HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-02, Page 5• ,
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LIIII:'°4 e.waY e P:ItIVIIIS -4 on Nov: '3°0J:
, ••,.',' ,,- ss. ,i .: fm ' !Saturday is. , ,sw,,aie siso, I.; -...k.'' TT, 0x1.1:es,(4-liteflie,s11.
hS'S° :: 'we„xis ready:, f,Or: , : ' . scs.-= daughttr14"..... .'a 1. H.
to he asSiagle°0- ''stessetts,'WAGNE •-:At. tir. urt•fe.
"didil't'ril°M°'.v1'4!'g 11 ' ' •D>Y"'' YOungeSt• clanghte, ef,
- • "--) ' '- ''., %l.'s ..V. ,...i.e,..,..-ioi,ip ;Ye': .-• lett Tewnship, ,to Garfiel,d Henry
i'S(4")?I's111:3rarit-fOrd•• :Expesiteir, aiy st..,ibils ,of Daieeit, Mich. ...• • ,... ,
*arks „•• tee',” • . ,..,1* .
-"serve 'to inaintairsit r ,,,,,X ., ,,,
of th Births
.,. .:. . T—In Godericli ,township, 011
Viell;eriesthing sterns sim..,tai ,
least' one' of ' so . A.eht.ifa as wag Potter,' a elaugthso,.,___ pieta • NVinn-•
bootlegg•er is 119t 1 , . Nay- 25th, to V. itrai Mts.
twothings.' EithSr the'
• Alescarte*,
Day. 41',, Ts, ' er:asd, Clinton, -to *-
Thee •see'v'EsP--°:b • ' -ts there is Ir en- IsIevemeer 4 1.
414, '%vers of'Exeter,
:logger,- in:, ST0910°. • a •AlbqltE,
1\[i and Mis/.:foirry wagner; .Huls
feared. or, eliehe voted
. ' ileaths
ting their electiens over: It might be- DANCE...Y*1n Goderith; on Nov, 20th,
• Liiftus Edivin Dancer,
DAVIDSON—In Colborne' township,
enS-Nov. 2.1.st, Isabella Davidson,
daughter of :the late Alexander
Davidson, in her 83rd year.'
eernment, g°°dmany -plates.
A nurnber of rnualciparitles are got-
rather dell at the beginning of the Lena Janet Dancey, wife ,es
-new year, however, if we had not the
xcitement a h municipal election to
:stir as up. .
will °notice " remarked a good"
'Tory' this morning, "That the sun is
shining- today. Do Yen remember
how it rained after the last election ?. -
Doesn't that look "as if =the heaven's
smiled, upon' the Conservative
The really sincere advocate of the
Cnetailment of the use of strong drink
ought to begin a crusade against its
manufacture. While the stuff is made
it will be sold and drunk; Se long. as
it is made those ieterested, in MS" sale
will proniote that sale by every means
• in their 'power.
The eldest :son of the ex -Kaiser
was suramoned to lioorn recently to
thy and explain -why he had referred
'to his dad as an "anion." "Living in
Dean as Whirachn is," the Stratford
Bc-acon-Heralii sayi, "the s,n used
the wrong word. He should have
• called him a 'Dutch set.'"
* *
3. J. Hunter, editor of the Kincar-
dine Review -Reporter, seems to f 111(1
time to dabble in a lot of other things.
:Recently he 'represented the Bruce
municipal .teleplione system at a
meeting of the Canadian. Independent
'Telephone Association in Toronto,
and was elected president.
* *
Frontier Baldwin :forgot" his card
when he -went to dine with the Duke
and Duchess of York,' who were en-
tertaining the British Premiers the
other evening, and was refus,ed ad-
mission by the doorman, until one of
the Duke's aides came to his rescue.
"The doorman had never seen the
premier. and. wasn't taking any
chances. That will teach Min to to -
his ia1 ticket in future.
._ • .es
• , s ,
: • • , - • • • ."
qui41' Y°1-1
f,V•'Cliristinas pres
If 'isms leave it antil the -last
'to 'vs,eeltS.„ yon 'dIsappointed,.'
The Clinton striitto op
eves:7 Tim y
Eturgessei Portrait §tit .10
MITCITEI.',L AND ct.aioli
•Guild. was formed by Rev. W. Hinde,
who was then rector of this, parish.
TJnfortunately Mr. Hinde was in ill
health and not able to be present.
