The Clinton News Record, 1926-11-25, Page 2T. C N 14 -twiegEps'oF:.:AuTotli)BILES , „ .S:711 GGLED GLINTON, ONTARIO . • , . Terms ca Bubsoitotion--$2,00 per aear la advancoa to Canadian aiddreaseo ;. $2.60 to the 'U.S. or other foreign . eauatties. No. paper ,dis,continuod until 'all -arrears' are paid 'taileaa at, the option ' of ,tiva publislier. The date to which 'every subscription it - Pali denoted 'ontlio•lahel., aalaortiaine Ratesa--Transtent adver. tising, 12c per count` line tor first insertion, .8c or eich subsequent. . Insertion. Heading . counts. 2 lines. Smell advertisements, .not to .execiect one ineb, each as ,Wanted, ," aStaaYea." etc.,' Inserted 07100 tor He, each subsequent iasertion 15e. Advertisements sent. in without in- structions as to the. number of in- sertions' wanted will run until Maley. ed ,Oat and r will' be charged accord - Rates tor dieplay advertising made, known on applicatfon. Communidationa intended tor publa cation anasta as, a guarantee of goad ,falth, be accompanied by the name o'f the, writer. G. E. HALL; ' Proprietor. M. R. CLARK, Editor. G, D. MoTAGGART M. D. MeTAGGART aoen Ott Hui dred f. autemobia said to have -posted n iaarages • ariasniaggiad every Year' into Canada ., aliroagheut the'Doininhas in the hope, itlg gatti and seasatIonia disolossiree are eXpect- °E "aafal 'af.al-aaatlian• ' law providea penalties, but the M the naar fata'41'ea, The aat°m°- ,l hi te catch the so-raga:ars, who biles include aptir new mad aecond are exceeding:Y craftY. They buy old hand cars, some of them stolen in the cars in the United States, tacure CuS- Ilnitea 'States. Investigation already t01113 -export apers. an them ' and ,macie by the Dept. of .Customs show a change ttu nunmers ea the ears, 11St1,-1'g that 90 'per cent. of the stolen goods the papeas for the purpoaeof aainaiag smuggled tato Canada are motor cars, in new ears at the valuetiort •of tho The fact that -there is no aa for old ones. Not only that, but they use second-hand.cars in the Unitad States tat same papers several times °yea, smals the traffic. The care are sold in Canada to un - Special Officer Knox, who aseisted suapecting, purchasers who are Inspector Walter Duncat. on the fa- fooled by the bogus papers. Autos • Mc GGT 1 BROS.' BANKERS A general Rankina Busineas transact- ed. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. a Belo arotes Purchased. • H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer. Financial, Real Estate and. Fire in- surer:tee Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insurance Compaineci. - • Division ,court Office, Clinton. W. BRYDONE Barrister, eolicitor,'Netary Pubilc, etc. • * °Mee: SLOAN BLOCK • .CLIN.TON mous Bisaillon case, has been assigned thus smuggled into the country, of to the automobile inquiry, while de- course, areasubject to conliscatioh by toctives in the role of mechanics are the Government, •_ DR. J. C. GANDIER Qmee Hours: --1.30 to 3.30 pen., 6.30 to 8.00 p.m., Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m, Other holies by appoieemerit only. Office and Residencd - Victoria St. VERDICT RENDERED ' OF MANSLAUGHTER Vendor of Liquor Convicted • of Causing peath of William- Maybe. 1\afillo-On three of the four eounts of manslaughter charged against him, Bort O'Angelo, the Ham- ilton bootlegg,er, was acquitted by a jury'. at the real 4SSiZ0S. The., jury, which was out two hears and forty minutes, brought 111 a' recommendation for mercy on tha one convicticai regis- tered. Sentenceawaa deferred, and may be passed on Saturday, when Da Angelo will likely appear on the sec- ond indictment standing against lann: that of administering, or causing to be administered, to Patrick Lyons a oekvi14 poisonous ingredients. Few' of the spectators who had Crowded the courtroom all day were present when the jury filed in with its verdict at 8.18 Thursday evening. The single coeviction was regieterecl in the count *arising Out of the death of hate Maybe°, wood -alcohol victim. The paisolier was acquitted on the three charges based on the deaths of George Gill and James JOhn- sten, both of Oakviale, and at Tsars. Olive Guertin of Toronto. DR. I -I. S. BROWN, L.M.C.C. Mice Hour . 