HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-09, Page 1%Of. 2387 -48th ar VVIR1- WHiell IS ;'INCORPPORATED Tiff, CLINTON NEW ERA, - WANTON ONTARIO THURSDAY THE,' ` 110 Do you wish to have a share in putting;Cliinton' Hospital in the front rank" of •efficiency y acceptedby Board Contributiort><s, rfarge'pr small-- r�atefl�ll the i `e Sift of JaeIter Jight ZWhy not give Him, or Iler a'pair• of glasses for Christmas? No other Gift you can think of will convey the Wealth of loving thought fulness. Our glasses are good looking --a Compliment to the 'face. They come in neat cases and are very reasonably priced.. ; calling at our store we will give o ua purchase slipwhich you;ren place on. the tree for Him or ITer, They will be gi en eye tests and a eerrect pair of Glasses upon presenting the slip to us. Come in and see us today. 1, Yeiiqair JEWELER, and OPTOMET11ST • I• , SIS j -TT F F �.T E S a� Which will materially help you in .solving your gift prob- lems. New items being added daily replacing others which have alreadybeen chosen. Special value' in black Messalne Silk. A length of this will make a very acceptable gift 35 in. wide, regular $1.75 • On Sale a t $1.39 :1 i =MN IMMOMMININK140.11•111/111•1.11111111111•1101MMOMNIIIMIME.W.I f he were to BuyHis Own Gift :e One of These u��h Wool Gloves • . , , .. , • .50 to Moelia'Gloves, 'wool lined .. $1,.50 to -Cape' Gloves, "wool lin'ed r:. $2:00 to e G ave � unlined : :2,00 to Gap. 1 s, rn $ Chamoisette Gloves . . . $1.00 to .Cashmere •Hose .50 to Fancy Hose/. '. 50 to Ties, infancy boxes: .. . • • .. ...... 50 to rel refs initialed .:. 25 to Ilandlce m .. .. ; , . • •. Silk' Handkerchiefs ,50; to .25 to Belts.-. Cuff �Biittons . . , ,50--' to TJlnbuellas . , ..: , , ...:: ... .. , ::. , , . $1,50 to Canes . .....,$1.25 ,. ,. 2.5.0. $ Hatchway Pajamas Night Robes . 1.50' Underwear , combination all wool : : Iso Inger Brand Underwear heavy $ Broadcloth Shirts .. $2.50 Sweaters, of every description , • .., • • • • • • $1.50 Windbreakers, in elsoice patterns $4.,50 Dressing. Gowns , , , ;.,: , , , , ,, ..,, $8,50 Do`Your Christmas Shoppir g Esrly. $1.25 $2.50 $8.00' $3.00 $1,50 $1,00 '$1.50 $2.00: .50 $1.50 $1.50• $2.00 $5:00 to $3.00 to $4.50 to $2.50 .. to $6.75 to $2.50 to $4.00 to $8.50 to $8.00 to $15.00 66. Man for � ��r� D Every AN ARCTIC OWL,. Me. R. A: Hemel brought an „Arctic owl into The News -Record office on Tuestl�ty, which had been given hint by Mr. 'Rayriond Jamieson of Hallett, who had shot it near :his farm `build- ing •s. It was quite a large. bird, ;mea- sating, Mr. HeaY'n said, five 'feet from tip to tip, and was white with black spots, Several such birda have been reported hereabouts this fall seine ' folk say it is a sign of a severe Win- ter rahead, they having been 'forced south by the severity of the weather in the north. THTHECOUNdI1;: MEETING. The couneii met on Monday' even- ing, all members present withthe ex- ception of ,Councillor Johns. Mayor Jackson was in the chair. Miss Graham and Miss Htbbs of the : Collegiate staff were • pre- sent sent to ask for ' a refund of taxes ' which they thought had been, over- -Paid. On .motion of Reeve Middleton and Councillor Paisley the clerk wee authorized to look into. the ]matter' and make settlement with the ladies. Bylaw No. 6, 1O26,`.a bylaw to set date for nominations for mayor, reeve, councillors;' conrmissiimers and et -heel trustees, to be he'd on