The Clinton News Record, 1926-11-25, Page 15 4,8`t Year
Vit MB R 2L `[926
Do. you wish to have a ;share, in .putting 'Cllnton`l osPital the front rank of cffic` ?
Jiffs ,dint will be , reeiated
au be otter at 'Cur 'Jtore
,� cl `t� � � e
Especially can this he said at this season .of the year.
'The n
h ut
lent buyer bt will vial{e is selections 1 •'
1 ) h of Christmas
now. See our special line:of goods suitable for either
Yoiw ` Gilt Probk
will be easirlij salved here.
Silk` Lingerie at 'a variety ofpopular rices
Gloves, clan-oisette, silk and kid, lined 'and unlined
Scarfs, all that is newest in ,shades and designs
"'�""`vlill'll an`cl
Liiielts, a wonderful collection of new designs.
'School GirIs' Coats, An:,assortment' of 15 coats specially
priced for Friday and Saturday. p • y
- II
— -1 J
We are
showing spine special v
to� apes m
Boys'First Long Suits at
� o
i St Lon s': in
good' earn °
�` g �aate�zal razes : to 35
S eco
al a�
Boys' F.,
Longs I!
i� dark I� .
gtweed plain
or hefted i� coats size 33 to 35
Bo s First y�
rs ,
Longs 1f'�.'
wool < tweed, single � nor breast
g�y,� double D���ast
>Is line is
k a genuine bur'
. bargain, sizes 33 to
36... Special
A are Deal 4t D aA QUI° Every Man
The News Record editor has re-
ceived the following invitation, signed -
by the president and secretary of the
Toronto Association:
"The aminal meeting of the Huron
Old Boys' Association 0f ' Toronto
will be held in the Auditorium of the
=Y. M. C. A., X10 College :'street; on
friday evening December ltd at. g,
o'clock for the transaetio t of general
business, the presentation of offi-
cers' reports, and 'the election of of-
ficers.: Bring some 'Huron £friends
with you, ,and make up your mind'
We are going to bade an "old time"'.
sociable evening, just like we used to
have in the old home. Refreshments
Evill •be served. 'Musical program."
A quiet tar •i t
n i. e
was solemnized
n ed
t e- t'
a the- United (Presbyterian) church
manse at Saskatoon, Sask., on'Wed-
nesday of last week,'Nov. ••17th, by
the Rev. W. W. McPherson, when
Mrs. Margaret Armstrong of Rose -
town, Seek., became the bride of Mr.
James .Edward 'Wheatley of Saska-
toon. •
The bride wore a•, handsome gown
of old gold satin with hat to rneteh.
After the:ceremony Mr, and • Mrs:
Wheatley motored to their hone,
where a dainty wedding luncheon was
served to a few Immediate relatives
and friends. '
Mr,- and Mrs. Wheatley 'will reside
at 817 Temperance street, Saskatoon,
Mrs.. Wheatley's "'many Clinton
friends will waft good wishes to her
for a happy future.
Last week we made reference 10
the death of ,1Vir's. J. Curtis Stevenson
of Burlingame, Cal. Mrs. Stevenson
'was in fairly good health, consider-
ing her advanced' age, but ,suffered a
stroke of paralysis on Monday of last
while citrin • i
n her hal..
C r e
g Sh
, never .rallied and passed away op
Thursday. •
The late Mrs. ]Stevenson was well,
known in Clinton,- having lived here
matey years, •Before her marriage she
was Miss Jennie' Barry, being a sis-
ter of the late Mrs. J. 1d. Combe, and
an huntofCol, I9.'B. Oqn be of town.
'Foramany'• years tier huslband carried.
•on a furniture and undertaking ,busi-
'nays in tpp, „tenting ,1`x0311. busi-
ness and'removing to: California over
,twenty years -.ago. Mrs. Stevenson
visited here for some weeks three or
four years ago.-'She\.is survived by
Iter husband, who is in good • health
but for the feet that his eyesight has
almost completely fa3'led, and one soh,.
uncap. She was ;buried in.Cali-
fornia. -Mr'. Stevenson is a brother of
Mrs. John Cuniitghame of town. •
Yesterday afternoon and evening,
ab -was announced last week, a de-
ntotietration of . the new X -Ray. ma-
chine was g•ivmi at Clinton Public
Hospital, many from town and com-
munity taking ,advantage of the op-
portunity of seeing the marvelous
thing in action, A number of doe -
tors and nurses from neighboring'
towns were also present.