1.30 to 3,30 p,ra.. 7.30 to 9.00 pen. Sundays 1.00 to 2.00 p.m. • Other hours by appointment. - Phones • °Mee and Residence, Ontarm Street. Phone 218. DR. FRED G. THOMPSON Office and Residence: Ontario Street • Milton. Ont. • One door west of Anglieae Church. Phone 172. , Byes examined and glasses littee. DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence: Baron Street Clinton, Ont. .' Phone 69 (Formerly occupied •by the late Dr. C. W. Thompson), Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted. D. H. McINNES " Chiropractor -Electrical Treatment. Of Winghaia, will beat the ComMer. cial Inn. Clinton, •oit Monday and Thurstiey forenoons each week. , Diseases of. all kinds successfully handled. Natural Resources Bulletin. - --- Despite thefact that trappers and traders haveataken freely of the fur resources' of Canada, our-Tur trade now emplOys moia capital, mimes a larger 'number of employees, and serves a. greater number of people, , than at any previous time. The woral idenfand for furs has fricreased to greatly that the Die industry is 0011 - floated with new. problems, among the most important of which is an assured supply of good qua:ity raw moduct eaell as Canada is able to furnish. I The limited supply of high quality 'furs in coma?arizon to the demand, has I forced *the industry to use pelts for- ' merly considered of litt:e value, many of which are imported from foreign countries. The public is deceived as to tha extent of this practice by a var- iety of trade names as applied to cet- tain furs among which the fur of the raebit is perhaps outsfanding. Ac- cording to the statement, a list of mis- leading names as offered to the rabbit skin includes the following: American seal Arctic seal Austrn- atatim seal, Bay, seal, 13 atm seal, buckskin veil coast seal, coney seal, electric seal, French sealeHtelson Bay seal, Laskin seal, La Muese seal, near seal, musquash • seal, northern seal polar seal Red River seal Roman GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed 'Auctioneer for the county • of Heron. Correspondence,promptle answered. Immediate arrangements oan be made • for Sales- Date, at The. News -Record, Clinton,' or by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderato andSatisfaction Guaranteed. Montreal Experiences Heavy Grain Blockade seal, Seaiette, sealine, Baltic white fox, fox hair, coney kit, Beltie leopard, coney leopard, French leopard, Rus- sian leopardaleopardina, Baltic lion, Belgian lynx, Black lynx, Russian eiontreal-With the season's over- lynx coney bea-ver electric beaver e .- , s as grain .abiPments from the meni'leza beaver, naria beaver, beav- port a Montreal up to °the be.. eeette. erminette. Baltic •black and giening of November 25,04)0,000 brown fee. bushels short of the shipment's at the corresponding date last year, 11,900,000 bushels in the eevaters and 54 lake boats waiting a chance to tiU- toad the grain blockade here has as- sumed an unprecedented character. will undoubtedly not be content with One reason given for the failure of the continued eubstitution of these Europe to take the expected quantities low grade pelts and other means of a grain is that there has been a short- increasing the supply a better:grade age of ocean tonnage and higborfere avill be -eagerly welcomed. freight rates dee to the cleinarid for tramps to carry American coal across Fox farming has alreadY become a well established industry and the tho Atlentio.. . it is pointed out that the creation of fanning of wild fur -bearers oil pri- vately -owned lends and the utiliation the ,Canadian wheat end coarse gin yalleeti aa of waste lands and water areas is ad - pools, all operating through a centra a suggestion whieb may seg llinagency, may be reaponeible for peovide a solutIon lit least in part of B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. Genera' Eire and Life insurance:Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, 'Automobile and Sielcheas and Accident Insurance. Huron anit'Erie and Oahe. da Trust Bonds. Appointments made to meet parties at Brucefleld, Varna and Bayfleld. 