Mon- day, Dee. 27th,' the eleetion, if a poll be demanded, to be held 'oe Monday, • Jan ni.d.' .Officers wave appointed. for: c acli polling division. r ,ur7; Macpherson react the follow- ing 'o'urt from the M. 0. H,: 4C;tinter, Ilec.:1) 1026. Tn. the Mayor and ;M:amber, of Vinton Town Counc'l, i f3 +mere In submitting fey your considera- tion the annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for. the past year, I wish to state that the Toper, of Clin- ton has been fortunate in being tilt -- !I: ' free from any serious -outbreak of conunmunicablo disease with. the ex- ception of about 175 cases of Whoop - :ug' Cough_ from }which two cases diad due to complications. One caseof s les Typhoid Fever, imported. Ale,3 were reporrted from three families but by the cooperation of the 1,arents in keeping strict' quarantine spread- ing was prevented. Two cases of,Mulnps, alio'import- ed. All school ehildren are treated for prevention of Goitre unless their parents have objections,' The results so far have been gratifying, for which the .School Trustees should be conn- feended. Tests have . been made at intervals of the '1'own'•s Milk supply. The milk has. -exceeded the standard. The -,Board has .'made ~periodical in- spections of the .butisjie>n, shops, bak- eries, restaurants anti .laundries. We found the proprietors willing to co- operate inany changes and sugges- tions of the Board. I must eongratu- late the Council for installing a toilet and rest room 'for 'the Indies oftown and those of the. surrounding municipalities tee well as visitors, in the. Hydro building. Next year the Connell should extend their good work and install a second unit for men. In mostgood enterprise`s • Clutton leads and others follow, let us continue in this case to lead: I wish to thank -the Sanitary Inspector and the mem- bers of the Board of health for their, active cooperation' during the year, also the -parents in assisting to ob- serve quarantine and following in- 'struetlons when ,infectious diseases .arise: There were 44 deaths and 49 birtht during the year. The population is 2,048, • Respectfully yours;.. T. W. Shaws M.O.H. Chairman 'Middleton of . the street committee reported repairs to Matil- da street drain, near river, reoonj mended that tile be placed drain in front of the new; Collegiate building and, also that the snow "plows be got ready for lath. . Chairnman. 'C'urren of the fire and water committee recommended a re- adjustment of the fire truck. • Chairman Paisley of the finance committee read the 'following report fox the. month: Street Account Pay tSheet . :. $40.98 S. 3. Andrews, tile ... 14.56 J.''B,'•Musta d, cement 1.75 J. F. W.'asmai7 , Nap. tools 8:00 G. Cooper, wok e street p , s o 5.00 : Light Account g GREENHOUSE' BUSINESS SOLD. Mr, Chas.'Cook of Goderich has just recently`. purchased 'the green- house business of W. Je a.lens and Son Clinton. -Mr: Frauk'denkins is tale ing charge until 111r..,p..Cook, who is caretaker at, the i14Taitland cemetery, Goderich, is tree to poine.. Mr. Cook has also purchased, li om Wes. Jenkins the . house : beside the. greenhouse, which she: has recentlyfitted tip for he.