HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-12-02, Page 4TH1,1111$D.A.r.:ANCEMIVR-2, 1926, ;
•R'•`•', ••7P •
• t ,, • • • ,
••, •••• TO 41P::.' •
. •
The ladies will be interested in the new, line, ,of stainpe
Linens nt,)NAt on sale, New Gut work design S int LuncheonSets .
Buffet selp,,,ToW,els and Dresser- Cliffs-
:Glitter of
the ?Will reside in
•,'"-••••• • ';•••-,'•••
' novel:t. bags,CtitIti•Y caSes; Aprons;
;,Icie'llaVe; all l\,f1,tt,rials needed fortliese artieles.,
FlbsierY • •
, .
• , ,
tk Was
A Sherlock-Manning;piano
for Christmas.
Have ene selected for you.
• Delivered whenever
you wish.
T. 3. MicKEIL •
Clinton's Illusical Instrument Representative
Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton
annual y1.it ttlit'V•111,4;111,1441tTOti:Vi.:
'charge Of 'the. Mee -king
,and gave,,a'Very•beatibTfiil
Edna 'ElliGtt,Played, 'several .sabettibe• e
oh the'.accordian, Miss. 11Ti`tle,70Well.
gave a. reading. Mid the' Coinitsj-Holne,
choir gate a couple of. selectiOns, With -
liaise 'Laura •Jervls at t1 organ.
GeBrge . radiated goed Cheer
and'hed..eveliyonelaughing,OVer Some,
.of huMorous readingS. Mr.
er closed the program with the here --
diction 'and ' afterward e tho you ng
people treated their friends in the,
Horne to candy and fruit.
. !
The Redlands, (Calif.) Facts - had
'the following reference to soma Clin-
ton people who' have gone there her
the winter:'
“Neweamere to Redlands are Mr:
and Mrs. Z. S. Cooper and their
daughter, Mrs. P. G. Ladd, and Miss
Elizabeth Hanna: who arrived last
Week, from Ontarioi Canada,
and have taken a house for‘the win-
ter -at 407 Ash street.
cilifrs. Cooper and -Miss Hanna are
sisters of 'Mrs. Acheson, 304 'Eureka
'street,• and they are enjoying a re-
imion and seeing the surrounding
country together. This is the first
trip to the Pacific coast by any of
the newcomers and they are delighted
with California and Redlands, aatici-
hating a delightful winter."
,"William McQueen, city clerk, is
Marshalling a small army of. deputy
returning officers and clerks to offi-
ciate at the 'city's thirty polling stnt-
siotribs. for the civicelections December •
3 0.0i:/r4' • ^ ,,•:, • . •
WORTHIAOKLING, , • Ittlie'44 ratiorai ',410v4101)111eilt 11V,ariets
••,,, • ' ••••.inust:izegarelthat ,Very excellent; wheatpt
. •oottkoa, of .Galt, Crito anaemic° tke
liei4 it 'following 'alipearell; in the. ed''',,a8°` iaiv, Materia1'al./4'We marriage •Of their sister, Mertha
lotion of ofce last reelc PrCt',11•••• '•itOridtq)a,ge '''Cre•-tfie','Sttait9rci.,,Beaced.), thtib .the,: stiefF in ,ibetweeni WherebY. 'sten, 'and daughter of the late 'Wm,
y, m^„., ••,11;eral,c1 that ,ra*„.inaterial.- a•becomes", the fin- '4114 Affp, jehnston, of Setif** Ont.
the • .,4)01,c1. "fl' p,179,dijot, a,to•tolion.„!o„tiii,o, to",.4,,•wm, Sholdice, Walton, Oat.,
... • ;- , '‘• try.• , • • . , the ceremony taking Place in St., And
P 11'I 11'11 $hoen11s
i'ffe'ke mot doing -that:' -"This is re-Wre Preel)yterlan••chirrch, on
:1)01;1 %la., n't),t ct 1ieat
Otilsatto •Tg Aatil%eriii:eth 2t11'.-••
N. Nov
,tlie port „that ' ',they g SiviEAt,ol°G•Roloi;;0. Alvbi W. ietchr:
bOt Whea't, aWarded at the ,Chicago
e te n Oars 'Contestl
l'ect°1re-rs: 1)e!9"s;r-E'42.iness'
L t k,.='•$how'gone te, m. 1,14. 4 g•was the
Dr• "at' out .° 1X '• abroad. in •eiiihiPetItIon With .1110.111731.11:14,1ng °°'°e•°.°ftlI °andidate °
1 tasted field for the Stiutli
-1-0,0son, W • lytoi..rison . 'Canaelan growers ha,,t won the cove:.
4)1' -' ' ' ' edhonor. fourteentinies.