Miss Cameron, the first president,
and Miss C. Parke, the first vicespre-
sident of the Guild officiated on the
cake , on whieh twenty candles were
lighted by Mrs. Paul. The first :sec-
retary was Miss Ethel Marks and
Mrs. J. W. Tippet first acted as treas-
urer. During the twenty years of its
existence this Guild has takene very
active part in the work of Trinity
(Meech.. Tire evening was spent in
games and contests, after which a
dainty lunch was served by the lad-
ies. The party dispersed after "Auld
Lang Syne' aud the National Anthem
had been sung. „
* *
Hon. Arthur •Meighen has accepted
.11 position es vice-president and gen-
eral counsel of a Toronto financial
firm and, will make his home in the
• Queen City. It looks as if Mn. Meighs
en had definitely decided to quit pub -
lie life and if so, 'Canada will be the
loser.. It is niers like Hon. Arthur
"IVIeighen, Arlen .•ef, integrity, clear
brains and a national outlook, that
Canada needs to build up and develop
' this country.
Euchre an
A seeial., evening,. easehht,
dancing is' being. put= op 0,y tiLiTtitolig,
hers �f -the 1.0.°•144° :44°
Roo nWover Bank of
•(3ivfbom0.11;71:8'onCluthbe.---,evelnisr4f .TtieSdaY,
Drie. :Lunch. e Tietets 5o0ef.it-cls138i5ta1
Dee.7th 'Proceeds iln aid _
Illustrated Lecture
On 1Vionday evening, Dec. 6th, at 8
oelock ill 'the Baptist chuech, the
Rev. Dr. Schutt, Supt. of flOnVi Mis-
sions, will give his popsies'. leettire;
"lVfy Travels in Palestine," illustrated
by beautiful colored lantern. slides.
Silver collection. 85-2
• Varna
Mrs. .1-, E: Harnivell, spent a OW
days in .'Clinton last Week with her
beother, John W. Elliott, who has been
in -poor health for some time. .
. II 'LitiellA/.14!,.,Trew 17'111,
ris Di,.A.Lil. IN
„, -• , ,' . ',,. .. '..;,„_,...,:,.', ', ;- . ,LdliE 'NEW-LAX1) 46G • , ' '
We PEOIAiIZE in ,1Milc-Fed 141
srasuLA.enb, 1-
(try 12 months in the year Pho ' • •
„ • , . , , .., , early, in the week as poseible leis
Euchre and Dance
A. euchre and dance will be Mild in
the L. 0, L. rooms on Monday even-
ing, Dec. 6th under the auspices of
aVitniphy lodge, Boyce's Orchestra.
-Cards at -8 o'clock. Admission 35c.
Members please provide. 854
A meeting of • the Librory Beard
wes held • at the home of Mrs. L.
Beatty on Wednesday evening for the
purpose of selecting new books.
Mrs. Clifford Epps spent a few
days with Clinton' friends last week.
The remains of the late John Jelin -
sten of London Were brought to the
home of his sister, Mrs. A. Robinson,
ou Saturday last. The deceased had
contracted a cold which developed into
Pnemnonia. The news of his death
came as a great shock to his relat-
ives. The late Mr. Johnston had lived
111 .the West for a good many years,
coming to Ontario about a year ago
and since the spring he had been liv-
ing in London. • Interment was made
111 Bayfield cemetery.
IVIe J. L. Reid of London was the
guest of his Sister, Mrs: John Rath -
well, during the 'past week.
Master Elliott ,Chistoi has beet
quite ill and is eonfined to his '• bed,
but we hope soon to see him aroUnd"
Miss Eveline Elliott left on MOnday
foe,Detroit, Where she intends spend-
ing a couple of weeks :with relatives.
Mr. Roy Connell attended the Royal
'Winter Fair in Toronto last week.
Mr, Lorne Epps hada very narrow
escape the other day while soldering
a tank which exploded. Fortunately
he escaped with a few minor bruises
on his face and the loss of some hair,
all of which time will heal, and a les -
Son -tvhich should not be forgotten.
. Cook Wanted •
Cook -wanted for, the =OlintonPublic
. .
Hospital, Apply any day to Miss
Grainger, Supt. Hospital. 864f.
. Men Wanted
I can use two ambitious, young
men over 25 years of age, who are
willing to work- hards good earnings,
with a future; experience unneces-
sary, we train you. Apply Drawer
13, Clinton. - 86-1.
Mt. Reg, Hamilton has gone to
Toronto to seek a position.
, Mr. Herold ,Cnrter of Weston was
here over the week -end.