` will eon roue to her own use. S w i t occupy the larger house she has been living in` for the, present, 1- J ukins ht not; ret de- cidedPtah., e, a9 1 cided, what he will do but he will re- main here -until the beginning of the new year at least, LOOKING OVER NEW BUILDING. A number of prominent citizens of Fergus, including Mr.J. C. Tenplin of the Fergus News -Record,- were in fast 7 okin o er town ons' I+ridayo g, v , building. Clirt�omt's new Collegiate4„b ,g The citizens of;Fer •uslwill,vote"on:ii bylaw to raise money fqr the building of a High school at the^new'year and these citizens wished. ,to gain` as Much information as possible in order to be able' to' impart' it to oto' ers interested, Clinton had its owe.: trine getting stalfted to build and it is believed that the new school when finished will not' only satisfy the Department of Educat,iona ut will prove highly satisfactory/to citizens 9f Clinton and vicinity; , ' EAST—SPRY DEATH OF FORMER RESIDENT;: The death took' place in Detroit an Thursday last of William E. Everett, a former resident of Clinton, .The: 'deceased` for many years lived here, being, in: the employ of the G. T. 11. He 'left here several *years ago but „will berememberedby many citizens. DIED IN VANCOUVER The death occurred in Vancouver 13. C. on Nov.. 22nc1' of WaltdrIng, after a somewhat lengthy illness. The deceased was the husband of Miss Grace Tedford, a former• Clinton girl. who survives with 4ne:child. Mr, Ing was the secretary of the Retail IVTer- chants' As ociation: and was .well-' known and highl• esteemed in Van- couver HAND 1S CLUB TO MEET' The following appeared in the' .Soeiety columns of the palgary.Daily Herald of November 27th. The fsridegeoom is : an old • Clinton boy, brdther of Mrs. Gordon„Cuninghauie. He is in the inspector's office of the Royal Bank,' .Calgary, "Charmingly pretty liostinties re- tniniseent of bygone- times were worn by the bride and her attendants ata wedding of paramount 'interest at. -Christ-church Elbow Park a irda ,a; bo a ,Stt y afternoon, November 2T, when Con- stance Ethel, only daughter of Lieut..- Col. ieut, - Col. and :Mrs. D. W. 13. pry, became the bride of Mr. Roy East, .son o f; the late Mr. and Mrs. • Thomas East of Clinton, Ontario. Christ church;' Elbow -Park, was delightfully decorated from nave to chancel with palms fdtns, drtaenas end pale . pinle - spray l ,:,cbrysnntho- nnums. The pews were manked with white baby ribbon,' tulle and pink ” apray clu'ysauthemufns. Tire nuptial service. was performed by Canon Horne. During the service Captain 'Hinton organist played' a programme' of nuptial music. Mrs. J. N. Gunn sang "Love's ` Coronation.; by Florence `mlylword, while. Mrs. Dan aCanipbell accompanied heir with a eollo obli- gate' The bride, escorted to. the altar by her 'father, was attended by two bridesmaids, Miss Maudie Pei,gusot and Miss' Frances Chandle`e 01d -world frocks in the bouffant style were worn by the two bride's' attendants, fashioned ' of fuschia georgette over lsiilc crepe. Narrow - 'taffeta panels came over the shoulders. of the tight bodices to the bottom of the skirt and were held in place. with nosegays of French flowers in front and large' old- fashioned bows' in the batik. Taf- feta in . lavge diamond shapes en- circled -with narrow ruffling and centred with. , French flowers gave added charm to, the costumes, which were made. with an uneven hemline effect : and flowing. !sleeves. They carne 'silver shepherdess' crooks NOW ALL MEMORIAL. 