'Thedma3hino has been set up in
what was the Men's sena-private
three=bed ward on' the grounafloor.
Cant ibutions4argc ° cunni- •rrotefuliy acceptcyYd' y the Board ,
IIA,D EVE INJURED.'WONIPN ENDORSE O. T. A. OLD RESIDENT DIES. Mr: Fred S'co'e.met ttitIi-a retinas At special meetings aio%et
ace e re ` f , gs of tthe 'Aro.- Thomas McKenzie, ti} old resident
d n a Doheny P ones. un 1 uday, encu s -Mrs i na • ';11..
s o i Societies of pntatlo of'Clinton, died_ yesterila , ,titer an
luebt Keegan of Port Frames'
whet', he ran agiiinst the; canner of a fitreet rind ` s v'i'
Wesley -Willis United. illness of months. He Was in visiting
his brvthez•, 1Vlr:' k. Ince-
'ox cover 111111n 11 ejre: lie eras churches, held recently, the following his ei lit.=eie11t gen•
in odiatc1 taken to Lon on to�ata resolution y h year. 1310 lnnezal :_
In silpport of the O. A. takes place Sunday afternoon at half 74i's• l- Townshend and children
ere,specialist and -the 9aljttted eye op,
was adopted: : tact two fr "n1 and Miss ss Mr,
0311 011 on, and last 'reports, were fay.' 1 a his les tlenec, Icing , i -ty,Ellibit of Bexvxe: ere-
Whereas we believe Inctreet. 11 :rilllea notice : visiting .their incurs
enable. ' •Sonne - years ago' 1Ir, Steele c O. T. A. e will appear
k 14r: and Dors,
has been the most effective legislation neat }week, 1. H. Elliott,
user with an accident whielt"+destroyed in etirtailing the sale The
a9 liquor Young i
ox Y
the sight for co
s o tics
ht of •one
e e • i l� fl g 1'
Mid S
d rru cue
g Y irCZl t t
1Ta bf.teta DEATH MISS y
nr S E. LA
e to LANE. • meet ce "
S S t
P e r1 :ih s In t4ie
� 1 r province, s �1 ;
that Ie n
a o' the e a c1
i xe oth r: b tt
e This P o
s accident At" therefore, he itresolved that we, the Miss 1St Andrew;s
retied the best one, and his friends 1 Lane el! the London church' Friday evening at eight,
are h<iping it can l e saved to brill, rueM'bers of the W, M. S. of thus Road Stanley, • `died in Clinton lies- °'clock.
`church, place ourselves. on record as, priori on Rrida 1'fis: Wm. Pease of .
favoring' the continnaioeo of the p: T: Y London is is-
AN ILLUSTRATED USTRATE•D LEGTt7R1 A: and promise to use our influence to Miss Lane 113.- been in ill health
th Irina liet'sop, Mr. John Pease.
sustain it " for about a mouth and about 1 Next Sunday morning in St. And.-
Mrs. Chant„yw-ife of Prof.,.Chant of t a week rew.s United cluircll at ll,o''clor-] rtn,i'.
the, University of Toronto,,• -gave an SIIivDt1Y M(13HT'S MEETING. before her passing• her condition -be at Bethel at 2:30
1111) Crated lecture on the Holy Lund came worse and 3310 was brought to o'clock the pastor in Wesley -Willis church oix Wednee-. ` �l, largo crowd attended' the inee - the hospital for treatment, led. all ef- will give an address •or' the great
t moral issue‘tth:it is now bei'oee the
day evening of last week, -under the urg in the town hall on Sunday even- Lane's deathforts to restore her oiled.. Miss jieolzspbje the :Province of -Ontario.
