe,'was_chosen Pc grand champion, ch.,: upheld theandell, pres- tigeCass City, taking of t� United States by , Geoege V. to Have Office _Building as Neighbor London. ---With the announcement this week of a,neiv proporty'deal by which an:imposing mansion in Buck Ingham Palace:Road will be converted into an office building it appeara ;at- tain Oat King George within a short time will be surrounded entirely by tradesmen and professional men. • . Formerly. Buckingham Palace was Ithe centre of the fashionable residen- tial the West End, but the of district '.boys King has'been, losing his neigh rapidly in recent msnths as commer- cial omtrer cial'interests have encroached almost_ up to the palace gates.. The Ring's new neighbors, now include the head- quarters of the Boy Scouts, the Girl Guides and the Imperial- Refettce College, as well as cookery experts and Pupils, the sanitation authorities and 'a, school for dress designers, Tornado Blows Bride; •3 Miles From .Husband Mpscow,, Ark.—Tragedy descended swiftly on the wedding party of Ern. - est Hill and Irozone Mitchell here Thursday night. The preacher had just pronounced them husband and wife when the tor- nado. swooped down on Good Hope Church, where 105 friends. were. wit - The church was GEORGE ELLIOTT • Licensed Auctioneer for' the County_ of uron.' . N Correspondence proniptl;- answered. Immediate arrangements' can be made for Sales Date at The' News-itecord, Clinton, or by calling Phono 203. Charges Moderate and .Satisfaction Guaranteed. B. R. HIGGINS • Clinton; ont. h en policyowerexan er- •n- jeyed 101 fie delexctrsi con- through private ownership. visit, of, the British China station, that excursions were g I strength OfRclal tient The letter say P he believes ho has sufficient gt after the business of the meet*s that. there aro s the 1'vea. ducted -sons tect British 1 a Co eculiur ret whyto protect hong viol andP erste P Ing was tiniehetl, the fl tnulission should 110 W. C. Bridgeman, First Lord of the 15. Same. of the anrprd, of the Co bee of wreceipt. ever onor th ed reannounced P meno 1 S111 a: al 1IInt U It ICe gand co Admiralty, u d n n- delayed, d Y, i eA of • be dl o tenger Y , ur to the as g t tY11en •• lBiot hadat sspeaking st -his 1 ions • , i t ( .le cuss industry n I B while oxof 'tlhe Primo "In the Sirs: place, lulu t 3 the messag the ileus •,t had replied go -Tacna ed b Admiralty P in- specting, hindered Y d the A Y spe ngSento is ,already being h t ley He said 1t21nis�ter, the lit. Iiouaurable W. L• to the Admiral , i King, who'had kindly I ] lack of additional P MaokBnz e opened his grounds for this occasion. An exouraiou to Blue Sea lake in the by I,awrentian,higirlttuds-was attended' Y thirty-nine members. • Tha next meeting of Alfie Tinton willll be held in Washington, D.C.,. in the fa 1927. oft Girl Makes Baking Powder. Among Norway's successful ' bug- '. ust- Ceasing the ceremony. Cess women is a girl of'`el1lite0n who picked from its foundations andbwuei and operates 'a factory wrecked. Six of the. party v.ere kiledll Ing balling Iiowdor from a recipe, that and a score injured. Bride and groom has been for generations a secret in --both seriously injured --were found l her' family. nearly t• l General Fire and Life'Inaurance:"Agent for' Hartford Wiudetorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sibidness-and Accident Insurance, Huron and. Erie and Cana. da Trust Bonds. Appointments made to meet parties at Brucefleld,"Varna and ttayfieid. 