1 DR. STEWART PASSES ON Messrs, 1Hobbs Manafaetuting' Go.' of L;ondon and.iMontresl are this week patting' in twn`memot'ial windowsf du St. "Pant's church, one in memory of the elate "Sidney MouOi'tcastle and hie wife:the other: tri memory of their children This makes all the endows al` tho <hut•ch and .chancel memorial 1)EATH.OF MRS. E. _HOLMES. Mrs. 7 Holmes o1 St,,Cathar'ines a former citizen o1 Clinton, flied on Monday last' at the advanced age of ninety --three years. Shetad been; ail - Mg some weeks. She 'was the ,motlt- er of Mrs. Chant of:'Clinton and of Robert. Holmes -of" Toronti , so `longa resident of this town: Next, week we• shall have a mote'; detailed obituary The Home an T1 d School Club will IN'f'E"REST1NG LECTURE,•r v'meeting r nio t 1 hold then regular •uta n h log g on Tuesday, D c. m inthe Public School e b�' c utt'`' ec •e a • of Re"v: Di h S i t r , Y The S , y 14th, at four o'clock Miss Rudd will .the`Home ' Iissiee Board of the 'Can - tell about the Children's'-Story'Ilour aditn Baptist Church, who conducted at the Public Library and Mrs. (Dr.Y" anniversary services in the local 'Bap- I-Iearn will give a short talk on Cur- tist church on Sunday last, on' Mon - rent Events. At the conclusion 'of day delivered ;a most interesting. the program a: sale of clothing will tune on his journeyings through' Pal - be conducted and a' social cup of estine. The: lecture was -illustrated tea will be served. by a•'n amber of very- 'beautiful•'_ slides DR„ BROWN LEAVING. The entertainment was both interest ing and instructive 'and was enjoyed Dr: H. S. Brotvp Who has been prat- `'"" those prey nt. 'Using Clinton f thet three sing in in on' or pas tee WAS PLI2E AS JUDGE. and a half years, is moving to Detroit and will`•leave shortly; probably, be- Wesley, Castle, the, seveufeen year fare Christmas. Dr. Brown made his old son of Mr. James Castle of Chaff decision to move while on a visit to ey, California, ands. nephew .of Detroit'in September and in October Messrs. Amos. and S, G': Castle of ha went to Lansing tei write oft the Clinton, -recently •wen third place in Share exams., which he, passed with' stock judging. at the big stack,; show honours. Later he took a short post in Chicago, competing%`with over 'one graduate course at McGill. Dr. Brown hundred: The _judging team 'from expresses regret at leaving Clinton Chaftey High School of • which in but he says the Detroit proposition' is was 0 member, won fourth. place an attractive one. He has - "fitted'. in" competing with ,twenty-two teams nicely during his stay in Clinton and from :ill over the United;Statcu, Will be :missed by a large circle here. Young Castle was '' thud high poire AiMONG THE CHURCHES The Ministerial Assodiation.niet' on u This prize is $200 in cash, to be ^Rev. Alexander Stewart, M.A,, DD., formerly pastor ofWillis- Presbyter- ian chureb,'Clinton 'died at Winnipeg. 011 Jonday in .his eighty-first year. Dr. Stewart had been residing in. Toronto since his a'etii'ement from ehe pastorate of, Wills church, and a few months ago he went to W;ineipeg to reside with his cl eugliter Mrs.. Stew - alt stied just 0 year ago. The 1 incral will take place from Wesley Wliliis. ch01111, Clinton, on Fri - lay afternoon, Dec. ,10th, the service to commence at two o'clock." A' fuller sketch of the life of this well-known roan. will appear next, week, MLiDICAL''MEN MEET. About ;ei •hteen members , of the, g ✓IIuron Medical , Association; met in Clinton yesterday, when Di.' Thomas Gray of St. Thomas'. gave a very' 10- steuetive 'address on the "Use and Abuse of the Y -Tray" Dr. Moir of Hensel" /gave a