;auspices of the 'WI,M S, of the church: ing, called by'tho 1o0a1 `temperance only by her. QWkeenlyfa il3 ,cued, not Hishe subject will ' "Shoul'<i 11 adopt
Mrs Chant recently •e '
n y i turned from workers, in the interests of the main- lar y' but bye the liquor' ;policy 01' the Y
a .trip) t0 Palestine, bringing. a (luau . tenance: of the Ontario Temperance large 1.h1 1e of friends, by she aerrtiei• of
pe ante aril go I that of Governnxen't Control'
,her o#' very'rnstruetive and' interest- Act•:, was held. lir high' esteem. She is Sur- .and a � -' Liquor? . ,
ing pictures, wltioh were: thrown,pu Di'. Gaudier vived by: five :brothers and two cis- S tie of Luluor , Wauld.-1t be in
r'e address
the chair tees: John of M Bill the best interests - of the people -to de'
the Screen, very fully illustrating her delivered z cubit address in raise o1 c °P, Thomas, so?” It shall be dealt
most interesting and lluStretivg ad tete; ere givingshort
of lits Charles and Mrs, A. 'McKinnon of n n_ With STOW e
dress•bene- Tuckersrntth, Mrs, 1,, Barrieem ee -o Political• s'tacipoint. The •people
a fits and expressing, the opinion that 'i ua'ui W111ia113 of. Glinton;ana T panic' . of the community' are eerdlally invit-
. Quite a large number were present it would be foolish, to discard it un-
u air the homestead 'in' 'Stanley. Th ed to attend this service. On, Sunday ,
to hear the address and many novo Less there was ;certainty of getting funeral teak , ]ace y e evening lir. Kennedy will deliuer tire '
to hen. since of its interest_ The p;c- something better. Rev. Geo. Gilmour P from -t 3113 . amily second of :a series °of seiottons o
tures were particularly good, ' . was the chief •s eakei' and his'ad- borne, the London road, Monday Tigeneral subject of "The cider . dkot
dress was listeneding to St: Joseph's church, Clinton,nto> the Mostar," The a1 f
'MILITIA. INSPECTION. and, attention,' .. to •
with.interest then to the family plat in .St. James' fez cussed will be "Thep -teenier topic'
Gen. Armstrong, 0. C. of Militarychurch cemetery, Seaforth. } Spirit of the •
Mrs. Morgan Agnew: presided .at Master." Prayer service And Bibla:
District No. 1, accompanied by 'his' the piano, hymn being thrown on the A FATHER:DIES - sftudy is held each Thursday avenins
•Gen. Staff Officer, was in 'town on screen for the convenience of the at 7:30 o'clock.
Tuesday evening inspecting•, 'Cont- audience. The death occurred in liamiltdn on
pany of the. Huron Regiment, which Tuesday of Iast-. week ' of• Donald
has beendrilling 'for the past nine
131R. E, MITUNRO'S ACCIDENT; Campbell, tornierly'-Inspeetoi of -De -
weeks. Mr: E. Munro met with a serious a1c- tectives, Hamilton, and father of Mrs.
Gen.' Armstrong expressed himself i Iddo Crich of town,fano
well pleased 'with the company, eom- ]ad lel otak .11e'' t wa£ the elve sevon the :Saturday before, at the age of
appearance and them on
thei their aril; ria lett trou hs when t1te ladder. sli ed,' or the city --five. Although the fall ryas
care of equipment, etc. to g f;'. pp red and he fell, frac. the direct cause of death Mr. Cantp-
sotnethin ha et Ibel•1 had been'in' oar ]tealth or sone
The company, forty in number, turng a wrist and shattering' a knee .time. The Bruin ton :herald ,had! a
certa; present a very," smart ap- cap, . .every Appreciative obituary notice from
pearauee on Parade, as ;:was noted He was inumdiatoly rushed to the which the glean the following,
when they paraded with the veterans hospital and everything possible done „
ori a"recent Sunday. Capt Morgan for him but at last reports, he was The deceased 'MIS .one of the 1n0St
and .Cleats. Curren an suffering :eff i
MI tt' occurofficers
e n re ar vrth
d. Y ehe 'n' o
greatly t injured r
J redthe force and
fn•charge of the company.- knee, The 'X -Ray showed the cap to joined the ranks on Feb 7.875. Born
General Arinstrong -went on f10111 be so shattered that a portion had to in •Scotland be typified his ancestry,
here to Goderieh to inspect the cant- be removed. •
his reckord'+showing him. to be canny,
pant there.. It was a most unfortunate accident vigilant and of a kindly nature. In
that his recovery will 1885 recognition Was made of .itis.
but it is hoped
GEORGE EAST'S • DEATH: be. as rapid as possible. sterling qualities and he was appoin-
The death occurred on •Dlatday of Mr: Lowery of Brussels is lookin ted detective and. in April 1910,)he
George. ^C. East, whofor about after' Mr. Muer q''s baibeting,busines Thi appointed inspector of detectives,
thirty years or more had been a resi- for -the tiiue beifig This position he hek]'unt1 has ratite-.
dent of Clinton. He had not beem in melt in 1921;7.
the best of health fo 9 to tt i PROVISION :FOR: LAGGARDS.
„ r ori ail .. le time DS. . As an -instate(' - . _ • iii' . - .. .. .
but his•death i'as unexpected': He hadof hta don ore c-
rex some time conducted a lirage 6 addition made to ditty the storywass told that on one oc-
in' Clinton end; had. made his carton he was sent put. to Vancouveror
homy 'at the Graham House, Ho was °f 1 t provision is triode that to arrest a man IIo made the lour
uninai'ied. residents f 1 i ley: Out, got his 'man and returned
The deceased was born and reared Y e else then with frim, making the return journey
in Hullett township and is survived Y. even though thous sleeping an hour:
by three brothers and three sisters: their Hama may on the tot IIe'.,Was said to be
els est partially respon
Edward and Henry of Hallett; Jaek sable also for .the n+test of the fam
of Danville, Va., Mrs. kH.'Stenbury of general. elections on ons Young brothers,wanted for alar
Detroit; Mich., Mrs: F. Argent, Blyth 1 2(i, all test cher and who escaped from Brantford
and Mrs, S, •Laveradc, Dowagiae, v ns of rt papula jail,
1Vl- Inspector Goodman, his suceessoi' in
Office, is 'reported to have said on
learning of the death of Mr.'Canip-
bell:' "Por twelve years he was my
superior officer ant}•,duiieg +that time
I•never knew `hint to 'act otherwise
than as a gentleman• We was one of
the most c0vrteous of men,"
Mr, Campbell is • survived bry his
wife, four sons and .three daughters:
Robert, of Columbus and Roy of Tol 0'
edo, 01110; Janes and 'Charles, Mrs.
II. Fisher and Mrs. (Dr.) J. E. John
stop; Hamilton, and' Mrs. Crich of
Clinton. One sister, 'Mrs, Sidney'
Johns' of Seaforth, and one 'brother in
Mentor,. Ohio, also survive. The fun-
eral took place in Hamilton on Thurs-
Mr. H. Wiltse picked mar'ig'olds and
pansles'in his garden on Thursday
According to alt- '
the'Election Act' at the last session
par iatnen
o ruin/ districts and towns
andvillages nae ex r
chise on election da
s n not be
In the Ontario eh
Wednesday, Dee. let,1926,
dents of cities and towns ieh, tion of 8,500 or More must have.their
The funeral took place yesterday names entered on.±he voters' lists, or
afternoon from the home of his broth thoY wilt not be entitled to vote. In
01 391: Henry. East, third :concession the villages and:rural polls over, five
of Hullett, interment being made in' miles distant from a city of one hand
Clinton' cemetery. The Bee, L, C, red thousand of a population the
Harrison conducted the service. The Qualified electors whose names are
pallbearers "were Os L. Paisley, B.. nob on tlae, voters' Mists n38Y "swear
Langford,• M..M0Ewan, F. 'Muton, in" on election day upon being vouch -
Gib. Jenkins and G. b.'Roberton; ' ed for by an elector in the 'seine poll-
14Irs. Laveracic, Mrs, Stanburyi and Ing .dfvisi0(1 whose name is on the
,1111; and Mrs, Fred Argent were here 'list, • ' o
for the' funeral; also Miss Jennie This provision in the, Ontario Act is
East, Detroit, and Mr, and Mrs, Percy lieu. Somewhat similar provision has
No reduction in the number of bedsst Stin fen. been provided for in e th .Federal Ll
has been tnade,'however, as one room . +
hes been taken off this ward, which REV. DR. RUMBALL CALLED. eetians Act for .some #years,
eau be used when needed, but which Relatives an i AMONG' THE C'IIIIRC E
and in Clinton :. H S
willbemost convenient as a dressing were shocked on .Friday last on re- Ontario: Street United Church
roosti' inconnection with the X -May oeiving the news of the sudden death 'Morning classes at ten o'clock.