Miss G Hoggart of Goderich spent
Sunday with Miss Laura Rutledge,
Mr.. and Mrs. Russel Mills and
faintly of Detroit visited friends here
eover the :week -end.
11V1r. and 'Mrs. Roy Farrow of Mit-
visited Mrs. -Jas. Johnston last
1V1r. Harry Beadle and Clayton'
Win, Ladd, Clinton, to" 'Bruce H.
"Ladd motored up from Detroit the
...end of last week.
The Intermediate' Bible class of
Enox 3:11-iited church held a social ev-
ening in the basement of the Church
on 1VIonday evening for the pimpose of
:•eletiting . officers. A splendid. time
swat enjoyed by all.•
Boarders Wanted
One or two gentlemen boarders,
good home, excellent meals, Apply
News-Rethrd. Office. 86-1-p.
4'-:'i,rrtees..• • • • • 04; Ire)r,r: 401:0'AS • • ' •
Christinas Gifts N°, POMTRY s
"- we:adyise.You to; so -he hiedS cg,
• • , , "yen; layong' '„pen culled /While tbe
-free of charge thargigh our. Office.
lileCermielt-Deerins:; Line of 'Implements, Engine, Teas:tore, Trucks.
Giion ManufaCturing Co,—Silos, Engines, Litter Cam/tees, Furnaces,
Quebec Heaters, etc.
-Doherty Stoye Co.--Eirtiee, line of Qudbec .Coelts and: Heaters
Good Cheer line of -Quebec Cooks and Heaters:.
Toronto Wind Mills, Silos,. Water 'Systeras, Wttod and. Steel
Tanks, Stable 'Equipment, etc.
Pedlar People I,irnited's line of Steel Roofs, Culverts; Ceilings, etc.
Women. s Exchange Phonei—Office, 219j Residence, 21.9w•
oultrg Wanted
Now is the time to eet rid of ,Your,
non producing hens Wcs will do
culling,free, of charge, ,e also Wan
chiqicons and ducks. Wednesday do.
Thursday forenoons at reeidence, Vic-
toria street, five deora north of C. N.
21. traoks. Call 231, Clinton cental,
.for prices.
Concert at Brucefield
The young people of S. S. No. 10
Stanley, will hold: a eoncert on Friday,
Dee, 10, in Walker's Hall, Brimfield,
Program will. consist of a three -act
comedy entitled, "Lost—A Chaperon"
and' several other attractions. "The
program will 'be followed by a box
social, good time is assured, Admis-
sion 25c and 15, 86-2-p.
Now is the time to make sure that
your parlor suite or other upholstered
pieces are reconditioned or recovered,
in readiness for the holiday season.
We have a beautiful line of Tap-
estry, Mohair and Im. Leather cov-
erings at prices to suit all nurses, and
are prepared to handle a limited num-
ber of jobs for delivery before
Avoid disappointment by seeing us
earls, or phone for appointment and
we will call with sananles.
A Wrong eye mind be .Altered
That is, the ' eye itself cannot be
hanged. But we: can determine WHY,
-the eyesis -wrong, and can Mace glas-
8,CS befdre it that torrect'the wrong-
ful tendency and the eye is for all pra-
tient purposes normal. Glasses will
not make all eyes normal but they do
so in most cases and always give the
best possible vision. YOIJ, must take
the first step toward improvement in
your vision.. W. H. Rellyar, .Optcrin-
isrist, Clinton Ontario.
Cheese for Sale ,
Cheese in bulk at any thne: Large
cheese, 18c, Flats, 20c, Stiltons, 21c
per lb. The Holmesville Cheese and
Butter Co. W. Lobb, president
and salesman, R. R. No. 3, Clinton.
'• Miss M: McGregor and Mi is A. ‘Gregor spent the week -end :with
'friends in London.
Merton Merner, who has been home
'from .Loudon on account of illness, is
now able to be out again. :
1Vineh sympathy is.felt for the ber-
eaved Tamily and relativeS of the late
Thomas King, who passed away on
'Monday at his home in London after
,a very phort illness. Mr. King was
entil, about four ythes ago a :resident
of Bayfield and word of his, cleath
• cainesas a great shock to all. His
bxother, Vr. George King, and Mr.
John Howard went to London on
-Tuesday morning. "Mr. and Mrs. H.
1(ing of Sarnia and Mr, A. Atwood of
Detroit came en Tuesday tohe present
at the funeral which was held ori. Wed -
Stanteg Township
:School section No. 10 is preparing
Tor a concert which will be held on
Friday evening, Lec. 10th.