talk. on t�ie""Physical Pr erfos of - adiumn a d it Use i Treatment" Dr: Dandier.: showed. plates of several surgical theses which he -had had recently, and there was 'clinical discussion'.: on various cases. Dr, Hearn demonstrated on a gas ma- chine which he has` installed in, the hospital recently for the adininistra- born of, anesthetics: This is a valuable addition to the egtiipnteut of the hos- pital. The meeting being held in the hos- pital a bounteous lunch was very daintily served by Superintendent ,Grainger and her staff during an in- termissioim. , _ ep i R n s n Goclerich Township The United •cogregations of Bethel: isn r Bethany wilt' hold service 'a't B:ethanyi ,church for the winter. A Nair congregation: Was present ' on Sunday :For the stormy day.' Mr, and Mrs.. Jay Hinman, Evelyn end Billy, also Mas. Be,, Yeo'ef De- n " tr rain in a m sed for scie film a e g f, `roit spent the weals -en t the home e P rectory, `the p do at Monday at St, Paul's t oto y, allculture. members being ...present. Argatige- 1 Mrs .McDougall and Mrs. Betties. ments were made to hold the usual LITTLE LOCALS. ilTrs. Weston, 'who has been nursing week of Prayer,. beginning ,Munda,y, her sister, Mrs. Vandenburgh, has xe- Jan: 3rd. The sub`eets, and speakers Huron Council is meeting in'Goder, turned home. d ioh'this week. n.. -Mr. Erlantt Bettles of the Standard will .be, announced later. Rev. `Dr, Schutii, secretary of the Baptist Honme The Mason County ILolire commit- 'Bank, Calgary, Alberta,: recently won Mission Board, was present and gave ;tee,of tbe''Cetity •Ccuneil' •met in Clan- the first prize as a dancer; a' pair of an instructive talk on the ministry of ton on Tuesday. gold cuff ;battens. the word: - , 'W'e':,are'sorry -to hear.that Mrs. R. - The' Brussels " Woine. les Institut1e Sloan- is in the -Clinton-Hospital: Salvation Arnmy' sent a very fine•ilonatioi of canned 'Colwell .Met on 1VIonday last Mr._', mneetin • will be held in fruit to the Huron County home last, D. Glidden was reappointed school at- tendance officer. By-law . No: ti to the .Salvation Army hall .on Friday provide for nominations on Dec: 27th evening of this week when 1Visjor, and Deena wait until the last Week to' and election on'Jan. S1 d, if -necessary, senrs:.Burton of London will be pre- order your personal greeting cards. was read a third time and passed. sent to conduct the service. ,All wel- come. See samples, we have a very fine The fbllowig accounts were ordered i collection to select from, and leave paid: Reeve and councillors; attend- ' Baptist Church your order so we can deliver them anee at council uteetungs„$150.00; .1. in good time. E. Whitely, treasurer, salary, $100,00; Minister's subject on Sunday even- Howard Sturd , collector, salaa'y, Mg: "The' Excluded Christi' Sunday • We received. this morning” fvom Ire $100.00; R. G Thoanpson, cleric, ' al- Sohooi at 2.30 pane Prayer service turning -Officer Gnvenlocicmof Be't oreh dry, $11u:00; jury .selectors, $10.00 'Wednesday at 8 p.m. corrected list of South Huron returns ,,, Y the run weather on in last week's election but are• unable Pedlar People, culvert, $52,80 Reid In spite ofth stormy Torrance, school fair '•clafseit; $3850;' Sunday very good congregations were to' make room for thein this racers, Rabi:.lticAllister; tile, $2.50, Joht present at the amim Schutt services ,We,shall print in full next week + Ernraerson, drawing culvert,' $2.50; G. , when nnpresv. Dr..- Schutt preabbed Mr. A. A.'Colctuhun of Hibbert, a W. Sturdy, valuing+'sheep, $12:00; S•_, most. impressive sermons.' • brother of Mrs, Elizabeth :Ifennedy, Eimnei:5on; supe, $52.20. Gravel: Ben 'Wesley -Willis 'United Church Mrs. 11i.T. Corless and Mrs: IIarey 'Itatitwell, $2,"r6; • Mrs, H. Sweet, ; y Fitzsimons•: of Clinton,: was the suc- $37,08; C. L. ,Bisset, $28.44; W Elliott, The •pastors, subject on Sunday morning tvi1L b The Heavenly 'dessful Liberal candidate in. South $15.00; N. Ball, 75e; J. Forbes $1,35; ,g e Perth in the recent eler:toim, winning H' Trewartha, $35:10; 5-.Snmith $1:08.; Horne Evening: "Jesus, Servant Redeemer" over his opponent h+y' majority of Board of Health Met and reported'' On Monday. evening the Young 4,92-, -the least eontagion tXiis;. year of any 1' Pao les'':Society ,had a debate; `Re- DEATH 01' GEORGE SHIPLEY. `:•for smite yea". • p Council then adjourned to ntect on solved: that `War has been a Greater Dec. 15th at 10 a.m., Evil Than Intemperance." The af= On the evening of Thursday 'He-, firmative side' was taken by Maser's; : eember 2nd, there *Passed to the:Gzeat. —R, G. TBOMPSON,. Cleric,' Leslie Pearson and Harold Langford; Beyond in the person, of 'VIr. George the t b M Lorne Cook Shipley ono of natures gentlenteri d '1 k showed considerable debating Hewer nine months.. HIS illness of a leW The 14Iu opal Council of entwined with pink rose; and fern and it was conceded that the affirm- mnonths duration, was ,home borne—With 0l s�•a ed bon slap 1 Hallett bald ti special me negative y Messrs. ora and Will Match. The young men at the ag'e, .t sixty-five years and • '1C ullet�tTownship to int the Town- it d' had lived trusting in the Saviour ' se am exquisite hunch on ! port. ten ars' a Present. The lovely bride woren q Seee ee m the, Baptist c greater part of his life was spent on . 'Simon 111eVittie, Collector for the golvn of •ivory]'`brocaded satin 'iii Sunday at 11 :o'clock: Subject. "The the Shipley homestead ion the Huron " „ �, past 6 years, ,presented a .Statement bouffant style,, with .a full, court Gideon spirit!, . ,Sunday school, at t Road, East of the town, and he ryas traria of 'satin from the 'sirouiders for that period stating• that taking 1.0 o'cloclt, loved and t espectod by his ni:iglnbon s' the total of the Collectors' rolls' for edged with 'Silk met. ' Elie bodice was - • The W, M. S. mets at the home of v,•ho boar 'testimon to,his £rien<Ishin _ . n Fory . that meant and comparing them with ` Made French 'style, shh'red rdund Mrs: lVfcbiurchre on. Thursday after- who constancy. 'many y10r`s he and' boasted ' short puff t h.a member. o � the Ontario street the totals of the,receipts from the the waistP 'noon, 1&t was f e esOver lien 'own ft -11 a.. sillsChristmas entertainn.ent for Met!' disct now United chureh and Treasurer, and after deducting some sl ev, _ g � The: Chr to 14 c , i `as fashioned with a drool will be held that i of that `rare' a mum small amounts that could not be col- t veil which. 'w the :Sunday 's for. t g part l v 7< P Ch t fortitude l .h d d meeting and " wore silver ..- .poke - - ria max -00 a to as he nets of ,georgette cette,and French flamver.s at'ive had won by sotiie, points. g on Friday November 26th to coil. - cap with quaint chin Blimps: :Presbyterian rerun Church om hey loved an served he Sidor the Govermnent Auditors Re el P by h d •4:. 't `I nb all ne ' me un lee.ed, there ivas only a shortage 'of ,. map fa's' nod to'the'coiffure'with' or- on .Iiiiday, Dec. 11 -7th- Supper will be bet of the official, and of the, t4 92 cents: et ibouquet of,'gclnds, Sunset aftetwatds•a.numbet of lanternattendance. - unary of. assets' atxd liabilities We find Electric L' ht and::lilies of the;>tialley completed;tlie `vial ;be shown and the :'gifts .clstrib- i . :•r,°• " i ' The. funeral took place on' Sunda. that the Treasurer is indebted to the P. U. tom, at. lighting, Novi 155.16; , brnlal ensentl)le:,, • uted' from 'the ,Christmas Ttee,; .,n 1 „y,', .Township n' Deceumber, 1 1925,: the' • _ . •' " supported b .> {uron will Meet .Dee.' 5th, a• short service 'lre1ng hcl.l. n Pr fighting hell; la Mr. grahri 1 om :wits pp c The f H sum of$.,6,44',0,and that the ,Towneh p' '• ham � < brother' , of the 'incuda `Dec. 14th, at at. the .,home; followed by a public. P U: Com., lighting hall,' lanips 11,41' bti Gia , S1>.Y, of Clinton on T s_ y, , liin'the, u1n•of , 244.24'' r r' e :ziY ushers wore Mr. Burrett = service in the church, with which.he. is indebted to s $ P, greens, coal :. .. ......:. k,l, .b id , d 11 o eloYo been so loii> caitnected, At this leayiug_:11 balance M. his favor Of Mailer Hrlwe. Co., i lass,-' etc.... 1, 37 Allan,. iMi , Rees • Taps ell; and • Mt, The Young Ladies of AuJ dine willMc- had • �, •service a large ntuniher.gi,friencls-and $172.54 at that date. .We. also. find D. E. Closet Account Wlalter linewalt,' (Leth'lirtdgel,. "Meet at the-hoino of Mrs• James Mc- rent to -Au August Gnlir'oit smart ening Dec. ecrtuaintences,Were gathered, The that the pays g J. !Steep; sae e'er Noir, , :: r „ 70, 00 renewing ,the : 5 friends- ceremony a n mneehic on Tuesday eve g, . old ;Pastor, Rev. 0, J. Moorhouse, conduct the Ii;inburn'swainp chain was $1200 Cemetery :Acco •: at 3.hsioii'for malty friends- was>h 14th, at 8. o clock:' 'which not 1231' as has been reported by,, i ter • 1Nov:at the of the bride's parents, , ed the service and the choir., of.' is $ { R. H,t n salary ep. tools Not . , : 62.20 . ,i • ` 1some. ' It is being rumored that. there west 'when . Ontario Street United Chme1 he load so ,long been. a, member, ten g E F. arcl, wood ep. '.. , , :,2,20 Lieut. -Seventh street , ' ri. , , , , , :;,"t 0 in the E. Ward wood Lieut:=CoL''and Mrs: �D.' W. �B:::Spr:r, 'Morning class at ten: o tlocic. defied musts. sun,able to the occasion. 0s a shontage of sofas $,j00 ,, 2,2o • • `• • r wore a band- The pastor's morning subject witi, The remains were ;laid to ,rest .in the funds of the Treasurer.:, ,I .have writ W 1, Hawkins, ad shears , , . , , , 2.25 received. Mr blas y, Fir • me 'ortvu of black ,satin with open- lith, "The Church At Sardis?' -.liven- Clinton "Cemetery, a lar'g'e_number of ten to Gorrlori Peters ds Co: (tire dud; .. , , mad Water Account so g hat was ini "The Serpent and the S,avtourP. I:i: �'remlin, rubber ]toots :: , 3.50' wtirlc panels oven be)ge..Iiei h. t g � . friends accompanying; them thither. 'itors) regarding this rumor ,and they lm • , M Aiken straps fore r a large .beige model 'of .satin, trimmed , .The Junior League will meet at .the The pallbearers were: B. J. Gibbing•s, reply that the Township is not,8110V. 7 p hose .7,a g Chani; * 'With! os res and she .carried ca•inm- 10oine o ,the, superintendent,.`r�Nlis•' �])r. J. •S, `'Evans, >lt, Tiplaiy;; H. B. of that'anrounCr thetelore time ruiner ' . �1� b ACco.ni,fo W. lieao tickets to 5tratf i•d .. 