ro0ni when not in use, and the super- o3 Rev. 1Viark C. Rutiball, DSD., of The minister's Meriting message
intendant's office downstairs and her McAuley, Man., which•: occurred will. be the third' in the series "The
chart r upstairs t ups arts have both been Thursday evening, Church at • 'ergamos." Evening:
fitted up as bedrooms. ' Rey. Dr, Ruhniball had been in us- "What Mariner of Man is This?"
Superintendent Grainger, who has nal health, had even spoken . of feel- The juniors .
been in Toronto taking a course in Mg ver well, and had been will meet at seven
Y •going' ,o'clock on Friday evening:
the operation ofr'the X -Ray, doinon- about' his work as usual • '$e had •
strafed '
the working of the machine been otic calling on some parishioners, Presbyterian Chur'eh
to giaoups of visitors all afternoon came in and was ohotting to his Service in the Baptist church on
and evening., The machine is tete' best 'daughter, when without waltzing or Sunday at 11 o'•olock. Subject: "The
that can be purchased, . and it ear- struggle lie liassed' away. White • Stone," Sunday school at 10
tainly seems, looking at results, to be Dr, RunibelI was a native of God- o'clock. 'Prayer meeting On Thursday
fitted fee its work, It ismost easily eiich'township, being a• son of the evening at 7 o'clock. The Christmas'
operated and can'be adjusted without late Ebenezer Rumball, and spent his entertainment for the Sunday school
trouble to suit any necessity. A pat-
ient may lie down on the table pre-
pared and, without disturbing ltini, the
operator•can adjust the table ip any
angle until he is illStanding position.
Miss (t,-rainger -exhibited several
plates taken, one being of Mr. Mun-
ro's 'badly'shattered knee cap, an-
other of the leg 'fracture 'suffered by
the itt
h le,daughter of Mr. anti Misr W,
J. Voddep of Goderieh township,, the
first one taken by this machine. They
were very clear and as one looked at
them it' was easy to realise what"
help such an 'apparatus must be: in
locating trouble which is not 'visible'
to the, eye, either as a fracture or as
inward trouble of any, kind. it is a
very fine thing for this community to
have such., a well equipped hospital
right at our door,
The.•gift of ': Mr. 114, D. •McTaggart
made it possible to have the hospital,•
which 'the -people of the community
have so generously h&pod to put, in
shape and .furnish. The gilt of Mr.
Howson made it possible to have, the
-Ray and the board very wisely, it
Will he conceded, purohased•the Best
one -procurable and went ahead and
installed and fitted it,, malting What
alteration„ in the •building were ne-
cessary, and are now askin • that the
community respond to at, appeal for -a
fund that will covin 3,313'9=cost, They
believe they will obtain'thei object -
l 111011 is 32,500, as, the people of.
'Clinton and community are .interest-
ed in • their hospital and: are glad to
know that it is so well :fitted to serve
them in any emergency.
Tho members of the Hospital Board
served refreshmielts to the visitors
boyhood there. On, entering-tlio'1ir}n- ,scholars held on Friday, Deo.
istry of.. the' Presbyterian Ghureit he 17th.
went' west, . 101)31re he spen13 nearly `
forty years. He was over thirty-three Wesley-Willzs United ChurchSernron-subjects for next Sunday:
years pastor of Morden Presbyterian ,Morning; "Job's: (query ?te •vtrdinm
church. He was -a strop advocate b
of Church union. and on hiscongrega-
onigre •a- Man."' uvelnng; •`':rile 'Ti'igIier Loy
g g
tion and the former Methodist,con-
greg'atton'uniting In July fast' he re-
signed, believing the ealtse • would be
better served by having n, new pus -
tor. He went to McAuley, where he
was working Bard 1:o; build up his nets
-charge end se'
l 6 a seemed • interested olid
eonteuted, A daughterresided at
McAuIey, and ; he made . his Roane
with her. A severe blow to him; was
the death ,of his wife, which occurred
in July of last year..