'Phone $7. bice mile apart. TIIE WEEK'S MARKETS Stone Agb Surgery. Bones,„ of stone age men ,revetul 5111 that fs known to -day about surgery the reserve award with his lamb, used In prehistoric times,. For Leicester sheep, Humphrey t Snell, of Clinton, Ont., received the only award for ram one year old and under two; first and second for rash under one year; first .six and third for ewe under one year; only 'award for three ewe lambs and only award for flock, aI. T. Crandell received the award for champion ram. 'Geo. The yearling lamb exhibited by McXdrrow's, Wisconsin tarn was chosen grand champion of the Oxford class, while the R. . Fl tingreserveeste, of .Whttsey,. Oht., award with an .aged ram. M8i(errow's ' yearling was named the champion ewe of the Oxford division, lvhile his lamb was chosen the reserve titlist. Canada experienced no difficulty in the breeding Southdown division get- ting both the grand •and the reserve champion rams. - John Larkin of Queenstown, Ont., took the blue rib= bon on a lamb, while„ Robert McEwelt,. t took the runner-up don On an of L place with 'yearling Honors'In Clydesdale horses .went to Canada when Bonnie Belle; from the University of Saskatchewan stabl..s, was named grand champion mare, and the reserve title was cap-, tured by the Experimental Farm, Iu- than Head; Sask., on its entry, Lady Price A summary of this Clydesdale class showed the following Canadian vic- tories: Lady Marc, four years, and over, -.-1, Anderson, Thomas McMillan, Okotoks, Alta. ' Mare three and under four -2, OSCAR KLOPP Ebner Giadudte•Carey Jones' National School of Attationeering, Chicago. Spe- cial course taken `ln Pure Bred Live Stools, Heal Estate, Merchandise and e Farm Sales. Rates in. -keeping with • prevailing 'mai'ket. Satisfaction • as- " lured 3'rito or who, Zurich, Ont. Phone 15.93. L CAW* 5 � atilt, *'Lw � 1 B• 1 E TA E T M- Trellis will. arise at and depart from Glints as. follows: Guffalo and Coderich Div. • Geist, , l➢aSt, depart 6:25 -a.m. 2.52 p.m. Going West, ,s . 11.10 a.m. or, 6,08 . sip. 6.53 p.m. ., ar. •. 10.04 p.m. London, Huron & Bruce Div. Going South, ar. 7.56 dp. 7.26 a.ni. . 4.10 p.m. Going Nartli, depart 6,50 p.m. ' 11.05 11.15 a.m. The I11I� Nu�I�I Lady Price Lxperimental Farm, In- Head Sas1,• niv katcltevvan; 2, Bonnie Betty, Univer- sity of Saskatchewan, Total Power in Use in Canada, The total horse -power fastened in Canada, for all uses exoopt steam rail- ways at the ens1 of 1926 is estimated thus:` la , cad Office, Seaforth, Ont. " Mare ;two years and under three- Sas- DIRECTORY: First Bonnie Bell`IJ ersity of Sas- 1' C' derich• 7'tea dent,. ;i Cs Connolly, .p Vice ,Tampa I nns, Beechwood Sec.- - Treasurer, Tires. 12.' Hays, Seef0rth. Directors: George McCartney, Sea. forth •D,'G'. McGregor, Scaforth; J. C4, Grieve Walton: WYn. Ring, Seaforth;' 5.1 McEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries, et eticrk; John Aenneweii•; I3rodhagen;, Jas t tnnolb (lodetlelt, Agents: Alex.Leitch, Clinton; 3. W. leo Goderich Ed. I3inehraY. Sea. Earth; :l•V: Cheine'i, uvimlondville;. It, d}, ,larliuith llrodhagen. - Any money to bo .paid in may be. 0111 to Moorish Clothing Co,, Clinton, as afr Cirl'I'S Grocery, Codet:ca. "ortes desiring_ to affect Insurance 111 ti t fuer business will be any', of the above (iiflcars addressed to lutndt'edibs of o:`trorsepativer per-'carii• ,et � onion; L sses - �. i. atrly slightly max• InSneci ti 115 .lie-1)herl(r in) heel c s.dcd by that for the United. States. t, -Areal the scene,. Verso • . % of 'Power Total Water -power ..4,282,000 80 Eitel power • .. 