Mr. Kenneth Stewart, who has been
hunting up north, sent a fine deer to
his fat,her, Mr". Fenwick Stewart, the
(Alley day. •
• •
. • .
Goderich Township
Remedelling works
OpP. Ontario St. Church Sheds,
Clinton 84-3-p
owns' UPhoistering
• R &yew and PrirErCASEI, Cream Separators,
• = Caned:an Goodrich. Rubber Ca.'s Footwear, Rubber Boots,' Rishbere
d Zip er Overshoes.
, When. interested in any of the above thsee our repreSentative with ,
PE= all and give yeti •au-'estirtiates •
GO To— .„." an p
Nediger's Garage 4n EX will0
From Lot 19, Maitland Concession,.
Colborne toivnships whist middle of
November, two small Holstein heif-
ers, mark in -eight ear Suitable re-
ward offered 'for information of these
cattle, O. R. Forster, R. 11 No. 2,
Clinton. Phone 169 Colborne Tel.
Sys. 86-2 p
Mr. Lawson Lockhart and Mr.
Herb. Stygall of Detroit have been
visiting the 10 -ruler's 'sister, Mrs:Bert
iMajor R. R. Sloan exhibited apples
'at the Royal "Winter Fair held in Toe -
onto recently-, making tvventy-four
entries and carrying off eighteen
prizes, Entries were made in best,
half -barrel and plate classes. When
it is considered that the competition
was exceedingly keen, exhibits being
made from all -over the Dornition,
Huron county has reason to be proud
oS the Tact that so many prizes were
awarded to fruit grown litre. -NIT.
""° On !Sunday next the 'service of Holy
••Communion will be held at Trinity
thureh at 9 a.m. •Sunday school at
110 a,rn. and evening service tIS usual
-at 7 p.n.s. ,
'Phe teachers of the Cnntinnatioe
-and Public .School are busy preparing
a Christmas program to be given in
'the town hall on Friday,December the
The'steaehers a Trinity church '51211 -
school are'alse:preparing foe one
="rwliieli swill be given the following FA -
lay, December the seventeenth.
" &les. T. C. Bailey Went to Stratford
sem Thursday, where the expects to be
The Senior Guild or Trinity church
° 'gpAte birthday party hi the Orange
hall on Thursday, Nov. 25th, whet
'ssibent seVenty-five persons gathered
. s, •
. •
. The Famous Ethyl Gas
Will start your car easier, give you
more miles, more pep, more power
awl no knocks.-•
We also have te Shell Gas, forsall
purposes, cam, cleaning 'clothes, etc.
Our Oils are the Best—
Mobiloil, MarreMbe and Shell
Batteries charged for car or radio.
Also charged, stored and generally
taken care of fel, winter tit 'reasonable
. . .
For Gasoline, Oil •arid Grease
Tires, Tubes awl- Accessories.
Let us figure on your Trucking
Some Wood for Sale,
W. J. Nediger, Prop.
vial be at his office
in ;Clinton each
From 3 to 6 p.m.
We Serve.and Satisfy
From lot 27, concession 2, West
Wawanosh, Nov. 9th, a black
An heifer, 18 months old Last
heard of on Base Line near &tamer -
hill, Any person having hoped of or
seen the said heifer kindly COMMU'lli-
eate with the undersigned, John
Hoare, R. R. No. 2, Auburn. Phone
15-29, Dungannon Central.' - 85-4
Court of Revision
Notice is hereby given that, Pnr-
suant to The Ontario Voter's .List
Act, a Court will be held by 111e Hon-
our the judge of the County Court of
the County of Huron in the Council
Chamber, =Clinton, at 2.30 o'clock p.m.
on Saturday the 18th day of Deem-
ber, 1926, to hear and determine tom-
plaite of errors and ommissions
the Voter's List of the Town Of Clin-
ton for 1226.
I. .
. 'Clerk of "the. Court
(NOTE—This .eotice applies only
to the list 'tc; be used at the Municipal
elections, in .antiersr, 1927, and there-
after). • •
• .
iller Hardware Co
Dealers in General Hardware, Paints, ons,...St!vs, Etc.
Rowland's_Old Stand •
Are You Ready
for Chriatmas
New 'fruits have arrived and we
are ready to fill your needs for Christ-
mas cakes, Minceineat, Puddings, etc.