Dr. Rumba]] was, a very lovable
snarl quiet, unassuming,. kindly and,
a true Christian. ,y est an gentleman,
'711d his sudden call; is regretted by
many friends both east and west. ,It
is an especially sad .blow to lzfs,owt7
family. He is survived 11y two sots -
and .four daughters, all,in 'the -west;•
and by three" sisters, Mrs. J. A, Ford,
Miss Georgina Ruinball and Mrs W.
Pickard, of Clinton, and two blothers,
William of :Toronto ..and Gedrge of
Flint, Mich. FIB visited his sisters
here in June last' on his way to the,
Cenera1 Council of the United Ohureh
a Nlo7
is longr i 1
During h es <• le,7ee in Mor-
Di Rwnaball took an interest m
everything that was for the building '•
tip of-: the convnunity ant} before ' his
emoval was :banqueted by the ;con-
e`reg'ation, and citizens. = As: was .fit-
ting; -his re 11111(10 were taken 3113110. to
Morden and oai..Monday were laid ' be-
side those of the.'tvi10 of his youth.
It is expected that Me. A. F. Johns;
who has been very 111 with typhoid fe-
ver, will be able to leave the, hospital
the end of this week.
Miss Marion Gi'bbin s, who has"
been teaching in Ottawa,, has accep ed
a' position on the staff of the Easel!
Public' school; 'be inning• with g the't%ew
Mr. 'Alex, Eagleson has purchased.
a bakery • and confectionery business
in Drayton and isalready in posses
soon. -.'His',friends'-wish him success
airy Required by Jesus, :111M;t1els,31U:e.
Theannual Sundayschool-n1eetinwas held on 'Thuysda e . iwire hasbeetY veu na, tvay torecov-
officers were el cry, his f1•ien s
cl will be g•1a(i- to learn,
and they hope ;'his recovery will be
i'apithand complete.
when the: following'
Superintendent: W. H. lIellyar,
'Assistant;_ `Dr. -Hearn,
Treasurer: •G, W. Cuneinghante.
Secretary: J. A. Sutter.
Assistant,- Cree Cook.
Missionary Soc.: Miss Clark.
Pianist: Miss Higgins.
si nt
A4s ,ria •, Mrs. Venter.
Leaders of Song:: Miss Irwin and.
'Mrs, Pickard,
The teachers were all reappointed.
I3aitist;(ihti eh
Service at seven' p.m; The pastor,
Roy. J. lir M0001'ma ok, will 'take foe
Iris subject:: `-Che One Thing That
Maar Cannot' Do"
Sunday school at two -thirty, Prayer
service at eight o'clock Wednesday'
Anniversary services will be held
11 this church on'=Siiittlay; l)eo, 131
at eleven o'c'loclt in' the,foi•enoa1 and
5 vC17 in the
evc.mng:. The pre•ultca
will be
the Rey. C. IT SchuSt: 1
li 1
D.11,, superintendent ' al lionie Mi--
sitins, Spociol "music will be ;Cu1nish-
eday the choio' .11(1(1 men's quartette.
031 the Monday 000111113; fallowln Dr,
Schutt will give 1113 ilhistra1tealloc-
!Sunday school entertainment, on
Thursday evening, Dec. 23rd.
The canvassers • for. .the Hospital
fund start out today,•Anyone"wishing
`to contribute and not meeting a can-
vasser may leave donations at any
one of the three local banks.
On Monday evening a.peeting will
b held 'i
in the town hall it -the inter-
ests of W. G. Medd, Progressive -can-
didate in South 'Huron. Hort.
Drury will, address" this meeting.