1;068;000 20 6,350,000 100 i attended 10 an app llcatton to This is .gtttvalk>tt to'111i9-50011 one- tl s ie^pe it7a, post onion. a. to a flgtuo which s the ac cheapower and an industrial expansion estimated at $1;000,000,000 is being delayed. "In the second "place; tgreatest 'pest - battles Which oiYets the bilities of any power development, can only bo developed with the active to - operation of the Province of Onbario., We lire reliably informed that the Province is now iii need of additional water poWcr, 1105101. it -lopes toget enc e but, that if • Lawrence, the St. L , 1 f ron will i w 1 eta t d ' rther Y, u b f there " t e ' ' 1 tellinghim If you haven't enough we will do ,our best to send you further reinforcoment.." _ prints, 13 to 1814e; shortening tierces, TONG 1 North.,$1.46,1�a; ii ii to 12?4e; tubs, 1214 to 12ele; Man. wheat-- pails, 12% to 181/ec; blocks, 14b1, to 1Qo. 2 North., $1.39§',:; No. a North., 1441c• $ ,iys Heavy export steers, $6.65 to $7; ,.3 Man. oats— No. 2 CW, nominal; No• heavy steers, good, --w6.2.6 to"�G.6U Z"1 "to 07 , 8, not quoted; No. 1. feed, 690; 14°.-2tbutcher steers, choice, $6.2 6 ' d0 cont, quota- to , u .6$ , rain cod $ 1• q air .t ern do f g b lila eat ¢ n m , teed choice, r5 e a , heifers, ichor he • u ( 4,b D b I 4 to , a• tions in c.rn. Porte. $ do faits.10 good-, 56.50 !tm corn track, Toronto -No. 2'g 26 to $D;bO ; hutBhbl• Slack and Whites Farmer (proudly she -wing oft his pig).-""Y..es, sir, that 51 the cutest lit- tle pig Y have, and I've named him 'Ink,' n - - hCLt7 i reel Flow's t Vs "'Cause he's alwaya,r'unning Out of ere la b look to other sources; principally in the pen." r D SEVEN PH EASANT3` IN TWO. DAYS rrotuided' GEESE AN '' iictlui su HORNEDre Cin KILLe c'' the G r e. first blue goose GREATr 01'' file ilei 0 lrtilley Game Farm the. 9'b, lower I' bottled owls ire num <ncne 1r. by11390 10: catch tlio owls,, Cli1 lies Toronto suburban t11;-�at Islington. 'Within two days I bra slit?}1e .II Fr C;crbau'iyith s: f°- rous in the and a p, `'oresu loot five•19se geese averaging pick trlet9 0 00011: and al'e causing In 3urt L sevenpheas.Ihale great :'horned owl. Two oslo'3sis. ��.r;l`�.tcit.ouniis in weight, and rc,lbui,.l,tre 'one above killed ons loss ondiltt lheav"and is rsy. 1 I ., ,i ;(ai ci "blue an,l sunty geee:e � been capta nt anion. e l ieavlest u, se' has arts. "and ate 'tier co n fold. Among -1,] been George .IIBUdan'�Calrsau, scolia', � aro io ax.,.li,.ithe+ top. C,Clso 111644 4101611 yellow; 89c; No. 3 Yellow, 8711• Millfeed--))el, Montreal freights, bags included: -:ran, per, ton: 580.25; Shorts, per ton, $52.211'; middlingD $4 3 to $6; do, corn., $8.50 to 55 85; r cotes, good to choice, 55 to $5.50; cls, com; tp med., 53 to :$4; do, canners and cotters, . $2.26 to 52.75; :butcher $5' da bulls, good to choice, $4.2o t coed., $3.50 to $4; dc, bolaglr 0.26; good feed hour, per bag, $2. tarso oats, 500, f.o.b, shipping as, 1" '0 On to 'll• points. 130 4.0. to $8.85; baby beef, if10 5 1 , Ont. good .mOling wheat-$ • feeders, choice; $5 ri0 to $6.30 ;$1,11; '•e, din to 6.26 stockers, chaiee, according 6 to s - .a it tt If $ fb. reights. Ping port . $4;76 to 55; do, fair to mesh, 84 to Barley—Malting, 60 to 64a 1.$4.50• milah cows, 570 to gar); spring- • Buckwheat --15c, nominal. kers, $90.to 5120; calves, choke, 111 Rye -No. ir, 90c. 