'Phone' 57, This form of teeing has received eonsiderableecondemnatiOn from an in- fluential body of the fur retailers and certain principles M. this regard have been agreed upon. The fur industry Thomas -McDonnell - , Taranto resident, -who added one mcao ahrialing,rescue to his \het of 151 lives saved since he aTas 12 years eid, when he pulled to safety; Mart 'Jobesatrona quicksand, in treacherous Pleasant bey-, while on a Jauntiace g trip rently.. ' FARM WORKERS MAY GET DOLE • - British Committee Report 5 For and 5 Against, With Chairman in Favor. OSCAR KLOPP-. IIonor Graduate Carey Jones' National School of Auctioneerine, Chicago. Spa. the slowing up of the movement of the new. crop. Last year thc pool was an expeelment; this year it la an es- tablished *fact. \Virile the whole of the grain crop was handieci by private traders, competition supplied a pres- sure to have the grain moved to the an adequate fur supply. Already 4 number, of experielents in Canada long these lines have met with con- siderable suceets. "Dry farming". or the.zeising of sucili fur -bearer as the muskrat, in pens apart from their natural habitat, is also an important "consuming markets as soon, es pos- eible Traders here wouni sometimes berbg departure of intense interest which is developed. If successful, this practice will materially add to the sup- ply of raw pelts of high grade. As a result of the increasing de - Mand for information ih regard, to Caciada's resources •of fur bearing wild life and the raising of fur bearing animals in captivity, the Naturallte- sources Intelligence Service has pre- pared a number of monographs in English and French en Canada's fur bearers and their domeitication, in- cluding beaver, fisher, muskrat, Miele,- ' Canadian Cooks marten, otter, raccoon, chinthela Tho question of extending the much - criticized ,"dole-" (unemploy,ment in- surance acheme) to agricultural work - ma in Britain has become a live one. Tee "dole" 55 010 insuranoe benefit paid for by compulsory contributions part- ly from the worker, partly from the employer and patty from the State. It Peevides a sustenance allevranee to un- employed industrial worker's, of Whom there are. now more than 1,000.000 In Britain. The system has been ale:irked with placing a premium upon Idleness. Oa the other bond -the claim le 1114a6 that it relieves muchegenuine distress and has proved' to be popular. The Bri- tish Governmen.t has thee been lea to appoint an 'official committee -under the chairmanship of Sir et. Henry Bow to &insider extending Otto agricultural workers. TJ31E1 committee bas now lesu.ed report which shows • a division of opinion. The chairman anti Jive of the raerabers hold that agricultural work- ers shoukl be brought under the SC1.104110. Tee other live members, hea,dea by Sir Thomas Davies, (4 -aim -n- or of the Royal Agrioultural Col -lege, Cireecester, oppose thiS 1110W. The majority arguments are based upon the eoatention that, although British agricultural workers may lotus - onto have been eomearatively immune from unemploement, this happy stale of things eannot be expected to con - Vette. Laok of security against unem- ployment, the majority aleo say, tends to prevent men who have left the' land from seeking to return te it, the ex - :talon of farm workere from unem- pleyneent insurance being Oxus ereiudi- Mal to agrieultute. Chan.ges would have to be limas in the existing system, the nutemity think, however, in ord•er to enable it to be made applicable to agricultural workersi. One ef the diffloultiers pointed out is that at the present level of agri- cultural wages the amount 4C benefit payable to a married man with. family would be practically equivalent, in s•ome localities, to his weekly wage and, if he had a large family, it. would substan,tially exceed, it. tie the other hand, the report says, there are obvious obJections to the establishment of a lovrer sale of beue- lit for workers in egrieultnie than for those in industry. It suggeete, there- fore, that provision wheel& be made in tbe ochemo 'whereby the total amount of weekly benefit paid to an inalvidual Wage-earner 10 reepect at hinieelf and les dependeets should in no ease exceed the mini of 'the weekly Wage he was earning when he boottine unemployed. . The minority eepert refuses even this qualified measure of approval 10 the otherne. The timinunity froth. leak of unemeloymenc which workers in •New Ctgitaclian Stanps BEAR PICTI_IfiES -OF NOTED .STATES to.t.,induetidntiof the: 1, .10 and el -nips to tale „ • aortae eae, shown.-' EN ,- / aka leaf 11auo ENLJU°Di TO BOMBAY IN FIVE DAYS BY GREAT ITMWS NEW AIR LINER Londom-Great Britain's inystery airship, whichwill be ready in alootit a year for experimental 'alights to India preliminary to regular seevice, was exhibited, last week for the fleet time. It was shoavn to the Dominion Premiers here for the Imperial Con- ference, but even they were not:shown the secrets of its, navigating and driv- ing machmety. • The Airship 1e-101. will be a lueur- ious liner -with acconimodetiees for 100 passengers, It" is 730 feet long, 70 feet longer than the Arterican dir- igible, Los Angeles, It has two docks connected by an electric elevator, and pay storage in Europe in order to be in a position to make quick eales. But tho wheat pool has greatly reduced the competition, and has no special incentive to rush Oahe to Etirope, as it has eterage elevators of its own on this side. Instead of glutting' the mar- kets With offerings in the fall, it can afford to wait, in the hope of better prices. - Government Teaches promenades around sengers. Cabins fitted with two or four berths aro to be built within the ship's with lounge, dining -room and kitchens capable of serving a six - course dinner. The lower deck and the r.emainder of the upper cabin are to be devoted to crew's quarters and a smoking -room. (11.1aTteln are to be flit- ted with shower baths ancl radio head, phenes for Passengers. The Baia) is expected to shorten tho thne from England to Egypt from eix day e th two end once -half da‘Ysl to Bombay, horn 15 to 5 days. the sides far pas - FIVE OF CREW LOST Sales Tares Overdue WHEN:STEAMER BIJRNS by Two Thousand Companies No Passengers on Board• the Ottawa. -Two thousand companies amiable skunk and blue fox. These re- " Quebec. ---The Quebec Government poets contain data relative to descrip- has become a patron of the Deb' of time habitat, production, trapping Me - cooking, and is mobilizing a staff of thods, breeding, feeding, retch perm- ' • tice elan/ling pelt values breeding thethroughout • vinee how to pre- stock values, markets, manufacture pare meals a la. Canadienne: Ttie is and vaa'.ots esrects of•therr economic the outeome of the complaints pf tour- and thmmereial importance. . . cial course talcen in I urs Bred Live iets that, canting to tho province, on - -.1't is' interesting to, note that in - Sleek, Real Estate, Merchandise and the expectation of erijoyine French- quiries relative to Catiada's, present Farm Sales. Rates in keeping With Canadian cuisine, they aoand the ho- and prospective fur veseurces and prevailing market. Satisfaction as. tele served inea:s practleallitheasame especia:ay the raisitig of Inc bearers sured. Write et 1 Phoae I Sala. • - Irt putstanee of its policy of en- from Canada, but from the United goad toads and insisting on improve- ing both Europe and lasia. day'. The minority Mee quotes the cost to the industry and opposition of ;tents in rural hote: abandards, the .. employers and workers ea reasons for TIME TABLE Government investigatei the cont. ' Clinton 1111 f011.0WS 1 . ' ' z.om'Et11111111: ' reieethag the' IrOn05114 outright. ' ' ' it ancP dscidad timt expeits were 000,C.00 Cooks Study by Radio. _ about Preach -Canadian' Uniiel States end Ciintida are receiv. 'The Dwelling HouseModern. 1 was saying that notiting had been • w ro, Zurich, Ont. as they could get-at:most anywhere. in captivity are coming, not alone Nat Montreal Carrying Freight • in Canada have not paid their sales 2 tax to the GovernMent when it was at Time of Disaster. due, This is not ascaibed to inability Montreal -Five members' of the to pay, but to the fact that no intereg crew of the Canada Steamship Line's is charged on overdue payments. -at is probeble that an amendment will be steamer me believed to have east their Lives in the burning of the steamer introduced prdviding penalties that early this morning near Sorel. The will greatly reduce the number of de- linquents. Heave penalties are pro - men are missing, and attempts to lo- cate them have been futile. vided for persons who do not pay their 'Although the Montreal is a passen- income taxes promptly. ger carrier, she had*finished her regu- Mr season fifteen days ago and .110 pathengers WON, on board. • She was carrying freight on a trip from Montreal to Quebec when the disaster occurred. The Are broke out near midnight while the steamer Was opposite St. josePh de Sorel, en route from Mon- treal to Quebec. The S.S. Mcmtreal was one of the finest ships in the passenger -carrying fleet of the Canada Steamship Lines, Limited, on the Montrea5-Quebec ser - 'vice of the company. She hed been employed throughout tie; summer sea- son on the night line to the Ancient Capital. . She WAS 1.904 at'Sorel for Did Not Desire It. he Econorny Hood's Sarsaparilla Appeals to every family the,,edeye. F1'0111 no other medicine can you kat no touch aerd medieinal (+ATI. as from this. It in a highly comentrated extract of several valuable medieloal ingredients, mare and wholesome. The deep Is email, enly e teaspoonful throe times it day. oodai Sarsaparilla ie a wonderful nie medicine, lor the blood, stom- ach, liver and` kidneys, prompt in giving relief. It is „ales -sant to take, agreeable tO atie stomach, gives a thzill of new life. 'WhY net, trY it 2 amaaaa. COMMERCIAL TIMBER NEARS EXILWSTION Shortage Within Thirty Years Predicted at Imperial Conference. LOndoe,--"A review of the forestry situation through -out the world fe,acis to the cenelnsion that available sup- plies of the principal timbers of cone 111111TO aro daily approaching exhaus- tion," was the feature ole report ef the forestry subcommittee of the Im- perial Conference. 'There is evorY liaelihood," continues the report, "that in less than 30 years the short- age of soft woods will be severely felt." - The' United States, it is Deported, has only 25 years' supper of er left apart fleet the produce of second - growth areas. It iS understood these resources will soon. be limited to a rev( Western States. Citnada. has only 27 per cent. of her original forest :eft, and her virgin soft woad regimen will last only another quariar century. Menional Must be Reinoved. St. Catbarines.-The away of the land on the lake share in Chateauguay, Niagara-on-0he:Lake; due to the ever -encroaching watermal Lake Ontario, has again made it nec- essary to remove the Niagara Flistor- • teal Society's Stone marker in 'order that it might not -be destroyed. T110 marker was erected about twonty-sie. years ago th commemorate tho finding Proud Parent -"So you desire to ba and re-inthrment of the remains of come my son-in-law?" " Canadian and British eoldiere who fell John Blunt -"No, sir. I don't; but in the Battle Of Port C-eoege in May, • 1813 while defending the town from the inveding enemy Amoricane, 10 has already been moved back twiee, each time the removal being necessary There is not eery mush the matter because of the Mang away Of the with theeman who has learned to bank, the total distance being about laugh at himself. -R. D. Holmes. thirty feet in all. if I marry your daughter, I dan't see how I Call g.:11t out 00 11." ' THE WEEK'S MARKETS 32e; -cooked hems, 40 to 47c; smoked TORONTO. e rolls, 28 to 300; breelcfast. bacon, 34 the Riche:lee & Ontario Navigation Man. wheat-No.1 North., $1:44% Norte:, to We; backs, boneless, 3e to 42e. Company. She hes a gross register of No. 2 Northe $1.40; No. 3 Cured meats -Long clear bnconn50 4,282 tons, a net register of 2,299 VAC • • to 70100., $23; 70 to 90 lbs., $21..o0; • feet in -breadth, and was e steel 3, not quoted; N9. 1 teed, 61,o; No. Man. oats- No. 2 CW, nominal; N i. rolls, in barrels, $42.50; heavyweight tons, and was 332. feet in length, 43 20%, lbs. and up, $22.34; lightweight and four decks, includlrig the boat -tiorni,n :0.11nf.. ptorraterik.. feed, nominal; Western grain quota - 16% to 17e* palls 17 to 17%e• . cl--Pere tierces 14aa to 16e. paddle4whee1 vessel with two funnels rods, $89,50 per bbl. te . . Teronto-No. 2 tubs,r- .., n ,. 11% to 12%e; tubs, 12% to 1211e; deck. Her speed was about 23 knots. yellow, 81114e; No. 8 yellow, 82%c. i le ee ini.fie. i ' . • ' pr n s, , s uirtenin7 tic,-ozs, The Farmer and the Popu- • Millfeed-Del. Montreal freights, ' bags =Aided: Bran, per ton,. $30.25; shorts, per ton, $82.25; middlings, 14%e. -. pails, 12% to 13%c; blocks, 14'71. to. . $40.25;,good feed flour, per bag, $2.30, Heavy steertakhoice, to lation Problem. outorio oats, 48 to 50e, f.o.b. ship. do good $6 10 TO $6.:15; deo erel I , " n•••••-• ping points. t5.50 to $6.25; 'butcher steers, ChOiC 13Y catAltaaa Yf, PETERSON, Ont. good infling wheat -$1.30, f.o. 5.50 to $6; dot 140 , good, 0 t.). b shipping points, according to do,• oom., 14 to $5.75; butelier That the.western farmer has a real fee• ights. cows, choice 4.50 to UM: do, 'air t) interest in a largely augmented popu- lation in Canada seems reasonably clear. Mass production is the essen- tial element in sliceisisful modern in - Burley -Malting, 60 to 64e. Buckwheat -45e, nolninal. *•Rye -No. 2, 91c. . Man. fiour-First nat., $7.80, To- dustry. It is the goal towards which l'ehotont;. dfloo,u2iiLdTpotent$07:800.0 131. cont. Canadian policy, under both political CO!," per barrel, in carlots, Toronto parties, lute been consistently directed good, $4 to 1$5; do, thin, $3 to $3.75; butcher belle, good, $4.25 to ae, med., $4.25 to $5; lamognas, sasio $3.85; cannel's •and matters, 12.25 ta $2.50; good milch cows, $70 to e1,91; springers, choice, $100 to $120; mete cows, $45 to $60; feeders, good, t $5.'75; do, fair, $4,50 to $5; can- •d, choice, $10 to $12; do, good, $9'to $10; ever since Confederation, end it looks $5'75; seaboerd, in bulk, $5,76. agrlealture eujoyed in 1920, it says,. couraging the tourists by building States and foreign countries, includ. continues in no lessened 'degree to. Trains will arrive stand depart'ardin ree•-'ed to teach the 'average hotei.cama lisle a million hoUseWlYcs in the 'Going Eaee depaot • 5.25 a.ra,. ecaa tag cooking lessons by radio, Buffalo and Goderich Div. 2:52 nen. Going West, ar, 11.10 an. " ar. 6..0e • clp. 6.53. vele a r. 12.01 p.m. London, Huron Bruce Div. ' Going South, ar. 7,56 dp. 7.56 a.m. " " 4.10 p.m. Going North, depart 6:50 pm, " " 1 11.05 11,15 nen. • , . The McKilloi Mutual . . , Flre Insurance tompahlf , Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. i DIRECTORY: . . Preeidem, ;lanes Connolly, 'Ootiorioli; - Vice, James Evaaa,. Beachwood; See.: i ,, ,' Treaintrat, T1108,. E. Hays, Seaforth. - ' i Directors: lleorga McCartney,. Sea-, .