Anditor$'•J. W,.1.i(-)bbi'°°Irt.,'• And ,theres, innch
:"1..',4--". go' " 7 '..fl'il'eagci-tfel,:thil19
J-Ierman Trille farms In the 'Can-,
d* est . East west ard:npith of
pretty, but, quiet ' Wedding i:p-ok his..farm there' are other farmers
”IPlace:„...in-,;'„Wresieyr,,Willisk..ehurelr'.,6,15',:growing the seine liind,..01...grain=the
seven o'cliickiVtonilaY rel.:inning; When best there is for the purposerofrnake-
jeari Minnie, youngest. . daughter of ing of flour, • , • that• is, no goad for -.Canada: no good,
the -late G.' 11g.' and, Mrs.' Paituliar ' or / we talk' a great deal particularly forrCanadian-miller, ancl geed
t ti th bride' of '.Ale-kari- when'there is a general election, on. for the Canadian stockman who need
cloy -44; Eoglesen; erf 'priii7toii, fernier-, abOut developing Canadian esouces a good supplY of bran, shorts, etc.,
Did 'you ever think
of giving a box of,
Printed Stationery
• aS a Christmas
Gift :$
Call and see our
• Greeting Cards
large assortment
f • •
Le.ave Order ,Early. -
. .
'he Cliuton
News -Record
United States millers can take -Ca;,. Huron seat in the sixth Ontario Olde
Adian wheat out of the Caliadian west ,1303'!' bis opponent beln
and land it Tiugalo, for laeS,Price ;seidiedri;ong..44113,;gth1.3"iiiavdoetes
then Canadians can. got •their own gOOdrUn,
wheat to Canadian milling points. • , .and Addison 107,making a majOrit
Awl after it is -milled -thei AinericarE `01:130b7ltevostcheosoifwoli.lt. the rfeotrumrniern.g toi.fiRe
trade has another advantage in get., Crawford, principal of th.e Seafortl.
ting the finished article to the sea-
board at a lesser rate than the',Cah-
The results are as follows:
There's a great big leak in
Creditor .. • • • 12 • 1
Seaforth and Egmondville 0 72
Chiselburst , , . 4 4
Kippen , ........., 3 8
Brucefield . . .24 1
Thames Road 3 1
Dasliwood• 2 1g
Zurich . . . . ..... 9 14
Winthrop . . . . 9 7
Londeshoro , 2
Totals 107 163
y, Of Clinton, Tile c'ereiliony was' per--
and then when the election is over
the matter seemto be dropped -un-
til there. ,is • some' 'sign of another
. .. .
available at all tunes at a close priel.
formed by the Rev. j. E. Hogg, add • 'We know there' are stubborn 6b-
waS witnessed ' by a few, intimate stacles in the way, of altering theke
friends. . ' '`• . ,• conditions, but the fact that they are
The bride wore a frock of rosewood stubborn is no reason why they
satin .crepe with cut, velvet trim- should not be altered.
mines, ,iosa and gold bat and carried ,
McKILLOP: 'Successful anniver-
sary services were held on Sunday in
Bethel United, church, ' McKillop,
which has recently been redecorated.
Rev. J. A. Ferguson, of Duff's Chureh,
was the special preacher. The church
was Tilled to overflowing. Good mus-
ic was provided by the choir. Majority fol, Sillery, 57.
To' our way of thinking this very
excellent Canadian wheat is ,anat.:
mai product • of- Canada; something
that our soil and our climate make
,a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses,
valley lilies 'and maiden hair fern. possible of production'.
• Ss was, attended ,by Miss Zelma But it is not a finished product, be -
Berry of Telede, Obio. who wore a cause people don't eat wheat as it
peach georgette crepe „frock, with comes out, of the spout oL the thresh -
harmonizing gold lace hat and car-
ried a corsage bouquet of roses,
baby's breath and fern. The groom
This be the twentieth electioa
in which Mr. McQueen haebeen in
complete charge of all arrangements
and despite the fart that he has had to
deal with many ileldiSh situations,
the impartiality of his decisions has
nevem been' questioned," '
The .above is from the Vancouver
Sun and refers to a brother of Mrs.
George Watts of town and Mr..Jamer,
McQueen of .Brucefield. Mr. Mc-
Queen is an old Stanley township hoy,
having been born and reared or a
farm on the London road, this side of
Brucefield. Something Over two
score years ago he went to Vanvouver
and for twenty ,years ha has been city
clerk, evidently filling his post -with
satisfaction. Huron county boys are
to be found everywhere end they are
usually -found lining positions of im-
portance and of trust.
