HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-02, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING .JEWELERY PTPRE • 'Get out.tif the w,ay Of tile Man knows where he's goig', • He's beenover to:his meigliberS and heard the VItivedni'Redio • and is now on his•way.,te John.. stonis jewelleu, Store _to get• tube, $115.00, 5 tubes $125,00 • g tubes $250.00 -- The best in .the -world • Also a '5 tube Transatlantie,, , • Whitco 5 tube coniplete• for $80.06 JC)}11NS0111 GracinA of Toronto 'College .of Optornetry • Fixe Jewellery and Repairs •• Next Hovey's Drug Store ' ;Candles sere Part bf, our 'Christmas . display and are finding inuoh%aver' for their•akietic hoauts. or ,r40111 de-' coration, gift giyfiig andseuvenirs, rieli shades ef orange, 11.1e, rose, Yet; low and black. Au.8 inch one at 51:le a , pail! is ,very ornamental, then the yuletide eandim- red -with. low stand pAinted green at 45d for- the • two, should, be mentioned, the'. candle is • about 1 inch -in diameter and-44,inches long, an again tb DinneP Tapers about' two feet/long, smokeless,' less odorless„ at ',She each, and a "twist" at 15c each are good values,• .!,4 tf"..-:;9•410Liti.: • ..14.•,t4.11 ! , )0\.'"' r\ What ts-"inore ,suliable for fer1e.../..?. •..._ .4\‘‘%"-4,:f L.A. F.L'A III .4 0 \\N ../ ggestions •; father, brother or husband than • ... anew English Ereadcloth shirt Plain colors •faney patterns. - • You may add to it if you wish one O our new silk or crepe ties. They are right up-to-date and range in prita from 75c to $1.50 Just about three weeks more and it will be too late to do your Christ- . mas Shopping Early. The popularity of the Private -Greeting Card as a symbol of friend- ship at., Christmas has increased steadily. every year. The sentiment expressed conveys the feeling which sometintes hard to express. It ,is a convenient messenger of friendship add goodwill. 's -The personal touch bf the printed name making the card more personal. DON'T OVERLOOK OUR "'CHRISTMAS KARD KORNER" MO W1 11 Fair Go. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best We have a chd.ce selection of 'House •Slippers for all the fain- ily and at loer prices than have been shown since pre-war days. 1••••• -•*-1 DON'T LET SANTA CATCH YOU SLEETING— SHOP EARLY Plu ral steel Bros. PHONE 25, NEW FRUITS ILAISINS=Walenela, 'Seedless, Puffed, Seeded, Bleached' Sultanas for light fruit rake, Large Muscatels. NEW PEELS ---Citron, Orlinge. and Lemon, also cut ;peels, ready Shelled Nuts, Cherries, Extracts Almond Icing The C. & S. Grocers Main Store, Phone 126 N. 'Branch Store, Phone 125 a. (trig JLpproadiling, '4-, • Now is the time to buy Koastmg Pans, Pud- ding dishes, Double Boilers, Mixing bowls, etc. We always:::ep.hy Rill of Pyrex Ovenware, Casseroles, Plates, li.tuffiir,paris, Jelly Moulds. Custard cup. etc. • . SilvervvareiRodgers"1847, Adams, Patricia.nd Prirnros e NXie liavetl<nives,. Forks, Dessert Spoons; Table Spoons • TSfic,ons, Berry Spoon. Pickle !orks, Pie Servers ••Butter KniVes. A146 Attractive Gkft Cab.irtett • , . . tteta St• Perdue HARDWAItIl l'I.:LITY'BING •ELECTRIC WIRING i..na1valmeamoaestossncse...o•o ilienutteieteaSbei, 1.1Ir •4 . 111,, miss Ann Stewart spent the week -end with Fergus friends. ' Mrs. A. D. IVIcCarthey is visiting her sister in Hartisten this week. Mrs. S. T. Murch of Sarnia visited Miss Hattie Courtice over the week, end. Mrs. M. W. Hewell of Goderich was the week -end guest of Miss Rudd of lawn, Mr. W. R. Miller 'of Toronto was the week -end guest of Mr. E. G. and Miss Hattie Courtice. Mrs. Holmes, Sr. of Raglan street has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Archibald of Seaforth. Miss B'essie Davies, who has been in Toronto for the past couple of months or so, returned home Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. George Ladd left this • morning for Los Angeles, Cali- fornia, where they intend spending' the winter. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray of Har- riston were in town last week and Mrs. McMurray remained with Clinton friends over the week -end. Miss Mary Collyer, a.graduate of the • School of -Commerce, has gone to • London and has taken a position with the Keystone Seeurities Cor- poration, Mr, and' Mrs, a-oseph ;Clegg and as- ter Tek of Brus,$GIS were visitors with the lady's mother over the week -end, attending, the wedding of her sister Monday Morning. Mr.. • Mervyn ' Farquhar of Detroit was home over the week -end and attended the 'wedding' of his sister, Miss Jean, who was married early Monday, morning in Weeley-Willis 'church., 'Col. J. A. Cooper of Toronto was with (Clinton relatives over the week -end, coming:up to attend the funeral of his nnele, the late Thomas MeKen. zie, which took 'place on Sunday af- • ternoon. Miss Zelina Berry of Toledo, Ohio, was the guest for a few days dur- • ing the past week of Mrs. Margaret • Farquharof town. She acted as •'bridesmaid at the tagiesen-Fatira- liar' wedding Monday mning. Mrs W. E. Floody and 'little 'Miss Catherine returned to their holne in Toronto on Friday after a visit with the -fon:sees pardiitS,Mr. 'and Mrs. H. B. Chant. Catherine has been with heir -grandparents since the •summer. Mr. Elgin Mason of New York City, after another transcontinental 'Cour, .visited at his •home here over the week -end and Ileft on Monday, ad, companied •by • his father, IVIr. Thomas 'Mason, who will spend the winter at Romeo, Mich. Mrs. Ma- son, who has been milled to Toron- to owing to the illness of her broth, Mr. 'Charles E. Smith, will join her husband later. , Mr. W. G. Beattie of Beath; Bros.; Fergus, has. been in town today looking over 'Clinton, with a view to getting some pointers as to civic improvement He came printipally to see the Collegiate building, Which he looked over carefully, but he also expressed himself as, struck • with other points, ' where FergaZ' could well emulate in 'We should • keep to the mark if we are to be • held up as examples. ' 1' .;, • Ciiittcrn News.gecorcl TIRADER 2, 1926, ietiticAitmultiakfiti 'reniksikadonituktoniciannksitiowns#40.4„,,„„w„1,,,,,,,,,,ti '-Friday, Saturday:and -1Vionda)7,f/Dec. 3r0., 4th. and -6th: Tliree'-Si)ecial' days for Cash. , car of Pure Cane GranulatedSugarat,remarkable price and ria.ai-ket . For 27 cents ICING STJGAR. -27 MIXED PEEL.. . ; i . ;•., .1.7,...... Lemon and 'Orange ....,4 .... 41. ,4:` . CLARK'S 'SOUPS • ''' 3 tins fog ,....,...,...,..! ..-f,.t.:?,;,,.. 't. 27c-',.' ..1. • . c"'srrAl'eli:- - '' 27e. PEAS •• •-• . • .,,J 27 C READY.. CUT, MACARONI 19;•••• , ;„ • - 3 lb.,5;10t... ... ... ....i.. . PI '‘.;...: I' - i • ' ' !I ... PtilaPKIN., : .',.'.: 1 ' ' 7 Cs: ..' 1 , .. ... ,., 2. tins. 41...-....`... ... . . ." . ;...... r.7. - •s. ..,..,,, A GORIL 2 tins foc ''''' ' - 4 4•F c. .. •ioMA.TOS ' 943;, , 2 Tins for, - .. : .. , . ..:..:........N-44•44••*' ' • • JELLY POWDER • • :4 pkgs for 29e SOAP CIIII'S = ' In 2 lb. for • 4IOC .......... O'NEIL'S SOAP 9G,„ '1Ar6 fat . . ... : : . Id if - • 2 tier ... .. 439n 1C DA.TES 2 lbs. for 29c . . . • . BORDEN'S MILK 911 • 2 Tins for . . ..... . . . . , , 4 VT CORN PLAICES ' . 29C • • • ROLLED OATS 6 lbs, foi ... • . 29C • CORN MEA;., 29c 6 lbs. for . MATCHES* BoxeS for 3 pkgs for ...... . 'Other Every Day Specials, •' • • ALMONDS 60c NEWIJUICir P1tITINES1' 9t,„ • 2 ibs, for 4,010 40 • NEW 'COOKING Eta • '.2 lbs: for . .. . 'NEW VALENCIA Q RAISiNS, per lb. . .. . LOC I PLUM JAM Large size .. . 4: .. , ' 4 BAKING POWDDR 112, "Red Stay" .. , .. ... / SHORTENING 3 lb. Pail 50c SHORTENING •Or - 5 .11i: Tail• V• al; P. G. SOAP ' •• Cal ' 10 bars*for 29c NEW SHELLED WALNUTS, per lb. ..... tFirk. FISH DEPARTMENT—Finnan Haddie and Filletts. Haddie Toast— Scamble two eggs, heat a small piece of haddie, place flakes of haddie on three slices of well buttered -toast, then put scrambled egg on top, season •-4 and serve In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m4 Kindly Order Early • • • cash • and %Ail. TPhone • 411$ Service .,4•0: A 48 Where "Sells for less price prevails. VIVRTOWT[qPiThWOROVIRWAPPPIPPIMPOWIttifit~WMWO •FALL ,..11,11.TS A complete stock in all AiZQA and the newest styles and, colors just arrived. At our prices the well-known Biltmore Itat can- not be beat for quality or price, Look at Yeur Hot • --Everyone Else Dots" Dav,is &Herman Custom Tailoring , •• Cleaning and Pressing reittutort Por Men THE MASTER HAT OF CANADA THE VOTE IN SOUTH HURON Some results in other municipal- ities* as far as we could gather them before going to'....press1' Seine ;listed hede,are not com15.1ete: SAFORTH PokNo. •Medd. 'Neeb • ' • 98 77 11. A. HOVEY . . , ''.69 72 Phone 89 . Clinton, Ont. -RAW FURS WANTED AM now paying special high prices for all 'kinds •of raw Fur. 5 . ... .. = '76 6 . ..1 • 71' ' T. NI • Medd, 613i Neeb, 554 MP. T 'r'..14.T. . 123 31 - 3134 1 • P`N;:' • ` • - 69 . 49 4.' ' ' • TUOKERSIIITH. • . St: 71 111, 62 „ 31.......12039 .. . .. 330 34 USBORNE .... 61 26- . 101 22 21 MeKILLOP • STAR THEATRE Mon, Tues., Wed. DM. 6, 7 and S SY)5.. CHAPLIN, IN "OH, WHAT A NURSE!" Under the auspices of the Wotnen's • ' Institute . „ • ••-• • ' ADMISSION: 35c and .25e, • .' 7• War Tax Extra '• „Matinee Wednesday at 4 p.in. . ADMISSION: 10e 36-1. • . You- Ready • •'For Winter • 13e .prepared by having. us install one of our Jewel Quebec Cooks and 48 Heaters hi your home. • 14 . •, • 59 Perhaps it is a furnace yon are in 85 Aged od. Everyone knows• the best is He-cla," made 'by 'Clare Bros., Pi:eston,-or let us repair your old one. 2 . . ... 150 3. .... . • 63 1 4 : • ' • , 173 ' . .•• 458 3 •• 'R. AyrTE• LI) • IVIedd, 54; Neeb, 129. • OC'DEROI-I TOWNSHIP • Come/in and see our line ‘vlien it 1 . . 64 (17 • „ ,......... IA convenient, Wo are •prep5fedt • • • • ' , , show you the hest. ILo1 tides a,ro Q . %iss Mary Oartwrightwas a dele- .' ,. HAT gato to the Junior Women's Institute 2,,*, . ...• • • • • • • , • • ‘ • 0 .:,, Convention., held in gnelph last Fri. 0 , . . .-...... , . .... ,.. 1:11 107 " ?•1', tiaY. Tile convention wee vary largely 4y; . ., ........., ... , 14, 1,3. 4, attended. •A nurnber of represents,- 5 '. • • ... " • • • ' 55 '• 1";", ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' . • ivos of the Junir. fanner sr frail). all 6 • ,...„ • .. •.• • • •'• • • • • . • 1.4) 10,7 ri."4ARDVirARE and PLUMBING 1 the different counties were preirent , 7' • •, .5150 8' 2 00 Phaae 244 .011/04.1•••••••••,..1,11... 1111.1m4yeaMmoilMOOMI,M4 Good. Old Christmas Time Is Coming Fast It's not too early N plan your gifts so we are submitting a list for your consideration to help you make someone happy. How about a Chesterfield Suite from the family. Cr a good comfortable Chair or 'Rocker, or Ai good Spring and Mat - We have la real stock of Floor, Bridge and Table Lamps in all the new styles. Swell Mirrors and Pictures to brighten up the home. Other very useful articles are: Lin- oleum, Congoleum or Carpet Rugs or Mats, Fancy Tables, Desks, Sectional Bookcases, Cedar Chests, Card Tables, Ferneries and Smokers. All kinds of Furniture for the children, Including: Doll Cabs, Baby Walkers,'Sleighs Toy Sets, High Chairs and .Smad Rockers. And as you know— • "OUR PRICES ARE RIGIIT" HARDWARE DEPT. We always carry a good ,,line -of Silverware,Carving Sets, 'Stainlesq Steel Knives and Forks, Eectric Per- colators and Toasters. • For • the Kiddies—Kiddie Cars, Sleighs and Wagons. " Special Window of Aluminum ware at 790. Electric Light Bulbs 5 for $1,00 Clinton Hardware and -• THE STORES WITH A FUNERAL DIRECTORS Furniture Phone: 104 • ` Furniture 0 MONUMENT DEALERS Hardware vid WANTED All kinds of Live and Dressed for the Christmas Trade • GUNN, LANGLOIS 8z Co., Limited, HEAD OFFICE — MONTREAL, QUE. •' CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO •PribNt 190 •