0' son roses. � Curiell, QP Friday evenntg at seven Chrt»,t, L. Tyndorll ani} W. J. Phnnsteel is -without any foundation 'whatever: n 31 Grants :Account' The bride's treble was centred with o'clock, lie leaves to tnoui'n .their loss his "(sighed) Matt Armstrong•; Reeve. P. U, Com„ light for Hospital 22 05 the. -calve, - surrounded with The•final,deibate inthe sel•ies' h'y the .wife, who was for111c •ly' Miss Flor, • 1 - i de orated Yung Peoples Soete s f II mum Aclai , 0 h , three rsona r: Dr. !Shaw, salary 100„00 with'piirl. ,roses, and rink candles Presbytery"'will take place.in Onitario M. A, 'Shipley, who has been taking Incidental- Account; burning in small' silver. Candlesticks. ' street church lecture 10610 on Monrlay a 'special .post graduate. course at ,Beli Tel, Co. vent and deet. 1Pr:'J. 15, Woods proposed 'a :toast evening, Dec. 13th.• The debater$ arc Scranton and .New York City, and 4.00 } Rei 05110 Stamps . , , .: ; 10; 00 to the bride and' ntoonr, The grooms f Siilaries A'ceount tp•ift to the tbride. was as small` linger t death,„ L, Stops', salary 70.83 ring of platinum and diamonds, to the .E. Graelis, s� lat•y 58,33 bridesmaids French colored ' -mesh EC, ' ]%TFTs L Stmmg'= • • Market Scales ., . .$15.70 Ball rent . , 34,,00 It. ilunter- 5015 aF. lots : $16',00' spent, the bride .travelliirg in a',grey (}aac in Perj) •,,105.00 a z gaberdine tailored 1roel1 with 'blue F ;;.; Her coat Wale , . ; :::....:126.00 247.00 i•, collar, mutts and belt. rie- 47.-00 .,tcde E. Graelis, stock scales 14,92 was Drench blue with grey 'fox `fur Council adjourned to meet again and her hat wail, a, Smallgrey model Dec, 15th, as per• statute, l with lime feather trimmings," Eugene Hove1:v of Main Street Church, ha had been with his father sonic: Exeter, and';M14s Delight 1, inch o• -weeks • :before his b ea i George at .Victoria Street Church, Codcricli, The Home and Charles, s student in Med- public will be"weleoine,' ical t3efence at the-Western'Univer he lee, ill'ain and b gs; to the best matt a s,,ci•ling sir- The W. M. S. will meet int site, two ,brothers, Wn r ver cigarette ease and to the ushers tune room on Wochtesday af:ten, 1, Thomas of Clinton and three si telt, / gold pen knives- i Deo, 1 at three- e'elec1 , when a Mrs. W. Tipl tdy at' Clintan, lrrs.' G: 49:70 et,.. and Mrs. East ;lell. for Cali- special Christmas urogratu will be ' Tamer oL Tuckereinith and. Mrs, L. forma; where the honeymoon will ho oven. Al”' Carrell,; Mms Miles and 3 Smallaccrmlie of St. Cathei•i0tes. Mrs; Beaton will.he nm_chal •e o. peogram. The et nig ladies o;f. MTS.' Wendoxl'S S. $ class will have charge of the social hour, - Members 111.e' rifted to keen the change of :clay o1' 'meeting in mind. Mrs. Chis B. Adair of Peterboeo and 141r. and Mrs, R. Downs of Port Muton were amongst those from a distance who were here ;toe the,fun- eral Constance Mr, Joe Riley, sr., has bought part :of the efiipty house belonging to Mrs. Nicholson and is going, to move', it - onto the foundation on Mrs: Britton's lot, Mrs, Pearson and baby of Godersok Tp„ are visiting the lady's sister, Mrs, Joe Riley, Mr. Wilnams gave '..:very good leo- tube in the church last week on efts- slobs. A good pro5r`are was given, after :which a lunch. was Served by the W..ISI, 8, Since the election it looks as if the weatherman is being controlled and is giving us 'nice, snappy weather,