Sma,' Scigit)bilrig Pads'
Size3x41:1/1 inchies ; t..150 pemnd
The ews-Retord,.,
was attended by the brides brothel.,
Mr. Mervyn Farquhar of Detroit.
Alter the ceremony the, party re- • Gained 00 pounds
turned to the home of the bride's in 20 dags
mother, wherethe -wedding breakfast
was 5erved, Later Mr. and Mrs.
Eagleson left by motor for...Drayton,
amid showers- of . confetti and good
wishes, where they v1l make their
future home. The bride travelled in
a black satin. dress, seal coat with
beaver trimmings, blond hose, gloves
and carried: a blond bag. The mani,+.
Clinton.friendS of the young couple,
who are both popular, wish them long
life, happiness and prosperity.
The shed at S. S. No. 2 was burned
to :the ground early yesterday morn-
ing. The fire was discovered about
four o'clock but when the ,neighbors
gathered it was too late to control
the fire and efforts were turned to
saving the school, which was' done.
The origin of the fire is unknown, as
there is said to have been no fire
about the premises.
mg. machine.
It 'We are going togo very far in
One Thin Wome.n
Mr. 'W. Jackson is out this week
after having been laid up -for a couple'
ol weeks or so 'with a bad cold and. it
broken rib. The 'broken rib was caus-
ed by a long reach out of bed to turn•
out a light by which he was reading
hiniself to sleep, se one doesn't have
to fall from a tree or stumble 011 a
bad walk in order to break a hone.
Col, 11. T. Rance,.who.anclerivent an
operation a, few weeks ago, is mow
able to he'sbout it little, returning to
hig office for the 'first time on Tiles -
day for an hour on so. Ile is not jitst
eh spry as he was before he had i the
bout with the surgeon. but hopes to
win hack in time, and his friends hope
it will not be long until he does.
Mr A. P. Johns, who . has jusi
eovei'ed, from an ,attack, of\typhoid
fever in Goderich hospital was ahje-
to return to the home of his sister,
'Mrs. A. Seeley, on.,Saturday. He, had
a -Very': severe attack buts is now re-
covering rapidly and • he expects tri
leave with .his family for Roc„.„10,vood
'the end Of this- week and next week
to go on to Vineland, where' he. 'will
resume his' work as principal of"..the,
Public school, as soon as he is, able -to
All weak men and women.
All nervous men and women.
All skinny Men and women.
Can grow stronger, healthier and
more vigorous and take On SOliA,
needed flesh in 30 days just by taking
McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets
four times a day—sugar coated Lnd
easy to take as candy.
And what a hit these flesh produc-
ing tablets have made. One druggist
tripled his sales in, one week.
Everybody knows that from the
livers of the humble codfish cornes'p
firstclass vitamine that is a wonder-
ful vitalizer, flesh producer and
health creator:\
Millions of McCoy's Cod Liver Ex-
tract Tablets are sold every week
and thousands of frail, rundown on;
derweight people are being helpocl..
A box of GO tablets TOT 60 cents and
if any skinny man or woman doesn't
gain at least 5 pounds in 30 days—
money back. Ask any good druggist
Br tht6efield. anywhere hi America.
Be sure and get MaCoy's, the orig-
. The annual Thanksgiving meeting final and genuine and dont forget
of the W. M. 5, and Kelly Circle will there is nothing on earth as good to
be held nexelSunday, Dec. 5th, M the Make, backward, listless, iindeNveight
United church al: the morning service. childrsn „„ 'd robust. •
Mrs, Mollard of Exeter, vice-president _ _
of the Huron Presbyterial will give
an address. Mrs. Mollard will be the
guest of her friend, Mrs, W. Stevens, -
while in the village:Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. John Riittenbury-and
family of Burlington visited the for-
mer's parerit:s, air. and Mi'. Wm. Rat-
tenbury, last Sunday.
. , • _
- Stewart -Warner
Matched -Unit Radio
Model 300 Now $70.00
SPECIAL BARGAINS for this week in Radio Sets. See
these sets before buying elsewhere.
Also Eveready and Burgess B Batteries, Tubes, C Batterie
Phones, special at 2.75.
Large 18 -inch cone speaker, delivers great volume, special
only $14 each, equal to any cone on the market at $25
'Stewart -Warner Dealer Phone 89, Clinton
Chicago, Nov, 110. — (Associated
Press •Despatelt.)—The championship
for oats production went to Herman
Trelle, Wembley, Alebrta, today at
*the international live stock exposi-
tion, nue:king:the first, time two in-
ternational sweepstakes ever weri'
won liy one man, Trelle yesterday
won the Wheat championship. He
exhibited Victory oats, which weighed
40 pounds to the bus,hel.,' His. Mar-
quis wheat weighed'65.5 to the bush-
Treble started as a poor man in
1011, when he homesteaded IGO acres.