'oto 512; do, med., 57 to $10; do, cam•, Man, flour—First pat., $7.00, To -.and grassers, 54to $6; lambs, ch Ile..., , y} is .8, 75 to , bucks 2 b � 4'0. to 1 , t.. 7. � li. 6 $ .n 7 second 5 levo , $ ionto; do, P , 7 • do hra>•iar, Ont flours Toronto, to per cent. $ heep, choice, 56 to $ , patent, per barrel, in varlets, Toronto i$4.50 to $6•, do, cuss, $2.50• $5.75; seaboard, in bulk, 55.75. ' Cheese—New, large, '30 to 201 c; MONTREAL. twine 201 to 21c; triplets, 22e. Sttil-' .Oats, No. 2 CVS", 72ci No, 8 CW, tons . 23c. Old, largo 260; twins, 27c; 680. Flour, Man. spring wheat pats., triplets; —a Old reamer, prints 40 firsts, 57.90; seconds, 57.40; d". Butter :Finest creamery P strong bakers, 57.20; winter patents, to, 38c; No. 1 cDair y 82 to 330• choice, 56.60 t 56.60, Roiled oats, 2, 38 to 890.Fr Dairy prints,bag 90 lbs., 58.75. Bran, 5130,21. to7q8e;f r fresh extras, ts1, in a70e; s, sh fresh Shorts, 532.25. Middlings, 54'2.2h, firsts, 58 to 60crIt seconds, 88 to Hay, No. 2, per ton, ear lots, 51.1 3, 39c, Fresh pullets 62 to 58c. Stor- , 51Cheese, finest. welts., 1731 to U?c ; age. extras, 45c; clo, firsts, 42e; do, I. finest casts.,17'c, Butter, No. 1 ;•ac- seconds, i i to 388, ten lied, Ole. Eggs, storage. a tr t„ Poultry, crossedbe.to spring,.o450storage firsts, 42store 3r - spring, 1 to 1 ft lb, 32 to 83c;c;do,,ends 86e;;fresh extras, 67c; titan spring, over 4 s., 8 30 35 32o; do, firsts, 60e. torn , 3 to 8 lbs., 82 too, 2 30 235 ' to 31� .lbs., 80 to 33e; do, 2 to 21/2,1 Cannons and cutters $1,76 to 83; lbs,; 80o; hens,' over 5 1bs., 28c; do /tin. v=eal calves, ordinary quality, 50 tr to 6 lbs•, 26c; do, 3 to 4 1bs., 21c; -$10.25; 11,'bop quaky, $11.; gra eels, roosters,22e; turkeys;480; geese,28o;-53.60 to $4; hogs, thick moths, ducklings, 5 lbs. and up, 32c. 1510.75; selects 512.75; shoes, 510 u; Beans --Can. hazed -picked,' $3160 sows, $� 9 to-�0 EJ._, _. $3.90 bushel; primes,$1 45 to $v G0.' •••-- ~ Maple 5 snits--•Syrrp, Per I�nIp.I Wan $2.26 to $ .80;' per 5 -gal., $2.111 to $2.25 pot ,gai , meals sugcr, lb., ..6. to 26c. Honey- 60-1b. tins, loch to lac• 10•' lb tins, 13 to .g , s 8i4c tin 2 121k to 19ci'r-lb, tins, islet: l• dozen. 'Comb honey—$3.40 to 54 per Smeats—Hams, med.., 30 to 82c; Smoked coolced hams, 46 to 47c; smoked rolls, 28 to. 308; breakfast bacon, 34 to 89e; backs, boneless, 36 to 42e. Cured meats—Long clear bacon, 50 70 to 90 lima $2160; to 70 Lbs., $23; 22,34 lightweight 20'1s lbs. and p, 522.34; rolls, in barrels, $42.50; rolls, $89.50 per bbl. c 30 l .; Lard --Pure tierces, 14% 7 to 171621 tubs, 161/4 to 17c; p - - -' •' ae has Nearly srY o ov 91pppLaq tcariashendacfios sttimes. Dieordoredatom- ach—oluBaieh liver dace it. -• Cheor u 1 hero's the real relief -Chamberlain's • Stomach and Liver 'Tablets. They : put he stomach and boweto right. A1! draggiata, 255.. or by mail from 9 Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto iASricgio %are} witpt 10.51„ nnahnle dont you one. dot 8a your sppore time et hmto you din sully master thesearots of setting that, make Star 6alesme of sg 6owter better crane once hoe b yssa tlsnnaoll over ou cony be nS 1/660.0s'Shon gst In touch with n a M. 00555 �I ywyilt prove to You .'.Citf0 1056. 1 w21oobawtyeu how rho 5elosreo iship Trnl5;n¢Sand Free Otnols sat 3arr[ce of the `i S.T.:A will help y'ou to !Back ouooees is pUheu. - .. _ - $10000 A Year Selling Secrets „z & ' ,T,Thi avtteen Star SRI Ant E, 5, , taurht tdfrd' ,, e;: 11,, 1 ,011605) '03. e1uaM01 talnd•n1{ry tui 150 1,05 na0hi a `1n ,,. ' WL 0 rme t1,11115.1444'. 1 11'. 4. riy tt,, ,5” rRcle. art ed,r do,nr. eht poll oteellMU otYere r.c. "tr'fuv .,st t1n qr 05,11*'...• wwrr,atianal Saiesmcsn's i'rainifig As,,,ecietibn it gKnatlinn Mea Sex 352 Toronto. Gut. :toad These Amazing '.'Steri of Success