' L7ruciefiefcl.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Scott visited
friends in London last Sunday,
Nurse Rohner has returned to her
.home here;after' being away all, sum -
Last Sunday night when going
to church Mrs: William ltattenbury-
had• the misfortune to fall on the slip-
road f and
1 break h '
shoulder r ancT
,her hip, tin. She lay for conte time in'
the snow, until at last a exit' came'
along anil rendered assistance,` The,
heartfelt . sympathy of her', many
friends is extended to her. •
Miss Helen Tough spent the week-
end with friends in Bluevale.
Mr. J. W. 'Stackhouse is at present
in the Seaforth Memorial Hospital.
He underwent an operation last Mon-
day. IIis many friends wish him a
speedy recovery,
Mr. Wm, Anderson r'etur'ned about•
a week ago from the west, where he
n the
spent 1st three uranins.
Mr. Charlie Voltam also returned
from the west 'where he has been:
working for over a year.
Mrs. Bert Mills visited her pat-
ents'here over Sunday,
Mrs. M. Jewel of Colborne town-
ship visited friends in Auburn over
Rev. Wm:. Maines of Walton
preached in Knox church on Sunday
last. Bev Alp `conducted .annivers--
ary services at Walton. .
Messrs. Robert Stalker and Wm'.
Craig' attended` the funeral of the
farmer's brother, Mr. Wni,. Stalker of
Woodstock, on Monday.
Mrs. M. Allan has returned front
Flint, 'Midi., where she has been xis,
iting' her . sister for a couple of
A political meeting in"the inter-
ests of Charles Robertson, Liberal
candidate, will be hold•in Auburn on
' riday:night, this week.
:Misses ;Edna Young .and Vonra
Rutledge have gone-': to Windsor to
secure positions. -
Mr; Smilie of the West is visiting
at Mrd, John Clarks,
The many friends of Mr. G. Steidle
will be'pleased to hear that he is int
Mr:i!1. Ward is spendin.; a 10lt-
days ibith his.br0thei','Jno., 1t,\Vrood-.
Mr. C. 'Wiley and Roy Keys, lvhe.
wont to Detroit a couple of weeks
ago, have returned, being ridable tq ..
secure' employment.
Mr. A. McConnell has been nursing ,
a sore hand for some time ,but, at
time of writing it is ninth improved...-.
Mrs. L. Beatty, who''has been. 131
Yale; 111X1, for, the past two weeks,
has re
tWned•'to'�het' honrern.thei:','
r .orris Johnston, accompanied
by his father, Mr. 0.`-Johnston"''spent
a few dayswith friends: ir1-H Hamilton
last week. '
Mr. George •e :
Bibgdon attended the
;funeral of his nephew, 14r
p , 1Alfi•ect
T,rogdon, whieh:was held at Stratford.
on Monday.
Hon. W. II, ` Price
will, addressMrs. John Grainger, who fell about
meeting' the town hallzis everting' two weeks ago breaking her arm, is
in the .interests of the candidature of doing nicely,
A. H. ,Neel II1:.Conservative condi- "We were lease
date in the riding of pleased to see Miss Sha
g. South' .(lutea, , Lyon in the village this week. She
looks well after' her recent operation..
:Mrs, Ira Rapson spent a day with
Mrs. John Tamlblyn this week.
Si4r.' and Mrs, John Nott are away
week attending n l
n6 the wedding
'hiotts brother, Henry •Young -
NIr, and Mrs, Charlie Barker :and
the latter's sister, Miss Addie Jen-
kins of Goderieh, motored. down
Tuesday last and spent the --day with.
the ladies' sister, Mrs, William (111013. ,
Mi(s Jenkins remained for a longer.
The London 11oad.U, F. W. 0. nein
llei+s carne Ian to' the Huron County
Home last Thursils"y evening, 1aVe a`
Mee 1St e:
tl con er
c t
fel th
p. 4.t'
the fa mr' h
Y II :
t of e rind aftertvatdst •ave
thorn 1 treat -of candy, cake and fruit.
Mr, 3. I1, •Wise 'who has been re-
siding 1 'Goderieh for some time, has
purchased IVirs. Tummy's House, car-`
net. of Mary 011r1 North streets, and
has`returned to Clinton this week. Mr.
and Mrs, and Miss Wise will be wel-
comed !back to town.