At that time he was a civil engineer
and says he.did notIcnoivwheiit from,
pats, He now farms 480.0eres.
. • „,
The'News-Record had' a private
wire from( Toronto this morning giv-
ing election re urns' as follows:
"At midnidht ,the victory of the
Ferguson .Goyerninent Was -eoriiplete,,
• With 110, of the 41.2 sonititnencies
heard from ancLeighty supporting the
Government. The official is
as tfollows: Conservatives,75; Liberals
14; Progressives 10;- •Lib.-ProgreS-
styes .5; Independent Liberals 4; 'Lab-
or 1; . Independent prohibitionist .1.
The independent Liberals and Labor
will support the Goverhment in their
liquor i3olicy. Ibir. lyerg.usoh will hays
'one of the strongest majorities any
leader in the Provincial Legislature
has, ever had: Toronto rolled en a
Conservative, majority of over _87,000,
or almost three to onnde, aother
cities, according .to returns already
in, seemeilto follow suit. . Hon. W. E.
'Rithey pulled„ through ' with a scant
margin of 44 -kroie8 and Hon. W. F.
Nickle, who resigned as. attornoy-k.cen-
eini in the ',Rerguson C,overament an:
the anneinieerrient of the-,Go'Verrenent,
'Contrel polley,.and who ran as a pro-
waP defeated .:by a Major-
ity of '3500., 'The big •gurprisn' of the
cDa was„ the vote of the rural com-
on 'the plebiscite', 'who supported the
GOve'rnment's! Control' pelicy. All the
cabinet ministers the „CoVernitiont
were i41-unied,
lIaa0f-,1-kaVing 'a laajPritr fit,
Pct 'tttorney l,t101.A1 had .sl
etto ,,tonight, saidi",reclts lycli,e will'
ta, A 'gts7P4' deal"tg PrelltPte better.00::
ditionS preytnce,' espeeially.-1,n
,135,:ablo10 Pass semad,p,ria.,'sane liquor
legislation and 'secure its -enforce
, ' •
. ,
., •
Brief e;oreincnv Attends Arrival of
Royal Son at Victoria
Cel,,Dec, 1,0 S
N.B., where he will' sail for Liverpool,
on Dec. 7, Prince George ar-
rive(1 fromi China ion board the Canad-
ian Pacific liner 'Empress of RLISSitt
and was fOrmally welcomed to 13rit-
isli. Columbia by Commander Percy
W. Nellis, senior naval officer at tho
Esquimalt base here.
Proceedings at the vrharf were con-
fined to a brief ceremony: Aft -or Com.
niander Nellis had ,aid. his 'respects
on behalf. of Vipcount Willingclon, the
Governor-General, his Honor Lieut. -
Governor Randolph Bruce, Premier
Jolm. Oliver and Mayor J. C. Pandray
made calls. during which the greetings
of the Province of 13ritish Columbia
and the City of Victoria were ex -
F,ollowing was the Patty. standing
of the last ' „Legislature, at
dissolution in Oetober:
•Liberal „ , .
• UnitGd Farmer
IndePendent .. 2
There•were, ten VananteeatP. •
• In Ontario the .vote extends, sub-
ect to various conditions of residence
and1 registratiom men and 'm-
iner). of 21 years of age and over,
,, •
• .
; •," :` • '
e; W ‘1$•
If your boy or girl could speak now with
the wisdom of later years they would ask
above all else for education—for know-
ledge of a h6siness or profession which
would give them a fair chance in the
keen competition for success.
Yott want your child to be equipped as
others are; and perhaps you are working 'e
to that end. '
Win) Nof
MalleYour Plans -Secure?
Why not provide, as many parents are now
doing, that, "bo matter what happens," your
boy or girl will have a fair start in life? "
Let us tell you how this is done through the
new Canada Life
Educational Policy
This contract brings into existence a life
insurance fund for echicational expenses, to
be held in trust at interest. This fund cannot
be, used or converted, .except bye you, but
when your boy or girl is, say, eighteen years
• of age, it can be paid in any number of
separate amounts. required, six months apart,
or in monthly cheques, to cover the vital
years of training.
, You haVe probably thought this matter over many
You °cal guarantee funds for times, Here is a chance to do something.—tangible,
those vital years of trammg-- immediate—yet quite easy.
foryour 160Y °1'kl* We.,will send a proposal giving. more complete
• information, . request will place you unclet no
Assurance coinpaTy
'• • . •
• • • ....• .
•...• , . • •
. • . ..• . •
...** ,.."'
,oetsvo ' s•veas • , • • v,o't . • '
-,e" • C.AC1. • At