New Seeded Raisins, per pkg.. . -180
New Nectar Seedless per pkg. 18c
New fancy Bleached' Seedless. ...25c
New Thompsen's Seedless . . , ..15e
New Valencia 18c, 2 for 855
New Currants . . . . ..18c, 2 for 35e
New cut mixed peels, 15 ib. tins, 20e
Lemon and Orange peel-, . . ...29c
Citron Peel, Ib
Shelled Ahnonds, new, lb„ 60c
Shelled Walnuts, new, lb. ..55c
Fancy Glace Cherries, (bulk), lb. 60c
20 lb. pail of Lard l• .$3. 95
3 lb. pail shortening.. , .60
18 bars Quick Naptha Soap .58
Neb Soap Flakes . „ . 10c, 3 for .25
Pullets For Sale
60 bred -to -lay Barred Rock pullets,
April hatched. D. M. Lindsay, Hedge -
revs, Poultry Farm, Clinton Phone
14,610. • .• 85-2
Bailiff's Salo - •
Under Distress Wastireets ,h1,1and-
lords and middy •Execution'im the case
of Deets vs. W 3,, Dodds. M Thircl Di -
Vision Court of the 'County of Huron,
I sylll Offer' .10.r,,:-:eale ctimptity of
chattels. , at: Pesrin 43:lock,; Clintone on
Saturday, Deseenba"'-'4th et 2 &sleek.
'For Particulers see bilissor "appyy -to
Robeet.welak, 86=1
Having "erected new-eoal sheds Will ,
have on hand full stock of .coal for
immediate delivery. Prices reason-
able. Also a quantity of dry maple
wood. .
Orders taken at residenEe, phone 112
Expect ear daily. Selling 850 has.
off cal. at -what oats would cost you
to"ay. Order year requirements.
These are high and will be Muth
ComMUnity Enteriairtritent
The Londesboro Come -amity hall
Board will celebrate the hall anni-
Versary supper and program on
Wednesday, Dec. 80, 'When Haevey
IVICGee, Auburn;, S Sibtheries Riyth;
Londesboro Orchestra and otheis will
take part. 85-2
Sloan says some of the British o - • s • '---- • • •-•,s,:".• s: :
=Ma fruit was the prettiest he ever In the Estlite et John lytus,
saw. Dfiterici 'mill have to wa& up,
Thmie is no section 111 the N,O,ricu ie hereby .givers" that all
whi,eh can grow ;better apples than We Persons. haying •clainis .ageieststlid es -
can. Men like Mr. Sloan, who have tate ef John; W'ells; Joie of the village'
enterprise -and determination, will of Lendesberottgh in the County sif
demonstrate thefact to:the world. • : Huron; 'gentlenians -deceased; Whe died
'-abOut . the .-.27t1r,clay,'.a;zone,
1926, are required to de Ives to
Clinton Taxes, 1926 •
Ratepayers are reminded- that the
seecind instalment ot taxes far 1926 is
now being received, the last day for
payment .being Dec. 1ph. After that
date five per cent will be added.'
It ie. also sneciallY requeSted that
any arrears previous to 1926 be paid
before Dec. 31st to avoid the necessity
of taking further .steps tO enforce
Tex Collector.
, "Meeting of Huron County Council
The Council of the Corporation of
the ;County of Huron . meet in
the Council /Chamber,. Goderich, at
3' o'clocic,in the afternoon of Tuesday,
the 7th. cley of December, 1926. All
hccounts against the County must be
in the Bands of the Clerk not,ilater
than Monday preceding the meeting
of Council. --
Nov. 20t -b; 1925. -
Geo. ,County Cleric."
Sale of Cows Fverscis Little •aral James ttlic deli
The undetaigried will held a eale of 'Lite esiletntOrs Of the said eSbl:Ata
ChOlte cows on ThueSday, Dec. 16th, their solicitor, on or befoee the 20th
Full description next week. W 21 day or 13eSmber. A.D., 1926, a" full
Lobb. 86-1 , statement ei's them cleinia with par
' tieulars theeeof, end tho nature of th
sectnetieS, any, . held by st rem a
Sale,v ied hp v
Radio set '• limn-melt:Ind-Roberts _
,AND LAKE as•OTSCE that after
ralaotis 'rive tube, equal to an eight
Every part eearessteed, prAce, sixty the said last mentioned date the said
Phone 111 ,
ran & Shorts
likive cars C0,111/4 in regularly.