„ . forth; D. E. MeGreger, Seafooth; 3. G. , Grieve, Wallani Wm. Rink, Sento-tell; , • '' M. McElwee, Clintoe; Robert Ferries-, r, ' Ilarlock; John 13enneweie, 13rodhagen; Jas. Connolly, Coderiee. • Agents: Ame. Leitch, Clinton; 1. W. ' Yeo, Geeerich; Ed. Tlinchray, Bead., forth; W. Cheaney, EgmondvIlle; R. i a. Jarunttli. I3reilhagen. I Any money. to be paid -in roay be I paid to eloorleh Clothier; Co.. Gilt:tell.; or at (Ititt's Grocery, Gocloricb. ..1 Parti,es desiring to affect insurance or transact Other liusinesS will ha I proniptly attanded to' cn appitcation to i ., any of i)ia-above eilleers addressed to I ' their respective post office. aaosaes inspected by the Direclor wiso live.a nearest the scene. so slow in itg progreas in the world 'aa domestic architectime. Temples, palaceseeridges, aquedu•cts,eathedraer, towers of marvellons delicacy and strength grew ta.porfection while the' common peeple lived in hovels and the, richest loagee in the moat gloomy' to the casual observer as if this sys- twine, 20% to 21e; tmelets, c. 5111.. Cheese -New, large, :10 to 20%F i tem were here to stay in mime form tons 23e. Old largo 26e• twins 27e• , e ' 4 • , do med $6 to $9' grassers . 1 e .• ' ' ' ' ' $4.50; good lambs, $11.75 to el.: tn, or other. Following the war every, triplets, 28e. Old Stiltons, 80c. bucks, $$.50 to 88.76; do, heat,y, 10.4) country under the sun, including even' -Butten-Finest creamery plinth, 39 to $10; do, culls, $9; good liget -Lee, time, has adopted a protective system Great Britain, with' eertein limita- to 40e; No. 1 creamery, 38 to 39e; No. $5.50 to $7.50; heavy sheep mid busece, with the sole aim of promoting within 2' 37 to 880. Dairy priiite;a31 to 22c. $2.50 'to 86,50; hogs, thick qr.:a-lien its boundaeies mass production in eee; &se fed and watered, $10.50; do, f.o b., order to ensure efficient mannfactur- i ligs-117egisl:x4•=,ritoTe,c fl°rsts 1'58 to 60e; fresh seconds, 38 th $10; de, oft ears' $10.90; go' ee',4,e;17 points, $10.25; select premium, endo. 39c, `' Storage eetras, 45e; do, firsts, tection is that competition at home l Poultry. dressed-Ohlekee, spring, 42e; do, seconds, 37 to 38c. in. The economic principle of pro- . veill regulate prices and 'ultimately squabs, 1 to 1% lbs., 32 to 33c; do, countries. But such obviouslY cannot t spring 3 to 4 lbs ` 32 to 35c; de, 2% 4 lbs., 30 to 32c; do, reduce them to the level Of competing sPeing, over Bee lbs 30 to.' 33e.* do 2 to 2%, • MONTREAL. Oats, No. 2 CW, '70c; No. 3 OW, 64c. Flour, Man. ,spring wheat pats., come to pass until the consuming firsts, 57.30; do, seconds, $ re , i 1, population at home is sufficiently to '5, thee 26c•, do, 3 to 4 -lbs,, 24e; lbs , 3.0c; hens, over 6 lbs., 28e; do 4 strong bakers', $7.1l); winthr pats., greet to permit of quantity production et:testers, 22c; turkeys, 50c; .geesd, 28e; hag 99 $6.50 to $6.60. Rolled oats, 99 lbs., 53.55. Bran, 530.25. Canadian agriculture wiil cieatiy I (1.11)36kelvint_s' G5altb.s. Cada .11p143,e5S: moo ti)iShorts, 532.26. Middlings, $40.26. Hay, No..2, per ton, car lots, 514 to with all its economics. ° ''• • es $8 46 to e3.60. 515 • stiffer by reason of inflated commod- • e• lU ity prices, leading to a higher Pro -1 l‘laPle, suming population reaches a *point to . 6, gale, 52.26 to $2.30; per 5 -gal., Vele to $2.25 per gal.; mai...e tiger, lb., 25 Pro'clects--hyrep, per Imp. duction cost, until our general -con. whore our industries cat ' function ell-20r;ey-60-lb. title, 121/2 te 13e; 10.. a0130101 efaectively and will voluntaanr lb. tins, 121/2 to 13c; U -lb. tins, 13 to it need be, by compulsion -re- 1V/6c; 21,671b. tins..13% to 14c. • duce commodity prices, resulting in a I Cemb honey --$8.40 tele per dozen.. lower cog of farm operation a.nd 1Iv- e -Smoked meat -Hams, med., 30 th ing all around. 'Until wo can bring about a spectamalar increase of popu- lation, the present bandicap of high commodity and operating costs eaunot be emnoved. This hafidicap is the chief drievance of Canadian agricul- ture, buying ns it does, in a protected marlcet and selling ite own produce egainst the competitiOn of white, yel- low. and black labor. ' But made from all this, there would ba an enormous direct ad-eantage to Canadian agriculture in ea largely and ebntractee quarters. The dwelitt. naluagraTireetiltneodw iop albreplrabtsiosn1.7 Thenlinionhodniole. Ing ug house tent modern institute:1m Is a• etirious fact thet •11 has only ire. lerea'gwoestrOt heLt; eno agriartliitmarket l 6 i product proved with the social elevation of as airi womee: "Men were never more. bril- annaml Per eaPita Dant in arme and letters than It the gumption of farm prodbets in Canada r age of Illizabeth,-• and yet they his thee 587,60. The western famer ad ea , , melee, pi -Loy Intido themselves thick. producing aultest, entirely for export, walled eastles,.with 0110 in the =eon- receives little benefit from oer pres- ay for windows, for defence, and man. ent borne consumption ef fam11 pro- nlfloent banquet Mills for pleaaarea date, but with our population douleed the atone rooms into which they crawl,. the domestic market would loom up as eel for tito night were ofteta little bet- 0 YerY imPortant ffietar in his Bales• ter tban .dogalcenhels. The Pompeians At present he is it the mercy of Maar- had no contaortable nialit-quarters. seas ammtries, 'which ar9llow Striving Tho most singalar thing io me, how.. with every nerve, and with 'more or ever, ia4tliata especially interested no less sacceaa to pionsotedecreased woman is in the hesfse, else has nevea agricultaral imports. At ,any moment 1 done anything kat' atobitotore: Ana he ratty be virtually •o:osed out by yet -woman la acputed to beam:Magill, taalfa.walls, as happened to his animal ons creatura-Charles Dudley Warner products its the United States masket. in "Dock -log kitUdiet.L" His wheat Will •alavaye ba wanted, but , his other proclucta enter theaa 0000-1, Plancs Carry Canoes to Miners. trier, o11 sufferance may. 5115 , aaa So 01 11 weld 0,.1.ke1s are goiirg into .facat of .40 tome market for animal northean Ont,vio aroaucts ss a safety rneasa..e 101 In Fon.ln; .1 the coal roal,an has jaat beerianereasad tram 011E1 in tWo 111m- 11-41 erws,,, companies is mot, aftord neg-ect. arad weight (224 lbs.) par fortniabt. Eveeybody is calige1 to get a Permit. i0 .-IcyWry r:rplanes that ,Vill oarry , has iiirt"ady beee acheina'tea'd aara d-. by our neighboas acroas alsis la the intra,ar oi the aarinst Mace in ono istrct. 1,4 Cheese, lineat wests„ 17% to 17leeo finest easts., 17 to 1.7e5c. Butter, No. 1 pastearizeci, 36 to 85%e. Eggsa storage extras, 45e. storage firata, 41c; .storage seconds', 36c; fresh ex- tras, 62e; fresh firsts, 50e. 81..e0. to $3; buts, 53 and $3.50; good vocals, 511; do, med., $le to 510.25; grassers, $3.25 to 58.75. -if you foel bilious, "headachy" andeirritable- for that' r a align your, liver is out of order. Your food is not digesting -it stays in the stomach a sour, fermented mass, poisoning the eystemo dust take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets - they make theeiver de its work -they deans° and sweeten tbe stomach end tone the -vhole.digestive system. You'll fsel fins In the morning. At an draranota, sac., or by mail from Chamberlain Modicino Company, Toronto 14 ' What these merr have done, Yini ton do 3 In ye* span Limo t 3,5510 n eetilf Taster thorserots of sellilw that make Utar aaloamon. Whatever your etreritmo has tom-v.Uotover you may he aping -nosy -whether 00 051 yeti think you 011.11nott-s Illet answer thto quotient Aro you Emilia= to earn 510,000 a you? TIlobIt•At in teeth with me at esssl 1 will 'novo to you without coat or thikisdon Mar you San easily Income a Stay falatezarati, 041 Stow you how the Salesmanship '7,1113115541113 rret Ifimployment Saralee ofthe bl. S. T. A. 1,1111 hely you to quick susoess 0, 2e1114. $10,000 A Year Selling Secrets • t,1 Star 55leenno4.10' to want ay 107-11, 0 .11 14,5 30111E4 tnon thougonlE,'tn,entenit}t, 11111 behind ter t,er dragon' end ente3 »ay bend•ellen /411.1 4134 51111a tante,. No moue 0,110.1. 544 nnEi d,,In 0615 4 11(1005 onorg 111e 115 Tuture. 0*1 110 Inns. Netienal Salesmen ramnig AssociatIon CAN,Ankn 1150 nen 7902 Verentn. Ont. •