Creer your requirements mid give us
a chance to protect yoa on a -rising
House -"for Sale or Rent ,
Houseoi corner of Huron and Or-
ange streets, old llounteastle piece.
Apply to F. W. Johnston, Clinton.
donorg. W. ssrilson "Phone 262, Min. exec•ut"s win Prdeesd• t° distXtbut°
' th t f th s tlece-iSeci. a -
mon 'st the: :persons entitled thereto
tam • •e: • - I °
• having t'egard only to such clanns as
Range for Sale , • ' ther shall •have received, due notitie
Ciirenii range, slightly used. Oven- and in aceordenee therewith: •
--1 inches, ------------ i ------------------------arm- Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this
26th tiny of November A, D, 1926.s
Elliott, Clinton or s. B. Stothersi ns' 74 CLINTON
Deici, Varna. Phone 11,630.
EA e..14 LOT oF OotS1. WE 130Y
' Sale of Clothing
Heine and School ChM' will hold
:sale of clothing at the :: December
meetirig on Dec.' 14011 from tour to
Si pms. Contributiona'sfoi°, use' ex, to
be remade will be welcomed, Flease
leave at Mrs. 0.1-1, Vetoer's. or Mr.
atoxe. Afternoon' tea will
Is your coal 'costing niore than it
There may "he several things'the
Ybur furnace or range may need
You may be using the wrong kind
You may not be geting all the heat
out �tthe kind you have.
You may not Pc getting all the heat
Mg until a cold snap to order sinstead
of buying when the price is low,
Whatever 'ycear problem is, Wo shall
Phone 123
Flom: and Feed Merchants and
, Grain Buyers
Stove, Egg, get and Threshing Coal
Coke and Kennel Coal
Also Cedar awl Hardwood
Phone 155. Huron Stre tt
Singer Sewing Machine
Sold on Easy Monthly Payments
Special two-year terms given to
Also a full stock of
Needles, Belts and Parts
for all snakes
Sole 'Agent for the Singer
Phone 1.71J P.O. Box 201, Clinton
,.. be glad tes. help you solve its
Rouse For Sale' ' : , ••• . • • " • ,
7 -roomed house and queetet.hCVe '
lot/ tOWn. water, electric lights., AP': Call`the ViltiteMg-4
ply to J. E. DebeTty, Clinton. 83stf . . . . .
. Clotbes Cleaned and''Peessed , " , for good, c eon coa ,
Clothes cleaned, ' pressed , . ,
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. . , ..
Itootes aver Hearcl'a Barber ' shbP.
W. J. Jago. : • 228341
House On Huron' Road, cottage.. •
Garage and garden: PosSeselon Jans COAL CONIPANY
‘..xellange for ',„sinalldt. range. llobt, riaey 1sts-"1,927. Apply'' to Goo. , • -• •
• • se s
ngeloSet... 13tirtis. Wood er coelWou
W. BRYDONE, Clinton, 'Ont.',
Solicitor or the said Citecuters,
.Blity tife.Blloy. Rubbers .•
They are Bei ter
Many neople have already experienced that the New Kaufman
High Pressure -Low' Temperature process of curing rubber -.,in the
manufacture of Rubber Footwear ensures superior wearing qualities,
• They are getting tenger W011X without increased cost
Our Personal Guarantee is behind every pair. We guarantee
that every pair is perfect in eonstruction and quality, and' that you
will get full service for the 'money you pay. . ,
• There will be a lot of Rubber Weather about now and we have
made ample provision for everybody's 'needs.
. ..• .
' . Prices Are Reasonable •
Men's Rubbers . ' . , $1.00 IVIerep, Rubber Boots s.....$3.95
Ladies' Rubbers . . . 85c ' -Ladies' Rubber Boots ....$2.5a
Boys' Rubbers ....850 and 90c. • . Boys' Rubber Boots $3.25
Girls' Rubbers .. 75e - Childs' Rubbers . .. 65c
Not the "Bargain Sale" sort Mit i,00d 'Rubbers that can be relied on
to de their duty
The Big Shoe Store Opposite the Town Hall
,C. H. VENNER, Electrician
, Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7
We have a ear of toim coning in a few days and will sell efr
the car; also another ear of Western Oats which we will also sell
off° the car. Leave your order for delivery off the tar.
All ,the First Class Brands of Flour (in hand. We will giye speoial
. prices on five and'ten)ag- lets
' We have sorne Ctround Screenings, Chep and Rolled .,Oats
tha' riesIvOrth,
PHONE 199: